Bone ea a OBITUARIES ~ FORT ERIE ENTRIES | FORT ERIE RACE RESULTS ja2'°*---""* Tipopick, Prize Jive, So War alto Z é SATURDAY, AUG, 13 Guidecca, Fitzsimmons 119 FORT ERIE, Ont. (CPi--Results at) Fourth--Purse $2000, claiming 3 andiran.. 37---Auctions JONATHAN ALDRED | GEORGE EARL WADDELL | pinsr Rack -- Purse 9200. Ciaiming| Crimson North, No Boy 117 Fort rie Raceway Thursday |ayear-olde, 6% | = acne pacha BIRTHS 5.0 20 239 Sighin--Purse $2,80, one : , Three: and four-vear-olds. #4 Fur-\Capt' " Roo, Gordon 127 Par. 1 4 4 "se: olds, 6 tones AUCTION SALE pioneer families on Seugog), 1, following a short sickness ued "heeu relied 107 | Coot ence, Barren 14 pond a Rita, Gomer 4.0 3.00 2 on 7) a 7 8 Estote of COULSON -- Bob and Lenore (neeiiciand, Jonathan Aldred died,| rye We 1 Waddell, of 122| Reve Embassy, Wo Boy 114 \Prince in Bwe, MeKkeever 117 Second Rippié, Guyton 500 1%) Time 1:2 € AN Osborne) are happy to announce IMei 4. ty ot his home theo seorge Karl Wadden, Leesekite AKIN h--Nes @ Methacken entry Windy Flash, Ditffach 2) Express Purpose, Glen Franics, A SARAH MAUCH arrival of their son, Richard Robert, on Aug, 11, at his on lKeith St,, Whitby. He was in ri oy FOURTH RACE -- Purse $1000, Claim-| Time. 1795 lust To tike, Danish Dancer, ic $07" urdos Sree Eas, Whi {Ramat i tecahees ora Islnd, folowing a short leks nuh year ong apetceyee sto" tetera, Mann, ring 17. Sam Mey Crh Arend arene, ann" aay Ri oe te ss fat, " > we 5 9) ear, | poo, om "Orr it, irie| ran. SATURDAY Caroline ness, He was in his 93r Rbelag Born in Oshawa, the de- 6 Lark Lah' No Sey 6 Royal. Famous Wealth also ran, Late scratch: Windy Mahan pace August 13, ot 1:00 P.M A son of the' late William) ceased was a son of the late \Vedns, Lanoway 116 ' sri, Mendence 4508, The handle was Electric stove, electric retrig: |, THOMPSON -- Bon ond Grace ince) Aldred and Wlizabeth Revere, John and Margaret Waddeli|é 4102 il eaor, Poirier xoxs12 SeaenteaPurse. faaah.. claiming: 9 and) See ae ee TO cae 'oare) are ha o announces fi it 2 eA8, ber # : . Ayenr-olds, 6 furiongs. olds, y¥_ fur S$, erator, electric fireploce, Oi) lof» gon, Scoft Donald, ® ibs,, 4 915 on the deceased wags -- and had been a lifelong resi greg, Li Fitzsimmons 107 peg meg Ogg song aN Flight, Gordon 7.10 4.10 2.90\ Third Rule, Turcotte 4 290 2. heater, dining room suite, |Thurseay, Auoue! 13, 966, & brother for a family of six boys and fourident of the Oshawa-Whitby!e. ec eager, Maxwell 122 z0\ Swiv, No Boy 113 5 Gina, Robinson 5.10 3.06| Either Or, Gomez a } 0 2.10 an Mor! | L A is 17 un ' 1.70 1.20 bresswore, ook table, end |e i 90 Or, Morris, girls, His grandfather, the late| area, Rieny eee Ore at |For Wyn, Kelly 4.50) Bonk Pistol. | McKeever it 1F you ARE 1 " a | Time 1:22 me + tablsc. portable. . iyeewriter, Joel Aldred, staked out the!" 4 member of St. John's Ang-|t0p cred tee St toy a-107 Proven Tatot, Wo Bor 11)" Baboona, Aliranni, Angus Glen, Pet.) Power Court, Anite Les, swan Over] THINKING ABOUT love seat, girl's bicycle, book original farm, which has re-|tiean Church, Port Whitby, Mr.|sevesry, ¢ ex05 ae pen es Ws erry, Mr. € also ran also ran, cose, single beds, oak desk, mained in the family, in the) waddell served as a sidesman|Hapaie, Kelly Xxx107 Wiscore, Kornblum 108 -- LIFE INSURANCE an' | A---thts 0 White, J Moran and | W Th ( g } antiques, glassware, mony D 1830's for a number of years, An\*~Mitiara entry gd anny nd ge a ee ean ie: ee oe more articles too numerous 10 Mr. Aldred, who received his\ardent sports fan, he was ac- Shaved Ferme and Yellow Briar Smart Flyer, Coombs *106 " e Terms €as . 1 mention. Terms cash te 'ADDELL, Cert education on Seugog Island and|tive as @ softball and hockey! secomp' Racernnpagysn2?.ioo.nvin (vin Jor), Seve X)'4 ; ThirdPurse $2,100, claiming maiden| Margabel Y MYLES KING hist ® pele iliness, at the Oshewalat the Port Perry Public School,|player as @ young man andling (400), Threeyesrolds and up, 6 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400. Claim 2yenrolds, fonled in Canada, 6 fur-| Time 1:20 45 " Hospital, on. Thursday 'August Furlongs (11) ing, Three-year-olds and up. 6% Furiongs tongs | areiic Canuck, Gay North siso ran AUCTIONEER iN ies, Cort Weddell (of 170 Kelin's1,,| Was a salesman for a number) was an active alley bowler, He| yer steve X19 \(7) Locked Out, Barroby 6.70 4.30 1.40 725-3039 |whitby) beloved tweband of Marion A.jof years in the United States.|was employed as a stock-|Senator Gray, mecomb 11 ear, Heights, Worry. X12 Gambari, Steve des ae AOE enc 'eos i . 1 ¥ olden we, ic a Shot . : ----------ew| Watson, deer father of Mrs. & LeWsite jater returned to farm the|keeper by Charlton Transport ee eae |Queen's Birthday, Barroby 117 vie Gia 1904) Choir Beauty paid 48.80 38---Coming Events Frederick and Brian of whitey, family homestead Limited Lykke Til, Harris A119 Roe tory, Toreotte 17 sages - wnreend fi nila 67h o 7 ' KA . Pea nsberrd a's thes 40 enth wed by five orenacniiaren in hie a He served, as member of the Mr. Waddell is survived by pie May A saad . Revelling, Lanoway 114 canlen Gorehe' Gites', conédian (ae aee Wiles' ond Wares' Sheer Mapes Whitby, For service in the| Scugog Township Council for a his wife, the former Marion A. 'ponte Zenitn, Kornblum x102 Fee, ey Aly ee arabe aq Be on Angel, Loto' Fin, Amberianeland upward, 6% furlongs, whee eng pel on Monday, August 15 2 p.m. Ine ber of yee and seryed| Watson, whom he married in|Cantioad tno, Turcotte 11) He eel! D0, BODES) niso ran Snow Time, Griffo 19.90 9.90 4.80 ferment St, Jehn's Cemetery, Port Whit jnumh ro years an t Wh ree t | Sky Spark, My AKKKIOI Canadian Stakes _ Handicap," three oe hiiieelb ii oe by Minister the Reverend 4, Mekipben,| several terms as reeve. He wan| Whitby in 1943; two daughiers,|. "a Kane, A Nadier and ® Krupp year-oids and up, fonied in Canada, iv is y ltr : Mites (5) B N G @) eer oo meeeer of Oe schoo! Cvendolyn) ey ale Lpnaa| THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000, Aliow: Native Victor, Dittiach 114 m ~|board for some years and a\" , AYNAA| ances, Two-year-old, 5% Furlongs (11), (canadiliis, Turcotte 113 H y F d D ll L I P h? Kindness beyond Price, yet (member of the United Church | Waddell, of Clarkson and two\Fice imp, Hale A117 latin aie eo as sour 500 ollar Lost It's Punc , : . , | Nery |Past-President, No Boy 117 ietory, d ; ss ieapapgs ithin reach of all redecease P ayon fons. Frederick and Brian of|?s ; Brother '60, Gomez 115 Over $500 in Prizes w Q Predeceased about seven! writhy Branchman's Cove, Diivach 117 (ERACTOR WAGERING) Ate years ago by his wife, the for . / noes 4 : Also surviving are five grand-| SEVENTH RACE International GERROW mer Luey Sintzel, Mr, Aldred children arearet pid avid | Martin Wayne Alkerton, who Handicap," three year-olds, 1% miles (6) G 7) e FUNERAL CHAPEL |i: survived by two sone Victor Wiliam | and Richard farlidied Aug, 8, at Princess Mare! Northern' Minn," Plizsimmons "6 " Clb> Why Not Coll 390 KING STREET west 0! Scugog and Alan of Agin-\Towis John Andrew and Mar-|garet Hospital, Toronto, was siren, Clinch 128 A AT BPM Telephone 728-6226 court canst Sane Wannatl held at 2 p.m., Aug. 11, at the Aras Prince, No Boy 110 and Stretch FOOD CLUB TOM FARQUHARSON R Also surviving are \wo #i8*| The funeral service will be|Armatrong Funeral Home ek ba foe a pp A, i Your Dollar . ST GR EGORY S ters, Mrs, W, Itamsey (Alberta)| held at the W.C. Town Funeral| The service was conducted syuie ¢, Good, Habis 10 ' |DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS and Mrs, J, -Morrish (Vina),| Home; Whitby, at 2 a,i\by Rev, Willis J. D. Lew BIGHTH RACE se 97 ' 00,00 : y, p.m,, Aug, |by Rev lam J. D, Lewis, | BION ' ' SUN LIFE AUDITORIUM lan average 20 million copies of 00 +p of bye and a brother,|45, followed by- interment in St,|pastor of Harmony Road Bap in (5000), Three-year fh Guaranteed To Save You $1 a Ye ny, news 6 are sold throughoul the) Norman, of Port Perry John's Cemetery, Port Whitby. |tist Church, Interment was in Admirals Gift, Harris € ¢ world on any given weekday ' J metery, For hithy, | Us ur nterment was in | Admiral's Gilt, Harris SIMCOE ST. NORTH The be Rev, John MeKibben, rector of| Oshawa Union Cemetery Fablson, Coombs X109 Assurance Company That's why. Wa smart business te be funeral service will Arnmoari,. Barroby 117 4 / vertise in The Times' Classified Section held at the McDermott - Pana-|St, John's Anglican Chureh, The pallbearers were Bruce Fast Jay, Fitzsimmons E FOOD PLAN THAT , of Canada ADMISSION pene 'ook lec ae "te "oe! Mrour| baker Funeral Home at 2 p.m,| will conduct the service Alkerton, Larry Morrison, Wil-|0vl! Meer, Ae Boy a9 . ' i riter before 23,00 subscriber-resders a!| Aug, 13, Interment will be in FUNERAL OF liam Thompson, Stanley Alker Matler Matt Hin Gomer. 114 HAS PROVEN TSELF aeons" en 50 CENTS low cost, lust dial 723-3472. Pine Grove Cemetery, Prinee}/ MARTIN WAYNE ALKERTON ton, Robert Alkerton and John /QUr Gem, No Boy A:\o0, 66-4871 Ta-A6G8 | Albert The memorial service for |Molleson, A-L C Morrisroe and M Kane entry All Prizes Doubled on Admission Ticket Children Under 16 Not Admitted TO-NIGHT Holy Cross at St. Gertrude's Auditorium 690 King E Snowball Jackpot $140 in 56 nes Reg, Jackpot.$200 in 53 nos, $T, JOHN'S PARISH BINGO \ ° EVERY FRIDAY AT 7:45 P.M, Corner Bloor and Simcoe a nd you fi ne Jackpot 50 nos, and $100 20 Games $10 and $15 Two extra games at $25 "ul "a Jackpot and Shere the Wealth at IN MEMORIAM CHANDLER -- in loving memory of a dear husband and father, Charles Chand ler, who passed away August 12, 1964. He is gone but not forgotten, And, as dawns another year In our. lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of him are always near Days of sadne may come o'er us, Friends may think the wound is healed, But they little know the serrew That lies within the hearts concealed Lovingly and ever remembered by wite . * Madeline and. davanter" Linda Ontario Motor Sales have a great deal of new cars which GRIFFIN -- In loving memory of a fat n father, J H i quar, lather "and sranatatner, James are ready to be sold and cleared off the lot immediately 12, 1968. His memory is a8 dear today ® e Mia mammary is 48 dear teday to make way for the new models. So now is the time to w-Always remembered by June, John and children. f d | "66" GRIFFIN = In loving memory of @ make your deal on a new car. dear father and grandfather, James Peter Griffin, who passed away Auguat 12, 1965. More each passing day, we miss him Many think fF snd is healed, But they little know the sorrow Lying in our hearts concealed wLavingly remembered by Betty, Walt, Tom and Gord GRIFFIN = In loving. memory of James Peter Griffin, who passed away August | 1945 He is gone bul not forgotten And, 48 dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near, Days of sadness will come o'er us, Many think the wound Is healed, But they tittle know the sorrow That lies in the heart concealed -~His loving wife and family LOCKE'S FLORIST al ements ond | Showroom Model .. . noements for all OSHAWA SHOPPING CAPRICE 2 DOOR HARDTOP COUPE -- Shade light glass, CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE frer hours 725-7928 luxe seat belts, head rests, heavy duty suspen: STING TRIBUTE sion, positraction, power brakes, power glide, ; ence and dignity power steering, radio, red all viny! bucket seats, T AWN Flug hns whitewall tires, floor console and tuxedo black. idee $4475 CARD OF THANKS) Save . . . * 900 | 1 like to express Gardiner | a ie ole BRAND NEW friends who were| ' 2 jliness and pass | wife and mother lig puuae Serial No. 616647030098 # the late Regin. their sincere atives and Eva ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Wilson's | 140 BOND STREET WEST - - - 725-6501 awa ba