"gq THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 20, 1966 'Its July For Hot Weather 492 8 am. to 5 p.m. Monday el tos OEE Direct Ciassified Number a a ae to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY a Building Trades Gardening and Supplies narlered Pezour| font, Licensed Truston "bond Stree! East, Telephone 723-4833. ALBERT WOSMAR, Chartered Aecoun- mt, 47 Brine street, Bulle 4 as Snir jario, Telephone 723-1221 Residential Commercial Industrial Repairs --~ Alterations Additions --~ Remodelling For all your Construction Needs -- : CALL | JAMES ALLEN & SONS 725-6126 CENTENNIAL LANDSCAPING Moke Your 'Home Your Centennial Project, PHONE UALITY CARPENTRY GENERAL REPAIRS For all your home improve- Barristers ment problems, coll us first, R. JONES, LLB, Barrister end Selo! aiempora 130 King St, &., T4197, Tein, , oA waa or, 73 Centre BCL, Daria and salt ar Gen. Bathe pin ail Dial 723-1661, 1, Oshawa, Ont Wallabies M5716 oF 2254717 4086 MAN citor, Money to loan, Office, " King Street & "" oshawe, 726-8232, Berriserse Sellehors, 3 Surlelers sit Gahawey & be "Otte maesin idence: 725: Whitby, Residence: fe 5133, NHA pny LE By funds avellabie, one NI Tatcy--ae Perrier: ba gk AND fhe pa ta De : 114 Jan-ia78, 'Residence rene md, area Kelly "ace ae re 3368; Terence Sais themes Hh, pe BA, LLB, 2662. a A SwiTcHes ond 4 u aver han A ag rh Meo cases ie tcras wil' ve will be total and'. place fo lock for the best tat et Sl, Met t Imes' Class! 5 Times' a! on took tor unemployed or Detter lob, check "Help Wanted" now! CLASSIFIED RATES ron =" Insertion, of " oe, Omi additional words, oe ee wn NEW PLASTERING and realrs, stucco, sidewa! 725-8576 Then have a talk with our customers, 263-8853 Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELOS veupnoisiered ond ve styled, Free estimate. See "af materi for rocever ig: Silp covers made to order, Dalton " uphoistering, 75 Charles RR de Re eA RS crea by experts, Establish. 5, Workmanship guaranteed, Free estimates, Credit terms. Mattresses re-built, furniture refinished, Oshawa Up- holstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311, Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repoirs to all mokes of washers, dryers, ranges, etc, @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ SPRING CLEAN-UP @ Plonting @ Sodding @ @ Top Soil @ Seeding @ @ Evergreens @ Grading @ YOUR LOCAL chimney cleaner, Chim- Neys built, repaired, ges linings installed, roots repaired. Free estimates, 723-2997, '| ROOPING, chimneys, bil types of coment work, Sidewalks, siabs, stoops, Prank McCann, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-3061, ai 4 ni 680, SPECIALIZING In ceramics and bath room renovations, Call ee. WEW PLASTERING and tactory, mechanical ra airs ment, Call Pickering 942-6117, iks, remodeling, rec-rooms, Free » A. C, Wood, 728-3420. or 728 4717, TB VINIGHING CARPENTER, does klich- an sonra vanities, bar cabinets In rec: room and trimmings. Telephone 3-191, Joe Koezk, FOR ALL YOUR home improvements, general construction and guaranteed or Call 668-2179, EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square fool Includes grading and fill, two-year guar: antee, Eleven aed In business, Terrano on| Paving, 504) ne] AFLANTIC PAVING and concrete, Get your driveway paved by experts, 22 cents Square foot, All Work guaranteed, im jo vrne 18 gtd R r IR: chimneys, eavestroug! He pi masonry. " Gord May, "ini 668-2774, ROOFING, hol tar se, gravel, shingles, repairs, large and si » L. and H Roofing a 'conetroction, 725-0937, Care: iby, ® Marion ond Kentucky Blue- grass @ Complete landscop- ing @ Fertilizers, 7 20 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING Bloor St, East No. | Field Sod Under 200 sq. yds. 22c de- livered. 200 sq, yds, ond up 20c delivered, Sod laid 35¢ sq. yd, Free Estimates, BETHANY LANDSCAPING 623-7594 ALROY Lawn Specialists Sprays for dandelions, clover, etc. Coll for free estimates. CORI <2 a SMITH'S TREE FARM @ Cedars for Hedges Cut flowers and plants Manure (cow, sheep or horse) Rough lumber (cut to suit) Posts ond poles. 'Call collect Newtonville 786-2283 con|BAVESTROUGHING -- Tarrey Holll- oy eeranrees work, Free estimates, TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim, Or I'll cut them down, Free estimates, 725-5118 or 728-0610, additional che Ba, a. ew additional charge ir not pal peld wimin & days, Carpentry Covet - one Method of a wend REMODELLING, TRIM WORK, cu rds, ree-reome, 60 ane stairs, Free esti. mates, Phone 725- words ital, figure + Sereieten" counts as oe phone number counts two one words. Soeiat Notices $2.25 per insertion with 25 cents addl- tional Serge if not paid Sinn 8 days. In MENER IANS $2.25 the first 35 words me, plus 2c, per line |CARBFOOT, Dentistry OR, JOHN My Dental eurgeen, 72 , By Gest, "Oshawa, CARUNGOT ~ Tan Ma, Dental Surgeon, 172 King Street Meash' onnawe. For appointment, 728-517) each Torsater verse; 25¢, additional cherge lf not paid within @ days, Dressmaking RO OF THANKS ate the first 35 words and Sc. each thereafter with 25c, additional charge if not paid within & days, COMING aa $2.24 Sepia) $1.75 for the first Serres one ch thereefter DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses covers, dra eee Street, Ne yy Ladies' made low Open es' measure suite, hg yt etc, 'ox onable prices, (Word Ads: 28. Gardening and Supplies 1ON SALE $17 PER INCH PER INSERTION, DEADLINES WORD A\ 5 pm. Day PREVIOUS ST AND FOUND by am. DAY OF PUBLICATION THS AND DEATHS th DAY OF PUBLICATION Hak Se ; Spm. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 p.m, day previous; 9 col umns or larger -- 10 a.m, day previous, CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 4 fyugee DAY OF PUBLICATION y¥_ advertisement cancelled before pub- fein will be charged on day's insert BOX NUMBER RENTAL so While every endeavor will be made to forward repiles box to the edvertisers os ore ec possible, we ac: cept no liability in respect of loss or damage alleged J arise. through tiner failure or delay in torwardi plies, however caused whether by neg! or ise, The Times will ar responsible for repiles uncalled for in 20 days. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be errors in advertisements The Oshawa Times reserves the classify advertising eSroording proper classification, in thé cases of display advertisements The Times will not be held responsible aoe than rn ae the actual endeavor | matter cor BUGS KING BUG KILLERS Atox Rose Dust Garden Dust $00 ~ Top Quality, field and nursery, Free estimates, Prompt delivery, 725- ..|3325 oF 723-9910, FOR COMPLETE LANDSCAPING and arden maintenance, residential and in- ustrial, Expert work, reasonable rates, Tole 263-2934 or 720-608: is GAR a awn ma nfenence, Roto tilling, and Cultivating. Call uhm "after ry CHAIN LINK FENCING, highest quality moterial and rkmanship, Low prices, Free estimates, 723-5377, NURSERY SOD, Now cufttl al entuck) Promp * pid Sinn Phone atter 6, j. Cholee } delivery 668-4965. »| Instruction ALCAN FURNITURE ond ays eaten d 452 Simcoe S, --~- Osh Telephone 723-001 * Rent A Piano SEE HEINTZMAN & Company Ltd. 79 Simcoe St, N,, Oshawa Telephone 728-2921 ARC and ACETYLENE "elldl fing. id and cul: Bloor East, SEWING MACHINES, repsirs to all makes, work guaranteed, For home serv ice phone 725-3286 "GUARANTEED REPAIRE io ringer washers and ranges, Free estimates. Call 726-1742 or 723-0011, SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ' ir "7900 MILES SOUTH SAM FRANC) THE AMTARCT) THE MOM My5 MOUNTAIN IM WORLD AND 15 THE HIGHE VOLCANO on 20,000 ¥f, At WHAT DOES ALL. LIVING MATERIAL COWKTAIN Z ARALES oF RADIOACT 'ee pation WAM ook SEA LEVEL. Song tee) Spat By R. J. SCOTT AMIS FISWMONGER, oF sikadinne CHILE MAS MO WAGON, WE SELLS WIS STOCK IN TRADE FROM Wi HORGE, 6 1 OF $<0,1N i SANDS TERIOUS THE POSS BLY al EAR Dy -~ 7 AZ) mie 8--Articles | for Sele TYPEWRITER, sis $35,; adding fue ,Amate Wa aiegne ba) , 955. register, $75, lad Ld 1 Furnace bo ag ho free, Guaranteed trouble-free 13--Articles for Rent fet Aanttoc an ante a oI FERY-TRATCGN te taser pied OS fe gd 8, 'Ssnovld' sleep ike Tele. .. Want Ads For Hot Results' 17--Female Help Wanted BABY SITTER for two ore-school chile 7H-|dran, in thele home, wh lie mother 'works, we in Soolomber Telephone Leta, rah ang aa WAITRESS required ion seen, Agel Ihe, Welder, pur-i phone shase from Western Oil Co, Co rasan, PETERBORO coder villte 14 foot veed 14--Business Opportunities |; 100.00 each, ers, good 15.00 each, Oil 8 "este het hot water tanks the new 8000 each, idered, Appl Sima 'bueenorn me ter eb nS GARGAING. AN of mat- tresses, sm crib parece Nf ber trees 19.68, 'iileen's Purnk ae bireet i] Cycle ar Help Wanted ATTENTION: HOTELS, DRIVE-INS ond RESTAURANTS Hove you seen or tasted the fabulous new SUPER-FRIES @ french fry that's mode from @ special mix. No freezer or plus many = three rooms, new qual ity furniture, only $299, Inc., FURNITURE = other practical advantages, = call 723-6267 now for an appointment for your convenience. INS clearance floor y 2 pc, suites psd foam cushions ke $198, Mogern sets from $158, pc. sectionals fron $168 Wilson's Furniture, 'k 20 Church Street, CLOSED FOR WOLIDAYS a By fo nueest 1s. Open énesday only dur- his pericd, Bill Hamilton, Regen. ins § , SPRCTAL == Moot tows Heh: w 7 2--Personal Removal of eacllais bait Marie Murduff will be in Oshowe, Avqust 2, 3 and 4 Phone Genosha Hotel on these days for appointment ELECTROLYS!S 723-464) 3-----Sportsman's f) Column REPAIRS fo fishing rods and reels and all Coleman products, Sportsman's Cor: ner, 103 Byron South, Whitby (block west Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, - Prompl service on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563, _| Surveyors W. PLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontorlo Land Surveyors, 112 Elgin Street East, Phone 725-688), Lend Surv ommercial blue prints, Ti Ontario Street, 725-5692. DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Onlorio ot four corners) LORE ENDED WANTED -- Members for trout club, $125 for season, Write D, Auiler, RR No, u | Millbrook, © Ont. |4--Motorcycles eat SUZUKI MOTORCYCLES All models on display NEW -- USED ONTARIO CYCLE TV--Radio Repairs BUY NOW AND SAVE FAST SERVICE SURVEY NO OBLIGATION MISTER T.V. TOWERS 378 KING ST. WEST 723-9525 HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME IN SPARE TIME Low monthly payments In- clude text books and instruc- tions, Prepares you to achieve Ontario Diploma by means of Provincial examination, For FREE information----write, American School, Dept. 8, Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario Name .. . Age Address Pomogreen Dust-----sproy Fruit Sprays Gardenall Ant and Grub Killer Slug Bait Cygon 2E Fungicide Spray Weed Killers Tank Sprayers Hand Sprayers Dust Guns Gorden Hose and Tools Lawn Soakers Melnor Sprinklers RX15 Janitor Service CLEAN UP SERVICE, base ments, eftics, ete, Movin alt patch: Ing. Reasonable, Anytime, call 72% ate, Yards, WALC WASHING by modern machines. No mess, no dripping, Telephone 728-7736. Money to Loan 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 af a reasonable rate of interest to consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile Purpose providing you are stoeety em: T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN. OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better tower for Less Money OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. TAUNTON ROD, E. (ust East of Ritson) 723- 8131 -- 723-8132 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE BEST WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! T.R.I.0. TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division 728-5143 ployed and have pres credit 723-4431 or Port Perry. 985-7 7 Mortgage Fertilizers Calcium Chlorides Peat Moss OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY -- FRIDAY SATURDAY--12:30 DAILY DELIVERY COOPER- SMITH 16 ce. St, 723-2312 723-1139 Est. 1909 are contained therein, 'T'S BASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS Y--Wornen's Column 2----Personal 3--Sporteman's Columa $--Trailers MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys available for first and second mortgages, Open mortgages. No bonus, First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chased M: F. SWARTZ 26% King St, East Oshowa, Ontario 723-4697 MAPLE LEAF LANDSCAPING & GARDEN SERVICE For Sodding, Seeding, Top- soil, Cedar Hedges, Patios, Plantings and Complete Land- scaping Service. 725-0611 Toate an oe Livestock Wanted Boats for Rent usiness Opportunities IS Emolovmant wanted Female Help Wanted Help Wanted Summer Properties Complete Sales and Service On Gardening Equipment TELEVISION---RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS FOR PROMPT SERVICE CAL Whitby-668-5679 T. V. TOWERS Rust Proof COLOURED T. V. or Black & bat bl ---- 24-Hour 723- 0065" 'or *668- 5830 Rae's Radio & T.V. FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGES -- All Classes -- ~~ City, Rural, Vacation -- SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED Member Onto he Mortgage TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS kers Bro 112 Simcoe St. N.---725-3568 PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for all mortgages. Mortgages and aaree- ments of sale purchased, Srelgiiena pd ho Murdoch and Victor. (See rist FIRST AND SECOND "mortgages, sate agreements purchased and sold. Hennick and Hennick, Barristers, 21 King Street COLOR T.V. or Black and White All work guaranteed T.R.1.0. Television Telephone 728-5143 East, 723 7232, FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avail able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Street North, Whitby 668-3338 Optometrist Toro, Lown Boy ond Yardman Lawnmowers Wheel Horse garden tractors, RUNDLE Garden Centre Ltd, 1015 King St. E. 725-6551 WANT ADS reach thousands or interes @d prospects every day. Take eevemene audience by telephoni: of the vast mn, ai F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe Ne A North, Suite 4, Oshawa. Telephone 723-419 Painting and Decorating N. BARON PAINTING and Decorating, a Estimates tree. Phone Plumbing 'end Heating ALL TYPES ot wears and Service Call Only $2.50 FAST T.V. SERVICE DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 a.m, 'to 9 pm, CITY TV TOWERS, aniennas, pairs, AN work guaranteed Avenue. Telephone 723 725-0500. Well D illing, Diggi 9 } by machine speciailz- tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 648-2563 of 668-3809. ; also re Su Dee new used als. Reasonadie rates, Estimates tree 7% 4. Foley. ALU PLUMEING AND HEATING sup plies. Telephone /25-3521, Harold H Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating ane Engin- tering, 233 Simcoe Street South, GET SPOT CASH WITH TIMES ACTION ADS ~| trailer, 140 King W. 728-1422 OPEN EVENINGS 1965 BSA 650 c.c, Lightning, like brand new, $975 or best offer, Apply 127 Park Road Sov % B 1965 HONDA 90 c.c,, ton, red. Telephone 726-5917 : MOTORCYCLE -- 1960 BSA, Many ex tras, excellent condition. Telephone 720 35, jood running cond). 15 SUSUKI 250. after 5.90 Bm. 5--Trailers RAMSDEN TAG-A-LONG TENT CAMPING TRAILERS @ Rental Bookings Now Being Taken, JACKSON TRAILER SALES AND RENTALS 1487 Simcoe St. N -------728:0261_or 728-3748 RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE ----~ RENT Open Sundays 2-4 P.M BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE ___bot at 401 and 28 CABIN and TENT TRAILER RENTALS for August and September Special Fall Rotes Primers Camping Equipment MILLER Telephone 723-5304 9 TUDOR af AJAX 942-349 L MOBILE Home rooms, furnished, phone . 728-401) TRAILER HITCHES made and install ed, also all types of welding done, por- table equipment tor rent, 723-6840, HOME-MADE BOAT trailer, $25., box trailer $25,, lady's bike $15, Isetta car $50, Telephone 728-3096 APACHE TENT trailer, with many extras, _ Only used once, Telephone 725-918; TENT TRAILER, siceps foam mattresses, cupboards, drawers, ny floor, Hardly used. Telephone 720. ssa? 26-FOOT HOUSE ee completely tur wished, Call -before-3 -pima -Whitd had -- - NEW 196 FOURTEEN-FOOT Orbit trav el trailer, Price $1295. Apply Subway Trailer Park, Whitby, -- 1010 Dundas East, PICKERING -- 4)' x 10° house trailer, Two bedrooms, Fully furnished. Excel- lent condition, Can be seen anytime. Apply at Paulynne Park, 18 1964 CITATION heusetraller, Sleeps six, excellent condition, Telephone 725 7898. bed: Tele av x hwo "Maple. M Laat an 6--Marine Equipment 2 WEEKS VACATION ? Why not make it the whole summer? Forget that costly 2 weeks ond invest in lasting fun... A BOAT from vour Evinrude & Crestliner Vealer OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD, Horbor Rd, off Simcoe St, S 23-8186 2 HP ELGIN motor, 12' 60" beam pl word boat, power mower, electric guitar and two bicycles. Apply 476 Cromwell Avenue, Osha = 1¥FOOT MOLDED piywood boat, wih all extras, 18 HP Evinrude, "Otaco" trailer with winch and rollers, $625, 723-6025. "STARCRAFT" Grew Tra Evinrude mot weekends, Ma Ltd, Brooklin, 855-3641, 1" MAHOGANY runabout, fully ee eaquip- pre. 0 HP Mercury, tandem trailer. hone 728-706) SAILBOAT -- 19°, Faicon ch Auxiliary motor, small punt. New Dacron sails, May be seen at the Oshawa Marina or Gall 725-8092 1 FIBREGLASS boat, 18H motor, Armson trailer, 423-3713 after 4.30 p.m, 14-FOOT DELUXE fibregias runabout, 50 HP Chrysler motor. Showroom condition, $).250, Telephone 726: 2675. SEAFLEA with wheel and speedometer, listeot plywees fishing boat, IS horse. power Evinrude, 500 Ib, Viking trailer, Telephone 725 4285 w PLYWOOD "boat, 4 HP Johnson elec: «and tee nee trailer, Tele p 2794, _ Bowmanville, INBOARD, yard, Shepherd and 100 HP, ! st condition, Tele- phone 728-9443, o BOAT, MOTOR and Waller $300. Also 1965 33 horsepower electric Johnson, new, $850, Telephone 725-4675, 14" SEMIV bottom row boat, 9 fishing, Telephone 728-1388. @ WP ROYAL SCOTT electric 15 foot mouided plywood boat, complete, tilt trailer, good condition, $695. 30 HP John son electric start. perfect condition. 16 foot plywood boat, complete, ~~ con dition, $350. Call after 5.30, 725-0 7¥a MP EVINRUDE, runs like new, Tele phone 725-2324, Te HP Johnsen complete, Call good for jLaundry tubs, nome | CONAItON, --i lent condition |7----Swap and Barter CABINETS wiin sink or vanity basin $9. bath tubs, tollets, sure systems, flushomatics, septic tenks, pipe and fittings, boats motors, trailers, garden tractors, H Chinn, corner Hillside and Park South, 723-7088. 8--Articles for Sale _ NOW! SIX SERVICE BAYS For Auto Service WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev,, Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We correct wheel alignment inspect and correct castor and camber, align toe-in ond toe-out to correct condition 88 @ Parts, extra @ Torsion bar extra e BRAKE SPECIAL most populor cars), Quality Royaline 4(-wheels if required adjustment First 14.88 WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel each 1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES DOMINION TIRE STORE 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH ___ TELEPHONE 725. 651 ae NEW BABYLAND DEPARTMENT FOR OSHAWA 1966 LLOYD strollers from $12.95 Full PANEL CRIBS $19.95. Spring filled CRIB MAT- TRESSES $9.95, PLAYPENS $10.95, Chrome HIGHCHAIR $7.95, CARRIAGES from $29.95, Youth bed mattresses, bunk beds, chests, walkers, BABYLAND 24 CHURCH STREET (Next door to Wils GUARANTEED used wringer washer, television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and up, Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Simcoe South, 723-0011, WE BUY, sell and exchange used furnl- fure or anything you have, The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simece Street South, 723-167) FRIGIDAIRE retrigerat Condition. Call 728-30 DRIP DRY COTTON dresses, two for $5, and drip dry silk shifts, two for $7, Also skirts, $1, Towne Shoppe, 14 Bond Street East, Ups stairs USED AUTO PARTS, batteries, tires, motors. We buy scrap radiators, $47 gens., lees 6V, 50 ci 12V 9c; batteries, $1,590. 52162, 1178 Nelson Street. scueR "BQUIPMENT "See! tank- serve recently inspected, Mistral do hose regulator and weight belt, Excellent Best offer accepted for all, Phone 728-1298. DARK OAK DINING suite, excellent con: dition, reasonable price; double iron bed, son's Furn.) or, in excellent ~ {fridges $30, structure, $50, Oshawa TV supply Road East, we east of Ritson Road, VACUUM repairs, all makes, brushes, etc, oP Rlckup, delivery, 942-02 Fleming Vecuum Service, Main Street,|% Pickering. CONTINENTAL 6 quality -- postur Headboards half price, COTTAGE SPECIALS beds $16, le and chair sets $19. dressers $10,, cribs ba stoves $19., washers $15, 16 Bo West, 25 Bond Street East, Valley Creek, 728-4401, mi -- Seat used furniture and appliances. One location oy. Pretty 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, South Bur. all sizes, Finest Factory outlet. 723-3809, FULLI USH" Products, ham, 7.044 oF 666-6583, TV TOWERS SPECIAL--d0-N, structure, all channel antenna, $50. TRIO Television, 728-5143, BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap. pllances, Call Eimer, Hampton 263-2 OF 263-2695, 9--Market 8 ket FRESH roasting j, ealcken, 6-529), "> Large capons, 0 or mori CHERRIES ick your own, ic @ 6 at dete Lamb's *noed North, South of Boy's Frainng School, R. Fredrich, RR 4, Bowmanville. RASPBERRIOS -- Pick | your own at TRA 2, Whitby, Call bh 3845, RASPBERRIES -- Pick your own, 25¢ per pint, Telephone 725-6046. On Celina Road South, Number 2 Highway, Mr. Mike Panas, 10--Farmers' Column pound. . Deliver on -- TO ASSIST OUR PACKAGING MECHANIC Someone with packaging mas chinery experience on 'label- lers, fillers etc, Excellent op. portunity, good rates of pay. Whitby - Ajax area. APPLY BOX M37203 FRANCHISES AVAILABLE In OSHAWA and ONTARIO COUNTY for MINI-PREP do-nut machines and pro- ducts. Call now for o free demonstration in your crea, For appointment call 723-6267 seen Cal er, Runt Bon Bre covinnes Call Jean Hum at MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Wanted by Notional Finance Company in Ajox. Must be 21 or over, Banking or related experience on asset. Usual company benefits, etc, For -- call MR, CHUM. St 724-465 tor any further portions LEARN proerennt meat cutting end merchand ~. Day and evenine classes, Spociet rate, for out of towner: Ken el -- 534-645) or write abo: study courses, 1166 Dundes West, Toronto 3, Ontario. HARDWARE, ipment, i stocks A poly box able rent, 37166. CAWNS CUT, cellars and yards cleaned. Jobs. or Also email mov! 2062. rd ony IMPLEMENT business with jement dealership, a iol, building ph Rea A ch o) er retiring, Tre young nger man to lerms, Call Rod | 623-3993. W, Frank Ree Estate, MANUPACTURING Ag. &, 1, \ ese ustriel 19° een 8, mie ii or or 4234099, W w. milk and bread Ti--Fawele jiais Wented WAITRESSES SELLING OUT -- 5 areas cattle and calves, wh ind tan police dogs and pups, geese, di + 668-20 bi vi r FRESH CUT BALED hay (mixed Pick up in fleld, 25¢., a bale, Will e at additional charge. jephone 728-5221, RIDING HORSES boarded on farm, west of Orono, aunton Road, Telephone Ab lel. EE EE OBAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick ed Up promptly. Margwill Fur yh =="! Tyrone, Telephone Collect Hampton 263: 2721, Licence 4-C-66. TEN Yorkshire p pigs, seven weeks old. Telephone Oshawa 725-6043, 11--Pets and Livestock COSY J Ranch Kennels, Reg, German Shepherd pups, female 2 yrs., males ? mos., shots, stud servs, Ashburn 655-4662, FOR LICENSED DINING ROOM Experienced. Full and Part Time. For appointment call 623-3373 Flying Time BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, agg jas training, talking strain, Apply Mi Broad, 114 Bigin East, REGISTERED Dachshund Small, standard, india hair, able, Call 623. 3-343 REGISTERED "Semen peerere pup: ples, black and tan, 8 weeks old, May be seen at 734 Cortez Aveni y Ridges, Telephone Ne 839-379; 793, POODLE PUPS. White miniature, Regis: Wihty Ge pg breeding. Must sell, puppies. Reason: FoR ao -- Sorrel geidi years, witenle lady's Msbaed 623-5706 Bow ite. CHINUARUA -- Ide pot, registered, $5 $65, Alsi Poodle puppies, Telephone 726-9122. RABBITS FOR SALE -- 1, Hampton, Telephone 725-597 GERMAN Pointer short uae puppies, registered, Telephone 723- STANDARD BRED - SaLDING® are peeks cld, very quiet, very oe for buggy. Fully broken, $225 or best gi Telephone SARI, three 'elephone house several Dutchman Motor Hotel STENOGRAPHER BILINGUAL Domestic and world-wide ex- porting compony requires a french-english speaking steno- grapher. Must be fully quali- fied, Apply PEEL'S POULTRY FARM LTD. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 985-7331 Ri "Kittens, one all white, three black and white, Tele; 728-272 PART QUARTER WORSE, seddie and bridle, Telephone 723-0648, 12--Articles Wanted bieveles, Runsing ef fet i " cycles, Running or $5. Telephone 600-229) 0s " 0000 UseD FURNITURE. What have re Valley Creek, '6 Bond Street West, G00D | mT] furniture wanted, etc, High- est prices, Call anytime, MacNelis' Fur. niture, 668-5481, 668-6526, CADIES, rolier skates, 9 to OV good OY good | shape, Telephone 728-0624, 13--Articles For Rent WAITRESSES WANTED neat appearance Over 21 Please. Apply in person, Tamblyn Soda Bar OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 942-4020 - . AVION PAINTER WANTED APPLY. 7™:| GANNON'S AUTO BODY _____335 Bloor Street West TOOL - MAKERS" ~ WELDERS Call 668-4981 OR AFTER HOURS Call 668-5222 PRODUCTION es. CABINETTE ASSEMBLERS Reguired Steady Employment H. G. DESIGNS LTD. Station Rd, ____ Pickering 942-3790 SALESMEN Required For new Rombler Dealer in Feige a Bac in person to NICOLS. "MOTORS LTD. on Highway No, 2 Gust west of Thickson's daily YOUNG MAN TO TRAIN as N as apprenti® in type, composition department, Ming mum rade 12 education. Telephony H. M. Timms, plant superintendent, Ger eral Printers Company Limited, fe appointment, 723- +2233, SALARIED SALES POSITION open fo two men. Must dent of Oshawa Whitby, or Bowmanville and district fot three years or more, Age 25 to 48, man ried, Opportunity for ietime career with large financial bid, lode We offer en: sion, group iife insurance, medical hospital Insurance, Must have own auto mobile. Send full details to Box 37055, Oshawa \ Times. DUMP TRUCKS required, steady work, ean + Pickering area. S| ICHANIC vega Apply Stiotontt 311 Brock Street North, ENCED walter wanted. arly Hotel, 67 Simcoe )_ St. ON, RELIABLE, dependabie man tor night porter ~ janitor seg prc Villa Hotel, Whitby. felephone 6 68-3. WORKING MEN TAT = Travel with pay. Steady work, no skill or ex+ perience required. Salary, living quar ters, meals, transportation all provided, Must be in good health, sober and free tp travel, Apply in person only to --Mr, Hudson, Solls-Gray Circus, Whitby, Frie day, July 22. FARM carpenters, $2.60 per hour and up. Telephone 942-2622 ts 7:30 am, to 4 p.m. and ask for _Mr. F, Pike, YOUNG MAN for asia Division of loca! printing plant to learn imprinting and addressing skills. Grade 1) mini- mum, Night shift work. Must be con tga and industrious, benefits. Ap- in person to General Printers Marketing and Mailing Services Utd., $7 Simcoe St., S. Att: D. A, Houlden, MOTORCYCLE | MECHANIC -- Full time. time, Must have experience. Telephone 723-8711 WANTED -- An exporienced cleaner tor dry cleaning plant in the Oshawa area. Must able to manage plant and be bbl to Invest in the business, Our em- ployees know of this ad. Reply in writings arene ui Suanrreations to Box 37492, Osh MAN R RECTED "for janitor work, full time job, 4 p.m, until 12 p.m. Apply Mr, Campbell, Genosha Hotel. EMPLOYERS AND GMPLOVEaES ALIKE are helped through Want Ads! Se © Oe 8 tm Bene 723-3492 19--Male and Female Help Wanted spring and lt also good Telephone 263-2521 DRESSER -- nine-drawer unfinished, $13 also brown rug 6 x 9 $15, both In good Condition, Telephone 728-2523, WASHING MACHINE -- Easy spin dry- er, Only 18 months old, $150. Telephone after 5 p.m, 723-8478. TV "STYLELINE," 4\p years old, excel- Telephone 725-1419, SINGLE BEDS, drapes, small articles for sale. Telephone 725-9843, DRAPES -- white boucie, two pair, 100 inches by 9S inches each, Insulated tin. ing, Just six months old. $60, 725-8455 aftier 5:30 .| REFRIGERATOR, 13 cu, ft. in gi \ good con: dition, will selb reasonable, Phone 726- Storage and Supply | 0979. LLOYD baby Carriage, blue and white, excellent condition, clephone 723-4110. LARGE Thistle baby carriage for "sale, beige coloring, very good condition! $30, Telephone 728-4549. CASH REGISTER, $75. Berkel electric meat sticer $100. Two pop coolers $25 each. Potato peeler and chipper $25. Stainiess steel fryer $500, Telephone 6é8- 272). BABY BARGAINS. Strollers 88. mattresses $9.88, play pens $9.88 chrome high chair $20.88, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, REFRIGERATORS, $2495) beds, $12; new €Mmooth top' mattresses, $19.95; Stoves, $24.98; cribs, $10.95) TV's, $29.95; space savers, $54.95; dressers, chrome sets, radios. Guns, new and used, Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-440), AV CHEVROLET cylinder motor. complete differential, Also one English baby carriage. Apply 76 Montrave Ave- fue or call 725-0649. MCCULLOCH CHAIN" SAWS ana 'acces: sores, sales, rentals and repairs, We also stock McCulloch 100 to } outboard oll and special blend chain saw oll, United) Rental and Marine, 855 King Strept East, 729-5545 3O-INCH HEAVY DUTY Molfat $60. | $80. 1S. VACUUM brushes Carriages §29,95, ~Fange, % cubic foot McClary refrigerater, Both in good condition, 668-494? after all makes, hose delivery, 942-0213, Main Street, repairs ete Pick-up. Fleming Vacuum Service, 'Pickering, s, |ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred KAMPING UNLIMITED TOWNLINE RD, NORTH (1 mile north of King St. &.) RENT-A-TENT-PLAN We a mail division of local kg pen Gri V1 education min- imum, must be accurate and fast typis! with some filing experience. Permanent neater, day or evening shift availiable, pply in person to General Printers, ernie and etek pig too eg 37 Simcoe St. $. att, 0, Houlden. PROTESTANT wa a ralereniean to mind one child in my home, buenos t 7x 7x 5 Brella -- $1.00 Day $4.00 Weekly, 9x9x7 -- $2.00 : ead $8.00 Weeki x 12 x 7 Bustle Back $3.00 * $10. 00 Weekly. x 9 Cabin Hi-Wall $3.00 "$10.00 Weekly, 12 Riveria Hi-Wall $3.00 $12.00 Weekly. 18 Hi-Wall Comb. $3.50 $15.00 Weekly, 9 Dining Shelters $3.00 0 Weekly. ¥ressx Ole <x<*<* buy, deduct the rental fee you paid from the purchase price of the tent of your choice. Other camping and vacation: ing supplies, Trailer Rentals still available for August. Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SARGEANT'S RENTALS 436 Ritson Rd. S, 725-3338 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital Ba pring be reducing machines, sick Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 735 7s. arn CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church Rentals, 412 aisle runners, Cleve Fox Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2614, yrs children, Write Box M37446, The Oshawa Oshawa Times, WOusEKHEPER a ys bene duties in August, Approx, 20 years, Pleasant, intell * and neatness 'ere essential. One eight-year-old wld seperate eres modern home, $150 monthly, Write Box No. 37074 "Osh. awa Times, acne WOMEN REQUIRED to sel custom pic ture framing, paintings and art supolies Some experience in art beneficial but not necessary, Must provide own transpor'a: tion while selling out. of sion plus expenses, For sprees call Clark's Frames, etc, 325 Brock S$! North, by, 648-4497" ater RELIABLE pet tee gle required to care for two school-age children, do gen- erat housework, live in, private room. Telephone between 6 and 7 p.m, 942-3665, BARN EXTRA MONEY Show Can- ada's finest line of terra cords, wraps, novelties, etc, 300 For free, beautifully Whreirores logue, samples on approval and the fast: est service, Jeandron Greeting Card, Co. Ltd., 1253 King St. E., Hamilton, Ont, HELP WANTED -- sates person wanted for larger furniture store, Flair tor color and design an asset. Reply vee oe lence It any to: Box 29949, Th aptenpenne OPERATOR Scare t ottice, Write Box 37379, Osh- for sma' awe 'Times. EXPERIENCED SEWind lady required eit do 1 general repairs and alterations, done plant, Cardinal Cleaners, Ltd, 728-561 NICE large oe to share with one peebied in return for-one or two hours of meee, ideal for woman and one enitd, A Club for ban- kitenen, people? Oshawa Tennis quets, parties, weddings. Parking. 723-2140 mornings. Bar, SOMETHING DISAPPBAR? Place a ios! ad in Classified to reach the finder, Dial fer an ad-writer immes, | Fy POWER ~ SUPERMARKET Requires an EXPERIENCED FULL-TIME MALE Produce Clerk and Part time Cashiers Good starting salories, plea- sont working conditions, Apply MR. BAKER 564 King St. E, Oshawa 728-1481 TAX! DRIVERS Part or full time, Minimum age 25, MERCURY TAXI 5-477] WANTED in immediately -- Man or woman to supply consumers in Oshawa and On. tario county. with Rawieigh Products, Can earn $50 weekly part time; $100 end up full time. Write Rawieigh, Dept, "310-334, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Mont- real, HOUSEKE R WANTED -- fiveday day week, 8 a.m, - 5.30 p.m, References re- quired, Must be mature and reliable. Apply Box M37200. Smart Business People Sing the Praises of Oshawa Action Ads