Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Aug 1966, p. 10

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Some while ago 1 pointed out the desirability of training your child old enough to do the dishes, to do the whole job up | to the last pot and pan and to | 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 12, 1966 By ESTRELLITA Ps _ Teach Child To Complete Another good day! Both senti- tidying up the kitchen. All too | mental and home affairs will be many mothers same geo Pee A governed by fine influences. j child to leave these finishing | Rebuke From Mother | jobs | lare concerned, well - planned) By GARRY C, MYERS, PhD. |may have persuasive powers to |helping you in the garden, .see | programs should work out ex-| Many a boy or girl is stim-|¢8% him on at the right time. that he stays on the job till the | Squelches Surprise hremety well There may be times when you ANN LANDERS led TOMORROW And, where business matters) Any Project He Undertakes to her. If your child is| julated in a scout troop, camp- FOR THE BIRTHDAY last tool is put away, 2 prefect he ar she will never|sources, require your child to| Whether your child is 5, 9 or Dear Ann Landers: Mom had a birthday yesterday and my brother and I put our money together and bought her a beau- tiful orchid, (I am 14 and my brother is 12.) When mom came home the box with the orchid in it was on her dinner plate, We both stood in the doorway watching we. thought we would see her|estimate is low. If you don't|month, late face light up with joy. Instead she hollered, "You kids must be orazy to spend money on such if tomorrow i» your birthday, your horoscope indicates occu- years ago but I was sick with pational advancement and fi- fright and had to go on tran-/nancial gain Pring ps new year in your life; also the pos- quilizers. Last night my hus-\sipility that you will receive band said, "You can learn to| some generous token of appreci- | drive if you set your mind to it,/ation for past work endeavors I know dozens of morons who|--either in late October or late drive," Is he right? Please com-| December. General periods for ment,--Branien Wife making progress on the job Dear Wife: Your husband's|front; The balance of this September, the believe me talk to any traffic) aforementioned October and officer, December, next February and You probably have a psycho:| May. Those engaged in creative foolishness. Where in the world| logical block caused by a long- 0" scientific pursuits--and Leo am I going to wear this orchid? Po the supermarket?" +My brother and I were so disappointed we nearly cried. We happen to know that mom has never had an orchid cor- sage in her whole life and we wanted to give her one. Do you think we were foolish? forgotten incident which terri- = may of ee fied you early in your life, jhave an exceptionally § Y bl h to Years with outstanding periods i ce wart nothing tO| of aecomplishment--and recog lo with your I, Q.--it is €m0-| nition--indicated in December, tional, So stop feeling inferior. next January, March, May and June, Dear Ann Landers: Recently! py not expect the aforemen- I read a letter in your column |tigned financial gains before from a woman who was mad early 1967. Even though you at her husband because he got! could increase assets to a small finish, Too often the leader of | such groups makes little or no | effort to make sure the child) will see the project through, nor) to win the parents to help to! this end, Tennyson might have been right--"'Tis better to have loved and lost than. never to have loved at all." But rarely is it) better to have begun a job and| not to finish it than never to) have started it at all, Before your child obligates himself to undertake a project, consider with him whether he is able to see it through and the likelihood that he will, If you are pretty sure in your own mind that he will not see it through, you might be wise to dissuade him from beginning it, even to forbid his starting it, in some extreme instances, Sometimes a little help at the |beginning of the project will or-miss fashion, \fire girls or 4-H Club to begin |should, if you have the re-| TIDYING UP go on with the project to its|14, have him learn early and | completion, Seeing you can nei- continually to clean up the| ther persuade nor require him/scraps, put everything away, | to finish the project, it might|and tidy up the place after he | be better to induce him to/has finished making something. abandon it entirely than to go Even after your child has done on with it in a half-hearted hit-| his homework on an evening, he| needs to learn to put everything | Suppose your son agrees to away before leaving the job. mow the neighbor's lawn at You are on a family picnic. regular intervals but grows neg-| Before leaving for home, every ligent of this job, Either require| child who is able should be re-| him to do this job faithfully and quired to help clear up every- well or to give it up entirely, |thing and pack all materials in | Suppose you have hired ajthe car before leaving for home. | stranger to mow your lawn and|The main purpose is not to ease | your son wants to do this job|the burdens of the parents but | at the same pay. Consider his|to exercise the children in re- | likelihood of doing it regularly |sponsibility for helping finish- and well' before agreeing to|the job fake him on PARENTS' QUESTIONS Make clear to your son at| @, Is the power lawnmower a)! what intervals it must be source of hazards to children? | mowed and how the borders) A. Yes, indeed, it is a hazard. | must be neatly trimmed, It is|A surgeon working in the emer: | very important that your child) gency room of a hospital can} Please print your letter and suffice. Sometimes some help|mowing your lawn for pay, or|tell you of many serious in-| your answer,--Wrong Gilt to the paper first and drew degree during the balance of|and encouragement when his\as a family obligation, shall) juries to children from this tool. | Dear Brother and Sister; The Mustaches on all the faces and/1},\; year, the next 4% months |interest first wanes might work. learn to finish the job doing/Even children old enough to | gift was lovely, and I'm sure|Put pipes in all the mouths hould be devoted to planning | Many projects require his atten-|neat!y all the trimming. Then|operate a power mower need | deep down your mother appre-/ You said to buy two papers.'for the future rather than tak-|tion at certain times, as does a/hold him to those standards; be|guidace in safety measures | ciated it, But she also is a very| Why cater to the idiot? Wouldn't ing steps, such as speculation, | garden project. Sometimes you' exacting with it practical person and when she|it be better to buy the big baby jn an effort to make money - saw. the orchid she thought ofja coloring book and a set of/fast, For the Leoite, in fact, a few things she needed more--| crayons? speculation of any kind would probably things for you kids, And now, here's my problem, be extremely risky--especially Show her this column and I'll| My old man divides our paper |during September, November bet she will admit I am right.|when it comes, He takes Ann|and December, Stars indicate You sound like wonderful chil-| Landers and the financial page, | however, that programs laid out dren, Your mother should be|The idea is that we are sup-|with future expansion in mind, terribly proud of you, and I'm|posed to trade, But we never|if launched in September and sure she is, get that far. He finishes first| (or) October, should net nice re- ' jand puts the paper over his face turns within the first three 'Dear Ann: I am a 40-year-old | and falls asleep. I'm afraid to) months of 1967, Next good cycle woman who feels as if she is|take the paper off his face be- along these lines: June 1| e next thing to a three-headed|cause he wakes up and gets|through Sept, 1. | feat in a circus, Why? Be-| mad, Look for some stimulating 50- | | So--Ann Landers, what's the|cial experiences between now +My children make me fee] | Solution?--Halvesies and Sept. 1; also throughout | iliy because I can't drive| Dear Halvesies: The solution|October, December, January, them to music lessons, scout|is the same as for the creep|February, April and June; for | meetings, downtown, movies|who draws the mustaches and/interesting developments on the | and to the homes of friends who|pipes. Buy two papers--one to romantic front during the latter have swimming pools. lread and one for Sleeping half of December, in February, t | snooz or, May and June; and chances to t ook driver training a few'Beauty to snooze under us lipeves ocean the tae MAIL a | October, in late December, Jan- juary, April and (or) June, A child born on this day could lexcel as a top executive in business or industry, as a sales: | man or trial lawyer. DUNN'S SAY... "THANK YOU SHAWA'™ Your response to our Annual Dollar Sale was just cause I do not drive a car, | a\ O AY mY -- HONEY CRUNCH APPLES | 4 large apples 1-3 cup honey | 1-3 cup corn flakes 1-3 cup. raisins ¥ teaspoon cinnamon teaspoons lemon juice tablespoons butter Y% cup water (about) Wash and core apples; make 4 slits in top edges. Arrange in baking dish, Mix honey with corn flakes, raisins, cinnamon, and lemon juice and fill apple cavities; top with butter. Add water to cover bottom of bak- ' | ing dish, Bake in moderate oven | (350 - 375 degrees) until apples are tender (50 to 60 minutes, de- pending on apples), Serve | warm, with cream, whipped or plain, or ice cream, LT : FRANK 'n' NOODLE PLATTER Frankfurters Or Wieners -- They're Full Of Nourishment -- > Why spend those precious|drop them into boiling water yc | Hours of summer fun cooking, and simmer for five minutes = when a little forethought could|°"y: This is the time it takes : A . : to heat the franks through, yet . - leave time for more enjoyable] short enough to keep the franks > Ap tasks, In minutes this frank|from bursting and losing the ( i] yoodle platter can be on the| 800d juices Maat pio B ae table, ready to satisfy hearty} For color, tangy flavor, and ; appetites, yet leave the cook|crisp texture serve this easy | cool and pleased with the re-|meal-time platter with a mar:| IFE PRESERVER sults of her imagination, inated asparagus salad, Hot) Canning tomatoes for cook- 'Flavor, alone, is not the only| buttered rolis and a nutritious|/ing? Squash them up slightly, | reason for serving delicious|!®@ cream will complete the You'll get more per quart, and) franks at meal time, Complete| Me4!. little or no liquid is needed. | meat protein, trom nutritout| FRANK NOODLE | to the day's requirements of} ; SUPERFLUOUS HAIR | riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, pound package franks = iron. Franks are a marve-|8 ounces noodles REMOVED us means to provide energy,| 14 cup butter or margar By El arge " y lectrolysis Body-building protein and essen-| ;) "> itherdagesh ote with the KREE tial vitamins and minerals for} "4 CUP chopped fresh parsley | ae ok Se | ¥ slic " uxe short. growing youngsters and busy| \% cup sliced green onion | wave, revealing adults, teaspoon salt your true self, free of worry ond embarrass- ment --- ne see" FREE CONSULTATION MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the Genosha Hotel Aug. 15, 16 and 17 PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these dotes. The sale was truly an overwhelming success... and we owe this success to you, the shopper. Thousands of people from near and far took advantage of the sav- ings that were offered, Extra suits for one dollar, slacks to match your sport coat purchase for only one dollar, extra shirts for one dollar, etc., etc. We went all out PLATTER Yield; 5 to 6 servings 1 and your support was really gratifying. To prepare this dish, merely) ! , teaspoon paprika y PP ¥9 ying heat the franks and noodles} % teaspoon pepper dnd whip up a special butter Heat franks according to sauce, Crisp green onions and package directions, Cook freshly snipped parsley season-|"00dles according to package ed with salt, pepper, and pap-| directions, Drain. Melt butter in rika develop their full flavor|@ saucepan. Blend in parsley, When blended carefully into) Steen onion, salt, paprika, and melted butter. The platter is Pepper. To serve, place noodles completed when the rich sauce/0" a Platter, Pour melted but- is ladled over the steaming bed| ter sauce over 'noodles and top of noodles and topped with| With heated franks, ; plump, juicy, tasty franks, yt ~ ae * To heat the franks properly, | If anyone missed this great sale ... we pass along this little reminder... THE DOLLAR SALE ENDS SATURDAY AT 6 P.M. ® CHARGE ACCOUNTS ® No Interest @ No Carrying Charges CRISPY LAMB CHOPS QW spring lamb rib chops (about % inch thick) 1 egg, slightly beaten 2 tablespoons milk ¥ teaspoon salt % taro Worcestershire l ll at | 1 cap cornflake crumbs HANH Trim any excess fat. from os Low Rental Rates by chops; in a shallow dish, com- bine egg, milk, salt and Wor-| cestershire sauce. Dip chops in| milk mixture, turning to coat all sides and then roll in corn- | flake crumbs. Arrange in bak- ing dishes being careful not to! crowd. Bake in pre-heated 350 degree F oven for about 30 thinutes or until chops are tender, Do'not cover or turn chops, Makes six servings. teeter tv ies : 'fi Buy in Quantity and ) nf i} Save '| Complete Locker Service OSHAWA FUR AND» LOCKER STORAGE 81 William St. West PHONE 723-3012 | the Month or Year Expert Meat processing and Custom Cutting Save on Wholesale Meat PAIR PEARS, HAM * Nice pear accompaniment for broiled ham or chicken: Pare, > and core fresh California artiett pears; fill center of each with orange marmalade sprinkle with ground cinnamon and ginger then dot with but- ter. Broil until browned and bubbly. Oshowa Shopping Centre Open to 9 p.m. Thurs, & Fridoy Downtown Store 36 King Street East Open to 9 p.m. Friday OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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