Pe School Registrations Climb REST Hellyer Side Steps As Birth Rate In Decline pe oy Dyed yw Ba : e in ho di last 12 years in Vy Vy TORONTO (CP) -- Although)year from 26.1 in 1960. There|PUBHE se enrolement. Sec- Claim B Land more Ontario's. birth rate has been|were 159,245 births in 1960 and ondary school students will to falling steadily for the last six| ,niy 141.555 in 1965 tal about 32,000 this fall com- y 141, in . pared with 18,600 in 1956. Y ee we? ' ears, education officials s By JOSEPH MacSWEEN {gration program, alleged cen-jactions, the minister said, ptt pice '<' cian Reginald Sheppard, secretary- IS (CP)--Defence Minis-|Sorship. | Specifically on the censorship itate ic «+ treasurer of the Chatham board t yea Pan se Canadas said The admiral is quoted as say-|question, Hellyer said: ~ pense a predict when it of education, said that although er Paul Hellyer of Vanada falling that when he reported to a| "The personnel information|" yw "t) sutton, director of Lon-\there has been a 25-per-cent today ne does noi intend io "eA- | pariiamentary commiiiee, iieyinciuded in' his Graft bietng don's board of education said|"?op im births inthe city during ter--inte-a-newsnaner debate' |section of his brief dealing with| was not within his responsibility]; an_interview the city's 'chnol | the last year, There will be no with Rear - Admiral William|personnel was "thoroughly cen-|as commander of Maritime population was 31,000 in 1961,|aPpreciabie "change in' school Landymore, |sored and rewritten." |Command: rose to 40,026 last year ein '| population for the next four or In Paris for a NATO minis-/ PLANS TO APPEAR | 'Personnel information in- expected to climb to 42,700 this five years. terial meeting, Hellyer sad in| Hellyer said he understands |cludine statistics is strictly at mn J. H. Kinkead of Goderich an interview he has learned that|Landymore has volunteered toja headquarters responsibility |" ay sutton said a professional inspector of schools for Huron "for a reasonable man to de-\appear before the parliamen-|coming under the jurisdiction of survey, carried out saverat District No, 1 and president of bate with the admiral is an ex-|tary defence committee when|the chief of personnel," ears ago indicated the popula-| the Ontario Educational Associ- ercise in futility."' |the National Defence Act} Personnel chief at the time 5 Ate 'will rise to 50,000. by 1972. ation, said: He was questioned a are being consid-|was gate Pad nl - ~~ Ontario's birth vate has fallen | "Byery time we think there J Toronto Star interview j i red, lyer, He added that the dra : | | en Landymore, who was relieved| "That's the place where he|brief in question was a presen- to 21 a thousand population last will wes falling-off in school) 4 +\ot his Maritime-Command last\chould state his views, where|tation to the parliamentary week after publicly criticizing|he can be cross-examined and|committee at its recent session Ithe government's services-inte-laccount to the committee for hisi--a few weeks ago. Pry eo iy RECORDS DURING sizeP-COAlition China Scores British PM | Mitchum Carroll Bake le a patient's blood pressure _--utes. The recorder is valu- Government Over Viet Nam Policy 4 ' _ while he sleeps. Leads from able in monitoring post-oper- the machine are attached to ative blood pressure, check- PEKING (Reuters) -- China|comments on the British role In the patient's finger and a ing patients getting hpyer- P d launched a bitter personal at- o seis eae paper from the machine are tensive drugs and in certain ro ose tanks oe estan AP ainister the Viel Nam war. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT chine are yt ara 'iva Sil Bache Pins fn MEME Tay) | Ry MICHAEL GTLLAN Wit day avr Vet NAM "conan on In| | BOBHOPETUESAY WELD FRANKIE AVALON DMA MERILL OTTAWA (CP) -- A political) Policy. : ; The People's Daily said the|china, has come in for specially 9 & ° pperies ge pret Bhs se policy is 'driving Britain step vehement criticism since the Ld Take Sweden Artist Finds jvermy © estern Ontario says Chinese publicly rejected the ; dre ty by step into the whirlpool of the forming a coalition government) ty ,itaq states imperialist war|Geneva conference as a means| } TECHHICOLOR' revont on UNITED ARTISTS to produce a strong administra: | + aggression against Vietiof dealing with the Viet Nam' |tion from a minority Parlia- Nam." problem Box Office Opens e jment should not be ruled out, : inte d . is cubes did P ' 1 BW. ML, Bebe rd len, oe ae ae cumeart | parte Seat' fhe tame Ptr OSHAWA Biers W ] Ss the Liberal party publication| Paty Organ. Wn pe ing the vallalty of the Geneva 723-4972 Starts 9:15 p.m The Journal of Liberal Thought,| uve, menature of Observer,jagreements, China also _ap- DRIVE-IN bts ; concludes that the results of the|¥25 fiercer in tone but similar|peared to be trying to deprive TORONTO (CP)--'A tremen-|immediately excited at how well) \oey thy ss oo owe tin content to previous Chinese) Russia and Britain of the influ-) -- dous, fascinating new field for|drawings reproduce, and what canal ey les spies ence they still hold in the Indo- the artist" is Canadian painter} f movement the c ti ted Nites Coa: . |china 'conflict through their co-| NOW SHOWING KIDS eas FREE John Gould's desctiption: of|"ense of movement We camera parties wanted to produce a mi B t F d 1 ehaveaseeant Hegel 2 ie work with sketches filmed to|can give to them, nority Aripsiotvgyt igges a | Ask ' "a0 ie ines Ho ll is "g : ' . He said it was clear from the sound effects. So last summer I went to |' ° aceunae thaw af : Gould has produced a 15-min-| Oaxaca and Guanajuato, in the|Statements of the leaders of the| Is Stalkin liseeatin paokicd ar Und ; ute film employing 150 sketches|central region of Mexico. For a) minor parties that they did not) Statea Balle oh United) i oak as ' from among 300 he made last{month I used my sketch padjexpect to head a government) e : ee View New teed shurbesses as He A Supercalifragilistic f7. summer in Mexico. like a reporter, looking for the|@fter Noy. 8, 1965. VANCOUVER (CP)--The lat-) VI@l : : H Called Little Monday, the film/life and movement and flow of "Most voters who supportedjest fad in British Columbia big) The People's Daily article en- recreates a day in the life of aljevents in the towns, day after these parties may be assumed|game hunting is stalking the titled Ugly features of Wilson, peaceful Mexican town with!day."' ' to have been oblivious to the|tourist in his native habitat. said: "At this crucial juncture, scenes of the market place of) The effect of the new medium reservations of their leaders,, The most sought-after quarry) we would like to warn the Brit- old men dozing in the sun andiis a product of the sketches but many knew they were vot-|is the greenbacked Californian,/ish prime minister that by of a fiesta. ; that flow into one another, the|ing for a party that would not|king of the highways and the) throwing in Britain's lot with "1 couldn't. have made ajbackground sounds that blend/form the government," he/resort hotels, He's the biggest| the United States you can attain greater change if I had sud-|with the drawings, and the) writes, |specimen in the tourist bag that/no other end but to hasten the 3 : i denly turned from painting to|skilled use of camere "An isolated minority govern-|could be worth up to $220,000,-|collapse of British imperial- 1 , 8 iH sculpture," Gould said in an in-|glides over different features of/ment like that of 1967, in which|000 to the province this year. [isi pe a ng 7 the sketches 20 per cent of the electorate; Tourists used just to happen.| - nnn svi SULIE ANDREWS - DICK VAN DYKE "T got the idea when Alan| "There is a whole new world voted for third parties, may be They turned up for years all) | ' Friend by BUENA VITA Dntiboban Gone. 196 Hit Dsmey Pmtctone TECHNICOLOR® Jarvis did a show on my workiepen to the contemporary art-|classed as a minority govern- by themselves, but Jately the) | PLUS WALT DISNEY from Spain on television a few|ist, working directly for and|ment by accident. government and tourist indus-| : | ONE SHOWING CARTOON FESTIVAL years ago. It was a weice-ovee| wih the camera on a theme," try er have been scram- 2... ONLY AT 9:15 with Jarvis talking. I was|Gould said. |bling to bring in more. i je - = : ste ade oct ee! - Mass Famine | California is the best hunting - nox OFFICE ground, because it has more| la ' i | LIVERPOOL RO. TE PEE ENS 8:00 NAT 401 REGULAR Mulamba, Rebels Meet In 1980's Seem lisriant"s/"on Stress] MS BE prive-in MC | ly | plenty of time and money. é | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Mass| This explains a massive inva- t { W S b d ifamine in the 1980s cannot be/sion of the state by provincial | " rea ar u. Sl es | prevented unless the less-devel-|tourism leaders, who made 117 GEORGIAN | ; | 3 : Today's commentary again) P : SEE IT oped countries do more in the|separate pitches in a five-day THE KINSHASA, The Congo (Reut-jmerly Stanleyville) in a week-|next five years to feed them-|period during April. ers)--Fears of a new civil warjend attack. selves, U.S. Agriculture Secre-| It is also the reason for the | GIRL in The Congo subsided today as) Mulamba, a popular former) tary Orville Freeman said Sun-|five-man staff at B.C. House in) MOTOR Premier Leonard Mulamba met|commander of the northern! day. San Francisco, which works to} with leaders of rebel troops who|Congo city, flew there early, By then, he said, because of|cultivate good relations with LOUNGE | seized control of Kisangani (for-|Sunday after Katangan and) world population growth, the} 3,000 travel agents in San Fran- | --|white mercenary troops took| United States, Canada andjcisco and Los Angeles. lover Kisangani in an attackjother developed agricultural) Sixty per cent of the U.S. vis- TH * e rtment backed by cannons and mortars, | countries will no longer have thejitors to B.C, last year came | | The Entertaining Entertainment | The rebellion--the worst since food potential to prevent such|from California, roughly 15 per H |the country was rocked by vio-|@ disaster. cent of all the province's tour- a" a' M | Nightly. Denies Charges llence after gaining independ-| However, Freeman expressed ists, e onroe and Saturdey TORONTO (CP) -- A firejence from Belgium in 1960--was|doubt that the full production) - _ Afternoon department official denied|believed to have been sparked capacity of the U.S. will be OUTSMART SELVES VINT charges Sunday night that therejoff by the mutineers' resent. called into use within the next' gGrmens FALLS, N.Y. (AP)--| J s 3 The Country Mainliners Matinee was any unusual delay in an-jment at not having been paid! five years gavucs) rexitenia at anak Rison? swering a two-alarm fire in|for three months. He spoke in a television pro-| vatitioned the city to reduce the : '4 | three west-end houses Saturday ' Foreign Minister Justin Bom-|8t@m Seatie speed finite to 15 m.p.h featuring the best in Country | THE night. oko told reporters in the capi- : ~| When the city agreed, police set : | Martin Slomovitz, 35, owner|ta! Sunday: "We think that a FILM BALLET up radar traps to enforce the and Western music. CADILLAC of one of the three houses dam- | Compromise is in sight and that A version of George Balan-/new limit. They prom ptly aged in the $6,000 blaze, said the situation will be quickly|chine's ballet A Midsummer| caught four motorists, All lived APPEARING -- ot the -- he ran to a nearby fire station brought under control. Night's Dream has been filmed.'on Bush Street. and found it empty because The official Congolese news a trucks were answering another 48ency said about 800 Katangan THIS WEEK R troops and mercenaries took apy | firecall. : SARI 20th cent presente Mr. Slomovitz said it took the part in the mutiny. It said five | Dic e CENTURY FOR y a" s "" fire department between 20 rebel bodies were discovered) ONO oe FRANCO The Friendly Spot minutes and half an hour to/after the rebellion, but beyond ' | reach the scene. saying that a number of Rov-| ' : | | Mrs. Donald Johnston who\/ernment gh hg | CinemaScoPt \ CARUSO = i ext door to Mr. Slomovitz|4ve no cCasuaity figures for . : py tid it took : to half an/loyalist forces Something Colossal -- Something New hour for trucks to arrive, How-, Kisangani was reported quiet, Versatile ever, Mrs. Yetta Cohen, who|With telephone and telegraph lives on the other side of Mr. jlinks cut and the radio station "yf italian Guitarist _-- Pri Slomovitz, said it seemed like Silent. Katangan police were re-| @ Dave Turner Prince of Comedy a long time but was no more ported in control of the centre of . M.C, en Vocalist than 12 minutes. the city, with the mercenaries e y Deputy Fire Chief Charles |holding the airport een : - : @ Music by "The Swingers" Chambers said he felt residents sc S * : . | A hs of the three homes, were late HONOR TV HOST | Now aname _ i | @ Miss Kay Marks -- Exotic Dancer grew | ng Psa 'ioay rc A swimming complex at a| soon 4 : vanes ai Fish cesioy sata: Springfield, Mass., college, is to| quarters, came in at 9:08 p.m ple wg afer, TN "Doel wan a legend. . . and a truck from another sta- : iis fad : . . . "U dictable"' tion arrived four minutes later. : | --tohaeal . npredicte': He said he arrived at the fire Still Seance "| THE GHEMEST | < Ree seve = ; HIGH ADVENTURE : RRO "ss Riotous Comedy Earl Of Avon __EVER FILMED! = : , sian ee Fears Disaster "am ~ a | ee : @ FULLY LICENSED ¢ Entertainment Nightly ot 9 P.M, Motinee Seturday 4 P.M. te 6 P.M, NEW YORK (AP)--The Earl of. Avon, former British prime| % ' ; Ay . i And The KING ST minister Anthony Eden, warns; Q&Y ' Sem BST ETI be. 4 ¢. that the U.S. and China are on} * FEATURE TODAY: Starring... OSHAWA Franco Caruso 'Ollisi 'ou which could F Selig werd: Waprter. = . rearuae SHOWN DAILY AT; Quartet Lord Avon writes in Harper's 710 - 4:30 - 6:55 - 9:15 . magazine that 'the danger of| COMBA PETALS presen | Dancing Nightly direct conflict between the -- --------_---- i RECS 2 United States and China is real" GREGORY PECK | ge * In the and should not be underesti-' 3 = | DAVID NIVEN He was Britain's foreign sec- ANTHONY QUINN TH E K i LT ORE Dining Lounge ~. retary at the. time of the 1954) ' . \ \ \ Geneva agreements that divided| M 9 P.M. 'til 1 AM, At . Viet Nam into North and South : He proposes a formula for set- ' has closed its door at the tlement, which in some respects : : mee Vane AN Ties SPRUCE VILLA repeats proposals advanced by for a complete renovation. GEORGIAN r Favourites others, involving a return to the i ' ; . 1954 agreements, He proposes arse [COUOR and CINEMASCOPE | LOUNGE & DINING LOUNGE that those agreements form the ae Watch For The THE framework for ceasefire negoti MOTOR . ~ BOBSMITHS Finest Nightly Entertainment in this Area ations and terms for an ensuing guaranteed settlement Gra nd Opening 'Se Be Our French Buffet Is On Daily In substance, Eden proposes HOTEL Saeitinaeiink Wishiie a $3ld: Friday and Saturday after 9:00 p.m. till closing we that the International Control! Commission -- Canada, Poland MATINEE SATURDAY 4 P.M, TO 6 P.M, sell King Size Steaks 5.00 and Cold Plates at 1.50. FULLY LICENSED Seamed in 1984 to s0- of the new Odeon oat ns tes seedeoken truce nj NOW. PLAYING : 3 Indochina, should continue with TIMES m early August : THORNTON ROD. S. DUNDAS. ST We cater to weddings, banquets, parties; etc. extended powers and report to 1:05 . 3:45 . 6:25-9:10 For reservations call Whitby 668-3386 the Geneva conference regu AIR CONDITIONED : AT CHAMPLAIN AVE. WHITBY larly.