Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Aug 1966, p. 17

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LI'L ABNER MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER ----s ; ¢ te TANOIN a rir) Yay nae BMD WITH RAGE ! TO MEET CONALO T SEVEN! ------ PACOY, Is IT TRUE THATAN ITCHY PALM MEANS 'YOU'RE GOING TO COME INTO MONEY (XQONTSELEVE THAT OLO - SAYING IT NEEO SOME MONEY \c QUICK, DARLING>- TO GO SHOPPING NATURALLY SIR! THEY HAVE THE NEW T.V. SENSATION, 2D LIKE 70 Qs MA'AM / DEPOSIT BO¢ | | aesngHau Bubrete 2 NEW, INDEED//--1T'S MERELY AN IMITATION OF OUR OLD TV. SHOW -- "CHICKENSOUPERMAN !!"" oun Wena cam Se eae Seen BALLAST BE BE CAREFUL, LAREDO. [SOME OLD CASKS..... STONE GAME CALLED' ON "ACCOUNT. ---~ Tom Patterson * ¥, YOUR FESTIVAL PRAISED IN 956) MICHARL. SUCCESSOR LANGHAM ¢ GUTHRIE'S A PRESS CONF RRENCE CALLS THIS YEAR WE'LL. FOR ~ Use = CANADIANS AK IN HENRY V. OR THE FIRST THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X39 Channel 11--Hamiltes Channel %--Toronte Channel @--Rochester Channel 7--Buftale Channel é--Toronte Channel 4--Buffale Channel 3--Barrie Channe! 2--Buttale sonra, ssn mt TUBSDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M, Vie-Family Theatre 7--Highway Patrol &--Superman 6--Summer Camp 3--Armchair Traveller 2----Mike Douglas 6:30 PLM, &--Dobie Gillis 7--M-Squad é-Dave's Place 3--Wrestiing 4:00 PLM. 7---Movie 6-Reach for the Top -4---News, Sports with Crock Healy 6:0 PLM, 49-3-2---News ; Weather; Sports --Huntley-Brinkley 5--Expo 67 7:00 P.M. TiMike Douglas %--My Mother The Car &--Men In Crisis 4--News; Weather: Sports 4--Car 54, Where Are ? ou? 3----Gilligan's Island 2--Huntley - Brinkley Report 20 PLM, » Weather, Sports 7.20 PLM, %--Musical Showcase 3----My Mother Tf UJ 6--McHales Navy +--Daktari 3--Hogan's Heroes 8:00 P.M, 1--Movie %.-Gomer Pyle USMC +2--Please Don't Gat The Daisies 43----Red Skelton Hour a: PLM, *--F-Troop o3--m. Kildare T--hcHale's Navy GRANDMA ALWAYS RAIGES A BIG 4 AND SHE Gives MOS6T OF THE VEGETABLES AWAY TO tek BRiENoS | [7 bio Mey Ger To see | THE COLOSSEUM... GREAT! ) |( AND ALL THOSE ROMAN RUINS 'N' STUFF ? sl yx fe FAMILYS TRIP ABROAD, CLARENCE ? lil } Mid ee, a YOUVE GOT To SEE SOME OF THE COLOR SHOTS THEY BROUGHT Tn | [on ene DARE DO ANYTHING To | i ; MAKE GRANDMA MAD AT US om unm," ? \ eo wax OVER THERE THAT MY OTHER MARRIAGES BROKE UP BECAUSE THEY WERE WITH THE WRONG me YOu'RE THE J, w WOULD BE LIKE te HUNGRY LION AND HIS DINNER -- é RIGHT ONE. - iN --F~ THERE IS Bee J NO RIGHT 4) WOMAN FOR YOU, HARDY, | COMING | BETWEEN YOu AND SOFTRESS SHAMPOO. COMING BETWEEN A WOULD YOU GIVE UP SOFTRESS wa eve up--! OH, MISS JONES... THAT'S AN OUTRAGEOUSLY UNFAIR QUESTION... AND You KNOW T! ppodrome * P.M, %--Movie o2.Movie 43--Dick Van Dyke %--F Troop 9:38 PLM, | F-Peyton Place The Cor | 63---Gideon's Way Junction | 4--Petticoat PM, ll--The Merv Griffin Show 7--The Fugitive 4--CBS News Special 10:30 P.M, 43----News Magazine 9---Spotlight 11:00 P.M, 11-D-B-Dobedede2----News Weather and Sports | | | Wiis P.M, | 2--Tonight Show Viewpoint 11:20 PLM, 4--~Late Show é--Night Metro 11,25P,.M, Vie-The Vise 190 PM, | Tonight Show | 7---Movie | 3--Movie 11:40 PLM, 9-1 Spy 6--Movie 12:00 A.M, 11----Untouchables AM. News Weather sports WEDNESDAY A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 8.90 AM 9--T.V, University ass AM 'TELEVISION LOG | 7--Dating Game 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 2-B-Showdown 12:00 NOON }i-Bonnle Prudden | %=Toronto Summertime | }-2---Jeopardy | ToMoney Movie J-6Luncheon Date | 4~--News and Weather 12:18 P.M, | 4--Speaker of the House | 12:30 P.M. | S--News; Weather; | Sports ll--Neoontime 8-2--Swingin' Country | 6-4---Search for Tomorrow | 3--Noonday Report 12:40 PLM, | 9--Movie 12:4. PLM. +4--@uviding Light 1:00 PLM, 1 Theatre |t--Dialing | Girl talk | J-Ben Casey i-6--Luncheon Date | 4a----Meet The Millers | 2--Topper | 1:30 PLM. é4--As The World Turns | 28--Let's Make a Deal 3--Movie 2:00 P.M, 7--Newlywed Game 'assword For | ' -P | Ye Dialing for Dollars) 6--Culsine Girl Talk 9:00 A.M, 1})---Morning Musicale %--Romper Room | 4--Mike's Carnival &--Ladies' Day 2--Bozo's Big Top 9:30 A.M, t--Uncle Bobby | &Smile Time | 4--Love of Life d---Jack/ LaLanne 4! Love Lucy 10:00 A.M, \}--Bd Allen Time 6-2--Bye Guess 4-1 Love Lucy 10:30 A.M, 9---Summer Ti-Mark Sabre Fun le 2----Concentration | 7--Donna Reed | 4-The McCoys 3--Time Out 100 A.M, 8-2--Chain_ Letter li--Long John Silver %--Mr, And Mrs. 4--Andy Griffiths JeeEd Allen Time 7--Supermarket Sweep 1:30 A.M, | }}--Buccaneers 3.-Ernie Lindell . Newspaper 30, Cold . Loiter coating S-shaped moldings Truman 4. Soothe Mendicant . Zodiac sign . Sheltered side . Thus . Encirele . Man's nickname . Breeze . Bronte heroine . Deeds . Dismal . Unit of work . Epochs . Novice . Pessimist on Wall St. . Hawaiian garlands . Estimator . Greeting . Part of a hurricane . Astern . Marshy meadow . Butt . Piece out . Poetic verb form Swiss Alps wind . Variety poplar 36, Small- est 37, Be- gone! 38. Wander | 8-2--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M, | ®--People in Confliet | &8--The Doctors | Tm For Us 6--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 3:00 P.M. 9--Fractured Phrases 8-2--Another World 7---General Hospital 643--To Tell The Truth 3.25PM, 3-6--Bonnle Prudden |News 3:30 PLM. 1i--Funny Company | % It's Your Move 2-8----You Don't Say 7--Superman Show 4--Edge of Night 4:00 PLM, %--t Love Lucy | @--The Match Game (&3--Vacation ime | 4--Secret Storm d--Merv Griffin ret Squirrel @ §&--Woody Woodpecker 4--Movie CIORRIATSMAGIR TAIT lOJRTATT IE MERIATPTI Io) CIATTIE TR BAIN) INI Sa Oo San ICIOIRIETS | [AIL IETLIN lOlOTT TS | Oma LOIN SHO GoM & PHIOTP IE SBE IRIOIOTE | LUNIETRIT BERIOIVIE|S| CIE IOTE TSM IE TAIRIS] Yesterday's Answer 44, Short sleep 45, Contend for 41, Something 46. Long-nosed fora ih. apelunker 42, Lidded pitcher 31, Biblical weed 2 44 -- fis! 48, U.S, armed forces rank: abbr, e 8 Te . Lubricate . Pronoun L » Window Y \¢ over a door . Relative of Jr. . Run in cricket Frost . Gibbous . Chew . Benefit . To relinquish voluntarily . Indian wigwam . Ear shell DOWN . Recline Malarial- like fever 3, Beneath . Elusive one R 50's YOU MEN ~ RIDE LO! /M THE RESERVA; INDIAN HUBERT AGENT) HES Aer ane d uss ey THe TIME Ha WAKEES LIP FROM THIS | I HAP TO BUY A | COMPLETE NEW SPENDING YOUR ia WARPROBE WHERE ARE YOU VACATION, HARRY? ar (ay Le), im Ld f 3 fa ' " ng atte ver | YOUR HEALTH WELL BE SUMMERING IN ™ EUROPE, AND WINTERING IN DIRE STRAITS It Takes Some Time To Pin Down Sarcoid r } Dear Dr. Molner: I have a |skin disease called sarcoidosis jwhich affects only my eyes, |They become bloodshot and |swollen.--Mrs, C, C. Dear Doctor: What follow-up treatment is required after hos- pitalization for sarcoid?--Mrs, G. W. M Sarcoid isn't--as I pointed out jyesterday--a_ skin disease, It jean attack any part of the }body, including skin, eyes, in- jternal organs | The outlook is generally good, |While the disease may run its jcourse and subside spontane- ously, it also can be treated jeffectively with seroids. (drugs jof the cortisone series.) | With some mild cases, treat: when the lung, eye or skin is involved, treatment is to the point--to minimize symptoms, prevent lasting complications, and (in the case-of skin in- volvement) shorten the time |during which the patient has to friends and relatives, For the most part, hospital- ization is not necessary. The principal exception to this re- mark is that, since sarcoid can look like so many other dis- eases, some of them dangerous, hospitalization may well be or- dered until there is diagnostic proof of the ailment, and that it is not cancer or tuberculosis, for example. If tissue can be obtained from jthe skin or from an affected jlymph node, the diagnosis can be made definitely by jscopic examination | Otherwise diagnosis may in- jvolve the painstaking process 'of eliminating other diseases explain the disease to curious! By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD \which it resembles. proving |that it is not T.B,, or whatever, | There is a skin test (Kveim ltest) which gives. significant data in identifying sarcoid, The trouble is that this requires about four weeks to interpret jthe results, | "Thus, while it may take some jtime to pin down sarcoid, the |patient frequently can vent a jsight of relief, knowing that it jis not one of the deadly or dis: abling diseases, | The duration of steroid treat- }ment depends on the speed with jwhich the disease subsides. Follow up treatment, aside |from that, is primarily a matter jof examination to make sure that the lesions and the scar tissue which may result are not interfering with the 'eyes or other organs of the body, Dear Dr. Molner: My sister gives her children cola drinks all the time, The oldest is 10, Is this harmful?--Mrs, 8. To some degree, it can be, |The nutritional value of cola drinks (or that of any pop) is essentially. the sugar in them. Therefore they should be treated as you would candy: An occasional treat is fine; a steady diet is wrong, The cola drinks also contain caffeine, a stimulant just as coffee is, and healthy children don't 'need stimulants, Too much can make them jittery, | certainly don't condemn soft drinks, but they should be used with common sense micro.) - Dear Dr. Molner: I am a jdiabetic and must lose weight, T am at my wits' end to know how to prepare meals that both jhave the A-7-2, you could THE OSHAWA TIMER, Tuesdey, August 2,1966 17 BRIDGE Oy B, JAY BECKER Mosters' Play) (Top record-holder in Individual Championship Kast dealer, Neither side vulnerable, Opening lead--jack of spades, Signals are either positive or negative, Thus, if your partner on defence leads the king of a suit headed by the K-Q and ae as for a continuation of the suit by making a positive signal with the seven, or ask for a discontinuation making @ negative signal with the deuce, In the same way, if you were void of a sult being led, you could signal positively or nega tively by the size of your dis» card in some other suit. The proper use of signals such as these is highly important in the conduct of the defence, In general, a negative signal, | which tells partner not to lead a particular suit without telling him which one to lead, is not as illuminating as a positive signal, which sends a more spe- cific message. However, a come bination of negative signals can, together, add up to a posi- tive signal, as illustrated in the accompanying hand, West leads the jack of spades, dummy winning with the king as East follows suit with the deuce. Declarer plays a low club to the king, followed by the ten and then a third club, which West now takes with the ace, East has to discard on the last club, and his play is highly important to the defence. If he signals with the nine or ten of hearts in order to direct a heart lead, the play costs him the contract even though West shifts to a heart. Declarer's eight eventually proves to be a heart stopper and he makes three notrump. But if East discards the deuce of diamonds on the third club, the defence triumphs if West leads a heart; in fact, South goes down two, A heart play by West at this point is not really difficult, When East denies strength in spades and diamonds by play+ ing low in those suits, he {Is ine ferentially signaling for hearts, All that West has to do is obey the signal, SALLY'S SALLIES my husband and I can eat, Where do you suggest?--Mrs, D. G. The easiest answer which will help the most people in the most places, is to suggest that you get in touch with your local (usually, state) Diabetes Associ- ation, or with your Visiting Nurse Association. Both en- counter this problem often, and can suggest cook books and meal plans. One simple rule of thumb is for you and your husband to eat the same things, but he can eat more, and you can add, for his plate, succulent items like butter, cream, gravies and sweets, Dear Dr. Molner: A doctor said that an overactive thyroid can cause a person to be under- weight. I am very thin and have trouble in gaining, although I used to weigh more than nor- mal, My mother and sister both have thyroid trouble but they are heavy. Are there any signs or symptoms that would indi- cate anything is vies with my thyroid? -- Mrs. A, B, An underactive throid is in- deed likely to contribute to over- weight; an overactive thyroid, however, has to be quite dyna- mic to cause a person to be thin. Many underweight people are that way, not because of thyroid, but because they are physically active and use up the calories they eat, and often be- cause. they are satisfied with foods which do not have a high calorie value, An overactive thyroid is more likely to bring about a sudden loss in weight despite a good appetite, rather than to cause a person to be continually under- weight Principal symptoms of over active thyroid include nervous- ness, excessive sweating, fast heart beat and possibly with pal- pitations, and a fine tremor of the fingers,

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