t ee oo ee ew er OT Ph! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 12, 1966 EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12 ' '°o . j J i SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK S--Articles for Sele 14--Business Opportunities|17. eS delle isin * : , PYRLSCOTT |p let yas Row "oo M Oppertuntis/17--Female Help Wonted oni Jack Lees, 7d oo EXPERIENCED wulietes required, Ap gt CAWn MOWER," "soivai fae a Lika AGE Street East, efunde Restaurant, 10 'dls sell, moving, one. aaeeians fe THACHER requires 'Thiddie-aged" woman ad "TOWERS SPRCIAL--401t, structure, AGENCY i: ll pees: ane core tor : lk channel antenna, $50. TRIO Television, Schooler, "Telephone mits h one im Accountants Build 'a h - uilding Trades - Gardening and Supplies {Sa WEALIMY MAM tity ____| with franchise evailable in |WOMAN" wanted to live" in. Must" be les and Service . CAM LIVE 45 it the city of Osha Th capable cf doing light he GORDON R, DAY, Certified General ; : ae 407 yswurniure only 529, comp wa, There is jcaring for th housekeeping and Accountant, Suite, 205W, Oshawa Shop Residential ' P sarin pg vd Freshly Irrigated oh Daeg bedroom, Wving foom, iis complete) an unlimited opportunity for |T ing for three children. Good wages. ping re, 725-9953 B lanting Sodding @ 3 only weekly, Unbeatable} @ MON capable of an e HO sour GUTMANN, Charlered Accoun: Commercial @ Top Soil @ Seeding ° BLUE re Gre en nee Kt ative. poaition wenn © merece how. | a charge "ot #, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street ; @ Evergreens @ Gradi RNS Ficerieritiene-inretiaoeenerrminaniacas| ORAtn TITEN FOF Live in, Privele Toor. vole none ere fT Tiss Industrial | & Moreen Kennscty tue- USED "MUTE PARTS, baller" Tires.| ed Mortgoge alien. eB bane 8 CLANCY'S Accouniing Servic. A CIN' ee veamert p ding oak lo ming Service, Repairs -- Alterations grass @ Complete landscop- | ayy z RE TEN" IE MURSER Marters, $V. 80 ci 12V90cy batleries,| Brokerage Company expond- UNUSUAL PPORTUNITY 1 ler wealane coe Street North, 725-0: T8007. | 7-105,| Additions --~ Remodelling ing @ Fertilizers, Y Tl a 3 Nelson Street Y ing nationwide, with heod sive line of top "Valve eaveriting oe: HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., For all your Construction 723-9020 i SOD GROWERS pApy BARGAINS. Carriages iH %, office located in Ottawo, |oeniet, 10, merchants and' inouslry in ed 'ar Rng tee eat Tree Bulla: Needs -- HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING OWNLINE N, Bs By N, of pens $9.86, chrome high Balt k Ontario, You will operate einaws ane vicinity, Write or phone. Mre 1 a, ee! ', CALL Bloor St Eost Teunmensinege 2 HAWA Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street '| your own branch under super- Havelock, Ont, an Speciaities, Box 9, | Beadle, CAI pte iH JAMES ALLEN & SONS |nunseny sop, now cunt -- wa BUY, i sell and" exchange used furni.| v/810n of the parent company, BOOKKEEPER. TYPIST" I me | VALE, FRIEOLANDER AND CO,, Char- 725-6126 quality Kentucky Blue, P dailvery| OUARANTRED Leva ea -wiepe ail wil Trading myining YON | hay, Tee City A good education is necessary postion avaliable In multipie ong | tered 'Accountants. Licensed eratles' a on eny amount, V ohare ater l slpanes. washers 'ond re ares colietes. i Ig id y Simcoe Street} with soles or business exper- Berlence. "Ap Applicants must have ex- Oshawa 726731 p simeoe Street Nort) QUALITY CARPENTRY ae on wore cd iy cut a us NER) TYPEWRITER, ieciric, iBM, 855 ience on asset All applica. | Time ony Den oy The Danae nies a tT) 5 4 a 99.5 | 7 WOSMAR, Cried Recor & GENERAL REPAIRS | 72000. 2681'8 8" Septic Service wandorg, $2; 'poribie $6 adding me] Choice will be mode on eblling weno eRTRA MONEY? Studio Gin rince sireet, Suite 4 Os awa! Fo ' FOR COMPLI TUPTIC TANNE cleaned. Wrampt service WHAT DID rately, $40, 723 ' yiiaiecte made on ability cling and rewarding Ontario, Telephone 723-122) ie wil sMeatiah gerven, mantennce,reuaet a and "4 cal, Wate, War Chosteut street peperat SonTINANTAC HBT all" sizes. Mat nbs 5 ~~ company will seprionen iegeey, wit Ve igen he / z ial, Expert work, reasonable rates.) West, 1» 668-2563, USE AS A SOURCE, f ' : y complete trainin h fof Sim Pg Barristers 725 8 Telephone 263-2934 or 728-6082, o resses half price, Finest quality, Pos ig wit coe Street, Oshawa, 728-518 ay e 7 '4 Tel UP BY SMALL AN AWESTHENIC turpedic, Factory outlet Headboards immediate earnings, Only res- west of Simcoe Street, 0: fradbers i aMeT MACBORALS, BA UP] ny, 5 6 og | AnD A maintenant. Surveyors §2A suuss, | SVAGERY 723-3009 as ponsible individuals who wish |ROOM AND BOARD for lady, for Tlant ' Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- en have o talk with our \ Yt Prd plough | BOW! VAN ond ry ANCIENT Toy FROM EGyPt, ¢ MAN'S WESTERN SADOLE i to advance themsel sakeeping and part-time | Nie, ne Commercial Building, 286 King] customers, Ing and cultivating. Cal Lond Bo Cenceeare a Gaver lo] A BREAD KEADER 1s itd Ale * with extra Mackamore bit and bridle! business field elves in the | Small wage, Will consider be hag | sitting, i} we Fable aa oF AS sin parking | AFLANTIC PAVI 7 AR eee CHAIN LINK PENCING, "nope quality) !) "Ontario reel, 725:5632, ve prints, nM Tove MHOWN = BELIEVED 0 e oq sae 942-2669 phon jarcian ely sl cont Posy phone 666-6616, Tele or cre material and workmi : WPI ANO FROLLOE BACK ey VIMSOM WEED, rom $12,000, j HGMPHAEYE; BOVERYH ond WILLMAN, |sa, 1 AN" work" guere expert 1 canta] Free estimates, Tar eae | Bg BPH Gracie Lana sagidiuliecincalauae ya meat oer Ip 2! : POLE, CLUDE. and 'cart, $45: Telephone) 40 $25,080. annuolly pi 18--Male Help W | Barristers Siler. 26% king, Street] 72-0 guaranteed 3 yeers.| DARLINGTON GARDEN SHRVICN irva|?2540. : piiderstalbegial latins: COMPLETE SHY ch World 7A dal eee ee se Wand ' ast, Oshawa; R, D. Humphre Abry phone 987-4754, Evergreens | Encyel rid Reterence) cetails ond tgs ane Soar! ae, BA, Lue. 0 4 eel TCAR iN So ew che teeehe, pas ; cyclopedia, set medical encyclopedia, personal inter ¥ i I 3 le 95-4404; Whitby, | 20 conaet work. Free ne, renart, Oe patios, fencing, TV-----Redie Repeire jalee. oa! World Natures Ligrary opeclay) view, Service St ti i Sia-276)) TH TSSID, NHA and NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, Instruction i ed td 6--Articles for Sale New 8 Apply to Box M-38931 arion GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll: ment, Call Plekering Stati, WONDA, excellent conainin. Must) - hil ha a a) PO A ai tl 1 Barristers, cle a , ion, us! | ' ", quality Bd furnit A FULLY ' See nt si ore ad eae a S| CORRE TIME T.V. TOWERS _ |tesesstn sits Steno" NOW! six. [il Mil at dn Sate a? serra Meats ee] Opportunity , 0 " roughing, fire "" Y i 25-9434 Mel $5;, "themes He vormyn wy te Rien May, Whitby, IN SPARE TIME "BUILT. IN OSHAWA" me OY Mest alsakone'" rohan SERVICE BAYS |nurmiounarons ' elolek, WA 1-4232, Toronto, 2662. : SRE AT OUR OWN PLANT ee For 'Auto S ne ea nae, Cava, Kitchen: and | Basal maple ee : FS vy -- Low: month uto Service | 9 room suites, beds, etc P yment Wanted y Holl: ly: poyments in- stein Estate sale, Telephone 723+ A modern st Fl Ls N, i A laa dey, Gue teed work, Free estimates.| Clude text books and instruc- We give you @ better e | 7617 elephone 723-9953 or 723- Wouse PAINTING Gi Tak aa bine om stotion in the Osh- East, Osha Fer REC Your 'iowa tions, Prepares you to achieve tower tor Less Money surety sass WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |MODERN STORE 'tron aii glass. in 725-2563, le; reasonable rates. Call ea requires on experi- FRED R, JONE "pain ard| katara "constretiler' end ered] erirae, Dipleme by_meane TENT TR Chiv,,. Dedet:: Seed, Ryser TEENAGE GIRL desires job as inced merchandiser to toke Soleitor jie King Street Bast Suite 307,| workmanship, 168-5601, of Provincia! examination, OSHAWA , V AILER mouth, Pontiac, We correct | Felaens retary power mower, For sale, sitter or mother's helper Fdepheie ie complete charge of its opera - f nat ni K 0 a pe NEW PLASTERING and repeirs, slucco,| For FREE info a CLEARANCE wheel alignment inspect and | i959 one 223) D a tion ' ona. Bree information----write, SUPP correct castor and camber [1958 GMC tractor, with small eauipment MIDDLE-aged lady requires» position F gatimates. A.C, Wood, 728-3420 or 72h American School, Dept, 8, LY LTD. T align toe-in and toe- » |float, alr brakes, very reasonable, Tele m,n aeenenet oo imiddie-aged 'gentle: | or Box 784, Oshewe, Onterie TAUNTON RD. £ HREE NENA DIFFERENT Soicet eo iis ten-oyt fe (par : ae man. Telephone 723-5940 The mon we hire will hove a oe orre: 1B, car bed and high chair, EXPERIENCED Lapy RESULTS Nate fis Rs 7944131, Vase ene 2 on. ona if required [Temehone ae works jue cleaning. ease cal ahy ~~ -- in the busi- ; . race CORBIS One Ud or adjustment = Good used furniture ina Moore. §s ond will quite likely b } | EXPERT Addr hee, * 3-8132 ext Jand appliances, One locat LADY with ye f Msn d cludes remihe | ess ae iak Ae wide, Blue & Orange, Large by |Furniture, 444 Sco woot asin" [time work mene Sey wees De Part-|, ON assistant manager et pres- assitie Eleven years zipper windows $495.00 ° UPRIGHT P ferred, Telephone 668-2 by pre) ent ACTION ADS Paving, 723-5841. BRAKE SPECIAL Telephone suzame alee sel hina thane . An excellent salary and Your t re J--LECKIE -- 1 | Le ond bonus arran ) neys Ot aaa « EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION---RADIO Tent & Trailer, Gr a ayelity Most popular cars, First pd idilgge Phyffe dining room suite, ex 7 Female Help 'Wanted benef ~ a ane 723-3492 ret "repaired. Pr SUMMER . TUTORING 2 een Quality Royaline fee jent condition $375) easy chair, newly! NEED EXTRA M( nefits mokes this usual Pa ie CAI Third yeor university student 4 HOUR SERVICE $339.00 4 wheels 14.88 |Fecovered, excellent condition, $80, Tele EXTRA MONEY? opportunity one with @ bright n on eapinater vertties, bo in| will tuto bt 1-~ALJON -- Z PIANO $50 -- $100 and mor future for th ARE ti gl RPI d r in high school --~ Zipper wind- r) , upright by Webber. Sold. by| @ con the right man, ae CLASSIFIED RATES fay ene French, Benen. Gallen aad HOLMES ows, Brown & green $279.00 WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Heintzmann. Plain 'case, $728.00 Phone| pers be eamed showing lux- IAL ' oven " » Ont, | ristmas cards ift ash} tion of 24 | $1.08; |ROOFING, hol tar and elementary school English and , Incl 942-5547 oe | Me hte Repl sdaitional. words, 41Ac ache cone] Fepalrs, large and EK L. '| History, Phone 725-6293 ELECTRONICS Fuge Olspley of-New & Used on" weights per whee! | sewing MACHINE | and toys to friends and neigh- ay Jn conticenes acne secutive inventions a PY] words $2.98; | Roofing an Fre Ba ll 725-6937, ofter 6pm. Tents & Camping Supplies 3 1,95 | condition, Syechee ca portable, sgxeelient| aig No experience needed, age, bockground, marital joni rds \2c, ere! con-| 3 SHOCKS, MU c | me Sa | ur beautiful catal | status and secutive. insertions of 24 words, $5.04;/Car For Prompt Service Call Tent T , FFLERS, = 1 fun 7 gd ce nd earnings expected secutive. Insertions of 24 - os Janitor Service Whitb 668-5679 | le gy lage Avail FRONT-END WORK AT '9--Market Basket lustrates over 300 items in to Box 39500 The Oshow daek«. titan seed dane tale ARPENTRY, ne ind Tapas [WALL WASHING by modern machines yy ae - COMPARABLE PRICES [YES, WE STILL WAVE for picking your| pigs moking it easy to Sink a it not pald witnin @ days. Telephone 725-3842 '|No mess, no dripping, 728-7736, KAMPING gunlargn. Willamette. raspberries at} soy ckee io orders. Write to- a ae children under 14 r ristmas cards o1 Bring containers, Teleph a On Meth f i] oo phone 668-4606 1 gy ee Money te Loan HOT DIPPED UNLIMITED DOMINION rites =|. Spprovel tee catalogue, | CO eTRUe TOK initial, figure or abbreviation counts as CAREFOOT, OR, JOWN Mi, GALVANIZED : 110--Farmers' Col =|: 917 Co ar 'Hr Dept, 22, CONSTRUCTION gne words phone number counts two a a East, Oshawa." TV TOWERS ARE BEST TOWNLINE RD. NORTH TIRE S FS bbl inl ; anne Tomiie ORGANIZATION ent, 728-5 r any other worthwhile . TORE RESH CUT BALED HAY, 2 ea BIRTHS DEATHS Dressmaking You are tteaally em! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! 728-9942 | 17 PARK ines He "tor 'additions | MOTHERS _ Eost of Toronto requires L NOTICES ---- , -- site We ROA 4 Soe A a Gnsertion with 25 casts addi-/ ORESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, "dresses, ih Mat Mia Sunmar Sea L ve epiene, ea lsacLine "Sux = areal "ehiroen" | immediately for information fiona! 'charge if not 'paid within & days.|aiterations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting 8] Mortgage T alee or ee, Leet YE 725-6511 cattle and calves, white and tan police WHILE YOUR centre nage aston y. Mrs, Toms, Whitby,' 660-2372, gag pou 1 Toaters CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT oan and pups, geese, ducks, 668-2067 | CHILDREN SLEEP ies. We stock all |DBAD AND CRIP! ' E $2.25 for the first 38 words and Sc, Gardening and Supplies MOR : TELEVISION trailer parts and equipment, 310G cose crawler loader with jed_ up promptly PLED isrm siock pick | ton 8 per hour, Gemvonstrat- GUIDES verse ie, rtenel chaos' it her bel' : i Corner Bond and Division COOK'S TRAILER SALES Noh 1. -- wy opero Tyrone, Telephone. Collect Hampton 263! usual and ecg oo fb I within & days. | . "u 728-5 S ours. $6,500.00, |... | e oys ies will consist of deliver. 1s & That "5143 imcoe St, N., Oshawa TD6 International bullddzer, [TOR SALE -- _10-toot and gifts, No deliveries o ing prepared tol | \ CARD OF THANKS LOANS Open Evenings Until 9 nal bulldozer, | Massey. 1001, sell-propelied | i r ed talks to groups : : p.m 8 ft. blede. ey:-Harris combine, No. 222. C collections. Car necesso of visitor , $2.35 forthe, ret OF ection! chal 'op Calcium Chloride RAM ----~| tion. $3,600 oo ... Jdition fair, Newcastle 987-4948 il Call now Mrs, Horwie. eeeclad Pn -- é not paid within 8 days, Water Softening Salt Moneys. available: for'. first TV SERVICE BLER TRAILERS lindsay Sadchiae. ar LWhley "temanien Weuunneke eure 3| 723-3568 will be given to applicants i COMING EVENTS Mix Canary Seed and second mortgages, Open DAY OR. EVENING SALE ---- RENT Found, _ ' helter, White and tan marki Guernsey | ne with ot least grade 12 teres $2.4 per inch (lspiay)) $1.75 for the] Budgie Seed mortgages. No bonus, First 728-5286 Open Sundoys 2-4 P.M, ANVIGUR" MAC AND EL old Guinn, savzitn, Wnitoy. "| NEV CANA education and some reloted ' (Word Ads). Purina Dog Feeds mortgages, second mortgages BUDDY TRAILERS whaheh thon trcnalt, eaten, chi's!11__Pets and Livestock DIAN, experience In: guidingy ; AUCTION SAL Master Dog Feed end agreements for sale pur- OSHAWA PORT arator ae rectarseauers:_ stove, retrio-| WANTED -- small dog, Excel $2.24 PER oF PER INSERTION. ° log Feeds chased. EL HOPE hone 723-1493 PO PISITIE RINK TOS |preferably tall do, 'possibly ee ANY xcellent wages and working Purity Dog Meal M, F. SWARTZ ECTRONICS RR EHEE Lot at 40) ond 28 BICYCL "various sizes trom" | pera Weal reese) or sountry) Housewives supplement yo ppb rn Reply stating age, . . ~ U id . ar DEADLINES Master Horse Meat 2614 King St. E CABIN and TENT to 20" Telephone 725-5249 om 18" PINTO MARE, five years old, very Musband'h income, Show i qualifications, experience ete. WORD ADS Master Meat Stew ig ot. East T FOUR ROOMS of furniture, = Pad, excellent rider, children's pet. H.| line fashios ' . © Box 39486 The Oshawe $5 p.m. DAY PREVOUS thar Mant Laat ott Ontario T.V. TOWER pol RAILER RENTALS be for rent it furniture ie Benes, wil Serna, LOrt_ Petry, PAbAi6 | aoe ry Pte ond Times, eat Loa for August : 723-804 le |FOUR-YEAR-OLD 6 : | Q full-me mother LOST AND FO} gust and September ELDING, -- saddie-| SORE ; . Lost AND. | BE a earion Purina Cat Chow ae 4697 -- cGOLORED TV Special Fall Rates bj Ailing ay Seino furniture or ap. broken and quiet, includes saddle, Tele-| " experiance ne ' --_---- --< f itty Lit TE Primus Compin mer, \Wampton 263-2294 | e will train. Sam moa ' te Ae On BUBLICATION Rabbit Pellets FIRST and SECOND 24-Hour Service woke searnaaT rt = Lg he Aad Ce ey aang Call Ajax 942. iene ee hg : mM. ummertime! New, 1 latures, also Chihuahua) acks | 4 ia aide NALIN ae I Britannia Malt Extract MORTGAGES 723-0065 or 668-5830 9 be eH ST. AJAX Sibel ean, Ms ha Cycle Centre. 204 Bond sonable leo rete ue oe a) re | looking fer a oe : | H ' r Spm DAY PREVIOUS | Garden Supplies --~ All Classes -- RAE'S RADIO & T.V. 942-3491 a oe a CASHIER p.m. | a Black : SRAILAE WOTONAG toads Gua kos "Id toot ~saca| puauTibO baby budgies, read 'at | CLASSIPIRD DISPLAY | OPEN ALL DAY ity, Rural, Vacation -- also all types of weldin aig natalie, | caer " good shape|training, talking strain. Apply acy for required > N pial lige aOR " Pst ol SUMMERLAND COLOR TV; savipr f 723-6440, new ach, saferntniatat oat eee 114 Elgin East | 3 p.m. to ll pm " i - --: Fri my ae offer will by Poop: | 7 umns or larger -- 10 a.m, day previous Seeieday cl 50° SECURITIES LIMITED OR BLACK AND WHITE rong Ye cellent condir| P.O. Box 1, Peterborougt teleghone | pete mae ce Melee BUN te Hien, | sie ae | capable of set CANCELLATIONS AND DAILY DELIVERY Member Ontario Mortgage All work guaranteed 200003 itch, Telephone) Simmonds Buckhorn 457-8513 after 6:06] 900d breeding. Telephone Whitby 's6b-2496| Inquire _in person lathes and drill presses, Some : CORRECTIONS WaAWwe item cH aK REO COZY-) RAN r, Campbell es, Some } + co Ay om WuLeON Brokers T.R.1.O. TELEVISION "4 SANE a North." me Lat TE all makes, hose s,| shepherds, males, ames Reg. "German! GENOSHA "HOTEL ieee tala Any advertisement cancelled before pub- COOPER-SMITH 42 Simcoe St, N.--725-3568 728-5143 OME MADE cabin. tralier for sale, Pioming Vacuum up, ctlivery, 942.0213 pi. servs, Ashburn 655-4662, eve.| No 'Phone Calls @ GOOD PAY \ i charged on day's insert- eee Sleeps 46, full Bal $125, 7 » | Plekering, | HUND puppy, male, 10 ¥ | ha | CO FIRST AND SECOND. mori sie ---- SH Cloprane PH: eBaGRCRT W ser can -air al i"ang| Sere es 84 Thomas sre WAIT @ STEADY WORK AAs NUMDER RENTAL A108 : and. Honnieke bartinteen Jennie . . 90 cc bikes, Limited holt Os Se | est, P2032 fers, 21 King Street] SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 rle:/ Shop, 199 King West, eaten Honda | TWO REOISTEREO horses tor sale.| RESSES HEIN WERNER 71-77-7771 ree - : <a privet AB ables box auras we Md 723 2319 CELINA the wae nce Ha aval Fast T.V. Service $600, Call Port Perry, Ree dt vielen cis 0" sateen tat] JENGLISH BULLDOG -- Neot appearance, over 21, of CANADA LTD cept no liability i t of * "i Street N Bree Telephone 839-39 ose. |three years old, ; | 4 setage alge' 1" afte yasen eines 723-1139 eM Mat DOMINION i--idaiinn taal ----| sc ruanates aaa" [nowsebrouen, good wath dog! 470" Te¢| oye or hen MAX, ONT. allure or deiay ewarding such complet phone 725-2161 : ' i pis, however y wt warding such - Optometrist TELEVISION @ Equipment eee tank, Good as new, 3100. Tele. PEKINGESE Toy and | TAMBLYN'S SODA BAR | hone 942-6100 { gence or of ise, The we and Miniat api: --, ; be Fesanston for ilies Uealed po SAL idee gh Seat Nort 728-5154 9 am. to 9 p.m. 2 "2 WEEKS VACATION ? |a¥ CRAFTSMAN bench ry Booties. Resistered, 660:610) hy he OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TR sod y { in 20 days. ES AND SERVICE |}aset™ Suite $, Osh Why not moke it the whole Motor, EKER OAT Cnet ins Ny atigiHh|SOLLIE -- female nine months, tan and Steinbera' L ' REGULATIONS ON GARDENING EQUIPMENT suminer? "Forget" that- costly steel Dobro. guitar. 181 Brock asl."72|spayecr ali needles ident dog tor waeity WAITRESSES dean | : 4 nH 3405. es, ideal dog f : The Oshawe Times will eh be responsible Toro, Lawn Boy and Polotiog end Decorating Sisal ae tee . ate Sot Sent in tasting MECULLOCN CHAIN AWS aes cal! a Mie Ey. Fidgd i REQU | RED GROCERY Y er | , 3 has : prs oP itso ell Yardman Lawnmowers ad besa aeeee e Decoration, pairs, T.V, Towers, Antenna, Evinrude & Crestliner Dealer Fa clans taecrartal and repair, _ Weler Wea ee 7-o.m, = 4 p.m ond : than one insertien, of any advertisement Whee! Horse Gorden Tractors | 725376. " Rotors installed, Free Ext, | OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD, |2n@ special blend chain 9, Oulboard ol! ADORABLE WHITE TOY pod! 4pm. -- 11 p.m - hor beyond the price charge for @ single PAPER WANGING Wa maine, oll Sate Guaranteed. Harbor Roose es ae Bente! ond Marine, 555 King Street East,|Pies: Apply 1111 King East pup Apply. perm fe Mr, Campbell CLERK : xpertly dene, Free estimates, 7 . OF TEASOG, (ioscan = SUS hs REMOTE RRR so H The Oshawa Times reserves the right to RUNDLE oe sumnene) 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. 7 days per Sager egg ypoeormenm gece AR wg sangha DR 12--Articles_ Wanted NO PHONE caus" proper e@uathetin acgording to its GARDE Plumbing rae week, 300 Kitchener Avenue, pe] serecetee 94s tanks, | $50. 0 TV Supply 'Limited Weanee hh USED FURNITURE, Cail any-|RELIABLE pe ~ Excellent opportunity for @ Maks N CENTRE LTD, ALU ¥¥R jeeting CITY TV YOWSRS, antennas, alto re eNee tre Telephone 1, lust east of Ritson Road . Nits We bonoaeaen MacNeil's Fur-| year-old che wre Sing, bad a bright mature young man, In the cases of alaplay, advertisements 1015 KING ST. E. ~ pg RA repairs and reese poles, AR, wor guaconrees. 'M1 Dean|3s° CANIN" CRUISER, 110 horsepower CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS clearance GOOD USED suaiiTuhe es week full time, three weeks Merde ms wore grocery experience, for more space than that which the actua rates, Estimates tree, 720-119) ° ee : ware Pinto, four-cylinder, inboard: cushi is) 2 pc. suites with toam|you? Valley Creek \ i wert OO Telahane Tete otis ante He cgal clacday fe elcy ' rd-out- jons trom $138, Modern 4 seat 6 Bond Street west,| tember |, Telephone 728-5676 att F RNa ol caueetine hale or 725-655] a Telephone 725350, WEATING | sup- Well Drilling--Diggirg equipped, ee te pests oy raiter Wilson's Furniire 'fo Chores irom 31 ware EXPERIENCED GIRL See pony Nc Pa gag oe et rectly, Dut assume no liability of adver- e 52), Harold H, Stark|WELL DIGGING broadiom in cabin, man 4 lurch Street + deer rifle and antique gun,/and variety store, A\ ') i tement it any Tmaceracls tv of savers ms 'toes na Heating and Engineering, i A ee. v aie, special: phone 668-4713, Whitby. y extras, Tele. eee FOR HOLIDAYS 7g Tee _--- 668-8288 MT Street South or Telephone 925-3902, sins Apply in p. t é . erein, treet West, Whitby, 668-2549 er 44a-sa0r,| 12 WP EL@IN motor, 12 40° | pen Wednesday only dur:| 13----Articl LADY PENSIONER tor 2 Oe ae, e a beam Ing this pericd, Bill Hamilton, Rag! icles For Rent Nght hv eee ane STORE MANAG tee WASY YO. buena CENTENNIAL R , Upholste Se - weed boat, power mower, electric m ply maauc + Raglan os : i) ; jousekeeping duties, Board and ER, TIMES ACTION WANT AD RE-UPHOLSTERY ert a . 2---Personal and two bicycle. Apply 474 Cromwell stick COGS eee Fersiior Galt: every! Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- re ere wee ee ee 190 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax : alt years. Workmans! am WEVARCRAPY __J suites from $99, bedroom suites. { es, Cutlery, Glasses, Cc GEN TTT all Classified Direct LA Free Coliaten, Cee en, Nerertees Removel of supertluous heir lmentse vavters. 3, 5 piece dinette suites $3488. Many| Urns, Punch hawie pe Ae Msatetese SB cilve Th ceeal heat OF. 10 723-3492 rebuilt, furniture refinished. Osnawa Up P avabe ye tel will be in [weekends Marine Stor Sa ett are, Sete gave WH) Wear Men's Formal White [tae tanh. Teeenene msn "| STORE MANAGER, Lee ' n_Avenue, 725-0301, shawa, August 15, 16, and |Mtds Broaklin, 435-2641, : Fc ite |BARN EXTRA aaron | Mak poy i reupholsieredand| © 17. Phone Genosha Hotel on WHT JONNSON" 25" norsepower, recondl- fressen al "eee ae a ee Py elaly, seis ada's finest tine ial) TA wares, King St. £. Oshawa INDEX TO } ake Your Home terial for eelatan' tis anne nae these days for appointment. fet: ON guarentend 135," Telephone] ?Fesses. $29.) crib maitresses, $9.80; mat GEANT'S RENTALS [ice iec' becutiniy' iiwetratea arts oe siaunsae CLASSIFICATIONS | Your Centennial Project, [Streets anma" hnvwrem ' Cherie ELECTROLYSIS NE intend ent SER, Wines" POR ier es ees on approval and tne Yas 1--Women's Column } : alse wet sult ture, 20 Church Street "0 CHAIRS, card" mmasreen| UN, ISG RIM A Rs eee LICEN Legh rock OURS ese eae 7 * es ir A D ana panquer tables, church| +'d» 1253 King St, E., Hamilton, Ont 3 Sportsman's Column PHONE Sales and Service Bi cana _--lnw ae aT ROLAS" wr 440. Telephone -- dioan<|Simeos Street Norn. Can asaeie" HOUSEKEEPING -- reliable livein thi pie f : ¥ tire | APPLIANG 3--Sportemen's ¢ fates foals ana thers maine EROCAS runsbout MUST GRLL compleie vet "arama rage |[WMEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers iL Wg ol ad a ey MEC HAN a hg 263-8853 E | pmcerune wr oeame eax | ics Sass mn Ooms [ame Sey Naan ra a. al [wa --Swa arter = Fado, $145, Telephone 455-20 ne 7293778 or apply 755 rice. 725-1644 | WOMAN 8--Articl | | Ro FOR GENERAL fh Suan bait | REPAIRS 4--Motercycles motor. ST eee wae eo ve on peanut Galas | Teen Hy one hundewa and, ake cere of tires Mhiidren ia] © Maintain small fleet of 10--F. - * RSM | . . "range. Ve ub tor bai erless home. Live | Wone es ete i Expert repairs to all makes DUCATI T 720-0402, Hon, $40, Telephone 7is-0183 wpe 3 90,| ave parties, weddings Bar, kitenen,| Telephone. 725-7547 tatters pene room.| light construction equipment. 12--Articles. Wanted NO. | "NURSERY SOD of washers, dryers, rai es ¥ ¥ bear. fully equipped, WS or Sa ip COTTAGE . SPECIALS -- eee _ |BABY SITTER, : 13-Articies for Rent ea 4 | ete y, Taree S.A. @ TRIUMPH jectric, Tee-Nee trailer, All in en $i, He Gad hale ton Se" 14--Busi i) |speaking, to car preveramty. - German . ie emmiovmant wented Sata. roeebo ake St | © ALSO PARTS AVAILAGLE Recesseries, Pirelli tient |eeuscsenion. serie!" Whar dressers $10, cribs. 310.. stoves' $19 iness Opportunities |iren "Some. nousenola duties. tiveciay Ron Robinson Ltd A bs ng aaa | livere . 8c sq, | @ | goggles, jackets, gi \ |Web WP MANOGANY Lopairokas fully | Bane' Street" Bent re nese ey ant week. Starting beginning _ Sept . Feral Nein Wanted j ¥ delivered, 200 yd. and up A LCA N helmets, Resain ye a inte allen' Pi Mercury" sist wee Suasanve eo a <a CARPENTER intervie ue er fail wns Help Wanted | 26¢ sq. yd. delivered tla STEVENSON RD SOUTH: [Sot er'at' aay Satvecr" ener NTEED vied wringer washer . velp FUR h ora day Saturday television, refrigerat: ny | WOMAN TO BA) 20--Real Estate For Help Wanted NO. | FIELD SOD URNITURE and APPLIANCES AB's Motorc le SHOP Ww CHOAR yaraie "" up. Alcan Purnlvure une" A is 7 Ni Jing five-year ol rab hoy dlp 728-6621 or Sale ee 452 Sime r ye cae cruiser and $i ppliances, 452 boy. Pay and room and/ a--Summer Properties 200 yd. ond up 20c sq. yd. T oe ~~ Oshawa 728-7780 Wee forty horsepower Jehnsen motor.iamen, South, 723-001) | AN board, Phone 728-2407. ia tly sate | delivered ___Telephone 723-0011 Sa er ~~ ne and battery, vacuum repairs, all makes, hoses | WAITRESS, -- Must also be short order | heen te ey e | Ww. ' ---- bes ~ . shes, etc, Pick-up, delive 9.9913 | R cook Telephon HR e mainta ° pats tlie cat very, 942-0213, | equired ¢t s phone 723-0761, Te tats Gitta oe terns ' ahdeenea Sarvies pide Rent A Piano MOTORCYCLE SALE 7--Swep end Serer poi FR ety Service, "Main Street,| censthiction hee PA ages cacy ea ot JOURNEYMAN - 25--Houses for Rent : | sed sco' i ee 'i _ | | SITTER TO Livi "do | yon th dl ag BETHANY LANC*CAPING ia hate vl proc Wet oie, (eee ee é Farneeecieaneayeajesiead wee | (UNV experienced in estimat- -- /howenold tasks, 425 Ta TW ang ae Tight 27--Rooms for Rent __Phone | 623 7 4 des $ k awa, Hon- Laundry tubs, bath tud Mam aa $39, : teed trouble-free winter Na your pur} (9 and have good knowledge Shoal Point Road, Pickering Beach z= Room nd Beard : ae HEINTZMAN uzuki: .. $99. and up. [sure avaterns, Saaharnatich, pre Rating rotten eave Oli Co, 725 of sub-trades, generous sal SHIRT PRESSER, experienced, five-day RICIAN axerented. % : ; | pine a Hi at 4 : W PRODUCTS, s ha th possibilities of pro week, Telephone. 9 , Z iccenpect Cars far' bath SMITH S TREE FARM . | & Company Ltd, a9 OA SHOP jereon Tractors H Chinn, corner Tatitglag| CUrDAM: 723-0444 oF 468-4883 eR peeing bt se A bill AaCiaCe SIRE ms ___| with provincial certifi a agg ag 5A © Cedars for Hedoes 79 Simece St. N., Oshawe King West, 728-4242 |8h#_Park South, 722-7000, LADY'S ROLLER SKATES, size s;| Reply giving full ght man, lwo children, one niece and' one] rtiticate cAmueabie Rance @ Cut flowers and plants Telephone _| 728-2921 GUCATI Mar bgt PER ': lenvemme ' tebies" Weak. ara 2 iiiaciaai ese PR i CA union rates, for responsible _ obdile Repair Ns -- nals OSE x San enPtomeret camara aaa . sonable. Apply 428 - es i f : at oa Found < manure (cow, sheep er horse) jane =e ACETYLENE wetlding and cut Mg vente ne muerte er oka $ The Paehint s elle ¥ "S! POST OFFICE BOX 39 Iparitimne, 3b ig Hat restaurant.) position' plus bonus, --t Roug! » ea: ig "4 e, nS ie ge -- | ta ek, most! oAvetons ¢ Rewoh umber Cut to wi) [Soa acre ee The cost of this lagautirut 'mapogaiy dining foom| AJAX, ONTARIO [ttn Simae Neh opi TAUNTON ¥--Coming Events c ' s re sein AMA moter cycle, \eb Twin. ine feet, si : | All li i i : --Notions Kall 'collect Newieiiile 706 Pe a ee aii -- oe witer «mm. ina, Wares She mencea? [moment pedal chairs. Come to ae.) ' 'ence es held in strict 'con se WERS WANTED apt MMEDIATELY, CONSTRUCTION _ A lice phone 725328 ' serv: ieeustone, CHESTER eee pe : oa $250. Telephene 72: +» ie eal or " Feeding | vat sell -- TUITE. lawn mower NERO A SERVICE? 'Check "Burines [supply materials and 'pay shipping both LIMITED Brooklin 685-3433 n ery ice in the Want Ads for reliable! Apply 'Dept, 087, Bo | rel 7010, ba 'Bast Office, Toronto, Ontario, adele se] 728-662]