a ad . Rhodesia Regime Moves,. flay Be In Wilson's Faves May Be In Wilson's. Favor »By JOSEPH MacSWEEN lor ter deal with "whole tes Pes has og sag rat of terrorists" moving into Rho-|cited as one o e hardroc eS |desia, right-wingers who have pushed Rebel Premier Ian Smith's) "{ wan: to make this point-- Rhodesians 'have thrown twojthat we have shot whole gangs deliberate bombshells in tw0| of these terrorists--not one sur- days, lviving when they resisted ar- The all-white Rhodesian gov-|rest," he said. " ernment pu Mi @ will Te Ssasentitha ac reins : day designed to tighten the)peopie fail inio the hands of the screw on the majority black|police, they will be dealt with population. jas the criminals they are. And Friday, Internal Affairs Min-|they shouid remember thaé the ister William Harper spoke in| police Ae not close, cases on some of the toughest language such ons until' they yet heard of how governmentiachieved their objective.'"* NEW YORK (AP)--Canada's rail strike threats to stop news- print shipments. to the United States and to cut deliveries of copper; nickel and iron ore to American industry. Passengers already were feel- 'ing the effects as U.S. railways Smith into a more and more extreme position. He is seen as a possible successor 'to . the Rhodesian Front party leader- ship if Smith falters, @ wii This ees r that if euch! "mie Gin has shaun ane { theithing but weaisness in his new| dgrents for a_ constitutional ange that would deprive the blacks--who number 4,000,000 in a country of 4,200,000--of rights they obtained in Rhodesia's 1962 | constitution. Even the have 1961 said e their giance and onsibility, retired! ic retir W necessily ior ¢ SUGGESTS PAMPHLET He su ed that a pamphlet printed. by t al offi- detailing ecords -And e elect public expense A Robin Moore, a 19-year- old performer in a water show at the Canadian Na- Supermarket Price Tests Sam Shows Beef Costs Are Fair Junior Label ing still reads "Sammy Davis) TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario|one segment of the food indus-| Jr." Food Council said Friday a test|try is taking excessive profits} Earlier this year the enter on supermarket profit margins |{"om beef sales. jtainer tried to drop the "'Jr.," | |from his name. His reasoning: shows that consumers are not/ FOLLOWS COMPLAINT "} didn't want my kids to reach | aving too much: for 'beef. The study was undertaken by} 9 | pie ag | paying [the council at the request op) the age of 22 and still be calling} The council: Said it examined}, _. hays 'iecey jane Junior," Canadian and: U.S. written melStewart following " chaaweled sapavis, who started out in an i f : NB, 'det that included his' father, terial on price spreads and the about high beef prices, |said that utter confusion §re- markup on beef by six Toronto} The council said its conclu;|sulted from the attempt to/ chain stores, | sions are tentative but it be-| shorten his billing. So it reads The markup averaged 22 per|lieves beef prices are not too) as before. i cent of the retail price, accord-|high in relation to current) "Certain names fit certain ing to a survey done by the/Wages. |people," he. concluded. "'It's Ontario government's farm eco-| Consumer complaints SLEEPING BEAUTY es tional Exhibition, the skis: handy throughout | ih ibis Alter 'hed' water the snooze, all 'set for the | next performance. | skiing event. Robin keeps (CP Wirephoto) | Sam Can't Lose catchés | about like Tony Curtis and. Anthony} nomics branch. For the six|high beef prices may. spring| Quinn. Curtis tried Anthony and stores, the markups ranged be-|from comparing present prices|Quinn tried' Tony, but they tween 20 and 26 per cent. |with those of many years ago/|didn't work. So I guess I'm The farm economics branch| Without realizing how wages|stuck as Junior." average |also have risen. the council) ~~ was not excessive. The food|said. } & council agreed. The study | The council was set up in 1963 Ci arets Go quoted retailers as saying beef|by the government with power | is the most costly meat to han-|to investigate individual or com- U : C dle. pany action in any branch of| | MONTREAL (CP)-- Im-| The council reported that no'the Ontario food industry. * ' a Disarmament Try ira anne hs | raised the price of cigarets| e Breaks Off Again to wholesalers"by 43 cents per} thousand for king-size and 31 cents per thousand for regular- size cigarets. GENEVA (AP)--The world's} Defenders ff the' conference on increases take. effect: to- off-again, on-again effort to ne-|point out thyt despite its failure) jhe company -announcement gotiate lasting disarmament has|to obtain Aarge - scale, con-|said it expected this would gone into another: recess. jcrete, ievements, it is per--Mean cigarets would go up by | As the 286th meeting of the|haps the only hope in the tense oe current session closed, the prob- : ac eer ; cere PI world of atomic menace. Imprial blamed steadily ris- lems of war and peace seemed |. a g labor. mach : bacicatiy uicheiget: SPAWN TWO PACTS ing labor, machinery, tobacco, a ete Conference participants note Mildly optimistic statements |that two international pacts --customary in most Genevaloriginated in recent years in negotiations--have not dispelled this Swiss city: The 1963 Mos-' the grim reality: East and West cow treaty limiting atomic tests | continue to -pile up arms, the and the subsequent U.S.-Soviet Sott the '22 | since the last manufacturer's increases in September, 1964. supplies and packaging costs ° war: clouds over. Southeast *waAly NAMT DIM WALI, MUNN rewne ...to the land of the rising ae: < 2) agreement to cut the production are as dark as ever, the smal-|of fissionable materials. ler powers of the "third world") Seventeen nations -- ranging go on flexing their muscles. from the Soviet Union, Britain, Yet it may not be ail grim/the United States and Canada as long the principal oppon-|to Ethiopia and Burma--have ents are expressing the desire | thrown a considerable amount to meet again and talk aboutjof effort and prestige behind their differences. 'the talks. The epic story of an outlaw mustang FESS PARKER ae, vad "SMOKY" IN COLOR New Democratic Party AREA PICNIC THIS Sunday, Aug. 28, 12 P.M. LYNBROOK PARK R.R. No. 2 Whitby DONALD C. MACDONALD Guest Speeker MAKE IT A FAMILY AFFAIR GRANLEY COMPANY Presents CARY GR y SHOW TIMES: 2:15 --» 4:30 -- 6:55.-- 9:18 > Last Complete Show 9 p.m. c Api NOW PLAYING Every One Welcome |day. : | The dead man originally was a pack to the éon-|4 The company said the one-| OTTAWA (CP)-- The trav-} ach party fee elled corpse of Lionel Blais, 54, ; ei ae who died Aug. 16 in a Vancou- ver hospital, will be buried to- day. "You don't know how relieved I am," said Roland Blais, his brother, who made positive identification of the body Fri date ind nority in cost would b in the ien His listenet premier T.eslie Frost tario New Democra thought to be the son of a fam eae Donal Vi i ment has . now. «. € "4 things} which mz } nadian economy." walkout lasts more than a week were that most customers, both pears to be a deliberate affront|to continue normal uction e Says Ex-P remuer all a slap in the face for Prime paar eae + repre- talks"- th ad ernment in Canada as unrepre-).ittor nonsense to say an agree-| been in 'progress in Salisensy. HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Lost: S Yharles Drury , : r Ernest Cha |menace--external or internal--|struction of the birthplace of Mr. Drury headed a Libera to whom, elected! yet gmith seized-this moment|Permarket of the Mayfair farmer - politician from Crown ampaign funds." except South. Africa. <Lauel aaow Witte an the sid nue and Griffith Park Boule- ' may work in favor of Wilson at from plotting aja camera concern in recent nake every candi-|" Nevertheless the African particular, are | The Sounds of the Big Beat was shipped from Vancouver to' Mr. Drury, whose govern-|South Africa, in most. opinions. son, who has. been reported JOINS SISTER ~ WIMMER OF on daytinte A halted ¢aruica at the harder or 10 days, a Canadian news- constitution | Canadian and foreign, increased| to the Commonwealth prime for a few weeks.\_ a ORILLIA (CP)--A former On- Hill in Simcoe County, speaking | Minister Wilson--an almost con- i \ t and out-} ; ; i sentative and corrup ment is not entered into. | There is apparently no. evi- aki blisher's dinner| through ihe medium of .cam- : pods ; Poa speaking to a pu cs to consolidate its illegal power|Mickey Mouse. The original zovernme in' Ontario' from|. "cco 4t in J government in re bd alle-|t9 harden his stance and move| chain. gos Maik 2 Seven Dwarfs and other fa- MAY HELP WILSON z : asi vard. Disney moved to his pres- the Commonwealth summit. r should, be} sellout, broke off the Salisbi years t of strong mi-|premiers, in The | likely >mé " rast likely to demand at lea E B pages ih veh J Blind River, Ont. ment was strongly backed by/|It almost. appears that Rho-| alive in Calgary since they re- ; Gigi. An? _ Newspapers could find their newsprint supplies short if the print industry official said here. However, he said, indications Oa ' y |was considered intolerable by|stockpiles recently in anticipa- ; Slush Fund most Africans, |tion of the walkout. Stockpiling T Oop & The timing of the new bill ap-|the output would permit mills ministers scheduled to meet in oe London Sept. 6. It is most of W k R d 4 ' ttacked gov- ek nalg said "it is)t¢mpuous dismissal of tne . « . tario premier has a of campaign funds, sai it iS} cc atks about Hist ric ite lined a plan to abolish cam- : { 'paign funds, "Men. otherwise perfectly hon-/ dence to suggest that the Smith Another Hollywood landmark. was/otadble will consent to bribes|government was forced by id Progress has decreed the de- i lication of his latest), oion funds.' he | bo rage Ja rarer. paisa funda,: h It is the) with new' constitutional meas-| Walt Disney cartoon studio is , ign funds, -not} ures, being replaced by a Mayfair su-| prese doa fines lth 4 toward apartheid-type legisla-| Disney and his animators cre- The 88 - year - ole t rid of the|tion that can please no country) ated Mickey Mouse, Donald mous characters at the studio Some sources argue that,/on the corner of Hyperion Ave- paradoxically, Smith's action Dp t C nr 1 aepagade adh aT pe ig , ent Burbank studio in 1939, and Ends Travel: with 0 arsaie partes | wilson can: now appear as ajthe building had been used by SECS URS dashed ng man who, far on radio and talks when a matter of principle _-- a became involved. > end eo oe oe ee, he said. | » far less than bur-|tougher sanctions against Rho I ampaign funds |desia. That would mean a trip The Fantastic ily in Field, Ont., and the casket Leader Donald. eventual sanctions against Doncing 8:30 p.m. to 12 Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Blais lahore also took a swing at.the|desia and South Africa were |BZe of Field had been notified ear | They are still looking for their GLITTERING - ceived the death notice. Glen McDonald, Vancouver AWARDS > derson, 9, whose sister Jada fickidng to the United Nations to make included former|them mandatory on all coun- tic Party} That in turn' would mean Cesual Dress Admission $1.50 nt in his address|courting a ,showdown: with the} a) lier that their son Lionel, 38, |United Nations or "world| had died in Vancouver. they discovered the mistake REFRESHING 'E coroner, blamed a mixup of hos- pital identification papers for TV's Secret Storm ae Rowland ted with the show BEST ACTRESS OF THE YEAR and On-/tries, opinion." When they opened the. coffin ' the mistake. JULIE ANDREWS cent increase in 'the cost to the consumer représented an in- crease of ,055 in the cost of liv- ing index. The figure of 43 and 31 cents included federal fay, the state. ment said. Sicieeehtimsaleitieiidaeceiessed i "SUNDAY x AUGUST 26th "HOP... in 1954 The Worlds Imm ortal Adventure! PAF Arn Gita? 4 Op iy 1) hel 7 Wg Be Paw bis oP WALT we | DISNEYS F PARK" |Rail Stoppage Will Hurt American Heavy Industry Another official ~ estimated that about half the Quebec- based mills and most of the West Coast mills are located on deepwater facilities 'and' could use water transport exclusively, Abitibi Paper Co. Lid., a ma- jor producer, said a strike of more than 10 davs "will prob- daily ex- tween the CNR and the New York Central and Pennsylvania railroads, Most of the cars are empty. A New York Centra spokesman said most perishable cat mg have been diverted from raus. "We get iron ore and from Canadian National ond We give them some farm equip- ment, some automotive parts and empty cars," cars be ° " | 5 A, ee falo: ably shut down most Gf Gur pis Sany SAUL GOWR Most Ge Gur Pre- duction. . . . We will store as much production as we can and ship as much as possible by truck and water." More than 60 per cent of Can- ada's $3,000,000,000 mining out- put is exported. A long strike i could close mines because of . lack of ore storage space. A spokesman for International Nickel Co. of "Canada Ltd., the OLD TIME and world's largest nickel producer! MODERN nd Canada's largest copper) Dance to tobe some delays? uy RUDY VELTRI DEPENDS ON LENGTH AND HIS Falconbridge, Canada's sec- ond largest..nickel producer, NEW TORNADOS said a long strike would '"'seri- ously impede operations," Hud- Toronto's Most Versatile Group ' SATURDAY -- NIGHT son Bay, a Manitoba copper pro- ducer, said its mining opera- tions would be limited to its | stockpiling 'capacity. | One analyst said that because | copper is in such short supply,! PARAMOUNT PICTURES IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE RETURN OF ys Cel B deme Che G Commandments CHARLTON HESTON BRYNNER Pius Short Subject and Cartoon One Showing Only ot 8:30 LIVERPOOL RD, N. AT 403 DRIVE-IN A KING BROS. PRODUCTION BOX off, OPENS i444 REGULAR PRICES TE PEE STOCKWELL --- DOUG McCLURE via aed [| Janes Garner, ROSSITER mcm (6:35 - 9:10 TN EERE: | Dick Van Dyke THE BEAT SOUND FOR YOUNG CANADIANS gis ale Gite ce a a Se ee bissiniaes Love | NOW SHOWING! | | are Fancsasaee'"*- |. The picture that gets you where you laugh! Dancing 8:30 p.m. ----ay to 11:30 p.m. ae [ moar Edward §mall Presents Fer ye, SRaEe |} BebHeRe Elke Sommer-Phulis Diller | Bou Did I Set. | sar de ey Hr tL . ' . : ' UNITED ARTISTS td 2n7/ | q _ | ane * food 4 @ SHOW TIMES e < Weekdays 7 and.9:10. Saturday contiguous from 1 p.m. Sunday contintjous from 2 p.m. THE NEW ODEON THEATRE 39 KING ST. E. PHONE 725-5833 DANCER -- a es a a a a ANCER iby . SR AC OER OP AR -- BATTLE of the BIG BANDS DANCING Downstoirs WHITBY ARENA | Wed., Aug. 31st, 8-12 p.m., Non-Stop 4 BIG BANDS ON 4 GIANT STAGES @ THE SPASSTIKS! Conado's top rock group es voted by recent: CHUM 'poll @ THE MYNAH BIRDS yith my Bere Yorkville sound @ THE COUNTS comedy \with rock @ ROY KENNOR and the OCIATES soul rhythm and blues KELLY JAY and THE JAMIES Featuring "ER CANADA'S PRETTIES1 Entertoinment Nightly at 9 P.M. Motinee Saturday 4 P.M. te 6 P.M, e@ FULLY LICENSED ¢ | CANADA'S WACKIEST ond WITTIEST COMEDY GROUP THE GREERY-0's Entertainment Nightly at 9 P.M MATINEE SATURDAY 4 P.M, TO 6 P.M, oe FULLY LICENSED ) DRESS: Your choice, Advance tickets $1.25. At Door: $2.00 ADVANCE AGENCIES TORONTO: Yonge St. PICKERING: C.N. Sountw AJAX: Alox Drugs BOWMANVILLE: Bryson's Smoke Shop eed 000 PEOPLE EXPECTED FOR THIS DANCE! MEET NEW FRIENDS an LD AT CANADA'S LARGEST DANCE! FREE PRIZES GIVEN OUT AUL NIGHT LONG! | " | | : DUNDAS ST. WHITBY Se: SE ABA @ WHITBY: Corner Store Shorty's Cigar Store Whitby Arena OSHAWA: Dise Shop, Shop- ping Centre Marty's Record Centre Henderson's. Book Store Hondy Bar, Ritson Rd. S. Records, Phil Dawson Productions ENDS TODAY En Man Called _Flintstone"' 'Apache Gold" THORNTON'S RD. of Auditor, South PH. 723-4972 OSHAWA DRIVE-IN POLKA NIGHT af Club Annrene '(other Dances will be played, as well) ON SCUGOG ISLAND, PORT PERRY with WALTER OSTANEK'S Combo FRIDAY; SEPT. 2nd DANCING 9 TO i A.M. PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED TO THE BEST POLKA DANCERE. For Tickets or Reservations Call 723-5731 or Port Perry 985-2751 >