Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Aug 1966, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 17, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Ct hood "ww LEEW we = J e v Giv Service Merger Views OTTAWA (CP)--Former sen- | ior officers of the armed forces may be given a chance this fall to air their views on planned unification of the three services before the Commons defence committee. Defence Minister Hellyer said Tuesday in an interview that he hopes to present unification leg- islation to Parliament this fall and that the legislation will al- most certainly be sent to the committee for study. "As far as I am concerned," he said, "the legislation will go to the committee and I am cer- tain the government will sup- port me in this.' At least five senior retired of- ficers--three air, marshals and two admirals -- have publicly criticized unification policy. But so far, only one, dismissed Rear-Admiral William Landy- more, has said publicly that he would like to testify before the committee. HON. PAUL HELLYER Robarts On Tour MIDLAND, Ont. (CP) -- Pre- Group Honors Dog mier Robarts and Tourism Min- SAN ROCCO DI CAMOGLI, |ister James Auld Monday vis- Italy (AP)--Pickles, the London|ited the fort at Ste.-Marie- dog that found the stolen World|#™ong-the-Hurons. i Cup a few months before it was| The fort, site of the mission to be awarded at the July world|Used by Jesuit martyrs who soccer championships in Eng-|Worked among the Indians, is land, was given a prize at the| being reconstructed by the pro- annual Dog Loyalty Festival in|Vincial government at a cost of this Riviera resort Tues da y| $1,000,000. ' : night. A silver and bronze, It was Mr. Robarts' first visit plaque will be sent to Pickles'|© the fort since reconstruction owner, David Corbet. began two years ago. . lane Pwd is proba eg |Trent Canal system aboard Mr. Immigrants Sought ii7'; yacht, They were at CANBERRA (AP) -- Austra-/Young's Point Friday night lia will seek 148,000 immigrants|after leaving from Peterbor- during the financial year 1966-|ough earlier in the week. 67, an te mad of 4,000 over last % year, Immigration Minister Hu- bert Operman announced vit: Appointment Made nesday. The main source again' TORONTO (CP) -- The Hu- ronia_ historical development council of the Ontario depart- would be Britain, he said. Resume Relations ment of tourism and informa- i tion Tuesday announced the ap- PORT. AU PRINCE, Hait!|pointment of Lt.-Cmdr. Willi- (AP)--The Vatican and Presi-|ams M. La Nauze, retired RCN dent Francois Duvalier's gov-| officer, to the research staff of ernment have agreed to resume/the Museum of the Upper dull diplomatic relations, the|y axes. foreign ministry announced) 'Phe council said the museum, Tuesday, The Vatican recalled}i, pe built at Wasaga Beach its nuncio in 1962 after prelates | wi1} be part of the Huronia He. oe ee of mixing|yelopment which also includes in Haitian politics were €X-iste-Marie - among-the-Hurons, pelled. Details of the agree-/near Midland, and the early ment were not disclosed. 19th-century naval and military Art On Display 'establishments at Penetangui- shene. MONTREAL (CP) -- The . Montreal Museum of Fine arts) Brothers In Jail announced Tuesday that se-| ae ' 4 lectéd works from the Saidye| VAN NUYS, Calif. (AP)--The and Samuel Bronfman collec-|Parents of two brothers say the tion of Canadian art of the mu-|Young men have been jailed for seum will be seen in six prov-|More than a month by Commu- inces during the next 17 months. |ist authorities in Budapest for All but the sculpture and oo ewe TEASONS. ramic works of the collection! Mr. and Mrs. John Savko said are included in the exhibition,|Monday they learned from the which will comprise 34 paint-|State department that their sons ings, 48 graphics, eight draw-|John, 25, a Van Nuys insurance ings and one tapestry. investigator, and Michael, 23, " studying for the priesthood, Disrespect Score -- arrested June 30 in Buda _TORONTO (CP) -- Commis- Neither the parents nor the sioner Eric Silk of the provin-|state department knows of what cial police said Tuesday grow-|crime they have been accused, ing disrespect for law and po-|the parents said lice in Canada will create prob-| The last communication the lems in the future parents received was a postcard He said in an interview that|from Budapest dated July 1, but student demonstrations. at thejapparently mailed before the United States consulate here| brothers' arrest, and disturbances in Yorkville,| Toronto's coffee-house district, Liberals Get Ready are examples of this disrespect. name, --- = CHELMSFORD, Ont. (CP)-- Andrew Thompson, provincial| HERE AND THERE |Liberal leader, Tuesday. said | | | Agreement Nears TORONTO (CP)--Judge Wal- ter Little, mediator in contract | negotiations between the Steel) Co. of Canada and 12,500 of its employees, said early today a new agreement likely will be ready for presentation to the workers tonight, The workers, members of Lo- cal 1005 of the United Steelwork- ers of America at the com- pany's Hamilton plant, staged a wildcat walkout two weeks ago in protest at the slow pace of |negotiations. They went back to work nine \days ago after several violent |incidents and the arrest of 33 | strikers. | Negotiators for both sides |were expected to wrap up final} details of the new contract early today after 15 days of bargain- ing in a downtown hotel. Rocket Success CHURCHILL, Man. (AP)--A Canadian rocket carrying a West German package designed for research into the structure and origin of comet tails was} successfully fired here late Tuesday night. The barrium vapor package, | atop a Black Brant 5B rocket,| emitted donut-shaped clouds at! jheights of 145 and 215 miles| which elongated into two long clouds simulating comet tails. The barrium vapor was ion-| ized and changed from a yellow-| and-green color to the violet color scientists from the Max Planck Institute in Munich were aiming at. Scientists said the firing was perfect and gave them all they expected, Another firing was scheduled At last, a generation of females is found watching Memo Bars French Use BAGOTVILLE, Que. (CP)-- Sqdn. Ldr. Don Dumont, ad- ministration officer for the |RCAF Station here, said Tues-| campaign day night an order-memo say-| ing that English is the working | language in the Canadian forces| was posted Aug. 10 by a supply sergeant in a station hangar. But he added that this does 'ROCK' OF AGED 80s, are in the front row at a lively variety show in To- Politicans To Wo Kenora Electors rock 'n' roll without panic. These ladies, all in their w leader, plans t area Sept. 12 for a week-long ronto. ho started campaigning our in support of Robert Clark, | : ti TORONTO (CP) -- Voters in} The Conservative candidate,|35 his party's candidate. the Sept. 22 byelection in Ken-|Leo Bernier, 38, unsuccessful in ora are to get full political| treatment as province's three party leaders, cabinet ministers and volunteer western Ontario riding to sup-|ways Minister Charles Mac-| port their candidates. | Naughton also are expected to} The seat was left vacant in|jstump for Mr. Bernier. March by the death of Robert} Luke Francis, 44, mayor of Gibson, who was re-elected in|Keewatin, the Liberal candi- early today on ranges at nearby not mean there is no use Of j9g3 a5 a Liberal-Labor candi-|date, will be supported by Lib- Fort Churchill, 610 miles north of Winnipeg. Vaccine Found MONTREAL (CP)--The Insti- tute of Microbiology and Hy- giene of the University of Mont- real Tuesday announced the de- velopment of a vaccine which it said could prevent 85 per cent of all cases of measles in new- born babies in Quebec province. Dr. Aramdn Frappier, direc- tor of the institute, said a num- ber of provincial health depart- ments across Canada have ex- It combines "killed" measles vaccine with the DPT vaccine now administered to infants to combat diphtheria, tetanus and) whooping cough. Vacation Begins LONDON (AP) -- Princeltion, quoted manual CPR 121,' and will likely produce showers Philip, and daug turned from Jamaica Wednes-| his son Prince Charles} day and flew to Scotland to join|ing language with regard to alf*|r a6 Huron, Windsor, London: the Queen, vacationing at Bal-|craft operation and mainten-|cinny with seasonable temper- moral Castle. The prince and) his children attended the Brit- ish Commonwealth Games in Jamaica. Blast Hits Trees HINTON, Alta. (CP)--Trees within a two-mile radius were flattened when scientists touched off 50 tons of TNT Tues- day. Buildings in this pulp mill town 17 miles away were shaken by the experimental blast, but no damage was re- ported French on the Bagotville sta- tion, located 100 miles north of ~ Quebec City and has a 1,200- man staff. The memo, written by Sst. Yvon Landry of Cowansville, ue., was posted without the authority of the sergeant's su- period, said Sqdn. Ldr. Du-} mont. The order said, in part " . The working language throughout the Canadian forces is English. The use of the French Language on vouchers, | memos, letters, etc., shall and will not be permitted during pressed interest in the vaccine. |» orking hours in MSG 6 Han-| Moving ar. "French person- nel are to take note that no de-| viations of the above-mentioned | instructions will be tolerated. Sgt. Landry, in charge pia seven - man sub - supply sec- speaking Vol. 3, article 234, which Sqdn.| hter Princess Anne, re-|Ldr. Dumont said in an inter-/and central Ontario Thursday. | view 'establishes that the work- ance is English." The administration officer said the sergeant used "poor judgment" in issuing the memo. | "intended only for his men and only with regard to or- dering supplies." Metro Bids For Kid To Injured TORONTO (CP)--The Metro- politan Toronto executive com- of southern and central sections | wingsor .. or seven Thursday Sunny with seasonable temper- atures today. Sunny Thursday clouding over dershowers date. leral Leader Andrew Thompson, | WEATHER FORECAST Some Thundershowers May Mar Milder Spell Forecast| Rain tapering off showers Thursday afternoon. Cooler) Thursday. Winds light becoming | }|; southerly 15 to 25 tonight and} 15 to 25 Thursday. | TORONTO (CP) -- to issued by the weather office at 5:30 a.m.: Synopsis: A high pressure ce eastward below the northerly lower lakes today will bring Forecast Temperatures fine mid-August weather to all biden "sates Low tonight, high Thursday of the province. Temperatures) (+ phomas pn 2 | will move into the mid-70 *o 80) y ondon i degree range. A storm will Kitchoner | cause rain above the UPPCI|yrount Forest lakes before Thursday morning Wingham .. Hamilton .... St. Catharines . Toronto Peterborough Kingston ... Trenton . Killaloe .. Muskoka ... North Bay ... Sudbury : Earlton .... ; Niagara, Lake Ontario, south-| Sault Ste. Marie ... ee 62 ++ 60 +» 80 +» 60 » 60 oo 62 + 62 - 65 55 oe 5D + 60 or thundershowers in southern Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,| atures today. Variable cloudi- ness with scattered showers thundershowers 'Thursday. Winds light today southerly 15 ern Georgian Bay, Haliburton,/ Kapuskasing .. Killaloe, Toronto, Hamilton:! white River in the afternoon} with scattered showers or thun-| developing. Winds northwest 15 to 20 today south- erly near 15 Thursday. Northern Georgian Bay, Al- goma, Sault Ste. Marie, Sud- Kelso Roberts, lands and for-|New Democratic Part jests minister, Education Minis-|anq one vacant. workers move into the north-|ter William Davis and High-|-- " 5 Present standing in the 108- |1963, will be supported by his|seat legislature is Progressive the|party leader, Premier Robarts.| Conservative 77, Liberal :|road in the Laurentians and --CP Wirephoto in| |}Kenora in June during a four-) | day visit. | Donald C. MacDonald, On-) jtario New Democratic Party @ rive in the 22, y eight! Roy. "All of a sudden 'Coco' (Claude) stopped the car on a deserted dirt road," Bonami 'Shooting Death Brothers Held oat hati JOLIETTE, Que. (CP)--Yvon under the front seat." Roy, 25, of Montreal Tuesday | Bonami continued: night was 'held criminally re-| 'Then 'Momon' pulled Mrs. sponsible and his brother,|Lauziere out of the' back seat Claude Roy, 27, was held "in|of the car'and dragged her sev- complicity'"' by a coroner's jury jerai ftei away. i ward uc spot in the 1965 death of Mrs. Jean-|and then five more. 'Momon' Pierre Lauziere. icame 'ack to the car and said A five-man jury returned the|Mrs. Lauziere was dead." verdict after an inquest.- The body of Mrs. Lauziere The jury heard 10 witnesses,,was found Aug. 4 in a lime- including Claude Roy and a la-| covered grave near St. Gabriel. borer, Andre Bonami. She vanished two years ago Bonami testified that Mrs. | when police were hoping to Lauziere was dragged out of the |question her in connection with back seat of a car on a deserted |several cases of truck hijacking and robbery which had occurred in the Montreal area, shot several times by Yvon HOUSES BUY or RENT LARGE FIRM TRANSFERRING PERSONNEL FROM QUEBEC AND NORTHERN ONTARIO. Desire 3 and 4 bedroom homes in this area; immediate pos- session or 30 days. Cash payment arranged. Call 723-7463 H. KEITH LTD. | NORM" FISHER'S Meat Market > -_ ere For Personalized o | Service es, cc 3 ) WEEK-END SPECIALS ! ALL MEAT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ROUND STEAK c ROAST..... 79%. THE HEINTZMAN PIANO RENTAL PLAN Here's a novel plan for parents who wish to test their children's mu®cal ability before purchas- ing a piano. Heintzman will rent you an attractive, new small piano for 6 months--if you de- cide to purchase it, the six month's rent and cartage will be allowed on the purchase price. The balance on Heintzman's Own Budget Terms. 79 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-2921 LEAN ry Ib BLADE STEAKS..... wile 4-99 39% Ib HAMBURG PATTIES CHUCK STEAK 2 Ibs. sf 2 ws. 89° lbs. EVISCERATED -- 3-4 Ib. FRYING or FRESH SLICED CHICKENS i317 4bbs BEEF LIVER ¢ FREEZER SPECIAL ¢ Beef 61 ¢ Hindquarters No charge for cutting wrapping end freezing. SKINLESS WIENERS @ CLOSED All Day MONDAY OPEN All Day WEDNESDAY Norm Fisher's Meat Market 22 Simcoe St. North Phone 723-3732 The blast was set off Ca-|mittee Tuesday endorsed a) North Bay: Sunny with nadian, U.S. and British scien, | Welland motion asking that pore a serapacatures (eday. tists to simulate a small nuclear| {und be set up to aid citizens) Ciouqy with showers and scat- explosion. A massive ball of fire |iniured while helping police. | 1¢+eq thundershowers Thursday. Wetherup of Oshawa won its| Mr. Thompson told the organ-|Shot into the sky, turning to a| The motion wants those wh0| winds northwest 10 to 15 today third consecutive race at Tor-lization meeting of the Nickel| black, billowing mus hroom\suffer loss or injury aiding P9-| southwest 15 to 25 Thursday. onto's Greenwood Raceway,|Relt Liberal Association that 60;c!0ud seconds later lice to be paid compensation in| 'Tjmagami, southern White Tuesday night. candidates have already been! Scientists and armed forces|amounts similar to oe pay-) River, Cochrane; Sunny with ; nae nominated. : personnel immediately went to|able by the Ontario Workmen's) cloudy intervals today. Rain NAME MISPELLED the blast area to check the ex.|Compensation Board |rouraday. Northwest winds An Oshawa Scholarship win- Riot Quelled plosion's effects on plastic and| Mayor Philip Givens said the|near 15 today southwest winds ner in the recent Grade 13 steel dummies, equipment and | Metro police department is al-\15 to 25 Thursday shifting to examinations had her name; yorRoONTO (CP)--More than,SUPlies in the forest terrain. | ready studying the problem, but/northwest late in the day. misspelled in yesterday's edi-\oy policemen were called to, The explosion, dubbed Oper-/has been bogged down by tech-| Cooler Thursday. ton of The Oshawa Times.| midtown Stanley Park Tuesday | Northern White River; Sunny The correct spelling is Chris-| night to quell a Pandata at i a National Soccer League game ation Woodpecker, was part of|nical difficulties. He said Ham-| a program call rati is-| s establis t | wi u intervals today ting Shulka. She is a student at program called Operation Dis-|iltor has established a fund for|with . cloudy inte y the R. S. McLaughlin and between Toronto Hellas and, Toronto Hungaria. tant Plan designed to test the|this purpose. clouding over with rain tonight. nl effects of 7 7 Vocational Institute and had an average of 81 percent. Referee Hugh Morrow was at tacked by some of the 2,000 fans small nuclear blasts | on troops, equipment and vari- ous types of natural terrain. BED OCCUPANCY . Bed occupancy at the Osh.-|i" attendance after he called the Vote For Strike awa General Hospital has in- game with a minute remaining . : in the first half when the play- HAMILTON (CP)--Local creased a fraction of one per a ( )---Local 3 of cane: this year compared with|°™ got ott of hand. Hungaria the Letter Carriers. Union of fie ane period last year Forl et leading 1-0 Canada Tuesday night voted in dpe ; «| Morrow sent off George Kot- the st sev : ° he first seven months of 1965 silidis of Hellas late in the first ss : the party is preparing for an cn FAKIR WINS \early Ontario general election, Fakir, a Romanian-bred trot-\although he does not expect an ter owned by Garnet and Helenjelection until the fall of 1967. j OPEN HOUSE Everyone is Invited Continental French Buffet ms IGHLY RECOMMENDED favor of strike action to back the occupancy of all hospital) i beds was 85.7 per cent and this half and that triggered the trou- year 86 per cent. Medical and surgical beds operated at 93.3 demands for transportation al- lowances for 1964 and 1965 Alex Edey, president of the 200-member local, said that in 1964 free transportation for let- Che Rib Room In 'Beau Valley" You'll Enjoy To Visit 'Mount Awu Erupts JAKARTA (AP)--The volcano Awu, located in Indonesian ter- ritory close to the Philippines, dustrial commissioner, is at- has erupted, the official news tending a one-week course in}28&ncy Antara reported Wed- Oklahoma for industrial com.-| Pesday. The agency said the ex- missioners. The course is spon-|Plosion hurled ashes some 3,000 sored by the American Indus-| feet in the air and cast a' pall trial Development office of darkness over Taruna, main city on the island OUT-PATIENTS The number of emergency out-patients treated at the Osh- awa General Hospital decreased in July compared with June when 1,475 patients - received care. The total for last month was 1,189, representing a drop of 286. per cent capacity, up 9.1 per cent from last year. ATTENDS COURSE James Williams, the city's in- Will Be Closed Sundays For The Summer Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL ter carriers to work from home was stopped in Hamilton and several other centres He said the union is demand- ing $250 a carrier for the 1964-65 transportation allowances. No strike date was set but} Mr. Edey said he will forward} the results of the vote to the national office of the union to- day. "VERBENA COURT" A new, quiet Court in Beau Valley with homes ready for immediate occupancy. OPEN HOUSE HOURS At the "ANNA MARIA" Model Home, you will see a completely new concept in Electrical Heating and Air Conditioning, 'Set it' and "Forget it". An Electrical heating ond Air-conditioning system which you just set the temperature you desire and leave it and it will stay @ The Convenience of the high quality products and workmanship which goes ATTENTION FARMERS ! WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON... PREMIUM QUALITY Gasoline - Diesel and Motor Oils Farm Tanks And Pumps Available Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District CALL COLLECT DX 0 i L into Kassinger Construc- tion Homes. 4to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday 2 to 5:30 p.m. Set. ond Sun. CITY OF OSHAWA REQUIRES BRANCH STENOGRAPHER Public Works Department Director of Design and Contro! nist, ond clerical 'duties of @ as IN @ The Convenience of a well planned, picturesque and performing voried noture fer community, including the constant all year. around, giving you all year around comfort. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 King Street West 723-2265 new "Beau valley Public School" Valley. ising initiative, accurote erie ne Several yeors orthond, typist ox work experience in genera! office pr SALARY RANGE: 3,720.00 to $ c rehensive employee benefits ply in writing only ritol stotus e NEED A NEW FURNACE? No Down Payment--First Payment December. ell PERRY Day or Night. . . 723-3443 right in Beau pertinent date, experience, edu before 5:00 p.m, August 26th The Personnel Officer City Hell Oshewe, Ontario ation, 1966 te: 668-3341

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