thal COHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, July 20, 1966, _3| ee Initial Moves Made | SUDBURY, Ont, (CP)--Picket)gyin. estimated there were 500) York office terming the walkout | lines blocked entrances of 14\/to 800 picketers on each of!an illegal strike, while in Tor- strikebound mines and mill of|three shifts, jonto, company and union lead- the International Nickel Co,,| At the Garson mine, about 10\ers continued round the-clock but union and management ap-|miles north of here, some pick-|negotiations with a provincial peared to have taken the firstlets huddled around a_ bonfire| mediator, step to settlement of their dis-|Tuesday night as others played) The New York statement fas pute, horseshoes, \dicated the meeting in Toronto At a Toronto meeting, the} Overnight temperatures|was concerned not only with the bargaining committee of the|dropped to 50 degrees and there|grievances which led up to the -United-Steetworkers- of America; were terits- for sheter-at-some|wildcal._.strike._but---alse--_the (CLC) agreed Tuesday night to|picketing sites, jpoints at issue in negotiations permit maintenance. workers,| Warlier Tuesday the company |for a contract. to replace one , executives and certain other issued a statement from. its New that expired July 10, white-collar employees (o sana we Se yar aan ck me mars nar eases | e Inco installations, i oe Mie en 'Police Forces Join SUMMER CLEARANCE Homer Seguin, pc ee nr Local 6500, United Steelworkers | waren (icy asec ss! LO OLUAY Bombings an 'explosive situation," Both Mr, Seguin and Staff) MONTREAL (CP) -- Thejweekend at the homes of Do- Superintendent William Gillings| Montreal' police anti - terrorist|minion Textile officials at Ma- jof the provincial police said) quad, the RCMP and Quebec|gog, 85 miles southeast of Mont- |there have been no reports Of! provincial Police have joined|real, No one was injured in [violence on picket lines and allitgyoes io investigate recent|these explosions is quiet, bombings in Montreal and Ma st ts H R yj DOmnInES 'o per, FOUR PLANTS AFFECTED ar T a.m. "I don't know of anything, which killed two per } { ; gog, Que., jt WEE WEARY COWPOKE Superintendent Gillings said in|song and injured several others,|. Dominion 'Textile plants in| Magog and three other Quebec an interview when asked if'g Montreal police spokesman' Rest is where you find it of the 6,000 kiddies who West revival celebration. {here had been incidents in the|said Tuesday night centres have been on strike § H U T and for .11-weeks-old Deb- paraded through Salinas, The participants vied with strike that began last Thursday! Police said one man held for since early spring but the Mont: | avings p 0 bie Peterson it's a_ big California, yesterday as each other dressed in all |g: Inco's Levack mine, 35 miles questioning in last Thursday's real plant owned by the same cowboy hat, property of one part of the city's annual Old kinds of costumes : _ northwest of here, lhomb death of a Jean Corbo, 16, company has not been involved | On Our Entire ORO Rpg at a Dominion Textile Co. plant|in_the walkout TO PRESERVE PEACE in Montreal probably will be re Police have posted a guard V He said his special 300-mem-: |jeased today at the Magog factory following | § St k Na al Man Returns | ber strike force "is here to pre-| Corho was killed when a a threat to blow up the com- ummer oc AND " : pany"s 600,000-gallon oil stor: MORE serve the peace" al the request) bor ° lod nb he was carrying exploded)'. 5 lot Mayor Richard Dow of sub-|in his hands beside the west. #8 tank Of Brand Name Merchandise urban Copper Cliff end plant The pon gy came in a tele-| To Lead Sea Forces [i vintiecuen tle! nana te fet isits to Ineo properties were searching for a Tie atcece | Ap munic ink police headquarters SUITS 69 gS "0 vel death an and brought the Regular from 99,50 to 115,00, Reduced to ry "to make sure everything is|death and a bombing death in|!ate Monday HALIFAX (CP)--A white flagiday by Air Commodore Ralph; Admiral O'Brien,' whose ap- peaceful." |the city po eid nee fe hogy pate bg po- SUITS ¢) r "TOSS yo Gor F , t Police said they may be able a , ' 4 95 bearing a red cross and two Gordon, pointment carries with it a pro The union Tuesday took steps a Workers on: pleket Sieh aul Regulor from 85,00 to 99.50, Reduced to e small red discs will be raised Air Commodore Gordon was motion from commodore, will to encourage a reduction in the|to connect the Montreal explo- over the naval dockyard today, put in command briefly while enter an office vacated 24 hours size of picket lines and Mr, Se-|sions with two bombings last|not a od -- AS: signalling the return of a naval|Admira! O'Brien -- known earlier by Admiral Landymore, jsigned to guard duly became) 59 95 officer to the top job in Can- throughout the fleet by the nick-|50, who was given a warm the first to enter the factory | Regulor from 75,00 to 85,00 Reduced to ° ada's 21,000-man integrated sea'name Scruffy--was in Ottawa farewell by 5,000 navy and civil- ll Bl mes I V lu S jsince it was shut down when the } defence force, for talks with Defence Minister|ian dockyard personnel Tuesday an a ! jdispute started last April, pl a as : 25 % OFF Rear-Admiral J, C. O'Brien,|Hellyer. Mr, Hellyer dismissed) morning | Police said the potential dan-| ade To Measure 47, a witty, white-thatched vet-!Rear-Admiral William Landy- Admiral O'Brien's command . ger to lives and property forced Reg, from 35.00 to 95 eran of 29 years in the navy, more, the former Maritime covers anti - submarine units--- r T oss them to take action, although | . or 39.95. Reduced te AND UP assumes leadership of the RCN-| commander, for openly criticiz- including naval ships and planes they have attempted to re- of the Maritime Command com:! @rand Lodge of Canada in On| saries, totalling about $11,000, |tile plant also were responsible | Mason officer is RCAF Maritime Commandiing unification plans for the and RCAF aircraft--on both the main neutral in the atrike, CASUAL after the role was filled for one armed services, East and West coast. Air Com-) my' CP) -- Freema-| In 1867, he said, there were 185| In Montreal, police said they PAN t Ss 4 9g or th TORONTO (CP) Fre i | SUMMER Terylene and Cotton e prise 16,000 naval personnel and! tayjio, said Tuesday, | were granted by the Masonic|for. the May 6 blast at the strike- LONDON (Reuters) -- The The meeting, following a 4% nef ; " that a high British cabinet met again to-|hour crisis session Tue Pel jing 0 Sarees > io ~ Byes, speaking to the press is pr oof of | Lad day, still struggling to put to-}came only a few hours before) ,,,,, y : that. Ten years ago this would or e rice Bs MMR ate pain alii Bi. '3 fig RS modore Gordon will remain a8 onary should not be a secret|lodges in the province with|are most certain. the persons | B it : P 5,000 air force personnel, Speaking at a press confer-| Foundation of Ontario during|/bound La Grenada Ltee, shoe| SHORT , eve of his lodge's the last year to students unable|factory offices in. which one) SLEEVE _|fication should be studied with! }the No, 2 man in the command, and mysterious society, James| 7,000 members who. ordered the recent bomb-| i 7 the} ° He 46 "laster ' ./ing of the local Dominion Tex- SPECIAL SELECTION a ° ° . REDUCED 20% e F H I ; FLEET FAREWE » on th ; or igher axes gg ney Bel oni oye creel obaveriah he said "q| to finish their courses because; vather bs in) ie four | é é a é other emp oyees injure ENTIRE STOCK gether a massive austerity plan] Prime Minister Wilson was duc lall its ramifications being tho- have been impossible ' The 4 C's | The 21,000. officers and men) Allan, grand master of » said last-resort" bur mya the fact of | financ ial reasons, well to his forces Tuesday, send- | truly believe this and th amen to bolster the pound sterling and|to bring the austerity program |roughly understood before going, Mr. Allan said membership in get Britain out of its worst eco-| before Parliament, , the lodge had fallen off in the , Set in i" (Hot td aan ea gn of Saving SWIM TRUNKS 'v- 1.99 touts ¥%4 ae ence | GROUP e REDUCED Part EPA eR uf squeeze and He said the idea of unifica- 5 eee a severe red the rel and tion should be approved by Par-| 'But we aren't really ---- BERMUDA Full A economy--possibly including a liament before being put into| about it," he said, "It's decay . CONFIDENCE ! SHORTS -- Vy OFF rin ers wage and price freeze--couple| "fect ut approval is given eer ee "i iubs colors and patterns 3 | with cuts in the defence budget.|"every officer and every man| compe : These Sent involve Biteg {o| must have the new service fully | SU h as Kiwanis and Rotary,' CONVENIENCE J Straw HATS iy, OFF Deaths pull some of Britain's 51 000) explained to him,' He said the lodge will never COMFORT ! | treops out of West Germany to! 'When it has been explained solicit' membership, even if SHORT JERSEYS 25% Banion and wool fe] OFF save part of their £90,000,000,-,0 each individual, then each membership continues to fall EEVE Ld a-year ($27,000,000) foreign ex-|should be given the choice of| He described masonry as be- CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST | st tu 1é |change cost, or a speedup of a'joining it or not," ing based on '"'a firm belief in D IRT re) |scheduled reduction in another Admiral Landymore, who said| the Fatherhood of God, the ress Short Sleeve o NEW YORK (CP) -- A 50,000 troops which have been earlier he supported integra- brotherhood of man and the im . CONFIDENCE -- knowing that you are re- ; '1 ; search specialist here said clin-|i" Malaysia and Singapore. tion but opposed the common-| Mortality of man, + receiving the best rate of interest -- FOR THE ical studies being conducted by|,,@attisons such as that in| uniform and common-rank. of 'Its tenets are ethical prin paid more often, AC SHIRTS 3 T Hong Kong might be reduced unification, was given a cheer-|Ciples such as are acceptable PRICE OF physicians in Omaha, Neb., are}. 4 part of an international attempt|2%@ diplomatic missions are!ing farewell at the dockyard, to all good men, It teaches tol ~ CONVENIENCE -- longer saving hours to learn as much as possible rm te si ., Flags aboard navy. ships|¢ration towards the se of daily and all day Saturday about heart-tissue damage, such drive . basis haa spelled out the message 'Well, others and charity towards a . COMFORT - dealing with friendly Short PY AMAS 3 99 as has been suffered by a num- done, Landymore," a naval mankind,' 4 people -- with @ community Trust Com- sie in oli r _ber of heavy beer drinkers in EXPECT NEW TAXES band struck up and a "three-, He said the Grand Lodge in| pany SQUALL---LARGE ASSORTMENT the United States and Canada| But financial experts believed cheers" cry arose as the ad- Ontario consists of 623 lodges : ° this year. s : the biggest savings were likely/miral and his wife drove|With a membership of 131,965 SAVE WITH... JACKETS & WINDBREAKERS 30 % OFF Dr. Steven Carson said Tues-| to come through fresh taxes at through the dockyard's two | day the United States Brewers'! home, possibly taking as much miles of roads and jetties Association has ded ) (86 fi at 3 ee THIS IS ba. , | ] FOR THE has provided a) as £200,000,000 ($60,000,000) out Two retiréd admirals--Jeffry wan vues rc Central Ontario Trust Summer TIES 2 nda ] rant to the g 5 ; : pa Pall e gaint 8 ya of the: economy V. Brock and. Hugh F, Pullen-- \ Fy A ' Some experts forece hat enndorsed Admiral Landymore' ast Servi coe & $ C t ation of patients in that area.| 5 gest ye vg mee pe M Dandy mores on ee AVINgS VOrpora lon ' ithe over-all restrictions might| stand on unification, And in Hal- a0 ' Dr. Carson is vice-president of| ; 4 Reasonable Prices jincrease unemployment to 750,- fax, the Canadian Press bureau | Convenient Location me 19 Simcoe St Food and Drug Research Labo- 2 ' /000..from its current 10-vear low received about 80 letters fram Oshawa, 723 on pe wmaae Peace @) ratories Inc., a consultant to the) of only 261,083--1.1 per cent of navy men supporting Admiral HOTEL LANCASTER " 23 King Summer Dress Shoe $s Summer Casuals St brewers' nora sag ocigie Eich in the total work force eae position, The let- 27 KING ST, WEST, Bowmen 7 'tia | Regular to 22.95 Reg. to 7.95 see e ees 2.99 : ae Witten ih ; ade| ters said the writers supported OSHAWA | oa paralicls that being! 09 that i poh Pe gk: him "concerning the identity of Reg. to 14.95 ....+- 4.99 one at Laval University follow- . ')., the Royal Canadian Navy." ing a series of 18 Quebec City|/@M8"Y reactions from Labor iain trees eastasanton pats qe? Be es deaths in the spring, blamed on| union leaders or threats of min- & BO Y Ss' WEAR @ a rare heart disease called) isterial resignations in order to ey, a a i] SWIMWEAR 99° : : Reguler to 2.95 A special committee ap- His personal prestige is at pointed by the Quebec govern-| stake in his determination to ment to investigate the 18 keep the pound sterling strong | JERSEYS 2 99 deaths in Canada reported it and he has hinted that he is pre- en Shee eae 2 i could not find any single cause, Paring a "package deal" to en of death sure once and for all that the | ce currency is safe from pres SPORT SHIRTS ! Reg, to C 3.98 : QUEBEC (CP)--Dr. Jacques SU°es Short Sleeved Gelinas, Quebec's deputy health The prime minister and his minister, said Tuesday there js Cabinet. thrashed out the crucial | no definite proof that cobaltous/Problem of what cuts to make salts in beer were responsible for 4% hours Tuesday night--| for the deaths of 18 beer drink. the longest cabinet meeting ers in the Quebec City area since the 1956 Suez crisis ] Dr, Gelinas referred to inves-, Observers agree that Wilson 54 SIMCOE ST. NOR T H COTTON PANTS Ls OFF tigations carried out by experts|a professional economist. is fac from his department and else-|ing his biggest test since he be- where after disclosure of the! came prime minister in Octo- HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS : SPORT COATS BOYS SHOES Quebec deaths ber, 1964, on a platform of end- Re rsa clear and one re-jing the recurrent balance-of LEAN MEATY TENDER BEEF ONTARIO NO, 1 Ss rom our research,' he|payment crises --whict have ' said in an interview nlagued Britain al eae C NEW POTATOES ea R paige nua re : Regular to 19.95 5 95 eg. . eg, to 8.95 99 .99 RO ST ib Now e Now .. 1 Now _. 3 BLADE REMOVED Adult Building snes | ; ; ah omf LEAN ROLLED LEAN PORK BAG Sho} in Central Location POT ROAST C SHOULDER rs P ale Conditioned C mt Prestige Address Ib ROAST | Distinction Beyond | BB TENDER BEEF -- BONELESS Y FRESH PORK Compare SHOULDER BUTT GRADE "A" SMALL Underground and Level | # ROAST Parking | ROAST es | ECONOMY ROAST rsorinimen ony | PRIME RIB 69 WIENERS 2 : MEN'S WEAR LTD LEAN TENDER : ; ESTABLISHED 1924 GEORGIAN mansions | CROSSCUT 5 194 PARK ROAD NORTH, OSHAWA |# ROAST 74 SIMCOE NORTH OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9