Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Jul 1966, p. 22

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ee rrr er ee PO OHO OS os THE OSHAWA TIMES, ' TAKE THIS ASPIRIN AND \ WHICH TRAIL TO ee Le Wednesday, July 27, 1966 Re Ay 1 eaee " TAKE: LCANT SEE Bl AvOlDS THE AMBUSH. : Sesame 7 ae 3 LA sit m| BRIDGE f 1 By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Play) Norn Gear. North-South vulnerable. NORTH @AQI95 @3107 oK52 As Se ey pee oK63 COD. FOR MRS. THE REGULAR ROUTE MAN ) l now THenets ' --- Tom Patterson Tete BUMSTEAD-- ONE 1S SICK-- THESE ARE : wre ND TYRONE One Puno Wi W AUTUMN 1152, PATTERGON ¢ AUTUMN 7 | | YOUR CURTAINS "at H IDE TO PROOUCE THEIR. ' KCITEDLY PHONES STRATFORD 4210764 HAZE MINK SHAKESPEAREAN FESTIVAL. - FROM ENGLAND « SOUTH: IN A TENT « YOU a0 OM , ~ till ccna OO age be ee TRIP TO LONDON + : I've GOT OUR STAR!) 7-27 41082 THE ATAGE WILL FRAN INNOVATION, MY. Prmiuy we ? BOTHING Lew WAQUDS e THAT SALESMAN WAS RIGHT, THIS NEW SUIT. MAKES ME LOOK TWICE AS SHARP! D striated by King Features Syadionte, World Right : Reserved BUILT WITH AUDIENCE BAT: @J74 pst iT. Ks A i =. . play : ' dl : ; The bidding: y : North East South West Ne \ cme fi 1 { ch m 1@ Pass 29 Pass Dyin 4 aN eg f' th F t ars : 39 Pass 49 ; ae i Opening lead--two of clubs. AND IN BHAKEOPRAREA, ; Re ae v4 f Card play is not an exact scl- TRADITION, "THERE 'LL. : Ay t 6 ence. A great many plays are Be NO SCENERY ey / f i m Md jbased on probabilities, not cer- : awry seer narra. : ™* Vie Raa | tainties, and some of these LL CHANGE INTOA \f eae plays rest on assumptions MORE LOVABLE OT 9 pave! WHAT YOU TOOK KOR WHITE WE LUCKY! WHITE BUFFALO 100K, BUFFALO reacKs/ ) | which ultimately prove to be CHARACTER" WIDE ON THAT CRITTER WAS ONLY SOME DUST/ NOT BE ONE THAT ROLL ON OME CRITTER LEFT THE false. GROUND / CANYON BEFORE WE RODE iW) Nevertheless, good card play COULD BE THAT MISSING is a logical proces t ah } ; Pp Ss, not a hap- WHITE, hazard one, Sound reasoning a does not produce victory in every case, but it is bound to return excellent dividends in the Jong run. Observe West's defence in this hand. He led a club, which (@| dummy took with the ace, East ) jplaying-low. Declarer then led the jack of hearts which lost to the king. What should West play now? West made the only return to defeat the contract. He led the |queen of diamonds! Declarer |played the king, drew trumps, |and took a spade finesse. East }won with the king, returned a diamond, and South went down one, losing a spade, a heart and |two diamonds. Was the queen of diamonds jplay just a lucky shot? Of jcourse not. The play had a |sound foundation and illustrates the type of thinking a defender uses in a blind situation. From West's viewpoint, see- ing only dummy, he knows that if South has the king od spades, there is no hope of beating the |contract. He therefore assumes that East has the king; other- wise, he might just as well fold TELEVISION LOG : " a Pay and concede the Channel) 11--Hamilton 10:30 P.M. 12:18 P. This assumption brings the ani 3 .M, 3 ol eg 3-6--Inside Quebe | 4--Speaker of the House j defence to only three tricks--a paromegabdred | "0 | 12:0 PLM. : spade, a heart and a diamond. Channel @--Rochester | 1) .9.9.7-4.4.3-2---News 1eN vieab c ' Channel 7--Butfalo Weather, Sports S_News Wasthers - -- ee bags 7 ~ Channel 6--Toronte 11.15 P.M, Sports : f Channel 4--Buftale 6--Viewpoint 8-2----Swingin' Country only possible source for this | 2--Tonight Sho' 64---Search for Tomorrow : 4 Channel 3~Barrie } 11:20 PAM. 3--Noonday Report ' @ must be diamonds. Channe! 3--Buttale | 4--Late Show THE LONE RANGER OKAY, BABY -- OPEN wipe / - SECRET AGENT X9 © King Poateres Syndicate. fae. IMA. Werld rights rennrwed | 12:40 P.M. 4 This suit must be attacked Fes, Weather and | 9---Movie ROS : : before East's king of spades is WEDNESDAY | 11.25 P.M, a Fee x forced out only one diamond 6:00 P.M, The Vise maar 6 \trick wll ¢@ won. Once West Yam iped d ms 1:30 PLM, Licvuaie a" determines this, the only prob- ALL Rusty. SANE 200 Tcchayanne SaTonight show Dialing For Dollars, : lem is which diamond to ined. . | @-Summer Camp r irl Tal b | a 908 ont ormy wee Ym ta | Re FOREX Tee 2 et a ee Set GEA |e ele ar lt © Kine Panta Syodinnin. tae 1066 Weskd sights romero 2--Mike Douglas 3-6--Luncheon Date 4 5:30 PLM. 9--Run For Your Life | 4--Meet The Millers - - = = rere ; the jack. Only the lead of the TSEC. World rights reecrvad . weer a | 6--News, Weather, >| '3 Bi 3-4-6--To Tell The Truth WE HAVE "TO MATCH Distribated by King Features Sr "Te Sports 2--Bozo's Big Top $4---Another World ue i OR WE'RE NOT IN! p 4--The Honeymooners ! 9:30 A.M, 3--Man von N.C.L.E 4--Love of Life 3.25 P.M, 2--Huntley-Brinkley 8--Smiletime 3-6----Take 30 G Ring Vecterce Syndrcara, To --Charlie --T: "ig Sr ag ' ; ens Nis rae : as PM i i queen can protect against all P possibilities. 6.00 P.M. 1,00 P.M. 2-8--Let's Make a Deal 7--Twilight Theatre 1]--News, Weathes, 3--Movie 6--World of Wooster | Sports 2:00 P.M $-4--News, Sports, | i cided Weather THURSDAY | 7--Newlywed Game : | 6--Cuisi aadeue wa PEPE Seenuerd SALES RESISTANCE 4--News; Weather 8.30 A.M, dian whet ei IS TERRIBLY Sou ht In N Zz "ont LOW!' ane 3-2.9--News 4 M. ae . @--Huntley-Brinkley 1--Dlaling for Dollars -- |" oA Mime eon Us i 1G) CHRISTCHURCH, N.Z. (Reuts fgucde ih Minas 1" eee 'sal ee ee | d ers)--Mining of high-grade ore | 7:00 P.M. ae | r | estimated to contain copper ' 9--Romper Room t 11--Mike Douglas i}ecMorning Musicale 3:00 P.M. worth some £3,500,000 is ex- 9--Batman 8--Adventurous Mission | 9--Fractured Phrases ted t tart t Mok 8--Go To The Races Gdike's. Carnival 7--General Hospital pecte o start soon a oke Creek, near Queenstown in cen- tral Otago, New Zealand's South Jack LaLanne 4--News | wap . Sees -- : - - Any new source of this vital #----Uncle Bobby 3.90 P.M. y ee . metal is of interest to the world fioeé 'allen tine ohio) Oe t tay today, in view of the vulnerable ; ' 4--Edge of Night | rad Zambi 7:0 P.M. | 8-2----Eye Guess 7--Super Show. position of landlocked Zambia, Past onal Feguatstad Roe aur ene | YOUR HEALTH whose normal export routes run | 82--Virginian licusative a dua bv gichsald through Rhodesia. The Zambian 7--Batman acceler: Rin 'tie Ge | copperbelt, the biggest producer in the British Commonwealth 12:00 A.M. 6--Mad Movies H--Wild Wild West &4--As The World Turne LJ BE WORKING C Find TOO HARD - MY opper and Sports i i et 9--T.V. University 9--People in Conflict 55 A Island. 6--Award Showcase | 8-2--Concentration | 8--The Match Game = | Lost tn Space | 7--Donna Reed 4--Secret Storm | . rnited ita 4--The McCoys 3-6--Vacation Time | neezes 0. OW é ' 'jand second only to the Unite 8:00 P.M. ne 2--Merv. Griffin : States in world output, turns N--Special Movie 11:00 A.M. | | : t 14000 to 15,000 tons of SCM Pavertta Martian |11--Long John ' Sliver THURSDAY EVE. = | : lout 14,000 to 15,00 rH %-- Mr. And Mee 5:00 P.M. StArT 7 I P | copper a week. back Finn 8-2--Chain Letter 11--Family Theatre | Swimming n 00 : . But a spokesman of the syn- 8:30 P.M, ¥ MICKEY MOUSE | 7--Supermarket Sweep &--S ; y 9~Movie | 3~Ed Allen Time 1-Highway. Patrol dicate of five New Zealanders 7---Blue Light ampaibian vi ag 8 sdb Set bere By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D and one Australian who plan to / 4-- er! Hbill : Mm, ~Atom An y s . M DD, x ¢. 9) 4 r Ou, A WINDOW NO, IT'S FOR JARS OF| | SEE HOW PRETTY THEY LOOK WITH LIGHT SHINING Fait i ll a 9--Abracadabra | 2---Mlke Douglas y : sgt mine the Moke Creek sd { HOUSE PLANTS Pe eee THROUGH "EM ® -4 cae Sanne cals 5:0 FM. Dear Dr. Molner: I swim at| It certainly could be hiatal|said: "Potential copper below l bd i F alee : | a Z rh a Green Acres 4--Dick Van Dyke Show §--Doble Gillis the YWCA, It is: good exercise| hernia, but saying that it "could| ground age poo enapiways hers A) / a 4 " ces oe . | n 7 fog aa] A aah 9 1 i singed EER aiaddyd kegter éCountry. Style and seems to help a bad back.|be" is not the same as saying /S0!! Reg oe WwW Taal e ee all. ue : q A) Ge lapaa ikcMeanie' Priston 3-- Hong Kong My problem is that as soon|that it is. In many ways hiatal/VeMmies ia tees Pre et \fo & . , - AL t 4-Dick Van Oyke %~Toronto Summertime 6:00 P.M, as I leave the water I start|hernia and duodenal ulcer have|'0 an estimated 2, eet. ; y PO iad tea. J cakonay Movie Pee aane sneezing. My nose runs, and it|similar symptoms (and in some, The _-- _ be scage Merv. Griffin Show 3-6---Luncheon Date 48--News, Sports with is difficult to swallow because|respects treatment is the)over several thousand acres 0} 4--John Gary 4--Noon News Chuck Healy it drags at my ears. I have|same). jland where it suspects there 2 ig tried nose clips and nose drops,! The best advice I can give recycle more copper: to ACROBS § ain so torn but nothing helps. Have you) you is to have your doctor in-| The Moke Creek lode was dis- Ship's Z Gonenide SHAtat any suggestion other than giv-|yestigate thoroughly (including| .vered about 1862 but despite pitickte 5. Pilfers oH Matis ig : : ing up swimming?--F. R. nine id oe og TF ap hgeBEE ys an estimated content of 12 per . Slice Pointed ,, Prefix if ' Sie} | I've had a touch of the same fully . bl seg ! cent of copper, little work was Skill end of a Unit of als oe) \thing myself after swimming in|'he trouble. |done at the time, the spokes- tine beds 7 Sake ulate slo , PMO IRIE pools, and some people with D Dr" Molner: Please ex.|man said, t 6vess THEY'LL E WONDER IF THEY'LL 4 WELL, From lp BE SATISFIED TUST ia the a.m & ke sp mart: pe saad mieginit fe Pe l sian the ' meaning of 'Mia Ce ee LL | | : mil, | 4 . ' 5 3 s even notice it after ; LANDING A MANNED NE ANY. VALUABLE WHAT I'VE SEEN | | TO GET THE GRAVEL. inule # bang visti Wo & ceinadar th ae iy *"|sional hernia of the epigas-\SALLY'S SALLIES | SPACECRAFT UP THERE . % OF THE MOON CONCES6ION// Laven irl soon 35; Anne ey |o% tees trium."" My husband has it DUt | tt--------._1__n--= | PRETTY SOON... es a PHOTOGRAPHS...| Come into .11. Norse god iously 7 | The culprit in pools is most| wo can't find out anything about | view 16, Italian 26. Kettle Yesterday's Answer 'likely the chlorine used to dis-| i a hh. Hxclama- river 28, Cling infect the water. You didn't | Lion 18, Pointed 30. Pronoun 33, Falsehood |mention smarting eyes, but It's what we also call a '"'sur- Mport 19, Goddess of Strong 34, Nibble some folks notice that, too. gical rupture," or a weak spot Hypotheti harvesta winds 35, Girl's name a a 4 pie at the site of a recent opera- eal force 21, Florida 32,Had many 38. Silt I won't recommend giving UP tio, it is usually due to some Tastes Indian bills 39. Swine jswimming, which is a whole- sharp, sudden strain, such as le 2 rearcicn "he ay, gi* : Biles by . slightly 5 - -- some exercise The sneezing sneezing or coughing, before Haatened {and irritation are a temporary ; a r Poorn - Y/ Inuisance but they won't hurt|the tissues have developer § Z/AAVO jpuisance ov ' firm sear, Epigastrium merely a Throb }you that it is in the upper "a" : Ss : s Domeaticate As My suggestion is this: Learn "hls ee ihe <ahaomen. Che Apple to be a good mouth breather! re hod dh chccecen is tv aur discard 7 io hale through the nose. Expert|'™ rene 1 a r a U8. soidier, swimmers habitually do this etre? MUGGS AND SKEETER - . for short 7 enuipay pol Lat ' i akier Ve | iy a L ZG . Nae drops won't help much Dear Dr. Molner: Two years} bef" * DN o" HE STORE FO) 31, Depart Be: , ; : | THAT OFFICE f ; aweaita exrvant 7 Mxtent Vy bso jif at all, As to nose clips, a ago my doctor og gana see "My doctor says I'm in a trans | WITH A GRAIN . ae > DISINTEGRATION YES, 35. Lower ; 44 | little water seems always t (Eee ver ceteeet ais weeks sitive stage gl is where SENSE? Is i z 2 dpa - AG /} ~ sed ies ante Diag Beir hse niat 4 succession. Now the treat- it usually cates EVERYBODY ; | hg ee: 36. Valuable ; shoal: elise oan te aati. ment is once in three weeks inn - a 42 |. metal ' Is there a cure?--W. B. ire needed at first until the phil ig if / hy | ST. Fierce 7 : Dear Dr. Molter: While lying) There is no cure, but injec | jood count is raised to a nor- pity In y d ' 1 | plat ; Z in bed ready to go to sleep, all|tions of liver extraft or Vitami | ya} level. After that, injections PAY FORTUNES Deatroved "A at once I get heartburn, and] B12 keep the blood gt up. I t longer intervals are suffi- FOR? : " Evergreen hot water or acid comes up in/effect, this means ee tae ca' jent to keep it normal. For . Borders my throat. Usually I can turn|completely draw the ate a! | 2me. Patients, one injection over and the condition will stop.| What used to be a terrible ery six or weight weeks is Be DOWN Could \ this be hiatal' hernia.) ©@se tisfactory. The frequency de- Ts - x . Craze Ahbour eight years ago, I was) The treatments must -- ids on how the blood count _ POPS. a t ' H i . = NN 9" . Dole (told that I had a duodenal|safely can -- be continued | ids up and how the patient : Maicer.--V. F. life. Usually frequent injection ¢ vels. JULIET JONES

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