12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 27, 1966 GERBER OR HEIN? STRAINED MORE POWER TO YOUR FOOD DOLLAR POWE power / ¥ GRAIN FED BEEF PORTERHOUSE » WING | gure "SIRLOIN > T-BONE | LI. t TED ri 2 oR STOKELY Fancy TOMATO RO Ns T 5. We Reserve the Right te Limit Q ith , ble Family Req PRESSWOOD"S LEAN wrote PICNICS Ib. 59: U.S. No. 1 GRADE PLUMP, SWEET Seedless 13° us. No.1 Gtae RED caroivat GRAPES. RIPE, RED AND SWEET WATERMELONS = 8 NO DEALERS PLEASE Power Rich and Creamy Vi All Popular Brands As CARTON HEINZ TOMATO H 'Cigaperres - i ) Fresh, Sliced : "BREAD 2": Mason's Canned Soft CARTON 24 10-0Z. TINS aft g CARNATION EVAPORATED Pure White Granulated MILk 16 OZ. TIN