18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 2, 1966 EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH 'FOR SALE' CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 6--Articles for Sele 17--Female Help Wanted |20--Real Estate for Sale = / ructure, na "instciiod | " Bookke Wonted | SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J, SCOrT * ie Be oi a, Fo fap on crore SCHOFIELD-AKER B U S | N ESS S E RV rec JOA, pl sree, sialige,"everhand ian pra fl pte TS. ANE WOMEN chaste Tigi RFIELD BARGAINS clearance but not essential. Five doy 2 pe. suites with foam! week, good starting salary. fasion on 9 fete, gar] PHONE 728-2521 . 723-2265 : 5 HAIR LONG El Ho is 9 Coe Be to ae 4,7, ii wen Ci ; e ade': ine Accountants Building Trades Gerdening and Supplies and Service : August 1s, Open Wesnesday only dur-lwraps, noveien, ote. ¢ Over o Quarter Century ~ : ; (wasih ing this per! Bilt Hamilton, Raga 'or free, beautifully | y nrated cote OF Sarviel * Wied | Genera : P fo Pasta N nk ! ' i Ronen Me notte Secs] Residential APPLIANCE SGfOOr SORT, peers wit I a te ane ee ' ping Centre, 725-9953, Commercial REPAIRS p Fs set : 1253 st, E, jon, VAC, PRIEDLANDER ANE AND C0, ' \ugus eid & OPEN PNAILYV Chortered Ageuetene, Licensed Trus i is 4 Hes tram $90, bedroom - a4 oem PN ey ih Bankruploy, $2%8 Simeoe Street | Expert repoirs to all makes ion 2 a r sre Wa Wi Sce Yomenentls, Aol is oe. : Norn = owe. 7371, : Industria LAN DSCAPING of washers; dryers, ranges, : : ny mere -- tremendous savings, aa son only at 66 Russeff Avenue, 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. jovuius, SeioLe Ane gg 2 a crepe PONISI Ne Lv SCRAPS, son's Furniture, 20 Church $i, a ed Accountants, Financial Tr iid ame ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ p REALLY EXCELLENT condition, ches- ing, 167 Ki Street Ean Oshawa, On- For all your Construction ° / ferfield after 4 p.m, tarlo, 725. 0 & jopkins, CAy H. E. Needs -- Make Your Home A Le A N Aye ieater, 'uichen suite, bargain priced, reliable woman to baby ANNAPOLIS ST. roa xt t Be, ar Call 723-7996 evenings and weekend. |sit, week day $9 500 WOSMAR, Charlered Accoun- CALL Your Centennial Project, FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES . Family moving forces sale, nuiee, $i tan a Prince Street, Suite 4 Oshews,) JAMES ALLEN & SONS PHONE 452 Simcoe'S. -. Oshawa MUST SELL -- Gibson amplifier ve-| 773-8890 evenings, This neat 2 bedroom bungo- otepii-GUs 4 #4 4 verb, also guiter, best offer, Telephone ADORGS ING, typing reproduction work iow of clapl 1d construction JOSEPH GUTMANN, Charlered Accou 725-6126 Telephone. 723-0017 WHat BESIDES The DtANCe | 793-2134 Fast, 7 is wel Hocated on a small cor- fant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Sires! WATER. 15 PROM AE EA 307" LEOARD eleciric stove, automatic eonerine, pga ha services and To- ner fot, Incl J ' , d f OF THE GIANT er lot. Included in the pur- 568 eiANeY Aconig in si Y CENERAL REPAIRS. 263-8853 Rent A Piano A DOUBLE AGENT 15 A PERSON beg Ha ihe ry apt gi Inge" retreat ith ives Wraesor Serviens, 60 Yonee pee irae i wl gw pees bookkeeping serve," ig % HIRED By ONE COUNTRY40 8), unit, Telephone 723-1408 oe --- ---- coo "Ureet North 7 For all your home improve- SEE SPY OM ANE ENEMY AKD WHO, WHILE: sige ig ita Found % BL. LLevo easy CARRE (whiie-bive),|"8---Male Help Wanted range, all rugs and floor cov- ment problems, call us first. SPRING CLEAN-UP HEINTZMAN APPAREWSLY PERFORMING HIS JOR, f POUBLEP ~ play pen, walker (never used); bird cage erings, T.V. Antenna and hot Barristers 725-8576 © Planting @ Sodding @ & Company Ltd, G CRACL aR Viha Fee Ane INCE bach punt, 42,000,000 |and stand, Yellow bridesmald's dress, Steinberg's Ltd water heater. Call now ond 000,000,000, i veil fo match, worn once, Telephone 728- FRED Re JOnE LEO eer ne @ Top Soll @ Seeding @ 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa AGAINST AKL COUNTRY THAT HIRED | on Some ofvirm | SOPrOOO ee |vall make orrangements to in- Solicitor) | Oe King | st. wie 3 Then have @ talk with our @ Evergreens @ Grading @ » Wms FOREIGN BODY, oo oe a spect, 21 Bit a 4 VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses A ald rion and Kentucky Blue- . oh rao, OO BOS i brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. ANTHONY EOWARD 5 LASKOWSKY, GA,} customers. pl @ Complete aicep- ARC ing and cut- Fleming Vacuum Service, ,Main Street, INCOME HOME BCL, Barrister and Sollcitor, a ane YOUR LOCAL chimney cleaner, Chim-| 9 f ting, Reasonable rates, Bloor Bast. Pickering BOWMANVILLE Street, Office hou 5:30 PM. nays bull, repaired, gas linings Installed, ing @ Fertilizers, Phone . 723-2281, | GOL® CLUBS, and cari, 45, Telephone Evening | 1661. ' roof ired, Free estimates, 723-299) 723-9020 5 y Te pag : 728-3960. é en This fine older two storey LLB, , JAMES MACDONALD, BA, SARPENIRS = New and repairs, sok HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING ; 4--Motorcycles \8----Articles for Sale | -- Se ee duplex has living room, din- Barrister and Solicitor, and Notary uv. |and cement work. Free estimates, 726-7600 "Theoret fost Ice phone 725-3286 eae 0 é Hloneae Call Rion Hierbien keban ing room, kitchen ,2 bed. ie The a le perking| NEW PLAS and r stucco, GUARANTEED REPAIRS to ail wringer "4 263-269) Excellent opportunity for a rooms and bath on the north cijcz |ment. Call Pre ry ng. Sab 'Ab ieseaa ALROY 7% a 7 23-0011 a epee p Hie * AR gga | KAMPING v SrRINGTIME! New, use ne bright moture young _man, side and the same number of LSE Mee ; ' ; A \|A FINISHING CARPENTER, does kitch- Lawn Specialists | anaales, jackets, cloves, Buco | Reps airs Cycle Centre, 204 Bond| with some grocery experience, rooms, plus one bedroom on Street Bast, 544 f A t th th side, Equi : fen, ina ie see, Septic Service | php : RUST aR or our Ajax store. e south side. Equipped with en fa, rg, ma is in dondeli lover - - pcertcnipereenen helmets. Repairs and service CONTINENTAL BEDS, oii sizes. Finest First class wages and com- two new gos furnaces, Loca- HUMPHREYS; BOYCHYN and WILLMAN, 723-1991, Jow Koazk, Sprays for dandelions, ¢ ee ptt Wane ae Fromp! service) 114 STEVENSON RD. SOUTH UNLIMITED | Henab fosturpedic, factory eviltt:! ony. benefits ted In the towh's north west " U Ce ' "| s, ard, e6 r , Barristers, Solicitors, 36¥a King Street) mm etc, Call for free estimates, |9n calls, Walter Ward, mu mre! AB's Motorcycle SHOP seo lh Ba cde area. Call now ond arrange ee Ba, LLB. :| your driveway paved by -- | 728-7780 |MATraaES goog th-top mat- Apply in person te to inspect. 725-4604) . Whitby, | square foot, All Work gua' . 723-028, 728-9293 Surveyor lors SALES--RENTAL--STORAGE tresses' 959 crib' nattrete they ate STORE MANAGER, SOUTH-E +5193, NHA ONG ATT FYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- ere Tnolce | RR ore? wr ~ ---- | tresses for bunk beds, $16.68; roll-awa ' ° __..| roofing, chimneys, "eavestroughing, tire-|NURSERY SOD. Now citing F egress DONEVAN tnd FLEISCHMANN, Ontario) = \AQTORCYCLE SALE MID SUMMER SALE cots' complete, sin.t8, 'Wilson's' Furnt|190 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax UTH-EAST GREER AND KELLY, Barr tery Cerne ee. nr, es Sn ony smear, after 6, 668-4965. Th Ontario bireet aes rere" | Uigegepetas teil bikes," | ture, 3 Church Street, hy Lave ag hay older brick tors, etc, 114 King Street ast oO Leh A SE gO ROS Neo ae oaare a cota E ; 6 itd See largest pitched tent se- | AIR CONDITIONER, commercial, 5 ton, | or to ungalow, only four ,rooms 7252078, Residence Phones: 1. M. Gres ROORING, hol tar and gravel, shingles, |TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim, on Jit cut WIM ANG TROLLOPE, Ontario Cand ~~ atone ig * jp # sles Bape al, Pa tia om" Game Claremem, Tika but just right for a retired 4, Wrarnte. We derrnvte ts TA5-| Roring, ond' construction, 998:0837. "| 720-0610, 725-6001. TE cone eerste set thug UTILITY tool shed, 4 (1 if, kiicren| STORE MANAGER, couple. Garage ond o lovely Ae Mal labial i OE FOR COMPLETE LANDSCAPING and|---------------_------- -------- | HONDA SHOP x 7 Brella Tents $22.88 | cupboards, metal overhead garage door) King St. na , Oshawa garden. Hot woter oi! heat- EAVESTROUGHING -- Mui and In| TV=-Radio Repoi . -# ; s | x 7', Telephone 725-9450 bate JA fbn EO a) day, Guaranteed work, Free seri, Manert works rossoneble rates. |e ears =--S | (199 King West, 728-4242 x 9 Tourist Tents $27.95 ence | me -- -- 0. Joe sw 725-9404 | yas ad "yO x 9 Dining Shelters $46.95 '9--Market Basket 7 9 The i St go between 20 and 24 2 . i 163-2934 or 728-6002, Open Evenings gs | NEAR COURTICE can expect to switch jobs six or even FOR ALL YOUR HOME rere pandan-- AND LAWN maintenance: ii WONDA, excellent" conailion, Muni 9x 9 Riveria Hi Wall $65.49 | caspeaaaian Pick sas wh ri 1) ASSIST Ce ea he raed | hip. telepho "fobs 562) Roto tilling, lendecaping, patios, plough: | sacrifice, best offer on cash basis. Tele 9 x 9 Cabin Hi Wall $65.49 jo, Whitby. Call 668-384 we hove listed @ real nice Fi al) Mein ok yw is bash be workmanship, telephone omen ting and cultivating c 655-4996, s lphone 723-3179 after 6.30 p.m 9 x 12 Riveria Hi Wall TTT swrancat Seading waeis| iG home only minutes owoy from ec ere eure ee tia rooms. Free| CHAIN LINK FUNC) Hye avallly "BUILT IN OSHAWA" 5--Trailers $75.49 [ana potatoes available, Walter Huron | OUR PACKAGIN Ciewe in the East End. This Times' Classified Section, Whe estimates. A, C. Wood, 728-3420 or 726-|meterial and kmans! ow pric x 12 Cabin Hi Wall $75.49 Farm, half mile west of Oshawa on 40) ome offers many attractive unemployed or looking for @ better lob, bit mates, 723-8977, AT OUR OWN PLANT 6 te bee Ail teas orth darvien roae | MECHANIC fedutes Or GU eceten nn theck' "Help Wanted" now! STL RKTT -- ail BA TON GARDEN SERVICE ire tree Wa is ass are RAMBLER TRAILERS . 569.95 iéudannen' Gileaa large 106' x 160' all nicely ent k, Sidewalks, slabs, stoops, ates, | 4 "i | 6.4 t ' " landseo rs f CLASSIFIED RATES Frank MeCarin, RR: 3, Oshawa, 658-061, toe poten" tence: tower for Less Money | SALE -- RENT | 9x 18 Houciende Hi Wall | seccaug-gu¥ maser tener Someone with packaging me tone mapad. "Listed at 820 WORD ADS EXPERT PAVING, Free estimate, inv instruction Open Sundays 2-4 P.M | $103.95 jcattie and calves, white and tan police! chinery experience on label- might be just whot you ore 4 ds, $1.08; fill, two-year. guaran: pe | dogs and pups, geese, ducks, 668-2067, a Cahn 1 Insertion of 9 er 3 con oe eons one 'business. forrano OSHAWA 7 V. BUDDY TRAILERS | Ist quality sleeping bags pencil cc ced nt cca tact lers, fillers etc, Excellent op looking for -- call us tonight, | 9.95 # | OBAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick ' ical" were, We enen. 8 ope ere re HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME| PORT HOPE $9.95 ad vp promelly. 'Margwill Fur Farm,| portunity, good rates of pay. ROSSLYN HEIGHTS Large Cole Cool | Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 263- h cM sevtiarel core Wier ~~ mi Carpentry | IN SPARE TIME | SUPPLY LTD, - Lot at 40) and 28 std seit "318 95 iaale Licence 40-66 " as 3 | Whitby jox areo Aevaenve em iis Nika REMODELLING, TRIM WORK, cup } TAUNTON RD. E, CABIN and TENT Folding stove stonds $3.69. [FRESH CUT beled hay, 25 per bale! =A pry BOX M37203 Cape Cod design with ottach- -~ Le ditional ehar e | jin the fleld. Will deliver for additional ChergS m= V0 Sat Hare, Beane 9 boards, rec: rooms, and stairs. Free eatl Low monthly payments In (Just East of Ritson) TRAILER RENTALS | Lantern carrying cases $4.49 | charge. Telephone 728-5221, | | ed garage, 6 yeors old, nicely W-not paid witnin § days, Phone 725-7 clude text books and instruc- aoe ONS eet na crc ° Sentembe Tent Heat $10.95 . -- --------| landscaped and broadioomed, Method of Counting -- Less than 241A CARPENTRY, new and repairs;| tions, Prepares you to achieve 723- 8131 723-8132 for Pvpakiy a i dea' or Cea ae 11 [Pete 'ond Livestock Lideneals seperate dining oom ona g words counts as 24 words; @ach word, house renovations, carports and 80 forth.! Orraria Diploma by means Rtecottoth srsideieidnieninseienlnevidaibanidahiatec special Fall Rates Everything: in Comping and ioKOUeNaRED ae 23 ft. living room, Listed initial, figure or abbreviation coun reuse Telephone 725-3842, ot Provincia! examination, Primers Camping Equipment Vv 5 \ U English Pointer, two H IC $24,900 one word) phone number counts two ser D BUY NOW MILLER | 'acationing Supplies |yoars oid, Wecker Driver" 725-0555 or | MEC AN , words. ' ' | | er | lentistry For FREE information--write, AND 9 TUDOR ST. AJAX ALSO rue Bahart --halBermaa| REQUIRED SIMCOE ST. NORTH Social NOTICES |gAREROeT. I | it ean oo 'osmawe.| American School, Dept. 8, 942-349] 2 NEW TENT TRAILERS Pointers, 8 weeks old, for sale. Telephone| This beautiful bungalow is | situated on an extra large lot $2.25 per insertion with 25 cents addi For appointment, 728-517 Box 784, were Ontario | SAVE FOR RENT Cabin trailer and hitch PRICED TOC LEAR, weber gy Koay. meg ny i - which makes it ideal for a | tional charge if not paid within @ days. Available August. Telephone Ajax 942 POODLE PUPPIES, White Toys, black| kh NM ici aa ce Béct it oe } 728 9942 or brown miniatures, also Chihuahua} ri venetian 925 Simcoe awimen I ' sas eine rst 35 words and Sc, | eames Add FAST SERVICE TRAILER HITCHES made and installed, Puppies, All puppies registered at rea-) St. N. ; ing pool or a farge each thereafter plus i2c. per fine Of] aierations, slip cov ress n sonable prices, Telephone 728-9122 or Seinen een garden. Home is beautifully Fi te RVEY NO OBLIGATION also all types of welding Gone: Portable | 668-6105, | verses 25¢, additional charge If not paid) Sona? ros witeye 68-2372, "ae Ft SU le) "tor rent, Teleg 723-6840. Open 1] a.m. till 9 p.m. | saaurinDt--e ; ---| LICENSED finished inside and out ond s winin. 8 deve, HOUCATIONAL summer tuloring. Thira SLEEPER TRAILER (or soir, new, MON. -- SAT, aby' Budgies, ready for | would be perfect for @ large wit M Leer A training, taiking strain, Apply Mrs, T a ARD OF THAN! Gardening and Supplies el rene, Serrane aiatin et MISTER T V sleep 4 people. Telephone 728-1168 | Broad, iT Elgin Bast," fei les ECHANIC family os basement is com. sci rench, Ge 5 Ve . " M $2.25 tor the first % words and Se, each ementary school English and History, W TRAILER for rent, sleeps five, Siove,|! Mile North of King St. E. on |cozY J RANCH Kennels, feo. armen les ghar pletely finished with extra thereafter with 25c. additional charge If Phone 725-6293 after 6 p.m, | |refrigerator, cupboards, supply own shepherds, meaies, 4 kitchen, Have a look to-night not paid within & days, \ / i en | hitch, Apply 116 Park Road South, 723 TOWNLINE ROAD liu, shots, stud Servin Abhiorn ¢06:| -- you won't be disappointed, CANADIAN TIRE Janitor Service G EVENTS on ciel $2.4 er inch (display)? $1.75, for. the WALL WASHING by modern machines 378 KING ST. WEST 6--Marine Equipment NOW ! SIX firs "owe (000, HOME to. or "buy, | 311 BROCK ST. N. SUNSET HEIGHTS first 20 words No mess, no dripping. Telephone 728-7736. 723-9525 | 2 WEEKS VACATION? SERVICE BAYS | Telephone 723-2709, WHITBY, ONTARIO Seven rooms, plus a ree, | | : viggairernnes ty Tae | room with bar, 2 fireplaces, 2 KING BUG KILLERS Mone to Loan me Ae : For Auto Service | REGISTERED black Poodle puppies al CRUSHING PLANT room wi AUCTION SALES on INSERTION. ri a | Why not make it the whole e sale. Apply, 390 Adelaide Avenue Wes SUPERVISOR bathrooms, french doors from ? Forget that costly | M Telephone 728-1 dining room to patio, double Int 1 lidate' HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED | Summer WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL . . DEADLINES a he ; wore ar ne iferet worthwhile TV TOWE RS | 2 weeks and invest in lasting Chev,, Dodge, Ford, Ply. | RIOING WORSE and western saddles for For-night shift. garage. Call for details, 4 fun A BOAT from vour sale. Also one pony including , . Sh 1 x d hi ft. WORD ADS Purpose providing you are steadily em mouth, Pontiac. We correct | iephene 728+ 116 ove bat 04 'or doy shi DAY PREVYOUS Diazinon ployed and have good credit. Telephone A Ai Evinrude & Crestliner Dealer heel all ie an ae D.D.T. Sprey nina sata Gd BR RE BES OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. | Corect euster and camber, |1SaoAu SUNDERLAND Sako & GRAVEL gle cd Leer Ane FOUNG Pomogreen Dust--spray - WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! | 'Harbor Rd, off Simcoe St, S ' F PUBLICATION align toe-in and toe-out to ; IN am, DAY OF PUB! Fruit Sprays Mortgage ae T R l 0 723-8186 path epndition 7 iby GOOD USED FURNITURE, What have . id BIRTHS AND DEA Gardenall 6.88 Fata Valley Creek 6 Bond Street West, Telephone 590 'Sunderlan eRSEINEE EE BEAU VALLEY 12 HP ELGIN motor, 12' 60% beam pl @ Ports, extra if required 9 am, DAY OF PUBLICATION Ant ond Grub Killer MORTGAGE o INT. . weed boat, power mower, electric guitar @ Torsion bor _____ | PRESSERS required for drycieaning adjustment | . Telephone 723-0961 or 723-84: 7T id two bicycles, Apply 476 C i -- : ented AR CARDS OF THANKS. Cygon 2E ELEVISION Avenue, Osnewa, ny "7 Sromwe extra, |13--Articles For Rent DAILY 4400 -- 8:00 P.M. r Spm. DAY PREVIOUS : Corner Bond and Division CANOE Geaat coatie cer ai rm e : : Sie ASiReD O1PAY weed Kr LOANS a a | gy PRAKE SPECIAL. | st™Chior Game "Cole |SERERRGRE-cohesaeaee ag] __SAT> AND SUN. pe p.m, day previous) 2 col Tonk Geevens : fess ig Tana Sra remains We most popular. cers). First Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal |@ Rote a Smee 2:00 -- 8:00 P.M, umns or larger -- 10 am, day previous Hond Sprayers Moneys ---- for bah TELEVISION RADIO also stock McCulloch 100 to 1 cutboard oil ee 1488 Wear, Men's Formals, White sac MEN for Fatal or a routes, ' ort . n s it ni ' | a ar Tour + guaran CONE ettoNe ie Dust Guns d Tool noice Ne. tows First 24 HOUR SERVICE Renter Gnd Murines oar icine Beat ane e Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. teed "wage, commission. Apply jrown's For full particulars call C x 5 Bread, : 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION page, stom on ~ mortgages, second mortgages HOLMES |e $565, e WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL SARGEANT'S RENTALS powake uta MARKET requires an Any advertisement cancelled before pub: Maines Serinkl and agreements for sale pur- SAR CRA og oe avaller boats,| Including weights per wheel 43OR Rd 725-3338 experienced cutter, previous su-| Mel Dale 623-5638 , , r Sprinklers |Evinrude motors. Open evenings and itson Rd,-S. +333. pe lication will be charged on day's Insert RXI5 chased weekends, Marine Storage and Supply; each 1.95 CHAIRS, cara end Conauer Veblen CRUE permarket excerleicn, Brster rae Rad ai Irene Brown 725-3867 lon 1 cs : g nsider applicants with partial training. ; Fertilizers M, F. SWARTZ ELECTRONICS j EtG _Broomlin, 635-3641 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, q e Fox Reni 42 ry hour week schedule increases, tiberal bn speciblind 728-1066 BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 Calcium: Chlorides 2614 King St. East | |80 HORSEPOWER MERCURY moter, FRONT-END WORK AT employee benefits. Apply Mr. Baker, S64 lan Thompson 728-2870 While -every endeavor will be made to f : and boat, very good condition, $1200. COMPARABLE PRICES |ENTERTAINING? Finy to one "gp per King St. East, Oshawa, Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 forward replies to box numbers to tne Peot Moss Oshawa, Ontario FOR PROMPT SERVICE 'Telephone 723-1809 | people? Oshawa Tennis Club for, ban: 19--Mele and Ras er ------| Mike Belmonte 725-8300 artisers as soon as possible, we @ | \quets, parties, weddings, Bar, kitchen, -- im a caer va " Blity im respect of, lor OPEN ALL DAY 423* 4697 | CALL iy \7--Swap and Barter DOMINION parking. 3 723-2140_ mornings, Hele We ted ons Pig 733 ass nag lege i ---- ------| s AAR Gaia And soe * Talore or eeley in forwarding such re- MONDAY --- FRIDAY Whitby--668-567 9 | ~ WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, . ie ene : plies, Nowever caused whether by negll: SATURDAY---1 2:30 FIRST and SECOND [CABINETS with snx "er vanity asin $39 |reducing machines, sick room supplies Marg Halt 723-1358 : tT IN not ~ ra 1 [Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. Peat ceorare Wm. Yasmenisk! 728-2349 be vesponsibie Yor' replies 'Unealled fer ee MORTGAGES TV SERVICE sire ayaa anomatics, apne | TIRE STORE ALEEAEN Reg. Aker 725.0201 in 20 days Ee rer H DAY OR EVENING Sardan tractore: H Chi, cormee Willisiag |15--Employment Wanted Bill McFeeters 725-1726 \ CUUPER-O/VII | EA cep : Le ee 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH |LAWNS CUT, cellars and yards clean | We have an urgent need for REGULATIONS -- City, Rural, Vacation -- 728-5286 | : TELEPHONE 725-6511 j@d. Also small: moving obs, 723- 4030 or honest, sincere sales person- Member of, the. Oshawa a nd The Oshawa Times will not be responsible 8--Articles for Sale 7 pera aes ~~ | 728-2882, | k th j ~ for errors in advertisements submitted co. | SUMMERLAND OSHAWA - oerecenania COMPLETE SET oct Worle Reterence . ne! to Keep pace witn increas District eRal Estate Board otherwise than. in writing net for more 16 Celine St SECURITIES LIMITED Encyclopedia, set medical encyclopedia, | EXPERIENCED "Girl Friday" wishes) ing demand in Real Estote. If WE LIST EXCLUSIVE than one insertion of any advertise = also set World Natures Library. Phone] position in local office. References may you are thinking of a move or for a single | 723-7268. Hi r t tact 725- : nor beyond the price charge ter a sing 723-2312 723-1139 Member Ontario Mortgage ELECTRON ICS A E io3 be, supe ed upon request, Contact 72 ore not hoppy with your pres- AND 3 Est. 1909 Brokers TYPEWRITER, electric. 18M, $55 siaibcinhenasta oe siacaninieendisiiits ent income, but like to enjoy The Oshawa Times reserves the right to/~ Standard $20. portable $35, adding ma-|WILL take attentive care of one or two : ' classify advertising according to its 112 Simeoe St. N.--725-3568 T. V. TOWERS chine $35. cash register, adds tax sepa-|children in my home, while mother] steadily increasing earnings MORTGAGES see eneimeation Rust Proof rately, $40, 723 4434 ae ee | ae Aa sina herring Centre. and soon achieve the highest ARRAN ED iy the cases of display advertisements MAPLE LEAF PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies tor COLORED TV HOLIDAY FURNITURE -- three rooms, new quar| Telephone 723-5658 anytime 1 Tneeene oF your life: thanteat: G all ty ity furniture, only $299, ¥ es The Times will not be held responsible seen a etie Mortgages ae baret) or Black & White---24-Hour bedienm. livin Poem, e 17 F I "Help \ We ted tact the sales manager for a 360 King St. West for more space than that which the actua o: , purchased. Creighton, Se bles, Pay only $3 weekly, Unbeatable a rae confidential interview. : Ratu reac nate ee| LANDSCAPING eleven TO 10 O55 cp 5030 SPECIAL oe © ee eae eit" CTD | Fem seen eile porting rectly, but asiume no liability of adver: FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sate cR Radio & T.V. Hoe : anual ; See ALTERATION ___ 723-5281 pee nana tisement If any inaccuracies in any form agreements purchased and sold. Hennick ae's Radio 50' 1%4"' HEAVY urnace cleaned, adiusted tree. ween 'aro GARDEN SERVICE|. tssiaa tate nein ite COLOR TV. DUTY TOWER _ shaun Wenn'Sh etme" | WOMAN TAXI DRIVERS | BR AF MOR IT'S EASY TO PLACE A FIRST AND ) SECOND morigager avail STRUCTURE VACUUM repairs, all makes, hos FOR READY TO WEAR STORE | Part or full time. TIMES ACTION WANT AD able R . brushes, atc, Pick-up, delivery, oanoris, | inim Call Classified Direct For Sodding, Seeding, Top- | Street North, wnitoy danaasn, el es Black eid White | Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Must be able to alter wedding | Minimum age 25. J i work guarantee mi Pickering, es ee, wns, ke Junior Brides- 723-3492 | Se ee oe All work guaranteed DOUBLE STACKED | etre a gowns, make Junior Bride _ MERCURY Tax! | GARDENS mer : -- beds $16.) maid's dresses. Telephone | sining Seve Le ET tame | te eetaenrameae Angie-Jone Dresses SS, wa cee INDEX TO . Ea a - Bond Street East, Valley pall Tao (AN ie-Jane resses | pr na highest calearrad ects nnapolis ot. CLASSIFICATIONS 725-0611 Painting and Decorati is | 728-5143 ANTENNA GUARANTEED vied wringer " washer, 9 77 King St. E. | stat Ww. meauley Realtor, 24" Bond east,| West to WAVERLEY ST. Werner Column er GARON PalnTine wa Gecrntn Service Call Only 2.50 $70 00 up. Aleen Furnhure ond Appliances. vibe "NEED EXTRA MONEY? _ 20--Real Estate | for Sele , Simcoe South, 723-0011. de Spertaman's Column Complete [sasme Papering, Estimates free. Phone FAST T.V SERVICE : USED AUTO PARTS, batieries, tires, $50 -- $100 and more can | 6 re) 1 a Traliars | Sales and Service \sara ~WANGING AND PAINTING D aterts (Ve eco ie tear belie ly b d sh lux- 4% 4 (a) i ul start 6V, 30 ci 12V 90c; batteri easily be earned showing lux mb by yy expertly done, Free estimates, Telephone OMINION | LIMITED TIME ONLY 31°50. 725-2162 Ws Nelson Street, lane urious Christmas cards, gifts N.H.A. MORTGAGES . 668-8570, ies FB ge sal th bth! SOOO tes cue Gardening Equipment --| TELEVISION BABY BARGAINS. Carriages $29.95,| and toys to friends and neigh- | Excellent North East location | 10--Farmer's Column . ViePets and Livestoc ia Articies Wented Vasdron Gauninear ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup: ~ a Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street Our beautiful catalogue i! 3 - 4 - 5 bedrooms bedroom homes for im- l}-Articies for Rent piles, Telephone 725-352, Harold H.(SITY TY TOWERS, antennas, also re! WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-| 'ustrates over 300 items in complete in every way mediate possession. a strollers $7.88, mattresses $9.88, i i four Tere, Linon: Bey. end Plumbing 'and Heating 728-5154 9 om. to 9 pm T R piri EF ham EB alae wy] bours. No experience needed 15 Finished homes Beautiful three and fou! All work juaranteed. 51) Dean 1s or Rant Mdheel Wiités Gadi Clie. Stark Lids Plumbing, Heating end fnpiec| Bales 9 | ture or anything you have. The City full-color, making it easy to all with carports or gorages Laer eal wanted | 9 eering, 25 Simcoe treet South, Avenue, Telephone 725-0500 | i : H : : » } i | Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street! get plenty of orders. Write to- | WHERE ? OPEN DAILY Se ay | RUNDLE mee. the uses "mutes Keoseeak| Well Drilling--Digging ANTENNA LTD ot ~aenaition,| AY for Christmas cards en | ORANGE CRESCENT 2 pm. to 9 p.m. ANTIQUE ORGAN in excellent condition. 18--Male Help Wanted | approval and free catalogue. 9--Male or Female Help Wanted rates, Estimates tree, 728-1191, J. Foley.|WELL DIGGING by machne specializ Telephone 723-1030. PP' 9! Adelaide E, to Central Park N _ ing. in 3ineh tile, W. Ward, 204 Chestnur| COR. BOND & DIVISION = ver --saihers Monarch Card Co,, Dept. 22, then left to ORANGE CRES, peste aren Garden Centre Ltd. Rug, Upholstery Service Street West, Whitby, 448-2549 or 44-3009 | SUT Gh Mec ies nl 217 Cannon, Hamilton. OPEN DAILY 728 5143 pairs to ) mane New hoses, Phone EB nt +. oe 1015 King St. E. CHESTERFIBLDS re-upholstered and re- 4 ae ane e LAW OFFICE 3-9 p.m. H MILLEN ; aa Tussle Wanted | styled, Free estimate, See our material|---- echt BUY AND SELL -- Good used | Toratare| REQUIRES . 24--Stores Offices and Storage 725- 6551 for recovering, Slip covers made SON'T DELAY CALL TODAY 8nd appliances. One location only. Pretty to Removal m3, | 4 4 Houses for Rent --| Street tar FS Cherie Mane J OF Supertluous "hair | slicco vELEWISION and aerials aoncel umtUre: 44 Simcoe South, 7233 SECRETARY . MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 24--Apariments for Rent Ee . Murduff will be in big FULLER BRUSH Products, South Dur ° x H" T A S| |Neater, double dresser, wheel chair, table s Bagot Street itso pene 'SMITH'S TREE FARM RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estadlisn.| Oshawo, August 2, 3 and 4. [rangetie. hot plate. flush tollet ane het /NAM, 722-0444 Or 668-4583 Please reply stating age, ex REAL ESTATE Wanted to Rent | Cedars for Hedges years. Workmanship guaranteed,| Phone Genosha Hotel on these [water tank, clectric teakettle and toasl-|TV TOWERS SPECIAL--A01l, airucure,| perience, martial status and 9 Bagot St ecAutomobiien fer Sale Cut flowers ond plants |Free gs Credit terms, Mattresses doys for appointment er, Phone 725-2806 after five all channel antenna, $50. TRIO Television, salary expected, To 728- 1678 eer tae se tans in re-built, furniture refinished. Oshawa Up-| REFRIGERATOR 330, 4 inch heavy | 28514 BOX 38488 1B 1679 re (co or ) inc Y sienna on Se Aasonabien' Wee Bee abel eee purty [ntiring 3 be tcteyb ELECTROLYS!S duty stove. $30. Phone 728-4890 or apply|PETERBORO cedar akitte 1a foot used THE OSHAWA TIMES ar ee ae oahitornanaes pp ag oe ugh iumber (cut to suit | aCe ra ea 723-464) 53 Gladstone Avenue, evenings only 100,00 each. Ol! space heaters, good shape) aattot Miie Adaetetdahdhdh ae a --- J4mAutomodile Ro osts ond les . --"y,,/ 15.00 each. Ol heated hot water. tanks | 35--Lost and Found ; r - | GET SPOT CASH [eee canaitins. centertiehds clnmamnan Wil RS" Oty ease cach lorornetondl "ecniPU AWAY 6 fey.semm by. renting. theil ant- S n't [DEALING IN SERVICES? An ad in the eines iCall collect Newtonville 786-2283) WITH TIMES {SIMPLE MONEY TALK: Classified At R. South anytime. "we " SOM) noat. Rest offer will be considered, Apply/spare room with a Times' Action Want! em Service Directory brings extra jsell things you don't need for $P P.O. Box |, Peterborough, telephone J./Ad. Telephone 723-3492 and put one to! - - wed at moderate cost. Telephone 4--Coming Events NEED HELP IN A HURRY? Place o CASH, Dial 723-3492 THREE - PI bedroom sv A gor i : ; C oe Th Skyy to place r ad, W--Noticns Help. Wanted ad now by dialing 723-362 ACTION ADS |now! _ perer| ne Taeevone aoe 356 ater 5 imi ee ee ee lee ee | ost ey Pay r sige