'COUNTY LINES Trousseau Tea Held At Blackstock BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Mrs.|to be held Noy.' 15. The' host- Walter Lawrence entertained at |e88e5 were Mrs. N. Green and a trousseau tea in honor of ee ae the. 'guest her daughter, Sylvia: A large| speaker at the Anglican. Church namber of guests viewed the|Sunday morning. numerous and useful gifts. gmrs.| Rev. Malcolm Johnston con- John Doyle and Mrs. Charles|ducted the United Church serv- Andrews, the bridesmaids, as-jice, Mrs. Richard VanCamp sisted. Mrs. Fred Cookson, Sea-'was in charge of the Sunday grave, mother of the groom School. A group of girls pre- and Mrs. Walter Fowler, To-jsented a play "A Change of ronto, sister-in-law of Mrs.|Heart." Lawrence, poured tea and, Cathy and George Keuning coffee. are vacationing in Holland. The vice-president, Mrs. J.| Rev. and Mrs. Philip Romeril A. MeArthur, conducted the|left by plane Sunday to spend July meeting of the St. John's|their holiday in London, Eng- Church WA. The devotional wasjland. taken by Mrs. Scott. Final) Mrs: George Crawford and plans for the bake sale on|Mrs, Henry Buma have return- Dysart's lawn, Caesarea, were|ed from hospital completed. Initial plans and a| Twenty-seven Boy tentative date of Oct. 21 werejand four leaders spent an en- made for the annual chicken pie|joyable weekend at Camp Gil- supper. The bazaar and tea is'roy, Coe Hill Audley Vacation School Ahead AUDLEY (TC) -- A Vacation|Bay to visit her sister Bible School will be held, Aug. | Riley 1 to 5, at the church. The) Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brinker,| morning sessions will be held Fort Lauderdale, Florida,| from 9 to 11.30 each day ex-|were recent visitors at the home! cept Friday when. classes will/of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Puckrin. be from 1 to 3 p.m. Parents and) Mr, and Mrs. A, Westbrook, } friends are invited to the clos-|Big Boss Mine, B.C., have re- ing program at 3 p.m turned home after a two-week! The Hi-C Club held a picnic|visit with her parents, Mr. and] at Presqu'lle Park last Sunday.|Mrs. Charles Bell The club also held a picnic at} Mr. and Mrs. George Izatt Lynbrook Park earlier in the|attended the weddings of Miss week. |Maureen Harrison to Martin) Mr. and Mrs. A. Kampman/|Stockman in St. Maria Goretti) and family are on a camping|Church; and Miss Colleen Har-} trip in north eastern Ontario. jrison to Robert Parsons in} Mr. and Mrs. G. Squire and|Woodgreen United Church,} Mrs. Nawhiney visited rela-| Toronto tives in Muskoka. Mrs.| Wilma Guthrie is attending) Mawhiney remained at Milford|Camp Pretoria this week. | Temporary War Income Tax | Remains Some 50 Years Later OTTAWA' (CP)--On a soft spring afternoon in 1917, Sir! Three months later, July 25 Thomas White, finance minister|the minister introduced "pro-| in the Borden Conservative gov-|posals for a national measure ernment, told the Commons|of income taxation," designated | about the drawbacks of a tax as-|the War Tax Upon Incomes but sessed against the personal in-|destined to outlast two world come of Canadians |wars and become the biggest Despite the fact that the First|single source of revenue for Ca- World War had wrenched the | nadian governments, country out of a depression, in-} In his April speech Mrs | That was April 24, 1917 Sir} comes hadn't increased sgrrni gg noted that the struggle | = ally, he said. In many cases|in Europe had lasted three they had declined because of a| years with no end in sight. The soaring cost of living jnational debt had climbed to "It is further to be pointed/more than $900,000,000 com- out that the maximum amount|pared with $336,000,000 before which would be obtained from|the war such a tax in Canada would in| Another year of fighting terms of Dominion finance be|would mean more revenue! comparatively small and that/would have to be found, he its administration would require | warned almost @ second civil service} A, K. Maclean, Liberal MP sufficient in number to cover|for Halifax, followed Sir every municipality, rural Del Thomas with this suggestion: urban, throughout the Do-| "] submit, as a sound princi-| minion. jple of taxation, that of the| 'On the whole it would ap-/money needed by the state, the| Pear to me that the income tax|rich should contribute more) should not be resorted to by the|than the moderately rich and| Dominion government until its|the moderately rich more than necessity becomes clearly and|the poor, and that the amounts} unmistakably apparent, not-|contributed should increase not| withstanding the drawbacks | proportionately but progres-| which I have mentioned jsively as wealth increases." Train Hits lagainst a background of 225 M.P.H. stepped-up fighting by the Al BRYAN, Ohio (AP) The lies in. Europe. "megtrans" flashed across the Scouts), Oo "la.m., sank in THIS WAS the years ago today, at a.m., as the liner Andrea Doria, pierced by the bow of the Swedish liner Stock- holm, sank in the Atlantic scene 10 10.09 NANTUCKET, Mass. (AP)-- Ten years ago today, at 10:09 the liner Andrea Doria, pierced by the great steel prow of the motor the Atlantic 45 south of Nantucket Fifty-one lives were lost Some 1600 were saved includ- ing several Canadians miles vessel Stockholm, | The first distress message/with paintings by Rembrandt ian luxury liner nosed down to her watery grave. Fifty one lives were lost. Some 1,600 were saved 45 miles south of Nantucket, Mass. This Pulitzer Prize winning aerial photograph was made by Harry. A Trask of the Boston Travel er as the three-year-old Ital (AP Wirephoto) grasa Observed Andrea Doria Sinking 11-22 the night before. Seconds,iaden with negotiable bonds \"We have collided with anotherjearlier, the bow that was.spe-| jewels, valuable cargo and a |ship. Please. Ship in collision."'| reinforced for the winter} a ice of Scandanavian harbors |*Pec#! had ripped into the starboard/©°'P side of the pride of the Italian|from Naples Line The Stockholm later limped The Stockholmd that night|back to New York with $1,000 ; _., (000 damage to its prow was eastbound to Europe from) Last September, a ship cap York. The Andrea Doria,/tain named Don Henry, a resi- three years before at ajdent of Detroit, announced he $30,000,000, furnished| would begin within 60 days to raise the sunken Andrea Doria cially built for was westbound car in Italy New built cost of | Times fand Quebec - Montreal, . YORK (CP) recent NEW _ The} Says gns_ of; Wassss oo a lian! relations deserve more they have received. The artiecte,. 'by Schwartz, Soviet specialist on the Times: editorial board, says that while President Johnson's| idea of forging closer links with Eastern Europe has been set back by the Viet Nam war, "Moscow has been forging new links with Ottawa, a capital || Washington has tended too long to take for granted." Schwartz cites an agreement for regular air service between Moscow and Montreal; the start of a regular Russian passenger) liner service between Leningrad | Soviet plans to be a major exhibitor at Expo 67 in Montreal and the} huge new Soviet wheat agree-| ment with Canada Schwartz says two views can ple" in Canada, The optimistic linterested primarily in Chrysler t view is that Canada's potential usefulness in bringing and Washington closer together has been enhanced. The pessi mistic view is thal Moscow is veaken the clase Ottawa's ties with United State ing the CITES VISIT The Soviet Communist part) newspaper Pravda, Schwartz notes, gave great attention in lits summation of the recent Ca nadian visit of Dmitri Polyan kv, Soviet first deputy premier to "Canadian irritation at the American economic po sition" in, Canada The Times writer "it can hardly be doubted" that Canadian- U.S. economic ten sions. play a big role in Mos cow's thinking. He says Mos cow also probably has taken into account French-Canadian nationalism and the possibilities Canadian fragmentation through intensified nationalism and provincialism "The makers of Soviet for eign policy writes Schwartz "are not so naive as to believe they can make quick and major gains at United States expense in Canada, but they' have estab lished a political and economic beachhead that they intend to massive believes Introduction of the income countryside during the weekend tax bill in July followed on the heels of a measure to call an at breathtaking speed in con- cluding its initial tests by the other 100,000 Canadians into the New York Central System armed forces Sir Thomas said there had Runs from Butler, Ind, to Bryan apparently were a suc- cess. The railway, when it's ready to talk about the Black Beetle, as onlookers dubbed it, may have an announcement of ma- jor significance "We're smiling," railway official in questions about had gone Officials have promised a press conference in New York City later this week. Observers estimated the vehi ele's speed on its final run at from 140 to 225 miles an hour "Megtrans" is short for mee- alopolis transportation--a meg alopolis being a heavily popu lated stretch in which one met- ropolitan cluster of citv and suburbs virtually adjoins an other. If the jet railway car an move at such high speed, safely and smoothly, it could herald a new era in railway commuting Said one answer to how: the tests Is Your Money G six months, Murray Johnston 18th of July. | 1965-66 fiscal year By Golly, the woy prices ore jumping, you sure would feel that money is going out of style. But your money is very much in style down at Murray Johnston's in DOWNTOWN OSHAWA and what's more, prices of tine clothing are also in style at MURRAY JOHNSTON'S HALF YEARLY SALE OF FINE CLOTHING that started Monday, July 18th. Every very fine clothing ot most attractive prices. So keep you and your money very much in style by paying @ rewarding visit to Murray Johnston's Clothing Sale which storted Mondey arisen "a very natural, and in my view a very just, sentiment that those who are in enjoyment of substantial incomes should substantially and directly con tribute to the growing war ex- penditures of the Dominion." FEW CHANGES SINCE His proposal followed the line Suggested by Mr. Maclean and except for the rate of taxation differs little from today's tax. Mr. Maclean proved pro- phetic about the duration as well as the form of the tax. At one point in debate he asked why the word "'war' was used in the bill's title ies . In my opinion this in come tax will remain in force much longer than the war will continue," Preliminary estimates for the pul revenue from personal income tax at $2,150,000,000. With the tax on corporation income, also estab lished during the First World War, estimated at $1,610,000,000 this is better than half the total revenue of $6.82.000,000 ex pected by the government oing Out Of Style? cleans house by offering his 58.00 PER DAY 725-6553 RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa Dempsters Fresher BREAD BUTTER Chase and Sanborn Bonus Pack 12-0z. but Only Weston's Trio-----Assorted Deal BISCUITS HAMBURG Ontario No. | Tomatoes Product of U.S.A --No Peaches CALL 725-3445 lst GRADE CREAMERY INSTANT COFFEE * *.;" 59° ROUND STEAK ROUND STEAK ROAST Field Grown 1 Grade--Red Haven At GLECOFF'S You'll Find Tender Leaf 24.02 LOAVES 99° LB 63° 9 ROLLS Pay for 10-or Plain Suger--Reg. 29 Special 3 xcs. 99 uv 89° » 89° mass 1,00 Noxzeme SKIN CREAM Instont Guard FRESH GROUND a 4-QUART BASKET 99° 35° EACH 1-QUART BOX EACH Get Set HAIR SPRAY GLECOFF'S SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson Rd. S. OPEN 8 A ICED TEA MIX CHERRY PIES CINNAMON BUNS 2... INSECT REPELLENT Call 725-3445 REG 2 ftor2%e 2 ron REG, 33¢ SPECIAL REG. 5% SPECIAL 49« 49° LAST WEEK PICNIC COOLER WINNER Bonnie Lloyd 290 Eulelie Ave OSHAWA are. 99. B9F REG 1.39 1.19 REG, 2% 89° M. to 10 P.M, DAILY Canada-Red Ties Get US. Attention waged widen, That fact deseryes to be borne in mind by thé leaders of TIlnited States government : atten-| and business leaders who have} gyTtawa (CP) tion in the United States than! not always in the past paid ade-| ,, quate attention to Canadian sen-| ibRittos .oer-( tions."' Canal Makes Egypt Richer CAIRO Canal, taken over by President Nasser 10 years ago today in a move which led to the invasion of Egypt by Britainy. France and Israel, now is this coun- try's biggest source of foreign revenue, with a steadily rising income Forecasts abroad: that the Kegyptians .were incapable of running the canal have proved unjustified, Traffie has in { Reuters bee The' Suey he taken of 'the Soviet drive toj« reased to 19,150 last year from make friends and influence peo-|14,000 ships in 1955 Suez Canal nationalized | time the was At the Company Moscow|there were 205 pilots, including | 61 French, 54 British and 40 Egyptian Latest figures show there now are 230 Egyptian pilots and a few foreigners, mostly Russians ov East Europeans, Out of a to tal of 11,400 employees, all but 100 are Egyptians Total revenue from tolls has almost tripled since 1965 to £90,000,000 Egyptian ($78,500 000) The waterway linking the Mediterranean and the Red Sea carved out of the desert Ferdinand de Lesseps was sand by in 1869 Its 'United Kingdom THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 27, 1966 23 'Austerity Measures Won't Affect Sales To Britain Ry DENNIS ORCHARD Govern- ent economists will be sur- prised if Canada's exports to the suffer froni last week's austerity measures there One expert said 1965 sales of $1,174,000,000 should at least be sustained in 1966 Sweeping as the austerity pro- gram is, with controls on wages and prices, dividends, building and instalment buying. it lacks the import restrictions that would directly bit Canadian products To' the' extent the program succeeds in reallocating -- re- sources for higher production, it should strengthen the process- ing industries that are the big vest buvers of Canadian ma. terials, economists say, Thus pulp. ores and concen- trates. lumber. _ oilseeds chemicals should continue to en- joy ready access to Britain \ less certain future may face exporters of clothing and pro- cessed foodstuffs, depending on how much the program damp- ens consumer buying and forces a change in tastes \ Jevelling-off. of Canadian sales in Britain has been under way ever since import sur- charges were imposed in Octo- ber, 1964. Sales in~-the first quarter of this year were $269,- 600,000. only slightly higher than the $264,000,000 for the same pe- riod of 1965. and SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE 597 KING ST. DIAL 728-7567 If you are an Abstainer you save up: to $22.00 on your auto insurance. "JOHN RIEGER E., OSHAWA got the flavor | Canada | loves Pure, natural goodness that comes trom 100% vegetable oil. Every day...more people brighten their meals with Blue Bonnet than any other margarine. in the convenient 1 ib. package of quarters or the thrifty 3 Ib. package 4 QUARTER s 100% VEGETABLE OIL VAT G/U INE |