Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- ville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in Ont- ario and Durham Counties. Weather Report Fine weather begins today, Some showers possible to- morrow. Low tonight 65; She Oshawa Times high Thursday 82. Authorized os Second Class Mail Post Office Depertment 10¢ Single ingle Cop Ottowa and for payment of Postage in Cash VOL. 95 -- NO, 177 S5c Per Week Home THIRTY-TWO PAGES livered OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1966 Rail Strike Crisis PM Takes Control Railway Heads Stand By For Cabinet Consultation OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- , : =m jler Pearson took personal 1 \charge of the government's rail- |way strike crisis today, calling \a special cabinet committee to |map plans for the impending |emergency. President Donald Gordon of the CNR and President Ian Sin- clair of the CPR were called to the capital from Montreal but did not attend the cabinet com- / mittee session that began at 11:15 a.m. Informants said the railway jpresidents were asked to stand |by for cabinet - level consulta- tions later in the day, probably with Mr. Pearson himself A full meeting of the cabinet was scheduled for 2:30 p.m. " The committee meeting was | attended by Labor Minister § Nicholson, Transport Minister Pickersgill, Health Minister MacEachen and ms ce ee haeneres name seemepme nce mane eP OSHAWA BOY HURT Ontario Hospital | Inquiry Demanded "He suffered brain damage when he was a child," said his mother. "'Last Christmas he became too much to handle at home. We had to send him to the school | "He was very happy there at the beginning. "I know that from talking to people at Smith Falls about my son's attack that there are many who want to see an in- vestigation into the case. "When my son complained he was feeling sick on Sunday morning the ward attendant was too busy to see to him. because he was frightened what they would do to him. "This whole business is just disgusting, I don't care how far I have to go, I want a full in- quiry into this matter and quickly. - "Paul is lucky, he has par- ents who care. "But there are the school who parents. And no about them." Mr. Affleck An Oshawa woman said today | that her 10-year-old mentally jdistursc2 son was "punched jand nearly kicked to death' in jan attack at the Smith Falls Ontario Hospital School. "I am demanding a full pub- lic investigation into this at- tack,' said Mrs. Adrian Van Lith, of 303 Highland Rd., this morning. "He so nearly died,"' she said. "He was allowed to walk around i\for three days with a ruptured | ispleen before he collapsed and ** \was taken to hospital. children at don't have one cares said today that he would contact Dr, Matthew Dymond about the attack. "NOT THE FIRST" JUNIOR BEAUTY CONTESTANT KISSES JUDGE Diane Brooks, 4, plants a kiss on the cheek of Don Gilhooly, chairman of the Bowmanville recreation GIVEN LAST RITES "When they brought him into St. Francis Hospital in Smith Falls he was nearly dead. They "IT want to see a full inves- tigation into this," he said. 'As I understand it, this is not the first time something of this Immigration He had other things to do. I/Minister Marchand among oth- don't blame him. He was over-|ers. : worked "When he got round to seeing |STRIKE TONIGHT? Reports that some non-oper- operated immediately. He was so critically ill that they gave him the last rites." Paul Van Lith was kicked and punched, said his mother, in a 'fight last Thursday with fellow pupils at the school. On Sunday, she said, he col- lapsed in his ward at the school "They immediately rushed him to hospital," she said. sort has taken place." Paul Van Lith has patient at the school April of this year. Police Eject Six been a since have two people on duty at al 'times in each ward." paraded through town on decorated floats. The fair was sponsored by the rec- reation commission. (Oshawa Times was runner-up in the con test which was won by Rhonda Melanson of Bow- manville. Before the annual fair opened the children committee, for the consola- tion prize she gained in the 'Princess' contest at the town's Penny Fair. Diane Photo) Jet Crash s * Kills Viets SAIGON (AP) -- A U.S. ma- rine jet fighter-bomber heavily | } 'Second Hunted Man > British Police Nab In Stormy Hearing Joe R. Pool They did not send his medical records with him. "They began to operate nol knowing that my son is an epileptic. "Dr, Art Murphy, the surgeon whd conducted the operation, was; furious that he had not ee uae Pe) wee aniness who opposes U.S, involve- |epileptic. full in-|Ment in the Viet Nam war, WASHINGTON (AP) -- Six; Representative more persons were hustled out| |of hearings by the U.S. House of | chairman, |Representatives committee on } the committee,"' Paul he found he had collapsed. The wards are supposed t0|threatened to stage an unauth- "J came to the committee to| un-American activities today for|tell as much of the truth as I applauding statements by a wit-|can before being interrupted by Rhoads _ said when asked to swear he would | "EL am demanding a The second day of the tumul- tell the truth. jating railway workers have lorized walkout one minute: after midnight tonight gave an air of emergency to the cabinet dis- cussions. A nation - wide walkout by al- most 120,000 railway workers is expected sometime in. the next three weeks, If an unauthorized walkout |can be averted, the unions plan to set a common strike date and the guessing is that it will be ,jeither Aug. 29, Sept. 6, or some (Dem, Tex,), acting committee|time between those two dates, Neither Mr. Gordon nor Mr. Crump would make himself available for comment' on the reasons for their unannounced ev to the capital from Mont- real. | A full cabinet session was laden with bombs and ammuni-| ToQNDON (CP)--John Duddy,| Duddy was seized in a police] 1| tion crashed on takeoff from Da/ 37-year-old Scotsman wanted in|raid on a house in Glasgow. Nang airport today, and initial|the killings of three London de-| reports said at least 11 Vietna-|tectives, was arrested today. Ports and air terminal S\yéstigation into this matter. 1) 2 a irsofiyrent det throughout Britain were being! don't want anything hushed Up. | rons poe gaat (Ket A spokesman for Glasgow po-,Closely watched and a special) "| lrelatively peacefully with only have contacted Bruce) \lice said Duddy offered no re-|Squad of 60 crack marksmen Affleck, the president of the) 1014 199 persons in the corri- | Rhoads, who said under ques- tioning that he is a member of the pro - Communist Progres- sive Labor party and a Com- scheduled for 2:30 p.m, EDT, MINISTERS RETURN | TAN SINCLAIR The cabinet strike committee be allowed if Parliament 1s mese on the ground were killed. The pilot escaped injury. His| only one of the three wanted in parachute failed to open after he ejected but the fall of his ejection seat was broken by a tree A spokesman said the plane was carrying two bombs. One exploded as did 20- millimetre ammunition The crashing plane levelled a number of small Viet namese homes. Others were set afire On the battlegrounds, a U.S marine amphibious assault force of more than 1,000 men, which landed Tuesday on the shore of the South China Sea 100 miles east of Saigon, moved in- land into dense jungle and swamplands believed to be hid- ing a Viet Cong division The landing was unopposed By~- noon advance ele ments of the marine force had reached the coastal highway without meeting the enemy. BLAST AREA FIRST The landing was preceded by saturation bombardment of the shore by cruisers, destroyers and rocket ships The marines were landed as a blocking force for Operation Toledo, a combined U.S.-Vietna- mese search-and-destroy sweep that began Aug. 10 Elsewhere ground action was in a lull due in part to heavy monsoon rains In the air war over North Viet"Nam, U.S. bombers main- tained the pressure on Viet Cong supply facilities Tuesday, pounding oi! storage depots and highway traffic from the Hanoi Haiphong area south to the de militarized zone between North and South Viet Nam 'Subareo Wants Withdrawal JAKARTA (Reuters) ident Sukarno, in sioned address at a here toda "American war' Viet Nam and implored the U.S. to -get out of that bealeaguered coun try In a spee sia's 21st annivers pendence karno said hi ing to mediate in the basis that Asian p should be solved by Asia Frequently the microphone and his fists, he told. an 1,000,000 persons ma Freedom Square and_ spilling into the sid that Indo nesia is executing a strategy in its struggle imperialism. today -- Pres- an m big condemned as rally the in Indone of inde » Dutch, Su s country is will Viet Nam on blems shouting ping cient hing ssed in treets global against 1,000-pound | jan intensive |man sought estimated |" With the capture of Duddy, |sistance. n The hunt for Roberts went on connection with the slayings is| without letup. still at large. é ae A Busy squad cars and The slain detectives, members| patrols raced to check each of an undercover squad, were) promising report. Raids took shot outside the walls of Lon-|njace in London, Bristol and don't Wormwood Scrubs prison! Giasgow last Friday. Duddy was arrested following manhunt in both: London and Glasgow. APPEAL TO PUBLIC Harry Roberts, 30, is the other Police appealed for help from the public Tuesday after identifying the two men. |A dagger was' found today on Police sources said Duddy|the steps of the Stockport po- would stay in Glasgow until an|lice station with a note contain- escort arrived from Scotlandjing a confession to two un Yard. Slayer Leaves STOCKPORT, England (AP)-- B35 strike again. bdd The note said U.S. Regrets Bombing Slip WASHINGTON United States officially acknowl- edged Tuesday --from the killer of Marjorie Hill and John Crossland." Police said tests confirmed the dagger was the one used to murder John Crossland, 44- year-old theatre doorman stab- (AP) -- The bed in a lonely lane in nearby Cheadle Sunday night that US ais Mrs. Marjorie Hill was stab- sshd bed to death in Bramhall Park Planes have twice bombed aia few miles from Cheadle, a village "under the administra-|year ago. Her killer was never tion of the royal government of | found. Cambodia" and the expressed state de- partment "deep re- grets."' The statement U.S. repeated for- mally what officials con- ceded Monday, The spokesman, Press Officer Robert J. McCloskey, volun-/ teered a statement which said: 'The visit of representatives | the International Control Commission and other observ-| ers to Thlok Trach Aug. 2 clearly indicates that the area} in question is under the admin-|, istration of the royal govern-| ment of Cambodia. At the same} time the 'maps available to the United States show the area in| question to be on the Vietna- mese side of the border and/ these maps include a Cambod-| ian map of recent date I would add only that the U.S. government deeply regrets any loss of life and property | and any intrusion into Cambod- | ian territory which may have} occurred in connection with these incidents." of International Control Commis- sion observers were at Thlok 'rach during the second raid| 2 complying with a request! Prince Norodom Sihanouk the Cambodian head of state, who asked them to verify that the first raid three days earlier hit a Cambodian village, | A of BLANKET COVERED man is led from a police van at the West London dog Murder Weapon | cupants of a car on a quiet West! Dr. C. C. Schutt. {London street, solved murders and'a threat to "My next vic-| them. tim will be a teen-ager. Ha Ha} _|lic donations for the families of|eq in two separate attacks last was standing by at the police Ontario County Association for is headed by Mr. Nicholson and| hunt headquarters in. West Lon-|Qhildren with Learning Disabil- don. ities. He has promised to jn- "We want everyone in Britain|vestigate the matter for me." to turn detective and watch for| This morning Paul Van Lit these men," a police spokesman} was described as being in "sat- said Tuesday, warning that they |isfactory" condition at the St. were armed and dangerous and! Francis Hospital. should .not be approached. "He is out of danger," ae ' spokesman said. ONE HELD rThe Smith Falls Ontario Hos- A third man, Londoner John|pital School was contacted for savas Edward' Witney, 36, Tuesday! comment. was ordered held in custody for a week on charges of murder--NO COMMENT MADE 'oa oce mae woe... Veterans Plan Strategy : In Anti- Merger Campaign when they tried to question oc-|moment," said Deputy Director TORONTO (CP) -- A group| The statement said TRIO of veterans led by a former air|aimed to "preserve the combat marshal Tuesday night laid bat-/efficiencies of the navy, the tle plans for a cross-Canada|army and the air force "by de-|*: I ! | " : a mor ifight against Defence Minister| manding" an immediate halt to ara Se oe five) across Canada. tepresaut: Gams > spoke only four words--|#! : : He s ple sgrati any rthes ! v Ms J heap pied 6 york inv i Reef -- pide - ein Van Lith, who got pack - yore one integration of Mores' hisses toward the Rouidle aaa tonomimendation: Pda eg workers involved in once--in reply to the from Smith : Falls yesterday,| warshal W, A; Curtis, for-|force." "| The 200 members of Windsur,| : trate's questions. said that her son would be re-) | Air Varsna ir staff, was hon.| Robert H. Hilborn of Toronto,|©Mt., Local 185, mostly ticket/REJECT HIS PROPOSAL turning to Oshawa sometime mer chief of air staff, was hon- : 'Isellers and freight handlers The union's 1.60 9 : » chairman at the gather-|a@ former lieutenant-colonel and Pls andlers,| The union's Local 126 in Belle within the next week. _ Deny CORN AN. Bt Me. eB vho| commanding officer of the Tor-| Voted to go on strike at one|ville, Ont., Local 8 in. Saint "As soon as he is welljing of 18 ex-servicemen who minute after midnight Thurs-|John, N.B., and Locals 6, 288 enough to travel," she said, [claim support from other) | asked to pass compulsory arbi- tration, jdors and 305 quietly occupying seats in the hearing room The witness, Richard Mark h Rhoads of New York, charged the committee, which is inves- tigating anti-Viet Nam war ac- tivities, with conducing "a cir- cus intended to harass." He displayed hostility under questioning by Alfred M. Nittle, the committee counsel, and munist, told the committee that Transport Minister Pickersgill. "the most hated government in| Both returned to Ottawa ona the world today is the govern-|day from interrupted vacations.| Wage demands of the unions ment of our country. | Two key issues face the cab-'range between 55 cents and The ejections of spectators |inet: }$1.35 an hour with an average came during loud bursts of ap-| 2. Whether to call Parliament|of about 90 cents. The present plause at various points during | into emergency session before|rate for non « operating em- Rhoads testimony. |the strike deadline or immedia-| ployees, who make up the bulk Scores of police and marshals |tely after the strike begins. |of the group involved, is $2.22 patrolled the marble corridors} 2, What wage increases should an hour. , | Windsor Railworkers Set Thursday Strike Deadline By THE CANADIAN PRESS |recommended a 40-cent hourly | One local of the Canadian|increase over two years in the Brotherhood of Railway, Trans-|dispute between the nation's port and General Workers union | railways and their non - oper- voted Tuesday night to go on/ating employees. strike against Canadian Na-| 'The CBRT's 21,000 members He would not confirm that In his two-minute court ap-/an attack on Paul Van Lith had pearance Tuesday, Witney was taken place at the school. accompanied in by two detec-| Dr. Matthew Dymond, On- tives and handcuffed to one of|tario's Minister of Health, was| un able for comment this yes single magis- Near the end of the hearing, a woman in the public gallery hissed and shouted, but was si- lenced by the court clerk. onto Scottish Regiment, was Pees ond aoe in Mt s "Paul told me yesterday that|groups of veterans in Canadian elected as TRIO's- first presi: Mr Justice J, C. A Suniel Mr Miustios Camera] oq Meanwhile, spontaneous pub-|he had been punched and kick-|Cities. i] wpvidieay= vet Ay © J Mr. Jus nS pro- icemen in other cities who had David Niven, ; earlier been told of what was \It said the group would co-oper- | ate with organizations and "the| announced today a provincial election will be held Thurs- day, Sept. 8. Attending the meeting was R. C. G, Wilson, president of the | national railway strike. 'deni of the Naval Officers Asso-| Machinists Vote On Strike End dent TR IK of the Ontario Supreme Court! posal. the slain police today totalled| A statement of objectives read TELEPHONES FOR SUPPORT sli I ay totalled) Thursday. at the meeting said the group een oes none cali, NEWS HIGHLIGHT The statement also said TRIO} lzens who are "protesting the arbitrary decision to abolish" . . . . PC Leader Gives Rail Dispute Views OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition Leader Diefenbaker said Navy League of Canada, who jsaid he represented 30,000 navy WASHINGTON (AP) -- Striking machinists deliberated today whether to approve a hefty new contract and end After the meeting Mr. Hilborn almost £7,000 ($21,000) includ- "He knew he was hurt but|would be called the Tri-Service began telephoning former serv- ing £200 ($600) from movie star|he didn't want to say anything Identities Organization. S |would call for a royal commis-| . sion into the integration plan. | Smallwood Sets Election Date ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) -- Premier Joseph Smallwood lthe three separate service bod- ies. today Parliament should be recalled immediately if the government has a plan for heading off a_ threatened veterans. R. G. Bundy, national presi- the airlines strike in the United States or risk tough legisla- tion that would be an historic first. ciation of Canada, also at- tended. | Babes Found i / In Freezer TOFIELD, Alta. (CP)--Dis-} covery of the bodies of three! | babies wrapped in brown Baver and placed in a_ seldom-used| freezer here has led to the ar-| rest of a 22-year-old woman in| Edmonton and shocked silence > |among local residents. Patricia Florence Brown was arrested in Edmonton Tuesday | {and charged with concealing en| ..In THE TIMES Today.. Committee Fires County MOH--P. 13 Flowershow Held At Newcostle--P, 5 Green Gaels, Brooklin Win Key Games---P. 8 Ann Landers--14 City News--T3 Classified--24 to 27 Comics--29 Ww c 2 Editorial--4 Whitby, Ajax News--5, 6 | Financial--23 Women's--14, 15, 16 remanded vad ih \formation that she had given birth. In a brief court appear- ance, she was week in custody. Magistrates Court today. A man, identified as John Edward Wijney, 36, last night in London was charged with 'the slayings of three armed detectives last Fri- day on Braybrook Street, Shepherd's Bush, London. (CP Wirephoto) rr: |