94 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 27, 1966 ANN LANDERS Mom, Dad To Blame For Son's Behavior Dear Ann Landers: I am 20. mother's tragic death may have My girl friend is 18. The prob-|had a traumatic effect on her. lem is my girl friend's 15-year- old brother. This kid is com- Something is off kilter. You should not be helping a 12-year- pletely gut of control, and no-jold get dressed. Obviously, the body does one thing about it. girl needs professional counsel. When he sasses his mother|Call a family counsellor for an she yells, "Dad, come and hit|@ppointment. Cleveland has an Clark." He yells back, "Hit him yourself. I'm busy." Then they get into an argument about who should hit Clark. Of course, no- body hits Clark and he wins again. especially good agency. Dear Ann Landers: I'm en- gaged to marry a captain in the marine corps. He is the most wonderful man in the world and I am very much in Last night, my girl and love with him. were sitting on the porch and this kid came up from behind and cracked her over the head with the telephone book. I was afraid he had fractured her skull, I lost my temper and ve him a-wallop across the ck. He began to bawl and holler for his dad to come and whip me. Both his dad and mother came running. They chewed me out for laying a hand on their son. My own parents said Last week he told me some shattering news--he is still in love with the girl he went with before we became engaged. The girl broke up with him for a musician who later dropped her without notice and left town. My marine said his pride would not let him call the girl al- though he has wanted to many times, What shall I do? He has not said he will not marry me but I shouldn't have hit him. Please|! get the idea he is getting cold tell me what to do in the future. feet. Please advise.--Girl With Nothing but pain stops that kid.|@ Headache --Pushed Too Far Dear Pushed: You should not have hit Clark, but strictly be- Dear Girl: If you think you have a headache now just marry a man who tells you he's in love with someone else. Give tween us, I'm glad you did.ji. marine an honorable dis- Somebody should have hit him 12 years ago. Dear Ann: Three years ago my niece came to live with me after she lost her mother under ic circumstances. The girl isan adorable, affectionate 12- year-old. charge. He wants out. Confidential to Should I Or Shouldn't 17: I am no physician but an operation to correct bunions can be painful, and it will take you off your job for a while. Since you seem to lack confidence in your doctor, I She is a good student but she/cugeest you check his advice dawdles much that it irritates me. have to help her get her clothes on in the morning or she's never finished dressing. She pokes through breakfast and I} almost have to spoon-feed her. The child seems very happy | with me. She has lovely friends | and everything a young girl could wish for. I didn't have | these problems with my own) children. What am I doing wrong? Am I pushing her too | hard? Please advise.--Cleve- | land j Dear Cleveland: The girl) cdme to you when she was nine. Her patterns of behavior were | pretty well set, Then, too, her THE STARS SAY | By ESTRELLITA | FOR TOMORROW While a.m. aspects will be on/ the mild side, that will be a} good period in which to make | plans for afternoon cctivities. | Mor vigorous influences, which} will prevail after noon, will en- courage accomplishment in im- portant interests, stimulate un- usual but feasible ideas. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, during the next five months, you will probably have to work hard to maintain financial sta-} bility, but that clever planning and programming for the next | two years--especially if) launched in September and (or) | October--will begin to pay off) in January of next year. A few) admonitions where money is concerned: Avoid extravagance and speculation during the first) week of August and throughout) September, November and De- cember. Limit all expenditures during these periods and above all, make no financial commit- ments in November or the first two weeks in December, or you could find your affairs in a pre- carious state. This forecast should not dis- courage you, however, since stars promise that if you do plan cleverly to improve your position--and make those plans |™ with a two-year range in mind --then execute smartly' you should see fine results during the first three months of 1967; also, between June 1 and Sept. 1 of that year. Career matters should pro- gress nicely during the 12 months ahead, especially if you are willing to shoulder some additional responsibilities and even venture into some untried areas of endeavor. Best chances for advancement: The last two weeks in August, the last week in September, the last two weeks of October (exceptionally good!), the latter half of De-| cember, all of next February and May. In your personal life, look for some interesting romantic de-; velopments during the latter half of December, in February, | May and June; opportunities to travel during the last two weeks | in October, in late December, January, April and June; and stimulating social activities in late August, late September and throughout December, Jan- uary, February, April and June --the latter month an excep- tionally fine one for Leoites on all counts. A child born on this day will be endowed with a dynamic) personality and the talents to} succeed in any field where he will dislike manual work, in- can make his leadership felt: | tensely, however. | FRUIT DRESSING | Here is a tempting fruit salad dressing. Simply com-| bine 1 2-3 cups evaporated milk and a 16-ounce can undiluted, | frozen orange juice concentrate | in a quart jar. After covering, | shake vigorously to blend. Chill. Makes 2 1-3 cups dressing. | and daydreams " with two other doctors. Flanking -the lovely lady in the soft print dress, our two men are wearing easy, cool evening jackets de- signed by After Six Form- als for summer wear. Left, a narrow band of satin frames the shawl collar, cuffs and pockets in a din- ner jacket of rayon and JACKETS FOR AFTER SIX estron which comes in six colors. Right, a satin shawl collar and satin cuffs trims a jacket in a new silk- like blend of wrinkle-resis- tant Dacron and worsted fabric. This style comes in garnet, sapphire, peridot and ice blue. By TRACY ADRIAN TRY OUT MUM'S PIE STRENSALL, England (CP) Soldiers who don't like army cuisine will be able to test their palates at this Yorkshire camp. The mothers of 120 members of the Junior Soldiers Brigade have been asked by the com- mander to bake an apple pie each to compare with the pies of army cook Sgt. David Mar- tin. TO MAKE PARFAITS 1, Layer of crushed sweeten- ed fresh or defrosted ber- ries, 2. Layers of strawberry ice cream. 3. More berries. 4. More ice cream. 5. More berries. 6. Top with whipped cream and a whole berry. English Race Horse Has Historic Name By CAROL KENNEDY . LUTON, England (CP)--The birthplace of Canadian Confed- eration and a champion race- horse with a similar name were linked in an informal ceremony Friday on the sunlit terrace of one of England's most famous stately homes. Lady Zia Wernher, owner of the 1966 derby winner Charlot- town, was presented with a horseshoe plaque of birdseye maple from Prince Edward Is- land, as a gesture of friendship from the citizens of Charlotte- town. The presentation by H. Wat- son Jamer, agent-general for the Atlantic provinces, 'took place on the terrace above the magnificent Bedfordshire man- sion that houses one of the fin- est private art collections in England. RECEIVED FLAG Geoffrey Murray, Canada's deputy high commissioner, and his wife attended the ceremony, at which the Wernhers also re- ceived a P.E.I. flag. The plaque of maple wood, bearing a horseshoe fashioned from titanium by retired Char- lottetown blacksmith Ful- ton Robinson, will go next to glass case containing the im- pressive Wernher collection of racing trophies, Lady Zia, daughter of a Rus- sian grand duke, a cousin of the last czar and relative of five European royal families, won three classic races in 1955 with Meld, dam of Charlottown. Sir Harold Wernher, 73, is president of the Electrolux elec- trical equipment company. HOUSEHOLD HINT Before baking a sponge or angel food cake, wash all neces- sary utensils in hot, soapy water. The slightest trace of grease spells failure for your cake, Would vou believe it? Bunk beds are not only the solution to space and budget problems, kids love them so much you have to beg them NOT to go to bed! (well almost) BUY NOW! PRICES REDUCED ON BUNK BEDS First for value and choice of styles. Select hardwood construction. Easily converted to 2 separate beds. Priced from $59.88 complete Mustrated at the right the BONANZA Luxurious 252 coil-count, quilted, smooth-top mat- tresses covered in rich Irish imported damask. Padded posture boards. Choice of wood finishes. Big 39" size complete, $179.88 128.88 rose...garden.-of -Luton--Hoo,- they 5 the Gold Derby Cup in the) the SCOUT 59.88 Durable hardwood frame, spring fil- ed mattresses, weil supported on siat springs. Red Mapie only, 30" size, complete, 4 the REVERE Early American style' has 220 coll- count smooth top mattresses, on pad- ded posture boards. Rugged hard- wood frame in choice of finishes. Single bed size complete. the SECORD 138.88 Beautiful heavy turned posts, luxuri- Ous panel quilted, smooth top 220 coi mattresses with prebuilt borders. Padded posture boards, Rich colo- pre finishes. Single bed size com- plete, Budget Terms Quickly, Easily Arranged -- Payments As Low As $1.00 Wkly. (© herney's CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD ... 80 KING ST. E. (Downtown Oshawa) SKIMMER SLIMMER Tremendous Value! Hard to believe -- but true! An almost unheard of low price for these washable taffetized rayon skimmers. In overall geo- metric and floral designs. Wide assortment of cool-as-iced-tea color combinations. Wear with or without its sash tie belt. 12" back zipper. S, M, L. WALKER'S Where Good Taste In Fashion Is Not Expensive. Accessories See these outstanding bargains in our jewellery dept. All items such as: Jewellery, Clutch Purses, Scarves, Handbags and Swim Caps. UP TO % PRICE Dresses Ladies' petite, misses', half size dresses, great assortment in styles and colors. While they last. REG. TO 19.98 UP TO '2 PRICE Sportswear Look for these greatly reduced items of Summer Sportswear right in price and quality. Swim Suits, Blouses, Slims, Beach Jackets and Co-Ordinate Sets. REG. TO 14.98 UP TO 2 PRICE Girls' Wear Outstanding values of Summer merchandise priced for your budget. 2 pc. Short Sets, Beach Coats, Skirts, Slims, Blouses, Pyjamas, Co-ordine- ates and Dresses. AT GREAT SAVINGS Boys' Wear Large assortment of boys' summer wear at bargain prices. Jackets, Pants, Sport Shirts, T-Shirts, Pyjam- as, Sweaters, Caps and All-Weather Coats. GREATLY REDUCED Men's Wear You can't beat these terrific sav- ' ings on men's short sleeve Sport Shirts, and Dress Shirts, Cabana Sets, Swim Trunks, Pyjamas, Jackets, Hats:'and Caps. %3 TO '2 OFF SIDEWALK SALE Join the fun of shopping in the outside Mall. See the fantastic savings up to 50% off and more. Items you need now and later. BARGAINS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY !!! OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ee