- MARRIED IN WHITBY In St. Mark's daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Laaja, Whitby United Keeping Feet Cool In Summer Depnds On Proper Shoe Care : By ELEANOR ROSS As with eerything else in the wardrobe, footwear benefits from good care. If shoes--for play or dress--leisure slippers and sneakers are kept in good, cieéan condition, they will last longer, hold their shape better, be more comfortable. Try toalternate wearing shoes, so that each pair has a chance to air at least one day after use. Occasionally dip a sponge or cloth into thick suds, squeeze well to remove all excess mois- ture, and use it to "mol"' out the interior of €ach shoe. Allow plenty of time for the lining to au-ucy before subsequent wear. White shoes laces should be removed frquently and washed in hot suds. Aftér rinsing, Stretch laces taut and hang up to dry. Don't let a. thick layer of pol- ish build up on white leather shoes. Instead, occasionally use a sponge dipped in thick suds to wash the leather. Repeat with fresh suds until no more polish comes off, then rinse with a clean sponge wrung out of clear water and allow to dry thoroughly before applying a new coat of poli It is wise to stuff shoes before washing either with tissue pa- per or clean rags, to catch drips that may occur even though you squeeze out the sponge well be- fore use. Never dry leather in bright sunshine, or near any source of heat. Shoes made of fabric, straw lor the now, very popular plastic are also suds-sponegable. For these, whip up dense suds in a small bowl and use a sponge or soft brush to skim the "dry" suds off the top; avoid dripping water. Then use the "dry" suds to sponge the entire surface of each--shoe~-until- clean; Quickly wipe with a sponge or cloth wrung out of clear water, and then allow to dry. It's a good idea, we've found, to use a well-lathered old tooth- brush to scrub the side "wall" of each shoe before polishing any shoes. Repeat this step after the polish has dried. This serves to wipe away any mud or dirt before polishing, and any surplus polish after the job is completed. Scrub heavy rippled soles often with thick suds and a stiff brush. If the "indents" be- tween the ripples get clogged grip and traction for which they are designed. Loungewear slippers made of terrycloth or other cotton fab- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 20, 1966 7 Keeping footwear clean is nojbeneficial to the shoes--and the great feat but it certainly islfeet. < rics, with crepe rubber or plas- tic soles, are safely hand-wash- able. Just squeeze these through warm suds and iiises. Squeeze out excess moisture after the final rinse, pull into shape and stuff with tissue paper to dry. Sneakers are easy to clean, whether made of cotton canvas, duck or abrasion-resistant nylon cord. Give them a good brush- ing with a stiff brush and thick suds. for stubborn dirt spots, dip the lathered brush into scouring powder before scrub- bing, After thorough rinsing, pull into shape and hang to dry. If necessary, add a little house- hold bleach to the wasti water for white sneakers. @ Low Rental Rates by the Month or Year Expert Meat processing and Custom Cutting Save on Wholesale Meat Buy in Quantity and Save Complete Locker Service | OSHAWA FUR AND LOCKER STORAGE 81 William St. West PHONE 723-3012 Wilson's | | Chureh last Saturday after- th mud, these soles lose the OSHAWA TEACHER IS WED | Sturt Sars ater is the daughter of Mr. and | Mille - took Ms his bride DeMille of Oshawa. f Mrs. Elmer Parker of Nancy Lizabeth Laaja, Denis Studios. | Hymers, Ontario, and the | | bridegroom is the son of. |the rib cage, ending in a cough. | ICE CREAM TRIFLE Mr. and Mrs. Janis a You're supposed to do this three Into a ok glass bowl -- 1} bachs of Niagara Falls, ; P : ayer strawberry ice cream, Ontatioc times a day at different periods layer sponge or pound cake, -- --___------ or whenever the desire to smoke) Jayer of fresh or frozen straw- Exercise, Rub-Down Help * pinly there's exerese--a 1|witeFalow thr" proce Break Smoking Habit i ' juntil bowl is filled. Top with} | to-30-minute walk after meals, meringue or whipped cream. || the time when the urge to OTTAWA (CP)--A daily rub--constriction which gives| down -will help you through the smokers cooler skin than non-| with| smoke is usually intense. | withdrawal period when you're smokers The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A former primary school teacher in Oshawa, Miss Nancy Parker became the bride of Mr. Aldis Stein- bachs in a recent ceremony at Niagara Falls. The bride For glamor _ sprinkle brandy and light. | | | | } Has Your Food Dollar Lost It's Punch? trying to give up smoking Exercise in the open air, deep rhythmic breathing and drink- ing lots of non-alcoholic liquids are also useful The magazine Canadian Nurse offers the advice based on a test group of persons who sought to overcome the craving for tobacco in the withdrawal period. Once a day for several weeks, it says, you should briskly rub "increasing portions of the body with a washcloth wrung out in cold water." This counteracts The first day you give up cigarettes, drink six to eight} glasses of water. And you may| take lots of fruit juice. It will! help boost your blood sugar which 'normally drops after' nicotine is withdrawn. But no alcohol until you've kicked the smoking habit. 'It may undermine the individual's determination to stop smoking."'| Deep breathing is a kind of} mock-smoking, with the same} anxiety-relieving effect as the/ first long drag on a cigareite. | Inhale, expanding the rib cage, | Phone 723-1163 and Stretch Your Dollar FOOD CLUB Guaranteed To Save You $100.00 Year THE FOOD PLAN THAT Chambeu; Super: Save Markets have Two powerful advantages Specially Selected Lean - Tender For Roasting 1. The personal direction of the Super Save operator. 2. One of the biggest Supply Houses in Canada. HAS PROVEN ITSELF the effects of the chronic vaso- then exhale with pressure on! assert sPORK BUTT 59: "Ideal for the Barbecue"--Lean--Meaty--Pork FRESH SLICED Famous Shopsy Products TWO PACK - 2-0Z. POTATO SALAD 39* Capture The Fun Of Your Vacation! 8 MM Home Movie CAMERAS ex 2 PRICE! \/: SEE OUR SELECTION TODAY !! SCHNEIDERS FAMOUS -- MILD SEASONED COUNTRY SAUSAGE 12-0Z. PKGS. 69° 39° LB. SCHNEIDERS -- 3 VARIETIES TWO PACK - 2-0 . COLE SLAW TASTY SNACK CHUBS 3...°1 | CORNED BEEF 49: @ BARBECUE CHICKENS @ PIZZAPIES | TORMAT AUTO EE Z00M 8 Automatic Zoom Lens with Grip. 69.95 '/. PRICE 34.98 KEYSTONE TWENTY 1.8 lens, spring wound, single frame. 39.95 '/ PRICE 14.98 SANKYO 8 CM Electric Drive Focusing zoom lens, folding grip, complete with case. 139.95 '/2 PRICE 69.98 KALIMAR TV ZOOM Variable speeds, battery tester, completely automatic. 139.95 '/. PRICE 69.98 CROWN AUTOMATIC Reflex Zoom with grip. 139.50 ' PRICE 69.75 KEYSTONE Electric Zoom Real Value -- 129.95 '/. PRICE 64.98 GLANULATED SUGAR 3:«37: GOLD SEAL... . FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON 2 TW 5 v4 SWIFT'S 24-07. TIN BEEF STEW 39° SHIRRIFF'S JELLY POWDERS SPECIAL i) FOR Sg Chain 'A' 39 -- Fancy Quality Aylmer TOMATO JUICE 3 48-02. 85° Chain A' 69¢ -- HEINZ SANDWICH SPREAD Chain 'A' 2 for 5ic! -- CRYSTALS TANG ORANGE Chain 'A' 59c! -- Ficischmann's Corn Oi MARGARINE Chain 'A' $1.89! -- ideal for Salads 24-07. saat 49° Brox 1.00 1-LB. 49¢ MAZOLA CORN OIL "7; Chain 'A' $3.23! INSTANT CARNATION ;;;,: 2.69 Save on Plastic .. . GARBAGE BAGS Large Size 8-LB. CARTON 10 ron 69° TALL tins L5¢ 4 sans 46° 7-02. 3Q¢ CARNATION MILK HEINZ STRAINED FOODS Chain 'A' 47¢ -- Saico Solid White TUNA FISH 1.59 PKG. TIN 27¢ Off Pack Plus FREE COUPON TIDE DETERGENT se 1,52 SIZE Royol Charger . . . Large Bottle GINGER ALE 2 FOR 25° sneer BAG SUNKIST ORANGES 3 x BY. SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE corner oF KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA NIKKOREX ZOOM 8 Nikon Lens, automatic. 189.95 '/. PRICE 94.98 NIKKOREX -8F A good compact for holidays 99.50 ', PRICE 49.98 KODAK KODACHROME II Daylight or Type A MOVIE FILM Compare at 5.25 YASHICA Yashimat Zoom 9-27 Zoom, ASA 10-320 124.50 '/, PRICE 62.25 FRENCH FRIES ORDERS NOW TAKEN For Fresh Pitted CHERRIES *,,\\" PAIL (T'S PRESERVING TIME OPEN TO-NITE Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nights till 10 o'clock. @ AMPLE FREE OFF STREET PARKING @ DYNACHROME 25 Daylight MOVIE FILM Compare at 4.50 JURY * LOVELL um 8 King Street East Downtown Oshawa 723-2245 Dozen IN BAG