2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, August 22, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Sweeping $31 Billion Plan UAW Request To Be Vetoed By 'Big Three' DETROIT (AP)--The auto in- dustry's big three indicate they WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy With Showers, Temperature On Cool Side HONOR DEAD AUTHOR PAMPLONA (AP) -- This/s Spanish ¢ity has posthumously] ing awarded U.S. novelist Ernest) way Hemingway the "'neckerchief of] bulls |honor," a badge of courage! Also WOW those who run in the 4 of the bulls dur- nual fiesta. Heming- of the running of the amplona in The Sun will turn down a United Auto Workers request today that la- TORONTO (CP)--Forecast is-| Western James Bay: Variable sued at 5:30 a.m. cioudiness and iiiie change in To Boosi india indusiry NEW DELHI (AP) -- India Sunday unveiled a sweeping - $31,600,000,000 plan designed to boost agricultural production and industry over the next five years. To make the plan work, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's government hopes western na- Protest In Poland PRZEMYSL, Poland (4&P)-- Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski said Sunday violence in Poland de- serves as much attention as vi= lence in Africa or Viet Nam. The Roman Catholic primate =, told an applauding outdoor au- tions will come through with about $8,500,000,000 in foreign aid. The Soviet Union and other Communist countries are being counted on for another $1,000,- Among western nations, Can- ada and the United States are major suppliers of aid to India, which is trying to improve its farming methods so it can feed its 495,000,000 people. This is the fourth time since its independence in 1947 that India has come up with a five- year plan designed to haul its people out of the ox-cart era into the 20th century. dience of more than 20,000 in this old city near the Soviet frontier: bor contracts be reopened to grant immediate raises to skilled workers. General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler Corp. planned to give their answers to the union this afternoon. In last minute press releases, the firms said their 700,000 pro- duction workers will get auto- matic pay increases totalling $168,000,000 two weeks from now. : | Henry Ford II, chairman of Synopsis: Temperatures are expected to be on the cool side due to lack of sunshine with the -|possible exception of the Wind- sor area where southerly winds and partial clearing is ex- pected. 5 Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Windsor, London: Tuesday mainly cloudy with oc- casional showers and a little cooler. Wind northwest 15. Niagara, Lake Ontario, Geor- gian Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe, Mainly temperature. Winds light. Ottawa: Cloudy with periods of rain. Continuing cool.. Light} winds. : } FORECAST TEMPS | Windsor ..+++++++6 This medical term means the best within the Pa ity of your » you may hove been born with nesses, or later in lite be affected by call "insults" of living, These may ease, poor he yi * y 9 severe emotions! distress. Peterborough Kingston ones Poi by he will ot seneeeeee atts To enjoy "OPTIMUM HEALTH", you the habits of better health, You sent by you , ow Trenton ...... soon | Scores of foreign and Indian| INQUIRY ASKED Larry Sheffe of Ottawa, international representative for the United Auto Work- ers, has asked the Ontario government for an inquiry into "possible misuse of public funds" by an Ot- tawa subsidiary of Bomar, Cochrane, White River: an American-owned elec- (Mainly cloudy with occasional tronics company. ae and not much change in (CP Wirephoto) 'temperature. Winds light. |Toronto, Hamilton: | cloudy with a few showers. Not |much change in temperature. Winds west 10. Timagami, Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay, Sudbury: Mainly cloudy with a few show- ers. Not much change in tem-) perature. Winds light. "When a Negro is beaten in) : , Africa, the Warsaw vapers|Ford, said reopening of the con- write about it. When a faraway|'Tact would be "'inadvisable, town is bombed, there are pro-|2nd added: test demonstrations in Warsaw.| 'There is a contract and 1) Let all beatings be perceived, | think they ought to live with it."| also those among us. If only; Besides the upcoming pay in-| they would write about them. crease, provided for by the con-| Let us ask that there be' no/tract, the union and industry! more beatings. . . ." officials have agreed that work- | Cardinal Wyszynski did notjers may get an additional one} faq make clear who in Poland was|or two cents hourly through) being beaten and how. He might| cost-of-living escalators in the |_ have been thinking about the | pact. | |June 26 action by club-swing-| . -_? ing Catholics which the Polish MORE MEDICAL REAL CAQUETTE - « « Checkup studies base India's inability to) press has not reported. Furthermore, the firms said, hourly-rated employees will get Bright. Clear Close - Ups a feed itself on a lack of chemi-| eal fertilizers and pesticides. The government hopes to have annual production of nitro- genous fertilizers up to 2,500,000 about 240,000 tons last year. Although none of the pas plans met their goals, Mrs. Gandhi and many of her top aides believe that if India ever stopped making the maximum 5,500 - foot level near Eagle effort for economic development! River Glacier it could lose--perhaps forever-- what momentum it has gained. the scene, Chuck Geisel of Liv- ingstone Helicopter Service in Juneau, said there appears to ss " ¢ SALISBURY (Reuters)--Brit- al lo = phpbb: terms are accepted. They ish and Rhodesian officials met wreckage of the twin-engined demanding withdrawal today at the start of their third Grumman Goose amphibian round of informal talks on the' Howard J. Wolf, Akron, Ohio. Rhodesian Talks Rhodesian independence issue. The talks were resumed after a six-week break in an atmos- phere of white Rhodesian apathy and government deter- mination not to make conces-'ouette, leader of Je Ralliement » Bi des Creditistes, entered hospital The indifference of the Man-'nere Sunday night for ave in - the - street here has beeM ang an over-all examination, a tively --_ pe thar of Buitish -- for Youville Hospital ident Johnson has been asked) sions to Britain. economic sanctions and by Prime Minister Wilson's recent announcement that little real progress toward a final settle- ment was expected in the next two months. Youth Escapes BERLIN (Reuters) German guards fired several) shots at a 19-year-old youth) climbing the barbed wire bor-| der fence Sunday night, but they missed and he got over to| | West Berlin safeiy, police said Monday. Divorce Out KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) -- Uganda's Anglican and Roman} Catholic churches said Sunday Poni Christians do not accept divorce | ; and a valid marriage cannot be dissolved. The two churches is- sued a joint memorandum on}, the finding of a Uganda gov- ernment commission which rec- om ded that only m- ous marriages be recognized. | Nazis At Work COVENTRY, England (AP)-- For the second time in a month Nazi slogans have been painted} on pillars and walls of Coven- try's Anglican cathedral. The! slogans were painted at dawn) Sunday with swastika emblems} daubed beside them. Royal Ducking PORTO CERVO, Sardinia|President Dwight D. Eisen- |hower has urged the adoption of naco and Prince Ranier fell into}oné year of universal military the sea Sunday from a smalljtraining to provide a_broad| sailboat off the Sardinian coast) Manpower base for the U.S. de- when a sudden gust of wind|fence system. (AP)--Princess Grace of Mo- caught their sail. Laughing and) splashing they swam to another|of Readers' boat, climbed aboard and con- tinued watching the race. Sitter Wounded year-old boy was blamed by po- lice for firing a gun, a bullet from which struck his 16-year old baby-sitter, wounding her. | Debra Heflin was critically} wounded early Sunday at the! home of Mrs. Brigitte K. An-| dersen, 28. Police quoted Ray-| mond P. Andersen, 4, as saying he stood on shelves in a linen| closet to get the gun. Mrs. An-} dersen, booked on suspicion of possessing an unregistered fire- arm, was released on $25 bail. ALCAN SIDING Guaranteed 100% By Alcan Of Canada @ Permonent Decor Finish @ Maintenonce Free @ 20 Yeor Guarantee Agoinst | persons ¥ i+) | Coastal tone by 1970-71, compared with killed Sunday when the airliner t)ctashed and burned at the foot cap about here. checkup: in connection. with his/Postponing for one year a pro-| LONDON (AP)--The last ma-|taken by the medium - case of diabetes," the spokes-| Posed 10-per-cent increase in St.'jor earthquake before Friday's ; man said. neuve riding in the House of |tors and 34 House members/thousand persons died. Commons and is a resident of Said this is needed to give Con- Rouyn, 325 miles north of Ot-/8ress sufficient time to act on -- East|tawa. hower said that in addition his} plan would eliminate unfairness -- selective service system,| consider strike; could affect Pp quency and stimulat ri OMAHA, Neb. (AP)--A four- country oe Nine Die JUNEAU, Alaska (AP)--Nine aboard an Alaska Airlines plane were Peace 'Farce' Sens ™™rmec™! rs Bs le Of Moon, Nothing New TOKYO (AP) -- Hanoi radio, The UAW wants the labor) announced today the Commu-|Pacts reopened--they don't ex-| pasapENa, nists of South Viet Nam have |Pire until Sept. 6, 1967--to give| 4 merica's first bright, clear|good picture with the close-up rejected as a "peace farce" a| skilled workers an immediate) (ioce.ups of the moon's mysteri-|lens, scientists said, because proposal for an Asian peace|Wage increase of at least 50)... far side show pretty much|they didn't activate the erring conference on Viet Nam put for- cents hourly. what was expected -- nothing|motion compensation system. ward by Thailand, The Philip-, The skilled tradesmen said) new. The system, which wasn't pines and Malaysia. they are underpaid for their) 'Two sharply - focused pictures|needed for the picture because China and North Viet Nam) work in auto plants in compari-|transmitted to earth Sunday by|of the spacecraft's 1,000 - mile turned down the proposal pre-|son with wages for similar|Lunar Orbiter show lumps and|altitude at the time, is designed Calif. (AP)--, The craft was able to take a 30 miles north of The crash scene was at the Muskoka .... North Bay .. Sudbury .... Stop Supporting U.S., PM Urged follow his edvice for healthier living, OTTAWA (CP)--Two cia: | tions delivered letters to Prime Minister Pearson Saturday urg- ing Canada to withdraw support of United States policy and ac- tions in Viet Nam. | The letters were handed to Jim Coutts, appointments sec- retary to the prime minister, | as Mr. Pearson was about to| leave Ottawa's Uplands Airport to meet President Johnson at; __ 573 King Street East Oshe we PHONE 725-3594 Fast -- Free -- Motorized Delivery Campobello Island off Brunswick. Representatives of the On-| tario branch of the Voice of Women and of the Ottawa Com- mittee to end the War in Viet Nam, the two associations, were present at Uplands. New} A helicopter pilot who reached' viously. skills elsewhere. craters--a carbon copy almost|to ensure clear pictures by The Hanoi broadcast said the| The tradesmen said tool and/of the familiar near side. moving the film while the shut- Viet Cong have pledged to con-|di¢ makers in auto plants re-) Orbiter, an 850-pound satellite|ter is open to account for the tinue to fight until their peace | ceive $3.97 an hour but they|in orbit around the moon, took|spacecraft's speed. It appar- are| cited wages of $4.63 hourly forthe two shots Jate Friday andjently doesn't do it right, they of all/carpenters and $5.20 hourly for|early Saturday, processed them said. t Nem, |electricians in the Detroit area. |and then radioed them back for) Spacecraft manager Is rae] recognition of the National Lib-|, There were indications the/scientists at the Jet Propul-|Taback told a news conference eration Front, the Viet Cong's| 600,000 unskilled and semi-/sion Laboratory here Sunday his study of 40 blurred political arm, as the "only gen-|Skilled production workers) The pictures show much more high resolution photos indicated ; uine representative" of South} Would ask for the right to bar-|detail than photos sent back in|the shutter behind the lens may Real In Hospital Viet Nam, and the dismantling|4in over new wages if contracts| 1959 by Russia's Luna III, scien-|be at fault--not clicking at the) ROUYN, Que. (CP)--Real Ca- of all U.S. bases in Indochina. were reopened. tists said, although spokesmen Seaway Tolls --------|for the National Aeronautics} At the same news conference, WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres- T ll I 0 k land Space Administration didn't|the scientists reported that a jinterpret the new shots imme-/delicate manoeuvre early Sun- In Iran 10,000 foreign troops from Vie |diately. day morning altered the craft's First received was a high-jegg-shaped orbit, dropping Or- jresolution photo taken by the/biter from its 130-mile level to |spacecraft"s ailing close - up lcamera. The other photo was resolu- tion lens, which has worked per- Lawrence Seaway tolls. | disaster in Turkey was in north-|fectly throughout the einen, | Thursday. In a letter to Johnson, 15 sen-| western Iran Sept. 1, 1962. Ten) -------------- des apeniaelpadainitea eb es by 49 members of Corgress to} "He is in for x-rays and a Seek an agreement with Canada| at its low point of orbit. They said it is expected to drop to Mr. Caouette represents Ville- legislation proposed by Repre- December, January, December, December, 4 May, 1935, right time. | A NEW NEED FURNACE? | Ne Down Payment--First Peyment §) December--Cell | PERRY Day or Night .. . 723-3443 36 miles above the lunar surface | }! | its planned height, 28 miles, by} i} REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF ELECTRIC SHAVERS & CLIPPERS Manufacturers Parts and Prices. TRADE IN ALLOWANCES ON OLD SHAVERS Electra Shaver Service & Supplies 728-4284 39 PRINCE STREET OSHAWA EXPERT, PROFESSIONAL SPECIAL INVITATION STUDENTS COME IN AND TRY US AND BE © 3 BARBERS @ MEN'S HAIRSTYLIST GIRLS' HAIRCUTS 10 CONVENIENT LOCATION LOTS OF PARKING SATISFIED WITH THE EXPERT BARBERING & PRICES. MEN'S HAIRCUT, AND STYLING ONLY $3.00. ANGELOS BARBER SHOP 68 King St. W. Oshawa January, gress opening two weeks from today. The general council of the ~----~| central body representing 8,000,- PUSH NEW INVENTIONS (000 workers has reluctantly ap- HAMILTON (CP)--A. H. Wil-|proved the freeze which the ford, an 80-year-old retired pro-|government believes essential moter, is forming a Good Idea|to cure Britain's economic ills. Group to make Canada' great.) Congress leaders, seeking en- Most people have million-dol-| dorsement for their action, now lar ideas and do nothing about them," he explained. "T don't |(2°¢e the prospect of defeat as want their money. I just want|4nion after union declares its their ideas to circulate and|hostility to the idea of a Labor |make Canada great." 'government pegging all pay in- Erzincan, Turkey, ber, 1939, 23,000. city of Skopje July 26, with a In Britain Over Pay Freeze which would make the toll in-|Feb. 29, 1960, killing 12,000 and; n Fl ain ver ay reeze jChina, in January 1556. down with the government as|railway men have still to de-| 452 killed licy. jvolting against the freeze which) By THE CANADIAN PRESS ? { 1915, 29.978. ljoined four other major unions East Scotland doctors have) | strike date. van Rabie mas is. (or >.| Association -- their professional | s { | not show up iy Their decision increased the Quetta, India, rath Decem- } sid ' i oS eialaies Pas consider the situation. |sentative Henry S. Reuss,|loss of 1,100 lives. | crease unnecessary. injuring thousands. The worst) 1ONDON (Reuters) -- Brit-|creases for six months under | Page The 350.000 - member Shop- | denies them a recently-awarded| Montreal--Meeting today of | wie Cae, representing transport, miners, | Passed a resolution accusing the| About half the 200 men on Prime Minister Wilson's organization is advine 143,000. " daeiaeel CPR reports "system run- likelihood of a stinging rebuff) ------ 60,000. Toronto--800 express driv- .} ' Plan By 'Ike The following year another| quake destroyed the Yugoslav| OW own y or @ar |(Dem.-Wis.) and Senator Wal-| The worst in the last 10 years jter F, Mondale, (Dem-Minn.)|ravaged Agadir in Morocco| | Peery soe recorded in history|ain's jabor union movement/threat of fines. RAILWAY CRISIS | ook 830,000 lives in Shensi,| headed today toward a show-| Engineers, electricians, and | Other major earthquakes of i \fi i i i | two more unions rebelledifine their attitude, but hospital AT - A - GLANCE "an Pree Apr 1908 against the new pay freeze pol-|doctors in several cities are re- 1908, 76,483. |workers Union and the 80,000-|Pay Increase from the state-run) 50 representatives of the coun- | Averzano, Italy, jstrong Clerical Workers' Union| SEtVICE. "| try's 100,000 non-ops to set a 1920, 180,000. land local government officials | Boverament Rig breaking sical the 4 p.m. Sunday shift at | Tokyo and Yokohama, Ja- |Wh0 have decided not to sup-| urged the British Medical CNR's Pointe St. Charles did austerity standstill on y and s y Slands ay : sical Kansu, China, prices. | Wie enter Geta ' ning normally" with no one 1932, 70,000. a cual a , off the job. Ottawa -- Prime Minister to Wilson at the annual confer- | Pearson and the special cab- | Chillan, Chile, ence of the Trades Union Con- | inet committee on labor mai- | _ 1939, 30,000. DWIGHT EISENHOWER ters to meet this afternoon to | | ers and office clerks reported out at start of weekend NEW YOR K (AP)--Former Windsor--140 non - ops and 120 Canadian Brotherhood of Trainmen out. . Sarnia--85 freight handlers and yard employees out. Sydney--135 non-ops stayed away Saturday and Sunday; freight traffic reported slowed, passenger traffic un- affected though no heavy bag- gage being accepted. North Sydney Meeting today of the CBRT loeal to Writing in the current issue Digest, Eisen- reduce juvenile delin-| Nova Scotia - Newfoundland ferry service. The 4 C's of Saving CONFIDENCE ! CONVENIENCE ! COMFORT ! CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST CONFIDENCE -- knowing that you are receiving the best rate of interest -- paid more often. . CONVENIENCE -- longer saving hours daily and all day Saturday. - COMFORT -- dealing with friendly In 'Beau Valley" is best equipped to provide you wh clean, competent, guaranteed Heating Service. Lander - Stark and their own staff of fully qualified heating tech- You'll Enjoy @ The Convenience of the nicians, high quality products and Whatever you need to make your home workmanship which goes more comfortable, any time of the year into Kassinger Construc- . . . Air Conditioning and De-Humidify- ing in Summer . . . Heating and Humid- tion Homes. Ee Q-- To Visit OPEN HOUSE Everyone is Invited "VERBENA COURT" A new, quiet Court in Beau Valley with homes ready for immediate occupancy. 4te 9 p.m. Monday te Fridey 2 te 5:30 p.m. Sat. end Sun. OPEN HOUSE HOURS people -- with a community Trust Com- pany, ifying In Winter. ; . call in Lander-Stark reliable service, Just phone Point Chipping @ Free One Yeor Supply ef for fast, @ The Convenience of «@ Alcan Foil Price with no obligation. Discount Aluminum Products. Registered deal for ALCAN SIDING OF €ANADA SAVE WITH... Central Ontario Trust 725-3581. well planned, picturesque new "Beau valley Publie community, including the At the "ANNA MARIA" Model Home, you will see a completely new concept in Electricd! Heating ond Air Conditioning, "Set it' and "Forget it". An Electrical heating and Air-conditioning system which you just set the temperature you desire and leave it and it will stay constant all year around, giving you all year around comfort. Call Anytime 728-8606 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581 & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe St WN. Oshawa, 723-5221 23 King St. W Bowmanville, 623-2527 School" right in Beau Valley. 4 SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 King Street West 723-2265