Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Aug 1966, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, 3 Mondey, August 8, 1966 15 PERSONS DROWN ON WEEKEND Road Mishaps Cause 43 Of 64 Fatalities K T 'ash C buildings would have been ey lo jet-cr ause a twin-jet, rear - engine craft ered from the wreckage may Both recorders were built to sons) The Civil Aeronautics | wiped out," FALLS CITY, Neb. (AP)---|movements in the air, also was built by British Aircraft Corp. hold keys to the cause of a jet withstand a crash, but Slattery|poard said this was the first Recording Devices Seen | | The plane was a BAC One-l1, Two recording devices recov- recovered. and capable of carrying 63 per- jairlinér crash which killed all|said analysis of any records by fatal crash of a' BAC One-1l in aboard Saturday experts in Washington would }lives in Nova Scotia and killed | | } | | AS LUCI AND PAT TAKE VOWS INT and his bride, smiles as they pause at the leaving the Shrine of the have wide bottom of the steps upon Immaculate Concepttion Sa- turday. '| Reds Kill 10 In Ambush KUALA LUMPUR (AP) Communists ambushed a man Thai-Malaysian police pa- PAT NUG Luci . Johnson, | Strike Hits At Economy = ss:vensies By BEN WARD {Canada Packers Lid, at loca- day, killed 10 of the police and Canadian Press Staff Writer |tions across Canada, 5,000 at wounded the other five, police A crisis in labor rélations is|four Dominion Textile Co. said today facing some key sectors of Ca-jplants in Quebec, 4,500 con-| Police said eight Malaysians nadian industry during the next|struction workers on a hydro and two Thais were killed by four weeks. development northeast of Que- Communist fire from embank- Disputes involving more than bec City and 7,000 carpenters ments on both sides of a road) 175,000 workers are due to come/in British Columbia. in a jungle valley, to a head. Unless settlements} Together, these and potential) Four Malaysians and one Thai are reached they threaten new|major strikes involve about; were wounded. or continued strikes that could|178,000 workers. During all of The action took place some 15 put a severe crimp in the econ-/1965 only 172,000 took part in miles north of the border be-| omy. {strike action in Canada. tween. Thailand and Malaysia. The spotlight situation is in} Already this is being talked) The frontier is 240 miles north the railway industry where 98,-|about as the year of the "big of Kuala Lumpur. 000 non-operating employees of push" for labor unions wf) 'The attack was 20,000 conductors and trainmenjhave come under heavy pres-| worst of its kind since Thai and are poised for a walkout that|sure from their rank-and-file Malaysian security forces began would tie up the entire rail net-/members to wrest major con-'a joint campaign against the work, jcessions from employers to Chinese-led Communists follow- It would come at a time when counter rising prices. ing the 1948-60 war against \ | 15- | each pomt is and Women Seen 'Necessary Evil' MONTREAL (CP) Claire Kirkland-Casgrain, Que- bec's first woman member of the provincial legislature and the province's first distaff cab- inet minister, said Saturday Ca- nadian politicians still regard women mn government as a "necessary evil Mrs. Kirkland-Casgrain, for- mer minister of transport and communications in the Liberal government of Jean Lesage, quoted the French author Stand- hal, as saying The admission of women to perfect equality would be the mark of civilization and would double the intellectual forces of man kind." Mrs freight facilities are be-| Wage demands frequently/Communist guerillas on the ord domestic traffic and the/an hour, to be spread over two-|-- * enormous export grain move-|year contracts, Dozens of set-| . ment. \tlements have already been 17 Questioned If all else fails, Parliament|made in this rage, most not- Th R | d ency session to force both sides|truck drivers, Quebec long: en ; elease " into an agreement, shoremen and St. Lawrence, MONTREAL (CP) -- Police A Cross-Canada survey by|Seaway workers, picked up 12 persons for ques- The Canadian Press shows| Joe Morris, executive vice- tioning Saturday and Sunday in these four other major strike|President of the Canadian La- , te throats developing bor Congress, says wildcats are, Marking the 21st anniversary of --At the country's biggest|/mainly due to rank-and-file the bombings of Hiroshima. steel plant, the Steel Co. ofjfrustration with the legal de- All 12 were released later Canada at Hamilton, 17,000|!ays caused by conciliation pro- Without being charged 4 workers are demanding a 90-|cedures. In most cases a strike Most of those picked up said cent hourly wage and benefit/Cannot legally be called until they were members of the { om- package on top of their pres-|seven days after a conciliation|mittee for Peace and Self-De- sent average of $2.74 an hour,| board files a report termination which is organizing --At International Nickel Co.|. "Some times this procedure; meetings to protest American of Canada, biggest nickel pro-|i8 dragged out for months," he policy in Viet Nam and to mark ducer in the world. 16,000/Said in an interview. 'Workers |the anniversary of the dropping Sudbury workers want $1.20|Start demanding action and of an atomic bomb on Hiro- an hour in added wages. Base|When the union can't give them) Shima : gh rate now is $2.52 for miners.|@ction because of the law they !n Quebec City, about 100 Uni Surface workers receive $2.22|'ake it on themselves." Neraity of Dayal stigents an hour | So far this year labor unrest;Marched in front of the Ameri- Aluminium Co. of Canada|has been confined almost en- can consulate Saturday night in at Kitimat, B.C., is facing un-|tirely to the three big industrial]/a similar protest specified wage demands from|Provinces--ONTARIO, Quebec ie ie 5 2,100 workers who have re- British Columbia. . jected an offer to add 65|. At the moment Newfound B b F h cents an hour to their present|!€nd, Prince Edward Island 0 1SC er $2.43 base rate and will take|@d Nova Scotia each have eo cisike wate 'Pupsday. jonly one small 'strike in prov QRF® : epee he --At six major British Co-|Tess. New Brunswick hasn't ins FT Ourt men are seeking a 50-cent!. There are two current strikes; SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) hourly raise in their $3.38 i" Manitoba, one in Saskatch- Us. champion Bobby Fischer rate ewan and three in Alberta, won his fourth straight match Wildcat walkouts, a growing Labor sources in the seven sunday to tie Boris Spassky of] feature of this year's labor un-|S™aller provinces say the fed-| fhe Soviet Union for first place Hamilton and Sudbury in defi-;ment has caused little reaction ternational chess tournament ance of the law and the plead-|#™Mong unions. But in many' Fischer, defending black, ing of union leaders, During the 2"eas 1966 is an off-year for challenged the centre right weekend, workers at both cen-/ontract renewals. from the outset to defeat Jan tres voted to end their illegal Quebec's labor situation this, Donner of 'The Netherlands in further bargaining outs by school teachers and match non-professional hospital work» Fischer and Spassky FOUR IN PROGRE ers, After settlement of the hos- have 749 points. One Renewed efforts are also be- pital strike Premier Johnson in- awarded for a_ victory ing made to settle four major|dicated he would introduce leg-| point for a draw They involve 4,300 employees of'tion ever rising again. round match with Bent Larsen! ™ grata pie any a caegeiemautS . of Denmark. Spassky appeared| | likely to win the match, having an advanced passed pawn, jwhich is expected to win Only one other game besides the Fischer-Donner match was completed Sunday. The contest between world champion Tigran Petrosian of the Soviet Union American National Association via ended in a draw of Women Lawyers that "men in our democratic governments have yet to challenge women to be really part of the govern- ing strained to handle both rec-|range between 50 cents and $1 'Malayan mainland. likely will be called into emerg-|ably in the case of Ontario connection with demonstrations! lumbia ports, 2,700 longshore-| @"Y. rest, already have occurred at erally - imposed seaway settle-|in the 18-round Piatigorsky in- actions and wait the results of Year has been centred on walk-'299 moves in a 13th round strikes already in progress. islation to prevent such a situa- Spassky adjourned his 13th- | piece and the game The former minister told the and Borislav Ivkov of Yugosia- | ment."' Good Names To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill McFeeters -- Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 She said women are only per- mitted to meet that challenge 'because of the need to flatter the female electorate at least to a minimum during election campaigns." _The women's association is holding its annual meeting here in conjunction with the annual convention of the American Bar ' Association, surest lity. one of the a' By THE CANADIAN PRESS | The Ontario deaa: Weekend accidents across the SUNDAY country claimed at least 64| Mrs. Eva Maria Vados, 21, of lives, with highway mishaps ac-|/Toronto, in a Parry Sound hos- counting for 43 dead. ipital from injuries she received A Canadian Press survey|Saturday when struck by a boat from 6 p.m. Friday to midnight| propellor in Otter Lake; Sunday, local times, showed also) that 15 persons were drowned) Austin Jenner, 23, of Dover jCentre, when 'sis car jumped a including a woman in a bathtub,|ditch and struck two trees along one-person died in a fire, three|a road north of Chatham, were killed in a plane crash, Gifford Greenbird, 36, of Wal- a boy was hit by a train and a/pole Island, when his bicycle woman was struck by a boat collided with a car near Wal- propeller. 'laceburg; Ontario led the toll with 18; John Mikelenas, 54, of Hamil- dead--11 victims of road acci-|ton, drowned in Lake Erie about dents, the woman killed by 20 miles south of Hamilton, boat propeller and six drown-| -Mrs, Marjorie Ann Bailey, 29, ings, including the woman in/of Chicago, drowned in a. bath- the bathtub. tub in a motel on Highway 93 Quebec had seven drownings, just north of Barrie, five highway fatalities, a father, wys Maria Neilson of Picker- and 'his two children killed injing, in Scarborough General a plane crash and the boy killed) Hospital following a head-on, by the train. see _. . ¢ar-bus collision on the Macdon- Nine persons died in British aid-Cartier freeway near Tor- Columbia, eight on the highways onto Saturday. and one drowning, while New| Claude Belisle, 15, of Brecken- Brunswick recorded six deaths,!yiqoe Station drowned in the Ot- all in traffic. oe jtawa River near Luskville, Saskatchewan reported four! about 20 miles northwest of Ot- traffic. deaths, Alberta three jaya traffic deaths and one drowning, j Newfoundland three traffic! deaths and the single fire fatal- SATURDAY James Field, 5, of Hamilton when he was struck by a milk truck near his home; James A. Pequegnat, 19, of Toronto, when his motorcycle collided with a car near Port Carling, 45 miles northwest of Orillia; Richatd Arthur Maxwell, 25, 'of Eau Claire, when his motor- Traffic accidents took two one person in Manitoba Prince Edward Island was fa- tality-free. The survey does not include natural or indisutrial deaths, known § des or slayings Leger Warns Of Dangers MONTREAL (CP) Emile Cardinal Leger told mem bers of the American Bar As- sociation, attending a_ special Red Mass here Sunday, that a society that has lost its respect for the law is on its way to dis- solution, "The widespread tolerance of violence, the general feeling that law is for the other person and is something to get around when it cannot be ignored is not the attitude of free men, but of those who, wittingly or unwit- Paul'tingly, would destroy freedom," he said, Cardinal Leger made his re- marks in a sermon at the spe- jcial Red Mass, so named be- cause of the color of the vest- ment worn by the celebrant. This mass is usually said at the beginning of the judicial year, the red color signifying justice. The service, held in Mont- real's St. Patrick's Church, was also part of a number of func- j\fions held prior to the opening today of the Bar Association's 89th annual meeting Diplomas Given Posthumously Ru CHICAGO (AP) -- Diplomas SS, were issued posthumously by South Chicago Community Hos-| pital Sunday to six student nurses who were among eight young- women slain July 14 in their apartment Friends and parenis of the six dead girls, along with 24 stu- dent nurses, accepted diplomas during graduation exercises. The other two victims of the massacre were graduate regis- tered nurses from, the Philippine islands. Certificates were sent to their parents The theme of the ceremony as "we loved them in life, let us not forget them in death," Richard Speck, 24, an itiner ant laborer, has been indicted in the slayings and is being held in the Cook County jail. RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) Russia and Brazil will expand trade under an agreement to be signed by Nikolai Patolichev, Soviet foreign trade minister, during a nine-day visit here Starting today. The agreement widens the range of goods to be exchanged under a five year bilateral trade and payments agreement concluded in 1963, Usually well- informed sources said the new goods would include Brazilian small ships and Russian big ships and laboratories Soviet trade officials have been here since July 28 draw- ing up the agreement Brazil represents almost half the South Amerivan conti- nent in both area and popula- tion, The sources said that under the new agreement Russia was ready to sell $100,000,000 worth of goods to Brazil with payment and interest spread over eight years, SHIP BUS TO PRAIRIES LONDON (CP) A double- decker London bus is on its way to Regina via Churchill, Man., aboard the steamship Wark- worth. The bus, to be shipped from Churchill to Regina by rail, was purchased to operate from the city centre to the uni- versity and legislative build- ings. NOW THAT YOU'VE DECIDED TO DANCE... LEARN ALL THE NEW STEPS... BRUSH UP ON THE OLD FAVORITES AT YOUR ARTHUR MURRAY age eg PRE-VACATION OFFER PRIVATE LESSONS ONLY PLUS DANCE PARTIES " 5,00 WILL GET YOU READY FOR VACATION FUN AIR-CONDITIONED STUDIO AT 11% SIMCOE ST. S. OPEN 1 TO 10 P.M, DAILY CALL 728-1681 f a ee THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! Adult Building Central Location Prestige Address Distinction Beyond Compare Underground and Level Parking By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728-2911 GeorGian mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH: OSHAWA 'Brazil Expand Trade 42 persons tAprite : cycie ieit tie iad wear Ne take at least several dav Bay. The Braniff International Air- Antone Schawang, owner of Mrs. John Doyle of Owen\ways plane plunged from athe field where the plane, Sound, drowned when she fell|cloud into a soybean field about |Ctashed, was with his family in \from a boat in Owen Sound har- eight miles southeast of here, | 4% automobile when the disaster bor; | Ed Slatiery, spokesman for a occurred, | James Woytko, 53, of Hamil-/12-man .U.S. Civil Aeronautics " | 12 "The sky seemed to light up,"| ton drowned while swimming at/Board investigating team, said he said, as the burning plane a Port Dover beach, 10 miles a device installed to record con-|crashed and exploded. south of Simcoe; versation in the cockpit was re- Schawang said: Edward Dezwolak, 39, ofjcovered "in a rather battered. "I could see this bail of flames Bay about 55 miles north of|tact, it will yield any cockpitjthen I saw the tip of a wing Parry Sound when the rope he! conversation which took place in| sticking out and 1 knew it was| was using as a safety line|the 30 minutes before the crash.|a plane. | |broke; | Another device; designed to, "It came so close --a few) | Miss Elsie Price, 79, of Tor- record the plane's position and more yards and our house and) | as Ueaceracs" BOLICEMAN GETS HIS MAN | BUT THEN LOSES HIS CAR a car in downtown Toronto; TORONTO (CP)--A _ met- Nick Kowal, 63, and John Yoneybeare, 53, both of Sault ropolitan Toronto policeman got his man Saturday but |Ste. Marie in a two-car collision jon Highway 101 near Chapleau; lost his car, Constable Neil Booth ar- FRIDAY | Michael Clifton Perrin, 8, of rested a break-in suspect at an apartment building and |North Bay when his bicycle col-| lided with a car near North placed him in his cruiser while he talked to the apart- |Bay. | Boycott Asked For Election ment superintendent. SAIGON (Reuters)--The Uni- | fied Buddhist Church pushed on) | today with its campaign against! jthe South Viet Nam govern- |ment, repeating its call for al But the suspect took off in the police car, abandon- ing it about a mile away. Earl Paul Jay, 18, was charged with stealing the car and breaking into an- other car and stealing $170 in traveller's cheques He was also charged with driving the police car with- out a licence, | | | | | | | j | | No Diplomatic Relations Likely To Be Resumed Again | PHNOM PENH, Cam bodia;tary authorities in Saigon to} | election. |(Reuters)---Prince Norodom Si-|thwart Washington's efforts to| | Thich Thien Hoa, the church's|hanouk, Cambodian head of|improve relations with Cambo- acting chairman, said in a com-| State, made it clear today that| dia, munique that Buddhists do not|@ Visit here next month by U.S. He said the Cambodian gov- trust the country's present)special ambassador Averell! ernment. had considered rulers, He called for a tempo-| Harriman would not lead to re-| whether it should cancel Harri- lrary government to organize the ®stablishment of diplomatic re-) man's visit as a result of the | September election. lations with the United States. | attacks, but it concluded it was Hamilton drowned in Georgian'condition." If its record is in- dropping almost straight down, -- the United States. duat io tunes from lanuaes at'Omaha, the plane had left New Orleans, La., to go to Min- neapolis. Residents near this southeast Nebraska town of 5, said there was thunder and lightning before the crash and a heavy rain afterward. No Canadians were listed among the victims, / --" PLANNING A.>+. ¢ BANQUET © CONVENTION © MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff RESERVE YOUR Ff FUNCTION NOW! ' 723-4641 'nae Hatavanne) } | If the existing rulers remain He said at a press conference) not possible to do so. in power, he said, Buddhists) pgasrea ae that the visit would provide an -------- | should boycott the election to} exchange of views, but these robably wo ] oncrete select an assembly to draw up probably would give no concrete a constitution. | results. é Cambodia broke off relations Commenting on the govern-| with the U.S. in May, 1965, after or Reply 10 8 sharply-crit| 9 series of incidents on the fol gall peach AL, Bis Cambodian - South Vietnamese {PRUE veer WECR) C "border, Hoa said: JUST A THE The prince said today recent "The hazy wording of the U.S. air attacks which he al- jgovernment letter, written by|leged were made against the |Premier Nguyen Cao Ky, have|Cambodian village of 'Thlok- 4 HOTEL, . ee) FEW OF FINE LISTINGS OFFERED BY CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST REAL ESTATE DEPT, not been revealed. trach, in the Khmer Pass area, The Unified Church leaders|were ordered by the mili- jearlier this year organized a se-| ° . ce prameninY ries of often violent anti-govern-| ment demonstrations in Saigon }and had close links with the dis- sidents in central Viet Nam. DISLIKE DILIGENCE WOLVERHAMPTON, Eng- land (CP)--A bus company did _ not appreciate an employee's taking his work home with him. Driver John Ferguson said he drove home a 72-seat double- decker bus because he had trouble getting public transpor- tation to the depot for the early shift. He was fined for driving a bus out of working hours. DIXON'S F OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 But observers here said the most they expected from the new agreement was substantial Soviet financial and technical aid for big projects such as a 10,000,000 kilowatt hydro electric plan and a long-prom- ised processing: plant for: bitu- minous shale Brazil's bilateral trade with Russia started in 1960 with a! three-year agreement to sell each other goods worth $39,000,- 000 for the first year, Neither country exported its full quota.) two storey home just insi your fancy, Let us show roomy it is inside, Oh y attractive too, fast! Owner transferred, Continental French Buffet REET 4 IGHLY RECOMMENDED The Rib Room Will Be Closed Sundays For The Summer Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m, -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL old this Only 3 years to show you $22,900. Spaciou TUES. and WED. SPECIALS LEAN, TENDER A 9 MINCED STEAK t hly 3. bedr $102 Lovely Cede mortgage BRAISING RIBS LEAN, MINCED BEEF FRESH CUT, SHANK Boneless BEEF TOM HOUSTON Call us for inspection, attractive home, CHARLES CHAYTOR RALPH SCHOFIELD CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD Supervisor -- Real Estate Dept. Distinguished French Provincial Johonsen built, 9 months old, 3 bedrooms, den oF 4th bedroom, family room with fieldstone fireplagp and bar, built in electric stove, completely broede loomed, Owner transferred, asking $26,900, Don't Pass -- Buy! The outside of this 2 year old lovely 4 bedroom de Beau Valley will take you how attractive and es, you'll find the price It must. sell Sis a NEAR THICKSON RD. 4 bedroom, large split level, We'll _be proud asking only is rooms Immediate Possession, Just Listed 'com bungalaw with 6% Extra depth can be had to attractive lot, Asking only $16,200. FOR DETAILS - CALL 668-4416 723-7996 728-3376 Simcoe N. Oshawa 723-5221 ug

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