Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Aug 1966, p. 15

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WEDDING ALBUM | A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawwa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible afier the ceremony. names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Dignard - Dobbie The marriage of Margaretlof white chrysanthemums and Chalmers Dobbie, daughter of| Miniature yellow roses. Mr. and Mrs. David Chalmers The bride's sister, Mrs, Fred ea edged ' {Major, was her matron of Dobbie, Bay Ridges, and honor and the bridesmaid was ance Joseph Dignard, son of)Miss Catherine Dobbie another Mr. and Mrs, Charles' Dignard,|sister, The flower girl was Miss Tracadie, New Brunswick, took! Joyce Major. place recently in the Church of Mr. Odel St. Gregory the Great, Oshawa.|best man and those ushering The Reverend Philip Wiley;were Mr. Allan Hanlon and officiated and Mr, John Dris-|Mr. Paul Basque. The ring- coll played the wedding music |bearer was Master Frederick Given in marriage by her|Major, Jr. father, the bride wore a formal, Following the reception held gown of white peau de soie with|at Adelaide House, the couple re-embroidered appliques out-|left for a honeymoon in New lining the empire waistline, the! |Brunswick, with the bride don- slightly full sleeves and match- Ining for travelling, a pink ing train. A cluster of white floral dress with matching coat satin roses and lilies of. the|and white accessories, Mr. and valley held her shoulder-length|Mrs. Dignard are making veil and she carried a bouquet'their home in Oshawa. Starr - Boyd United Churchjpearls held her waist-length was the setting for the mar-'veil of tulle illusion and she riage of Miss Diane Boyd to carried a bouquet of gardenias Mr. Kenneth F,. Staer. The/and sweetheart roses. bride is the daughter of Mrs Miss Naficy Hall was" thei Henry S. Boyd, Oshawa, and maid of honor and the brides-| the late Mr. Boyd. The bride-/maids were Miss Loraine EI- groom is the son of Mr. and ford, Oshawa, and Miss Bar- Mrs. Roy C. Starr, Oshawa bara Boyd, Wingham The Reverend A. W. McGee 'The best man was Mr. Ron- seit 4 You are asked- to submit. the Ven- Dignard" was the Centre Street Gossip of at tents for Gail time and leisure gadgets Improved Dressing Techniques Render Furs Lighter, Lovelier Cleaning every two years makes a coat last longer, too, It costs about $8 to $15 de- pending on the fur and is done with a sort of dry | sawdust made from ground nuts. Furs require genuine '"'dry" clean- ing and so you shouldn't go dabbing at spots with a clean- ing fluid A fur should be stored with a furrier during the hot sum mer months, It's protected from heat, humidity and moths. Don't hang ~it the basement, Dampness deadly enemy. "Don't put bag, either, because sweats. If the coat gets damp the fur will get mouldy." If a snow storm soaks your coat just shake it and hang it in an airy place. When it's dry, shake it again but "'don"t brush it or pat it or stroke t."' That may break the hairs. When it's time to buy a new coat go to a firm you have confidence in, ask the sales- man's advice and try to take it is 1S ceremony is to in is its Roman it in a plastic First nest to Look for you, not a you like on If you are short and rather round, the flat furs will be more slimming. Bulky, dra- matic fox and raccoon are better suited to tall, slender women. The log-haired furs such as raccoon are usuaily warmer. than the flat ones. Anyway, don't. throw away your old coat. You can have it made into a lining for a cloth coat for $129 to $179 de- pending on style and the fab- ric you choose a coat that suits certain style that ye " someone else 14 cottage aged to 21 her on nearby Pigeon Lake, arrive at Prairie Teenagers MR. AND MRS. VENANCE DIGNARD --Mary's Studio hawa Girls At Provincial C officiated and Mrs. A. M. Foy ald Starr and those ushering Os awa 1Fr 5 t TOVINCla amp played the wedding music were Mr. Harry ntige oat Mr : Given in marriage by her John Hicks, all of Oshawa. tG d F Oth N t brother, Mr. Matthew Boyd The reception was held in the Mee ul es rom er a 10ns the bride was wearing a formal|Picadilly room of the Hotel gown of gardenia white faille|Genosha, after which -- the Twenty-four Oshawa Girl A camp newspaper "The Tril- designed with a scalloped neck-\couple left for a honeymoon Guides have returned home)|jiym Woods Corner" line. elbow-length sleeves, ajin the Pocono Mountains, Penn-|with many pleasant memories! was written by "reporter" Gail moulded bodice Alencon|sylvania. For travelling thejof a happy camp on Trillium) | lace and a bouffant 'skirt. The bride donned an imported| Woods Pioneer site at Doe} Smith and read campfire detachable chapel train was/Swiss suit in beige and gold| Lake, the Provincial Girl Guide each evening, Helen Dean and enhanced by inserts of similar with beige accessories, On|Training Centre near Hunts-) Janie Russell were the winners lace and fell gracefully from|their return, Mr and Mrs. | ville of the prizes for the best cos- 'the waist. Her scalloped peau|Starr will reside at 1221 'Phe girls enjoyed a tour of tumes at the impromptu mas- | de soie crown, edged withiSimcoe Street North. the camp area, visiting eleven querade, The campers sur- different individual sites; a sun-\Prised Janet Hoy with a birth- "11" . rise hike to the Pack Holiday|4ay party, complete with a spe- Willis - DesBarbieux |House, where they watched the| cial cake on her birthday. sun rise over the lake; a visit The were named Following their marriage in|with ' lace and a_ rhinestone, with a Brownie Ags ing 7 -- " "rye , aihnlie/tiara held her four-tier, bouf-;bury; a hike to Little Falls;;/ahiti and Marquicas B. Annes Bann one fant veil of silk illusion. She|and a day in Algonquin Parkers were Jane Watson, Church, Peterborough, and a carried a cathedral cascade of where they had a picnic lunch Watson, Karen Pidgeon, honeymoon at Niagara Falls| <tephanotis and yellow Sweet-\on the shore of the lake; visit-|Smith, Kathy Stewart, and points west, Mr. and Mrs.|heart roses, centered with an ed the park Museum and hiked| Heard, Pam Willoughby, Vickie David Alexander Willis are orchid, over the Look Out Nature Trail.|Morris, Mary Bogaard, Gail making their home at 341 Elgin) The maid of honor was the' The girls were campfire Jollow, Debbie Sproule, Helen street east, Oshawa. The bride,|bride's sister, Gloria DesBar- guests at the Provincial Music Dean, Denise Waters, Jane the former Linda Anne Mary|bieux, and the bridesmaids|\Camp one evening, and also Beaton, Janet Hoy, Linda DesBarbieux, is the daughter/were Bonnie Willis, the bride-| enjoyed a visit to the Inter- Phin al Diane Nugent, Gail of Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius Des-| groom's sister of Lindsay; Sue national camp where they met|Floody, Susan. Cullen, Janie Barbieux, Peterborough, and/Bennett and Mary Anne/not only the Canadian girls, but Russell, Helga Marinzel, Denise the bridegroom is the son of} Menard, both of Peterborough.| also Guides from Japan, Hol-| Heath, Holly Hodgson and Mr. and Mrs, Grant Willis,! The flower girl was Mary Wil-|jand, Italy, United States and| Trudy Hart. The campers voted} Lindsay, and grandson of Mr. | lis and the ringbearer, Timmy|Eskimo Guides from Baffin| Gail Watson, best junior camp- and Mrs. William Stevens,/ Willis, sister and brother of the/[sland. Here they were enter- ler; Susan Cullen, best senior Alma street, Oshawa. bridegroom. tained by songs and dances of Camper; and. Kathy Stewart, The Reverend Father Leahy, Mr. Norman Brault, Peter-|the various countries represent-| best all round camper officiated. Carmen Cacavella borough was the best man and ed at the camp. Commandant Mrs. Thomas sang '"'Ave Maria', accompan- ushering were John Crawford, The girls spent Daley had on her staff Miss ied by Robert Menard. Ross Gillogly and Donald Wil- making various Judy Britton, Miss Linda Hop- Given in marriage by her lis. souvenirs kins and Miss Cathy Kelemen, father, the bride wore a floor-| For going away, the bride ean etoi length gown of organza over donned a_ sleeveless, -- peau de soie styled with an em-|dress in yellow crepe and pire bodice, appliqued with, white lace coat with pnutinnt pearl-beaded Alencon lace, and|sleeves, Her accessories were lily-point sleeves. The A-line) white skirt carried panels of Alencon| Out-of-town guests attended lace with an organza rose at from Montreal, Toronto, Osh- the back The detachable! awa, Havelock, Lindsay and St By MARILYN ARGUE chapel train was also appliqued] Jerome, Quebec. OTTAWA (CP) -- Grandma paid more for her fur coat SOCIAL NOTICES than you will, and it wasn't even as cuddly, says a man ENGAGEMENT | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE | who has been in fur since The engagement an ao eo Chile akn.| 2909 nounced of Dorita Isobel Tail " "heshg bop oe Henry | Wilson, a youthful- daughter of the late Mr. and nounce the forthcoming mar- looking 72, says that when he Mrs. Errol R. Trew, to. Mr.!;jage of their daughter, Karen started in the trade, persian Charles Ralph Shaw, son Of tg Mr. Frederick Gordon lamb coats cost from $600 to Mrs. Charles Shaw and the late proger' son of Mr.. Gustav $900. Now they start at $450 Mr. Shaw, all of Oshawa. The pgroder of Barrie, Ontario. The and you can get a top-of-the- marriage to take place on take ninfe. oh line model for $600 ay Saturday, September 24, 1966 Saturday, September 17, 1966, And thev're much lighter at 3.00 o'clock in Northminster at 9:30 p.m. in St. Gertrude's 294 more pliable now because United Church, Oshawa. Catholic Church. dressing techniques have im- H a : act proved so much. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE | porpycoMING MARRIAGE, Mr. Wilson, tall, white- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Chris \ : : . haired and bespectacled, says tanson, Falconbridge, wish to Ar and Mrs Robert F he hasn't seen much change announce the forthcoming mar Vernon, Port Rit ry, wish to in basic design. 'It's still a riage of their daughter, Sharon announce the forthcoming mar- soft, flowing look for'a classic Marie, to Kenneth Russell riage of their only daughter, coat.' Worsley, son of Mr. and Mrs MAAS RUN, to Mr Robert But today's woman has Russell Worsley, Oshawa. The gs fae hl of a8 _and modified the traditional to wedding is to take place on me ape : Free, Oshawa meet her way of life. 'This Saturday, August 1066 ati tne ceremony 1s. to take Place fall, styles are generally 3:00 p.m. in 3aptist on Saturday, September 17, cicighter and slimmer. The *hure ' 1966 at 3:00 p.m. in Port Perry - 4 male Church, Sudbury. United ¢ Pai h modern woman is active, she FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE drives a car a lot and she Mr and' Mrs, F G. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE doesn't want anything cum- Martin, Oshawa, wish an Mr. and Mrs, Edward Mil bersome to get in her way. nounce the forthcoming mar- gate, RR 3, Bowmanville, wish That's why big, bulky cuffs riage of their daughter announce the forthcoming have disappeared." Dorothy Yvonne, to Mr. Robert marriage of their youngest From the buyer's stand- Andrew Woodward, son of Mrs. daughter, Irene Helen, to Mr point, it's fortunate that styles George Kingsland of Hampton Stephen Harry Barchard son of don't change quickly, because and the late Mr. Robert Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Edward RBar- 4 good fur can last 15 years. ward. The ceremony is to take chard, Newcastle. The cere- "How long it lasts depends place on Saturday, September mony is'to take place on Sat on the owner. Some women 24, 1966, at 3/00 p.m. in Simcoe urday, October 8, 1966 at 3:00 abuse furs; they'll throw them Street United Church tn m. in Courtice United Church,| 09 @ chair and never hang ---- them up properly." Generally the flat furs such as persian lamb wear better but, Mr. Wilson says, otter, beaver, hudson seal (dyed sheared muskrat) and rac- coon are also hard-wearing. most weekends during summer Learn Seamanship EDMONTON (CP) P girls they are, t the read a compass, right a sa and forecast - weathe sky The group of has adopted the Lanark, an ocean es¢ sold for and Italy from Halifax They berta's only sea ranger ¢ senior branch of the 1 Gu nav of Canada. Their § Mrs. A. T: Thompson with a love of the By raising money projects, the girls boats that be rowed Mrs right They sleep under canvas and il day she said. Before rangers, the. girls|: able to swim 50 yards must be able to swim 100 before they can go out rairie inet the can .. . must be boat They the ards yu Has Your Food Dollar | Lost It's Punch? n a boat Officers of Phone 723-1163 and Stretch Your Dollar Guaranteed To Save You $100.00 Year THE FOOD PLAN THAT. HAS PROVEN ITSELF the Royal Cana lian Sea Cadets Corps unit War- ielp the girls. with nautical tudies addition to regular rangers are taught signalling safety scrap towed or 1964 AMumbe us FOOD CLUB in In are membe of lidework about » sea, ships, gation and water SHOCK OFF POUNDS LONDON. (CP) A London pital has developed a shock to lose weight. It cure overweight : them bou is sailed or tryin pa- tient electric Thon girls each for fatten fre from Jamaica, | Camp-| Gail! Valerie| plastic | MR. AND MRS. KE PRINTERS DO ERR LONDON (CP) -- The Inde- pendent British United Airways apparently demands rugged standards of its air crews. A list of qualifications sent to a would-be air hostess included: "Must be able to swim for 33 | years." |housewarming party for Peter- land later on the lawn of his Mr. |been | Scugog. STARR --Ireland NNETH F. Studio TO MARRY IN SUDBURY Mr. Kenneth Russell Worsley, son of Mr, and Mrs, Russell Worsley, Osh- awa, will take as his bride Miss Sharon Marie Chris- tanson in a ceremony to be held in First Baptist Church, Sudbury August 27. The. bride-elect, the Will Directs Funds To Produce Play Of Life Romance LONDON (AP) For more than 30 years, Manya Seguel tried to interest publishers in a ~|play she wrote about her broken romance The frail spinster met with a string of rejections but clung to the hope the play would be staged even after her. death. Miss Seguel, a pianist of some note who } ed before royalty in Europe, died last March at the age. of 95. In her will, just probated, she. left £1,000 ($3,000) toward help- ing getting the play, No Flowers from the Front, performed in public. John Exelbyn, a member the Redruth Players Club, of said! daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Christanson, Falcon- bridge, Ontario, is a gradu- ate of Laurentian Univer- silty and will be attending the Ontario College of Edu- cation in Toronto, this fall. The couple plan to make their home in Oshawa. his amateur group would con- sider staging the play but "it is} oe impossibly wid bana 'At the moment," he says, it almost seems as if it would have to be a burlesque -- and that wouldn't be fair to Miss Seguel." The title, the Front, by No Flowers from came from the order a famous conductor when a young man tried to pass a bou- quet of roses onto the stage of the Queen's Hall in London as the audience cheered a perform- ance by Miss Seguel She learned too late that the roses were from the young man she loved, as a token of his af- fection. Rejection of the roses meant the end of the romance. PLAN 67 COOKBOOK Saskatchewan is planning a cookbook, featuring only native dishes, for 1967 GET RID OF THEM a HIM TT dl i a Ri il = OSHAWA FUR AND LOCKER STORAGE 81 William St. West PHONE 723-3012 Low Rental Rates by the Month or. Year Expert Meat processing and Custom Cutting Save on Wholesale Meat Buy in Quantity and Save Complete Locker Service (ard an by _jand watching athletes prepare ASHAWA TIMES Wednesday. Auaust 17, 1966 15 "don't be half-Pressed" SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department Mr. and Mrs. David Willis, Elgin street east, recently mar-| ried in Peterborough, held a the Courtleigh Manor Hotel dur- ing her 15-day visit, were her two children, Sharon and Brian Barkweill; Mr. and Mrs. David) McTaggart, Annapolis avenue, and their son, David, and David! Kellar. Mrs, Barkwell, a_re- ceptionist, is a former resident | of Jamaica and has visited the island three umes since moving) to Canada. 'We were impress- | ed by the tremendous improve-| ments in Jamaica industry," commented Mrs. Barkwell. "Jamaica always provides an exciting vacation as people) from many countries come here! and are most interesting to meet,"" |borough and Lindsay frien grandparents' home, Mr, and Mrs. William Stevens, Alma street, showed color slides of the wedding. The Reverend James Scott of Cobourg has been spending some time with his parents, and Mrs. Raymond Scott, Nipigon street, while they have vacationing at Lake LAC Paul Farrow, RCAF Sta- tion, Armstrong, Ontario, is expected home at the weekend by his parents, Mr. and Mrs Kenneth W. Farrow, Christie avenue. Out-oftown guests attending the Dignard- Dobbie wedding recently in St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church were: Mr. and Mrs. David C. Dobbie, Bay Ridges; Mrs. H. Preston, and Miss Elsie Dob- bie, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs George Hodgson, Whitby and Mr. and Mrs. Armillien Duke, Montreal, Miss Hope St. Thomas whose marriage to Mr. Donald Adair is to take place on Saturday in Northminster United Church, was honored at a miscellaneous shower given by Mrs, George Waite and Mrs. Wilfred White at the home of Mrs. Raymond Adair. A personal shower was held at the home of Mrs. Frank |Snowden, Division street and lassisting the hostess were Mrs. Lynn Pearce and Mrs. Murray |McDiarmid, Miss Connie Wilson |entertained friends from Teach- lers' College, Toronto, at her summer cottage at Lake Scu- gog and a presentation was made to the bride-to-be. Mrs B. J. Wilson and Miss Donna Wilson assisted the hostess. Mrs. Boyce' Waram, Mary street north, opened her home for the monthly meeting of the Mary Elliott Smith Mission |Circle of First Baptist Church r y. The vice-president, Robert Moon, presided, Mrs. Arthur How- ard and Mrs. Sidney Canfield. A letter was read from Mrs. \Harold Parrott, who is vaca- jtioning in Scotland. It was de- \cided to send a box to India by the first of September. An jinteresting half-hour was spent} |reading the secretary's minutes of 15 years ago. MW Tee Kays FOREVER / PREST Now' you can look smart oll the time in the new miracle forever/ Prest slacks, you just wosh and dry, but never, never iron, That's what happened to the slacks in the above photo, but they look |B only half-pressed because the -- iI wrinkled leg is made from old type wash ond weer cloth, The smooth sharp leg is made from new For- ever/Prest cloth. (Neither leg has deen ironed; honestly), Famous MW _ Slim-Styled casual slacks are now available with both legs made from MW forever/Prest cloth, Ask for them by name, and look sharp all the time. 7.95 \ 2 LOCATIONS 36 KING STREET EAST DOWNTOWN Miss Susan Snider, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Snider, Oshawa boulevard | south, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith) Goodfellow and daughter, Tracey of Toronto, are enjoy- ing a three-week vacation in} Mexico City, Cuernavaca and} Acapulco. They left August 5] via Aeronaves de Mexico from} Toronto International Airport. MANY NURSES WED MONTREAL (CP)--A_ recent survey shows 51 per cent of employed nurses registered in 1965 were married. Although most work part-time, they con- tributed almost as many hours as their single counterparts. | Single nurses are in the major-| jity only in the under-24- and over-60 age groups. River rafting, scuba diving Open till 9 p.m. Fridoys for the Commonwealth Games| jhighlighted the recent Jamai- jcan vacation of Mrs. Jack D. \Barkwell, Beechwood _ street, Oshawa. Accompanying Mrs.| Barkwell, who headquartered at! Wilson's FURNITURE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open 'til 9 p. Thursdays ond rrideys Who has a new apple-cherry juice for your baby? Gerber...of course! New, delicious way for baby to take his vitamin C: Gerber Apple-Cherry. With added vitamin C (ascorbic acid), your baby gets as much of the precious vitamin as he would from the same amount of Gerber Orange Juice. STRAINED APPLE- CHERRY JUICE viawn cna : : : For baby's enjoyment, rosy-ripe apples and cherries blend in a naturally sweet, true-fruit flavour, For ease in serving, Gerber Apple-Cherry is finely strained, all ready to serve from bottle, spoon or cup. But isn't that typical of the extra care you get, a company from hat specializes in good things for baby? Babies are our business...our only business! Gerber Baby Foods, NiAGARA FALLS, CANADA

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