186 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 27, 1966 a i tht NEWS IN BRIE DIES AFTER FIGHT WAS PARTY FOUNDER TORONTO (CP) -- Raymond| ST. JOHN'S, Nfld, (CP)--A. Soeety wey ee eae te ak Hatfy a whe Tuesday in hospital of injuries |founded the United Newfound- suffered in a Saturday night|}jand Party and was its only -- oy eiail _ Bastin "¢ "9p [ember eiecied io the New- rg Bs, |foundland house of assembly, died Tuesday after a lengthy Be ie) (Cue) miles east of Peterborough. gator as hibwanweaitd illness. He entered provincial euters)--Senator na + inni % Sydney Smith, chairman of a -- a8 mtr Sea oe Canadian parliamentary dele-|'tict of Ferryland for the. Pro- gation visiting Poland, was re-|gressive Conservatives. In 1056 ceived Tuesday by President|he was elected to represent St. Edward Ochab. Smith and the|John's Centre for the Conserv- other Canadian parliamentar-|atives but broke with the party ians also met Foreign Minister|in 1959 over Prime Minister Adam Rapacki Tuesday. | Diefenbaker's handling of Term a 29--the controversial financial RECEIVE GRANT ri in the Confederation HAMILTON (CP)---Two Master University psychology professors have been awarded} $28,000 by the United States (AP) -- Mrs. public health service. The ser aggie Young, who drowned ice has supported work by Dr. |her five youngest children Nov. A. H. Black and Dr. Leo Kamin} 22, was found dead in a chicken for the last seven years and has |slaughterhouse on the grounds provided about $133,000 in that/of the Hawaii State Hospital period, Their research is an | Monday. Police said she had analysis of the development of | hanged herself, Mrs. Young, 38, conditioned response in stress- s committed to the hospital provoking situations. in January after telling police we 7 i + , |the children, aged 11 months to SELL PETROLEUM LEASES eight years, were continually EDMONTON (CP) -- The Al-|sick and she could not care for berta government received $1 hem properly 370,462 Tuesday from the sa' REJECT CHARGES of petroleum and natural gas leases and reservations} LONDON (AP)--Government throughout the province. The} o icials Tuesday night rejected sale, third largest of the year,|Peking charges that Britain is increased provincial revenue|helping the American war ef- from the sale of leases andjfort in Viet Nam with a mill- reservations this year to $65,-\tary airlift and with base fa- 034,318. Nonna in Hong Kong. Defence ministry authorities said some ANNOUNCE PROMOTION medium-range RAF planes are OTTAWA (CP)--Air Commo-|using Saigon, South Viet Nam, dore R. J. Lane, 46, of Victoria,|as a staging point for flights chief of staff at 1 Air Divisibn)between Singapore and: Hong headquarters at Metz, France,|Kong, but they carry no mili- will be promoted to air vic y supplies for American marshal and appointed the di-jforces in Viet Nam. vision's air officer command-| i adi ing. The defence department| FARMER CHARGED announced Tuesday that he suc-; BRANTFORD (CP) -- Wi ceeds Air Vice-Marshal D, A. R.|Clare, a Burford-area farmer, Bradshaw, 54, of Ottawa and/Tuesday was charged with London who is retiring. A 1934|three separate counts of wilful graduate of the Royal Military|/neglect of animals following a College, Kingston, Air Vice-|humane society raid and seizure Marshal Bradshaw was com-jof 24 animals Friday. mandant at RMC 1954-1957. lis 10 miles east of | MINI-HA-HA AND HER MINI-SKIRT Everyone thought, when Mini-Ha-Ha appeared with her new short-short skirt, that she was brazenly wearing a new MINI-SKIRT, "NOT $0", said Mini-Ho-Ho "it's all my hubby's fault', His name is MITEY-Ha-Ha but he should be called Stingy-Ha-Ha, You see, he's saving all our money for Murray Johnston's Great Half Yearly Suit Sale thot started on Monday the 18th of July and | had only enough to buy half @ skirt'. You too, can. save a nice bit of money at MURRAY JOHNSTON'S SALE OF FINE CLOTHING -- so why not come down anytime after the 18th and help yourself to some real buys. At JURY & LOVELL OTHER HANGS SELF Were Proud To Announce NEW LOW PRICES Every Day Of The Year!!! on these health and beauty QUALITY Rexall PRODUCTS 100s 59¢ Ti oz. Fast-acting relief of headache and mus cular pain. Highest quality. 5 gr. tabl REDI-SET HAIR SPRAY Quality formula tai lacquer. Holds AR without stitiness 69¢ ALL DAY/ALL NIGHT 8caps DECONGESTANT COLD CAPSULES Up to 12 hours relief from one capsule. 98° Mi31 Antiseptic MouTH wasH ™™ Popular amber antiseptic kills germs on contact when used full strength. 63 ¢ 1202, KLENZO Antiseptic MOUTH WASH Ruby-red, spicy flavoured mouthwash and gargie sweetens breath. 63¢ 50's BUFFERED ASA-REX Rexall's finest pain reliever now buffered to speed relief with less stomach upset. age 1602. AGA-REX LAXATIVE A gentle-acting family laxative, Pleasant tast larity. 98¢ loz. DEODORANT plus anti-perspirant for 24-hour effectiveness 69¢ WITAMIN C TABLETS Popular dietary supplement to guard against C deficiency, 100 mg. ' 98¢ DAY IN... DAY OUT... YOU'LL SAVE MORE AT OUR DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTION pjCaeeld CHEMISTS CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. | $30 SIMCOE ST.S PHONE 723-2245 OSHAWA | PHONE 725-3546 ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA WITH GOUPON & PURCHASE OF | ONE § GALLON CARTON TASTY TREAT ICE CREAM EXTRA - owe 8 STAMPS | I) | a0 eas | WITH GBUON & PURCHASE OF EXTRA STAMPS a0 EXTRA STAMPS VAN CAMPS BEANS 315 «COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 ONE 10-02, BAS MARMALADE 350 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 8 ONE 10's PKG. POLY GARBAGE BAGS 487 COUPON XPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF C37 TL ages COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 2 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1941. OZ. TIN & D. SMITHS * RASPBERRY PIE FILLING 57) COUPON ExPints AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 50's PRG. WHITE IN, DUCHESS PAPER PLATES 576 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 50's a ONE 100% PRG. 5-08, 18 IKE GOLD OUP REFILLS EXTRA "~ page STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF THREE 2-02. PKGS, SHOPSY'S SLICED CORNED BEEF #2 COUPON EXPints aus. * Ne EXTRA STAMPS AMY ONE 2 ROLL PKG, 'WHITE SWAN PAPER TOWELS Two 20 iL, OZ, TINS MITCHELL'S FANCY SS7 TT. am 220 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 MOTHER PARKER'S TEA BAGS 337 COUPON WXPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8-07, PLASTIC JAR VASELINE 44 =COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF) TWO 9 FL. OZ. JARS CROSSE & BLACKWELL GRANSTON PICKLES 380) COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 9 i WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF | ONE 12-02, AERO TIN | FURNITURE SPRAY WAX | TONE EXTRA | 138 COUPON EXPIRES AUS. 3) STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 2071. OF, TINS SWEET TREAT SLICED PINEAPPLE ------+. WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE PKG. DUPONT CELLO WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 1591. OF, TINS uisey's RED KIDNEY BEANS CXTRA J79 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 STAMPS ONE 12 FL.OF, BOTTLE HAWES LEMON lL FURNITURE POLISH 306 «COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 ) WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 11-02, PEPPERONI and ONE 9-OF. CHEESE -- ALORO PIZZA PIES 4393 «COUPON ExPiAES AUG. 3 ) WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF EXTRA STAMPS of | EXTRA STAMPS | al al al EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE PAIR GEAUTY SHEER SEAMLESS WYLONS 18 = COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16-07, CELLO BAG HOSTESS BLANCHED SALTED PEANUTS 110 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10-02, JAR MOTHER PARKER'S INSTANT COFFEE 417 COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 1.15, PKGS. FRUIT SUGAR 324 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 2-PLY 2-ROLL Pras. VANITY TOILET TISSUE 331 COUPON EXPIRES AUS. 9) WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 64 FL, OZ, BOTTLE FILMAR ORANGE JUICE 338 COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 3 RAVIOLI with BEEF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ond 1691. OZ, TIN STA-PLO SPRAY STARCH 352 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 1591. OF, TINS 'York BEEF STEW 159 COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 9}:02, AERO TIN MONARCH DESSERT TOPPING 466 «COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 36's PKG. CHEF'S HAMBURG or HOT DOG PAPER TRAYS 373 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 48 FL. OF. TIN MEINE TOMATO JUICE WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 400's PKGS, FACIAL TISSUE KLEENEX 38?) «=6COUPON ExPintS AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 16-08, PKG. SwHT's Premium SLict® J COOKED MEATS 24 «COUPON EXPHRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 20-02, PKGS, RUPERT PROZEN HALIBUT FISH & CHIPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF: TWO 100 FT, ROLL BOXES APPLEFORD WAXED PAPER COUPON EXPIRES AUS, 9) WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 11-0, PLASTIC JUG PET INSTANT PLEASE 118) COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 3 SOCIETY OFEP or LIVER CHUNKS oD pees EXTRA STAMPS 'slid EXPIRES AUG, 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 3-02, TIN SPRAY DEODORANT SECRET 392 COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 3 FRUIT DRINKS EXTRA STAMPS 139 COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 3 1 pl 6 COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 3} STA-FLO Peel LIQUID STARCH CTT Tae 8? COUPON EXPIRES AUG, tJ WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF | ONE 6471. OZ, BOTTLE WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8.Q7, PKG. NEWPORT FLUFFS Sh7 1 12m 160 COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE PKG. SHAMOY KING SiZ@ POLISHING CLOTH TTY THE 207 COUPON HXPIRES AUG. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY FIVE PKGS. FRESHIE 376 COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 2071. OF. TINS HENLEY CHOICE FRUIT COCKTAIL 30) COUPON HXPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 2.8UL8 PKG." STAMPS BRAUNSCHWHIGER, LIVER & BACON SAUSAGE er SANDWICH SPREAD 398 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 47-02, PKG, PURINA DOG MEAL 15 «= COUPON ERPIAES AUG, 3 5 "oan eceom GRISCO OIL EXTRA STAMPS NR COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 8 ML, OF, JARS PIMENTO MANZANILLA | "ow LOLLIPOPS Tb COUPON HHPIRES AUG, 3) WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OWE Y ML, OX, BOTTLE JERGENS LOTION EXTRA ITT 11am 282 «COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 ITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 28 FL. OZ. TINS ARDMONA FANCY HALVES EXTRA STAMPS a0 EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY GME 61-02, AERO TIN GOOD-AIRe PLORAL, SPICE or BLUE SPRUCE AIR FRESHENER 134 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2-LARGE TUBE PKG. 'TOOTHPASTE KOLYNOS 47 «COUPON EXPIRES AVG. 3 EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3271.02, BOTTLE FILMAR re ORANGE JUICE PTT TIM'S COUPON EXPIRSE AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 19 FL. OF. TIN & 0B, SMITHS QHEARY PIE FILLING ONE 16FL. OZ. JAR INGERSOLL ANY SIZE PKG, MINCED BEEF PerT Ta 26 cCOUrON EXPIRES AUG, 3 WITH COUPOM & PURCHASE OF AM, ONE OF 16 VOLUMES WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 11.02, PKGS, MORTON'S FROZEN DINNERS S18 + COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1491. OZ. BOTTLE LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 8 COUPON EXPIRES AUS. 3 (WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 71-02. PKG, JAcoR's LEMON PUFFS 537 __ COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 EXTRA STAMPS 'WITH COUPON & PURCH, ONE 2) OZ. JAR WOXZEMA SKIN CREAM EXTRA 3% «COUPON ExPines AUG 9 STAMPS 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 1-48, PKGS, MONARCH SHORTENING WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 15 FL. OZ. TINS uiesy's SPAGHETTI & GHEESE 383 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6FL.OZ. BOTTLE NO.CALORIE SWEETENER SWEET 10 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 81-02. PKGS. CHICKEN FLAVOUR RICE-A-RONT WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONES FL. OF, BOTTLE WISH-BONE SALAD DRESSING STAMPS 376 «COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3).02. SHAKER LAway's SEASONED SALT ONE 15's PKG. KITCHEN CATCHERS POLY BAGS '390 COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY SIZE ROAST of BEEF W «COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUP@N & PURCHASE OF ALP or MORE eResH prem WATERMELONS 1) ee heh = CARROTS. STAMPS 5206 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO BUNCHES WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE PKG, LoRLAW PLAIN 14-0%, or RIPPLE 12-08, WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4418, 11-02, PKG. FOR AUTOMATIC WASHERS ALL DETERGENT 114 COUPON EXPIRES AYG. 9 AFTER DINNER MINTS STAMPS 42) COUPON EXPIRES AUS. 3 A) eS | EXTRA STAMPS a0 | EXTRA STAMPS 528 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 402, BOTTLE mam |. SUNTAN LOTION 595 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 9 WITH COUPON & ANY TWO PRGS, BETTY CROCKER 42 COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE GF ONE 16 FL. OF, JAR wunz , SANDWION SPREAD WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF; ONE 3271. OF. TIN AEROWAX LIQUID FLOOR WAX Ti [ae 136 = COUPOM EXPIRES AUG. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2471. OZ, PLAS, BTLE LOTION DETERGENT WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 12-02, TIN SOFT or HARD TO MANAGE NESTLE SPRAZE 370 COUPON EXPIRES AUG 3) WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF; TWO REGULAR SIZE TINS AJAX CLEANSER PTT T 77 COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 3 ANY ONE BOOK ~~ 20 TITLES) GOOD HOUSEKEEPING ik WITH COUPON & PURCHASE ©? ONE LB. PKG. CHOICE het COD FILLETS TAT T Taam?! COUPON EXPIRES AUG: 9 ) Rebel PORK SAUSAGE STAMPS 496 COUPON EXPIRES AUG 3 ) WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE LE. PRG. ONE 10-18, PKG. ntw ee POTATOES TST Taam 17? COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 3 ) 'WITH COUPON & PUREMASE OF