Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Aug 1966, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 8, 1966 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record - holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) WERE SURE LUCKY 'YOU'RE ALONG, MA'AIM, 1 WAS TELLING CDR, SAWYER» QUCH! "YES'R, COMMANDER, \ STOP KIDDING, OUST LIKE I BEEN TELLIN') MARINE... YOU, THAT'S SOME WOMA! THE BUILT-IN PENCIL HOLDER LOWE ENTIRELY TO YOU! hw gry STING, ; MUST, IBY BACK |e PAINTING My DESK! iif HEAVENS! WE'VE ONLY "TALKED AN HOUR OR SO! 3 Sr Maneatis waarmee ramvve mained West dealer. Neither side vulnerable, NORTH ox 931065 41087652 HATS EAST 62510974 992 064 4582 s0U' @ 1906 Wisk: Drnnwey Product one ai Regge Phawer West! @ Kee Srereren Sips iente, tan TK Whack wigan DONT MENTION IT, MY BOY LET'S TOSE FOR THE CHECK TE TT 5) THAT WAS sane i AFTER BITTING % THY WON'T /( SUMPTUOUS/ THANKE, : BORHO D) HENRY LARSEN ym OUNTIE OF THE Si T @BQUIMALT, B.C, WELL, FARRAR , SIEGE Herm, J Your 6 AVAL. DOCKYARD y veo SINE B,/FVAD SBT, LP. THE CREW, ST WON'T O& 2 HENRY LARSEN i YE COURSE 65 MBBIEW ou we're WELL. TO BEA +++ SK/PPER OF Tri K98743 RCMP ARCTIC i, / i oh py d ---- oC) ONE ST. ROCH \ aS aa/ee 8 867. /.8 Cong Foe ume ---- & The bidding: West North 19 Pass 4NT Pass 5h 66 Opening lead--ace of spades, This deal occurred in the finals of the Vanderbilt team of four championship in 1965, When the hand was played at the first table, the North-South pair on the Jacoby team arrived at six diamonds doubled on the bidding shown, West's jump to four notrump wa omewhat optimistic, as well as unsound, since even a response of five diamonds by, East to show one ace would not have settled the question of whether or not a slam could be made, East's spade bid cer- tainly did not guarantee solid trumps. In the actual case, the Black- wood response of five clubs to show no aces gave South a chance to bid five diamonds, which North, in turn, raised to six, East doubled to stop West from bidding six spades, but this tactic boomeranged when South proceeded to make 12 tricks with the greatest of ease. West cashed the ace of spades and South scored 1,090 points. At the second table, where the North-South cards were held by members of the Jordan team, the bidding went: North East South Pass 1@ £2NT 5@ 5@ Pass HOW IRONICIT HERE'S HIS FIRST FAN LETTER IN THE HUNTERS MUST 868 THE MERD,7OO/ BUT WiLL. WHILE ONE HUNTER CRAWLS STOP PIMINE AT U8 TO TRY 70 GAT THAT WHI TO CIRCLE BEHIND THEM ++ (ANOTHER HUNDRED YARDS AND / SHOULD Bl ABLE TO \ 4/NE 4M LP iN MY nee GN TS / Chickomneumermvams ob, db ; gai chert ee, |( THEY'RE SCRAPING CHICKENSOUPERMAN OFF THE SIDEWALKS' PINNED BY THE HUNTERS RIFLE FIRE, THREE FIGURES KEEP LOW +++ ~ coy cpu night oto. $2 Qbnsn Cofewin, e tbe Veta Boao THE LONE RANGER [7% RECKON You're RIGHT, TATER, IT NEEDS To BE MODERNIZED! MY HOUSE 16.4 DISGRACE ! IT'S HIGH TIME YOU L'VE GOT AN APPOINTMENT WITH TORCHY, AND THREES A CROWD / DID SOMETHING K i@idi double-covare as Paul plays the clumey agent and Follows Garday'to the lounge « -----* ABOUT IT/ ~ IVE LET THe { FOOL TAIL. Me LONG ENOUGH +7 SECRET AGENT X39 : ag HUBERT ' ' The two notrump bid was YESSIR, I'M conventional and showed great GETTING length in the minor suits. It was EVERYTHING | |the "unusual notrump." South's CLEARED UP-] |pass of five spades is hard to explain, since he had every reason to think that five spades 'would be made and that six dia- monds was unlikely to go down much, if at all. The. six spade bid was also doubtful, but it Is only fair to add that from West's viewpoint East might have had a hand suitable for a slam. East went down one, but the Jacoby team still gained 1,040 points on the deal, They went on to win the Vanderbilt, but "i as a result of this one hand, SALLY'S SALLIES - 'TELEVISION LOG 1130 AWM, ll Buccaneers o--Abracadabra 7--Dating Game bJeSingalong Jubilee 6:2--Showdown 4--Talent Scouts | dee Dick Van Dyke Show 1 jernie Lindell bad le 12100 NOON lie-fonnie Prudden %--Toronto Summertime 4-2 Jeopardy TMoney Movie +--Luncheen Date deeNews and Weather 12115 PLM, Speaker of the House i LETS SEE, POOLEY, You'RE ABOUT TO LEAVE ON VACATION 10:00 PLM. The Mery Griffith Channel 1)--Hamilten Channel %-Toronte Channel &--Rochester Channel F--Bulfalo Channel Toronto Channel 4--Bultale Channel $--Barrie Pa People in Contiiet boMr, Roberts Channes %--Buttale ScTiehirens ner 11:00 PAM MONDAY EVENING jy 5:00 P.M Weather 4 Sports VieeFamily Theatre | Ws PM, Superman ' ri é--Summer Camp. bmViewpoint JooCheyenne 2--Tonight Show T 11:20 PLM, ee Deis we eres jv Sho bad ee ee I/M GOIN' TO HAVE A LOOK IN THE FORWARD HOLD,,...THEN P= VLL BE UP, : oN NOTHING I@ WRONG, LAREDO. WAS JUST WORRIED ABOUT YOU 1:9---News, Sports A-d=Swingin' Country é-4--Search for Tomorrow 12.40 PLM, ovie 12145 PLM, é-de--Gulding Light 1:00 PLM, W Theatre é--Dialing for Dollars Girl Talk rBon Casey 6--Luncheon Date Bae deeMeet the Millers Spo d= Topper 130 PLM, 6-4-As The World Turns 2f--Let's Make a Deal Movie 2:00 P.M l-Newlywed Game 6--Cuisine 4--Password d-feeDays of Our Lives 2.90 PLM, 3- de=Mike Douglas Weather, 5:90 PLM, b--Mad Movies j= Laredo Pa $f §--Dobie Gillis N coe a ae 4:00 PLM, Tonic Shaw JoTwilight Theatre ScAltred Hiteneock Eric Sykes 1-Movie 4-6---News, Sports with Chuck Heal 40 PM 4:90 PLM, : 9:3:2----News, Weather Sports 6--Huntley Brinkley ate r é--Night Metro 11;25 PAM HAVE A GOOD TIME' AND DONT WORRY ABOUT A THING! CORNBORER, HERE, CAN 9---Mav 6--Movie 12,00 A.M Hie=Combat 1:00 A.M JowNews, Wea TUESDAY ews é-Vagabond Honeymoon 4--News | 700 PM li--Mike Douglas 9--Batman Ripcord News, Weather, Sports Littlest Hobe S--Honey West d--News 1 PM The Lucy Show &--Hullabaloo P12 O'clock High 4--To Tell The Truth 63--Nature of Things Q=Death Valley Days 6:00 PLM, 9---Bewltched HeeLittlest Hobo @3--The Fugitive 4---l've Got A Secret 2t--John Porsythe 4:30 P.M lie-My Three Sons P--Andy Griffin JeThe Legend of Jesse James 4--Vacation Playhouse i DOr, Kildare ps abn Sc: Distefbuted ty King Features Sos "THE TEACHER MADE Ke KETS OUT OF 'BM! 9--People in Conflict 6--Coronation Street oA Time tor Us 4--Linkletior's Party 2-8--Doctors 9:90 ALM 3:00 A.M o--Frach > a bani ?---Fraciured Phrase Smile YOUR HEALTH ry , os Seats put. everything into Another World ?--General Hospital : ': bédeeTo Tell The Truth ' 4 3:25 PLM, 10:00 A.M 4-News Ed Allen Time 6 "You've the garden but work and now the fringe benefits need weed- Take 30 --" Eye Gue 290 PLM 4--1 Love wuey Funny Company 10:30 A.M %--It's Your Move Laryngitis Hangs On, a Hs' | Other Causes Likely | it-You Don't Say | - 4:00 PAM, } S| Leve Lucy | ace meee | irritated larynx, Re- Andy Griffith timLone. Joe an hbeVacation Time pepe the cause and remedy for) maining silent for a number of|save the people of South Viet =, nay Davidson tMr. and Mre Mery, Griffin | laryngitis.--Mrs, A. §, jdays may be necessary, Any-|Nam from religious persecution the Vale Hr--Chain Lerie ' If you'll make that plural--/one who uses his voice a great/by Premier Nguyen Cao: Ky's tnPayton Place 13 causes and remedies--we'll get|deal should take pains to give/military junta, The appeal, ad- s--Law and Mr, Jones |somewhere, laryngitis is irrita-|it some hours of rest every day,|dressed to Secretary-general U tion or swelling of the tissues}Even if one doesn't lose his/Thant of the United Nations, of the larynx, or "voice box,"/Voice, the constant irritation|the Huma Rights Commission, |which includes the vocal cords, | will gradually thicken the mem-|Buddhist headquarters in Cey- Acute laryngitis is the kind|/>Panes disadvantageously Jon and Thailand, and all for- that usually stems from a com-| We must always, when laryn-/¢ign ambassadors in Saigon, ac- mon cold, The throat is sore; gitis hangs on, consider the pos-|cused the United States of re- There's hoarseness, often a/sibility of a growth, a benign|sponsibility for South Viet jcough, Smoke, dust or tumes | tumor or, more perilous, a ma-/Nam's internal troubles as a re- may also cause laryngitis, MICKEY MOUSE WANT INTERVENTION SAIGON (Reuters)--The Bu@ dhist Unified Church called Sats urday for foreign intervention to Mark mmer Fun 9:00 PLM d--Concentration COUNTY Mille Het PeeDonna~ Reed 1--Laredo 4--The McCoys TPeMan Called J=Time Out Shenandoah 11:00 AM By. JOSEPH G..MOLNER, MD Dear Dr, Molner: Please dis-, weary, THAT'S NOT REALLY WHAT HES BOING, Roy' FRONT erence WHY, LOOK aT "] 1 DIDN/'T KNOW Jory) | 'THAT, GRANDMA /} 1; COULD DANCE,' 3 ACROSS 1, Undulates B, Kind of eens 9 steak 4 Size of type 2. Half diameters 3S, Dextrose Of the axis Siae ot CHAI ~ 8 RUAN |lignant one, Cancer of the lar-|sult of its mistaken policy of This type of laryngitis sub-/ynx, is not uncommon, so any/Supporting unpopular regimes, sides quickly when the original/lump or growth there should be a cause--the cold, or exposure to/examined by biopsy, for imme- PAIR i .. [ AND SOMF ON THE LAWN GLOWING | FUNNY:LOOKING 10, Bleaching T JUST SAW AN r Saturday's Answer Ger- UNIDENTIFIED |} [tr swore pown 2' > UTTLE GREEN f st | aEN GOT "| LIKE A FIREFLY... ee) ame OUT! ». ee iy Ayo coal At home 7, Thrice prefix Stes vat 16, Hoosier State: abbr | +6 35, Gir'a name | itrilants--clears up. Menu item But at this time of year 39, Treland 40. Denomina- | "88 19. Ole to simple laryngitis, diate removal if it is malignant, Four out of five cases, when I imagine that you aren't refer: | discovered soon, are cured suc: but /cessfully,. Only one in five is About Ripened as che B. Liquid-like, as pancake battler Wand Ancient Persian Safe 2, Banda 8. Frenc prone 1. Haugh 3. Before naut 1, Horne 2. Kind of fever 3. Hobo Greek lettey ese tion 42, Employ 44, Conjunction | cautious % 19 © er Li} nm uty j rather to the chronic type, and j with that we have to be more When laryngitis hangs on-- jand let's say that means any- |thing beyond two weeks--it's jtime to look for some other leause | Of course laryngitis from a cold, which otherwise could be jexpected to clear up in a few days, may be prolonged if a jperson persisis in smoking, | Remedy Stop smoking, If lar yngitis doesn't subside then, r/ consult your doctor | Smoking alone can gradually bring on a raspy voice and an uncomfortable threat. So can la chronic discharge from the iback of the throat--the post- nasal drip from nose or sinuses, |Treatment of the affected part lis the only effective remedy Singers and speakers can de- velop "speaker's nodes," or go hoarse, or even lose their j voices, For this, the first and urgent treatment is rest for the cured if p is allowed to spread to the lymph glands. Can you think of a better reason for having your doctor take a look if you have hoarseness that lasts two weeks or more? Less frequent causes of laryn- gitis can be tuberculosis, the T.B. germs infecting the lar- ynx; or syphilis; or unusual dryness of the membranes due to a disorder or failure of the moisture producing mucus glands Therefore the remedy for lar- yngitis may be one or several of the following: Steam in hal- ations; giving up smoking; avoiding irrant fumes or dust; correction of defects of nose or sinus; control of infections other than those originating in the nose or throat; resting the voice; surgery if a tumor is found, Make the punishment fit the crime; make the remedy fit the cause jtime?--Mrs, B DUESSELDORF, many (Reuters) -- Two former Nazi SS (elite forces) men were jailed Friday for their part in a massacre of Jews in the Ukraine in 1941, Four other ac- cused were acquitted jit is unwise for anyone with }glaucoma to eat certain foods. {What is a proper diet?--Mrs. |v. Z | I'm afraid your informant is in error. There is no special diet (and no special food) which will jretard or prevent glaucoma Dear Dr. Molner; Is it safe to take a douche every night? Is it safe to use vinegar every A. N, My recommendation is a flat "no" to both questions, Daily douching is not necessary for a healthy woman, and can wash away natural secretions and thus cause irritation, The best lrule is to take a douche only jwhen your doctor prescribes it for some specific medical pur. jpose, and in that case he will jalso advise you what to use, Dear Dr. Molner: I was told' and how often,

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