Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Aug 1966, p. 12

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ay 1Z THE OSHAWA Times, GEE, BUZ, \/ JIMMIE JENSEN! TMGLAD TO \ NOTME, MY BOY! | [ Fridey, August 12, 1966 SEE YOU AGN) A BAD PENNY emuamrceemiastntr ie tia 1c 3 | BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER \(Top record-holder in Masters' | Individual Championship Play) AN AUTOMATIC PLANTER - ant AND WHAT ARE YOU POUT THE YOUNG SHOOTS eT iemel | | GOING TO BE WHEN IN HERE AND THIS GADGET YOU GROW LP, PLANTS 'EM! WATCH! J , LITTLE SEEDLING eT TT iy oe WITH THE POPULATION EXPLOSION, WEL! NEED ALL THE FOOD ) "3 { ee renceball gs Ger) Pc Reedtrstnatind te Kooy Poetures Sedicata 1 UZ GETS A £00 FLIGHT BACK TO HIS CARRIER. TEST YOUR PLAY 1. You are declarer with the West hand at Four Spades. North leads the four of clubs which South wins with the ace. -- | South returns the three of clubs TM GLAO YOU CAME ig ens {| You SHE MUST BE 74 THANKS FOR ) We WIVES HAVE TO DONALD DUCK' © King Foateres Siyedionte, Inn, 1966. World rights reserved. sheng ' which dummy takes with the a WHILE BLONDIE'S I NEEO YOU, EQUIPPED With Tus TIP, WORK TOGETHER 5 ; king. How would you now play p (q lpear SOME KIND OF || fToorsie D 7 HERES THE TEN ) «UPSTAIRS \ ) RADAR THAT "Si] bo As : Td JAMMED IN BY Fn Egg yok MR kod the hand? Lp | SF , ~ a) pevecTé money \ CE , SKIPPER ' PASGAGE IN GO DAYS. IF THE { ») : \\ Y oi SKIPPER. DON" @ AKQ11065 Be : 982 Pitdarriare "LL BE Li fe » We'_L TO MAKE IT THIS vest ' o5 $972 2, You are West defending against Four Spades, The bid- ding has been; South West North Bast 1@ Pass 2@ Pass 3@ Pass 46@ You Jead the king of dia- monds, Your partner takes it : . at nal? "he ith the ace, leads the ace of ONE THING ) (TO PAY HIM OH, DON'T } WE WOULDN'T wi <! 5 = = . . P clubs, and then plays the four Weetes \ Mceacen | bnisup cue eer ~- a YOURE WAY INSIOM THE DAKOTA RESERVATION' THAT. \| \of diamonds. South follows with WIF G me )( te aor? an YOUR Y 18 A FEDGRAL OFFENSE!' THAT WHITE BUFFALO Witt 66)\|\the nine, having previously HAMILTON? Fike Soles « ~ Mer ee HUNTERS BOLT*: 5 SAFE WHILE YOU COOL OFF WW JAIL; played the deuce. You win the o " "| \diamond with the jack. What would you play now? Wad tights veered x © King Fewreres Spedonin, Ton. T64. BE TH' NEW CHICKENSOUPERMAN?' LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER 36 10852 1. There is no sure way of i i - : making the contract, but there NAAT 'S. YOUR (, WELL HMMM (you MEAN Z PAID OU MIGH : . ----t von! ig Your PINION OF MY IT'S DIFFERENT/) || A WHOLE PENNY 5 © r ri " . GARDAY'S TOO MUCH nest chance is to lead the queen / ' 4 a THERE'S A POLICE : od bars 4 Ok oe is NEW HAT, OWL?) \ rer THAT 3! : nn , : por one uTLe qe! | of hearts at trick three, even eens : eligi ' ' i. ; y AMBULANCE AT THE though this gives up the chance CAFE WHERE HEIDI o% AND PAUL HAVE GARDAY ; B)/| HIS MOVE, I Ler : of winning a heart finesse. If STAKED OUT / oe HIM DUMP ME SO ; ra the hearts are divided normally, He'D THINK H& HAD B <~F you then have ten top tricks. A CLEAR FIGLD. (eh) BZ Let's say you decided to lead a diamond instead at trick three. In that case, the defense mably win the trick rm a trump, thus cut- ting off your possibility of ruf- fing a club in dummy and com- }pelling you to rely on a heart finesse to make the contract There is a better chance (62 : : ae : 1 : % per Fy of finding the hearts . Coe Ee ee . f divided 4-3 than there is of win- 34 going Tee Riaes pie Boor - COR Se OES MR ocrssleiltdcilsiionanlen --------_--_---- ----~ ning a heart finesse ( 50 per 1 rageccee ENRY = - COME cent). The unusual play of the tone WITH ME HUBERT queen of hearts at trick three TELEVI I -- even though it does not | ui ; TO, guarantee the contract -- giv- WERE OFFS ji, Y g es you the greater chance of Channel N--Hamilton 9:00 Pas ee VACATION, making the hand, It is the Channel 9%--Toronto . ! Pp R 1 7~Cesper 4 HERE WE t a Channel &--Rochester |, mayen Meee App OE (ERE ofi{ | percentage play. Channel 7--Buftalo 4 Pyle Ernie Lindell dine 2 2. Partner has indicated by Channel 6~Toronte 2--The Wild Wild Weet his plays that the ace of clubs Channel 4~Buttato a ae : {] |is a singleton. You should there- Channel Barrie \--Petticoat Junction Skipper Sam | ' : , - 3 fore return a club and let him nancial Silden ith Shona aha aor son ruff. East's hand probably looks | something like: 2--Fury 10:00 P.M --Quick Draw McGraw \ 3--Canadian Open Golf | HI76 INTIS @ASTA A. The only way East could tell Superman 4--White House Wedding Garden you about the singleton was to Cheyenne %--~Cartoon Playhouse play the way he did on the first Forest Rangers 11:00 P.M. Bugs Bunny _------ ee re jek: r Forest Range 1907. FM Bugs Sur three tricks, He cannot have the Canadian Open Golf Weather, Sports 2-3-6-8---Soccer Cham A-4 of diamonds alone, because ena plonship _ |with that holding he wold have PM. : t y overtaken the king with the ace Dobie Gillis 2---Tonight Show 12:30 P.M | Outlook $--Viewpoint : : | I THINK I LEFT THE and returned the four at trick Movie --Science Fiction 'Mv : | STOVE ON UNDER two to show a doubleton. Theatre 11:20 PLM, }---Milton The Monster | a KONA INC VPUMEyiahe 2¢ "be em SECRET AGENT X9_ Gomer FRIDAY EVENING Mery Griffin $-2----U.N.C.L.E 5:00 P.M j---Sentimental Agent 12 NOON Family Theatre 7--College All-Stars Your Home and A 4 " ! id § 2 SALLY'S SALLIES 4-- Movie 6:00 PLM, 6~--Night Metro #-4--News, Sports with Chuck Healy "1325 PM, Movie l--Movie Mr, Magoo 11:90 PLM, Adventure Theatre &--Johnny Carson 1:00 P.M, Thunderbirds 6:0 PM. Hoppity Hooper 2-3:9---News, Weather remier My Friend Flicka Sport : Linus Tennessee Tuxedo Canadian Open Golf Wells Fargo 6--Huntley-Brinkiey 1:30 PLM, Ney SATURDAY Rescue 8 4--News 8:00 A.M American Bandstand é--Let's Talk Music &--Davey and Goliath Rural Review Outdoors Unlimited 7:00 P.M, 2--Caltoons 1.55 PM 1--Mike Douglas 4--Captain Kangaroo %~The Flintstones 8--Mr. Roberts 8:0 AM 6--News, Weather, &--Fantasy Island Sports 7--Rocketship ? 2:00 P.M 4--People Are Funny thcchenaien Manes International Bowling 3--Combat a--Funny Company 4--Forest. Rangers d--Huntley-Brinkiey o2-4-6-Basebell Saturday afternoon at the Races 9:00 A.M, hers "Brathers "seid Trip way Pat YOUR HEALTH %--Smotners Brothers 4--Field Trip ?.--Highway Patrol Flintstones 2--Fantasy island Movie So Ses &-Addams Family 4----Wiid Wild West 9:0 AM, 3:00 P.M "But, Granville, I don't want . | " bd 3 . undousen yn e ™ sate ne wen | GIVE Up Smoking & | him to bark at strange men." 8:00 P.M 2--Hercules ing Candid Camera Party Duke Show 10:00 A.M. i naa atre: ---owetst inion | For Lost Weight LATE New Look Sought Lennie Breaw Shaw 4--Mighty Mouse 4:00 P.M, MICKEY MOUSE aa | orus Gentlemen PI , 1--Prot f ee ce Yi ] [[To THE RUSTY SPOON DINER | ao alba wrenting By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ' Fo Hi t om M | FOR A HAMBURGER WITH y----) | 10:30 A.M. After Feur } r storl en $0 MST TO He pecgleeeh dy | re Man Prom UNCLE | S-Cartosn Rleyhouse saul aaiial By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD depressed. The condition means) TORONTO (CP) -- The Fa | NEIGH S . ~ ' if eer from f A GoGo 4 4.2--Under Dog 4:30 PLM, { » My 97. : 5 his wayslinocc are i : \ STAYING ON HER } ) aa "> | \ ne) 3 ' Adda Rarity cchaetich ¢--Wide World of. Sporte Dear Dr, Molner: My 37-year-|that he must change: his ways |thers of Confederation who have o~~~ | GRANDMA HAS [GO THERE SHE GOES IN é ) BEEN BRAGGING "EM TO KNOW SHE ONE OF HER DIGGUIGES. SO MUCH TO HER BACKGLIDES NOW DET. / \ ( ) aoe Sing Along with Mitch . Bill Bat Masterson old son, had a heart attack four|of living. He has to learn to be|stared grimly out of history ( eee "yrs | Q 63--Get Smart ee Wrestling 'months ago. He was hospital-|careful. He has to learn to be/nooks for 80 years have been SF "f at 5 | ja tt y _-- _#-Honen's Heroes nd ibid bi .|ized for two weeks and then kept|less active. He has been fright-|:oiq dodos in whiskers" far too ve Dd Oe j } rie * hut '8 CROSSWORD at home for four weeks, al-|ened. long, says a Canadian artist a Cs) i; | 027 L 23 f 4 ww though not in bed. He took off} Current figures show that 85jcommissioned to recreate in , ' Aa | |25 pounds, jper cent of patients with heart|color an original painting lost ACROSS a inne ' ' | He is still tiredsafter a few attacks return to their former/in the House of Commons fire 1, Nursery 3. Falsehood 24, Neigh- <ISIE A] /hours of work, sitting or stand-|0ccupations, and live happyjin 1916, rhyme "eye : ling, and must rest during the/lives, once they become recon-| 'It must be brought out that girl ' ) ETE iday. ciled to the facts. they were relatively young men : : Debark 3. Bire D LIA a He is depressed quite often as| Sometimes a man who loses}who enjoyed life to the fullest," Rese S i EE 3 -- Demons 7, Biblical ' 5 jhe was always quite active, a leg or arm becomes deeply|said Rex Woods in an inter- | The doctor said he would be/Gepressed because it puts an/view Wednesday. = | P cis ns " | Fe 'survevor" \ ~~] ee D ing.) #. Thing s ae geen JOIOTe a lall right, but to take it easy/¢nd to the active type of life he} He wants his painting, com- ( li} WMAT WOULD | senTusBACKA ) ( } " | ' isonet ati land keep his weight down, He|USed to lead. Others with the|missioned by the Confederation GRANDMA . Appel reneE OF A i : ' a wit RY oat bal hers , smokes, but the doctor said he|Same injuries determine to|Life Association, to hang in the 14 -- | A Sot ' Employ 1 ® » j i i (mars) Vis : Tm i S Raman 18. English 33. Intimi. jday to pep him up. Is all ;this/8et over their depression, Mr. Woods, 66, is using as nd . | 4 | 1} 5 Skill . Yesterday's Anewer | could have a cocktail during the|Make the best of it, and soon /Parliament Buildings. , money streetcar 30, Ex dates ithe right advice?--Mrs. F. B. | If your son can view his/guides photographs and_litho- Note of 9. Goddess avates, 35, Yawn | In general, yes, it sounds like|/handicap in the same way--ac-/graphs of the original painting of dawn as coal 38. False hait /eorrect advice and care, Losing|cePt it as a misfortune but one|of a bearded group standing in extinct 1.8 39, Before the 25 pounds certainly was|Which he can learn to overcome/front of a window looking on 40, Riyer in wise; an occasional cocktail|--there is no reason why his/to the Quebec City shoreline. Scotland = /may well relax him; however, b-becad of "a een ng ~ ss ry ~% |1 would certainly prefer that he/@!sappear. is, after all, ONIY| seemingly simple rashes can 2 WET Sey | GY give up smoking a fairly short time since his\become infected and be an aw- SASS ASQ! : Hie / " | Length of hospitalization and|attack. __|ful nuisance. INS ~ ge | ' . y jtime in bed depends on many As his emotional depression} 2 i re ' factors: Severity of the heart|lifts, I think we can expect) Dear Dr. Molmer: My hus- Zodiac sig f attack, degree of shock, re-|much of his fatigue to disap-|pand passed away and since 29, Offer a sponse to treatment as indi-|Pear, too, because depression|then I have had a complete fe- . Western ¢ cated by electrocardiograms,|™@kes anyone tired. male operation (hysterectomy). state : V and other things I am thinking of getting mar- MUGGS AND SKEETER | Since he is back at work, even| Dear Dr. Molner: I have ajried again and wonder if there though he has to rest a good|"ash on my hand that heals and/would be any satisfaction in deal, we can assume that he re-|then breaks out again. I am|intercourse for me.--Mrs. S. G. sponded well to treatment jwondering if It is eczema What) Yes, your operation will not AZ GY His depression and probably ;'S good for it?--F. B. G, interfere with that. You cannot, VAM (ZA \some of his fatigue may not be} YOu might well call it ec" | of course, have any children. ai 132 [38 la physical result of the attack |Zema because that is merely a} -- las much as psychological con-/Seneral term for various kinds stud rf FETA \ se : # of breaking out of the skin. It hore bi . "fj Af, sequence . | yi os oo S/, MLL | is absolutely futile to ask what} 4 : 1, |SHOCK AT 37 is "good for it," until you know sid A J | rd N | PBiy | A heart attack is usually anjwhat kind of a rash it is, and FISH & CHIPS DOWN "i, jemotional as well as physicaljit has to be seen té be diag- Chane, ond tore. Mop Order . James ? jolt. It is more of a shock for|nosed, So my answer has to be ony goa of the ¢ Vy [2 man as young as 37, and it is|See your doctor, Allowed to goq '7 Athol St. W. 725-4812 Oid West not difficult to see why he feels on too Jong, some of these| JULIET JONES rows oO

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