THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, July 27,1966 BY lee, ad a / ~ 3 DAYS of BIG SAVINGS- THURSDAY FRIDAY: ATURDAY Boys' Madras Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRT CHOICE OF SIZES 1.47 Jr. Boys' Madras SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS CHOICE OF SIZES 1.87 &. Jr. Boys' Plaid WINDBREAKERS CHOICE OF SIZES 1.77 jr. Boys' Hooded WINDBREAKERS 2.93 RRARARRARARARRHK RRR ARRARAAM B Remember . . . you can "CHARGE IT" on your K mart Credit Card! ! ey ee 'f * f fie Bset og | Rai fm rae | ee Boys' a = cate EACH ae ® MEN'S ASSORTED SUMMER JACKETS we A K K K K K K K Fy K &. i. ke KK b F ee KR K. K K % AK K K A rs K f K > a Fancy trim on blouse an sizes 3 to 6, = SWAMP COATS ff Plastic CARD TABLE COVERS (REVERSIBLE) > fae Summer YARDS GOODS ¥; OFF MIR Dishwashing Liquid 2 $3 JET SOAP PADS 15 to pkg. 37 Children's 2 PCE. PLAY SUITS d solid color bottoms, 2.3 7 Plastic Trash Barrel with snap-tite locking cc e 14 gal. 4.44. Limited Quantities Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded! ae ~~ -- wes 4 | Te ' Z oe idee OE MW LGB OR, 4 < PE bigs Beige, & Mercury Seed and Fertilizer Spreader * Limited Quantities Everain OSCILLATING SPRINKLER 7.27 8-Pce. Teflon Hostess Cookware Set 5.97 « Limited Quantities HUGE DOOR - CRASHER DISCOUNTS + +» » packed with Savings for you!! ' Easy Clean Rug and Upholstery Kit 5 Gal. Plastic Covered Container 4.49 Limited Quantities Rubbermaid 17 Gal. GARBAGE CAN with lock lid. & K MART STANDS FOR SAVINGS - SELECTION - SERVICE - SATISFACTION