Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1966, p. 8

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in throwing com; liens. ot Cone.» Smepeued. ratios rolling pin centres. Canada and note One Calas cae! specially made Australian A have been at it since homa, Gloucester, England and| hardwood 126 ae 10 inches. | 1961. New South Wales, Australia, Best brick thrower is Stewart, The women of Stroud entered Canada's Stroud rolled over|George of Gloucester, who|with rolling pins flying in 1962, its opponents in the rolling-pin|tossed a five-pound brick, cus- toss, scoring 27 points. England|tom made at Stroud, Okla., a Rate High g made 13 points while the United| distance of 119 feet, two inches. STROUD, Ont, (CP) -- Th : ' : me throwing bck, buen tala fe stow, "England, bean 'iow comes firing ling pins Eneland's Soul tral. satg the comes fer twa B| "that's what the populations of| ee sith 29 points, The Ameri |TeMzed Poth places are brick- ngage ag ar gor cans scored 18, Canada nine s| Ausiraiia might be saying to-;*°¢ Austratia eight. day. Champion For Saturday was the day for|of the world, of the international brick and roll-'olyn Armstrong of Ontario, who Canadians B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 19, 1966 NEWS IN BRIEF URGES CRACKDOWN Jean St. Laurent, 29, were HAMILTON (CP) -- Alder-|taken to hospital. Police said man Stanley Dudzic, chairman) the explosion occurred when the of the city health board, Mon-|hose of a propane gas delivery day proposed a province-widel|truck driven by Mr. St, Lau- crackdown on noisy motor-\rent, was punctured near a cycles. Speaking to the Hamil-| stove. ton trailic committee, he pro-| posed provincial action to make! APPEAL DENIED sure cl motorcycles are) KUGENE, Ore. (AP) -- Cir-i equipped with noise muffling| cuit Judge Edward Leavy Mon- devices and said "the noise is denied the appeal of co-ed getting to be one of this city's|editor Annette Buchanan for a biggest problems." new trial on contempt-of-court WANT SAFE TIRES charges. Miss Buchanan, 20, of "paul Dia I Set wrong N CALL OR SEE DIXON'S FOR OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Seattle, was convicted June 28 TORONTO (CP)--The Garage|and fined $300 for refusing to tell a grand jury the names of students she interviewed for an article on marijuana, She is Operators Association has sub- mitted a brief to the provincial government urging action on 'The greatest high adventure 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE ae Aire om ge bic managing editor of the Oregon associations genera ont '|}Daily Emerald, student newspa- yy Boi cespabhearyling poe per at the University of Oregon. without cutting ese one READY FOR FAINTERS terials and workmanship, an . - cs low-cost tires are "like staking peter: Wales ogernig 'our life that a child's balloon|+ 0%! Olice messengers who de- toon break." liver telegrams here are ready 4 \for people who faint on receiv- eyo SPE en OTTAWA (CP)~A conference) #V© Passee frstalc examina: on psychiatric disorders will be ~~ y tees ety authorized to) held at the University of Ottawa) "@!TY "rstaie kits, next Byes ae di Ta ae foe SCROLLS RETURN HOME noune: lay. The confer- " ence, to be attended by mental toa a td pal tg' " health experts, will deal with|>cTo!ls, carefully packed in 36 mental health problems and| jboxes, arrived back in Jordan) preventative measures, aboard a chartered air-| jliner after touring Britain and} BLAST INJURES FIVE ever filmed! STARTING TOMORROW Now North America for 18 months.| MONTREAL (CP)--Five peo-|They were taken to the museum ple were injured Monday in an/of antiquities under armed es- explosion and fire that caused |cort. serious damage to a restaurant one and neighboring buildings inj STAMP HARD TO FIND suburban Laprairie. Mrs. Jean| The rarest Canadian stamp is Lue Filion, and her children Jo-|the "twelve - penny black" of There was a new twist in anne, 13, and Jean, 15 -- |1851, bearing the portrait of the Sourdough Raft Race Michelle Machabee, + and) Queen Victoria. Monday during Edmonton's Klondike Days. As 101 rafts landed on the North _Sas- Political Leaders UMBIA PICTURES. PECK DAVID NIVEN ADULT SMTERTAINMENT CRAB THAT GARTER katchewan River bank, one member of each two-man crew had to run up the bank and take a garter from a dancing" girl. Teams 3 were disqualified if the garter was not produced at the finish line. (CP Wirephoto) Seaway Tolls May Be Hiked OTTAWA (CP)--The a ° ment faces a decision this fa on what to do about St. Law-|petuity for having financed the Lie Low rence Seaway finances. project. The result may be increased; Mr. Reuss said present tolls) OTTAWA (CP)--Party lead- tolls along the inland waterway) are more than adequate to meetjers plan to stay generally close|for the annual convocation of| Sir Edwin, a native of Hamil- or a revamping of the financial|reasonable seaway costs. His|to the hustings during the Com-|the Grand Lodge of Canada, A.|ton, Ont., was elected Conserva- program to get around the debt/ bill would provide that tolls be|mons' summer recess, a survey|F. and A. M., in Ontario. |tive member of Parliament for that has been growing since the/set to cover operating and| showed Monday. The majority are from the/|the British riding of North Som- mammoth project was com-|maintenance costs plus a fair : jmore than 600 Masonic lodgesierset in 1950. pleted in 1959. return to the government on its| Prime Minister Pearson is to\i ou ghout Ontario. The meetings today will hear/ The Canadian government| investment. complete a three-day swing) "The convocation opened Mon-|reports of standing committees | provided a loan. of $345,000,000) The St. Lawrence Seaway Au- [aeven Alberta Oday, His of: ay and continues today with|such as the committee on the | to foot the bill for the Canadian| thority says that, up to last Dec,|/ice Said he plans to spend the) io.aq directors' meetings and/state of freemasonry and the an-| side of the Seaway, Since it]31, the Canadian Seaway had|S¥mmer catching up with office | veetings of the board of gen-|nual report on the bursaries | opened, the waterway has been! paid interest of $47,196,000, leav-|Work and keeping frequent), purpose. Wednesday the|program administered by the| unable to pay off any of theling $44,095,000 in deferred inter-|SPe@king engagements, Jannual meeting will be held at/Masonic Foundation. principal and has fallen behind est, Interest charged on the| Opposition Leader Diefen-|Cedarbrae.secondary school,| Among those to be elected is on the interest payments. original loan and deferred loans|baker and his wife are spending|complete with a parade and|a new deputy grand master who Hearings were held earlier|is about four per cent. a week at Fairmount Hot)featuring the election of district |will later move to the head of this summer to get reaction of} The report on the toll hear-|Springs in the Rockies, 60 miles}and lodge officers, |the organization, The present interested parties to a toll in-jings is in government hands|northwest of Banff, Alta. He |WELL SPEAK deputy grand master, Donald J. crease of some 10 per cent.|and Transport Minister Pickers- [plans to make a few public ap-} Guest speaker at Wednesday|Gunn, will succeed Grand Mas- There were strong protests] gill told. the Commons last week|pearances in Alberta and visit |night' s Grand Masters' dinnerlter James N. Allan next year. against a boost, there will be no change in thejhis Prince Albert constituency me ace eg, be mere = toll structure without an an-|until mid-August, when he'll re-| usual Canadian interest in a nouncement to Parliament. jturn to. Ottawa. * t-Representative Henry §. Reuss} With the Commons in recess| New Democratic Le a WR ESTLING Ts": July 19, 8:30 says he will introduce in the/until Oct. 5, it is expected an-|Douglas has speaking engage- CERAWA SOIC AUBITORIUM U.S. Congress this week. nouncement of any decision}ments across Canada in the A RETURN GRUDGE BATTLE Johnny Powers vs. The Beast MR, X vs. ROCKY JOHNSON ' Seaman Art Thomas vs. Jungle Jim Storr @ PICKERING--C.N. Sounds ° OANA Oeies her shogeton #/BOB LIEPLER vs. GEORGIOS KANELIS 0: AAN--Alex, Drops Be a aac ike 'GUNS OF NAVARONE SiNLEY BAER ANTHONY QUAYLE: IRENE PAPAS: GIA SCALA see JAMES DARREN 'Written & Produced by Music Composed & Conducted Dwected by ' fl se IMITRY TIOUKI | JL THOMSON [it EARL FOREN au rims OVOW AIR CONDITIONED FOR COMFORT Grand Lodge Convention Takes Masons To Toronto TORONTO (CP) -- Close tojwill be Sir Edwin Leather, past} |4,000 Masons, including repre-|grand deacon of the United | |sentatives from all 10 provinces,|Grand Lodge of England and| England, and 20 American/past master of Canada Lodge, states are in Toronto this week|No. 3527, London, England. * COLOR + PANAVISION "NEVADA SMITH" but the government would col- lect an annual payment in per-| Elvis Presley "PARADISE HAWAIIAN STYLE" -- in color DANCING Downtairs WHITBY ARENA WED., JULY 20th THE TWO TOP BANDS ON TWO BIG STAGES NON-STOP 8 P.M. to 12 MIDNITE DRESS: - Your Choice, FEATURING THE UGLY DUCKLINGS AND THE FABULOUS FIVE RISING SONS! @ Advance Tickets 1.25 @ At the Door 2.00 @ TICKET AGENCIES @ @ TORONTO--A & A Records, e@ BOWMANVILLE--Bryson's Yonge St. Smoke Shop INN (AJAX) LTD. 70 STATION ST, -- AJAX eaturing NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT in THE CAROUSEL LOUNGE Facilities for 20 to 300 Banquets @ Meetings @ Weddings Phone 942-5580 Information and Reservations The bill proposed by the Wis-/ could come soon after the House|next few weeks. H s consin Democrat would remove) resumes sittings, Shippers have Highland "perl at Torrie | the requirement, agreed to by to take tolls into account in set-|Ont., July 30 and the Caledonian | both the Canadian and U.S.|ting rates for the 1967 season.|\Games in Vancouver Aug. 6, governments when they under-| The 50-year period to wipe out Creditiste Leader C took the joint project, that build-| Seaway debt was stipulated in Jatelogiadtan cet atpte dE ing costs for the Seaway be re-|the Canada - U.S. agreement.|&t_home in Rouyn, Que., mh paid over 50 years, Changes along the line of the|September It would make the U.S. in-| bill proposed by Mr. Reuss, or vestment in the Seaway, about) any alteration in this repayment $130,000,000, a permanent one.| period, would have to be ap- The debt would be wiped out! proved by both governments, 4-GREAT BOUTS---4 © wire Walby keene eT, sit Whitby Arena : Whitby Record Bor ae Books /j Pat Milosh Promoter --- Tickets For These OVER 3500 EXPECTED AS USUAL! ACTION STARTS 8 P.M. LARGEST DANCE OF ITS KIND IN NORTH AMERICA ! Social Credit Leader Thomp- | son plans to spend most of the recess touring his Red Deer iriding ° / SMOKE "MATINEE" KINGS OR REGULAR... MATIN ty 0 NGS | For INTRODUCING LISI NI INIT: Ios THE BEATLES relia Pn EASTMANCOLOR (UNITED ARTISTS rcursse BDEBLA LA OR Pe tel te om 4 RP On om og OUR INTRODUCTORY OFFER::. MONEY! FOR ONTARIO SMOKERS ONLY! OVER 6000 CASH PRIZES--HERE'S HOW YOU WIN: MATINEE SMOKER WINS *250 DOUBLE THE LAUGHS OSHAWA DRIVE-IN ENDS TODAY "Silencers" ( Adult) Buy a package of "Matinée" Kings or Regular. "Cat Balloo" Look at the serial number on the certificate inside. NOW SHOWING 5.00 25.00 00000 (5 zeros), you can win $ 250.00 'f the number ends in 000000 (6 zeros), you can win $2500.00 {if the number ends in 000 (3 zeros), you can win $ KIDS ™ SEE TT ¥ AGAIN AND AGAIN with that , Supercalifragilistie music! eer If the number ends in 0000 (4 zeros), you can win $ If the number ends in Provided you correctly answer a skill-testing question. Then, if you are eligible under the other rules listed here, that's it! You win! Rules 1. Offer open to al! persons 18 years of age and over purchasing Matinée" in the Province of Ontario except employees of the manutacturers of "Matinée" ciga- rettes, their agents, the judging organization and members of their immediate families 2. All decisions of the judges shall be final. Offer subject to all federal, provincial and local regulations. "JULIE ANDREWS - DICK VAN DYKE i +) vd by WIM VA Datioon Ca be, GURL Wit Dany Petco TECHNICOLOR® PLUS WALT DISNEY CARTOON FESTIVAL BOX OFFIC OPENS 8:00, REGULAR PRICES 'Mr. Murray McKinnon (left) of Timmins, Ontario: had a serial number that ended in 00000 and won $250.00. Here he is shown after receiving his cheque from. Mr. Stuart Smith (right) Matinée representative. ONE SHOWING ONLY AT 9:15 SIST SPST at St St bt Star as ss So RRe hi LIVERPOOL RO. WAT 401 942-1250 TE PEE DRIVE-IN FULT ES ST OS PT ST UIT 4) ttl tt tt) BREDLO CRO Oe Pe On Pm Oe Bg

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