WHERE'S IT PARKED? DON'T TELL ME YOU PLT IT IN THE GARAGE! HERE'RE YOUR )( YOL/RE QUITE WELCOME, DAIS»! 0% BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder im Masters' Individuel Chempionship Pley) R KEYS, AND THANKS! ' 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sars Tuesdey, August 2, 1966 ven ay pe 67 4 FAMOUS HANDS North dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH @974 GPAQECE o¢-- &Qs748 T THE CLOSE OF STRATFORD'S WELL, IF WE CANT Give EAST 1453 FESTIVAL »++ if THEM SOMETHING NEW, THEN a82 We'LL OFFER GOMETHING TO ATTRACT THE ATTENTION EVEN THAN OF THE WORLD. ; THAT'S NOT EASY, DONALD DUCK HOW WOULD YOU LiKE YI[III/|I|! TWO BIG BLACK EVES ANO LUMPS ALL OVER YOUR I HOPE I WASN'T )i||! TOO SUBTLE " @o2 HAKESPEARE . ¢ one 418 Went 4@ Passe Pass Sate Veegan New sence _ Opening lead--two of clubs. He made Seepage's Chicken This hand occurred in @ Soup the national drink by UE | CATCH THEM ON RESER= match between Austria and En- brilliant advertising /"" AFTER TONTO INFORMS THE INDIAN VATION LAND /1L PUT THOSE gland, played in London way ne eee. TROUBLE MAKERS IN THE 7ME RESERVATION BEFORE back in 1937. COOLER FOR A LONG SPéiL; In those days Austria had the best team in Europe, and it was not at all surprisin that Schneider, Jellinek, lerbert and von Bludhorn, who com- posed the Austrian team, de- feated the British team by 10,- 910 points in the 300-board match, The bidding may seem Strange by present-day stand- ards, but that's the way it went when England held the North- South cards at the first table. Harrison-Gray made a rathes light opening bid of one heart, and Merkin eventually became declarer at the somewhat pre- carious contract of five spades, West led a club and South suc- ceeded in making 12 tricks for a score of 680 points. The only trick he lost was a club. The bidding at the second table, where Jellinek and Schneider were North-South for Austria, was also far from rou- tine. It went, oddly enough, as follows: North Kast ag co (Pam 1 |Pass 3NT Dike Mathieson, playing with Kon- stam, became declarer at three notrump doubled on the se- qui shown. Schneider laid a trap. by overcalling one dia- mond with two clubs in the hope that his opponents would eventually contract for three notrump, and Mathieson fell right into the trap when he elected to bid two notrump in- stead of raising diamonds, Cer- tainly a simple bid of two dia- Remember the slogan ' Of his Blindfold Test ?- "If it tastes like Seenaee, it's ours." LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER 00 YOU KEEP A PICTURE OF YOUR TRUE LOVE IN YOUR i a IT SITS ON MY DRESSER AT ALL GARDAY KNOWS PAUL I6é TAILING HIM, PHIL, AND He's JUST TOO UNCONCERNED.! HE COULD BE LEADING Us A*T"! ONLY ONE GUARD ON THis SECRET AGENT X9 | STYLISH | TURTLE - NECK | SWEATERS hash Lage f | TELEVISION LOG Channe! 11--Hamilten 63--Gideon's Way Channel 9--Toronto | 4--Pefticoat Junction 4--Dick Van Dyke Show Channel @--Rochester | 10:00 P.M. essa oui j1]--The Merv Griffin | 12:00 NOON Channel 7--Buffalo 1)}--Bonnie Prudden Channel 6--Toronte | 9--Toronto Summertime Channel 4--Buffalo |}-2--Jeopardy Channel 3--Barrie | 7--Money Movie |3-6Luncheon Date Channe: 2--Buttate | 'News, and Weather 7--Dating Game WHAT MAKES YOU THINK WE NEED A NEW CAR, MOTHER? WELL, TODAY I WAS DRIVING -~ Show 7--The Fugitive 4--CBS News Special 10:30 P.M. 6-3--News Magazine | 9--Spotlight 11:00 P.M. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News 12:15 P.M. TUESDAY EVE. | 4--Speaker of the House Fen I'M GOIN' BELOW... SEE WHATS ) THERE ».0)F ANYTHING MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER / atFinsTt { COULDN'T BELIEVE AW MY EYES T THOUGHT MY HAIR SPRAY HAD BECOME MAGIC AND WAS 4 MAKING ME YOUNG \:AND BY MISTAKE WAS USING \ | A CAN OF SPRAY PA\ é r IS EXERCISE, UC mayBe WHAT YOU NEED To SHAPE. UP ') WEIGHT-LIFTING! DONT Sienna HOW ABOUT ISOMETRICS ?... I CAN HARDLY ISOMETRICS MY BROTHER INCREASED HIS FLEXED Y'KNOW, YOU PUT ONE HAND .» JUST PRESSING MY LIPS TOGETHER OVER 1300-CALORIE MEALS YOU'RE CONSUMED BY SOFTRESS! YOU EAT /T, SLEEP IT -- BREATHE iT! ANYTHING ELSE IN YOUR LIFE-- INCLUDING A ... 16 STRICTLY EXCESS BAGGAGE. 4 OH, HARDY-- DON/T YOU SEE HOW RIGHT I AM? 5:00 P.M. Weather and Sports 1l--Family Theatre | 4:15 P.M. 7--Highway Patrol | 2--Tonight Show &--Superman | 6--Viewpoint 6--Summer Camp | 11:20 PAM, 3--Armchair Traveller |4 ate Show 2--Mike Douglas 6--Night Metro mM. 11.25P.Me 1--The Vise 1.20 P.M, | 8--Tonight Show 7--Movie $:30 P. 8--Doble Gillis 7----M-Squad 6--Dave's Place 2--Wrestling EO ad PM, | 3--Movie 6--Reach for the Top 11:40 P.M, 8-4--News, Sports with | 9--! Spy Heely 6--Movie 6:30 P.M, 12:00 A.M, 4-9-3-2--News; 11--Untouchables Weather; Sports 1:00 A.M, 8--Huntley-Brinkiey News Weather sports 5--Expo 67 WEDNESDAY 7:00 PLM, 8:00 A.M. li--Mike Douglas Cartel neeree | 8. iM, oy ee Or .|:8T.V, Univernlty 6--News; Weather; ; 6:55 A.M Sports 4--Car 54, Where Are You? Girl Talk 9:00 A.M. 11--Morning Musicale 9--Romper Room 4--Mike's Carnival 8--Ladies' Day 2--Bozo's Big Top %: 3--Gilligan's Island 2--Huntley - Brinkley Report 7.20 P.M. 7--News, Weather, Sports| : i 7.0 P.M, j?---Uncle Bobby 9--Musical Showcase | &Smile Time § 3--My Mother The Car 7--Combat 6--McHales Navy +--Daktari 3--Hogan's Heroes 8:00 P.M, Ni--Movie 9--Gomer Pyle USMC #-2--Please Don't Gat The Daisies } 63--Red Skelton Hour 4:30 PLM. %--F-Troop o2--p:. Klidare 7--McHale's) Navy 4--Hippodrome 9:00 P.M, | 4--Love of Life 2--Jack LaLanne 4-1 Love Lucy | 10:08° A.M. jN--Ed Allen Time 6-2--Eye Guess 4--| Love Lucy 10:30 A.M. li--Mark Sabre 9--Summer Fun /#-2--Concentration | 7--Denna Reed 4--The McCoys 3--Time Out 11:00 A.M, 8-2--Chain Letter 11--Long Jenn Silver %--Mr, And Mrs, 9--Movie 4--Andy Griffiths -2--Movie . SEG Allen Time 6-3--Dick Van Dyke | 7--Supermarket Sweep 1--F Troop | 11:30 A.M. 11--Buccaneers | 3--Ernie Lindell 9:30 PLM, T--Peyton Place CROSSWORD ACROSS 5. Homilies 26. Gain . Mexican Muscat or 27, Pig Indians Concord . Rasp 7.Male sheep 29. Harangue . Sacred bull; . Quick Egypt 3. Pander . Fork prong Derivative . Paradise of ammonia . Part of Pub potable "to be" 31, Pro Cartograph 19. Quotes 3, Ex- Japanese 20. Kind of coin rock tions . Apple . Behave centers Card game . Growing . Kitchen as & in high utensil razor altitudes . Finnish . Turns to seaport 38. the left poultry amina- 36. Copied -- Scotia fish 12:38 P.M. 9--News; Weather; Sports 11--Noontime 8-2--Swingin' Country 6-4--Search for Tomorrow 3--Noon-day Report | 12:40 P.M, | 9--Movie | 12:4. PLM, +4--Buiding Light 1:00 P.M. |1--Theatre |8--Dialing For Dollars ----Girl talk | 7--Ben Casey 3-6--Luncheon Date | 4--Meet The Millers | 2----Topper | 1:30 P.M. | &4--As The World Turns 2-4--Let's Make a Deal 3--Movie 2:00 P.M. 7--Newlywed Game | 4--Password s-- Dialing for Dollars| 6--Cuisine | &2--Days of Our Lives 4--Linkletior's Party 3:00 PLM. 9--Fractured Phrases 8-2--Another World 7--General_ Hospital 6-4-3--To Tell The Truth 3.25P.M, 3-6--Bonnle Prudden 4--News 3:38 PLM. 11--funny Company 9--It's Your Move 2-8--You Don't Say 7--Superman Show 4--Edge of Night 4:00 PLM. 9--1 Love Lucy &--The Match Game |6-3--Vacation ime 4--Secret Storm 2--Merv Griffin | i FM. \--Secret Squirrel 9--Movie 8--Woody Woodpecker e 4--Movie TOE TAIL MMAIRIEINI IN|D MIS OJUINIOIAIR IV] TE [LK Me IRIN MIMO IOIE] Saag Sau Ga VIAIP RED 108 tt MNJUTT ATE | (OIEISIKS 39, German Stylish river 35. Sharpen, 40. Mrs, Truman 42, Before 44, Spawn of IPIVIRIE| IEIRIRIE OME TIAINIGIS| (OIVIETT) Saturday's Answer . Ducklike 2/5 s Or birds ® 19 Ji . Riding outfit Ya 30. Carry O, . Criminal v, rs offense " . Agate . Rolled tea 7. Sea eagle . Jack in Pony Ys " 3, Eat away 5. Not moving ba . Wanders 7. Gives over . A long time DOWN 1, Cocaine source GEE, THANKS, CLARA! WHEREP YOU FINP ¢ South Africa Short On By DENNIS LEE ROYLE JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- South Africa's industries are growing so fast there are insuf- ficient skilled white workers to keep the wheels turning at full speed. Prime Minister Hendrik F. Verwoerd's government is searching d for skilled European immigrants. Looking to the future, the minister for Bantu (African) administgation, Conrad Botha, has appealed to white women to bear more babies. So far there is no sign he has been heeded. The republic's flagging white population, coupled with a pop- ulation explosion in the black community (up 1,234,000 in five years), is beginning to worry the republic's apartheid govern- ment, An insatiable demand for more black labor in the white industrial areas is undermin- ing Verwoerd's policy of sep- arate development for the races. The prime ministers's eco- nomic adviser, Dr. P. J. Rei- kert, says that even with a con- tinued influx of Eurofean immi- grants, South Africa will be shy 30,000 white workers in the next four years. DOESN'T WANT BLACKS Skilled White Workers skilled and well-paid positions firmly in white hands, restrict- ing the African worker to lower- paid employment. Dr. Anton Rupert, one of the republic's top industrialists, warned at a management con- ference that manpower short- ages are retarding production. "One of the inevitable results of the present labor shortage is the unhealthy cut-throat com- petition for staff,' he said. To overcome the shortage of manpower, he said the govern- ment should: --Improve education so that a higher percentage of workers could attain executive positions. --Seek immigrants with skilled technical training. Utilize woman-power fully and make better use of non- white workers' talents. The shortage of white labor threatens to cut gold produc- tion, mainstay of the country's economy. More than 5,000 white miners left the gold fields in the last few years, seeking higher- paid, less arduous jobs. SHELVE PROGRAM An emergency program to fill the jobs with black workers was hastily shelved when white min- ers protested. For a while a steady stream of European labor came into South Africa doesn't want to|Soyth Africa from African co- integrate black artisans and|jonial territories as they be- tradesmen into its white-run e) dustries. The country's far- came black - ruled independent States. reaching apartheid laws reject! Many settlers from Kenya, the idea of black and white | workers toiling together, earn-| ing the same salary and shar-} ing the same social benefits. | The ministry of Bantu affairs has outlined plans to stem the increasing flow of black labor! Tanzania, Nigeria,: The Congo and Zambia headed south rather than face the uncertain future of black independence, but this white labor source now! has dried up. More than 40,000 immigrants into the white industrial citiesjare expected this year from monds would have given a more accurate picture of his hand than his actual bid of two notrump. North led a club and Schnei, der took it with the ace and proceeded to cash six spade tricks, He then played a heart and Jellinek scored the A-Q to defeat the contract five tricks --1,400 points. The Austrian team gained 720 points as a result of Schneider's imagina- tive bid of two clubs. SALLY'S SALLIES AULTGMS VIGSI In Naval Fight SEOUL (AP)--The South Ko- rean Navy said today one of its patrol boats exchanged fire with nine armed North Korean vessels Friday night and may have sunk one, The navy said the 30-minute clash occurred four miles south of the eastern end of the mili- tary. demarcation line and about seven miles off the Ko- rean coast near the fishing port of Daejin. Four South Korean sailors were wounded slightly as the North Koreans hit their ship with about 30 rounds of ma- chine-gun fire, the announce- ment said. It said the Communist ves- sels, disguised as fishing boats, opened fire on a group of South Korean fishing craft and the pa- trol boat moved in. FAISON ENDS HOLDOUT ESCONDIDO, Calif. (AP)-- Earl Faison ended his cold war with San Diego Chargers by signing a contract with the American Footbal! League team Friday. The signing of the 260-pound defensive end came one day after Faison and Charger general manager-coach Sid Gillman denied they were about to reach an agreement, Terms were not announced. TO MAKE DONATION UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) Luxembourg told the United Na- tions Thursday that it will make JATZ, MiSSY. SURE I 7 AN INTEREST IN IT PAYS FOR THE 2. Verbal and eventually to turn them |Britain, Holland, Portugal,ja voluntary donation of $5,000 eA ; S Q | Ph 3. Value ; back to black reserves Italy, France, Belgium, Switzer-|to the costs of UN peacekeeping z. ess Mala fi 4. Consumed 8-/ Job reservation keeps most'and and Greece. in Cyprus,