Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Aug 1966, p. 9

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he Oshawa Cimes OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1966 HENRY RELATIVE GUIDES AT MUSEUM granddaughter store of Thomas Henry, settler farmer and preacher in early-day Oshawa and one time owner of the historic Henry House at Lakeview Park. Here, she steps back almost a century in time at a House exhibit to illustrate Parts Problem If conventional shoppers had a chance to visit this typical 19th century country goods store they'd say the prices were great, which is the exact description of the girl behind the counter, Six- teen-year-old Leslie Bangs- __ boll, 'Toronto, is the great, great, great a help Miss Kendal ol Stewart Ont a the staying taken on with is lie has zuide nouse her CG; job and grandmother, Henry, 231 King WHITBY (Staii Ontario Steel Company set late. September as pletion date target $200,000 moke 'on gram Origin The has in the tunnel th subjected to jwater spray hie we its| found the pro-;as 80 Lake) smoke is|lake except where it now com en pressure a for nave " cuts nucl trol per cent The pumped Before he Water ompany had into the said sident visited x rained: | at nothin | Pum ped into the 'They were particule whether matte of dirt causing f r é rea problem in : ' Polish Honor Soldiers Aub hoped for date But G. R. Heff "There has been the. delivery the smoke he smoke trouble Whitby, Whitby 'Towns whose municipal eye been swam} from ompletion project star vater pollution ¢ the plant harmful was t ed pe to che re com too good ernan now, the that 00 pe iold-up ain equipment,' Ht top to think of cer parts of riod as on ontrol ried as to 'sha yreanic roll of lake wasn't. The disc oloration -- heavy ausing Oshawa and lakeshore has in both plant's uaieal under vant falls. has ws at protest dents Half control complete the first of naces was $100,000 devic lution by Vhen the me nace equipped WATER SPRAY The Heffernan technique the furnat A sno calls ang of --LASCO program some smoke s _-- mont the } fur- a pol- Poland stops the grounds on soldiers of the p ? , mar standing There by holiday city's lo Au Wil ching i rs sment march, commemoration, veille, singi f the Oshaw but inity ant's two 3 15 fel guard for | 80 pe s no Polish quip econd u identically Co omm two-day ute t Day commemorati pre t 7 p.m and after ram Saturday i The local P Committee, which commemorative the 1,000th ann Christianity in the weekend be held the Association grounds (Stevenson Saturday's 48] STUDENTS AWAIT RESULTS Good Or Bad News v1 pay in a dier's company) iid M spray from to was dirt kel ¢ attached As , slown urnace at to a lance solemn 235,000 PAPERS ) professors marked a Do} rou Pol Nationa Mrs St ters ogram ski Slows "ti Smoke Control Plans Aiter Mishap Bell Traces Calls transaction with the Catherine Lé summer historic with R E. the »/ Oshawa, i he ne ar that the smoke W ople $3,000,000 t benefit nclude ri y wublie e are with to «: During Two- Day Program flag colors star 1 Side gather- adiar larting de vice Pol- 1 | Falls {ber 4 Permits = Building last permits issued Permits were issued for 23 single family dwellings last month compared to 147 permits tin July, 1965. The total number of single family dwelling permits issued this year stands at 211 .com- pared with 375 during the same period in 1965 During the first seven months this permits have been issued 44 multiple family units. During the same period in 1965 (a record year) permits were i for 80 multiple family No Construction slumped month in Oshawa as Be |vatued at $619,728 were 5 | by the city, During July valued at $6,706,9 lissued and in June permits valued at {were issued, The July value increased the total value for the year to 1$8,995,277 compared with per- mits valued at $15,224,751 dur- ing the ne period last year The st permit issued dur- ing Julv was for a $200,000 sep- arate school addition on Elm ridge St } NEW SCHOOL SITE Board, City Clashing Over Land Separation Rds board for a new permits 57 = were this year $3,525,886 veal for sued units industrial in July permits were issued irchased by tary council and the separate is being school board clashing ove! the subdivision of property own ed by the Sisters of St Joseph A parcel the land the land without / ll corner of Rossland and-Steven- | an onditions and the city ippealing that decision +t Art, Crafts ihucsse, On Display s requiring a The ment City son are the elemen school Russell awyer adjustment paration Murpl the board's the of ave consent for the the of at ommittee sé of is o the wers and road forfeiture of ntir road Os oot aiong the land for » lawyer side of \ de n- part nual r craf display | in. said 4 ] Che por sted by acres lion of the property re Board about 000 per acre ige on srounds Thi special e ounds awarded que five at $3 vith ot ro land Mi three wide for is one ents vith Ross oir d the sc hool 100] to pay onsiders nd- educa o buys for ber S inte in to will| tional rhe Incorporated lis a mural contest judged separate itself for yen use e ile purposes ity fee which rhe marked not be play only and presentation inality, said spokesman The leaders have jlecting sketches, drawings It es and eraft work made by the children during the sum mer | There |participating each one ha é yuide display. di ri nowever, that all purchasers should be subject to the requirements." said Mr. Murphy. Trustee Ivan Wallace said the board received notice of appeal insisting the separation of land 'be subject to $18,600. "We can't do anything until the hearing unless we pay the money and we don't want to do that," he said Mr. Murphy has been to pre the hearin earing vel set will be try if as She say here was such arti vorkmanship for partme¢ machine back from 7 ing a time a thing a time but of would like to 100 years the zied now she go 7 4 a. to get away and fren- we now chaotic been col of life racey, way know --QOshawa Photo City Driver Is "Critical" Times grounds and theme ed its | the not are 28 play this year picked a resenting re board date at for has been Manuel Mrs. William F Gladstone Ave in critical condition} Hospital} sust seas accident Douglas of M Manuel "s Within Minutes General injuries a one-car at Toronto with multiple Wednesday in Rosedal ncial lic at said in his court t Lowry Bell with the police in any way tha he in Mr The operat quipment: employed in) dence 0 district by the Bell Said om an ace of min any © matter read ustor near co and they Prov Falls alone model south 'Jon! § vas 1963 road znway Fen Manuel the the Hig Close operat beiweer Bell officials and ci enable arrests makin in tele customer have recently an New proven. itself when off mn olice, made ol »bscene ly nent the wher equipr twice has last two making ar in or) week Toronto men annoyance Their possible person n annoy phone calls to were Bell "We with a obscene arrested for calls police said ome up arrest vas concerning nade equip: dis- appre- The vas trans- Memorial by Fenelon and was Toronto injur to the Lindsay ambulance transferred man new policy and says J. W. Lowry awa,, district manag The company up its campaign fenders who do thing and we will throu the new Ross ferred Hospital calls,' i's Osh- annoying Be ment when patched hend the were to police the area offender to later v stepped catch of. sort of s to type of offence, to six months in evi-|fine,"" said Mr. can receive up jail or a Lowry. this supply Swimming Official Leaves Next Month Mudd, assistant and swimming Hall Boys Oshawa thi new George manager tor Ss will unit direc- Club, Septem- nome at Florida to Canada England years at as aquatic last three of Simcoe leave to make f Pompano lis Beach Since coming year: Mudd spent Boys' ( and five Mr. Lea- di- in ago from two ub rector the Oshawa He is man for € awa district community and also water safety chair- Red Cross in Osh- treasurer of the service association nember of the board of director Ontario Swimming Associat i Pool reasons f Blue holi- ja amr nea Mountain 1937, } Crippled Children in our similar amps ave ated in now it was established by nce loc udy been he uc t Ontario Society province, J appoint- | srosecule | A person found guilty of this} $500) A substantial proportion of the city workers to be laid off by General Motors will be elig- ible for the newly-instituted | Transition Assistance Benefit) plan, The Times was told to-| day, The workers will become some of the first to qualify for the government run scheme which was introduced last year ide the Canada-U.S. Auto reement morning the total num yoffs was still in doubt, General Motors would make no comment on the number to be laid off or on discussions that took } terday between company men and sentatives of 222 United Auto Workers Rumors have. put figure at anywhere to 3,000 workers GM expected prepared statement offs later today TAB it has was introduced to safeg automobile workers from fect of the Canada- Pact for to slong Pact ag This ber of Ja ace ye spoke Local repre the s of union the layoff from 2,000 release a the lay is to or dubbed uard the any as been ible ef Auto qualify has pos 1 US To worker off a d Auto Pact This 30," said Everett Smith, supervisor of the city's Unemployment Insurance Com- unch today for the scheme a has to have worked a of 30 weeks in the industry receive the scheme a have been laid rect result of the mission br To qualify worker minimum automobile He will veel 62 per cent wage in benefit plus pendent the plan, 24 da % per each WON'T QUALIFY A man who has n 30 weeks in not qualify worked less the industry the scheme worked e@x- his lay- week tha will for \ nan VO has before ive of ben this, the will receive for every! Additionally to applyir worker one benefit worked in the automobile in excess of 30 weeks 52 weeks. k industry and up to wee Fire Damages | Empty House early this morning cau an estimated $4,500) damage to the home of James Mitchell, 561 Oxford St 4 fire department man said. Mr, Mitchell jon holidays The fire been caused left burnin ) alarm rhe 12:30. ar the blaze fire sed spokes- is away} have bulb} believed to by a light loset called in at fireman battled two hours. in a was and for ove! Drivers Treated After Accident Thomas Joseph Lavalley, St. Peter, Ont., and Leon- Glover Pontypool, were ninor injuries. this the Oshawa Gen-| and released for the Whitby hment of the OPP said} y been charged with failing to yield following a col-} \lision between cars, driven by he injured men, at. the inter-| section of Taunton Rd, and the| Town Line east. Both vehicles were towed from the accident 'scene shortly after 7 a.m. Lake ard eated mornin at Hospital spokesman eral \ deta Lavalley has Pickeri and Pea Ajax trate heir artistic talents Oshawa_ counsellors Carol Langmaid and Caro- Rosemary of demon- rsor oo. jdian Director George Burt, New Benefit Scheme | Will Assist Workers Show [Federal Government Plan 'Introduced With Auto Pact "Thus if a man has say 40 work with General he will. receive five jweeks' benefits for sure plus 10 extra weeks' benefits, Then his benefits under TAB will fin- ish 'Also than one year's company will week's benefit weeks' work vious Whether or not the worker's joss of a job can be blamed on the Canada Auto Pact depe in Motors The said Mr Smit has to certify with the government that the worker's of a job is directly due to Auto Pact No benefits can be lesw this certification vided,"' The Oshawa av GG Simcoe St, S. is arming lteelt for a possible onslaught of TAB candidates, SPECIAL COURSE "We took a special training course on this scheme," said Mr. Smith 'Copies of the plan are avail able at the office here. "Tl expect that we will be needing extra staff to cope with the applications, This should be no problem though We have a lot of extra staff here at the minute as this is our rush time of the year with the summer layoffs, 1 expect that some of these will be kept on to cope with the TAB applica- tions." is pros ors ne who has more service to the receive one for every two the year pre- man in General ompany," loss the given un- 3,000 -- Rumor Too High GM Tells UAW Officials ayoff announcement; "It is generally known terday as company|Corvair, the big Buicks and n and the top execu-|Oldsmobile lines, the G-10 union sat down to|trucks and the tilt trucks will \be manufactured below the an| border next year," he said. "We want to know the num- Taylor today. jber and names of the laid-off told us. that there |emt ployees so we can put their would layoffs. But they |names forward for the govern- didn't give us a definite figure,|ment's Transition Assistance ane said that they were mak iBe nefit plan, ng a plant survey and that) 'This plan guarantees 62 per 'es could give us nothing con-jcent of a man's wage in assise crete until that was complete, |tance if his job-loss can be "Although they gave us no|blamed on the Canada-U.S, definite figure they did say that|Auto Pact. the rumored layoff of 2,500 to| ;"'Now a lot of these workers 3,000 would be far in. excess of|will be able to blame their loss the actual number, of a job on the Auto-Pact, Our next meeting with the|/Those that can will have their company will be early next)#ames put forward as soon as week. They set no definite date,|we know them," time or place for the meeting. SENIORITY BASIS "We are hoping for some) On waht basis the men will definite information then. be laid off has yet to be made et a -- ie the/known by General Motors, local's international was being) « : lnte 09 ; kept in touch with the latest POR sg bile ape news through the UAW Cana- cut on a. strictly seniority basis. The men with the least |MEMBERS WORRY number of years with the com- The union's first vice-presi-|Pany will go first, ident Douglas Sutton said today| "This has been the usual |the local's membership was|policy of General Motors when |worried, jit comes to permanent layoffs." "We have had a constant} Mr, Sutton went on to say stream of telephone calls and|that when the union and coms visits from the workers this}pany sat down to talk in June morning," he said, lthey had been told that truck 'They want news and we can lproduction would be in full give them nothing definite. [swing by Aug. 15 and that car "Tt fe worrying. for them: be: [Production v ould get underway cause they will not receive let- Aug. 22, ters saying they have been laid) "We heard faint rumblings of off. They just won't receive the|® layoff at that time," he said, customary letter telling them} "But we certainly were nod when to report back, \¢ expecting @ a layoff of this size." "This is the usual proc edure| during the summer layoff." St. John Ambulance OTHER PLANTS j ne under) Worker Honored Mr. Sutton said stood that the laid off work-| ers would receive preferential} Lt. Col. F, §, Wotton, CD, of treatment if they applied for) 319 Burke St., director of lwork in the General Motors] Emergency Measures Organe St. Therese plant in Quebec, Ot) ization in Ontario County, has other GM _ plants, jbeen admitted as an Officer "We know the Ste. Therese|Brother, in The Most Vener- plant is going on to double 'shift able Order of the' Hospital of with the new model year, he| St. John of Jerusalem. jsaid. "They will. be requiring al Col. Wotton was admitted into lot_of new workers,"' the Order, in recognition of his Mr, Sutton blamed the layoff|services in promoting the work on the recession in sales andjof the St. John Ambulance, He the dropping from the Oshawalis at present, branch chairman lines of most of the company's}for the county and amember low volume production, {of the provincial council. came € that spokes tive of talk The hour Albert They the he meeting lasted said Local 222 president ones CRIPPLED CHILDREN FIND FUN AT HOLIDAY CAMP lvn Faint. Each of. the OSCC's camps handle about 280 «children a summer Benefits. are swimming, arte and crafts, music participation, health ices, drama stagings, out- door activities. A story- telling time winds up each day. serve

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