rerrys eee we oP ee & & p-rw PPP OO errr rr rr =e 3'W GONNA ENTER MY TURTLE IN THE COUNTY TURTLE RACE! THAT'S GREAT/ DLL BE CHBBRING FOR YOU/ OUT HAVE YOU INQUIREO ABOUT THE RULES # ) FOOLS CLATTERING OFF | SUNGLE AFTER A BAND SUDDENLY, TRYING 'TO SCRATCH ITS SIDE, ONE BUFFALO ROLLS ON 'THE GROUND + +6 IPL WERE ANY ¥ OKAY, LET HIM THINK, CLUMEIR HE ( YOU'RE HIG ONLY TAIL. WOULDWT WiLL 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 25, 1966 BRIDGE Oy &. JAY BECKER in besten! Chomplonship Play) FAMOUS HANDS East dealer. Both sides vulnerable. 86 10742 Opening lead -- two of clubs, I don't know about nice people, but to me this is one of the greatest hands ever played, Declarer was. Helen Sobel, who played the hand many years ago. She won the club Jead with the ace and now de- duced that East had the A-K of spades alone! Accordingly, she led the three of spades and had no trouble making four notrump as @ re 4 {sult of her brilliant deduction, The question is how Mrs, Sobel was able to tell at trick one that the A-K of spades could be driven out without wasting a high card or without using up valuable entries to dummy for spade leads toward the Q-J, When the logic behind the spade play at trick two is ex- amined, it Is found to be exe tremely sound. East had to have the king of hearts and A-K of spades for his opening bid. Only 14 highe card points were missing alto- gether. It was very unlikely that West had as many as two hearts, because he would surely have preferred to lead partner's | Suit in preference to his own, which was 10-x-x-x at best, Channel 1i--Hamittes Channel #--Torente O--Rochestor T--Buttale é-Toronte +--Buttate Voie b--Barrie d--Buttete 3~Tightrope nisin ae 00 MONDAY EVENING 5:00 PLM, VieFamily Theatre ... + #--Superman Wits 6 cam é--Viewpoint HE SINGS A) LAREDO/ f BELIEVE I 7) r/ SPANIGH HEAR 7----Cheyenne 2--Tonight 5 3 T.BA, 2--Mike Dougias 5:30 PM, 6--Mad Movies ' 'oLarede N--The Vise &-Doble Gillis 4:00 P.M, pd od Theatre Eric Sykes 46---News, Sports with Chuck Healy T--Movie 6:30 PM, 9-3-2--News, Weather Sports @~Huntiey-Brinkley News é--Vagabond Honeymoon 4--News 1--Combat 7:00 P.M, 8:00 Hie-Mike Douglas Batman 8--Ripcord é--News, Weather, Sports 4~Littlest Hobo 3--Honey West Girl Talk Y--12 O'clock High 4~--To Tell The Truth _ TELEVISION 8-2----Run for Your Life J--Big Valley $-3--Singalong Jubilee 4--Talent Scouts %-People in Confilet 6--Mr, Roberts PM, 11-98 -7-6-4-3-2---News? Weather snd Sports PLM, how Tite PA, 4-Late Show é--Night Metre 1:28 PM. 1 PM, 8&--Tonight Show es Hitchcock Wie PLM, 1:00 A.M. Vie News, Weather, Sports TUESDAY A.M. 4--Ceptain Kangaroe 6:38 A.M. %--TV University 0:55 AM, 7--Diallng For Dollars. 9:00 A.M, | 1i---Morning Musicale &--ruliabsloo 4--Mike's Carnival #--Romper Room Make Sure, nie AM 0:00 PM, | V--The Merv Griffith Sho! 1!--Buccaneers 9----Abracadabre 7--Dating Game 8-2--Showdewn JOON Ne-Bonnle Prudden $-2---Jeopardy + | TMoney Mevie 3-4--Luncheon Date 12:15 P.M. 12:90 PLM, lie-Noon Time 12.4 P.M, jovie 14s PLM, 64---Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, H--Theatre 9M Giri Ta 7--Ben Casey a----Topper 110 PLM, 3--Movie 2:00 P.M, 6--Culsine 4----Password 20 P.M 6--Coronation Street TowA Time for Us LOG 4~Dick Van Dyke Show PM, 3-Ernie Lindell : 12100 WN 9--Toronto Summertime 4--News and Weather 4--Speaker of the House 34---News, Weather, t ports $-2--Swingin' Country 64----Search for Tomorrow &-Dialing for Dollars tk +6--Luncheon Date *, 4---Meet the Millers" &4----As The World Turns 24----Let's Make a Deal 7--Newlywed Game 28--Days of Our Lives %--People in Conflict RUNNING FROM HOME AWAY FROM HE RAN AWAY SUMMER Therefore, West had a singleton or a vold in hearts, However, West could not real» ly be void of hearts, If he were, he would have had some five card suit, and if he had one, he would surely have led it in pre ference to a four-card suit (ag indicated by the deuce lead), Hence West had precisely one heart, The inevitable consequence of this conclusion was that West's distribution was. 4-4-4-1, And since West had four spades, it followed that East had only two. It likewise fol- tage ay two were the °K, ast's ning bid was to be eh gg . ' To lead a club or a diamond in order to enter dummy would either cost a trick or use up a valuable entry. So Mrs. Sobel saved her strength and led a low spade at trick two. SALLY'S SALLIES ne Make Shore 2----Boro's Big Top 9:30 AM %-Uncle Bobby &-Smile Time 4--Love of Life d--Jack Lalanne 10:00 A.M. 63---Nature of Things 2---Death Valley Days 100 PM, a 4--Linkietter's Party 2-8----Doctors & 9--Bewitc 1--Littiest: Hobe ¢3--The Fugitive 4---I've Got A Secret 24--John Forsythe 2% PM YOUR HEALTH | 3:00 A.M %--Fractured Phrases @-2--Another World J--General Hospital | $44--To Tell The Truth 125 PM, |4--News MICKEY MOUSE lie-My Three Sons %--Andy Griffith 7--The Legend of Jesse James 4-Vacation Playhouse 24--Dr, Kildere |8-2--Eye Gues! li Hawkeye #00 PM, Country Musle Mel Ti--Laredo oe Foden Called o-Time Out 3-46---2-8--Jonn Davidson #:2--Chain Let Jo=-Peyton Place 4---Lew and Mr CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Gold &. Portico ® Tree of the pine family 3, Monks' hoods | 12. Prepared 13. Reg ) M4. Ember 4S, Aptitude 16, Tramp 8, Youth 1, Sample 5. Frightening 6 Civil wrong 1. To be in debt & Yellow wt State 9. Rugged rock dealing with Karth lid Allen Time Summer Fun -3--Concentration F--Donne Reed 1100 AM, Th-Long John Silver q re. ter 9B i 7--Supermarket Sweep 3-Ed Allen Time 4~--Andy of Mayberry 0. a. 32. | $6---Take 30 | 3,30 PLM, |11--Punny Company | %-It's Your Move | 7--Super Show | 4--Hdge of Night You Don't Say | 4:00 P.M, | @-1 Love Lucy | @--Match Game | 4--Secret Storm | 3¢--Vacation Time 2--Merv, Griffin 11--Plipper %Movie 4--Movie river in Saturday's Ancwer Wales $3. Ragout Window parts African 29. Vex antelope Fashions NIA EIN; ianswer to this question, but b iheld, that psychiatric help im- " |plies months of weekly or more 35, Successor 38, Audience 40. Portuguese coin ry 7 GY Za VV | Psychiatric Help | Need Not Be Costly By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, M.D. By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner; How and where should I inquire about psychiatric help? I am not pov- erty stricken but I am far from being -able to afford private thelp which I desperately need, iT have two minor children and cannot carry out my duties as a mother in my present state of mind,--C, D, There's no quick off-the-cuff neither is the solution impos- sibly difficult. Perhaps the biggest stumbling block is the idea, too generally frequent costly interviews. Clearly that is impossible for anyone without substantial money to spend. Here, though, is the fact: Rather brief periods of sym: pathetic understanding, and the ability to put a patient's prob- lems into clear perspective, and occasional subsequent counsel- ing often are all that is needed. Granted that there aren't suf- ficient psychiatric services for jall who need them, there are in- county has one, and its phone number, 5. Not all physicians are familiar with psychiatric serv- ices, but many are, Ask your doctor. If he can't help, you still have these other avenues to ex- plore. 6. Public health departments are very much aware of such requests, and can tell you how best to proceed. Some clinics are available, although often overloaded. 7. Some psychiatric associa- tions sponsor training classes for general physicians who want to know how to treat psychiatric problems, These physicians ac- complish a great deal, and are in contact with psychiatric spe- cialists to help if excessively severe problems are en- countered, 8 This fall a pilot program will be sponsored by the United Auto Workers Union to provide psychiatric services, both in- patient and out-patient care, with some of the cost covered other insurance programs. by Blue Cross-Blue Shield or! Urgent to Mrs. D.; You may have genuine problems with your in-laws, but accusing them of causing your son to have diabetes is not valid. Dear Dr, Molner: I am wor ried about my 15 + year + old granddaughter, Is it dangerous for her to be anemic at this age? She becomes tired very quickly and just doesn't have the usual vim and vigor of a young person.--L. B. Calling every low - energy youngster anemic is stretching the lanaguage too far. Anemia is a specific condition (or rather one of several condi- tions) affecting the blood. If the girl is' anemic, the sooner she gets medical treat- ment, the better, A more likely cause of such fatigue is some combination of the following: Poor diet, not enough sleep, or boredom. At 15 youngsters should be full of zip--unless something is wrong. The girl should be checked medically. Dear Dr. Moiner: Is it safe for a girl of 14 to wear tampons jand go swimming?--P, L. / jcreasing services for those who oe ter the -- Yes. Y Itive a "se jigsaw puzzle of how to supply) Dear Dr. Molner; Is there Y) | How to find such services? (psychiatric help for all who|any way my 22-year-old son can lHere are ways: | jneed it shave without getting his face a bahia: | jsore? His skin is not broken out 1, Clergymen (not ail, but| Dear Dr. Molner: I am 20 and/but is so sensitive it bleeds some) are aware of available/e.necting my baby in a little/every time he shaves. I am services in a community, and) ore than two months. I havelafraid this will lead to skin can tell you how to get them./., appointment to see the den-|cancer.--Mrs, P, T. 3. There are mental health)tist but have been told by sev-} The danger of cancer is societies all over the country./eral people that I shouldn't go! scant. My first suggestion is for They know where to refer you. /yntil after the baby is born be-|him to try an electric razor be- 4. More than half the states|cause it may cause some birth/fore hunting for some other now have community mental/defect--also that watching TV) remedy He may also be sensi: health services boards. A call to/ will mark the baby.--Mrs, R.M,/tive to the shaving soap or a county board of supervisors} Pay no attention to either of|/cream, and should try another will disclose whether yourithese superstitions. brand. INTENT ON MAKING JULIE WIFE NO. §& HAROY TEAGUE HAS PURSUED HER TO DEVON | WHEN AN EMERGENCY CALL FROM HIS OFFICE INTERRUPTS... YOu TELL THEM 1 SPEND OVER THREE MILLION A YEAR IN THEIR = oO } ' PUBLICATIONS, AND < u/ : VsAre THAT FIGURE ' DOWN 1, Web-footed birds 2 Potats a i