Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Aug 1966, p. 5

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wri" or WHITBY CHILDREN ENJOY KINSMEN PARK SWIMMING POOL Hundreds of Whitby chil- dren this year have enjoy- ed the facilities provided slides, the park has a number of picnic tables where families may enjoy lunch under the = trees. by the Kinsmen Park, Centre and Walnut Sts, In addition to its swings and However, the big attraction for the children is the swimming pool where in- struction is given, and where they can find relaxa- tion from the heat and humidity. --Oshawa Times Photo East Whitby Board Lets School Contract KEDRON (TC) -- Rice Con- struction Company, jtime for school Richmond | September, Since this will not|their children for this class are reopening inj Parents wishing to register | advised that registration will be| By Committee BOWMANVILLE -- A lex Carruthers, MPP (PC-Durham) and chairman of the select com- mittee on aging, will be con- ducting a tour of his committee through the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham Hill, has been awarded the |be possible at this late date, on Aug. 16, 17 and 18, | Counties Tour Planned s On Aging The select committee was reappointed by the legislature on a motion of Premier Robarts, July 8, this year, with the duties enlarged to permit "studies of community activi- ties on a regional basis in the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 12, 1966 5 Infant Found Dead In Crib PORT HOPE -- Three-month- old Richard Benjamin Sholz, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Sholz, 160 King St., was found suffocated at his home Wednesday Police Chief W. A. O'Neill said the infant had apparently been fed, became sick and suf- focated in his bassinet. Mouth- to-mouth resuscitation applied by Henry Rood, a Northumber- land - Durham public health inspector, failed. The infant was pronounced dead Dr. J. B, Benson. Dr. E. L. Wrathall, town cor- oner, said it was not likely an inquest will be called, The Sholz family moved to Port Hope from Newtoville about a week ago. Besides his parents the infant is survived by two brothers, Michael and Randy. One-Stop DECORATING SHOP 'alipeper end Murels Custom Draperies Breadioom C.LL, Paints end Varnishes Benjemin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668.5862 4 4 4% x we allele! ry DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL LADIES' contract for the construction of an addition to Kedron Public School, Work on the four-room almost immediately The contract, slightly in ex- cess of $100,000, was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board this week, The addition will. in- clude a kindergarten room and three additional grade rooms, It had originally been hoped|Board to complete the addition in'class. Noxious Odors Bother Brooklin Bull iste Ranta" di Lake Area Residents NEWCASTLE -- A delegation of ratepayers from the lake area placed conditions in the area before the village council this week and asked that action be taken. Jack Eilbeck, spokesman for the association, drew attention to filth which has piled up along the lake front and is causing bad odors when the wind is in the south. He said the fire de- partment had done some work but that the problem had re- turned, He suggested the mouth of the river be bulldozed, Coun- cil will look into the matter. The delegation also raised the question of dust on the un- paved road in the area, The need for garbage disposal) drums. in the picnic area was | also raised. Councillor Couch said drums had been used in the past and picnic tables were thrown into the lake. It was also suggested that council consider giving atten- tion to the need for a sidewalk on Mill St. to the lake, Council pointed out its budget had been set but the matter will be looked into. The ratepayers' association offered to donate a $100 to the arena artificial ice fund. Representing the Public School Board, Chairman John Rickard and. Secretary-trea- surer Ed. Barchard said tender prices for the proposed school addition were "outrageous" and the board would not be able to build this year. Council ap- proved of the board's sugges- tion to buy two portables . Durham Juniors Win Fair Test PETERBOROUGH The Durham County 4-H Dairy Calf Club placed' first in competi- tion, Wednesday at the Farm- ers' Day at Peterborough Fair, with four other teams giving demonstration talks on selected subjects dealing with their work, "Mastitis -- Thief on the Loose" was the winning entry Among the junior contestants Gerry Cornish, RR 1, Tyrone placed fourth and Keith Allin RR 2, Newcastle, 10th. James Byers, RR 3, Burketon, was seventh among the senior con- testants Cliff Matthews, assistant agri- cultural representative for Dur- ham County and Francis Jose, Newcastle, were among. the judges jawa, has been engaged by the | School, /East Whitby Township Schoo! jby the committee. . Yale Simpson, general manager jarrangements have been made jtaken at Kedron School, Aug. | to hold |kindergarten addition is expected to start|}Whitby Township children injten must the newly instituted|15 from 9.30 a.m. until noon. | class for East | Children eligible for kindergar-| attain their fifth| the Lower "Hall of Kedron|birthday by Dec. 31, 1966, and) United Church until such time|proof of birth date must be! as the new building is com- {shown when registering. | pleted. Mrs. Kathleen Magee, who Mrs Hewie, Osh-|has been teaching in Raglan| will move to Kedron this September to fill the Kindergarten | vacancy in the Grade 2 and 3 room, Gertrude for the | Japan-Bound Irwin Colwell, representing the installation committee of the artificial. ice association, informed council the fund now stands at a little over $21,000. BROOKLIN -- Roybrook Choice, a two-year-old Holstein bull, has been sold by F. Roy Ormison, Brooklin, to go to Se Japan. The buyer was Dr. He said an engineer had been |p yinehi Tsunoda for the contacted but a retainer is nec-| Tokachi Federation of Agricul- essary. Council said it could tural Coo-operative Association, advance $5,000 now and more gory maya ro , : - i his bull is a son of the could be made available on famous "White Cow," Balsam short notice. It was stressed, | Brae Pluto Sovereign, that was however, that itemized bills}nominated for All'+ Canadian must be submitted to council|consideration in the aged cow class for six consecutive years, A bylaw was passed appoint-|Winning one All - Canadian ing Fire Chief Frank Miller to|@ward, and _ twice receiving the Emergency Measures Or-| Honorable Mention, She was ganization, Under the terms of/Grand Champion at -- the EMO bylaw provision is/borough Championship Show) made for mutual aid, If the| four times and was the winner Newcastle brigade is called out of the best udder award at the| by Orono, Bowmanville --will| Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, in} stand by for both Bowmanville |1956. A daughter was the win-| and Newcastle. ner of the best udder award at) the Royal in 1963. | It was decided to purchase The White Cow is classified 300 fect of fire hose this year) «pyeelient'? and has two Ex- and another 300 feet next year. | cellent daughters and one Ex- Some of the hose now being | celient son. She was three times used was purchased in 1942. |the dam of the All-Canadian Council approved payment of Produce of Dam, in 1961, 1962) $200 to: the recreation com-| and 1963 mittee. The committee has Sire of Roybrook spent $812. and $145 is still) Zeldenrust Pontiac Delight, one owing. Costs incurred include of the sires in the Oxford and the cutting of weeds, rental of District Cattle Breeding As- the swimming pool. and the sociation artificial breeding hiring of instructors. unit at Woodstock, Ont, His : ieee dam is classified Excellent, has a yearly record of 33,119 TORONTO (CP) -- The New pounds of 4.2 per cent butter- York opeing of the Eric Nicol - and a lifetime record play Like Father Like Fun has '2 om pours Jnilk. : been delayed but not cancelled, 33 hand bee selected Roy) brook Choice to be used on jdaughters of Romandale Con- st, a bull he secured in DELAY OPENING of the Royal. Alexandra theatre Choice is} Members of the committee field of aging." are expected to meet at; Queen's Park on the morning of Aug. 16 and travel to Bow- manville to have lunch at the Flying Dutchman Motel, The tour will then include a visit to the Bowmanville senior citi- zens' club at the Lions Centre and visits to nursing homes in| the Bowmanville and New- castle areas. | On Tuesday evening the} MPP's will be entertained at! a reception and dinner at the; Volkswagen Now In Our New Location ! c Hill BASE LINE -- AJAX JUST HALF MILE EAST OF HARWOOD. | MANY VISITS | On Aug, 17 the morning tour will include visits to various inursing homes in Port Hope} jand Sidmore Hospital in Co-) |bourg. Lunch will be served at| \the Golden Plough Lodge home} for the aged in Cobourg, where | | the provincial group will meet | j with the board members, home} physician and the women's aux-| iliary. Cobourg senior citizens will |be met at three p.m,, Aug. 17 at the Royal Canadian Legion hall. This will be followed by an informal meeting with the Warden and county council at Cobourg. 1 | On Aug. 18, a general public} meeting will be held at the Lion's Centre in Port Hope Full line of new and used cars on display. Open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. all week. PICKERING CAR CENTRE AUTHORIZED VOLKESWAGEN SALES AND. SERVICE TEL, 942-1881 where Port Hope senior citizens ae will be met. A discussion and_possible| film will be shown on the con-| solidated services | KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION For Township of East Whitby Notice is hereby given that due to the generosity of the Mem- bers of Kedron United Church, the Schoo! Board of the T.S.A. of East. Whitby intends to operate Kindergarten classes in the Lower Hall of Kedron Church, commencing Sept. 1966 and until the new classrooms at Kedron School are ready for occupancy, which it is hoped will be Jan, 2, 1967, Prospective sao pupils may be registered at Kedron School Friday, July 15 --.9:30 A.M. - 12 Noon or Monday August 15 -- 9:30 A.M. - 12 Noon. and his dam is the Excellent, Reserve All-Canadian, Duchess | Rag Apple Tessa. advised differently, Grade 4 and § will commence classes Sept. 6 at 8 o'clock A.M. end will continue until 12:20 P.M, Grode 6 will commence clesses at 12:40 P.M, end will continue until 5 P.M. This is @ temporary arrangement end may be altered when 1 is 4 here, said Thursday. The farce by the Vancouver humorist has been playing at the Royal Alex for a month and was due from Romandale Farms, Unionville, Ont. Conquest is al son of the famous Class Extra sire, ABC Reflection Sovereign,; to open at New York's Cort The- ee NOMAN R. COOK Chairman HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ' J, H, PASCOE, LONDON WINERY CIMITEO Secretory-Treasurer, (LONDON ONTARIO CANADA atre Sept. 8. Instead, Mr, Simpson said it will open Aug. 25 at the Theatre de Jesus in Montreal for an '"'indefinite run." 4 Es) Alcan Siding ® Permanent, Decor, Finish ® Maintenance Free © Lifetime Guarantee DISCOUNT ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Registered Dealer For Alcan Siding of Canada Call 668-8606 Anytime Special ! BROCK Evening WHITBY SRS HILARIOUS HAVOC! os 4 Walt Disney Winnie the fared the honey 1 oe ws "Technicolor" An Ab Cartoce Peeturette = QI dene Patan Soturday Matinee Starts . TECHNICOLOR' Sereeved ty HERA VISTA Datrtvts Cone - PRED Wat Darey Prosuctene OGM With Deon Jones -- and Programs at 7 & 9 P.M. c+ Nae 4-DOOR Lic, NO. mission; power steering; power LISTED AT CLEAROUT SPECIAL CONVENIENT TERMS M18 peo N Suzanne Pleshette HERE'S A TOP VALUE EXECUTIVE-DRIVEN Trade-In 1966 Mercury "PARKLANE"' Dark. blue in color; low mileage; dual range automatic trans tires an all standord Mercury equipment NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER DODGE Township of East Whitby CHANGE OF BUS SERVICE It is the intention of the High School Board of the Township of East Whitby te to provide the p t School Bus ser- vice to students attending Port Perry High School, ever epproxi- mately the present route, until June 30th, 1967. Commencing September 1, 1967, the High School Bus to Port Perry will not go south of the Sixth Concession of East Whitby Township TO EAST WHITBY STUDENTS WHO ATTEND OSHAWA HIGH SCHOOLS NOTICE is also given that by en agreement between the Prin- cipals' Committee of Oshawa Secondary Schools end the East Whitby High School Board, the following will be in effect: 1, Students now in Grades 11 and 12 who were promoted June (1966) to Grades 12 and 13 will remain in their present schools for 1966-67 and where necessary 1967-68 to allow them to complete Grade 12 or 13 diplomas, Transportation to O'Neill and McLoughlin Collegiates will be provided for the next two years only (1966-67, 1967-68), to students now in Grades 12 or 13. All Grade 8 students promoted to Grade 9 will go to East- dale Collegiate in September, 1966. East Whitby students now in Grades 9 and 10 in Oshawa Secondary Schools will transfer to Eastdale Collegiate at the same time, Sept. 1966, . As of Sept. 1966, the High School Bus to Oshawa will follow the same route as was used in June 1966, and will then return to the Simcoe St. entrance of Camp Samac, pick up Eastdale students there, then turn, and go south on Simcoe St. to Taunton Rd., then East to Harmony Rd., and south to Eastdale Collegate SEDAN 43042 brakes; custom radio; whitewall 4900.00 3395.00 MAY BE ARRANGED . Students will be picked up along the last part-----from Camp Samec entrance to Eostdale--but must be outside Oshowa City Limits . The timetable on the original route should be advanced 5 minutes from last year. On the latter part, the bus should leave Camp Samac at 8:25. After a few days trial, Mr. Fred DeNurse the operator, will establish a definite timetable. Your co-operation is invited. WALTER BEATH Chairman Ci A rtiiés. 6 cee J. H. PASCOE, Secretary-Treasure, Ww STRETCH SLIMS Fashionable stretch slims in nylon and viscose fabric, tapered legs, side zipper and foot straps for a more comfortable fit, assorted sizes 10 to 20 in black only, 3.47 « Karey 4 DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL yire'rsry, DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL LADIES' SUMMER Cool cotton dress in a variety of styles and colors in sizes 10 to 18, Choose from zipper back or button front. styles, most with matching belt, some shift styles, Limited Quantities LADIES' Suits and dresses in a wide variety of fabrics, Bonded orlons, wools and cotton knits, Choose from assorted popular shades in solids, prints and tweeds, Available in sizes 8 to 18. Limited Quantities Pv halellas ry DISCOUNT " BOMBSHELL 18 ONLY SOLID FOAM PILLOWS Solid foam rubber pillow with zippered cover, odor- less, non allergic, will keep its shape for years of comfort. nny 4 { UNT HELL VANGUARD FANCY RED COHOE SALMON 7%-OZ, TIN my A Canned Chicken "One whole chicken 3 Ibs. 4 ozs. wonderful for fast mealsor unexpect- ed company. RQWrenry, _ £ DISCOUNT 7 BOMBSHELL Fortune Brand PEACHES or FRUIT COCKTAIL rer om Al 8-oz. can " EACH On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby

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