Ee A ME tm ee Hak a HD a a as > eH a a 4 Bee eee to ooo J-888e .jtaeeee se. wee ee et MARKET TODAY TORO »M. STOCKS N Senator 300 % 35 yf 4 yo Fe alg New Taku 1000 45 45 nd ep Excnange--suiy 10 Nisto yoo 72 7 cents uniess marked $.| Nor Acme 1000 12% 124 naar te NO Ex-aWidend, xf--Bx-| Norgold 2000 14 Baad Wet rights, xw----x-warrants, Net chenge is} Normetal 1 $00 ' from previous board-lot closing sale, | Norpax be Sd "tn 4H " 44 at North Exp 5900 55 $3 S3 --2 MINES Noringet Os os os Opemska $10% 10% 10% Paramaq 5 Wai +% Stock Sales ogy Low Sow ewe Pato 520 $20 accra gs ski s ae Pce Expl 200 24 22 Mr --h Acme Gas 2000 % Pine Point $621 62%1 62a Advocate 150 4 ao 40 150 824% 24% le Aina inv = 100:*115---sdS 5 S| oo 1) ON Piven we i NT ier i 6 % % » WH 1000 152 152 000 a wists on nu 2B - 200 290 7 Woo 3) 3 200 6 BW o+4 mo .62 21500 462 45 4S'4--1'4 400 710 - 710 100 S11% 11% Tee w Lg Se 290° 290 Ro Algom 1592 $27¥4 anh ae + '| io 5.80 Pr 25 $982 982 Bla 1 | 00 $13% 13% 13% Rio Alg ¢ w 450 $15%4 1514 154 --~ Yo} Ewesting' Rockwin 5600 129 126 129 Chemcell Roman 4490 $164 16 16+) Cheysier 250 Ryanor 3 ww Cominco 260 » 8 a a Compuir 350 y 1) 1 olumbia 550 6% ate ag ad 525 920 | Con Bidg p 100 400 400 102 Siscoe 95 95 295 Corby vt 155 318% 18V9 Steep R 580 $80 |= 580 Coronatn 6 190 190 Teck Corp 515 515 (515 Crush int 110 816% 16% Texore 500 40 40 5 i V/ Tombill 10 108 107 107 -- Syenue 1 A AT ig Tormont a ae | Dist Seag 2440. $32 32 Un Cmstk Unie eee Dofasco 200 $24. 24 Utd Pore 194 13% 134 -- "al 125 $10% 10% West Mine 565 565 «565 1680 $20% 20 White Star 340 C34 4 | 1385 $17% 17% Wilco "4 4A M45 $9 30% Deihi Pac - age 6 6 Vv 25 $43%4 43% Yk Bear 500 245 245 245 0 $34 4 Benjoon Zenmac 3. 0% Wa 25 $8 8 Dunrein rt ¥ Zulape 1900 21 20% 20% Exquisite Oo $1) i Fri Falcon 1777 $97 97 5500 Fam Play 150 $26% 26V Siem Yk Me 410% ite ~ OILS, GAS | Fed Grain 100 $8% ri Glacier . £8 | Al 250 16% | Fleet Mig Gi y : 800 Pico wel Manton 450450 450 firm will build the 84 units with|and promoter of Windfall: Oils us | Mentex w 305, 305 305, |the first group ready in the fall.!and Mines Ltd., may be com- 2) 18% 04 NW" z 41a 400 1% "a" + %) Shell Inv p 300 $27% 27% 27% first half of 1966. Alcoa saidit ' 70. 700700 --10 a i a Slivrtids 320 320 Mp Con Paper 40 837% 37% 37% + 6] Siiverwd 'A A | ihad earnings of $52,669,095 or|face two charges of fraud in 300 210 Sima 6 Ade Cons Gas 210 $15% 15% 18% --%! Simpsons 00 331% hve dite + 4 $2.40 a share on-sales and oper-jconnection with price fluctua- Simpson $ oe ere y,| ating revenues of $669,200,615| tions of Windfall shares in July, 6% 190 4% 20% 9 32 rz) 10% a a am, Ron, Laura Sec Sis 4 4 Lav Rin 2 $6 bie bie | fey hope iii I RWSINESS RRTErC Life inv wt $00 vs WB Ws oe' ob 8 / #104 0A 10m | _.PLAN HOUSING , Sie as +) & $2,000,000 private housing Maclean ] $34% 34% 30% -- % devel t was MB Ltd $264 26¥2 2642 -- Ya Mass-Fer 515% 354 154 -- Mont Loco $162 164 16% Nat Orug $12% 12% Nor Cio . |127,000 pounds compared with Ocean Cm 15 = Revenue p 2 Royal Bnk 97% 72 7 ag Shell Can S21%0 21 21% 3 Ei Sater rw $00 700 100 |during the first six months, St Paving i iN jcompared with income of $39,- sleet Cen ian hy" | 119,219 or $1.77 a share on sales|56 cents on rumors that a Wind- Texaco $582 58'. 58% jof $591,198,954 for the compar-|fall drill core contained rich sent ae 4 able period of 1965, commercial yalues of copper. --%| Tor Om Bk $61% a bla-- Ve 74e--~ Va WY -- 439% u"e+ iy n 970 2b 8% 1000 467) «(6666 395 «395 «(395 Ford Cnde 10915) 15) 15) jenn Goldrim 4a 3600 22% 2% Mr-- | Fraser 650 $26 26 Grandroy - 450 $14% 14% 14% | 232 $80% 88% Gulch 9 9 % 88% 1000 55 170 «(170 Gunnar | 100 20) Hasage 4 oo | 100 250 Heath 1 200 75 + Huds Bay 40 . Guer Trst oe 10% tron Bay 6 235 Hardee 600 61 Jaye 2 # $19% 19% 19% Herd Crp A 85 $43% 4% iy 10% 6) 49% ~ Jele: é& 6 $10 10% 10% | Hawker 6 435 435 (435 kor. Adé p Yel 184 177-180 1 | Horne Pit 1180 278 275 275 Dome Pete $14% 14% 14% | Home A 2105 $19% 19% bie Seer a § | Dynamic 3700 395 390-995 «+ S| Huron Eri 250 $10 1 | Gt COlisds S11% W% 1% | Husky C pr 75 355% Pad int Helium 236 736 «(236 Husky DW 100 590 Mill City 95 = H Bay Co 175 $16" Ne Numac 5 (165 Imp Oi) S01 $55Ve 55 Peruv 0 - imp Teb 225 $14% 14% Place G 2 2 ind Accept 125 $202 20% Prairie Oil 3 Inglis 615 $10%2 10% Provo Gas inland G p 230 $18 17™% Ranger IMC 35 $7575 Spooner Int Nickel 1455 $984 98Ve Stanwell | Int Util Triad Oli Int Util pr U Canso Inipr Pipe 403 878% 78% W Decaita 100 330 a Intpr Steel 200 87% 7% INDUSTRIALS | fag aT ITL tnd 100 $14 M" 900 243 - Abitibi 1650 $10% James Sti wll $8 ™ 00 277 Alfa Gas p 1230 $91 " Jefferson 104 $3) «31 9% 0 - 10 55% 590 6% 55 4% 20% + 10% 17% 3 4 98% + 265 + w™* 78s -- "a ™" bath, Garage included. Telephone n u" 8 4+ Tor tron W 330% 3) 3 *' Traders A 810% Tr Can Pi p $404 TrCanP W 950 10 Trans Mt 50 $16% 16% 'ion | °F E d D Tru-Wall 325 325 5 ront n ue Un Carbid 924% 24% 7p oo Va Un Gas $114 Wh 18 | On Some Fords U_ Sections $5 5 vereatt ne as DETROIT (AP)--Ford Motor |inat Mrs. MacMillan gave him Versotile 50 $22 2 vic G Tr $15% 15% 15% Co, said Tuesday its new col-/, short section of the Windfall wan ow ba Meare -'4/Japsible front end will be intro-| gril}. core July 6. West ind 260 2600 260 West Ind A 445 445445 |duced on some Ford Weste'st $27% 27% 27% + Yel 1969, : |REVEAL NO VALUE 7 4, % 23%+ Fi ¥ a lye oot aT ak The accordion-like design is Weston A $19% 19% 19% intended to absorb most of the|Joseph Addison tests completed Wein A¥a8 » 90 «6-9 = =~ + 1 shock from a collision. jthat day revealed no commer- Sales to 11:00 a.m.: 654,000. |. Arjay Miller, Ford president,|cial value and the laboratory said all Sord cars would have Coch ane Piacente don | the collapsible front end by 1971. Glacier 2000 9 9 9 Other U.S. auto companies Opemiska 400 $11 10% 0% | Siscoe 500 345 340 0 --It "| the idea but none joined Ford, na }in announcing that the idea was % URGE MORE SUPPORT |past the experimental stage. | MONTREAL (CP) -- Repre-| Two European cars, Merce-| sentatives of the 1967 Montreal|des-Benz of West Germany and| *| world' s fair urged the Canadian| Britain's Rover 2000, have fea- ms-|dairy industry Tuesday to in-| tured the 'collapsible front end crease its support for the dairy! for some time. Ma building of the Man the Pro-| A spokesman for Ford of Can- 325 310 Algo Cont' 100 $11% 11% jetterson et as aa "| vider theme pavilion. Only one|ada said any modifications 3 Algoma St 250 $298 29 Labatt 174 $18% 18% 18%+ Y%\company has thus far an- | made to the American model hoo 43% 23% 234 Alcan 645 $36% 361% Lafarge A 100 * 7000 a a a + vs! Alcan pr 25 $42¥2 424 42¥n+ | LOnt Cem 2000 200 Argus" B pr 8 84% 0% % LO Cem ws 4500 455 40 | nounced support for the dairy| would simultaneously be in- | exhibit, (cluded in the Canadian car, with a smooth new bottle anda celebrated taste that' 's how That's how:White Satin is. Still made to Sir, Robert Burnett's original 1770 London Dry formula; still exactly as dry and satin-smooth today as it ever was. After all, when great taste can keep a gin famous for generations on both sides of the ocean--we wouldn't dream of changing it. What we have done, though, is change the White Satin bottle. It's the best way we know to salute a celebrated gin. Have a look. Have a buy. White Satin! That's how a gin should be "white satin The Premium Gin SIR ROBERT _BURNETTS ,1770 Type wv CELE RE \ ls ATI 79RpS \A LONDON a An. he \ QO .n00TH HASSAN Meade from the € j LONDON, ENGLAND ec Rab The MMA foe ERS N LIMITED. MONTREAL inary hearing of fraud charges Magna 1 M5 05 5 +10. Windsor Tuesday by Capitallacainst George and Viola Mac- | oe ove oe a ae Building Industries Ltd. The/Milian; respectively president Moore 583% 83% | PRODUCTION UP pleted today with testimony Moree A lbp shed | Production in May of refinedifrom five remaining Crown Noranda 600 $5. +%|\beet and cane sugar was 169,-| witnesses. | Ont Steel 50 $36 38 : + %| 139,206,000 in the same month|said the witnesses include How- | Bac "Pete i -- lof 1965, the bureau of statisticsjard Graham, farmer Toronto | ; tim |reported Tuesday, The January-|Stock Exchange pvidept 1s -|May total of 650,971,000 pounds|R, Kimber, Ontario Securities i> "| compared with 610,909,000 in the|Commission chairman, and a 660 6+10 |same period of 1965. woman who is in hospital. He ess INCOME INCREASES said the hearing might have to Reyncld p $5 8585 a The Aluminum Co. of Amer-jadjourn to the hospital to hear Reval $2% 28% 2% ~ '*\ioa reported in Pittsburgh Tues-|testimony unless agree ment Salada si) 1) 1) --"lday an almost-35-per-cent in-|could be reached with defence bade ee tat crease in net income for the|counsel. no ore found, the shares M% trea a S334 i | Ha Collapsible \dropped to 80 cents. |supervisor of Technical Services |Laboratories in Toronto. Ed- confirmed they were studying) Jans' home in Toronto July 8, IN WINDFALL STOCK FRAUD CASE THE CORA A. THIEL. Wetoenters: de. 28 AN 28 Cool, Uranium MacMillans Near Setter tne End '@\ 414 WJ TORONTO (CP) -- A prelim- Prosecutor Roderick Cormack , John MacMillan and his wife. each 1964 The shares rose to $5.60 from When the core was assayed and The woman in hospital was ward Warren, the company's treasurer, testified Tuesday Mr. Warren told Magistrate supervisor was instructed to in- form Mrs. MacMillan. A formal report was sent to the MacMil- jopened strongly on the Torontojand bringing the mines into OTTAWA (CP)--The coal and D. ato aii uranium industries reveal the only signs of 4f heath this wear among the 19 major areas of & a réeliminar y mineral production, the Domin- ion Bureau or Siatisiics reported two days after Windfall stockjswinging a pick to sang sed barge A survey showed coal produr- Stock Exchange. production. -- tion down to .4,166,520.tons in In' other testimony Tuesday,| "Among my more successful|the first four months of 1966 two geologists and a chemist|strikes have been the ViolaMac/from 4,400,685 tons for the same said visual examinations of the|mine in Porcupine, Ont., the}period of 1965, drill core showed no commer-|Lake Cinch, a uranium mine in| Production of uranium to the cial value. Saskatchewan, and Windfall, ajend. of April was 2,610,279 Fenton Scott, a geologist who|property in the Timmins area,|pounds, down from 3,640,490 a said he saw the core in March,|adjacent. to the recent Texas! year earlier. 1965, was "not impressed with|Gulf Sulphur strike, Natural-gas_movements--were the core from an economic well ahead to 642,324,987,000 standpoint." POP TREND SLIPS cubic feet from' 510,165,853,000. He testified he could see no) LONDON (CP). -- Younger|Petroleum shipments reached indications of copper, zinc, sil-| children are losing their interest|116,756,110 barrels, compared ver, gold "'or rocks which you|in pop music, say the program|with 107,430, 960, would expect to contain silver|pjanners of a commercial tele-| ~~ chery page or gold;"" vision company. They are re-| NUMBERS GROW Under cross - examination,| working several juvenile shows| Mexico's population, reckoned however, he said he would def-|to take the emphasis off the lat-|at 16,300,000 in 1930, now is esti- initely send the core to be as- jest hit records. 'mated to be 41,000,000. sayed. | = ee i ALSO SAW IT Dr, E. Kerr-Lawson, presi- BYRON STREET SOUTH dent of Swastika Laboratories LUXURY SPLIT LEVEL --~ WHITBY where the Windfall core was -- WHITBY Charming 6 year old. brick assayed, said: One of those rore bargains bungalow. 2 stone fireplaces, "I didn't think there was any you sometimes heor about but finished, potential, 2 bedroom commercial values indicated by rorcly. find. Situated on a apartment to take care of any of the core I saw." But he lovely ferge wooded landscop- "your _peyments.; Small dawn added he had been wrong in the ed fot, Awe 7m the noise, Dovinent required, MiL:S, No, past and his conclusions from|[] '0% « iy" , A visual examinations, ean, ae ay) many Call Dor SY tenet Rumors about Windfall stock|]| -- xtros, } ae O483 were neither confirmed nor de- nied by the MacMillans during the stock market activity. af pavement, dane by Viele Advertised and Sold acMillan and read on the Co- oe Broadcasting S i AS m In One Week by television program To Tell The * Truth was introduced by prose- Doug Carmichael cutor Rod Cormac. It said: "TI Viola MacMillan, am pres: H LTD ident of the Prospectors and De- e e velopers Association of Canada, I am also an active mining REALTOR prospector myself. I have been engaged in every phase of the 723-7463 business from grubstaking and 49° price tags mean Special Savinas this weel-! BEST BUY! SAVE 10c! HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS 39: Twin Pack 12-Oz. Cello Bag MILK BEST BUY! - Save 4c! - Evaporated | | BEST BUY! SAVE 9c! |] BEST BUY! SAVE 8c! RED & WHITE KOOL-AID | STRAWBERRY 1:49: || 10 49. [JAM 49 Fruit Drink Powders 24-Oxz. Jar ... (with Pectin) FEATURE! Save léc! -, Facelle "MODERNE" TISSUE BEST BUY! -- Save 18c! Regular 200s or Chubby 300s KLEENEX TISSUES 3 pkgs. | MOG) Stve tact BEST BUY! -- 5 Varieties in each 1%-Lb. Packag Supreme Brand BISCUITS 49¢] MIRACLE SPORK Lunch Meat ee ae SAVE 18e! -- 15-Ox, Tins DRESSING HEINZ SPAGHETTI 3 for 4¢) 55, MIX OR MATCR! . YOUR CHOICE! YOR fA Beas wit bak ihe 3 for A9¢ 32-Oz, Jar or ROASTS Boneless Rolled TREND "Mild Seasoned" Wieners Ib. 53¢ Bologna Ib. 49c Sausage Ib. 69c Ib. RUMP ROASTS Ib. 85¢ SHOPSY'S FAMOUS TREND Ceres Root the BACON Salami Well-Streaked, Sli s 29¢ Rindless, Mild Cured 4-07. Pkgs Ib. 99c % Tin SAVE 6c! -- Fancy Quality SUNSHINE FRESH COHOE SALMON 49c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SAVE 8! -- Club Des Millionnaires duicy -- Sweet -- No. 1 BLACK CHERRIES CELERY Famous Walla Walla -- No. 1 Pug. of 2 Tenderflake 24-02, Size SPANISH ONIONS ih ae eT wre oe Ontario's Finest No. 1 Large Shredded Iced Fruit Loaf Mellow and Sweet Chiquita SARDINES 2 for 59c SAVE 9c! -- Fresh-Frosen Farm House Chocolate -- Cocoanut -- Lemon LBS. 29¢| CREAM PIES 2 for 89c SAVE Gc! -- Red & White 3-08 (RAKERY FEATURES ! Qt. Box Jelly Powders 5 for 49c¢ Save 10c!--Supreme Brand 3% SAVE 5c!--Maple Leaf 1b, Pkgs. APPLE PIE SAVE 9c!--Nabisco 120s. Pkgs. Weston or Sunbeam stalk 25¢ Wheat 2 for 49¢ 7 39 SPROULE'S WILSON BROWN'S Red and White 'FOODMASTER' Red and White Red and White Corner Simcoe at Mill Wilson Rd. S. Brooklin, Ont. Shopping Plaza