Scene Tuesday shortly after three armed gunmen robbed an armored car, left, of $60,000 outside Vet- New Wheat Deal Signed OTTAWA (CP)--A new three- year agreement to sell approx- imately $85,000,000 worth of Ca- nadian wheat to Poland has been signed by Trade Minister Winters and Zygfryd L. Wol- niak, Polish ambassador to Canada. By an extension of existing trading arrangements which come into force Nov. 5, Poland will buy a minimum of 33,000,- 000 and a maximum of 44,000,- 000 bushels. The government here authorized credit guaran- tees under the Export Credits Insurance Act. Poland will buy at least 11,- 600,000 bushels in the first year following Nov. 5, 1966, and a combined total of 22,000,000 bushels in the remaining two years. Each year, Poland may buy an additional 3,700,000 bush- els. Under the credit terms, Po- land will pay 10 per cent cash and the balance in equal instal- ments 24, 30, and 36 months erans Administration hospi- tal in Jamaica Plain sec- tion of Boston. Two guards | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 27, 1966 3 | Local Tobacco Harvest Will Reach Record Level | 'Henry Ford 1] Rejects Bid To Reopen UAW Contract ::: }contract. ... 1 think they ought/to skilled trades employees and PORT HOPE, Ont. (CP)--On- tario tobacco officials predict the 1966 crop will be the targest in history but Canada's tobacco manufacturers doubt the supply will meet the soaring demand. Harvest of the 1966 crop be- gan Tuesday near this town 25 miles east of Oshawa, George A. Demcyere, chairman of the Ontario Flue - Cured Tobacco Growers Marketing Board, esti- in Canada is moving ahead) mates the yield will reach be-|faster than anticipated by the 260,000,000 -and-220, companies, he! pounds. said, Cigarette sales in Canada| But D. FE, Kearney, vice-pres-|in the first five months of this | ident of Imperial Tobacco Co.| year rose 11 per cent from the | of Canada Ltd., said in an inter-| corresponding period last year. | view in Montreal that the indus-| Qyerseas demand: rose) try will need about 235,000,000) sharply this year as well. Brit-| pounds this year. ish companies, cut 'off from Demand for tobacco products| Rhodesian tobacco, have asked | dae twee DETROIT (AP) -- "It would seem inadvisable to reopen the to live up to it." These were among reactions| of Henry Ford I to proposals} . ARMORED CAR HOLDUP AT HOSPITAL | in four days. Bullets hit | truck and hospital windows. --AP Wirephoto were wounded in legs in this, the second armored car holdup in Boston area Rising Sky Scraper TORONTO (CP) -- Work on the new Toronto Dominion Cen- tre was interrupted Tuesday by a tangled jurisdictional dispute involving 70 sheet - metal work- ers and 1,000,000 square feet of metal ceiling. The workers walked off the job after the Ontario jurisdic- tional disputes commission awarded 60 per cent of the ceil- ing work to carpenters. A spokesman for the workers said it all began when Cana- dian Johns - Manville Co. Ltd., End Of Drought In Sight But Relief W TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario farmers may get some relief sub - contractor for. the ceiling,| building trades unions. Con decided to use carpenters, rated struction unions in Canada rec at $3.75 an hour, rather than ognize the jurisdiction of the the -sheet - metal workers, board in this country. Manage- working for $4.15 an hour. ment does not. The sheet metal workers), cae objected and took the case to ASKED FOR RULING the national joint board in Johns-Manville then asked the Washington, which awarded the commission tor a_ ruling. It work to them. awarded 60 per cent of the work The board, composed of union to the carpenters, 40 per cent and management rg gp to the sheet-metal workers. tives, is responsible in the , hei ed Fi United States for settling reeled arate wrk date dene, the dictional disputes between spokesman said, all 70 sheet- metal workers in the downtown building left the job to find {other work. Those who left in- cluded men working on air-con- ditioning and heating . equip- ment and -ducts. The sheet - metal contractor, Crump Sheet Metal Ltd., a. sub- ill Be Slight Robert Hardy of - Hornby,!| 7, inden $8 *3/Co, Ltd., the general contractor, Ont., an executive member of has asked the Ontario Labor by the United Auto Workers) that three year contracts signed in 1964 be reopened to give skilled tradesmen more money. General Motors Corp. and American Motors Corp, de- clined comment. Chrysler said: Work Dispute Stalls Reeve Raps Plant Sites BOLTON, Ont, (CP)--Compa- nies such as the Ford Motor Co. of Canada Ltd., should not be allowed to build plants on choice farmland, Reeve Albert Campbell of the Toronto suburb of Scarborough said Tuesday. Mr. Campbell told a seminar of the Central Ontario Regional Development Council that it would be better for communi ties to ask companies to build plants on land unsuitable for farming "T think it is a crying shame when we allow such things as the Ford Motor Co. to go into \Talbotville, take up a large chunk of their agricultural land, take it out of production and then let the satellite homes grow. around when there are thousands of acres of land not suitable for agriculture." Ford announced earlier this year it will build a plant at Tal botville near St. Thomas. William Thomson, director of Canadian growers to supply| 55,000,000 pounds this year, up| 62 per cent from the average) of 34,000,000 pounds in recent! years, { "Tf Canadian growers don't| the demand in Canada, | the foreign buyers will have to go empty-handed," Mr. | Kearney said. "They can go} elsewhere to buy, but we can't | because of the duty on im-j| as of this date, no meetings to|Ported tobacco." | discuss these matters are sched-| The duty on imported flue- uled,"" | cured tobaeco with stems at- The'Ford Motor Co. chairman] tached is 20 cents a pound, | said in an interview that cur-|slightly less than one-third the | rent contracts carried forward| price of the domestic product. | the so-called annual improve-|The average price of Canadian | ment factor clause, under which| tobacco last year was 65.9 cents wages automatically are in- a pound. creased each year, Ontario Besides the automakers, the) per cent of Canada's tobacco UAW also has asked the De-\crop. This was the first year troit Tool Association for reop-| they were informed of the needs ening to add to the pay of|of British companies in advance skilled tradesmen. of the planting season. | 50% \ 1 MORE INTERES 1% 2 SAVINGS DEPOSIT RECEIPTS Redeemable ANY time "We. have had no formal re- quest to give an increase in pay growers produce 97 Interest on daily balance MINIMUM DEPOSIT $5,000.00 GUARANTY TRUST FEDERALLY INCORPORATED AND SUPERVISED SALE CONTINUES! BRAND NAME !! Short Sleeved SPORT SHIRTS Woven cotton ginghams, neat alle over designs. Dashing styles with tapered body, button down coller , , . sizes Small, Medium and Large. Favorite coot styles with "Perma- stay" collar in sizes Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. Jac Shirts, Same Wash 'n Wear, lit- tle or no ironing shirts included, Shades of Brown Grey, Blue and Green in. the lot, Sizes S-M-L-XL, BUY ONE AND GET ANOTHER FOR ONLY '1.00 FIRST EXTRA YOU SHIRT SHIRT SAVE 495 1.00 3.95 3.95 1.00 4.95 }' SLACKS Capital and Reserve $25,000,000 Deposits in excess of $350,000,000 LZ THREE STYLES! REGULAR STYLE . . . With'single reverse front pleats, belt loops. Shades of Brown, Oxford Grey, Olive Green, Charoacl end King Si. E. oem ee Coie OF ener Seige. f th t drought by the|/the Credit Valley Conservation ] f c Canada and Poland have ex-| 'rom te current ar Mi pee alley onan Relations Board for nul planning for Kitchener, told an- weekend. Authority, said that despite the/j+ 3+ the workers are p Prices | other seminar the Lake Simcoe BUY ONE pa ae Poleed eg bought) comes, will be small, says the/continue to pump water from in an illegal strike, worst cottage slum areas in On- PAIR GET 125,000 000 bushels of . wheat, | Weather office which has fore-| streams because they have per- But the men say they are not tario in 20 years. F. R. Cordick, Meneger valued at $225,000 000 '| cast scattered showers for west-|mits issued by the commission, |Striking. They said they have) Mr. Thomson said some seri- a8 : ANOTHER FOR dtl lern parts of the province. The long dry spell has af-| (Wit and gone to work for other' ous thought must be given to 32 King St. &., Oshawa, Tel- 728-1653 | increasing rain by the weekend.;, ORAS Meanwhile, the United Broth-| vals or surpasses districts now ;Southern Ontario is expected to beside the Great Lakes. erhood of Carpenters and Join- in early stages of decay on Lake : |receive 3-10 to one inch of rain.| The village of Pickering, be-jers of America (CLC), is|Erie and Lake Ontario, ispseihiisceinsilispeniom Old Car Dump Some fruits and vegetables|side Lake Ontario east of Tor-|charged with non-compliance in -- -- : "4 --and therefore higher priced--| ,, , », One building union official ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP)--|by fall, producers said Tuesday, | "Ons ooh ete 4 water bY | said the situation "could be 'the The state has given approval to! The drought has hit feed crops| Villagers. Township and village) j.owdown we've been waiting biles in Lake Ontario to create! a shoal that is expected to at- tract fish. Notification of approval was deputy director of the state of- fice of general services, to the Rochester Chamber of Com- merce, whose. council is pro- The proposal must be acted upon by the council and then returned to Albany for final ap- proval by the state attorney- nature. Stone said that if the council acts promptly the final permit should be available in 10 days dumping 2,400 cars in the lake about three - quarters of a mile off Braddock's Point, just west of Rochester. The U.S. Army changed most-favored - nation But the relief, if and when it|prolonged warm spell golf clubs|, shoreline will be one of the | A five-day forecast predicts/tected at least two communities the matter before the area ri- 7 Lake Becomes $ are certain to be in short supply) onto, has had to impose restric- |the joint board's decision. the dumping of junk automo-| forwarded by Robert D. Stone, moting the project. general and to get Stone's sig- The original plan called for Corps of. Engineers, of 24 cars. however, will permit only a test dumping and pastures the hardest, CRITICIZES CLUBS At Toronto, the legislature's select committee on conserva- | tion was told Tuesday the On- jtario Water Resources Commis- {sion allows golf clubs to water fairways while cattle and hu- mans are suffering from lack of water. CALL OR SEE DIXON'S OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 | politicians blame new housing! for on the question of handling for the shortage. jurisdictional disputes." THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! See a Adult Building Central Location | Prestige Address Distinction Beyond Compare Underground and Level Parking By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728-2911 GeorRGian mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH OSHAWA | FOOD MARKET, 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH BONELESS -- ROUND STE HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS K 79: RIPE RED WATERMELON C LARGE LEAN ROLLED POT ROAST 49: LEAN, FRESH PORK SHOULDER ROAST TENDER BEEF -- BONELESS SHOULDER ROAST 65: SIZE Jos FRESH PORK TENDERLO! LOIN END 775i AYLMER FANCY. . TOMATO ¢ ECONOMY Leon Mesty BLADE ROAST ROAST c IME RIB §9; LEAN BONELESS STEWING BEEF JUICE 24° BROOKSIDE FRESH 24-ox. 69: Ib Skinless Fresh C ib | Wieners SLICED BREAD 49: LEAN SHORT BONELESS LEAN MEATY B U E H L E R'S . 723-3633 POT ROAST SPARERIBS 49: uw. 49° SEASONED BEEF PATTIES 5 lb. box 2.7/5 PEAMEAL BACON +89: END CUTS BY THE PIECE READY TO EAT CLUB STYLE HAM WHOLE, 79 HALF or QUARTERS Freezer Special LEAN HIND QUARTERS BEEF 65° Cut and Wrapped FREE smears 09 LEAN RIB 12 King St. E. STEAK 723-3633 Friday Nite till 9 p.m. Open 8:30 till 6 p.m. block. Waist sizes 28 to 44. CONTINENTALS . . . With plain front self-supporting waist- band. Colors of Brown, Black, Charcoal, Olive Green and Oxford Grey Sizes 28 to 38. IVY STYLE . . . Belt loops, plain front. Sizes 28 to 40. Black, Charcoal, Brown, Green. extra YOU stackss SAVE 9.95 1.00 8.95 14.95 1.00 13.95 19.95 1.00 18.95 FIRST SLACKS ECONOMY RANGE DELUXE RANGE HAND GRADE BRAND NAME Men's Short Sleeve DRESS SHIRTS BUY ONE AND GET ANOTHER FOR ONLY FIRST EXTRA SHIRT SHIRT SAVE 4.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 4.00 6.00 1.00 5.00 OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT No Money Down, No Interest or Cerrying Charges 2 LOCATIONS DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 36 King St. E. Open Thursday ond Open Friday till 9 p.m. Friday till 9 p.m. eee ee