Cg ig lg hy te lig lglg Ng hg hy THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, August 17, 1966 § WHI I B Y A A MANY WATCH COLOR television sets number almost ------ U.S. households owning color|7,000,000. | Alb t St a ts Vi it ~~ ry gd his first year at Osg' all. er a u en 1S Paget crag ~ experince | Vy Ik , ' e stu ents, in company wi | 0 swagen Magistrate's Court Font student tended aap "i a iol luncheon as guests of the! sg : ne A group of Alberta High student, Peter Magda, who | tom 2 a ee ae . ' School exchange students, visit-|working at the Crown Atiow hace Newman. Now In Our New Location 5 ing Whitby as part of the Cen- LAMAR: eae , tennial celebrations, visited peg Magistrate Coure Tues- | SAVE $ $ ON | ' BASE LINE -- AJAX The students, guests of the | JUST HALF MILE ey pian ag _ AUTO / N SURAN CE | EAST OF HARWOOD. at the Whitby Town Hall by the Magistrate, Harry Jermyn,|| If you are an Abstainer you save up to who said it was an honor to\| $22.00 on your auto insurance. Full line of new and used cars on display. have them visit his court. | | While there, the students] See... | Open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. all week. from the Mountainview area | also caught a glimpse of Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck prose- cuting his first case since his [recent operation. 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA Assistant Crown Attorney Edward Howell, however, took AUTHORIZED VOLKESWAGEN charge of the main proceedings DIAL | KESWAGE 4 |of the court, | SALES. AND SERVICE | Magistrate Jermyn referred 728-7567 TEL, 942-1881 i \any questions students might| |have to the Crown's assistant TWO BRITISH SCOUTS VISIT IN WHITBY Two British Boy Scouts, of the 5th Whitby Boy trict this week as the guests | FROM 9 A M visiting Canada as part of a Scouts; Brian Swann, 15, of of the 5th pole pack on '6 uf Scout exchange plan _ be- Yorkshire, England; John a canoeing and hiking ex- tween England and Canada, Bird of the 1st Whitby Boy pedition. They will return TILL 9 P.M. inspect a copy of Canadian Scouts; and Terry Rainbow, Friday and will continue to : Boy as their Whitby coun- 17, of West Mosley, Surrey, be the guests of the Whitby terparts look on, They are, England. The British visi- Scouts until their departure. D A l L ¥ left to right, Steven Baxter tors are in Haliburton dis- --Oshawa Times Photo Flower Show At Newcastle (scone NEWCASTLE -- Dry weather | such as a meat grinder, cup) the Grade 13 Departmental re- did not hinder the entries of}and saucer, antique lantern,| guts many beautiful displays of) driftwood, along with the regu- : assorted flowers and fine qual-|lar vases, baskets, jars and ity vegetables at the New-|milkbottles. Also on display} castle Horticultural Society} were many corsages which Flower and Vegetable Show on| were exquisitely made. One of} Tuesday. Judging was done by|the things the judges look for} The students concerned are Mr. and Mrs. A. MeMillan of|in arrangements is originality | as follows: Oshawa land this was one of the things! AJAX HIGH SCHOOL FIVE OBTAIN | SCHOLARSHIPS | | The Pickering District High School Board announced Tuesday, that five of its stu- Ontario. Scholars have achieved 80 percent or better in English and any six addi- tional credits. In the children's exhibits} certainly to be found at this lan Crellin, 9 First Class there were many 'pie plate gar-| show along with all the beau-| Honours dens, animals made with vege-|tiful flowers which were splen-| Carol Little, 9 First Class tables, floral and weed!did in color. Honours oO ey ete ee RK LA arrangements, and huge sun-| The vegetables were what|DUNBARTON HIGH SCHOOL . a, 6 Bees, flowers. There was also a paint| every housewife hopes to find| Valerie Baker, 9 First Class Sees, by number picture of roosters|at the corner market. Each| Honours 'eerste el 'e gee Wesete with chicks, done with differ-| tomato, carrot, potato, squash, PICKERING HIGH SCHOOL ; NLS, 4 bP D Wee, ent seeds, which varied in color} pumpkin, corn and etc., were Ruth Taylor, 10 First Class and size instead of paints but! of grade one quality. Honours was truly artistically done. On August 31, the Society | Melody Cooper, 7 First Flowers in the adult exhibit) will hold an open meeting and| Class Honours were arranged in or on various|the prizes will be awarded KY 2 Y re, Pe types of containers and items! then. | BIRD OVER BURGLARS Magia. saan, VE er a Se eed Viens --------= | CANVEY ISLAND, England Bes, Wi Pecten ar Maaaeniens 4, (CP)--Burglars who broke into s s Seventh Annual Picnic jan Essex home fled in panic {with nothing more than a wrist- watch when a voice from a dark s room said: "Hello, what do you e y umnl want?"' The voice belonged to : |Tiny, the Jarvis family's Afri- can parrot. The seventh OAC Alumni pic-) --- i t Cc ty was ' nie in Ontario County was held BROCK Now Playing One Complete recently. It was again held this i year at the home of Professor WHITBY Program Starting at 7:30 and Mrs. A. W. Baker, Cedar- ' Gayas" hurst Beach, Beaverton. There = Youth J} were 90 in attendance. The uth afternoon was spent in swim- ming, boating and visiting ' . w : The highlight of the picnic RICHARD " : ; was a talk by Dr. J, D. Mac- 2 o n ' e%e fy 2 Lachlan, President of the Uni- / % . versity of Guelph. Dr. Mac- ' FRESH SLICED . BABY BEEF a Lachlan outlined a number of WONDERFUL Starring -- Wm. Leslie, C changes that are taking place Dolores Faith, Harold Ib at the OAC at the present time, LiF Begins Lloyd Jr. brought about by the incorpor- 8:55 i C ation of the Federated Colleges TECHNICOLOR Begins 7:30 CENTRE CUTS Ib sean -- -------------- into Guelph University. He con- 89c Ib. gratulated the Ontario group OM | pees ore ---- | ? ot fiiaing the ea of 2 cn, as =, LOOKE eats and carrying through with it cach ear ccraw,| WHILBY MEAT MARKET ||. Buy Direct from-tho Producer, Buy SUNNYBROOK'S OWN- PRODUCTS A/mmmew "coz. vac Pacs "y 00 pacts 1 . Dean of MacDonald Institute, : Dean Richards, Ontario Agri- Bologna, Pickle _ Pimento, Mac n' Cheese, . Dutch, cultural College, Guelph, Dr. Choice Quali a 'amc, haa. DISCOUNT PRICES SUNNYBROOK'S OWN BOLOGNA =» mr» = 29° ees Guelph Alumni, and. Mr John SUNNYBROOK'S OWN WIENERS uo 99° 0 TE 35 LB. OR Re es ae RED & BLUE BRAND BEE FARMER 5 ae : SUNNYBROOK'S OWN SAUSAGE PATTIES 4» S100] FRM caucages Qu: | ™ lunch. Mr. H. R. Hare, Whitby, President of the Ontario County BLADE BONE SUNNYBROOK'S OWN BEEF PATT IES 4 ¢ OAC Association, was BLADE ROAST 55s Lb Alumni master of ceremonies. REMOVED LB. sa LYNN VALLEY (AR era SHORT RIB ROAST Le. 59° HOW W E'VE : i PEACHES 20 OZ. TIN Individual OS actltai asian OR BARTLETT 1. MARGARINE 3.89 ||| (7 89°] KQUM a Gay m pears 4°)" STAFFORD BROS. |} country stvie voctow: | SAUSAGE 388 {Wiliam 59cl/ooe rom 99c||| 'capes' | fp PICNIC FRUIT DRINKS 668-3552 LEAN 128-oz. Plostic Cont. = 8 oxs. Free Coxe of 12 Tins Ib. 19¢ OZ. TIN 'i 1 00 318 DUNDAS EAST | MINCED BEEF 3. 1.05 |; | sso" CIGARETTES canon 3:45 eer a HOME GROWN ; onan One-Stop LEAN No. 1 RINDLESS BREAKFAST a, MUSTARD townie 10 CUCUMBERS : Ec. DECORATING || BRCON 2 QOS |, | Hitec HAIR SPRAY tao. 58° = NOODLE SOUP SHOP 'WINS ORANGE DRINK 7°" 5 son 1.00 3 for 19° es : | MIX for 1 .00 Wallpaper and Murels -- OPEN MONDAYS F 0 0 1] 2 PACK BOX git reneentver' |! WHITBY MEAT MARKET MARKETS : DODD & SOUTER awa a ee * OPEN 9 a.m. - 9 pm. . arts Doily for Your Con- sic sgeigdeagetv agate WHITBY PLAZA -- Whitby -- Ph, 668-6941 eae 107 Byron St. S., Whitby ALSO LOCATED AT... mont eat neh © 11 Meo Gov Insc @ 114 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY =; sexes" < ILSUU TNT Mille wast SONG sil itn Sle ie a Seite ci ; ees mmm ee