10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, Auguer 27, 1966 ANN Unhappy Lad Needs Dear Ann Landers: Please @lp me. I am an tl-year-old|i boy who Is the unhappiost per: son in the whole world, I do thing that is terrible: and just can't stop no matter how hard I try, 1 wet, the bed. | have tried starving myself and going without water for days at a time but it doesn't help. +«My mother took me to a doc- tor last year and the doctor said it was not serious and that T would outgrow it and not to worry. Ever since my mother knows I don't have a sickness ahe has been trying to disgrace me out of the habit by telling everybody that her Il-year-old baby boy still wets the bed. She even told my friends and now they all know why I never sleep at their houses. Please tell me what | can do about this awful thing. I prom: ise to follow your advice no matter what it is.--Unhapplest) f Boy: It's too bad that the doctor didn't go a little fur- ther when he explained to your) mother that your bed-woetting was not caused by a physical sickness, He should have told your mother that many lescents wet the bed right up through the teen years because they are insecure and unhappy. man I would be the best wife' real jewel, The fact is, he is so wonderful it is difficult to de- scribe him, We have a charm: ing home, two lovely children and just about person could want, So, will you please tell me why my mouth is never shut? I nag constantly, I'm marvellous sick of listening to myself that can't stand it, What is wrong with me ashamed to sign my name, Just call me---Nutty Marie jewel is the quiet w is better than being ignored, sin had w But wearing a white gown and hay ing trimmings, My sister went .out \a |pensive present | RS LANDE iv n the world, Well, I found a everything a Ai 8 AE TOO: RAEI: this 80 forever picking on man and I'm | too! anyway? I'm | ll bet your, type, Most ives who nag figure a fight Dear Marie: Instead of criticizing or com-| plaining, switch to topics of mu- tual interest, Nagging, like any other pattern of behavior, can become a habit, and it can be broken if you work at it Dear Ann Landers: My cou a rush wedding, She as pregnant (and looked it) that didn't stop her from bridesmaids and all the nd bought the bride an ex:| There's 10 tons of 16- Year-Old Girl Runs 10-Ton Dozer On Construction Job STRATFORD (CP) -- Elaine Hutchison just smiles and waves at the second - lookers now, b as rassed, the 16-year-old from nearby St. Marys says, when motorists would stare that sed. ond time to make certain they had seen right the first. After all, it isn't every day a motorist sees a young girl pi- loting about 10 tons of clumsy: |, looking road machinery on a! construction job. But that's what Elaine does: during the school holidays, She} operates a heavy tractor and road roller owned by her father. She has been doing road work} for the last three weeks on a section of Perth County Road Nan't « might "'slow-down"' THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Stars promise udgeta matters, xperiencing vember, and a good cycle, be- {ginning on month, will last until Feb. 15, the 2ist of that Sunday will be another pleasant day, especially where personal rela- tionships are concerned, You will have to be a bit careful in however, md tan much aa althav entertainment or travel. or you find yourself a bit strapped by mid-week, FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your 'horoscope indicates that |while, at present, you may be something of a in business and financial matters, both are due for an uptrend soon. Financial |plans, conceived now and car- ried out progressively, should jshow fine results by late No- August and September. Do be conservative in intervening pe- riods, however, or you could offset gains, i In job affairs, you may be obliged to take on some new responsibilities in early Janu- ary, early February and-or the first two,weeks in April but, properly handled, they could further raise your status, occu- pationally, next June and August. If you are in business for yourself, transactions in late December and mid-May should prove exceptionally profitable, Rest periods for romanee: Late December, néxt April, May and August; for travel; Early Feb- ruary and the period between May 15 and Sept. 10 of next year, A child born on this day will crease prestige and chances to| TAKES TO THE AIR . PITT MEADOWS, B.C. (CP) Beverley Martindale, 18, was the only girl among 17 cadets to receive her wings at a spe cial ceremony at the airfield of this Fraser Valley community. She had learned to fly in a course sponsored by the RCAF and the B.C, Aero Club. HELPS WITnouT Name VACOUVER (CP)--An or ganization called Schizophrenics Anonymous has been formed here to provide self-therapy fer victims of the disorder, Mrs, Margaret B., the founder, says everyone connected with the group remains anonymous. be endowed with a charming personality, a fine intellect and a versatility which could bring success in almost any field of his choice. that BIG OPERATOR miss, Elaine Hutchison of her father, for three weeks 23 near Tavistock. "When I first started on this job... 1 always felt: seif-con- Do be conservative along these) lines during September and/ ' |October, however, or even your scious when I saw drivers star pest plans could go awry. Next| ing at me. beneficent monetary periods: | 'Now I'm used to it. I just! June, August and September, | smile and wave at them,' of 1967, Good chances of occupational advancement and increased| prestige run almost parallel to the profitable financial cycles, but with outstanding chances of unusual accomplishment indi- | Cated next month, in January, a Modella Hain Stylists INTERNATIONAL COIFFURES Now at Modelia a new Revelation in Hair Colouring "COLOUR XL SPEED PROCESSING' machine @ Tints in 3 minutes @ Bleaches in 6 minutes, @ European Hair Stylists @ FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL Modella Hair. Stylista. 71 Celine St. 725-4531 }|June and August, For creative | {|workers -- and Virgo boasts) = |many. of them -- the first six) }months of 1967 should bring) + | gratifying recognition for origi- nal and imaginative work, | Except for possible brief pe-| jrlods of stress in early March and early June, your domestic life 'should be unusually serene, it ¥ I suggest that your mother) The baby was born last week) take you to a doctor who ean} and now my sister wants to buy help you work out your emo-/another present. I think it's tional problems. Ask your/Wrong to treat this girl like she nearly and sentimental interests will ,|be under exceptionally propi- tious influences during late : on Perth County Road 23 machine the St 'ys 8 be perat- 'nt ' road nachinery -- in he Marys Hias been opera near Tavistock i hands of this 16+ year - old ing the equipment, owned by school counsellor or your favor-|! ite teacher to recommend two|People don't or three such doctors so your|Should not enjoy special privi mother can take her choice, |! Dear Ann Landers: Decen¢y Seven ire ago | married a man I|Sheba thot as loved. He wouldn't) The d to support both/great deal and I'm sure she is ted a family and/doubly appreciative of any kind decided I wogid never have one |ness rried to him, s0/sounds like a fine person to me |Too bad you aren't er found a goodjher, When they s the queen of Sehba live right SHAPELY MERINGUES Making a shell? with a Many dif- shapes can eges..Am I right? --Bellever in dessert meringue Dear B.; So only the queen of|ferent and unusual should get a present? girl probably suffered a be achieved with egg whites, desired out- a bak poon the meringue penciled outline, and reheated at Simply draw the line on brown paper or sister ing sheet into bake 250 degrees F shown her, Your the more like in a oven for 30 minutes Photographic Retouching Takes Steady Hand, Patience By ROBERTA ROESCH Dear Roberta Roesch: Is it possible to work at home as a retoucher fora photographer? I know very little about this vork, but I think it is some- thing I could learn to do if job opportunities exist for it.--D. B, Dear D. B,; Opportunities to retouch photographs at home vary from community to com munity, But on occasion some photographers do hire to work on this basis A basic part of the job in volves working with a hard sharp pencil or a fine brush to blend out blemishes on the neg ative: so that. scars, shadow unwanted lines and other minor irregularities can be improved ipon The main qualifications need are good eyes and an equally good control of the hand that holds the pencil or brush, You must also-be willing to sit still, and work for long you istretches of time with patience WHICH IS THE SUIT? Two gay, easy-striding out- fits from London couturier Ronald Paterson's new au tumn collection. That on the right is a suit, 'Lined Up,' in bright red wool Ottoman marked out in anthracite, The outfit on the left is, in fact, a neatly crisp dress - and - jacket 'Checked Out,' in a black and white bird's eye wool Its. sleeveless dress top in fine black wool crepe Black crepe helmet and black mink beret both by Ronald Paterson NO WASTE TO CHEESE Leftover cheese need not be a problem. The Food Depart- ment at Macdonald Institute University of Guelph, suggests using a mixture of cheeses for a tangy addition in sauces non-meat dishes. The "cheese ean be grated first and stored in a tightly covered jar in the refrigerator, ~ = is of Wilson's NTs -- Brig ten your lauudty wi Maytag Color Costs no more than white if Choose from # Sunshine Yellow 7 &Coppertone # Turquoise 44 % Snow White > See The New Generation DEPENDABLE MAYTAGS @herney's and sensitivity, Training for a job as a re- toucher can be obtained in| several ways. One possibility is a correspondence school that of-| fers a course in it. Another is} a search in your library for books on the subject. A_ third is to land a job with'a photog rapher who will train you SECOND CHANCE SOUGHT Dear Roberta' Roesch: Is it advisable ask for a second chance after you have been fired? to Several weeks ago, I was 8U KING ST. EAST (DOWNTOWN) OSHAWA FURNITURE ( \ WEES SS ee , « women } eased out of my job, because o personality clashes and = con-} fiicts, At the time, the man who} let me xo offered to give me letters of reference whenever I needed them, He also said he would do all he could to help} me find a new job, since the} quality of my work was not the reason for my discharge. Now that I have had a chance) to view my job behavior with a hindsight that I wish had) eon foresight, I realize I was wrong to force my opinions on} people and take time out from my job to argue heatedly with) them, Since I know where 1) failed, I would like to get back} my old job Do you think chance?--J. D, Dear J. D.: Firing a person is never easy and few employ-| ers relish it, So, after they have) been in the uncomfortable spot) of having to discharge an em-!/ ployee, they often prefer to leave things as they stand and forgo the possibility of having job history repeat itself in a second chance, It will be better for you. to, profit by your past mistakes and progress to a new job. I stand a TOUCH OF GLAMOR Garnishes dress up vege- tables, reminds the Foods De- partment at Macdonald Insti- tute, University of Guelph, With your next meal try any of paprika, lemon twist, slivered almonds, parsley, sauteed mushreams, or chopped bacon on your vegetables, (CP Wirephoto) : /noon and early evening, is es- OPEN STITCH . Knitted wools for fall and winter are pacing the calendar with new textures, stitches, colors and charm- ing styles that reflect the coming season's personal- ity, Since this year the most feminine dress is one that is alluringly transparent yet in good taste, this all-Amer- ican Knitted wool dreas by Butte combines a lacy fill- gree see-through overblouse with a short, swirly, um- brella pleated skirt of double-knit wool. The blouse buttons at the neckline and features the 'set-in sleeve, three-quarters in length. --By Tracy Adrian PENNY A few SAVER To solve this problem bine both with a soft the cake -- into pieces, add % -to- the berries, leftover berries and a little cake may not be enough! for a complete dessert of each. | com- custar or your favorite pudding. Cut léinch and cover with the custard or pud-| ding. Top with whipped cream | and chill, The result is plenty of a perfect dessert. December, next April, May and ,| August. Best periods for travel: '|Early February and the weeks between May 15 and Sept. 10 of next year, A child born on this day will be endowed with unusual per- ceptiveness and foresight, and will be intellectually inclined. DAY AFTER TOMORROW Monday's early hours will cail for considerable caution in han- dling doc ts, a ence, all written corresy m at ters. Venus, auspicious in the after- |pecially. favorable to romance, jhome interests and artistic pursuits, |FOR THE BIRTHDAY | If Monday is your birthday, jyour horoscope indicates that a \display of initiative and enter. prise now could yield excellent results by the end of November especially where finances are concerned, An uptrend, begin- ning then, will last until mid- February, and you should be abie io expand iuriher aiong these lines early in June, next SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED Electrolysis with the KREE IMPERIAL = De- Luxe short. wave, revealing your true self, free of worry and embarrass+ ment -- ORe <a FREE CONSULTATION MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshewe at the Genoshe Hotel Aug. 29, 30 end 31 PHONE 723-4641 |] for appointment on these dates, d WILL BE FOR THREE DAYS AUGUST 29th - 30th - 3lst fashions Tote PAS Fashions since 1807 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OUT BUSINESS MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY |RE - OPEN THURS. - SEPT. 1s Watch Wed. Aug. 31st Paper For Big 'Re-Open' Buys