Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Jul 1966, p. 14

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14 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 29, 1966 'Its July For Hot Weather.. Want Ads For Hot Results' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 6--Articles for Sale 15--Employment Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted ve meray Pe CAWNS CUT, collars and yards caan. by RJ, SCOTT we "Wy opp Supply arena Teunton| Th aa. cu gene nelenwatee LETTER BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | -# Ze ERAET come HESTENETELD | BARNS Gare ails Wie Wansea $4215 -- $4965 Cushions from $138, Modern 4 seater sets 4 tara from $158. 3 pc. sectionals. trom $i88 (Plus Uniforms) Wilson's Furniture, 20 ) Church Street, ! . a l Accountonts Building Trades Gardening ond Supplies [Sales and Service oe ig ; fe Pi) cto HED FOR HOLIDAYS uly, or COMPANY. Fosk Cities Winans ; ACQUIRED is pericd, Bil peta OSHAWA, Ont ites iam ne) Residential CENTENNIAL || 7ECUER | arm OL) NS pipette meet te] rma " Aecoun AVE, ; : ping Centre, 725-9953. aad 00; Commercial REPAIRS ati a : FE) A ALE ge MEL D Apply in person immediotely jcensed T/Us to Mr. W. £. Mann, Post. oy aan | d tri | E epoirs to ail ki ote po Broad for 7g "inten DF ie a naustrig eer at te Mens d : tig aga tdaes ha g Earn extra money evenings Al j LAN DSCAPING of woshers, dryers, ranges, ; 125-0722, ----ceere| showing women's fashions on master, Post Office Depart. ~; orn Repairs --~ Alterations GENDRON bab inge, biue-belge: i hon Additions --- Remodelling ete DARTS AVAILABLE @ 'SCRAPS. Hroller, bassinerie, Jolly dumper, pepy| Party plan basis, Samples sup- ment, Oshawa, Ontario, Come Ait King Sirsa! Bast, Oshawe, On| -- For oll your Construction @ ALSO PARTS A aN pitty f walker; all excellent condition. Tele-| plied, No experience neces- pees rio, 72535091 §. 7. Hopkins, CA; H, &. Needs --= Make Your Home A ee A N Ne phone 723-0678, sory, petition 883. i Lukow, CA = is) -- \ ' FABULOUS Augusi Furniture Staal Ba it Sa Chariered Accoun' CALL. Your Centennial Project, FURNITURE end APPLIANCES -- bi df ne wurniture. mush 9 Ms . AJAX 942 2347 " ae i rom y rot wu oe p+ fd Telephone Mel th & oenews,) JAMES hap SONS PHONE 452 Simcoe S. ~~ Oshawa --I ie i095 piece dinetie suites $34 : c YOUNG MAN ad" Accoun Telephone 723-0011 MAY DIZZINESS ha . JOSEPH GUTMANN, Char' acc of ee seicliiahca ale captoceaasiee none daisies ' : Fe HAVE A PARROT son's Furnitur tes, Wises Yo fond Wet SALTY CARPENTRY 163-8853 Rent A Plano Sinn WH ron is Jou can MAKE | REHRIONRATOR and heavy diy range] ALTERATION | To DO STOCK ROOM ae & om P OVISION FOR 14 1 ty boih $65. Telephone 4. com eT eran aN ee & GENERAL REPAIRS 5 cubcau wd a WILL BECAUSE ANE. BIRD | REALLY "EMENLLENT condilin," chis- WOMAN DUTIES Con Street North, 7250097, Res, 7237605! For all your home improve: ~~ > Wa ia natalia gldacles | ag ge gy rg pies FOR READY TO WEAR STORE For @ progressive retail ment problems, coll us first, SPRING CLEAN-UP HEINTZMAN p bd, eee 723-1996 evenings and weekend Barristers @ Plantin e Sodding e & Com nr Ltd : 4 PARROTS LIVE fo Parity marine gio sale. Must be able to olter wedding chain, After o suitable traine NES, LLB, Barrister and 725-8576 @ To Sal @ Seeding @ ted yes. BE ABOUT 100 YAN | Must "SHLL = Gibson" amplifier re | 9OWNS, make Junior Brides. ing program applicant will PRED R. 1 JONES, ms Kot € op i 79 Simcoe St, N., Oshawa ARABS EXCHANGE KIS(ES OLD OR OLDER veri, sino guitar, best offer, Telephone| ™Moid's dresses, Telephone ; sane! temporarily Oi): : Then have a talk with our e Evergreens @ Gradin Telephone 728. 2921 | WOH THEIR HIGHBREP CAMELS, 1 y9-0194 ' Mrs, Potter 725-1711 also assist manager, Excet- DWARD LASKOWSKY, BA) Customers. @ Marion and Kentucky Blue- 8 Kan Hrs Pi or, Wak Wt Eide ate es lent opportunity to get ahead, ice hours; 9 am. - 5:30 BM! neve bylit, repaired, gas lin ing @ Fertilizers, Phone 722-2: ~ _ Dia} 723-166),___|roofs_repaired. Fre TEvi997. 723-9020 SaWiNe iAACHIN pales to all a eWhioy. call aoesnas, vn own at RR 77 King St. E., 728-447] ee WALD, BA, LLB R barry, 'orf _ |\8---Articles for Sole : sate jawed OM ACB ORI ee i Lees HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING pag hy "hacen. or home serv 2 Personal __ |8----Art Sor te = NEED EXTRA MONEY? jal Building, 286 King oe hr deemrartioensntaninntteninnie 4 ue Au er ire, cient parking NEW PLASTERING 'and repsirs, stucco, ------------ [ROY TTY NTaED n ART fo 5 all pal WITN cee NOW! SIX junder 14, Bring containers, Telephone} $50 -- $100 and more can TALAING of 728-4717. ment. Call Plekering 942-6117, A 8- 3 SERVICE BAYS SENOS Sot PIERING. 875 easily be earned showing lux dal MANOA Le A RINISHING Wg PUNTER, dows klich Lawn Specialists para eas ee Will the person who witnessed Ray kine Gowice \NEW ROTATORS Yor sale. Telephone) rious Christmas cards, gifts Rant,' Oshawa 720-6292. nate Jn rec. on auto accident ot the inter e and toys to friends and neigh- UMPHREYE;BOVCHYN ond HILEMAN, | "480", room and » Telephone) -- Sprays tor dondelions, clover, F pt vary " D " King Street) > eceaeneaeliecaiiagaminineguccnminagice on calls, ets om Solletter®) Oe entey, canis etc, Call for free estimates, | 97 6 Whitby, 668-2563 St. Oshawa July 15th, 1966, _ ° AWC and wetlding and cul-| ' nen" arriser 'and Solicitor, 73 Centrelyour Loca. chimney grass @ Complete landscap- |i or 409 me East 9--Market B ket iAngie-Jane Dresses Talophohe mmaneont BCL, Ba Sa 'Expertnead CLOTH CUTTERS Should be familiar with Wolf cutting equipment. Ex. cellent wages and company | | | Baan | } i , , FRESH VEGETABLES, pickling beet | section of Mary St. and Bond | WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL be potatoes avaliable, Walter® duran bours, No experience needed | | | mouth, Pontio¢, We correct |North Service road lustrates over 300 items in full-color, making -it easy to. Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- Farm, half mile west of Oshawa on | Our beoutiful catalogue il- | ne al mene Paving, Tras icles Saf ceapheepepeeeneran ome | ss = 10--Farmers' Column " | get plenty of orders, Write to other first mortgage funds avalla AVCAEITNS PAV am oe can! SMITHS TREE FARM = funni ee BLBISCHMANN, prints:| kindly coll collect, J, O'Reilly align' toe-in and toe-out to MIXED BALE HAY, while lasts 28¢| day for Christmas cards on paid benefits, pe it gi Meng. Street East ae foot, All Work guaranteed, 723-0281, Cedars tor Hedges |11_Ontario Street, 725-5692 852.3872 oe eee ates lauccine Teer mm iat yacht oe ia re APPLY a eee idl cee came renee ss caviemn end non, van a Ras pes Wario] & Fnlon "har 'sgntmont [atte St, sae fa] Monerch Card Co. Dept 22, ||) AN iy Thames Hi: Jermvty BAy LEB, 7 eee, ; Rough lumber (eut to suit) | om 3 et er yy e NAO AND CRIPPLED Yarn sleek 3 sia NOREETS Al ABE od or nursing home. Apply TRIM ROOFING, hol ter and gra igi Posts ond poles TV--Radio Repoirs ; | Oshawa, August 2, 3 and 4 BRAKE SPECIAL [Tyrone bP Hea Pee radon take maine i Money .-- "Ea. 274 Mecioieie Avenue HM Li Ww 408 SWITCHES repairs, large and small jobs, L. and WH.) collect Newtonville 786-2283) Phone Genosha Hotel on these most. popular: cars), First |2iil:.clemnes #cuas ada's finest line of Christmas ear two-vyea: are ' In business, Terranc 728-9293 Su rs 4 p.m., involving a '66 Ford wheel alignment inspect and Fairlane and:a '64 Pontiac, correct castor and camber, The average man between 20 and 24) ene Const 725-6937, s to switch jobs six or seven| Roofing and Construction, Retin nie tant } "Bale|wraps, noities, etc, Over 300 Ite ' i it fire "In many coses the change will be HAVESTROUGHING --"Nurray Holl: inseRy sop, Now culling. Choice T V TOWERS days for appointmer Quality Royaline FRESH CUT baled hay, 2c. in For' tres, beesilly' iiluetrated cone: Ajax, Ontario 942-4160 6,9 Ntelly, Taw COTE she best lobe C0) aguaranieed work, Free estimates.) cisiny Kentucky Blue, Prompr deilvery ELECTROLYS!5 4(-wheels 14,88 | charge. Telephone 726-5221 fe ga RP ak A UE And the place to look for 725-9404, " int, Phon er 6, 660-4965 e ~ D t 0 " fed column in The EES - -- en Shy. Sraeeiee TF Dene Sire Score " , " 9 50 PULLETS, 16 Weeks old red|Ltd., 1253 King 81. &., Hamilton, Ont io} Classe' 'tection, Whether you/'re| FOR ALL YOUR HOME improvem na, REG TO TRIMD Call Slims or 17 cot BUILT IN OSHAWA 723-4641 WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL jer and White Rocks. Telephone ss. RELIABLE 4 Spyait two chil TO ASSIST unemployed or locking for @ better lob, Workmanship," Telephone TSN "8 /tnem down. Free estimates, 7255118 or AT OUR OWN PLANT 4. 1 Including weights per wheel |%650 it dren for two weeks, Aug. & 10 19, Mon check Help Wanted" now! 0 » ' nw | 728-0610 of : | ---Motorcye es each 1.95 BALED WHEAT STRAW for sale. Tele-\to Ye bo weekends, Phone 728-1992 Iowan empatetina' retoors, "troe| ROR COMPLETE CANDNEMPING and] © We give vou @ beter DUCATI SHOCKS, MUFFLERS | Bene sie atier 5.3 OUR PACKAGING Ms d : 'den maintenance, residential and in. -ER, -- a ee CLASSIFIED RATES [estimates, A, C. Wood, 723420 or 726-/tNttT "expert work, reasonable. rates tower for Less. Money @ BSA @ TRIUMPH FRONT-END WORK AT | i--Pets ond Lives tock ate typist ond. w MECHANI idiinis tot lar7 Telephone. 269-2934 or' 728-4082 : Accessories, Pini ies; COMPARABLE PRICES sy Mg olan Mell c Cash <= 1 Insertion, of 14 words, 41.00) ROOFING CHIMNEYS, wah a aa ROEN AND LAWN mainienance OSHAWA | V goggles, jackets, gloves, Buco THOROUGHBRED English Pointer, two| t reaponsiellity, AB : sy "icement wor a a ' ' in teutive maarions af 0 wordh, $2.87 Prank McCann, RR Gxnawn aShaoo, | RO Wing, anaacepig pero meugn + Ve | helmets. Repairs and service a a el detacaded required for widowars W with packaging ma additional words (2c, each Cons) - 114 STEVENSON RD, SOUTH | - "o=| home, Commence August. Age approx, 30-| chinery experience on label- secutive Insertions of 24 words, $5.04; CHAIN LINK FENCING, highest quality SUPPLY LTD. AB's M le SHOP SAMOYED 'females, pure while, house |15 Must be rellables neat, ond pleasant. additional words 21c, each, omen (material and workmanship, Low prices s oforcycie broken, 2 years old, good with children, |Separate quarters provided. One eight-| ers, fillers etc, Excellent ops | )840. Call Orono 212 t -yeare c ly stat ; REMODELLING, TRIM WORK, cup | Pree estimates, 723-5377 TAUNTON RD. E. 728-7780 Tl inlet aliases _.. }year-old girl, Weyear-old boy, Reply 5 portunity, good rotes of Charge -- 10 "er cent additional charge | , and stairs, Free estl- DEN Se fee ; | PUREBRED shor) hair mon|ind age, and experience to: Box 37877, Y mays is, rec-rooms, DARLINGTON GAR (Just East of Ritson) |Pothters, @ weeks old, for sale, Tele one | Oshawa Times, si Whitby - Ajax area, i ty paid witnin @ days, |mi e 725-7066 estimates, phone 987-4754 | } ze ae Mathod of Counting -- Less than 24/Aj CARPENTRY, new ond repairs,| 800s, patios, fencing ; '|723- 8131 723- 8132 | | MOTORCYCLE SALE 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH 7267107 ee HOUSEKEEPER, Gaunt be counts as 24 words: @ach Word:| house renovations, carports and so forth me 3 aa -- Used scooters, troll bikes, TEL EPHONE 725- 6511 DACHSHUND puppies, smail, sandard|'0. Mind four-month-old baby, APPLY BOX M37203 Mie figure or abbreviation counts @5| Telephone 725-3842 |Instruction | NSU J Hone |* - ~--vvwnee SMOOTH hair, Reasonable, Telephone 623-\01¢ child and J housework, 'one word) phone number counts two BUY NOW rg athe Tage ok up, {TWO BOYS bicycles, "older but in good | 3430 start on August AE ree eLRER Soa Wn OWE ey wores. 'Dentistry _ HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME| los Suzuki + n Condition. One large, one small, $12.00! MORGAN and quarter stallion Appaloove, |RELIABLE older woman, to live. in, ; , 287 [filly and standard bred gelding, All quiei| look after two girls. Good home, Tele- Wanted Be rienced serio Norices |CAREFOOT, DR, JOHN M, Deni | IN SPARE TIME AND HONDA SHOP COMPLETE SET ct Worle Reierence ANd broken to ride, Aino complete west-| Phone 723-0239 after 4 p.m. pp dg insertion with 25 cents addi-/Surgeon, 172 King Street Bast, Oshawa 199 King West, 728-4242 |Encyclopedia, set medical encyclopedia, ern and Enalish tack, 668-2241, "SERS SORT REA , We ae FLAT POLISH Hne'Saren oat ald wimin 6 ao. |TOe ee | Low monthly poyments In- SAVE Open Evenings __ neha ee cea: Fhene PeboLe: given M 8 cena Ma nn OPERATOR kin 1. YAMAMA 0 Trall, bh weld, or brown miniatu: IN. MEMORIAMS and S. |Dressme 9 clude text books and instruc FAST SERVICE lensbby tires, euity seat, lh peas, save ON 'used 'sewing machines, zig 7ay| Puppies. All puppl Vlg bes MEN BOYS for @ new plant in Windsor, $2.25 for the first 38 words . and ij any Pri and straight stitch. Apply Singer Sewing sonable prices, Telephone or tach thereafier plus 12c. par tine of] "MODERN , ORESEMAKING? "YE" Prince! tions, Prepares you to echiave SURVEY NO OBLIGATION _ {yellow, like new, 700 miles, Price $375.| Centre, 16 Simcoe Street North, Tele-| 668-6108 Ontario, Top rate and benee measure sults, are skirts, @lc, Cus |BMAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready Yor fits for the right man. Reply py ional charge it not paid/ Street. Now Open! Ladies' made '0) Ontario Diploma by means | Talaphone 728-9215 3 phone 725-5443 within & tomers materials, expert services, reas-| of Provincial examination, [45 HONDA, 'excellent conaition. MUS!) RUBBER GOAT, bell sander, eieciric| training, talking Srains Apply Mra, 7. in confidence to Mr. K, Are CARD OF THANKS jonable prices, 728-531) | F SHEE infermeiinncourite Mi Lie a of ie wl igh pa Teles gpii) Metric and inch size box and open | Brond, 114 Blgin Ga: wld or infor ' |phone atter pr end wrench hand tools, crib and com. ANTED f |COZY J RANCH kennel reg. "goermen Eastside Stamping Co. for the first 35 words and Sc. @8¢h| ORESEMAKING -- Suils, conls, dresses, ' Hareatior. wiih 25c- additional 'charge. It| j alterations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting «| American School, Dept. 8, TO WE RS | HONDA' 9, in good "condition, very rea-|Mode chair, reed bassinet, 723-9075 |shepherds, males, ALL™ ALTERATIONS including men's 1945 HONDA 90, broken clutch cabie,|EM-FM radio, 35 mm camera, darkroom | 4éé2, ove PE gag first 20 words and Sc, each thereafter| Call 725 ime g and | TYPEWRITE R TOECAN (Word Ads), Address wesvecesveceere 723- '9325 low To ort IT: It you do not find the | ye w R, electric TBM 68s 88 ]permprpe errr ek ete oe aa" in nes ia onitor Servi "4 --|iWantedy ad and get tt), Diet 923-3492 a i WORD ADS No mess, no dripping elep! » a WR, ro only, 82 ND 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION KING BUG KILLERS + Wik LOAN you " 1. $5,000 eg PREB! Furnace" "cleaned, adjusted free not paid within 8 days, | specialty, Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2379 Box 784, Oshawa, tarie sonable. Telephone 723-4325 after $ Pm. | PHILIP tape recorder. Sony micro FV trained, shots, stud servs PW HES tsi 9100 Tecumseh Road E. COMING EVENTS Hit with enlarger, & _------ $2.24 per. inch (display)? $1.78 for, the wear and dress making expertly #0M@) Nome ...ssssees AGO ++ 378° KING ST, WEST |Whiing 'say tel adi 8 1 HP electric motor"? 728-9075, "\12--Articles_ Want | For the selling and super- | Gardening and Supplies item you want in the Want Ads, place a chine 8, cash regi ag ds tax sepa.| You? Valley Creek, '6 Bond Street West, | vision of papers on Aug: 42.24 PER INCH PER INSERTION, \ i Janito y Service ie a te hha 2 sain athe' Vu Real sitet : Scsniseacishesobiilie DIPPED G a suRNTFD = ja | @OOD USE nied, etc. High ' DEADLINES S WALL WASHING by Mader" machines TV TOWERS 5--Trailers ity furnitore, vin "cng GMI anytime, MacNells! "ro | With roe ot nen itenen ensem . U | § p.m, DAY PREVIOUS 2 ee = nner : bl y only $3. weekly, Unbeatable ------~| This is your chance to | Money to boon RAMBLER TRAILERS valu ala Home Furnishings, 42¢ 13--Articles Fer | Re | y | M. MecLEOn LOST AND Fou -- WHY SETTLE FOR LESS ! SA Lid M. MacLEOD ' : SALE --- RENT make some extra money. r fi i J MIRTH AND DEATH, Aton fe eg OR ee 8 ODT TRAILERS cintonsiaunsh can"! A AAD Call To-d dir bul am Rose Dus' burpose providing x BUDDY TRAILERS VACUUM repairs, all m oses, a O- ay SALES LTD. IN _MEMORIAMS and Gorden Dust (Frataen "or yy TELEVISION | PORT HOPE brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, mann | | 1271 Sim oa Noh S/n DAY PREVIOUS DOT Spray 'Mortgage : 1 oo 728-8143 Lot ot 40) and 28 pea ee ee Sr UNLIMITED 725 4473 SS CEE 4 =e - _ - - r -- - se a | \-, ee tel Gao ---- CABIN ond TENT leu, SaGMty cee, fi RELIABLE MAN amar were am, day pravious Aadrait MORTGAGE TELEVISION RADIO TRAILER RENTALS tbr by leis ana ree, R | S | Se oe ee ete For steady employment. Some EANCELLATIONS AND Ant end Grub Killer 24 HOUR SERVICE erat Fell Rete" lgpeeieecerteaeme come cece a C AREER tures oearene eae 7 i us wringer washer, . RECTIONS SI t ey me De andy ee ma N Primers Camping Equipment elevision, refrigerator, etc., $3450 and| a Storage Must be over 25 : ve , pk ae ae 5 n een } MILLER up Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452/ | APPLY ny adv a Ngics opr | y ung pray JDOR ST. AJAX lh son LAH | Almost everything in camping | OPPORTUNITY \ ill be charged on day's insert Tt Tigation will be chara | Weed Killers Moneys available for first id 942-349) |USED AUTO PARTS, batierie ahd vacationing Wapeilek 238 KAISER CRES. | eo ee and second mortgages. Open | - tector wa hg Sach ate : Due to further expansion, | Hond Sprayers mortgages, No bonus. First FACTORY bull! box trailer, with mould: |§1.$0, 725-2162, 1178 Nelson st : TOWNLINE RD. N : : While every endeavor will be made to) Dust Guns | led lid, $85, High wall tent 10" x 12° with -- : : vacancies exist for very am- LICENSED forward replies to box numbers to the} 4 Teo! mortgages, second mortgages FOR PROMPT SERVICE cain) Mak; Therion taal 8 "Telephone | BABY BARGAINS. Carr! $29.95, advertisers a soon as peasiole, bal ae] rpheg™ Spe and Tools and agreements for sole pur- CALL 728 oe atreliegs y * mattrosane ne ee, py 1 mile north of King St. bitious men to become port MECHANIC cept no liability in resp awn Sookers chased an $9.88, chrome high chair $10 | d alleged to arise through either | : W-ROOT 10d TRAVEL TRAILER, sleeps | Wilson's Furniture 20 Church: street of a rapidly expanding eee Dery lecwneaing auen re| Melnor Sprinklers | M. F. SWARTZ Whitby--668-5679 six, Gas stove, frig jectric brakes, |g . _ hae 792.0049 cheave--menuieetunna--buch REQUIRED plies, however caused whether by negli:| RX15 | : RSLS sean Stake iid ineied wo-Gas-tanis, water ik ane purr I i , VaC7 7 Fe Po ee eet meee gence or otnerwise, The Times wiii vib7 | Fertilizers | 262 King St. East TV SERVICE | Mardly used, 7 5335 Fed in |. ness Grade 12 groduate pre- Good working conditions, 5% . ae walled. fer) Calcium Chlorides Oshawa, Ontario } FOR RENT -- Cabin iralier and hitch. Soune yaxtani Coe | ferred but not essential, if day week, Apply 925 Simeoe Peot Moss 723-4697 DAY OR EVENING Available August, Telephone Alex 942:/cieigum ORGAN In excellent condiilon TRUCKS attitude and ability prove St. N. 725-2552 ! 030. TION iat Telephone 723-1 The PER ecg a " responsible OPEN ALL DAY 728-5286 {TRAILER HITCHES made and installed, ancverbaei nee ; satisfactory: Pleasant working for errors in advertisements submitted | MONDAY ~~ FRIDAY | FIRST and SECOND OSHAWA we al nyPan of welding done. Portable/cana, just three years. old. Phone 728 conditions, technical training LICENSED otherwise than in writing not tor more| SATURDAY---~=12:30 MORTGAGES rel then Re babe Blas os | 2845110 volume set_of science books, | FOR .RENT ; ges MECHANIC mer beyond the price energe for € single | DAILY DELIVERY ELECTRONICS _ tees ie. Telephone" sai new.) |STOVE, General Electric, good condi-| facilities to meet computor insertion in whieh error. oceurs, All Classes - ' peop g | ony $80, or best offer, Telephone 723-6184, | (965 Chevy von; tilts sea specifications, all company REQUIRED | TRAILER, 27-f001, tandem axle," fUlly Rowan -LAWNMOWIR, reel ioe Por'-| f i APPLY AT The Oshawa Times reserves the right to COOPER- SMITH | -- City, Rural, Vecetion -- T. V. TOWERS | euignd tr y {iving and tavel.| apie typewriters "bench 'saw, with Tilt] ped with heavy duty tim, benefits end @ promising CANADIAN TIRE i \ rd to its rome, clansification, sh al at SUMMERLAND Rust Proof jmaculate condition, By seeeintment| Sr ee keri meris | radio, synchromesh transmis. Mature, SECURITIES LIMITED COLORED TV Phone, 8.104 Telephone 723-2233 aU ren, re tn ithe conee of aiteiay:, aaveriisemnaets| 16 = : | i SIMPLE MONEY TALK Classitied pea hs hh EE: mone raver) sion, rear and side doors, P 1 _ WHITBY, ONTARIO | fo eure eoeek Wan tnak Shin tne eehaal| minebe | Member Ontario Mortgage or Black & White-----24-Hour rll things you don't need. for SPOT) 3 CEOARD electric siove "aitonai| Owner will rent ono weekly Local 68 for appointment. | Jour MAN PLUI equired. error occupies, The publishers endeavor) 723-2312 723-1139. | Brokers Service CASH, Dial 7293402 | tor an ad: Swriterltimer, three yeard old: 14 cu, ft, West| basis ot @ very reasoneble | Apoly Albert Randell' ene Sone Lie, ait to reproduce all advertising matter cor _Est. 1909 112 Simcoe St. N.--725-3568 723-0065 or 668-5830 | jnew! Pes Ua telephone aoa ith large freezer) ote Steinberg's Ltd Oa Street, Whitby, Telephone 668- Phone * . . rectly, but assume no liability of adver-| NA. ERSTE A | ? ' , unit tisement if any inaccuracies in any form | Rae's Radio & T.V, (6--Marine "Equipment CeeuRTENCaS -- | ' rf. Hal lerk are contained therein, | PRIVATE AND CORPORATE moniey tor] we ; =| NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re | S for full time or half diya, TADBIY. Alex aa | "MAPLE LEAF Sok Sinn Me, Lore COLOR T.V. =| 2 WEEKS VACATION ? [20 tlamnaies New 'hoses "prone) 655-4996 GROCERY Hardware, "Alex Shopping 'centres TIMES ACTION WANT AD | Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See or Why not make it the whole |LLO¥D BABY CARRIAGE (while-bive) ; « ERIE wanted, Apply Call Classified Direct rifers u TDP Black and White summer? Forget that costly play pen, walker (never bird cage Phy ling Pier a0 Queen's Hotel, 67 ov _Simeoe St. ON. LANDSCAPING & FIRST AND SECOND ages. All work guaranteed 2 weeks and invest in lasting [vat Sncian aae poeg Telcenins ax. Ume Punch Bowls, Bridal CLERK ACERT wea! pens ai eva 723-3492 woreements purchased and Hoy ek eee A BOAT from. vour 3 emp! n and Hennick, Barristers, 2) King fing Tree ARAL Television | as oe | 669. Wear, Men's Formals, White teed wage, commission. Apply Brown's East, 7% 7232, x J ir GARDEN SERVICE: sw ji ene OSHAWA, YACHTHAVEN LTD. Aco a caine, Nagad:| FOX Furs, Mink Stoles Excellent. opportunity for @ DOE CARPENTERS. call Fred, INDEX TO natzmann Realt 728- 5143 Harbor Rd. off Simcoe St. S. -- Service, Main Stet; CARGEANT'S RENTALS oe mature young man, 742.2622, Pickering. ASSIFICATIONS dotcil "Nort Whitby 643338, 723-8186 wulae with some grocery experience, {YOUNG MAN, Grade 10 or Deller, 20.90 Fart Column For Sodding, Seeding, Top- Sanite Coll Only 2.50 NP eto (moter, 12" 40" beam pl eoee m cLues, | 'and cart, $45 | 436 Ritson Rd. S, 725-3338 for our Ajax store years of age, mechanically inclined, to ~ j work in rental store, steady employment. 2--Personal soil, Cedar Hedges, Patios, oe ES word boat, power mower, electric guitar |CHAIRS, card and panguet tables, ehuren| First class wages and com- | Norrie rent Sharpening ang Renta' Uta. Eire: come raping Serncaent Cane: [Raith wn Oe uneee| FAST T.V. SERVICE Neutvoiita my © Semel AUTOS ELAN, amare reba aa] Pony benetin [renga 'o y ¥ ¥ . if ' imeoe Str or 3+ $--Traik scaping Service, 9) - - cms Loy " 2695, eae crore jSERVICE TATION attendant-salesman. hare Equipment ansaiia sitet DOMINION pep lage wooden tees motor | |RIRETIME! SPRINGTIMEI Naw, seo y Fifty to one hundred pply in person to Experience preferred. Salary plus com- T=-Swap and Barter oe reese teres Comte. Sense | Repairs all makes, Cycle Centre. S, Bond People? Tennis er | STORE MANAGER, | mission. Benefits. Call Whitby 668-8241. &--Articies for Sale 5 |MeCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS and eee | Sie F hs enen, . oo Market Basket 725-0611 N TING and nd Beco: ting. TELEVISION | sorles, Salas, rentals and repairs. We ou TnENTAL Bi oa iy alsa Bite? a }_ 723s hod \190 Harwood Ave. Bie 'Ajax \o--Farmer's Column | P. : also stock MeCulloch 100 to } outboard oil ail sites. Fin ae Sag re a ViePets and Livestock bos lg ene See Fe. ve 728-5154 9 | albhi and special blend chain saw oil Untied |guelity Posturped! eth outlet, Necchs CHAIRS, eapital beds, war sate or to YOU BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 12--Articles Wanted \cit¥ TV Tower also Fe | Rental and Marine, S85 King Street East,/ Headboards half pr' : Ald Rentals, 10S Beatrice, 725-1644, 1e--Articles for Rent Complete [PAPER WANGING AND PAINTI pairs, All work qua S11 Dean | 728-5565 ¥ AND § Good used furniture STORE MANAGER, 14--Business Opportunities Ay done, Free estimates. Telephone] avenue, Telephone 725- 0300. " , YY appliances. One location he a Re Nien rahecs: hous na saeats,| and Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, vy Busin King St. E., Oshawa Are One of the Thousands 1S--Employment wanted Sales and Service . lé--Agents Wanted vinrude motors, Open evenings Ae : --|Well t Drilling--Di weekends, Marine Storage and Supply BULLER BRUSH Praduct. South Sr Wa WAVE JUST LISTED 0 well extab | -- Who Reod NG by machne speciaiin| C's Brooklin, 655-264) ham, 720444 oF 640-45 ou i esent | o Rea = Female Wanted |On Gardening Equipment 'Plumbing end 'Heating -- -- Ven Help Wanted ry - \ OF - a --ewenn jOwNer wishes to retire, We welcome en-/ S : M hi ® ALL PLUMBING AND WHATING ors ling in Iincn Ne W. Ward, 204 Chestnut }/16ROOT MAHONE BAY day cruiser, itv fowers SALA Structure,|quiries trom interested principals with ewing acnine TIMES | or Female Help Wanted | 20 Estate For Sale | Toro, Lawn Boy and plies, Telephone 725-352), Hareld ¥. | Street Wast, Whitby, eon 2503 Or 448-2809,)New Canadian Explorer tilt trailer, 30/ai1 channel antenna, $50. TRIO Television,|about $10,000 to $15,000 available for in Ma--Summer Properties Stark Lid., Plumbi: pa and Engin. |- a sents ee | HP; "63 Johns tric, full i Yardman Lawnmowers e ® Johnson electric, fully equipped $148. vestment. Call Elmer Fredin, 725-2753 er ¢ ( 2h--Farms for Sale 1 wi eering, 285 gees tr 82 Royal Street, Oshawa, 725-2827 BORO codar me RY Bo err Seeal Ws 0. ». Martin ealtor, 728-5103. ME HANI t3---Real Estate Wanted | 2$----Houses for Rent a alan st "ee RUNDLE Rue, 'Upholstery 'Service ct RESULTS |PUT AWAY a tay sum by renting that Po. in Pg Be dg Mgt f Pl ten voice "ahh avaniovie | 111 - 147, excellent wages EVERY DAY W--Automediles for Sale styled, Free estimate, See our material| TIMES work for yeu, _ watTReiy SAROAINE- SF mar:| 000.00. High profit return, Eastern office. 3--Automodies Wanted ture, 274 MacKenzie Avenue 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 22---Lots ter Sale Wheel Horse gorden tractors. [ALL TYPES of re Bs Mi 4 pelra ener elling "ESKA" MOTOR, 4 to 5 HP, air cooled, 3| 199,00 each, Ol! space heaters, good ahape|OWN A" Chicken Dell assitié Den Stores Offices and Storage | {Tate eres trea 7a 9) raneenabie For years old, A:! condition, $40, Telephone!is.o9 each. Oil heated hot water tanks! franchise -- (home ll Pr et Must "heve thorough know. cies, Estimates tree ee | Fagearye tike. new $0.00 ach, International sail/tood). Over 700 privately owned fran-| ledge of Singer Models 300 - ACTION ADS 2%--Room and Roard cecal spare room with a Times' Action ty simmons Buckhorn 457-8513 after 4:00) Protected areas, exclusive equipment-- ; --Wanted to Rent | Garden Centre Ltd. CHESTERFIELOS reuphoistered and re-| Ad. Telephone. 723-3472 and put one top. training provided. Cash investment si3,., %d company paid benefits j i. | : i mare| ' Sl=Compact Care, ter Sele 1015 King St. E, for recovering. Slip covers made te Classified ls d ert ga a apt yg oot yeas of ma mat 164d Bayview Street, Toronto, phone. 48) APPLY To Place an Ad Telephone 2--Trucks for Sa order. Dalton Upholstering, 7S Charles! ass | wap an rer recta, 4201 crib nativeence: Shae mean. Oe ANADIAN AUTOMOTIVE! M--Automodiie Renair | 725-6551 shee lhe he inion ACTION ADS CABINETS with sim or vanity bas Wrassee for bunk beds B14.88),rellaway ----|CANA 723-3492 3S---Lest and Found | RU-UPHOLSTERY by experts, Estebisn indry tubs, bath tubs, tollets, pres: | Cr 'n'thard Street eco tem ia | Want- Ads Don' ae TRIM Legal |DBALING IN SERVICES? An ad in the years. Workmanship guaranteed systems, flushomatica, septic tanks, Church Street, Aves one 5 lu siness Service Directory br ngs extra) Pree ctimates Creait terms. Matirenses | 723 3492 and fittings, boats motors, traiiers,|8OX TRAILER, good condition: baby! t p --Coming Events jcustomers at moderate cost. 'elephone | re-built, furniture refinished, Oshawa Up-| = un tractors, H Chinn, corner Hillside) bassinet? large size cribs bar-bell set, CG _ Th 3--Netices {723.2492 te place your ed, inelstering, 207 Dean Avenue, 725.0911, | She Park South, 725.2008 1120 Ibs, Telephone 723-0108, OS ey ay Ajax Ontario 942-4160 Saturday till 12:00 noon

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