Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Aug 1966, p. 11

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WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by 'fhe Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office, Karly publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride,to the Women's Editor as soon as possible afier the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Cooksey - Davey Married by the Reverend R.|o0uquet of roses, A. Sharp in St. Matthew's |and baby's breath. Church (Anglican) Mr. and| Miss Linda Cooksey of Cree- Mrs. Reginald Francis Cooksey|more was the maid of honor are making their home in Ajax.jand the other attendants were The bride, the former Sharon|Mrs, Wayne Davidson, Oshawa; Leona Davey, is the daughter | Miss Patricia Marshall, Co- of Mr, and Mrs, Leon Davey of |bourg, and Miss Darci Davey, Oshawa and the bridegroom's |Omewa. mn ; 4 s are Mr. Mrs. Percy ri ougias Cooksey oO Paoksey of Creemore, Ontario, |Aurora was the best man. The Given in marriage by her | Ushers were Mr. Robert Keeler and Mr. Robert Davey, both of father, the bride wore a gown vant, of Romance crepe with a high-[oshawa, and Mr. Ivan Cook waisted bodice of Swiss lace in : : Following a reception at the rose pattern, styled with a scal- ro Workers'. Credit Union loped, scoop neckline, trimmed | Auto rker "re n f : | Hall, the couple left on a tour with jewels, and lily-point _ sleeves. The back of the gown|0! points west, As they left, the bride was wearing an empire was enhanced by a self bow and streamers and a detachable dress in pale green crepe and mantilla of all-over lace, held White lace with a matching at the shoulders, A double-rose Jacket and white accessories. Mr. and Mrs, Cooksey are re- headdress held her tiered, scal- Joped veil of rose-appliqued silk siding at Harwood Park Apts., Exeter road, Ajax. illusion, She carried a cascade Rettenmier - Ballan gardenias, te MR. AND MRS. R EGINAL Kodoski, a reception and coffee; party was held in the Hotel Genosha. Greeting the guests were Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Fisher, Mr. Harry Blusum, sec- retary - treasurer, Odeon The- jatres of Canada, and Mrs. |Blusum; Mr, 8. R. McManus, Ontario district supervisor; Mr. Frank Lawson, director of pub- promotion; Mr. Hicity and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 12, 1966 J Robert 1 | George Spratley, Mr. *|\Gardner and Mr. William De- ivitt, consulting engineer ix Odeon, SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department Mr, James MecCansh, presi- dent of the Chamber of Com- merce, substituted for Mayor Lyman Gifford in the opening ceremony and ribbon-cutting On their way home from a{ Mr. John H. Pratt, Gien- inside the Odeon Toesire. Osh: : : 2 he awa guests included the Honor- motor tour to Newfoundland, |forest street, has been holiday-|ani Michael Starr MP and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koats, ee in Lucerne, Switzer-\ mrs starr; Chief of Police Wal- Milwaukee, Wisconsin, were re-|/4"4. @ guest at the Hotel deste, Johnson and Mrs. Johnson; Tricks With Lights! To Be Feature Of NFB Exhibit TORONTO (CP)--Six Amer-| ican artists and designers led by Holly Carpenter, 24, of New Jersey, will interpret Canadao Canadians at the National Film Board's paviiion ai ite a: dian National Exhibition. Miss Carpenter, who also de- signed the Vatican pavilion at the New York world's fair, said that, before starting the NFB job, she read "every children's history of Canada I could find in New York libraries," Theme of the display is youth and Canadian history. "Our information and all the films, photographs and graphics for the display have been sup- plied by the NFB. We're using Norman McLaren animated ab- stracts and historical films and all sorts of effects with lights,™ Visitors to the pavilion will, able to put their heads through peep holes to a on screen with famous Ca ans at historical places such as Fort York, Chatiouiciown Queenston Heights. The display also includes a giant tick-tack-toe game with. three-foot picture squares of Ca- nadian faces and a round room, with 128 illuminated 18-cubiece. foot boxes which flash demon- strations of subjects such as contemporary ceramics and Es- kimo art. eg cent visitors at the home Mi poorrestegg on ae Inter-\ Mir and Mrs. Gordon Garrison; Mr, and Mrs, J. C. MacDonald, |)fyvn4 F phones of Musi¢\Mr, and Mrs, Ross Gibson; Mr, Nassau street. Mrs. MacDonald] itt continue ii ee e andiand Mrs. Ernest Marks; Mr. and Mrs. Koats have been pen| g nue until September and Mrs, §, R. Alger; Mr. and pals for a number of years and| ° Mrs. James McCansh; Mr. Wal- this was the first time they had Vice-president and general ter. Branch; Mr. and Mrs, ever met each other, manager of the Odeon Theatres|Andrew Mowat; Mr. and Mrs, |, of Canada, Mr. Frank H.|A. ©. Hartshorn; Mr. David Ou-of-town guests altending | risher, welcomed. invited|Savage; Mr. and Mrs. L. E, @ Bleaches in 6 minutes. the DeLong-Taylor wedding tak-| é a nie P | : 29" guests and "'opening-nighters"|Osier; Mr. and Mrs. David Kal-| 4 St. ¢ |? F g-nighters ing place tomorrow in St Grothe dic opening athe Quand Me. and Mes, JAC will include Mr, and: Mrs, Bari|"c™, Odeon in Oshawa last eve-| Weleet_ and others, Terry, London, Ontario; Mr Sle . the same time bidding) '4 ; as giclee 'nn », | arewell to the old Biltmore f , tic ; land Mrs. Harry Saville, Por Following the presentation of HOUSEHOLD HINT Grease the skins of potatoes | LY Credit; Mr, and Mrs. Thomas ; y L % coe Scarborough; Mr. and oll alt aod Free : Mr. Ernest Rutland, Yar- -, menages intro- before baking if you want them) Materia es Ron nicely brown but not hard, INTERNATIONAL COIFFURES Now at Modella a new Revelation in Hair Colouring "COLOUR XL SPEED PROCESSING" machine @ Tints in 3 minutes @ European Hair Stylists @ FOR AN. APPOINTMENT CALL Modella Hair Stylists 725-4531 71 Celine St. sD F, COOKSEY mouth, Nova Scotia; Mr, and Mrs, James Kennelly, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. O'Donnell and Mr and Mrs, Charles Small, all of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. A. P. McCue, Odessa; Mr. and Mrs. Ted McCue, Mr. and Mrs, W. McCue, Miss Audrey McCue, --Aldsworth Photography Television Brings the World of Sport and ZELLERS of Jo-Anne Ballan and The marriage Georgina Patricia Garry Thomas _ Rettenmier, both of Toronto, was solem- nized in St. Philip's Roman Catholic Church, Oshawa, by the Reverend M. J. Darby The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Garry Lilley of Windsor, Ontario, cousin of the bride, jwas the matron of honor and ithe bridesmaids were Miss | Patricia Anne Kucherik, Osh- yjawa, and Miss Beverley Retten- mier of Admiral, Saskatchewan. Mr, Garry Lilley was the best Mis» Geraldine McCue, Miss [Blaine Coleman, Mr. William Clarke, Mr. and Mrs, Wayne McCue, Mr. and Mrs. J. R Clarke, Mr. and Mrs, Robert 7\Clarke, Mr, Michael Clarke, |Miss June Jarrell, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kittner, all of es Entertainment Into Your Living Room! TO 9 P.M, RETAILERS TO THRIFTY. CANADIANS OPEN DAILY TO 6 P.M. THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS Mr. and Mrs. George Ballan ofjman and ushering were Mr, Petawawa, Ontario, and the|Donald Kornylo, Oshawa, uncle bridegroom is the son of Mr.jof the bride, and Mr. Rick and Mrs. Thomas Rettenmier|Ballan of Petawawa, her of Admiral, Saskatchewan brother, The bride was given in mar-| A_ reception followed in the riage by her father. She wore Hungarian Hall, Albany street, a formal, empire gown of silk/The bride donned a three-piece fengaline with a round neck-|white wool suit with navy blue line and sheath sleeves Thejtrim; navy blue accessories skirt and bodice were trimmed|and a corsage of red roses, with appliqued French lace|when the couple left on a which also bordered the long, motoring honeymoon, oval train that flowed from the! Mr, and Mrs, Rettenmier will shoulders. A self halo head-|make their home in Toronto dress held her shoulder-length,) Guests attended from Toronto, houffant veil of tulle and she|Windsor, Shelborne, Petawawa, carried a teardrop bouquet of Ontario; and Admiral, red Sweetheart roses. |Saskatchewan. Kyte - McLaughlin Blackstock United Church} Miss Lynda Kyte, Blackstock, | was. the setting for the mar-|the bridegroom's sister, was the| riage of Donna Jean McLaugh- mall: ot i + 'Mine Pateies | lin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . moan Miss Patricia Roy McLaughlin, and David/ McLaughlin, Fenelon Falls, and Lee Kyte, son of Mr. and Mrs.'Miss Shelagh Murphy, Bow- Harold Kyte. manville, cousins of the bride, The Reverend Philip Romeril Were bridesmaids, Debbie Mc officiated, The wedding music Laughlin, the bride's sister, was played by Miss Elizabeth| Was the flower girl. Thompson and Mrs. Harold; Mr. Floyd Kyte was_ best McLaughlin, aunt of the bride, man for his brother and the sang 'Wedding Prayer' and/ushers were Denis McLaughlin| "Tl Walk Beside You." and Robert Kyte with Allan The bride, given in mar- Ashton as the ring bearer riage by her father, wore a The reception was held at} VANCOUVER (CP)--The first formal bridal. gown of white|Blackstock United Church) women have moved into the Chantilly lace over white satin and later the couple left on a} federal government's new tree styled with long sleeves and a wedding trip to the east coast.| ment centre for drug addicts at! flowing, buttoned back, Her For going away, the bride} Matsqui, 30 miles east of here four-tier, chapel veil was wore a white linen dress with|in the Fraser Valley caught to a nosegay of white an empire waist and matching a . WE es Re orchids, accented with tiny{crochet lace coat and a yellow agi - pe or crystal beads, and she carried hat and corsage of yellow roses. |)" ® stintion ave 10 of the a cascade of white roses and' Mr. and Mrs, Kyte will yeas admitted 16 the cen carnations. side in Blackstock. tre came from Kingston. peni- Streamliner TOPS "3 ilson 5 pounds Weekly Weigh-In The first men were at the new prison March 1 but queen for July 26 Members were The Motor City _Streamliner) the evening get to-gether to be/ yng Spence, a slender, attrac tops club met epee all/held at leader Florence Rus-|tive woman of about 30, says Lancet Park clubhouse for' sels cottage following the 7) the women's section is still be i i q Pog 9 Mrs. Joan Antanazio with a o'clock weigh-in next week, All) 198 organized loss of 2 Ibs. was queen of the members were asked to bring There's an air of modern com fort about the, low-set concrete and eating!, ... the DUnaHIES Fileen| were transferred from Oakalla, lost,;a provincial prison near Van- couver 2 with reminded of received week Miss Flizaheth Devinish their own snack with 1144 pounds lost, was queen! utensils, thas ake----up that--make---up omg ge vy = 'Women Teachers Convene In Toronto Four days during August will| be set aside by Ontario's ele mentary public school women teachers to attend the annual of their professional organiza Simeeting of their professional zaton, The Fed-eration of eration .of Women Teachers' ing scheduled for August 16 to 19, will host more than 800 members and guests during the sessions at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto During four days the del gates will review the business | of their Federation, Discussion jand voting on the resolutions | isubmitted by the membership |will take place. Reports from the two parent organizations Canadian Teachers' Federation and Ontario Teachers' Federa tion, will be received Two outstanding educationists |will address member teachers| land guests. Mr. Evan Glyn jLewis, a Staff Inspector in icharge of Educational Xe jsearch Ministry of Education /England, will be the annual dinner speaker at the Federa- {tion meeting. Mr. Lewis was } recently appointed Chairman of jan International UNESCO com- imittee, to direct a five - year project designed to study the teaching of English as a foreign Ienouage in 20 countmes, Pro- fessor Isabel M. Laird, Depart- jment of Psychology, Queen's | University, Kingston, will be ithe guest speaker at the annual luncheon of Fedcration Miss Margaret Grant, Princi- pal of the Metropolitan Toronto School for the Deaf, is Presi- dent of Federation of Women Teachers' Association On- tario, Miss L. Dorothy tin is the Executive Secret f 'FWTAO, = . . . WINNING EVENING GOWN Mr. Gilbert of Montreal won his third Union Label award at the National Col lection for this evening gown in alabaster ul tured chiffon, moulds the body in a Gre clan mood and has a sheer yoke richly embroidered in beads. The flowing back adds touch of drama, pane! 2 MR, AND MRS, GARRY T. RETTENMIER Institution For Drug Addicts Opens Section For Women -|green valley, tentiary in Ontario and fOUr| jon Macleod has indicated that\tives in Co. Armagh, 4\Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Gary | Clarke, Scarborough; Mr Steven Golding, Napanee; Mr 4\and Mrs. Herbert Golding, Ver- 7) dun, Quebec; Mrs. Nellie Brown, Eaganville; Mr. and Mrs, Harry Sager, Trenton and Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCue of Victoria, B.C. Miss Susan Brown and Miss Susan Lovelock are on a four- week vacation in England. where they will visit Miss Brown's grandmother in Lon- don, The travellers are students at Central Collegiate and will be back by August 30. Prior to the Kyte-McLaughlin wedding, the bride, the former /Miss Donna Jean McLaughlin, |was honored at several showers iMrs. Jack Chapman, Port gave a_ miscellaneous shower; Mrs. Harold Wright, Oshawa, a kitchen shower and Mrs. Gordon Paisley and Miss Linda Kyte, a pantry shelf shower. Mrs, Neil Bailey was hostess at a surprise party of members of the bowling team who made a presentation and the staff of Cartwright Central \School held a luncheon and presented Miss McLaughlin with a mix-master, --Ireland Studio In recognition of their work with service organizations in prison, set in a 270-acre site Oshawa the following will be amid rolling, wooded hills in althe guests of the directors of the Canadian National Exhibi- But there's also a 12-foot high| tion al VaHOUs receptions a fence surmounted with barbed| Harry F Millen, Mrs. J0 ry wire, leaving no doubt that this Chmara, Mrs. Michael Jacula is a prison Mrs James MeCansh and Mrs For Mrs W. F. Marshall, Spence and her staff of 60, Matsqui is an experiment; Mr. and Mrs. David Willis, in treatment of drug addicts,|Mary street, returned this week Penitentiary Commissioner \l-|from a vacation visiting rela- Northern "Ch P Orga. jp ay Only 3.00 . eekly? * ' U * ' 23" "Daylight Blue' Sealed Beam tube for in- creased contrast and brightness. * Dual front-mounted 4" Dynapower speakers. * Convenient "set-and-forget" volume control. YOU CAN BUY NOW works built in Ireland Mrs. E. A. Lovell, Simcoe lstreet north, has returned from RESEMBLES HOSPITAL Montreal where she attended The present staff in the wom-|the marriage of her grand- en's section includes experts in}daughter, Miss Dale Sparling, education, social work, occupa-|to Mr. Terrence Mills. Accom- tional therapy and other fields,|}panying Mrs Lovell were Mr Eventually, a staff of 79 will|/Everett Lovell and Mr. and guide some 125 women prison-,Mrs, Stanley Lovell and family ers if the matsqui centre well, another will be Eastern Canada mes oT us Osh The women's section of the lla Mis: stitution is located al halt 42a boulevard north, and Miss bu He cated about half a Ellen Latimer, Juniper. street mile fro n's ares ' : oe a om the men's area are leaving tomorrow to attend ; oth sections have the same|the Lakeview Summer School facililies and purpose: to treatiof Ballet at Jackson's Point drug addicts in an atmosphere |Take Simcoe, for 'two weeks sina like that of a hospital or|They are going on a scholar: oe than alship received from Miss Irene aber oa security prison.'|Harvey for highest standing in sk ho termed medium: their Grade 3 Royal Academy ecurily rison Security priso ballet examinations, \ few problems CTC the = Matsqui experiment Starts to roll Authorities by addicts now centre Is a are expe Mr. Arthur Peacock, of New York is visiting his father, Mr roin. used Charles H, Peacock, Arthur weaker than/|street, The visitor recently re- in earlier years, and this could|turned from tours of Japan and create a new situation, The|Liberia, West Africa under the stronger heroin prevented preg-|auspices of the Episcopal nancies, and few babies were|Chureh Centre of New York in born to womer. addicts which he is a member of the In any the new prison financial staff; In his admini is equipped with a modern hos- strative capacity, Mr, Peacock pital equipped to handle majorjhas spent 11 years in Brazil, Surgery if necessary Columbia and Ecuador, He has Buildings at the new prison been twice around the world are connected by covered walk- and has found English spoken ways, Each "living unit' has I6/everywhere, He remembers rooms, and each room contains}Oshawa when it had a popula a single bed, radio, and ward-|tion of 3800 and says he simply robe space doesn't recognize the place THE HOUSE OF FLAIRE - COIFFEURS Otters Oshawa and Vicinity Personal Services In . . e Manidyres @ Pedicures (Foot Care) @ Facials @ Make-up Consuiting @ Eyebrow Arching @ Eyebrow ond eyelash Tinting By Jane Poulson For Your Personal Appointment Phone 723-6901 1 Hoir Styl 14 ONTARIO ST. Si a i as is CASE 139" "CHARGE IT" Pay Only 1.75 Weekly ! with you everywhere from bedroom anal set to go the cabin, f 12 comfortable private view- Blue advanced automatic 12% den, even to Dr features Daylight tube gain control, Wx 13%" ibe function 15 Ibs- in with 22 t Lightweight - H x 10" D beige cabinet. »g and Shopin a) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE G.E. for Unsurpassed Performance ! THE BIG PICTURE 23" CONSOLE TV "ULTRA-VISION" MODEL Unsurpassed performance, bigger and sharper fatigue-free Electric's 'Ultra-Vision" gives you all these and more: ship, new, advanced design, quality components. today ! * Reliable circuitry, MXD control. * Luxuriously finished elegant cobinet, 29'W x 16"D x 31)A"H. AND "CHARGE.-IT" ! ZELLER'S OFFERS THREE CREDIT PLANS UP TO TWO YEARS TO PAY ON ALL PURCHASES ! PERSONAL PORTABLE SETS "ON THE GO" "CHARGE Pay Only 2.25 A leading value in portables screen, great sound with ovol front - controls, monopole handle. Weighs only 36 Ibs 1614" H cabinet in attractive sand color ZELLER'S image antenna, 723-2209 STEVENSON ROAD for comfortable, viewing General reliable craftsman- See the "big picture" chassis, automatie gain 1" Weekly ! big picture with 19" 6" x .2" speaker. With plastic carrying 21K" We 13" 0 x

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