Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Aug 1966, p. 13

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WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshagva 'Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office, Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible afier the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names Of oui-cl-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. McCaffrey - Rowden A honeymoon in the Lauren-)encrusied = -- and the |modified A-line skirt was com- er vpetg-s - j range oimented by a detachable Wat- recently of Norma Jean Row:| 10, train, edged with match- den and Patrick Joseph Me: ing scalloped lace, flowing from Caffrey, The Reverend L, T.|the shoulders, Her floral head- McGough performed the mid-|dress held a bouffant veil of = nun ittneian and ghe carried a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 8, 1966 43 BOARD BOAT WITH CARE TORONTO (CP) -- The accl- |dent control section of the On- |tario lands and forests depart- |ment warns boating families to jtake care how they step into their boats. 'Don't step onto the 'gunwale, If the boat is small, pong as nearly into the centre as possible. Step, don't jump, and use your hands to steady yourself, tights, often featured in op-art jetfects with a different pattern Be each leg { Now Now ale That light inthe window will bring her home! Lawn Ornaments Planters & Accessories In a noon ceremony in St.)A crown of seed pearls, ar- iat = Boston Mary of the People Roman ranged in a loop design with © ' The bride is a graduate = Page ate 3, _| blush veiling, formed her head- ; a Wellesley College and is a re Catholic Church, Dianne Mar- dress and she carried white . : search assistant at the Harvard guerite Stapley exchanged nup-| eymbidium orchids, pink Sweet: ae School of Public Health : ent tial vows with William Allan| heart roses. and ivy trails , Bass. The bride is the daugh-| Mrs, David Owen of Brook- ger of Mr. and Mrs, Lester W,/lin was the matron of honor; Stapley, Oshawa, and the/Miss Cathy Drumm, Oshawa,| iffe. and Mrs bridegroom is the son of Mr./bridesmaid, and Miss Helen Married recently in Faith Robert J, Oegema, s¢ f |Paterson, New Jersey Centercand is employed by and Mrs. Charles FE, Bass of}Disney, Greenwoou, junior Baptist Church were Dienie Mr. and «My George The bridegroom is a student,Colonial Marble Company of them any shorter, Bathurst, New Brunswick bridesmaid, Koster, daughter of Mr, and Oegema, all of Whitby it the Boston ArchitecturallCambridge, Massachusetts, CAPES ARE BACK y vignae : ort § ny ; the Mrs, Richard Koster, ¢ anise Btudie : rs The Reverend N. J. Gignac; Mr. Robert Stapley was the ichard Koster, and Der dio She revived the cape coat, performed the ceremony, Mr.|best man and Mr, David Owen with waist-length flared cape GREY, BLACK, GREEN Clifford Lehman sang and was) ushered | . "l1° S P D if di t j : et ver sii »-breaste accompanied by the organist,! Following the reception in Ginter 'ais Dillin ome aris €S1QNners nN 1Ca e hd te a eee Bh Mrs. Philip Lesley. the Piccadilly Room of the - ' : We 4 he tees. father nave ber Hote! Ganesha, the caval, lft Al Saints' Church Anglican) Slightly Lower Hemlines length and rometimes ftareall 171 x 7/2 -- Reg. 4.99 Sale 3.98 in marriage. Her gown of herr pd the Maritimes and will re- Whitby, was the setting for the : f ooRe hacks "vented from the organza over taffeta was styled/turn to reside in Oshawa marriage of Bonnie Elizabeth Danadptner oie s ] with a scalloped sabrina neck For travelling, the bride Dilling and David Edward By PEGGY MASSIN {sleeveless sheath dress in many ge sant ihe Seaere sg ta 23 x 9 ZZ) Reg. 799 Sale 6.99 line and. fingertip lengthidonned a two-piece pink lace Ginter, The bride is the daugh- | PARIS (Reuters)--What nnearante. : sanamonieal sleeves of Alencon lace. The/suit; white accessories and ater of Mr, and Mrs, Vernon | * up eventually comes down in| Nina Ricci, Heim and Phi-!, 'get that 7 ? ' " Phy * q "d model that was pulled on 9 x - bouffant organza skirt was|white corsage of carnations Dilling of Whitby and the 1 fashion as well as physics--as lippe Venet will endorse modi pehe ne haat and ark with a Reg. 13.95 Sale 9.95 edged with matching lace.jand a glamelia, bridegroom is the son of Mr hem lengths will demonstrate) fied width across the shoulders,| matching hbase tiered in graduating lines and) Guests attended from and Mrs. H. Ginter of Carrot r in the Paris couture season while St. Laurent, Dior, Jeanne} 4 : : S d it ! arr f Jeann "ancy stockings kept legs i caught in front with a small Rathurst, New Brunswick; Ol- River, Saskatchewan : which opens next week Lanvin and Jean Patou vote for acs pindhes A Bag cfiy.Aa ome Potte bow. A Watteau train, edgeditawa, Montreal, Timmins and The Reverend Stanley Arm " i The majority of trend-setting) a narrow shoulder line in nat aie Monday. Eisterel showed with lace fell from the waist.'! Toronto strong performed the cere ' + | designers will opt for mid-knee ural sloped effects : : mony Mrs. Castle Smith, an length skirts enerally dropped A » fraction of an inch lower than) and oa CHILD GUIDANCE par Ble call ps yy fe : " : la January The »" line will emerge as Broughton Two fifths of an inch in length the leading coat silhouette, fea makes all the difference in {he/tured with youthful high Child' P t M k The bride's father gave her % \ ] S es ering a es in marriage, She wore a for- % proportions of the over-all sil) waisted yokes or seaming un- mal! gown of white silk organza, houette ays Chanel der the bosom Grecian U appliqued with Alencon Jace Yves St, Laurent says. he wil There 1 be GREY, BLACK Shopping Extra Wearisome and re-embroidered in seed a at cic un lengthen skirts that much be:| vival of capes in bot : 2] 19 R : ive capes in both elbow and x =~ Neg, 15) 9 pearls, The applique accented low the knee, and also revive) fyj|jength circular cut. styles 9g 6 Sale 11.95 ine silhouettes which will sou 19 x 5 ~ Reg. 10.95 Sale 7.95 e death knell of "op" and &d-| jong-helted or flared styles -sug 8 i 0 stract trends gesting a tun or three-quarte @) Ss Mare Bohan of Christian Dior jeneth redin ole J ae = ' Ss n the knee to just below it above-the-knee length, but will INTERNATIONAL COIFFURES launeh trick gadget' hem aay « ¥ ana sare the FUP ee : tial Mass in the Roman Catholic ;bouquet of white roses and Church of St. Gregory the stephanotis, Great, Mrs. William Salter, Prince The bride is the daughter of Albert, was the matron of Mrs, Donald W. Rowden, Osh- honor and the Misses Cathe- awa, and the late Mr, Rowden, rine and Patricia McCaffrey and the bridegroom is the son|were bridesmaids, of Mr. and Mrs, Edward J.| Messrs, James and Thomas McCaffrey of Oshawa, |Rowden ushered and Mr, John The soloist was Mrs, shawl ba McCaffrey acted as best : p j ee d ; j Kinsman and the organist,|man, hee Hag A j by r pe We g | ' sgggo Mr. Jack Driscoll, played her A reception was held at Ade- | f ' iM Gas Oe ' MR. AND MRS, WILLIAM A. | accompaniments, jaide House and when the , 4 é ; cadianen Biltey | Given in marriage by her couple left, the bride was wear- - : ; | uncle, Mr. Ralph 0, Rowden,/ing a pink and blue organza : : the bride was attired in a dress in a muted floral pattern T d-S tt g F h H floor-length gown of silk lagoda with pink and while accesso- ren e in as 10n ouses crepe fashioned with a bateau ries i neckline and sheath sleeves. On their return, Mr, and 4 ' Sh L t E h S a The filted bodice was enhanced Mrs, McCaffrey will reside at § . sie POO NES re , « é } OW a er ac eason it's her favorite lamp from with appliques of Alencon lace,|1221 Simcoe street north, s : 4 a inal -- vil : oe LIGHTING UNLIMITED PATRICK J, McCAFFREY MR. AND MRS, JOHN M. WOTTON f he ky MASSIN . jheavy wool lace hosiery in pas G ill | --Aldsworth Photography Ireland Studio FA ott a PP cele colors contrasting the en-| 7 STORES ~ TORONTO Wotton wal Tl $ two opposite schools of thought | Sembles. went in fe { i HAMILTON -- OSHAWA @ " ' | 4 Monday; Circus clothes and : ' mw stripec Following their marriage injwide train over which flowed a Sh d a R d ] ff - ! ne St, Paul's Presbyterian Church! full-length veil of tulle illusion, 6 per son a C 1 e fat - --, shown hy | and a reception at Grandview|bordered with lace, Her head-| Miss Frances Todd Radcliffe : : Louis ry ane _secaues Es Golf Club, Mr. and Mrs, John| dress was a tiara of pearls and} i ' a Nha ' ; hoa va \terel, and the super-classic, se Melvin Wotton left for a honey-|crystals and -- yellow roses, | daughter of fy. and Mrs date high fashion approach of moon at "Covehaven" in the | stephanotis and foliage com-| ee James §, Radcliffe of Andover pre-war designer Madeleine de v Pocono Mountains, Pennsyl- prised her cascade bouquet. A a was yeep Satur Rau h j Miss Sheridan Grills was her ea day evening ugu ee 10 f Ihe important trend - setting vethe bride, the former sister's maid of honor and the Anthony Edwin Shepperdson, French houses tend to show ' 3 son of r, and ' ) 4 a alter e% seas a Miss Beverleyanne Margauritte bridesmaids were Sandra Wot- q Shenie ' aye a: Mecicigag ep ba be Fateh te Mane Grills, is the daughter of Mr,/|ton, Bonnie Grills, Susan Grills é eavemony i Ohnlat Church a - ae yh Atay sb Y ein 94 Mie Ravages Grills andiand Diane ee _-- i 5 , Newton, New Jersey, was per a ; will carried over until Aug. 4 "sagt wa Th ii W t oe Alle M ckie was the , formed by the Reverend Wil i J when Yves St, Laurent's influ a af cohawe sage be aan, " gasiated by ushers ; liam Dougherty. A reception ' ential collection terminated the saitiens é " ' foll at Perona Farms : gor showings The Reverend R. D. Sinclair) James Alpin, Baine Parfitt, ; i crane core 'hice dO A Z gp and Esterel who olficiated and 0g eign ee core ns dialed , bi " gown with chapel train of ivory 3 ' a } were once in business together Lucas accompanie the sololst, k yas " zi Be ny and 4 e - peau de sole trimmed with seed § . a r it and whe both claim credit for} Mr, Laszlo Fabian siiue sg Prog ed. yeu Hebd git 3 | pearls and carried orchids, dressing Brigitte Barbot, each; hing A Ray tigenel : b HH a 1 yd hp ages i 9 - stephanotis and ivy ; i ' endorsed the 'miniskirt': in un Se cane of -- al hey . gla "hte woattan will ss . Fae ' : Mr Warren G, Squires of § ' shaped sheaths and tunics adh a xe SO . ae : , i Chesterville, Ohio, was the | ; sheared off at mid-thigh jr Hl oa Geskea with seg pontediy eh perpen ; --- 3 ; matron of honor and Miss Con / Estere!| showed A-line coats « y P ; § » - " * aane , be eh = | pe gc crystals, and sheath from Peterborough, Brighton & : ee tvicswen soi aoemsceg "alan f ' pe Rie ge ' mn orn 4: eu oe sleeves, The skirt, in scalloped Midland and Kingston as well i Mn Dav :dihasoanlann, ; snaphell to reveal tors lee thin On layers of lace, fanned into aias Oshawa and district, a 4 brother of the bridegroom, act is usually seen anywhere except ' ed as best man. Ushers were | on the beach \% a 7" = | Peter Shepperdson another Louis Feraud showed tubular, ass sd tap ey : eit my brother, Hans Siever of Mont. § skin fight tunics that ended : ea i real and John Paquette of i abruptly at the top of the thighs, paired with matching, of bright-colored tights Madelaine de Rauch showed another of the quiet, private-cli type of collections that she Her grandparents are the Nas been-turning out since her Fabian Bachrach |house was founded in 1932. late Dr. and Mrs. Francis Todd ' » ~ fot i | WHITBY WEDDING land the Honorable Amos Rad:-| MRS, A.E, SHEPPERDSON | Hemlines were cut just under Radcliffe, all of the kneecap, and none of her the clients would dream of wearing goes Other collections Vaist nes will remain loose By GARRY C. MYERS, Ph.D. |emergencies as to meet them the court train, all high-lighte tot Wisely if they arose with pearls Her sh "r from 2 to 7 with you shopping As soon as you start taking length scalloped veil of French Does this youngster hold you up your tot shopping with you, Silk illusion fell from a head- to buy him some sweets or one| have clear in your own mind, on dress of organza petals, pear! or more toys he sees in a store leaving home, if you are going beaded. She carried a bouque window? You may not suppose to purchase anything special for of gardenias, white carnations vou always should buy him him that day. If you leave it and baby's breath something. but he may make to his wishes and demands, they Mrs. Boyd Donaldson, Osh enough fuss for you to sur will be sure to arise, After you awa Was the matron of honor render " bought Labial ~-- " other ae were what he wanted, he will be ISS aureen Jull liss Na » " At the check-out counter Of @ ore ready to express his dine Dilling, Miss Debra Dill- h Mod o new Reveletion in Hoir Colouring "COLOUR ines on certain models, ) ] > food store, you often may have voi. even to demand them, ing and Mrs, Michael Flynn, EXPOSE KNEES XL SPEED PROCESSING" machine Tints in 3. minutes Topper Planters : cs 5 seen 3 ae de ey oye the nant Hee all of Whitby MRS, DAVID EB, GINTER , Cardin and Emanuel @ Bleaches in 6 minutes something special just as he an he a a . Aan Non abe i'. i H a me ' his mother arrive there, Often After your child has made Mr. Donald Anstey, Whitby I iro also vote for exposed 0 you have heard the mother say 0 ® s e Seeing the youngster win and plan, you -will wisely tell him oung, but silhouettes, cut and an ape Upright the humiliated mother succumb before vou leave home that you APPLE BARS fr 1 colors will be less daring than is a distressing sight. The de- will or will not make an extra aig ; ner dry ingredient : a aad ig s <é R >. Sti bo Uaae Weare t 4) -- ha eg. 2.00 Reg. 4.50 feated mother may feel vexed purchase for him this time \ delicious spicy confection" creamed mixtt \ trend toward lithe, supple at this child for hours after- Then you will hold yourself '4 ¢, shortening maining suvedtant ? caulk : Megs aca ng if am . , é g gred silhouettes worked in soft fluid : é y se ue iy A} ' Sale 1.75 Sale 3.50 ward, One may guess that the strictly to the announced de ec. sugar icing pre t ) will replace tye severe Also Cement Urn Suppose you take your dj nore sophisticated and femin Suits will. feature both the will feature several different FI . amingo and cgreis ine silhouettes which will sound cropped waist-length jackets or lengths ranging. from just above he will continue an Reg 3.95 Sale 2.95 * , . @ European Hair Stylists @ cessive trips, he may feel sure were M John Partridge, Mr. away, the bride donned a dress stockings matched to the color 4 No" until the youngster a it is to be a ritual, Then, if on Robert Dingman and Mr, Boyd and coat ensemble of white of the ensemble, Jacques Heim FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL very disagreeable and won his 3 "any trip, you express doubts Donaldson, all of Osh: ul r » wi > g j ture petwe Sacks "Aonareniiy this onlld ~ : M hy Pa i all ¢ shawa, and brocade witl jade green acces: W feature short streetwea) . . 725-4531 that he should have what he Mr. Kenneth Ginter, Whitby sories and a ardenia corsage. bul plans to row some long 2 71 Cel knows the strategic time and) onic he will be si ' : : i g HAS Z eline St. t k nik: h wants, he w be sure to persist \ reception was held at the Mi and) = Mrs ite x oackta and dinner dresses ace f i g 7) MY & . ant} : \ tal nd rt Ae making Als more vigorously and violently. Georgian Manor Motor Hotel make their home ; n e over-a mood of the e , 'oe P me in € man Having thought through a and later the couple left for lop street, Whitby rench collections will remain demands or two or three sues was the best man and ushering Florida at issau. For } net with heavy textured same child tyrannizes in like cision a beaten reased 1 pan v0 architectural approach to fash manner over the mother at Indeed, you might choase to other times and places mark on the calendar for a On becoming a teenager he month the one or two gift "P. a powaer may, when several of his friends days." In the meanwhile, yo ' hi oe a squares thi calling e bias cutti diag are in, decide to go out with will want to be sure vou have ¥ icing u g % ge and soft clinging them about nine or 10 o'clock given this child practice at a raney Socom i 1930s at night and say to Dad or) Cepting ° No" as final in scores =P pest agiahas F : , eves. revived by Diar last Mather, "I need $10." What can of other home situations, You! ,2. <? Mma warn » pudd with |e slake the 'bate the parent do then but hand Will have a plan whereby he sp cloves te aver the money as if he were; won't trust to his tyranny to 5), | rolled oats held up in a bank or gas station control your decisions at dived a ed apps | at the point of a gun? Obviously} The same problem may arise : ae BINUIS, CORTSCHY the youth here had chosen the if you make ita rule always to a . mos! favorable time and place bring home a gift to your child ae to win his demands each and every time you happen X ean o leave him for a short or" Aig KEEP TO ALLOWANCE onger period. In case this hap-| S835: 0P® 3 time. Sift If this youth had been oper- pens often, "What did vou bring ating under a budgeted allow. me?" may be a-chronic ex WHO WAS SHE BEFORE? ance and held strictly to it, this: pression of tyranny HAMILTON (CP) -- Marjo would not have happened. Such PARENTS' QUESTIONS Marshall, secretary to thr instances of child tyranny as Q. What are some. good ex- mayors of Hamilton in th las have cited indicate the young-;amples in parents of taking 2! years, is retiring, Asked sters involved had not learned! responsibility abou ans for her' retirement, earlier to respect the little word A! Doing what they Amise. she saic i'n 2 sine ta. he c, sifted all-purpose flour ace e eae over 7 . ' ' sig are speaking minutes, 'Cool s thy 1 tol of a retrospective influence, re and Planter Swans nmol 1d uniform type ¢ na Seto! Sec' sccvanag | [RAV gh tee | LIBERTY NURSERY Full Length Formals . 128 Liberty St. AND BRIDESMAIDS GOWNS BRAND NEW Broadloom FALL ARRIVALS $19.95 Custom Made Slip Covers » 0 WwW M A N Vv L. i. E 623-3074 3 SARGEANT'S RENTALS = / HOWARD'S 5, er tt : 463 RITSON RD, §$ 725.3338 No." The parent had nol exer- getting to places on time--not myself. I've always wanted to =e 725.3144 cised foresight to avoid such! disappointing other pennle |do that." SSUULULLULLLL ELLER LEE LEEREEELCRLLCELCRLCLLLLLLLLLLLL : ji , Asesnnanssngenngnnsnen eg sg end sg esTTATAAHN AUSAHANNNAAUIANNNAAAATONAAAEA TASHA ALATA >

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