MICKEY MOUSE SUCH CHEATS! LET'S GET . OUT OF HERE! 4 + mRDty E PERSON NO AMERICAN WOUi-D REFUSE THIS VOYAGE ! ' > (WITH US, SOME FOLKS JUST HAVE NO SENGE OF ADVENTURE / * HENRIETTA SPENING! Yirq ia | © King Font wen Syndicate, Ine. 1966, World rights teverved. TAKE IT EASY, MARINE. (T'S ME, SAWYER, COMMANDER, 1 THOT YOU WERE A VIET CONG SNEAKIN' BACK. -- Tom Paterson MORE SUCCESS: "Edens thie 4 LEM THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 WE MAY BE ABLE 70 ENO 7HE/k We BAKO THe RESERVATION! EAA BEEZ SECURITY GUARD REPORTS EVERY- VE ENTERED F- WHILE 1 FOLLOW THEM, RIDE FOR THE INDIAN ane AND BRING Hid BACKS -- © King Fecraces Spebean, ince 1900, World tapas reerreeds ROUTING ALL. THE WAY, SIR EXCEPT THE NEW COMPUTER ARRIVE? AN HOUR AGO. WE LEFT IT UPSTAIRS FOR THE STAPF TO UNCRATE IN THE COVLD 00....... LEAVE THE SHIP AN' WALK, wnat: vi T 'orld Rights Reserved WELL-L= BAY "THE "EA AROUND IN THE v'- BY ey GOLLY, WHY IS EVERYBODY CRAWLING } Amy YARD LIKE YOUR BABY BoY ? LITTLE LEROY FOUND A QUART SE iN \ \ THE GRASS A FEW MINUTES AGO / - a ee | Channe) 1 Channel Channel Channe} Channel Channet Channel Channet 11--Family &--Superm: 6--Forest 6--Outlook $--Science Theatre 4-4--News, Chuck T--~Movie 2-3-9--New: Sport: 4--News é--Let's T The Fi 8--mr. Sports 4--People 3--Combat 7--Flintsto 4--Wild W amp W--Candid 8&--Movie 2--Hank 7--Addams 63--Get § 4--Hogan's 2--Mike Dou 3--Canadian Open Golf 5:30 PLM, @--Dobie Gillis 1--Hamittes: 9--Toronte @--Rochester 7--Buttale 6--Toronte 4--Buttale 3--Barnie 3--Buttale FRIDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M, Theatre an 7--Cheyenne Rangers igias Fictlon 6:00 P.M, Sports with Healy 6--Mr. Magoo 3-Adventure Theatre 6:38 PLM, 's, Weather ports @--Huntley-Brinkley News alk Musi¢ 7:00 P.M, Tl--Mike Douglas Intstones Roberts é--News, Weather, Are Funny B--Huntiey-Brinkiey we P.M, 9--Smothers Brothers nes 'a iid West Runamuck 8:00 P.M. Camera 9--Patty Ouvke Show 7--Summer Fun 6-3--Chorus, Gentlemen 6--Mov 3-The 1i--Pett 7--The +The --Me o2--U. 4--Way Wea' 2--Toni 4--Mov 6---Nigh' 7--Mov! Mov ' 2--Cart 6--Fant: 2--Fant, 1 6:30 PLM. Vi--Man From UNCLE PmA GoGo Family © 2--Sing Along with Mitch mart Heroes Playhouse a--Mr. Robs 6--Davey 1--Outdoor 9:3 A, Ni--The Sonins 4--Paper Capers 2--Hercules | 2--Recrat Semirrad 9:00 PLM, 9--Movie t--Honey West le 4--Gomer Pyle Wild Wild West 9:30 P.M. Icoat Junction erts Farmer's Daughter Smothers Bree 10:00 PLM, 3--Sentimental Agent? 7--Court Martial ne and Shuster 1:00 P.M. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News ther, Sports 1:18 PLM, ight Show 6--Viewpoint 11:38 PLM, le it Metro 11:25 PLM, Movie 38 PLM, 8--Johnny Carson i 11:48 PLM. é---Premiere Theatre 9--Movie SATURDAY 9:00 A.M. and Gollath re Unlimited joons 4--Captain Kangaroe 6:38 A.M, asy Island 7--Rocketship 7 Viorel itzei House 2--Funny Company 9:00 A.M, 8--Three Stooges 4--Field Trip 'asy island | M, 0:00 A.M. | i | TELEVISION LOG 10:38 A.M. Hobby Time 9--Cartoon Playhouse 6-2--Under Dog 7--Beatles é--Cousin Bill 4--Lassie 3--Ed Allen Time 11:00 A.M, +3--Top Cat 7--Casper 4--Tom and Jerry 3--Ernie Lindell 11:30 A.M, Mark Saber 8---Skipper Sam 7--Magilla Gorilla 9--Summer Fun 2--Fury 4--Quick Draw McGraw 3--Canadian Open Golf 12 NOON Your Home and Garden 9--Cartoon Playhouse 7--Bugs Bunny 4--Sky King 2-3-6-6--Soccer Cham plonship 12:30 P.M, 1l--Movie 7--Milton The Monster 4--Linus 1:00 P.M, 9---Thunderbirds 7--Hoppity Hooper 4--My Friend Flicka 1:30 P.M, 9--Rescue 8 7--American Bandstand 4--Rural Review 2:00 P.M. $--International Bowling 4--Forest Rangers 2-3-6-8--Baseball 2.30 P.M, 7--Movie 4--Movie 3:00 P.M. | 9--Wrestling 3:30 P.M. 11--Outdoors Limited 4:00 PLM, 11--Professional Wrestling 9--After Four 7--Championship Bowling 4:30 PLM, 9--Wide World of Sports 4--Bat Masterson NOW, ASI WAS SAYING, 4] THIS TIGHT CREDIT SiTuAnON| 1S GETTING WORSE.. AND THEN THERE'S TALK OFA TAX INCREASE} rh Ath et t/f id iets tly ..BUT ON THE OTHER HAND THERE'S ALWAYS THE DANGER OF EACH OF YOUR FOUR MARRIAGES BROKE UP BECAUSE THERE WAS ANOTHER PARTY. THE SAME PARTY WHO WOULD DESTROY OUR MARRIAGE, WHILE I'M MARRIED! LOOK AT HER! HARDY... YOU'RE SURROUNDED BY HER. SHE'S A BIGGER, MORE IMPORTANT PART OF YOUR LiPE THAN ANY MERE, NORMAL, ORDINARY WOMAN COULD EVER HOPE 7O BE! Braz, . Nodul . Scotti . Scarf . Card suit . Man's 18. Enthu: follow 19. Man's name 25. Horse 27. Frolic 30. Affix 31. Play 32. Greek letter 33. Anoth Greek letter 35. Open: 38. Incite 39. Booth tea cake . Things done & siastée 24. Fortify boisterously 34. Browns in the sun poet. 36. Capital: New York 40. Smells 41. Remain CROSSWORD ACROSS . Macaws: 2. Decays 3. Mother of Irish gods le 4. Compass sh point 5. Gallops slowly 6. Russian river 7. Insane & Give ers 35. Confront 38. Festival 19. Kind of ant 21. Fat college town 40. Exclama- tion 8 ked er HUBERT HAS STOPPED IT STOPPED RAINING THE OSHAWA TIMES, y, July 29, 1966 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER Masters' Play) Fri (Top record-holder in Individual Chompionship BIDDING QUIZ You are South, neither side vulnerable. The bidding hae been: North East 1@ Pass . . South West l& Pass a 2 Pass 8 What would you bid now with each of the following four hands? 1. KIS Y7 $283 #AKQGI2 2, MAD YITS O6 BAKQIOBL 3. @AKI YKS3 $7 BAQI875 4 @A8 YQ62 OKO SAKI0R2: 1. Three spades, The only bids worth considering are three spades, three notrump and four clubs. Three notrump should be ruled out because there is no true diamond stopper. Four clubs would suppress the spade fit which partner doesn't know about, and would also represent a better suit. Three spades tell the story best, showing, as it does, de- layed support for spades and a club suit that is probably not self-sustaining, Room is left at the same time for North to bid three not rump. 2. Four clubs. The possible bids are four clubs, four hearts, and five clubs. Four hearts is not desirable because the imme» diate raise would indicate either four-card support or much bet- ter hearts Five clubs would re- flect the club strength, but would also represent gréater side values than we have. The four club bid identifies a very good suit, since clubs have now been bid three times, but at the same time puts a limit on the high-card values, 3. Four spades. In the two previous hands the jump to three clubs was based on long clubs and 15 high-card points, The extra high-card values are best shown by jumping to four spades. Partner cannot misread the three-card support, since a jump raise in spades would have been given earlier with a holding of four spades. The jump to four spades shows that the three Club bid was based on maximum high-card values. North is thus ruged to go on towards a slam if his hand permits it. It is ex. tremely likely, in view of our | high cards in spades, that North ' |has at least five spades, 4, Three notrump. North's three heart bid may have been based on a four-card suit. For this reason it is not Wise to raise hearts at once, Since the hand is a notrump type and there is no particular reason to prefer suit play, this message is best conveyed by bidding three notrump, Partner can then carry on or not, in the light fo this infor- mation. North's values at this point are unknown. All we can do at the moment is picture our hand as accurately as possible. RESULT OF BY-ELECTION? LONDON (CP) -- Conservas tive members of parliament gleefully thought a rebel Labor member intended to vote with them when a stranger entered the opposition voting lobby for a crucial count. Clerks discov- ered he was a visitor who had wandered into the chamber by mistake. SALLY'S SALLIES YOUR HEALTH | Ry JOSEPH ¢ ~ MOLN By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: Tests show that a man of 51 is afflicted with heart disease and arterio- sclerosis obliterans in the lower extremities, His legs are very weak and constantly painful, Is this dis- ease curable or can arteries in the legs be replaced with plastic tubes? If so, can the patient use his legs normally? I have also been told that nerves in the legs could be cut to relieve the severe pain. But wouldn't this leave the patient without use of his legs?--E. W. Arteriosclerosis obliterans is a severe type of hardening of the arteries, Circulation is greatly impaired and this causes the weakness and pain, Possibility of surgical help depends on the location of the narrowed segments of arteries. This can be determined in an arteriogram (special x-ray of the arteries). If one of the larger arteries in the thigh or above is the site of the principal clogging, then surgery may be considered to insert a section of plastic, or in some other way (depending on circumstances) let blood flow more freely past the clogged point, This will not interfere with use of the legs. Rather, it will improve their condition by in- creasing the circulation. If the main difficulty is in the smaller vessels of the lower leg, then this procedure cannot be done successfully. The nerve operation you men- tioned is called a sympathec- tomy, which involves severing a special segment of nerves which control the arterial tone. That. is, the operation permits greater dilation of the smaller Circultion Impaired This Causes Pain suey rae arteries in the affected region, thus increasing circula- tion through them, These are not the nerves which control the leg muscles; therefore the patient can con- tinue to use his legs as before. The difference is only that he will have more strength and less pain, the improvement de- pending on how much the circu- lation is increased. While both these procedures can be very helpful in suitable cases, keep*in mind that they are not cure-alls. They are to be used only with due consid Note to J. D.: Seafoods of all kinds are rich in iodine. There is also iodine in foods grown where some is present in the soil, which means the low areas along seacoasts. The Great Lakes region and mountainous areas are most .|likely to be without iodine. ation for the extent of the prob- lem and the degree of improve- ment which might be expected. For example, repairing one of the arteries high in the leg could be of little value if too much clogging is present also in the lower limbs. You must abide by the doctors' decision after suitable tests have been made, Dear Dr. Molner: I have a 13-year-old daughter who is 5 feet 1 and weighs 159 pounds. |What can be done for her?-- Mrs. A. M. The first step is to have a medical examination to make certain that no glandular dis-| order is causing this enormous |weight. Preferably consult an} endocrinologist. If her glands are operating properly, then the answer is a suitable reducing |diet, no nibbling between meals jand more exercise. The fat child almost always shuns exer- | cise. There often is a big psy- |chological factor present--fear; Ja sense of insecurity; undue |shyness. The eating patterns of |the family may also be a factor. | Anybody else overweight in the 'family? CALL OR SEE DIXON'S OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 WATCH The Parade IN CKLB RADIO SPONSORED BY Robbies The Family Drive-In