Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Aug 1966, p. 22

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 2, 1966 138 Hospitals In Quebec 4 | vq [= ATO N'S Put Under Trusteeship | ze ; QUEBEC (CP) -- Premier{Judge Lippe's 60-day inquiry; Asked if the trusteeship could| wi) j G SPECIAL! Daniel Johnson of Quebec Mon-| mandate or until the strike tbe ada Mr, Johnson re-! day placed 138 provincial hos-| settled. plie 4 A i itals under trusteeship and| Should the strike be settled) "In theory it could, but that is! Lp , ; named Yves Pratte as admisse- immediately, the inquiry could|not the spirit of the law." ; ; Household Linens for the Summer Season trator over the institutions. be cancelled, Mr. Johnson said.| 'The settlement of the hospital | j The action was the latest de-| Although a total of 119 hos-| conflict has "suffered a consid- Me j ; velopment in the strike by 32,-|Pitals are on strike, the trustee-| erable delay and the problem j "B | Fr o mF 500 non-medical employees who] Ship affects 198 hospitals across) must be attacked," Mr. Johnson ' e air hegan walking off their jobs|the province. said, July 15 over a wage dispute. | CALLS SPECIAL SESSION | Expiainig Mr;-Pratte'sman- . -- ' : Mr, Johnson said Mr. Pratte| 'The premier also announced|date, Mr. Johnson said the ad- Y Ri " "will exercise the powers. of the) that an order - in «council call-| ministrator will be "perfectly AS y, é if a4 ma administrative councils of each|ing a special session of the leg-|free to negotiate within the Z é j 4 of these hospitals relative to ne-|islature for next Thursday had| monetary framework set up by WON FOR LIBERALS pe se to signing Of} been passed during the cabinet|the government." i " Z oe A Cae collective labor contracts. meeting, The 'government's latest and j ; } ae Daniel J. MacDonald won "The administrator will exer-| At this session of the legisla-|«'¢ina} offer for a new contract a r. i, : re-election in the deferred | cise his powers during the in-|ture, Mr. Johnson said he willl is for a total salary increase of | o conggry - the a f quiry set up. today on. the or-{present certain labor legislation| some $85,000,000 over a 30- d k seat riding ngs ist, | ganization of personnel relations| which could facilitate settle-| month contract." j y } ? : ; : Prince Edward Island. The lin the hospitals involved. iment 'of the sitike of the non- . yy, : ' a Awash with a Summer-bright floral print . . . these towels are berals won. both seats to "Rene Lippe, Montreal dis-)medical employees of the Na-| CLAUSES A PROBLEM ay . F , tt defeat the Progressive Con- trict judge, was named by thejtional Federation of Services| The union has shown itself ; , ws : ' i pretty as a picture for your bathroom. Absorbent cotton terry, with Servative government. cabinet to hold this inquiry as|which is affiliated with the Con-|willing to negotiate within this| | ee YA ; : fringed ends; comes in blue, pink or gold-coloured prints on allowed by Article 16 of the|federation of National Trade| monetary framework but union} 4 4 - f ie. th : . Hospital Act.' Unions, spokesmen say that two me-| q oe AO eal ; f white, Sizes approx. Anti - Poverty Mr, Pratte, who has been} Mr, Johnson said he wanted| chanical clauses have been aj ' tae : J is i acting as government mediator|to "ensure a return:to work as| stumbling block. . in the conflict between the em-| rapidly as possible so as to safe-| Mr. Pratte's mandate as hos-|] | i "a hays 4 TMA IEM rograms Hit | pPloyees of 119 hospitals and the) guard the rights of the ill, pital administrator also allows! i ' eee A oy, Sede a BATH - 2? 4 "7 iQ uebec Hospital Association, | whic h are superior to the rights | him to negotiate on these , ' i ep ? LKS | will remain hospital administra- of the workers, the unions or|claims which involve promotion! é i At Conference | tor until the _ termination of! the hospitals." and seniority rights. , fa SPECIAL, PAIR GENEVA PARK, Ont. (CP)-- Observers of United States anti-| | Besides financial arrange] @ Y hy f 4 tly. fag poverty programs Monday 4. 500 Read To Strike |ments, the 33 clauses not set- | Y i ly Wa ' ' oe? ( wy 4 f termed them unjust and mis- 'tled also deal with health insur- g Vg P f tA % zi , 9 managed, |ance, salary insurance and liv- 4 z fas "4 at ee VA ND en 14x24 William Gish, editor of the jing accomodation at the sites. | 4h F af 5 ") Ne Liat | Mountain Eagle in Whitesburg, Quebec Hydro Projects A statement issued by Hydro- 44g y j as, y gi, SPECIAL, PAIR Ky., told the 35th annual Cou- Quebec early today said Hydro- | , 4 i i" fh, % id sa ' se eceeeeneeves & chiching Conference: 'There is) HAUTERIVE, Que. (CP) --|weeks with Hydro - Quebec,|@uebec is ready to absorb an] | @ %@ , i more injustice in the war on|Construction of five sites at the| were broken off earlier Monday |#ditional cost of $20,000,000 poverty as it is being waged in| massive Manicouagan and Out-|with 33 clauses of a proposed |OVer a three - year period but the United States than there is|ardes hydro-electric projects in| new working agreement still un-|the CNT'U demands amount to mpg 4 7 y ligt he, é justice."" northern Quebec was expected settled. an additional $40,000,000. ih?" p a Mee FACE CLOTHS -- 12x12", He accused the U.S. federal|to halt today as 4,500 workers) There were two strikes on the The company said under its ! , j eat government of not gearing sit) go on strike. big projects earlier this year, offer, a truck driver now earn- \ SPECIAL, EACH programs to the real needs of Jacques Tardif, an official of, The union is seeking a five-|ing $2.39 an hour or $143.40 for 4 the chronically poor and said|/the Confederation of National|day, 50-hour week instead of the|a 60-hour week would earn $3.07 welfare administrators should Trade Unions, said late Monday! six-day, 60-hour week provided|an hour in June, 1968, for a be more efficiently controlled the men would go on strike at|for under the last contract. The| weekly salary of $153.50 for a by the government. the Manicouagan 1, 2, and 5)men want the time decrease |50-hour week. Warner Troyer, a CBC pro-|sites and the Outardes 3 and 4{ with no loss of pay and an addi-| Under the union proposal; the ducer who produced and di-|sites, tional 15-cent-an-hour wage in- same truck driver would earn rected a film on the U.S. anti-/. The projects are located on/crease in a one-year contract. | $174.00 for a 50-hour week, 'His poverty program at work in the|the Manivouagan and Outardes Montreal counterpart, under the Appalachia region of which Mr. rivers, about 300 miles north WANT CLASSES ELIMINATED | decree governing construction, Gish spoke, said the programs|east of Quebec City. The union is also asking for! wil} earn $134. 80 on the same have not had adequate federal! The workers are members of |4bolition of worker classifica-|daie in 1968," the statement leadership or clear conceptual|the National Union of Hauter-|tion. The men are presently' said, planning. ive (Highwater) Construction|Classified according to their 'The Quebec Hydro - Electric He said the government's|Workers, an affiliate of the skills. Commission entrusted with the Jack of control over local pro-|Quebec - based CNTU, Mr.| Mr, Tardif said the union will administration of a public ser- grams had made community Tardiff has been named '"'strike|also press to have these condi-'vice. cannot comply with the welfare "'the biggest pork bar-/ director." tions included in all future)CNTU demands which must be rel you can ever imagine' for! He said negotiations, which|contracts for employees working|considered unrealistic in the local politicians. ihave been going on for someion any Hydro-Quebec projects.'context of Quebec's economy." A LOW-COST INVESTMENT IN Imported Irish Linen Generous tuck-in : : oe Sanitized for losting jetinaan : ' : Damask Cloth Blended Blankets Seamless Ventifoam and Napkins A big 72.% 90" of vscoe blend mekes whisperioht -- i LQwyg smooth 1g for Summer nights, Fashidned to lreland,. noted for fine hand-loomed linen, puts a gracious spread on Conadion tables with sparkling ins, all corefully and 4 ar idget purses oive x nt se e throughout its long life ' Seamless pillows are one-piece moulded foam "rub- ber . . . great. for sleeping comfort. Thick and resile ient, covered with white cotton broadcloth covers that CLOTH -- 66 x 84", are zippered for easy removal. SPECIAL, EACH Sys 7.99 SPECIAL h Si 15 24" 66 x 102". 9 99 , eac e ize approx, x . SPECIAL, EACH sees bad NAPKINS, 20 x 20", " EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 236-436 SPECIAL each SPEGIAL; .3 3 ta OR 7 99 PHONE 725-7373 @ j Rose, blue, white Damask 'cloths 'ond nor hemmed yellow, SPECIALLY Helena Rubinstein PRICED ! ventiatedAlomino | | 987... Beauty in Pairs | Hey Fever AWNINGS | : . Se) iF Once-A-Year Special! One to buy! Eaton's has a wide selection of aids to help relieve the discomforts of hay Choice of 14 decorator colors--solid or striped i | -- A hetly Sonia Te Tr! pei Start a at ee the permanent beauty and pro- : ' & No. 1 Buy: Long-Lash Mascara -- Colours and curls lashes. Dristan Tablets tection of KoolVent Aluminum Awnings now. Os 6 shades that won't smear or smudge. SPECIAL. bottle 85 They will be with you for years to come. Waternroot! Binua: Muscaie' Reiavar GF : 5 det oaie KoolVent Aluminum Awnings are an all-season ; s ey F (2-02, Ordinarily 3.62 value, - 00 i investment in home charm and utility. They ; oy SPECIAL, both for platen Rnael Spray oe guard your entrances and windows against the : : ; ' ", ravages of winter . . . and in summer you can | ss : . No, 2 Buy: Silk Fashion Liquid Make-up -- Dewy make-up relax in the colorful air-cooled comfort they | ; . ess Sf foundation in light, medium and dark shades. 114-ozs, 'ny provide. : | : . Bonus: Silk Fashion Face Powder -- Luxuri- Contac 'C Capsules ' ously fine, with the softness and cling of Two convenient sizes, both specialiy z : : = silk. 11/16-oz. Ordinarily 2.75 value. 2 00 priced Choice of Colors : . > Sf , SPECIAL, both for SPECIAL, each Package of 10 tablets, SPECIAL, each No. 3 Buy: Skin Dew Moisturizing Emulsion--Your skin No. 6 Buy: Nudit Cream Depiletory (For the foce)--switt, Bottle of 24 tablets. drinks it in! Not a bit of grease, Just a flattering dewy ra- i ae » focial Heir, Bonus: Hoeven Seneca SPECIAL, each ss hee be CALL 728-1633 diance. Keeps make-up fresh all day! 2-oz. Bonus: Skin Dew egahl a : x FOR FREE ESTIMATE OR FULL DETAILS Freshener end Toner--Refreshes, invigorates and cools your Powder After-both uxury that's deliciously -- frgrant. ' complexion. 'Waka. Up' your skin: 2-02, 14-02, Ordinarily 2.62 Value, Contac Nasal Mist plexion. 'Wake ra-------=- OR MAIL COUPON cee Ordinorily 5.00 Volue. SPECIAL, both ......... 15 SPECIAL, both for ' Handy plastic bottle, aprox. NASH ALUMINUM 95 Athol St. E., OSHAWA Se SPEGIAL, each No, 4 Buy: Skin Dew Cleaner Concentrate and Eye Moke- No. 7 Buy: Your fovourite deodorant-enti-prespirant. Choice \ Up Remover. Facial cleanser that removes every trace of of Rolf Dry, 154-0z, Pertume Spray, 2-oz, or Perfume Cream Coricidin 'p' Tablets soil and creams away eye make-up, too! 4-oz, Bonus: Skin . , seedy htful. : de Dew Freshener and Toner, Refreshes, invigorates ond cools Deodorant. z, All "effective, delightful, Bonus: fey Bottle of 12 tablets. your complexion, 'Wake Up' your ekin, 2-o7, 2 50 Parfum in Heaven Sent fragrance. 1-oz. 1 50 SPECIAL, each Ordinorily 3.75 Volue, SPECIAL, both for ..... Ordinarily 2.75 Value, SPECIAL, both for ....... s Coricidin Tablets STREET. ov cesccicsccvccecccecP MONE: cccoee No, 5 Buy: Heaven Sent Eou de Partum Mist: Delightful No. 8 Buy: Beauty Washing Grains--Super-foaming gran- Bottle of 25 tablets. CUTY c.0c0n cnewens sete noves STAI Rs 04 osce blending of flowers and spice to spray on lavishly, Lovely, ules remove impurities, get out oil and soil that clog pores. SPECIAL, each Paste on post cord Power ting fragrance, is uP Bonus: -- ge Beth Bonus: 'Water Lily' Pore Lotion --- Medicated astringent, is icns esis un owe aes ween es in OF 'owder, t e cloud, and scented to match the Eau de ' | ihc freshener, Tones skin, reduces excess oil, 1-oz, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 Parft 12-02. Ordinarily 3.37 Value, sind ecioaiis tes soli PHONE 725-7373 SPECIAL, both for ae a Ordinarily 2.50 Value, SPECIAL, both for U ee # ao U yy. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 312 PHONE 725-7373 95 ATHOL ST. £., OSHAWA 728-1633 | STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday, Open Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9 r -- Please send me, without obligation, color booklet describing KoolVent Aluminum Awnings. NAME. .cccscevccvcccscscsvcvecseeesocceese

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