' 33--Automobiles Wanted I | GSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars | WANTED -- Cars for | SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars \ bought, parts for sale. tron and metals 36--Legal '38--Coming Events 138--Coming Events OBITUARIES CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted". Talk "Cosh" Car Dealer and " : TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS cate jor wieemlng. 200 Wentworth East Tig) ent prices neld for wrecking. Tires and parts Ti75 Weison Street, Telephone 725-2142. charge for towing. Te! Robert Nichols. bought. 69 Bioor Street East, 725-2311. wrecking. No lephone . 34--Automobile Repair NOTICE 1S (HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Cho of Nome Act, R.S.0. 1960, ¢.47 ond amendments thereto, thet the applicotion of RON- ALD VICTOR CARR, of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontorio, to change his name to RONALD VICTOR MASTERSON will be hegrd by His Honour Alexander C. Hall Esq., Judge of the Coun- ty Court of the County of Ontorio, at his Chambers in the Court House in the Town of Whitby, on Thursday, the 15th day of September, 1966 at 10:30 o'clock in the fore- noon DATED ot Oshowa this 3rd WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE NGO MON., AUG. 8th Admission ticket gives' you free chance on door prize. $250. JACKPOT Nos. 54 and 59 $50 CONSOLATION Jackpot Lis -- in 52 $150 JACKPOT $20 a Horizontal Line WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO' Nos: 54 and 59 TONIGHT-8 P.M. RED BARN EXTRA. BUSES ORVILLE JOHN BOE vived by a daughter, Linda, of Besides her husband, Mrs The death occurred suddenly| Greenwood. Aug.. 6, of Orville John Boe,| Also surviving are his | daughters, Mrs. of Seagrave. mother, Mrs. George 8. Easi-/ings (Wilhelmina) of Agincourt, Mr, Boe is survived by his|wood of Whitby; two sisters,|Mrs, Adolph Holy (Mary) jwife, the former Reta Sleep;|Mrs. Clifford Redman (Helen)| Ajax and Misses Margaret and ja daughter, Mrs. Ross Dowson|of Port Perry and Mrs./Ann at home and four sons, of Port Perry and a_ son,|Clarence Hewson (Ruth) of | Bernard, Gerard, Frank and Carl of Kingston. Also surviv-| Whitby and a brother, John §.| Jacob, of Oshawa, ing are two brothers, Wiison|Zastwood of Minden. Also surviving are six sisters |H. Boe, of Beaverton and Don- Mr. Eastwood is at the Me-\in Holland and five grand- jald Boe of Bowmanville. He|Eachnie Funeral Home, Picker-| children. ee jwas predeceased by a_ sister, ing, for service in Greenwood Mrs, Overgoor will he at the |Mrs, Garnet Roberts of Whitby.|United Church at 2 p.m., Aug. Armstrong Funeral Home for BIRTHS | The funeral service will be|. Interment will be in Salem|High Requiem Mass in_ St, | held at the McDermott-Pana-|Cemetery. Philip's Roman _ Catholic {baker Funeral Home, Port! : Chureh at 10 a.m., Aug, 9. MRS. F. F, FLANAGAN Interment will be in Resurree- birth Overgoor is survived by four) Henk Penn-} of THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 8, 1966 17 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS | AOAMS cx. Dio nnd. Ir0ae foes fuveate) Perry, at 2 p.m., Aug, 9, Inter-| cage Fol gaps | evshtn i i i 7rov. th occurred, follow-' ti y i | fenne Giaine, 18 fbs.,;ment will be in Pine Grove) e Geath ' tion Cemetery. Rev. M, Beri- Tern oh ees ts i8u atthe Oanaws Cemetery, Prince Albert. at yank parva yo cf at ault will sing the Mass. (eure eh ar oe he | |the Oshawa General Hospital,) Prayers will he recited at the eS GLYNN H. EASTWOOD of Mrs. Frederick F. Flanagan, |funeral home at 8 p.m. today, | The death occurred sudden- 320 Mary St. W., Whitby. She ly, following a stroke, Aug. 6,|W48 in her 55th year. 1966, at Alax-Picker-|at the Oshawa General Hospi-| The former Camilla Mar- Ing Heseits!, 4 brother for Mark Cameron, Atkinson and staff. $50. Full Card $200 in 52 Nos, or less | 5 Special Games at $30. $45 in 17 Nos. or less 20 GAMES at $20. Regulor os pay double in 17 Nos. or less $100 Door Prize day of August, 1966. McGIBBON & BASTEDO, 32 Simcoe Street South, Oshowe, Ontario. Solicitors for the applicant. Brooklin Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @ Resieeving @ Automatic Transmission @ Crankshaft ond Valve _ Service TRANSMISSION sp North, Phone 728-7339. 35--tLost and Found * LOST -- A black billfold containing ver * Important papers, Would finder please) call 725-8043 nos LOST -- One Beagle Hound, mainly | black, in the vicinity of the construction) FULTON--Diane and Ron are thrilled to announce the arrival of @ son, Norman Hugh Os | ne, 7 Ibs, 12% Of8.,) | Sunday, Augui MRS, €, L, PRATLEY The death occurred, Aug. 7, --ne Auction Sale Property of MR. E. MEULEMEESTER 839 Grierson St., Oshawa WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10 lial af Glynn H. Eastwood of saret Steffler the deceased), the Oshawa General Hospital EXTRA BUSES Was @ Galigmer Sf the "'of Mrs. Catherine 1 rr ; ; s. ne Luc Tal- A son of Mrs. George S. Francis Henry and Grace Ann ley (Mitchell) taleeing a RED BARN | A. NORTH OSHAWA (een Davia and hat ince Cor\Easiwood and. the late Mr.|Steffler, A lifelong resident of) yeeyrs sickness, The deceased, Children under 16 not admitted davonter, Michelle Dawn, 7 the 12 eas.) Eastwood, the deceased was bier gS momen red ed | who was in her 72nd year, was -- Rae" oR ey ase "lon Thursday, August 4, . ""¥'born in Rawdon Township, in ion. a e ity separate resid ills : 1" i apie a resident of Hillsdale Manor. thanks fo Dr. Stanley and fourth flor) i. Belleville area, Prior to his|a"d High Sc hools and the Tor-; 4 qaughter of the late retirement he was employed by|9Mto Teachers' College. Michael and Catherine Forrest, the deceased was born in Lon- Cweco Industries at Ajax and| A teacher at St. John's Sep- Oshawa Dairy |arate School, Whitby, "Mrs. don, England. A member - of Bek '| Greenwood. Transmis- 1038 Simcoe Escorted Tour NASHVILLE TENNESSEE | McKAY -- Gary and Sharon (nee) | Dash) are proud to announce the safe jarrival of a daughter, Lori Elizabeth, | previously by CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of HELEN G. BATTY, Spinster, deceased. All persons having claims against the estote of Helen G, Batty, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 24th day of June, 1966, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned personal re- presentatives of the said de- ceased on or before the 29th doy of August, 1966, full porticulars of their claims Immediately after the said date the personal represento- tives will distribute the as- sets of the said deceased hav- ing regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Doted at Oshowa this 26th day of July, 1966 in | | | at 5:30 p.m. Motorola television, writing desk, lomps, chesterfield suite, 3 piece bedroom suite, G.E. vacuum cleaner, choirs, sectional chesterfield, 2 piece bedroom suite, coffee and end tables (to match), ken- more washing machine, rugs 9x 12; 7 x 10, 9x 9, chrome suite, mony. more articles too numerous to mention Terms cosh. MYLES KING, ouctioneer, 725-3039 AUCTION SALE Estate of SARAH MAUCHAN | 507 Dundas Street East, Whitby SATURDAY August 13, at 1:00 P.M Electric stove, electric refrig erator, electric fireplace, oil heoter, dining room suite, brassware, oak table, end tables, portable typewriter, love seat, girl's bicycle, book case, single beds, oak desk, antiques, glassware, many more articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash MYLES KING AUCTIONEER | | "| Snowball Jockpot $260., 56 Nos Sept. 14 - Sept. 19 Grand Ole Opry » included Write or telephone COLMER Travel Service 14 Orchardview Blvd. BOWMANVILLE Tel. 623-3265 After 7 P.M BINGO St. Gertrude's AUDITORIUM TO-NIGHT AT 8 P.M 690 KING E. ot FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION $20. Consolation Reg. Jackpot 55 Nos. $100. GOOD PARKING Extera Bus Service Tickets available at the door $20. Consolation. Good Prizes. PER MONTH The cost of this Flanagan was a member of , * 4 |Holy Cross Roman Catholic Greenwood |5t. John the srenere Roman church, she was a member of and of the the women's auxiliaey of 7 Ibs., 4 o7s,, August 5, 1966, at Oshawa! T imited Hospital. Thanks to Or, Mc % General Hospita A member liveen and Dr, Doherty. in ' . United Church, the deceased|atholic Church | NIMIGON Steve and Lois arelwas active in community af-|Catholic Women's League Branch 43, Royal Canadian of sis- LOCKE'S FLORIST Funerol arrangements and floral} arrangements for all occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 after hours 725-7928 iT 6 to announce the birth of their A . in fia '| PIRSed 10 aM OUNCE Me nn' satur.|fairs in the Greenwood area, | Besides her husband she is/jegion and of the Silver Cross rev ah ge Bag ithe lat Predeceased by his wife, the ere? and Corinne at mothers jospita itte sister for their 'own: 4 sth iis + home up" femlly. former Mildred L. Brown, O¢ t, Ray Gurciving ura 14, 1965, Mr. Eastwood is aut a un Pet vy z, deceased by her first husband, ah Mh ar ure 'L powers Benjamin Mitchell, in 1944, She Mrs. L, Callfas : ; rried John Pratley, who also M DEATHS MacDougal pred IN MEMORIA MacDougall (Bernadette) of Surviving are five daugh- St. Catharines and Miss Grace ters, Mrs, R. Dionne (Dorothy), dear brother, Richard Henry Spencer, Suddenly on Saturday, August 6 1966 |brother: Fronts @ pi whe passed away August 8, 1965, Orville J. Boe, beloved husband of Reta 4 othe rs, Frank, Leo and), Mitchell (Beatrice), Mrs A sad and lonely three years have|Sieep; dear father cf Carl of Kingston, George Steffler, all of Whitby)w Martin (Catherine) and Willia St er 4 y ; Since you were tallied away, brother of Wilson H., Beaverton, Donald am Steffler of Lind-/Mrs R. D. Hager (Rose), all The shock that we received that morn] of Bowmanville and the late Mrs. Garnet)>@) : No one can ever say Roberts, Resting at the Chapel of Mc-' Mrs. Flanagan is at the W, William Pratley of Borden 7 4 4 Z atle) : And courage to bear the blow, service on Tuesday, at 2 pm. Interment] iy Bb pot Fanesh Mag Ont., Robert Pratley of Tor- | But what It meant to lose him Pine Grove Cemetery y, f equiem Mass in St.! 5 ite ° | No one will ever know, onto, Benjamin Mitchell, Al |At the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, 10 a.m., Aug. 10, sung by Rev Walter ' . i -- ' alter Mitchell and Ke chen ie Wear hiaehe Beart L. J. Austin. Interment will! Mitchell, all. of Oshawa riton, 11 es Bo : j 5 I ' : 4 be in St. John's Roman Catho- Also surviving is a brother late W. Harold. Carlton; dear mother o lic Cemetery, Whitby, , : iam , Scarborough, war 'oble, . san wies 1 Oe Burlington, and John' H4.,. Scarborough.| 24 Rosary will be recited) phe deceased is at the Ger: Bowmanville, Service in Fallingbrook| Ayg. 9 row Funeral Home for High Heighte Baptist Church, Scarborough, én)" Requiem Mass in St. Phillip's Wednesday at 2 p.m. Interment Rest be open in the church from Wednesday) SAMES HENRY McBRIDE a.m., Aug. 10. Interment will noon: until time of service James Henry McBride,/be in Oshawa Union Ceme- assistant to the president of|tery. Rev. M, Beriault will day, Aug. 6, 1966 at the Oshawa General) Mrs. Pratley. was pre- of Burlington, Toronto, Mrs. predeceased her, in 1949 i i Ste Vhi ; SPENCER -- In loving memory of a BOE, Orville John Steffler of Whitby and four! ving J; Kolyinko (Lillian), Mrs, passed Faye (Mrs. Ross Dowson), Port Perry: and of Oshawa and seven sons, God gave us strength to meet it, Dermott-Panabaker, Port Perry, for --Ever remembered by sister Flossie CARLTON, Florence M John the Evangelist Church at/ freq Mitchell, George Mitchell, ville, In her 84th year wife of the William Forrest, of Montreal Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, at the funeral home at 7 p.m haven Memorial Gardens. (Casket will Roman Catholic Church at 10 Dunlop Canada Limited, died/sing the Mass. A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity DALBY,. Robert ntered into rest at Plainfield, on Mon James of | APPLIQUE PANEL OPEN FLATTERY Dramatize a wall with this| By ANNE ADAMS opulent peacock in_ brilliant) SHOW your shoulders in the blue-green-gold applique. jsoftly gleaming light of the New! Peacock panel with far-;moon or even the late-day sun, eastern elegance -- tail is all/Choose a blazing silk print, applique sparked by sequins,|solid linen or shantung for Pattern 7429: transfer 13x26|this alluring skimmer, Hasy! in.; color chart; directions, Printed Pattern 4951; Misses' Thirty five cents (coins),|Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, Size 14 for each pattern (no stamps, |takes 2% yds, 39-in, please) to Alice Brooks care| FIFTY CENTS (50c,) in coins 60. Front St. W., Toronto|(no stamps, please) for each 1, Ont, Ontario residents add|pattern, Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly,|8c. sales tax, Print plainly |PATTERN NUMBER, NAME,|SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, ADDRESS, GIANT 1966 Neddle-/STYLE NUMBER, craft Catalog stars knit, eroch-| Send order to ANNE ADAMS, et -- many more needlecraft de-jcare of The Oshawa Times, signs. 3 free patterns printed|Pattern Dept, 60 Front Street in catalog. Send 25c. West, Toronto 1, Ont, NEW! 12 Collectors' Quilt} Summer Fashion Festival -- Patterns for you in color, with|350 design ideas in pattern- 4 quilting motifs. Finest pat-|packed Catalog. Fun, play, Seed : terns ever collected fr om|work, travel clothes -- all sizes, MRS. HERBERT E. TINK famous museums, Send 60c for|Clip coupon in Catalog choose The last surviving member) new Museum Quilt Book No, 2jone free pattern, Hurry, send of a family of eight, Mrs. = sixteen complete patterns. 60¢,'50c, for Catalog. a ae ' ie sinaioaas E day, August 8, 1966, Robert beloved son of Mr and Mrs Dalby, and brother of Catherine, Susan,| dence, Barbara, Teresa, Carolyn, Thomas, Dan ; iel and James. Aged four years, Resting He was in his 62nd year. lat the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh-| A son of the late Henry and awa, with private service Wednesday,| Isabella McBride ae Shit - August 10, at 10.30 a.m. Interment) yo. born at , the deceased bert E. Tink, died Aug. 7 Resurrection Cemetery. (in leu of flow-/WaS born at Helensboro, Scot-| aevutl al Hos 7 the Bowmanville Memorial Ho ers donations to the Plainfield Hospital|land. He came to Canada at tal. The deceased, who had| for Mentally Retarded Infants would be\the age of five years and lived pital, Ts a WwW 1054 whan he been sick only a short time, . was in her 90th year appreciated.) (Friends are asked not to calli at the funeral home before Tues day') The former Adeline to el alee" oie bee eimai " », . 1-Tye Bar, Crowe 700 4 4.00) 80 ' r Pascoe, the deceased WAS A) (ii sow Liner, Murphey 4.30 3.50] George 966, G H. Gestwood, bel daughter of the late Mr. and)3.pr John Frost, Geise! 430| Scratched, Pepsi Byrd. 1966, Glynn astwood, beloved hus 7 as coe rn| Also Started: Nick Herbert, Hialeah band ofthe lale Mildred L Brown of|Beach League in Toronto, He|MéS: Thomas Pascoe. Born) Also sive nie reiaiss. Capetown| SIMTH RACE = 1 Mile (rol), Purse Greenwood, Ontario, and dear father of wae ¢ A nal .) near Solina, she had heen a me $3,500 (5) was a former president of Local and High Hat Da Linda and loving son of Mrs. George S.| ra, vy pres cal' itelong resident of the area \o-Sprite Kid, Feagan 2.50 2.20 9.20 Eastwood of Whitby, and brother of/ 132, United Rubberworkers of ae 'dad | 1 Mile (Trot). |3-Cadenza, Clements 2.90 2.50 John S. of Minden, Helen (Mrs. Clifford America. He then served as| member of Eldad United) purse si,300 (7) 5 at Church at Solina, Mrs. Tink|¢Tootsie Doll, Walker |S-Mvola, Filion Ruth (Mrs. Clar superintendent ' rintenden ; |lwas active in the women's|#Killer, Poulin ad, doily for one yeor. Too small to be noticed? | You're reoding it? his resi- Whitby Dalby. suddenly, Aug. 7, at 917 Henry St., CHARLES CAMPBELL McGIBBON ond EDGAR FRANK BASTEDO, Execu- tors, By their solicitors, Messrs, McGIBBON & BASTEDO} Borristers & Solicitors, 32 Simcoe Street South, Oshowo, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF DOROTHY GERTRUDE ORDE. All persons having claims against the Estote of Dorothy Gertrude Orde, late of the vil- loge of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 21st. day of May, A.D., 1966, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned, Solicitors for the Executor, on or before the 27th day of August, A.D. 1966, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the | z spats Taipei said 27th day of August, OUR 1966, the assets of the de- erat ae goris arattod ONE DAY DRY CLEANING SERVICE thereto, having regard only to claims of which the under- on cosh and carry only . + OREEDS signed Solicitors for the Ex- VACATION TAKE-OFFS ecutor shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, this 27th VADIANT CLEANERS day of July, 1966 HARRIS HARRIS & OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE WALLACE 725-1023 Box 338, Oshawa, Ontario. TT20 S|MCOE N., -728-2367 * Solicitors for we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS 725-3039 |TO MEET THAT MAN or woman who wants fo rent your vacancy, place Rent Ads. Dial 723-3492 now 25 VACATION SHOP AND SAVE AT THESE MERCHANTS Take advantage of the merchandise and services found here today. You'll find values for the whole family. GREENWOOD RACEWAY Purse) 4-Cindy's Pride, Crowe &Rocky Len, Robillard in Toronto until moved to Whitby EASTWOOD, Glynn H. In his younger years, Mr Entered into rest suddenly at Oshawa|McBride was well known as a Generel Hospital on Saturday, August Oi aatthall wlaver in the Kew 5.00 Chai . FIRST RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) Elva} si,o00 (8) Boy, SECOND RACE --- 2.00 Redman), Port Perry, 6.70 Danny Song A, and ence Hewson), Whitby. Mr |resting at McEachnie Funeral Home,| the 2 Kingston Road, Pickering, Funeral Eastwood is| Production 4.10 3,70), Also Started: i 4.20 3.70| Betsy Herbert, Whitby plant of Dunlop and ot the chunch: and 5-Evergreen Pat, Robillard ; 8.10| ' imi organizations c , Alse Started: Byhalia Dean, mmie service in Greenwood United Church on| Canada Limited 8 ' | SEVENTH RACE ~ 1 Mile (Pace), 4 sas j . 5 Mac, K Cc, Lee, and Archie Mon Tuesday, August 9, at 2 p.m, Interment; An adherent the Presby-| Was a life member of the Solina | Mee hea' "ys " |Purse $1,800 (7) 1 n Scratched, Madam. Victor SSpring Caper, Coke -- $:20 3.50 3.00 Salem Cemetery. (The casket. will be/terian Church, the deceased|Women's Institute. DAILY DOUBLE, 1 AND 4 PAID $47.00/2Brave Sir, Filion 50 4.00 open in the church from 12 noon until 5 eh yo Predeceased by her husband Mi time of service.) served on the Court of Revision | , ee v | THIRD RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse|, Also Started: Cover De Lion, Magi¢ at Whitby for several years, |24 years ago, Mrs. Tink is sur- | l-Jacqueline, McFadden a $900 (8) | Millie, Ray Mir, and High Patch, . " is rut " y é , rc \ Suddenly at Fairview Lodge, on Friday.,. Mr. McBride is survived by] Vived by a daughter Mrs. Percy |#Timber Ha August 5, 1966, Alice White, in her amd\his wife, the former Ruth L.|Dewell 9.60 4.80 3.50) Scratched, Anglo United, Sale 1-Andy. Byrd, Well 3.70 2.90 (Evelyn) of Hampton 2204) "Viclorlac. Rocheleau 670) EIGHTH RAC --"'Standardbred Future year, beloved wife cf Joseph Edwards| Barr' whom he married in To-|and three sons, Hilton of Bow- Also started: Jchnny's Girl, Floya's|ity." One Mile (Trot), Purse $12,877.50 and loving mother of Arthur and Wilfred yeu nh To- ; : _ "jee | Honor, Scottadee, Lady's Pride H., and| (7). of Whitby, Harold of Brooklin, Bert of; onto in 1939, and a son, Wil-|Manville, Clarence and Bruce), orn. *coray &Armbro Gille, S'phant 2.00 2.40 2650 Courtice, Sam of Uxbridge, Frank and liam J. McBride of Oshawa. |0f Hampton. Also surviving are 5.40 3.50 Dick of Oshawa, Mrs. Harry Burrows) 4) ee 114 grandchildren and 18 great- .40 (Ethel) of Oshawa, Mrs, Gordon Knapp). Also Surviving are a sister, 8 Mary A. (Keena) Me-|8randchildren |1-Ed's Dream, : Alse Started: Fiemington's Jane; Stem (Dorothy) of Breoklin, Mrs. W. H. Jarvis) Miss Bride of Toronto: a brother,| The funeral service will be 7-1nnocent Bob, Gemmill 9.10. 5.80) Royal Mint, winder, Cheerful Count, and Chip Dip, (May) of Oshawa, Mrs. A. Winacott NINTH RACE 1 Mil (Pace) (Winnie) of Oshawa. Resting at the Ger : . " e . Ble } »the 9 A »|6-Silver Laird, Holmes 5,30 McBride of Whitby|held at all 1 Aue 9, at tne ree" started: Joe Johnston: GM Sem, row Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street) William D |Purse $1,000 (8), West for service in the Chapel on Tues: and a granddaughter, Tracey|Northcutt Funeral! agate, Letta Worthy, and the McNab, ee A aha te ie aN Bowmanville. Interment 2 Service will be in Hampton day, August 9 at 2 p.m. Interment Grove |3-Adican, Crowe side Cemetery, Brookiin. (Visitors will McBride lome, 2-Lachianna, Hayes ' be received commencing Sunday.) The funeral be) Will Union ' me has . ln ' havtaw Seat hls an FLANAGAN, Camilla Margaret held at the W. C. Town Funeral|Cemetery. Rev. Walter Rack-!Go For Broke, Feagan 5.80 4.20 3.30 Also Started; Knight Hal, Pal oper. Kahia Kat, Jackie Wayne, ec Aiier a short illness, at the Oshawa Gen-, Chapel, Whitby, at 2.p.m., Aug.j/ham, of Oshawa, a former pas-) era! Hospital, cn Sunday, August 7, 1966, Interment will be in Grove- tor of Eldad United Church | D I L Chill Of This Centennial Project of EDWARDS, Alice Feagan FOURTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace).|* Purse $1,100 (8) | 4-Fay's Best, Crowe 22.70 9.00 6.90) apenrecr it... | CUT VACATION Summer FUN!" | COSTS! SUMMER FUN! See Us First. . WE OFFER: Pick up service FIFTH RACE -- | Mile (Pace). Purse 1,400 (7) Quality BICYCLES Tune-ups Muffler and Tail Pipe Repairs Specialized washing and Polishing Trucks - Van - NEW and USED From The YCLE NSENTRE P. Orde; Executor DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS AD- DRESSED TO The Office Man- ager, 241 Jarvis Street, Room 605, Toronto 2, Ontario, and endorsed "TENDER FOR INTERIOR PAINTING AND PLASTER REPAIRS" to U.I.C. Building, Simcoe and Fair- bonks Streets, Oshowa, On- tario. Will be received until 3:00 P.M. (€.0.8.T.). August 22, 1966 Plons, specifications and form of tender can be seen, or can be obtained from the Care- taker, U.I.C. Building, Simcoe ond Foirbonks Streets, Osh- oawa, Ontario s Autos e Lubrication Tires and Accessories DON'T TOY AROUND WITH 204 BONDE. - YOUR CAR 25-64 | wes CLINT'S Texaco SERVICE STATION 245 WENTWORTH 728-5811 You Too ot May be included in our 1966 Summer Vacation Sppecial, Just Call 123-3492 Outdoor Shop Here's where you will find the BIG SELECTION of... REMEMBER!-- WE SERVICE OUR BICYCLES OVERGOOR, Henrica Entered into rest at th Hospital on Friday, Au ca Maria Overgoor Jacob Overgoor, d of t and Mrs. Serard p. mother of Mrs Hann Fennings (Wilagimena) Agincourt Mrs, Adolph Holy (Mary) Ajax, Margaret ind Ann of Oshawa, Bernard, Gerard, Frank and Jacob all of Oshawa, in her 68th year, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral' Home, Oshawa with high Re quiem Mass in S!. Phillip's Roman Cath olic Church, Tuesday, August 9 at 10 a.m Interment Ressurection Cemetery. Pray ers will be held at the funeral home, Monday at 8 p.m ia awa General 1966, Hen ed wite of he late Mr | | | | | | | | i To be considered each tender must be made on the printed forms supplied by the Depart- ment and in accordonce with the conditions set forth there- in EATON'S in OSHAWA The lowest or ony tender not necessarily accepted H. DOWN A/Office Monager | 1, LEONARD LEON BERRY, 18) Mill Street, Oshawa, will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, August 5, 1966, without my written consent (signed) Leonard Leon Berry * Tents, Camping Equipment and Accessories at Barbecues, Accessories, Charcoal and other TO BUY OR SELL : patio needs. FRESH FRUITS _ ond VEGETABLES READ AND USE THE MARKET BASKET Boats, Motors, Trailers and Everything For Fun Afloat Gym Sets, Slides and other Articles of fun for the Sandbox set. Kindness beyond Price within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPE 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 yet F. Flanagan; dear mother of Rosemary) MacDonald of Toronto will con- Mrs. 1 Callfas (Mary) of Toronto, Mrs OF and George, of Whitby; William of Lind' In poor health for two years| Harry Stewart, who died Aug. John the Evangelist Church, August 10, at 10 a.m, Inte ment St. John's Aug was in her 68th year, 6 " . R conducted|There's danger in the high and) Earthquakes turned back an Suddenly at his residence, 917 Henry tor of the late Serardus andjister of. King Street United|Ranges, \" "And winter," said Craig P Ruth |. Barr, dear father of William J 1899. at Raalte, Holland, 16, 'The pallbearers, ati members 2 ae eet at | ww ere McBride of Toronto and William 0.,| 1998 July sun of ihe YUKON wed they lin. the YURON, Funeral Chapel, Whitby for' service. Ir resident of Canada and! Legion, were Maurice Proctor, |pjont. | 'econ ; Their glaciers trail like long|keep out the midnight sun, tery, Brooklin. Minister Rev. Hugh Mac Archie Antle and gr it . valleys. ja yardarm drinker, flanks. 'SHOOTS WOLVES . Give Way Now To The Symbols kon peaks in height and} . a i land fit, and his withered right * 4 " i na | word-message traffic signs are) placement \ Proposal for a Sporting and He carries a high - powered The Canadian Good Roads As-\with uniform signs, It is con-/@mong the Highest Mountains|.oa+ of his car to pot wolves At Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, ing signs to symbols ment, approval and issuance of kon-Alpine Centennial Expedi-| wogrew, ley and loving mather of William Prat- last fall at Saskatoon approved| traffic signs, signals and mark- 100th anniversary of Confedera-joff balance by the arm, legacy Mitchell, George Mitchell, Waiter|/Warning signs in Canada sym- v Mrs. R i { 2 ) rs. P A Dionne |. (Caratny).: a virgin peaks in a region so wild|time Mediterranean. Mrs, R. D. Hager (Rose), all of Oshawa i mi j iprospectors have dodged it. ; "he 4 Peterborough Set Pp have etched the call of the wild Chapel, 390 King Street West. until Wed-! for Canada. The council is spon- Requiem Mass 0 am. Interment: the Canadian section of the In- nosed out Peterborough comeee meat We ice ssh When Ottawa asked a couple At Memorial Hospital. Bowmanville on! 1956 to develop a set of stand-/even up this Ontario Baseba The outstanding peak will Monte Alferd, 8 feaerel sur beloved wife of the late Herbert E. Tink! traffic specia : A lrepresenting all major traffic, Third and deciding game will)" °n. gianU.S. team, will field Ranges and their unnamed and Bruce of Hampton, resting at the : | 7 matcher | in 1967 : Tuesday afternoon. interment Hampton council produced a publication| Pitcher Tom Blair and catcher jhad been considering a centen- | and a joint project soon was in Mount Logan, at 19,850 feet the all major traffic jurisdictions. (cher much trouble. Gilmore had|Alaska side, Mount McKinley, |from the federal centennial First to EATON'S Then Outdoors for Fun in the Sun ! ion i i three years is required for totaljhad two safeties for homesters Late June and July are aboutition is estimated at $134,000, gr Gracie Lochinvar. Camilla M. Spetfier, (of 320 Mary Street 10 a West, Whitby), beloved wife: of Frederick; Side Cemetery, Brooklin. Hugh will conduct the service, and Corinne, at home. Dear sister of! _ . Mrs. M. Sernie (Sarah), Burlington, duct the service ' B. MacDougall (Bernadette), St. Catha | ; STEWART rines, Miss Grace Steffier, Frank, Leo. MRS. JACOB OVERGOOR The memorial service for say. Resting at the W. C Town Funeral 4 Chapel, Whitby, for Requiem Mass in St.) Mrs Jacob Overgoor, 236/4 at his home, 426 Jarvis St.,| Whitby, ¢ 'alina & rela a! we ' » Ar rong +7) 7 A Wednesday; het Bho rales a Aus. s a i hp a . at Ary nie she By GERARD McNEIL sun on the snowy heights raises Roman Catholic Ceme. OShawa General Hospital. She Funeral Home a.m., lthe : fry: (Rosary Tuesgay. 7 pm.) Wis 5 WHITEHORSE, Yukon (CP)|®, €anger of avalanches. 'ors commencing a p.m., Monday.) an ' pr The former Henrica Maria 'The service was : McBRIDE, James H. Jop, the deceased was a daugh-| by Ralph Moore, assistant min-jlonesome chill of the Toutiald| mpert suis oe --_ Logan Street, Whitby on Sunday, August 7. 966 al ( James H. McBride beloved husband of Wilhelmina Jop. Born Mar, 10,)/ Church Interment was in; hese old mountains sweat|Hughes in an interview, "is Oshawa, loving grandfather of Tracey; - she|Mount Lawn Cemetery, avalanches in the perpetual |never 'mere than an hour 'away dear brother of Miss Mary A. (Keena}; Was married there' April rane 3, je cane 0) ongw . i | P Whitby, Resting at the W. C. Town a of Branch 43, Royal Canadian!grow ice through. the winter) The shades ef the bistro in ; \ ek chapel on Wednesday, August 10 at;Oshawa for eight years, she|W. L. Pierson, James Imeson jwhich he spoke were pulled to p.m. Interment Groveside Ceme-/was a member of Holy Cross}Cameron Oke, i Donald. Visitors "commencing p.m. Roman Catholic Church. Jack Hodgson ey beards through the| Whitehorse is a tough spot for Monday ; ' ' 2 ' Earthquakes shake white Pie A may not make it up, {snow and black rock off their|a! Of them, World-Message Traffic Signs Only the Himalayas and the) central Andes surpass the Yu-| Hughes, legal counsel to the territorial government, is lean ' ., grandeur ; OTTAWA (CP)--After almost|replace existing signs until om , 1s ihe vel behing |2™_sives him a slightly pi- 40 years of service, Canada's|they're in need of repair or re- ese are the realities bening |, atica) air. giving way to symbols. The council hasn't stopped Mountain Exploration Activity| carbine in a rack in the back sociation says it will take about|tinuing research on traffic cin ot Capeen, 386 oto - tore for the bounty, and he fits into PRATLEY, Catherine Lucy (Mitchen)| three years to change all warn-|trol devices and on develop-/2rochure prepar My « |the north as snugly as Dan A ri r * ' ' : Fn eae. Belored we Forrest in ner' 'The association's convention|new or' revised standards for/ton He can't climb a stairway ley of Borden, Ont Robert Prath yf Ms ven s celebrating me without being thrown slightly » OF obert Pratle suiahane ; sy a) Turente, Sanlemin daitchall. hitred revisions that will make "'all/ ings \ tion next July, the expedition/of a rugby accident after 18 un- Mitchell and Jim Mitchell, all of Oshawa; bols instead of word messages," » will pit 50 experts against I4/scratched months in the w ' § are J Kolyinko (Lillian), Mrs. A, Mitchell it Said in a statement Oshawa Tykes Tie , (Beatrice), Mrs. W. Martin (Catherine), The action followed recom- even the Yukon's legendary; But six years in the Yukon Dear sister of William Forres! of -Mont.; mendations by the Council on real. Resting at the Gerrow Funerai| Uniform Traffic Control Devices Twelve of the mountains jon his blue Welsh eyes. He'd esd rning.. T ' ilhip' , aw. 7 . P will be named, if they are |be up there if he could, Atsday morning. Then, to St. Philip's! sored by the association and| Oshawa Legionnaire it ee i er Stars 5 re 5 dra} and territories a: x4 Union Cemetery stitute of 'Traffic Engineers, Cg 5-4 aly * Alexandra -- a _---- poet TINK, Adeline Elva The council was formed in/Park on Sunday afternoon, 7 JOINT PROJECT Proyect, Agnes an Sunday, August 7, 1966. Adeline Elva : : Association 'playoff series, at veyor and expert mountaineer Pascoe of Hampton in her goth year,|ards for Canada. Nearly 100)) 7" ne gin iy commemorate the centennial it- j i : lists were involved,/ON€ Win apiece self and another, to be scaled thought immediately af the Ice. loving mother of Hilton of Bowmanville, ! ; Clarence, Evelyn (Mrs. Percy Dewell) | : b ae i Ole 12,000-13,000 f . . 'g 5 e played in the Liftlock City, : 4, A oot mountains, Northeutt and Smith Funeral Home. a Canada ';' th lhe Boe evening + ""imark Alaska's 50th anniversary The Alpine Club of Canada Funeral service in the chapel 2:30 o'clock er four years' work the} ; ; Union Cemetery titled Manual of Uniform Traf-|"Ricky" Dart was the winning) The Icefield Ranges 160 miles/nial Yukon climb since 1958, fic Control Devices for Canada.|combination for Oshawa, with|northwest of Whitehorse include The recommended standards in/Gilmore the only Peterborough | : ' the works. this volume were accepted by/batter to give the winning pit-/Canadian pinnacle, and on the) The brochure seeks $84,000 Despite country-wide agree-|three singles for the visitors. |more than 20,000 feet and North!commission, which is enthusi- ment on the traffic symbols,, Ron Jenkins and Dart each America's highest mountain astic. Direct cost of the expedi- implementation because nojbut Terry Thompson supplied the only feasible periods forjwith about one-third going for iprovince or municipality willjthe big blow for Oshawa, climbing. Even then, a 24-hour|chartered aircraft. y & i t