Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jul 1966, p. 5

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Mrs, BE. A. MacMillan, Athol St, Whitby, was recently awarded a diploma in Leader- ship Education by the Baptist Federation of Canada for hav- ing satisfactorily completed the prescribed course, WHITBY PERSONALS John, New Brunswick, attended the wedding Maxim Cyr, Miller held in All Saints' Angli- jean Church. They also visited East Canada Mr. and Mrs. Felix Cyr, &t. of their son, to Miss Bonnie OTTAWA ¢ get to the bottom of the problem To Be Subject Of Probe (CP)\--One way to se Wey 3 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday. July 21, 1966 § Disparity ern verkes mma 8 6mae she the eastern provinces sad the rest of Canada in manpower -- For this ce of low incomes in the Atlantic provinces. and Quebec may be to undertake 2 deep study of earnings, A number of other factors which possibly could be reie- their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Alier Cyr and family, Mrs, MacMillan has done much as organizer and as lead- er to promote Christian Educa- tion, Before coming to Whitby, Mrs. MacMillan attended the Toronto Bible College. Best wishes are extended to Mrs. A. B, Mitchell, 555 Mary St, E., who is celebrating her birthday today. Mr. and Mrs, Olavia Orpana| and children, Louise, Linda, Lauri and David spent 10 days recently at the home of Mrs, Orpana's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Davis, 817 Green St, before leaving for 8t. Andrew's mons and family, spent a few days at the home of Mr, Cougle, 144 Hickory St, | 1007 Henry &t., guests, Mr. and Mrs, Smith, Mr. Whiteside and Mr, Joseph Smith of St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Currie, |{0 work of the people there. had as thelr Harold and Mrs. Lester logy put to use there, as com- and Mrs. of Ontario and Western Canada. A third is to analyse the amount and quality of natural resources and of manufacturing plant and equipment available per worker in all provinces. These have. been suggested in a staff study prepared for the Economic Council of Canada by Haroid Sim- Burlington, Mr, and Mrs, and Mrs, _ Sterling The objective of 300 blood the attitudes and the willingness Another is to investigate the quality of managerial talent and| the amount of modern technol- pared with the richer provinces vant should be studied, but sta- tistical data is not available, Mr. Denton's study was pre- pared as a background paper for last December's second an- nual review of the Canadian economy by the Economic Council, It was made public by the council Wednesday, with a covering note that the views ex- pressed were Mr. Denton's own. RESTORE NOSE TORONTO (CP) --~ Andrew Danielski, 5, is reported in good condition in hospital after doc- University at Berrien Springs, Mich,, where Mr. Orpana will continue his education. Sorry to learn that Mrs, P. G. Howard, 506 Brock St, &., is in the Oshawa General Hospital. Mr, and Mrs, Beverly J. Davis and family, Cheryl and Steven spent last weekend at donors was not reached at Whitby Blood Clinic Tuesday. This is partially due to General Motors' vacation, usual. donors vacationing and for many other reasons, In spite of it all 256 donors were on hand, Frank T, Denton, an economist and analytical research worker for the council and the Domin- fon Bureau of Statistics. | He says the statistical infor-| mation currently available is not sufficient to indicate why the average person's earned in- come in the Atlantic provinces is only two-thirds of the Cana- dian average, and more than tors sewed back the tip of his nose, bitten off by a dog Mon- day night. | 4 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME In the evening people prob- ably realizing the shortage, ral- lied up and kept everyone busy BICYCLE SAFETY STRESSED This 4 year old, 2 storey home has spoce to spare for the growing fomily with 12 x 13° kitchen, 12 x 11' dining room and larger than average bedrooms, Exterior finish is brick ond just enough clapboard to change the color occasionally, The Junior executive buyer will find the prestige in living In o spacious, well planned home without the cost of maintaining @ sprawling lot that a one storey bungalow would need to have. The wise buyer will oppre- be y= pede On toxes, heat costs and sq. ft. cost of this sizeable 2 storey home, so why settle for Some extras ore panelled recreation room with omate Acorn type fireploce, Combinotion record player, radio and bullt-in speaker, Norge Dryer, 2 bathrooms, sun deck and TV tower. You get ail this in one of the better Oshawa Eost End Streets for @ firm price of $21,950, With as little as $4,000 Down... Don't walt -- call now! Gordon Osborne REALTOR 2 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU... 218 Dundes St. E., Whitby 48 Simcoe St. $., Oshawe Phone 668-8826 Phone 728-5157 (2 doors east of thé Whitby Post Offics) (Opposite Oshawe Post Office) RED WING ORCHARDS Thank You! ! For Your Patronage... NO APPLES Until Late August Located 21% Miles West of Whitby on No. 2 Highway at the 'BIG RED APPLES" itheir cottage at Little Lake,| "© near Cobourg with their donations. It was/49 ner cent below incomes in gratifying to see many NeW/Ontario and British Columbia. Happy birthday to Mrs, opt donors wave pew be bia Dauncey who is celebrating her | t FE ILL |birthday today. Whitby Police Department| 'There is a concentration of| | was well represented and help-\iqw.wage industries in the At: | The next Blood Clinic Dayjed greatly with their large|jantic provinces, a larger-than- will be Nov. 16, also at the| donation of blood, average number of workers in So | Mati aGhul™a Ac omage i enemponen: P. A, Chubb wishes to than ' ' r ® all who donated, all who assist- erally lower educational attain- ownsnl ment level, and a lower propor- jed and specil thanks for the use ti th lation 1! 4 of the Royal Canadian Legion|"0" ° wipes on living an New Post Office "" Denton says nn Ajax Police Soresant Don ae, Se yee tn Ya pe ghd Bruce, four-month-old son of| To a lesser extent, the same Robson, in charge of Safety croft Cres .In an all-out ing the + ee holidays, A |, 8 ROUGHAM -- Picker-|Mr, and Mrs, John Dainard, 111/factors prevail in Quebec. Education, looks on while program for children's safe- bicycle rodeo. is being |ing Township Council will petl-| Craydon Rd,, is in the Oshawa| But together, they do not ex- mechanic John Bath tight ty, Sergeant Robson enlisted -- planned by Sgt, Robson for |'ion the postmaster Pope ae for| General Hospital. : iplain fully the disparity between ens nuts and bolts on a the aid of 16 garages and the last week in August. ¢ ~ oi tel wie tee) suger bicycle owned by Michael bicycle repair shops and --Oshawa Times Photo teonine e WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY [barenining committee agreed '0| cng ty Meant poe pooh Fig oo ge lhe In the |office, will be forwarded to the Wild A ® ] Ci Rid Sudbury district, But 300 picket spent i 3 Le \leaders rejected the arrange- ep +e as ? ey | ima ircus ] hon at Sig: in Sudbury | Pherson said that this was long Pa |Wednesday night. overdue, ] F { P ] In Hamilton, 200 dockworkers| "I take some exception to my e are un 0 1ce | remained out in a wildcat strike | mail coming to me addressed \to gain pay increases granted/to Ajax," said Councillor John If you pass the Peel St. S.; Police Relief Fund, Chairman | to longshoremen in Montreal! Williams, 'There are more Park in Whitby this Friday| Richard Sandford reports ad-|last month, | people in Bay Ridges than the ing o vour way to work| Vance ticket sales have been) A new two-year contract call-|whole of Ajax, and more people eee m7 ; | very good and a large crowd is\ing for a 40-cent-hourly pay|in the township than in four you will be greeted with # spec) expected / |boost was signed between the| towns." tacle as out of place as Wonder-|) When the ring master' sInternational Woodworkers of| "You'll never get a letter land was to Alice. A frenzied| whistle sounds at 2 p.m, and| America (CLC) and Forest In-|from me addressed to Ajax," anthill of activity will shatter|the band starts to play, hun:|dystrial Relations, representing | the morning calm as workmen|dreds of Whitby area children|99 British Columbia lumber said the deputy reeve. set up the equipment and tents| will step through the looking/companies. The contract will WANT CONSCRIPTION for the Sells and Gray, Wild! glass into the realm of purelaffect about 26,000 IWA work- TORONTO (CP) --- The Tor- Animal Circus, __ |fantasy. Color, noise, cottoniers, A week-long strike by 26\onto branch of the Naval Offie The Whitby Police Associa-/candy, trapeze artists, chalk-/TwA members at Richmond, |cers Association of Canada tion is sponsoring the 2 and 8/ faced clowns, and wild animals|p.c., ended as a result of the | wants peace-time conscription p.m. performance as a fund/will be the winning combina-/ signing. and an impartial study of gov: raising project to support the! tion for an exciting experience, |------------_- ernment plans to integrate the Motorcycle Meet Slated AMATEURS SHINE three armed forces, Frank C. It's Here... Mercantile Dept Store WHITBY PLAZA Annual July Clearance Sale OF SUMMER STOCK More than 100 amateur music | Manchee, -- nds Aasso- Residents of Whitby and sur-,north of Highway 2, in the west) 8Poups have arranged to appear |ciation, sai ednesday in a rounding district wil! experi-|end of the town. Some of the/&t Expo 67 and the total may statement issued on behalf of : leading Canadian motorcycle|reach 300, the 750-member branch, ence the thrill of a lifetime pe se ; riders will be on hand to con- July 30 when the British Em-| test the event. pire Motorcycle Club stages @| 'The course, laid out over a| seramble in the county. hilly terrain, will be up and| The event, which is part of the|down: steep grades, The riders| County Town Carnival program,| will also be called upon to ford| will be staged at'd'Hillier Park,| Lynd's Creek three times. | Labor Strife _ Hits Quebec By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Quebec kept the lion's thare| of Canada's labor troubles Wed nesday with disputes in the! See the man who can save you the most on Canada's No.1 Car... the Chevrolet Impala 2 Dr. Hardtop, V8, Automatic. $3125 V-8 Engine, Automatic, Power Steering, Power Brokes, Padded Dosh, Windshield Wosh- ers, White Walls, Wheel Dises, Back-up Lights, Clock and License. Good selection of colours ond interior trim, READY FOR TH® ROAD... struction workers termed management wage offers "ri-| diculous" and threatened a strike July 23 which could| wince involving more than, 'disrupt work on the giant 000 workers Manicouagan dam project Meanwhile, 5,320 workers REPORT PROGRESS Progress in negotiations braced for a long strike against 4 Canada Packers Lid. at plants| Settle the hos pital workers') Clearance of Stock fn Charlottetown, Montreal, strike, which began July 15, was Hull, Que., Toronto, St. Boni.|eported by both management) | face, Man., Edmonton, Calgary 494 union representatives, The| . "> and Vancouver, And a dispute |"°" j meme workers were| x ----_-- | within the union developed in ae -- by 2,024 nurses | : . ' atrike of 16,000 workers at the|® ospitals. Ke ! International Nickel Co, of Can-|, 1% Toronto, @ spokesman for to : é the United Packinghouse Work-| § . Ont, eda in the Sudbury, Ont, area.) oe. of America (CLC) said the union had funds for six months and anticipated a long strike. The situation in Quebec Wed- nesday REGULAR VALUE $69.50 SALE PRICE veeee *55.00 --32,500 non-medical workers |The union is seeking a 33-per- at 139 hospitals continued a cent wage increase together strike for an. $8 weekly in-|/with social and job security| crease, though progress was) benefits. reported. in negotiations; Developments in the Inco 2,924 nurses at 53 hospitals| strike brought disagreement be- seeking higher wages alsO'tween leaders of 1,000 strikers continued their strike; who manned picket lines Wed- --5,000 workers stayed out at/nosday and the union bargain- four plants of Dominion Tex-|ing committee of the United! tiles Ltd.; Steelworkers of America (CLC). 1,600 professional employ-| In Toronto talks Tuesday the ees of the provincial govern. wine ment maintained their walk- out; --014 Montreal harbor grain- handlers threatening a strike instead accepted a federal! government plan for a joint committee to investigate new unloading techniques; --800 drivers of the Quebec Provincial Transport Co planned a "study session" July 29 to force company) action on their complaints! about Ontario - based buses operating in the province; --4,500 Hydro - Quebec con RENTALS FREEMANS FORMALS FOR MEN --et-- USS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. S.. Whitby PHONE 668.2091 REGULAR VALUE $79.50 $ SALE PRICE ae aes 60.00 REGULAR VALUE $89.95 SALE PRICE ee PAIR OF TROUSERS with Every Made- to-Measure Suit. Collins... Mid-Summer Sale ® SPECIAL ® LUGGAGE FOR BIG SAVINGS SEE ONE OF THESE SALESMEN by McBrine 10% OFF! We hove o complete line of McBrine Luggage in stock for men ond women COLLINS SHOES 119 Brock St. &., Whitby Open Till 9 pm. Fri ---- "RED" ANDERSON JACK CLARK JACK MORGAN JOHN SKELTON NURSE (& 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST * WHITBY * PHONE 668-3304 AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT FREE PARKING OPEN FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD.

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