eer a, Seen ores WHITBY DAY BY DAY OLC Alumnae Honor Retiring President WHITBY -- The Castle Chap- ter Cmtacin T.adies' Collegel Alumnae, closed the season with a luck supper and treasure hunt held at the home of Mrs, J. W. Richardson, Whit- by Township. On behalf of the chapter Mrs. Robert Brown of Oshawa pre- sented the >: dng president, Miss Doris Batty of Brooklin with a "small token of our devotion" for her eight years service as president. Miss Batty said she "'appre- ciated everybody's kindness. The silver spoon is simply lovely. It means more to me when it has the school crest on it_as this one has. It brings my connections with the school that much closer to me." She thanked the members for the support they have given her during her term of office. The annual meeting and elec- tion of officers was held at the home of Mrs. George Roddis, Whitby. Mrs. June Wright of Whitby, a beauty counsellor, gave a demonstration of the proper techniques of applying make up. Mrs. J. W. Richard- son of Whitby Township modelled the make up for even- ing wear while Mrs. Stanley Osborne modelled for the day time make up. . Mrs. Wright pointed out that! the make up for evening wear and "very special occasions is the only time that complete eye make up Is used. Never use the colored eye pencil or shadow for daytime wear." She didn't rule out the use of mas- cara to emphasize the eye lashes for daytime wear as 'this gives the eyes a more attractive appearance," The door prize was won by|. Mrs. Robert Milroy of Scar- borough, formerly of Oshawa. The lunch conveners for the evening were Mrs, George Rod- dis and Mrs. Wes Smith both of Whitby. The officers for the 1966-67 season are: honorary president, Mrs. Staniey Osborne, Whitby; past president, Miss Doris Batty, Brooklin; president Mrs. J, W. Richardson, Whitby Township; vice-president Mrs, Harry Taylor, Oshawa; record- ing and corresponding secre- tary, Miss Mae Storie, Oshawa; treasurer, Mrs. John Fox, Osh- awa; program convener, Mrs. Robert Brown, Oshawa; tele- phone conveners, Mrs, George Roddis and Miss Hazel Wor- folk, both of Whitby and Mrs. R. Leo Gray of Oshawa; press secretary Miss Charlotte Gentles and representative to Alumnae Council Miss Doris} Batty Brooklin. | Whitby Team Beats Port Hope -- The visiting Whitby pee wee baseball team defeated Bim Hills Legionnaires 9-7 in a} game played at King's Field) Port Hope. George Yates, the winning! pitcher gave five hits and is-| sued three free passes. | Bob Downey of the Legion-| naires walked six, allowed nine| hits and fanned seven. | Whitby batter D. Moore had two hits and D, Bradford had two walks | Port Hope's Philip Watts) doubled and singled and Roger|-- Lees walked twice. Snowden Family | Hold Reunion | MAPLE GROVE (TC) The smallest group in some| years met at Soljna Hall for the annual Snowden reunion.| The enthusiasm of those pres-| ent made up for the small! attendance. Lorraine and Garry Pettit conducted the program of) games and sports, Among the| winners were: egg throwing, | Lloyd Snowden and Greta! Down; most buttons on cloth-| ing, E. Gilbank and Calvin| Allin; guessing contest, Wil-| liam Lewis; passing a_ box, Mildred Huband; wheelbarrow race, Donna Gilbank and Gladys Allin. A ball game in the evening concluded the Pro- | Thertell had two hits and a jwalk. Shirley Brock had jsingles, gram. Harry Freeman circulated a card for all to sign which was sent to Ethel Snowden, who was unable to attend. Rena Snowden voiced appreciation to Greta Down for preparing and mailing the family tree. Regret was expressed that Charles Snowden, the oldest livirig mem- ber of the family was present, Officers elected were: Wes ley Down, past president; seph Snowden, president; Clar- ence Bell, vice - president; | Thelma Gilbank, _ secretary: treasurer; Mr. and Mrs, Eber| Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-! liam Lewis, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allin, table committee; |score at West Beach. The game| hits. Gwen Mary Ellen Brereton. not|Berry had a hit and was hit by a pitched ball. Doris Mat- Jo-|8 Thompson singled Bowmanville | Girls Win | PORT HOPE -- The Knights lost to Bowmanville in an 8-6) in senior ladies' lakeshore soft-/of Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Phair,|Kelvie and Mrs. Ella Smith at- WHITBY -- AJAX Whitby People Homemaker's duties are what these two Red Cross workers have in mind for Whitby. Mrs. Florence Pike, (left) 105 Dundas St. E., and Mrs. May Bodden, 213 Byron St, §., have just started making rounds as representatives of the "Homemaker Service" of the Canadian Red Cross So- ciety, It is the first time Mrs. D. C. Bogenberger WHITBY HOMEMAKERS the service has been offered in Whitby and is under the supervision of Mrs, . Mae- belle Sevcik, 1008 Byron St. S. They offer their assis- tance Monday to Friday from 8 a.m, to 5 p.m. Duties include care of chil- dren, planning and cooking family meals, keeping the home in order, doing light laundry, giving simple bed- side care under direction of FILL PRESSING NEED Complaints about dangerous stopping. by Toronto Gray Coach buses were raised at Whitby Town Council Monday night, Council felt that the driver's hebit of stannine in tha middla of Annes St, to drop passengers should stop, The members agreed to in- vestigate building a bus pull-in opposite gers alight. Trouble too, is occurring at the bus stop at the Dairy Bar on Byron St, junction with Dun- das St. W. Council felt the buses were tion and obstructing -traffic. A Gray Coach representa- from: the junction where a bus and laid out. the possibility of Fairview Lodge, It is at this point that many Whitby passen- stopping too close to the junc- tive present was asked or order his drivers to stop further back stop had been clearly marked The Whitby Yacht Club's first annual Regatta will be held in the Whitby Harbor from July 30 to Monday, August 1, Coun- cil received notice of the Re- Complain Bus Stopping Dangerous gatia by way of information. -- Town Council during June, lor two major town projects. Building permits valued at $81,000 were granted by Whitby Bylaws were passed during THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 27, 1966 & HONEY HELPS TOURISTS (CP) -- This Hampshire resort has a new secret weapon called Honey to help entice more vis- itors. Honey is a computer di- Highway 2 from Highway 12 to the meeting to borrow $230,000 the eastern town limits. OM ne BAe am OMAR | £88 SUCVHU wyIGW, EVE gavU,- First bylaw, for $130,000 will|000, is for the extension and be for the purpose of paying |improvement the town's portion of widening' storm sewer system. of the town's BOURNEMOUTH, En gland) of gesting the results of thousands fires filled out by suggesting ways the re- sort could be made more at- tractive, How to relieve BACK ice ACHE naneine ieckaehe, (Seen pond on Dede Created To Individual Requirements a doctor and nurse. Fees for the service are adjusted in consultation with Mrs, Sevcik and are confiden- tial. Aim of the program is to provide capable home- makers who will care for a family in times of distress and to provide home assis- tance to senior citizens thus avoiding institutional care. | STAFFORD BROS, LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Oshawa Times Photo WHITBY PERSONALS | Mrs. J. W. McInnis, of Pointe (Pauline Bagley) and her son,|Claire, Que., is visiting at the) Paul, of Pasco,. Washington, are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Phair, Centre St. S, Recent visitors at the home |home of Mr. and Mrs, /Phair, Centre St. S. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mrs. Wm. Pellow, Mrs, Ida Simpson, Mrs, Kathleen Mc- ball play was particularly im-|Centre St. S., were Mrs. James|tended the Quilt Fair at Orillia portant as both teams hope to/Sampson and son Bradley, of/last get into the playoffs. Betty Thertell started on the mound for Bowmanville, gave way to Shirley Brock in the fifth. The two pitchers struck out seven batters and were nicked for nine hits and four free passes. Knight's Judy Wall went the full seven innings, struck out three, gave up eight hits and five walks. Bowmanville batter Betty two Gale Piper, Karen White and Marg Rickard each singled and walked. Joanne Pit- man had a single and Rickard picked up a second free pass. Knights' Gilda Croft had two Singles were credited to Ashby, Jane Kelley, Sandra Lakeside Heights, P.Q. Ruto Price Hike Likely TORONTO (CP)--The Globe and Mail says Canadian auto dealers expect the suggested re- tail price of 1967 cars will be from $50 to $60 higher than in the current model year. The five Canadian auto mak- where they the many weekend thoroughly enjoyed ge displays. | Bobby, son of Mr, and Mrs. T. R. Munroe, 113 Brock St. S., is a patient in the Oshawa .General Hospital. His many friends and playmates wish him a speedy recovery. Visiting at the home of Mr. was their son,Reginald, Jr., of Montreal. While here Mr. Don- nithorne spent a great deal of time at the Oshawa General ers refuse to discuss their pricing policies until they de- liver their new models to deal- Hospital where his mother is a! patient. | ers in the fall, the newspaper says. "But through a close associ- ation with the car factories, dealers by this time have a good idea of the factors that will affect the 1967 suggested thews and Mary Hoy each had hit and a walk. Valerie and given two free passes. retail price lists supplied by the manufacturers." St. N., spent the weekend in Toronto with her mother, Mrs. Carole Perrow. ROCKET MISFIRES MUNSTER, West Germany |(AP)--An anti-tank rocket went lout of control 50 yards, from an army demonstration and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Good-|safety devices promised by theljing across the ground until its, murphy, sports committee. The date and time of -next| year's gathering was left in the Mr. and Mrs, Len Goodmurphy'hands of the executive. Teen-Agers Still Use Bridge As Diving Board PICKERING, Ont. (CP) -- Within one hour after four-year- old Angela O'Connor died in a 13-foot fall from a_ railroad bridge here, teen-agers were again using it for a_ diving board. The girl, who had wandered away from her older sisters was watching children playing in a park below when she fell The bridge, which carries the main CNR line over the Rouge River, just east of Toronto, has been used in a_ teen age "chicken game.' In the game, two boys wait on the bridge un- til a train approaches. The first one to jump into the river below is. dubbed "chicken." Pickering Township council last week passed a_ resolution a=) Alcan Siding @ Permanent, Decor, Finish @ Maintenance Free © Lifetime Guorentee DISCOUNT ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Registered Dealer For Alcan Siding of Canada Call 668-8606 Anytime One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wellpoper end Murele Custom Draperies Broadloom C.LL. Paints ond Vernishes Benjomin Moore Points DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE £68.5862 calling on the CNR to investi- gate ways of keeping people off the bridge Police Chief R. T. Parker said he cannot spare men for duty at the bridge. The CNR once issued summonses to per- sons trespassing on the bridge but this was discontinued when| residents raised a fuss. auto makers, New Home Recipe fuel supply burned out. Reducing Plan It's simple how quickly one may lose pounds of unsightly fat right in your own home. Make this home recipe yourself. It's easy, no trouble at all and costs little. Just go to your drug store and ask for four ounces of Naran Concentrate. Pour this into a pint bottle and add enough Sg ving juice to fill the bottle. 'ake two tablespoons full a day as needed and follow the Naran Plan. If your first purchase does not show you a simple easy way to lose bulky fat and help regain slender more graceful curves; if reducible pounds and inches of excess fat don't disappear from neck, chin, arms, abdomen, hips, calves and ankles just return empty bottle for your money back. Follow this easy way en- dorsed by many who have tried this plan and help bring back alluring curves and graceful slenderness. Note how quickly bloat disappears--how much bet- ter you feel, More alive, youthful appearing and active, R. A.| Ward, | BROCK Now Playing --- One Complete WHITBY Show Each Evening Starting 7:30 THE WHODUNIT BREAK! 60 seconds for you to guess the killer! SEVEN ARTS PRODUCTIONS Presents ase" TEN MTTTLE r" BEGINS 9:15 ENDI} | Recommended as Adult Entertainment Also 2nd Feature Attraction -- In Color Jules Verne's Adventure Story... "FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON" Starring --- George Sanders, Joseph Cotton,, Begins 7:30 and Mrs. Reginald Donnithorne, *white satin The Premium Gin with a smooth new bottle and a celebrated taste... that's how agin should be! That's how White Satin is. Still made to Sir Robert Burnett's original 1770 London Dry formula; still exactly as dry and satin-smooth today as it ever was. After all, when great taste can keep a gin famous for generations on both sides of the ocean--we wouldn't dream of changing it. done, though, is change the White Satin bottle. It's the best way we know to salute a celebrated gin, Have a look, Have a buy. White Satin! That's how agin should be, BU WH What we have Re | | | | | | | | SIR ROBERTI RNETTS ITE SATIN $28 Dovedale Dr., last weekend's Miss Karla Perrow, 406 Bryoks was! The newspaper says most of|President Heinrich Luebke dur-| |the expected price increase will|ing ----~l|be due to installation of new|Tuesday, The rocket went snak-| PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD of the TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA OF WHITBY, TENDERS FOR DOMESTIC FURNACE FUEL OIL Sealed Tenders d to the janed and "Tender for Furnace Oil' will be received until 5:00 p.m. on Wednesdey, August 10th, 1966 for the supply of Domestic Furnace Fuel Oil for School Buildings for the heating season 1966-67. dd. aah vhed vy It is estimated that will be approxi ly 45,000 gallons. Tenders are requested both with, and without, furnace cleaning and service as part of the contract. Delivery will be made to the following Public Schools: Meadowerest, Brooklin Senior, Sinclair and Dr, R. Thornton, / The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted + Mr. Murray Robinson, See.-Treas., Public School Board of the T.S.A. of Whitby Box 400, BROOKLIN, Ontario. ss ee DESIRABLE OSHAWA HOMES EXECUTIVE'S DREAM HOME . + BED settle for less? 2 doors east 4f the Whitby ROOM FAMILY This 4 year old, 2 storey home hos space to spare for the growing family with 12 x 13' kitchen, 12 x 11° dining room and larger than average bedrooms ond just enough clapboard to change the color occasionally. The Junior executive buyer will find the prestige in living in a spacious, well planned home without the cost of maintaining © sprawling lot that @ one storey bungalow would need to hove The wise buyer will appre- ciate the saving on toxes, heat costs and sq. ft. cost of this sizeable 2 storey home, so why Some extras ore panelled recreation room with ornate Acorn type fireplace record player, radio and built-in speaker, Norge Dryer, 2 bathrooms, sun deck and TV tower, You get all this in one of the better Oshawa East End Streets for a firm price of $21,950. With as little as $4,000 Down . . Gordon Osborne « Don't wait -- call now! REALTOR 2 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU... 218 Dundes $¢. £., Whitby Phone 668-8826 Past Office) (Onpos: 48 Simcoe St. $., Oshawe Phone 728-5157 Exterior finish is brick Combination te Oshown Past Offies) | Discount Meats | -- AT THE -- WHITBY MEAT MKT: | CLOSED MONDAY, AUGUST Ist and pressing o button to and ssi planned to make life FILL YOUR FREEZERS BEFORE THE PRICES OF MEAT GO UP . . . DUE TO THE STRIKE OF CANADA PACKERS. Cut and Wrapped to Your Specificetions SUNBRITE QUARTERS MARGARINE 3 lbs. 79° HAMBURG PATTIES 3 lbs. *1 IVER lb. 45° FARMER STYLE SAUSAGE 3 lbs. 89° SHORTENING lb. 33° FRESH --~ SKINLESS -- BABY WHITBY MEAT MKT: WE Specialize in HOME FREEZER ORDERS Cutting WHITBY PLAZA -- Whitby -- Ph. 668-6941 @ All Meats Gov't. Inspected @ Tri-level stone ond California Red Wood home on outskirts of Oshawa, Must be seen to be appreciated with the rare solid fir beams in living and dining room areas, 8 x 124 field stone fireplace ond mognie ficent view from a high dry lot, This 3 bedroom, 2 car garage home Is built by owner with fine materials end solid workmanship to create an interesting design for inside and outside living with 6 outside doors, patio and sun deck, Extras galore here with drapes, broadioom, flood lights, A.M, F.M, intercom, indirect lighting, ete. Make on appointment to see and make your offer, Gerdon Osborne cluding 3 fireplaces, expensive Italian Marble installa ed casement type windows and terrazo granite pe mason's delight with the solid stone exterior and the moster craftsman-workmansh: installations. [f outside living is-of interest, you wilt be delighted with shining through the lush green landscaping along the elevated stone planters sur property. All this and so much more for the price of $59,000, Coll today for appointment to see. ELEGANCE WITH UTILITY... 218 Dundes S. ©, Phone 668-8826 (2 doors eost of the Whitby Post Office) FOR SALE | In North residential Oshawa with extras galore to make this one of the outstanding homes In the city, Designed for comfortable living with central refrigeration air conditioning, floor to ceiling windows, custom designed dropes and wall to wall broadioom. Can you imagine yourself approachi: elevate the heavy garage door on o cold winter's day, s! f onother button and closing your doors without any manual labor or contact, This comfort and convenience can be yours if you appreciate o better built home that an owner has created and a little easier and pleasant for a busy executive, There ore so many features ine tions, beautiful oil painting on dining room wall, leade bble floor in fabulous family room. Truly a stone is Ri. AS. REALTOR Whitby {Opposite 48 Simcoe St. S., Oshewe Phone 728-5157 the flood lit driveway ing out_of your car on the interior stone Installations ing the rear of the Ahe-dec the dec ve -light Oshawe Post Office)