ll i <i a TT meat Se OF ei oe SS et OS AS MARKET TODAY mrrrrrr ie ee a a TTT el Sa TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Distributed by CP z--Odd lot, rights, xw--Ex: from previous 10:40 Net | G Stl Ware 100 $10%4 10% 10% Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge) Greyhnd 150 $172 172 172+% Acme Geo 130 3 3 33 Hardee 1400 64 «(6464 Acme rt 118000 '% Hawker $ 100 495 495 495 +5 Asine Inv | 200 115 115 115 --1%| Hayes Stl 2050 $11% 11% l1%#-- Agena Mg 006 271 2) 21 . Home A, 7 $20 me 72 cuca ice Canale' im mes Ss 5S = luron Er v -- Canada's AKNG Ruyn 100 160 160 160 Husky Ol 1100 $19% 13% 13% 1 hi e bi aoe mages Ang UD 13700 117 112 114 --4| H Bay Co 100 $15%@ 1596 TSE abor laws are a Area Fi 12 17 +4 HB oll Gas 350 Save 18s Pg new book as being outmoded, xo w imbrex s Phat r Aunor 100 325 325 325 +10| Imp Oi! Fe ecty iv s%e--%{Tigid and not suited to the Bankeno 600 115 «115 115 --4| Imp Tob 987 $13%4 13% 13% needs of today's industrial de- Bankfield 1000 "ou Inglis 550 $8%% 8% Bh velopment Big Nama = 712 on # Inland Gas 300 S8%e 8% 8% * ss Hawk od % % % 1BM : he el ve " In the book, Industrial Rela- Bralorne ms 20 20 -- int Nickel 9 89% 4 ig -- Ve) 4; B Brunswk @5 $12 124 124 int Ut 5) $2586 25% 25% tions, Challenges and ot rnd H 2 7 % 2 +1| Int Util pr 760 $294 as er sponses, Harry "g pogo C 0000 26% 25% 2% +1] Intor Pipe 350 $787% 789% 78% + v4 le ll Law Schoo! Camflo 975 415 415 415 --10| Intpr Steel 200 $6% 62 bz-- Ye the ---- ~ bee Pigeon € Jemiesn 500 133 133 133 --2)| Intpr Stl pr 740 $23% 23% 23% says Canada has turned m Sits tee ou iu te Ha By gg $107% 10% 10% -- Ys) and more to legislation to solve en cou! a aa 1 ames $ "4 Candore ee: we Jefferson 100, $282 2812 28% labor problems, but the Jaw petal a Jeffersn w 125 $2014 20% 2014 M4 does not automatically change re 1 1 18 Jockey € 275 455 45 ips a Cassiar 100 $15%4 15% 15% Labat? joo $17 «17. «17,:« -- %| its Course to adapt to new con Sent Pat po 4 1 170 170 +4] Laterge A 100 $94 94 9h ditions. ster 3% 24 +1 LOnt Cem 549 455 455 455 Tho j i chib M 3000 67 6 67 =| LO Cem w 700 45 45 4S =? What is needed instead, he pr = nd 7 297 Zz Lav Fin 135 $61 6% see argues, is an industrial parlia- #5 45 +5.| Levy A pr 200 $10% 10% 10% imi i Sar wh a Sk a el ieee |ment, similar to those operating & eon t4 220 210 220 +10] Lob Co B 670 $104 10M 10% + In Scandinavian count es nd 'onwes! 20 700 700 700 +45] Lob Co pr é 4 44a + Vol wh i d business lead- Copreorp 300 70 70 70 --1| LobGA pr ' aie ee and -ademi-| Cop Cisids = 131 130 130 Loeb M 110 $12% 12% 177% ers, pee ag ee academi-| 13% 13¥2 13¥2+ V2} MB Ltd 685. $25% 25% 25¥e-- %4icians Ci regularly. examine) lee 500 4 «64 «649 =) Magna El 600 «$5 5 +5 can ger rep hace pro-! Craigmt 70 $13 13 «13 Manoir In 100 180 180 180 +5 existing policies an I Cstland 500 26¥2 26Ye 26¥e Mass-Fer 605 $32%4 32% 32% | oe 3 Milt Brick 100 350 350 350 Denison 745 $55V2 55V2 552+ Y2| Montex w 600 240 240 240 e Dicknsn 200 450 450 450 Moore 60 $78% 78% 78'4-- 2 : discovry 300 182 182 182 Morse pr 50 $56%4 56 56 | reen u Dome 100 $53¥2 53¥2 532+ %| Mrphy Pr 30 $26¥2 2612 2612-- % al 10000 16 16 16 --1]| Nat Drug 250 $11% 11% 11% ast Sul! 200 800 800 800 Noranda 1386 $51%% 50 50 --1%4) Mar 400 380 380 380 +5] Nor Ci G 6268 $12% 124 124-- Frncoeur 1000 13% 13% 134+ V2 NW Util p 50 $77 77 7. --1 Frobex 2000 131 127 «+127 Ocean Cm 135 $172 17% 17\2 | Goldrm 15200 74 7174 Ogilvie 100 $14.14 4 pradcre $00 42 42 42 +1 Oshawa A 160. $22. 22 22: =-- Ve Per ayga Pes ee bar "af --10 | Pac Pete 1270 $i0% 10% ae Ys : : a a Pow Corp 175 $102 10' 4-- y 'P).--/ almos Sunnar 300 200 199 Pow Crp pr 150 $40% 40% 40% -- St VICTORIA (CP) or kaninel Hollinger oF is ta Prem Trst . 76 $250 250, 250, jinvisible ogee d is : " ng| Ve 22% Price Bros 2145 $14 13% 13% | wi out balsam fir stands Huds Bey 169 $752 75% 75% QN Ges 815 $11% 11% 11% to an hes h Columbia Hydra Ex 140 18% 18% 18% Rank Org 1500 425 420 420 --S5 throughout Britis oe Bled 1050 we io 110 Reitman 725 $10 10 10 The adversary of lumbermen, | 6 226 Rothman 600 $282 28% 4) 0 nncto ' ' j Jaye Exp 4500 34 32% 84 +11] Royal Bnk 630 $70 .. 70 y, foresters and scientists is the| bist Woo 4 42 2 --5 | Salado 1060 $10% 1 vlbalsam woolly aphid which} 6 96 --2 Shel! Can 363 $22 om 3b] , 2 eAYy ili Kerr Add 41 $10% 10% 10% + Ye| Shell inv w 813 690 680 690 +10 |. ould cost the province millions) iia Ceper Bod th et 0 » | shor Save 728 $i 13% 19% Jin timber losses and uncon-| --2 | Simpso 313 $28 28 2 -- Witty 1 ; 7 | L Dufeull 1480 $11% Vive 11% 4 Yel Simpson S 1018 $17 17% 17% trolled flooding where forests tee Se Sy] Senet" me bos Ste tov This is the f Mik | Southam 200 $34¥2 34V2 34a -- | ' the forecast of Mike} Messen OWS ss is | Steet lzacha r of 'th British Colum-| eponsi 200 185 53 155 Steel Can ¢ Ps on esagg . the Britis : | Steinbg A z1 $2 2 2 bia forest service, one Of Sev-) Mattgmi 150 $15% 15M 1544+ \%4| Suptest 200 $20% 20 20 --% : " | Gels Wee em | ee OS in om oe [eral men digging in to combat tae eS a8 +1] Thom NP 225 $i7%@ 17% 17% -- |the little bug which burrows} Tor Dm Bk 282 $5914 59% S9%4-- A}; : Vi Mentor 3000 88 «68 «6988 +2] Tor Iron W 520 $32%4 322 32% into trees with a needle like Pia ie ob ee 4) Traders A 250 $10% 10% 10% + ¥|feeding device and kills them} fi "a Va + Va) Transai 1 90 490 --10 lwith ite dj , | New Bid 2000 4¥4 44 Na vr can PL 31% jwith its digestive "gee ore New: Cat 100 Af Pg 1] tr can Pip 25 $47% 47% 47%4--%| Already the aphi pl in. Ya Trans Mt 1712 $162 16% 162 | ses j f ! Hosco 700 284.277 277 ~8 | Unace y hil ag Ul al |fected trees in bs 8 iis gered 3000 6% 16% 16%--'%! Un Gas 250 $10% 10% 1042--Y the provinces fores' an as core, ee eee 2 SG) vena Sh eae oe attacked an estimated 260,000,- oo! fe. Se BL 8 10045 $15%4 15% Va N Senator 2000 35 35 35 Wines 6 ED IM 190 190, 000,000 board feet of balsam. io Se 3535 +3) Walk GW 1035 $29% 29% 29% The problem facing forestry ord 3000 16¥2 16 16¥2+ 2! Weldwod 225 $8% 8% 8% é ; Norbaske 1050 80 78 78 +21] Well Fin B 25 425 425 425 jexperts is not an easy one. prlnore | aa es he seh Wourne 1500 110 110 . 110 "It is not realistic to say we Westc'st 700 $25% 25 23 = ; ; " Norlex | 1000 7 184 17 Weatee! 100 Sat i, te + ve\nope to control it right now, Gatos "ae aS Westfair 125 $34 33% 33% --%|Mr. Zachary said. Weston A 200 $18% 182 182 i j j Nten win us woe | Wer 7 Soe we wet | but there is still time. ; Nerthgat 200 605 605 605 +5] West Awt 198 925 925 925 It takes about 20 years to pra a ah nee Wood Alex 730 340 340 340 completely destroy some trees 5 feist oi : Ayr Orchan S 275 275 Sales to 11 a.m.: 688,000. and those in higher elevations Paramaq = 4000 -S---15_ 1S --_------ have cold winters working in Pato 400 425 425 425 55 FOREIGN TRADING '\their favor." par int so as a5 as | Aon, «0 1 IS US ROE IS TINY 2¥a 12vaw E Pine Point 250 $57¥e $7' 57' Deerhorn 2000 35 34 34 mf hf 225 $25 35 is Piamoeen 100 500 00 500 --15 ' The bug is wing geri va the Preston 350 $14% 14% 14% -- ve! Lancis 500 3S amage it can do over a long robe Triad 100 230 230 230 arene a a me it\ tpi mm mm period of time won't be, he @ Matte 20600 70 65 69 +1) Uld Keno 500 900 900 900 +18 |warned. Radiore i 4 ie The aphid measures only be- Rio Al 1365 $247 y | s nis aS 'is Sars ws «| BUSINESS BRIEFS (3°, 2"" 1-20th of an Rix Athad 33032 32 jinch in length. Trin Chib Tundra U 6uffed Un Cmstk West Mine Wilco Willroy Windfall Yale Lead Yk Bear xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- warrants. Net change is board-lot closing sale. MINES 06 1900 118 «V3 113 --3 700 $1 Me 14% 1 4" 2055 495 495 495 1300 350 350 00 125 100 too Siva sive sve Fi Seven-man Canadian trade mis-|joint, federal - provincial cam 500 88 88 BB --2 ; 70 140 13 13 --1\the mission says the low-vol-|Will cost up to $300,000 for the nN W nw ed 350 ao 3s 60 + 40 45 425 -- nm 2 20 -- #es $05 $05 220 |Holstein cattle in Canada and) 530 105 30 530 + 4) 61 61 6 65 4% 4% U4A+ 515 51S 515 44 4 --*% 153 153 153. +10 3% 3% 34+) Ww abd " 230 «230 «230 OILS, GAS Am Leduc Banff CS Pete Gr Plains Gt COlisds int Helium Provo Gas Scurry Rn er Stanwell Triad Oil U Canso 1000 100 $13% 13% 131 ' : | ae De ws ai + | the Central Experimental Farm} % : M | self in command of an army of bid 30 370 370 + 5 | this weekend as they make their| 99 university students who are 1a 19% -- " a tonr-ot-Ca Fi a ° 3 m5 0 270 po pn aL stabil Canadian) scouting the--provinee for new $102 10% 104-- ve icultural establishments. peat Sr 2195 191 189 WT + 4 | japhid outbreaks. 200 360 358 360 8 OPENS PLANT MAP BATTLEGROUND no 30 Hs M8 T$| Clayton Mark and Co. of Ev-) the federal and provincial 220 375 375 375 janston, Ill., is to open a branch|,overnments have offered nur- ten) tine te Wow wi dient in Stratford's new indus-|erymen who have infected 9300 258 257 257° --1 | trial mall. The company manu-| +), . : istoc' 0! f He Pog Po A, factures water well supplies, | ock wea te ee are Ss 199 199 199 oy [Dall valves and welded steel) ..toq 500 305 305 305 tubing. . : , 1600 217 215 215 --1 The university students -- 129 2 2 i. cy | lyoung men and women--are 700 $272 27% 27" | playing a stop-gap role or de- 15 % = 7 +1 Uncle Sam Gets fan: action to provide the $0 213 213 «213 «+2 jtimber industry with advance 200 265 265 2 BY' 23% BA+ INDUSTRIALS Asbestos Ash Tem B Atl Suger Atl Sug A Benk Mii Bank NS Beaver L Bell Phne Bow Valy Brazilian BC Forest BC Frest p Burns Fds Calvert Die Can Cem Cdn Brew ¢ Brew Ap C Brew Bp Cdn Can A € Found ¢ Hydro pr ¢ Imp Bnk Cc ind Gas ciL ¢_ Marconi CPR CPR pr ¢ Petrofin Cdn Tire ¢ Vickers Cc Westing Chemcell Chrysler Clairtone Codvilie A Cominco Columbia Con Paper Cons Gos Corby vt Corentn p Corontn w 700 1535 Ws 510 z10 190 ®: 2 2-5|| GeoRGIaN mansions ib io" 34% +4|| 194 PARK ROAD NORTH OSHAWA ERROR RR NRT Maem $20% 22 Ba++ $32% 32 3%+ $390 8 $25% 252 254 -- 1% 2M WwW" 39% 9% 9% + %\fers this comparison: 1 $56.4 564 5614 -- Va} : | $672 67 +67 --1%|Standard deduction and files a/the U.S. taxpayer with a wife $37% 374 W'2A-- * 3% ™% $37% 37% 3am $18% 15% 13% $18% 18% 18% $10 1 0 + 10 10 10 --I1§ : A | will have to pay $290 in 1966 nadian's payment of $987." BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Dotasco 244 $33 2% 2% j Dofasco p 50 $94\%4 94\4 944 -- Va Dom Store 550 $19% 19% 19%-- ve Domtar 1591 $172 17¥2 17%4 Domtar pr 100 $18% 18% 18% Emco 10 $13 «13'--=«13 Faicon 277 $73 «(Wa 9A Ford Cnda 10 $149% 149% 149% -- Ve FRE Pn pr 720 $65 65 65 GPMigA 210837 7 37 Labor Experts Claim Current Laws Dated LE OOF TF 'Exporters Might Avoid Freight Rate LONDON (CP)---Wictor Sprig- gings, chairman of the Cana- dian North Atlaatic Westbound Freight Conference, says Brit- ish shipping lines could reduce Atlantic ports by eight per cent, posals and make recommenda- agreement binding for two or tions to government and indus- three years and cannot legally try. sign an agreement for less than The book, published by the one. University of Toronto Press, is} "Our problems are constantly a series of essays by Canadian|more complex, yet our legisla- dustrial relations. courage . collective bargaining Mr. Arthurs says the chal- only on the basic issues of lenge facing men of law "is to|wages and working conditions. avoid the collision of irresistable "Our social and economic social forces | and immovable] nits are increasingly interde- legal objects. iq|Pendent, yet our constitution _ Although there was 4 TaPl@) fragments nationwide bargain- and profound revolution & © |ing intoy provincial patterns and ing on in technology and in/our statutes put a premium on people's expectations, 1abOT/the single-employer bargaining laws are not attuned to the new] jit, developments. "And finally, our law of la- effective Jan. 1. Proportionate increases would be made to Canadian Great Lakes ports from the start of the 1967 St, Lawrence Seaway and international experts in in-|tive policy is designed to en- Although the oificlal a nouncement referred only to westbound traffic, it is consid- ered likely the increases also will affect eastbound freight. "In certain cases the lines would be prepared to halve the 10-per-cent increase," said The conference would help shippers seeking to speed port handling of their freight by packing it in easy-to-handle Increases e. "It. caused a Be nangggen = in Canadian _stev costs," said the Canadian Pacific|sioal engineers will ask the spokesman. The other major provincial their proposed increases in factors were the 47-day British transatlantic freight rates if ex- porters ship their cargoes in more efficient units. Twelve British shippline lines ve announced increases on tbound transatlantic freight because of "'rising costs." The rate to St. Lawrence River and Maritime province ports would go up by 10 per cent, to U.S. Head and Lord. man's Wilson, Furness With Manchester Liners, Anchor,|neers who are not in private THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 17, 1966 23 Engineers Seek Discipline Right government this year for new disciplinary powers seamen's strike in May andj°VeT engineers working for cor- June and general pera in Por eet tines concerned|sional Engineers said Tuesday. are Cunard, Canadian Pacific, Bristol City, Cairn - Thomson, said the request will be made Dominion, Donaldson, Eller-|this fall because the association porations, the president of the Ontario Association of Profes- Donald Redfern of Toronto y,|feels it has no control over engi- 'practice. PRODUCE OTTAWA -- Prices paid farmers for farm products in June were fractionally than in May, despite prices for livestock, the Domin- ion Bureau Statistics re- ported Tuesday. The bureau's index of prices, based on 1935-39 equalling 100, was 278.4 in June, 279 in May, and 286.6 in June last year. Lower prices for oe ai and potatoes pulled the down in June this year. June index for Ontario, with brackets: | May index in 318.3 (317.2) il ii PLEASE CALL THE BELL BUSINESS OFFICE 723-4601 AND GIVE US YOUR NEW ADDRESS JUST AS SOON AS YOU KNOW WHAT IT WILL BE, EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE NOT YET SET THE DATE OF YOUR MOVE. THE DATE, GIVE US A CALL AGAIN-- THAT WAY, YOU'LL GET SERVICE PROMPTLY AT YOUR NEW DWELLING. WHEN YOU'RE JUST SETTLING IN, YOUR TELEPHONE WILL BE MORE SEES QUICK CHANGES bor relations embodies the low "Technology changes quickly, |expectations, the old morality yet the parties often freeze their |* relationships in. a collective) Is i | Meanwhile, the federal and By THE CANADIAN PRESS | ang provincial governments are 1 WILL BUY CATTLE emer, forces eo -- to 5 ill ti to buy|combat the spread of infection. we a she 4| The federal forestry labora- 1 a\tory in Victoria announced a 5S |pay good prices, reports sion on its return to Canada,|Paign against the pest which %) ume but lucrative market must/Next year. lhe reached through government| 'And that doesn't include the | Both Spriggings and a spokes- of the 193% and '40s. No more|man for Canadian Pacific demanded than a minimal] Steamships said the biggest fac- land murky statutory duty to|tor leading to the increase was |'bargain in good faith' and ad-| the longshoremen's |herence to a judicially drafted set of Marquis of Queensberry Cost B.C. Plenty rules for industrial warfare." In another essay, Professor Business Administration says : ; Tuesday. |that some misconceptions about : y. BOND MARKET A TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- James R. Bright of the Harvard) qian se wate was down % University Graduate School of}; ¥, of a point in active trading Short-term Government of and parts of the interior as far|automation could lead to seri-|canada bonds closed with the north as Prince George and|ous mistakes in legislation and 4¥,-per-cent April 15, 1967, issue closing at $99.25 bid and $99.30 asked. Long-term Canada and pro- ted technology | vincial issues were off % to % will require higher and oe] with the Government of Canada 5H : llevels of skills, with unskilled | 41, nor. Sept. j This may also help organ-| workers being left out in the pi reget g asl on "5% asked, In provincials, the On- : the more/tario Hydro 6-per-cent highly automated a plant be- July 5, 1981 closed at 97% bid the fewer skills that) ang 98% asked. ; Day-to-day money traded at since the machines themselves} 51, ar yo § 4 social and industrial planning. He says popular thinking about automation reasons that \sophisticated new Prince Rupert. "We hope to find the limits} of the infestation so we can sal- vage that timber," the forester said. ize some sort of a campaign. | cold, The aphid is slow to spread but) pyt in it is persistent. "It can be killed with any|comes, commercial spray but we can't;/may be needed to operate it, practice, get at it." issue Transfer of balsam trees|supply so much of the control within the province is forbidden) previously needed from work- but it is still going on, thus in-|ers. creasing infestation, Mr. Za-| What automation and other chary said. Wind and birds are|technological changes will do, oe blamed for spread of the|he suggests, is force a revalua- est. ported from Europe and wasjof seniority and job security, stands in 1958. It multiplies sev-|shifting the location of work in eral generations a summer and|a company. its environment is more favor- DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Traders Group Ltd., class A tion <f established methods of|20 cents; class B 20 cents; 4%4- The insect is believed im-|assessing labor payments and per-cent pref. $1.12% cents; 5- te Ly per-cent pref. 50 cents, Oct. 1, Fiscovered in B.C. balsa misince technological changes are|tecord Sept. 8. Famous Players Canadian Corp. Ltd., common 27%4 cents, "Many of the charges against, |SePt. 9, record Aug. 24. INDISPENSABLE THAN EVER. SO PLEASE DON'T DELAY... AND WE WON'T EITHER! P.S, Remember to take those telephone books along with you to your new home ! Bell Canada able than that of its predators.|and claims for, automation are There is no hope of steriliz-jridiculous. ing the males by chemical and| "Automation, as a social is- radiological methods, Mr. Zach-|sue, is gradually bringing to all ary said, because the aphids are| people a realization that no na- all females with the ability to|tion can be stable and happy fertilize their own eggs. if its work force is insecure; Sprays aren't practical be-jand that no nation can build cause entire forests would have|a rewarding society for increas- to be drenched before the pesti-|ing numbers unless it employs technological cide reached the tree bark--ha-|automation and bitat of the insect. advances." '| channels, involving exchange|money which will be spent for } }controls and 'very consider-|Tesearch in the labs," Mr. Za-| able" negotiation. kage gov aa i : : 'The money is to surve: | } VISIT CENTRAL FARM damage done so far. We don't| Four senior members of the|inow the value of balsam de-| Yugoslav agricultural purchas- stroyed yet, but we hope to by| ing agency will meet officials|the end of, September. We do of the federal agriculture de-|;now the figure is mounting." '2|partment in Ottawa and visit Mr. Zachary now finds him- Bi 5 Bi warning so infected trees may Igger 1 ax Dite ve <aivazea | Their battlefield: consists of CHICAGO (AP)--A research|southern' Vancouver Island, jorganization says Americans|parts of the lower mainland yjare paying heavier federal} jtaxes than their Canadian "%\neighbors. Commerce Clearing House ot-| income taxes at the $5,000 income level. "His counterpart in Canada |will have to pay only $205. takes the| 'At the $10,000 income level, \ federal "Assuming he ,,|Joint return, a married Amer-jand two children under 16 will ican with two children under 16|pay $1,114 compared to the Ca- CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION AVOID WORRIES" PROBLEMS" WALKS GO BY BUS DIRECT INTO THE GROUNDS August 19th to September 5th REDUCED FARES ADULTS STUDENTS $3.05 $2.55 Round Trip Includes Admission CHILDREN $1.00 (Bus Fare Only) _ LEAVE OSHAWA | THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! OA ies Adult Building : | Central Location Prestige Address Distinction Beyond Compare Underground and Level Parking By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728-2911 | 7:30 am 12:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m 1:30 p.m. 9:30 am X: S:15 pm, 10:30 a.m 6:15 p.m. 11:30 a.m Buses leave Whitby 9 minutes later LEAVE EXHIBITION X 3:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m, 10:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m Y¥11;00 p.m X -- Sat. & Labor Day only Y -- After Grandstand Show DAYLIGHT Time Exhibition passengers travelling on regular buses will transfer at Toronto Bus Terminal to buses run- ning into the grounds. TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT Oshawa Bus Terminal, 18 Prince Street---723-2241 Whitby -- Harry Donald Ltd., 300 Dundes St. East Phone 668-3675 GOVERNMENT OF CANADA BONDS ISSUE OF $500,000,000 NON-CALLABLE DATED SEPTEMBER 1, 1966 Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to receive subscriptions $425,000,000 for a loan, to be issued for cash as follows: 1 year 1 month 43% bonds due October 1, 1967 Issve price: 98.60% Yielding about 5.60% to maturity Interest payable October 1 and April 1 One month's interest payable October 1, 1966 Denominations: $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000 and --$ year 1 month 53% bonds due October 1, 1969 Issue price: 994% Yielding about 5.88% to maturity Payable One month's interest payable October 1, 1966 |_ Denominations: $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000 and $75,000,000---26 year 52% bonds due September 1, 1992 Bank of Canada has the new 44% Bonds due October Proceeds of the offering will 3% Bonds due September 1, Bonds also due September 1, 1 any Agency to Government Issue price: 97.50% Yielding about 5.94% to maturity Interest payable March 1 and September 1 Denominations: $500, $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, and $100,000. already -- to acquire a minimum of $25,000,000 of the new 58% Bonds due September 1, 1992 and a minimum of $150,000,000, open as to maturity, 1, 1967 and the new 53% Bonds due October 1, 1969. be used to redeem $245,202,200 of Government of Canada 1966 and $205,000,000 of Government of Canada 33% 966 and for general purposes of the Government of Canada. The new issues will be dated ct ago 1, 1966 and will bear interest from that date. Principal and interest are payable in lawful of Bank of Canada. Interest is chartered bank without charge. Definitive bon 1966 and thereafter in two forms: bearer form with coupons attac! form with interest payable by cheque. Bonds of both forms will be in the same denomi- nations and fully interchangeable as to denomination and/or form without charge (subject transfer requirements where applicable). The new issues are authorized pursuant to an Act of the Parliament of Canada and both principal and interest are a charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada. Subscriptions, subject to allotment, may be made to Bank of Canada, Ottawa, through any investment dealer eligible to act 2s 2 primary distributor or through any bank in Canada. . money of Canada. Principal is payable at yable at any branch in Canada of any is will be available on or about September 1, hed and fully registered Se ABP vt EG NIN OORT