Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Aug 1966, p. 14

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"and for which he has he stands in viola' commandment. -- Exodus Amos outlined the law for merchants: shortchanging customers violates the letter of the law; growing rich at the expense of the poor violates the spirit of the law. -- Amos 8:4 14, 5. ying ill-gotten 'Got's law. -- Li dishonest tax confessed his sin, promised restitution and future honesty; voluntarily trad- for obedience to. mandm 31-10. GOLD Paul's Givice to Titus 'bind! ians to set an example by pe renee God's laws and keeping His Com- Anglican Prelate Seeks Ecumenical, Outlandish -LONDON (CP) = Most Rev. "His host in British Columbia Tusichael Raosoey, Arshhlanep etl willbe Ri. Rev. Ralph & Deon Ss, -- Titus 2.7-10, N TEXT: Ephesians 4:28 ~ BIBLE LESSON Wide Implications Held In 'Thou Shalt Not Steal' By R. H. RAMSEY HIT AT GREED Amos, Israel's prophet of so- In His infinite wisdom, God saw the need for including in the Decalogue a law safeguard- ing man's right to own property. Thus, the simply-stated eighth commandment, "Thou shalt not steal." It is one of the briefest of the laws, but has far-reach- cial justice, implied that con- temporary merchants' avari- cious habits constituted a viola- tion of the eighth command- ment. Motivated by greed when religious observance cut down their sales hours, they charged higher prices for short-weighted town, a Jew shunned and de- tested by all for his roguery, ill-gotten gains and collabora- tion with the Romans. In his secret heart Zaccheus was ware that he had consistently violated God's law prohibiting stealing. Knowing this, the Master called him down from the tree and invited Himself BELMONT, N.C. (AP)--Sis- ter Marie Patrice bent over the playpen and lifted a baby girl with blonde curls. "Isn't she lovely," the nun Nuns Establish Nursery For Handicapped Children Tia. CHILD RESPONDED Sister Patrice named her Ma- She responded to care and at- Cariboo and London: Canterbury, vill be on the look-| Bishop of officer of the out for the ecumenical and the) based: Principle go all real which ihe taught and are We must forsake the i ae tion of material sys , how. ever time-honored, ey we would Endless Homage Sermon Subject "Christ Jesus" is the subject of this week's Bible Lesson- Sermon to be read at Christ- ian Science church services on. Sunday. The Golden Text is a verse from I Thessalonians: 'Rejoice without ceas- evermore, outlandish a month-long] World , tour of Canada beginhing Tues- week a spiritual héed of.' the! Sparse Engiand was tof the senishop. bie | er to see something of x, the state: religion of --and encourage -- ecumenical developments in Canada," the archbishop said. 'I have been interested in the progress to- wards unity between Anglicans ut the United Church of Can- among" church ae cae tr at Cambridge "T am very interested in signs jf taarbiahap at of improved relations with Ca- ue = roy : an roggger said|tises as Hil e prelate, who visited the Authority Vatican last March for a dis- -- cussion on Christian unity with Pope Paul. "I hope to meet Ro- moves man Catholic leaders in Canada| ang 9 national cam: and I think that will be ar-| form the structure rangi Of the travel schedule that can ina tention. One day she smiled. A few days later shé made gur- gling sounds. "TY almost' dropped her," said Sister Patrice. "'We were all so excited." Surgeons removed the tumor from Maria's back. Her head, twice normal size, began to get said softly, kissing and patting the child. The baby is 11 months old. She looks normal except for one feature. Her head is larger than usual. She is a hydroce- phalic. Like most of the 69 children at Holy Angels nurs- ery, she will live only a few said: "I have the prairies."' see Canadian life away from the cities--that is, the red Indians, the mountains, Ramsey visited Quebec. City will take archbishop and Mrs. Ramsey through eve: but Prince Edward {s province land, he always wanted to the outlandish, The Back to the Bible Broadcast DAILY Pray S aewrs oe GOSPEL mat 40 NASSAU STREET DRIVE-IN SERVICE Sunday, t P. PM. Dominion Stores -- (Between King St. W. tnd John St Speaker: MR. GRAHAM SWALES ai ALL HEARTILY INVITED OSHAWA SPIRITUALIST CHURCH STORIE PARK HALL -- MILL STREET Branch of Toronto Spiritualist Temple 1.S.A. ing implica measures, then covered theirjand His disciples to inner il L I it s les to dinner. years. smauer. Later, e learne when he was Archbishop of Mon. te Set. Pastor: Rev. Roy F, C. Stoddard Peer re ee ee tee gOS Oe ee decile 2 » vention is to make these insti- * Inuvik more than a month ar- | While modern statues cite stealing as a violation of civil law, we need to be reminded that it is also a violation of God's moral law. Measured by God's yardstick, stealing is far more than the taking of an- tracks with false balances. Out- wardly scrupulous in their own religious practices, inwardly dishonest, ing up the needy" through un- fair business dealings. they were "swallow- Amos' inmplication is clear. other's material goods. It is any outright dishonesty, any offense against the property rights of others, and involves all the lesser forms of theft: plagi- rism, pilfering, falsification of documents and forms, to name just a few. It is even possible to steal from. God, He expects us to keep and hold sacred the first four commandments; but all too often we set up "other gods," make graven images, take His name in vain and (or) neglect sabbath day obligations, any of which rob God of what is right- fully His. Whether one steals from God @r man, whenever one takes what is not his and for which he has paid nothing, he stands in violation of the eighth com- mandment, Old Skills Perpetuated By Women's Institutes NWT INUVIK, N.W.T. (CP)--"'Onel The meeting will bring to- week we had an interesting) gether delegates and other demonstration on the scraping)}members of the 11 N.W.T. insti- of reindeer skins," reported the|tutes stretching from Fort Women's Institute at Reindeer|Smith, near the Alberta border, Station, N.W.T. "The seraping|more than 1,000 miles north to cleans off the meat and hard|Tuktoyaktuk on the Arctic parts leaving a pliable, clean/ coast. fur which we are using to make} Members will travel to the little reindeer dolls, We are also| meeting by airplane, their ex- making reindeer horn buttons,/penses and those of the conven- sipper toggles and pendants for|tion paid from a $20,000 north- sale. ern fund raised as a centennial project by the Federated Wom- en's Institutes of Canada. In other parts of the country Women's Institutes concentrate on home economics, undertake UN projects and study and pass resolutions of broad interest. The: 220 WI members in the Western Arctic look in a differ- ent direction. "Their interests are more limited to their own communi- ties," says Miss Eadie. Shortchanging customers vio- lates the letter of the law while growing rich at the expense of the poor violates the spirit of the law. Men in Jesus' day were little different from those of Amos' time--or our own, for that mat- ter. In the passage from Mark} we find Him warning against| those highly regarded for their piety, but whose actions--mak- and abusing the generosity of their female followers--exposed the sham and pretense of their faith. Thus, hypocrisy and pretense come under the condemnation of the eighth commandment. Only Luke records the salva- tion of Zaccheus, the dwarfed, misshapen tax collector of jeri- cho. He was the richest man in Reindeer Station is a remote settlement of Eskimo reindeer herders and their families along the Mackenzie River 25 miles south of the Arctic Ocean. The report is typical of those written by the Women's Insti- tutes of the North, a group hold- ing its first convention 'at Inu- vik, 200 miles inside the Arctic Circle, Aug. 17-19. "One of the aims of the con- tutes feel part of Canada and give them an identity as citizens of the Northwest Territories," Says Florence Eadie of Toronto, a UNESCO field worker for the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada. Miss Eadie has been at so much to do." is starting to tidy up the com- munity's overgrown graveyard. Others hold sewing classes where many members have their first contact with a fac- tory-stamped pattern. ranging the convention. ing demands, expecting honors} There, whatever transpired brought Zaccheus to the point of public confession of his past sins; to promises of restitution and determination to be hence- forth scrupulously honest in his dealings. Zaccheus' act was en- tirely voluntary, its genuineness attested to by the fact that restitution would hit where it, to him, would hurt most--his ipocketbook, Yet he gladly traded his illegally - acquired wealth for the peace of mind that comes with obedience to |God's law. SET EXAMPLE As Christians we are bound to set an example for others, observing God's laws and keep- ing His commandments. In this, Paul's. advice to Titus becomes particularly apropos. Our motives should be pure, untainted by thoughts of finan- cial gain or "'what's in it for me?" We should be sincere in our words and dealings with others, We should strive to please our employers, taking orders and obeying them with- out contradiction, and by being loyal to them while in their em- ploy. Above all, the Apostle carefully states, we are not to pilfer'from our employers. While "'pilfer" is a "nicer" word then stealing, it ig stealing inst the same, and a violation of God's law. "No stealing' is both a moral and civil law. Jesus insisted upon high morality as a pre- requisite for eternal life, teach- ing a philosophy embodying certain basic virtues, among them outright honesty. Unless men can trust one another, life in our society is impossible. These children are blind or deformed, Some are both. Most are under six years old. Mod- ern medicine can do little for them. The state of North Caro- lina has no place to care for talk. Though she remains in a wheelchair, she may some day walk, with the help of braces. She goes to school now. wanted to bring their helpless infants," "Others heard of us and Sister Patrice re- York in 1959 and was in Tor- onto for the World Anglican Congress three years ago. This 33-day tour, starting with a stopover Tuesday in Montreal on his way to Fredericton, will include a Croatian barbecue at 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. them. Hospitals cannot keep them. Neither can parents, for, in most cases, they require around-the-clock care, But Sister Patrice decided 10 called. She asked the Sisters of the Sacred Heart to borrow money to build a nursing home. Paul i But they said they could not un- sagen Re Timmins, Ont., RCMP in Regina and a day at lunch with the the Kootenays of British Columbia. years ago she could do some-|til they paid off a debt on the college. Sister Patrice got permission to solicit funds. She enlisted a board of advisers. The nurseary began to grow, almost entirely through donations. thing. She was operating a day nursery on the grounds of Sa- cred Heart junior college and academy in Belmont, a textile- industrial town 12 miles west of Charlotte. ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH (Corner of Albert St. and Olive Ave.) MINISTER: REV. HELMUTH DYCK, B.A. ORGANIST-CHOIRMASTER: HAROLD ELLis 1350 RADIO 2:30 p.m.--HEALING AND MESSAGE 7: 00 p.m.--DIVINE SERVICE Speakers -- Mr. H. Leask, Mrs. E, Ritchie Rev. Roy F. C, Stoddard EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Meeting in the T. R. McEwen Senior Public School Auditorium WILSON RD. SOUTH 725-9617 Pastor: Rev. R, D, Ellis A doctor brought her a three- weeks-old girl he said would live no longer than six months. This child also was a hydroce- phalic, with an enlarged head, a large tumor on its back, and dangling, twisted legs. HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A., B.D., Min MASONIC TEMPLE BLOG. 91 Centre St. 10:00 a.m. FAITH alarms Mrs. Marie. Taylor, "y R. ig (Piano and Organ), R Organist and Choi 10:00 A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP SERMON "IS JESUS IN THE CHURCH" NURSERY FOR THE INFANTS and TODDLERS A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for All Ages 11:00 A.M. -- MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. -- EVANGELISTIC SERVICE PASTOR ELLIS SPEAKING IN BOTH SERVICES "A Welcome Awaits You At EVANGEL" Corner King and Centre St. Organist Mrs. A. H. Foy CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH REV. ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER (Eastern Canada Synod) The Rev, Henry Fischer - MORNING WORSHIP Pastor -- 725-2755 A Hearty Welcome To All SERVICE COME WORSHIP WITH US! The Lutheran Church | | 10:60 A.M, | 10. oo A. M, MORNING WORSHIP Minister preaching at this Service. at Centre Street. Sermon Topic: "THE WORLD'S LOVING OF ITSELF' Joint Service with Westmount United Church The Friendly Family Church at the Centre of the City. | BYNG AVENUE | PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 83 BYNG AVE., WEST OF SIMCOE ST. N, REVEREND F. C. SPRING -- 728-2931 10.00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. -- MORNING "WORSHIP The Pastor Will Speak 7:00 P.M, -- Evangelistic Service UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH You are always welcome at Byng Avenue. 320 Ritson Rd. S. (Nr. Olive) Oshawa 723-6325 t "This| isn't surprising, when there is | The Aklavik WI, for instance, | GRACE LUTHERAN Lutheran Church -- Canada (Mo. Synod) PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister Ronald A, Jansen, Vicar SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL "MIDWEEK WORSHIP" WEDNESDAY 7:30 P.M. 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP canna nce na ote reneae mes FRA APIA NORTHMINSTER UNITED © Rev. H. A, Mellow, B.A., D.D, 11:00 A.M.--FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (At Glenwood & Hortop) SERMON: 7:00 P.M.--FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Junior Church and Nursery during Mo aAaarn Crn\/s COMBINED SUMMER SERVICES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. N. Frank Swackhammer, NOce B.A. Dr. H. A. Mellow in charge. "IT OVE"' Preacher: Rev. W. Lewis -- 'The Mystery of Mercy" rning Service Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Catvary 9:45 A.M Baprist CENTRE and JOHN STREETS Pastor --- REV, ROBERT B. LYTLE 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES The Bible Is Our Textbook BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. "FRUITS OF FAITH" 11:00 A.M.--REV. GERALD MOREHOUSE 7:00 P.M.--REV. GERALD MOREHOUSE 7;00 P.M. -- SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO 7:00 P. "CHRIST AS tort WED. 7:45--BIBLE STUDY and PRAYER Wednesday: 7:45 *« Bitty Study and Prayer, | MORNING WORSHIP 11 A.M. | l | SUNDAY -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 A.M. EVANGELISTIC 7:30 P.M. ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS Minister; THE REV. J. F. G. MORRIS, B.A., S.T.M. Organist and Choirmoster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M. WEDNESDAY -- Bible Study and Prayer--8 p.m. FRIDAY: -- Youth Seryice--8 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME |\CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST, EAST Granch of The Mother Church, The First Chureh of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts. St ~, SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Or SIMCOE STREET AND ST. ANDREW'S WORSHIP TOGETHER IN AUGUST 11:00 A.M-C.K.L.B. can he take control of evolution? "The Phenomenon of Man" Man's place in this evolving world Is he just another bit of biology? Children's Hymn and Children's Story in the Service, SIMCOE STREET 'PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 SIMCOE ST Rev. GEORGE C. SMITH, Past 10 a.m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes --- 11:00 A.M. - DAVE ARGUE of Central Bible College, Springfield, Missouri -- 7:00 P.M. -- GOSPEL MUSICALE An evening of Gospel Music. -- PLUS -- "CHRIST JESUS" Wed. Service (Includes testimonies) 8 P.M. READING ROOM--CORWNER GNTARIO ANS COND STS. Monday to Friday----12 noon - 6 p.m. (Excepting Holidays) Listen to: The Bible Speaks To You CKLB 9 A.M, Every Sunday Mr, Rhyddid Willie | King St Wnited Church | A 4 Be gh STREET EAST ERBERT, BA. Minitte STUDENT ASSISTANT MR, RALPH MOORES 'BA. lr Director and Organist | ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH | 409 ADELAIDE AVE. EAST PASTOR: REV. D. N. HABERMEHL, 8.A., M.Th. 1164 King St. E, Church School and Morning Worship at Seventh Day Adventist Church, 10:00 A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP -- NURSERY CARE PROVIDED 7:00 P.M. EVENING SERVICE Radic Ministry Chr. Ref. Church: each Sunday at 9:15 °.M. (Back To God Hour), every other Sunday at 11 A.M. CKLB (chur¢hes in the area) 10:00 AM.-- ISAIAH 35: v7. "Beyond Delusionment To Faith' Speaker -- MR. RALPH MOORE Soloist -- MRS. HARRY SMITH owe people and children are. invited to share Service with adults in the church. ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA ST. LUKE'S Rossland Rd, W..at Nipigon KNOX IMCOE ST. NORTH 'our blocks from King) Minister Rey. G. W. C. Brett, B.A, Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M. Musical Direttor inister REV. D, R. SINCLAIR, B.A, Pianist Miss Jane Weir ST. PAUL'S Wilson Rd. N, at King St. E. Rev. Waiter Jackson Minister Mr, Frank Wolter Musical Director UKRAINIAN Simcoe St, Minister Rev, 3. Jacenty South 9:00 A.M.--Church School 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship ----------enrrenneneameareeanely 11:00 A.M, PUBLIC WORSHIP "PHILIPS PREACHING" COME AND WORSHIP WITH US 9:30 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP All Cordialiy Invited 2 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP Mitilster Rev. al Kifox Si St. HUNGARIAN EB, Seress Church North 3:30 P.M.--Worship Service 2nd and 4th SUNDAYS ROGER SAUVE Of Eastern Pentecostal Bivie Coiiege, Fereroore | AIR CONDITIONED AUDITORIUM | Listen to "SONGS IN THE NIGHT" Sunday 11:15 CKLB-1350 King Street Pentecostal Church 611 KING ST. W. One Block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre REV. S. 3 FELTMATE -- Pastor Phones: Church 728-537 Parsonage 728-6662 ~-- SUNDAY -- 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School and Adult Classes 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship REV. HERVEY SHANK 7:00 P.M. SUMMER DRIVE-IN CHURCH SERVICE at the Oshawa Shopping Centre You will enjoy the Evening Service in the comfort of your own car. * * * BRIGHT SINGING * * * * * * SPECIAL NUMBERS * *.* * * * SHORT GOSPEL MESSAGE * * * ' .Worship at Oshawa's Friendly Church

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