12 THE OSHAWA TIMES Tuesdoy, July 19, 1966 LUCK NTO you, siz. ; NURSE SAVED BUDDY SCOTT'S TA \\ G56 LIFE... SHE'S PRETTY TOO! BRIDGE \ By 8. JAY BECKER ' (Top record-holder in Mosters' individual Championship Play) North dealer. East-West vulnerable, NORTH 493 @exaiz 1 CAN'T SLEEP, COMMANDER, THE Jos L Kec? THINKING HOW THAT COMPLETED TODAY, S'R- HERE IS MY RESIGNATION! 600D GOOD LUCK LUCK ok 4KQ10976 EAST WEST @A54 @8764 $310843 $5 --William Stephenson DE GAULLE WOULD Like TO KNOW | SUPPORT 3 H,OR THE VICHY REGIME , FRENC! AND: THAT'S YOUR ASSIGNMENT. 2 Sioss He'S CONSIDERING LIBERATING THE | @Q97652 he 32 SLANDS OF ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON IF HE SUCC: ITLL. PUT AN END TO VICHY AGENTS TAPPING TRANSATLANTIC CABLES THERE, AND FORWARDING CONVOY NT INFORMATION + 1 THE GERMANS ; SOUTH 4KQJ10876 910 oA mATBS The bidding: North East Pass Pass Pass WE'VE JUST RECEIVED : FHI COMMUN! South West 26 Pass 4NT Pass 54 Opening lead--five of clubs. Let's say you have the West cards and it's your lead against five spades. North's five club response to the Blackwood four notrump ibid tells you that the dummy {about to come down is aceless, jand. South's retreat to five spades -- dssuming he uses Blackwood properly--tells you, {as well as him, that his side is |missing two aces, This in turn means that your |partner has an ace--which you hope is the ace of clubs--and in any event strongly indicates | that your best lead is the single- }ton club. So you lead the five of clubs, | which declarer wins in dummy |with the queen, At this point-- | assuming that your theory }about East's having an ace is HALF AN HOUR, |correct--you have no way of THEN We : . | knowing whether East has the Move / f jace of diamonds or the ace of hearts (he can't have the ace of clubs or he would surely have taken it and returned a club), When declarer now plays a low spade from dummy and puts on the king, you must | therefore be careful not to win it with the ace because you would not know whether to re- turn a diamond or a heart to obtain the club ruff. You can afford to play low on the king | because you have another low |trump available for ruffing pur- poses, When declarer then plays the |six of spades, you go up with the ace hoping that East will be able to clarify the situation in some way. As it happens, East shows out of trumps, and, knowing that you are. looking for guidance, discards the nine of hearts. This hefty signal, in conjune- tion with your previous play of refusing the king of spades, takes all the guess out of the hand, You lead a low heart to the ace and East has no trouble finding the club return that puts South out of business. SALLY'S SALLIES yy] WALT MOAYTER a | esta DREW ONLY ONE LI'. DETAIL GOTTA BE SETTLED" NAMELY, WHICH IS WHICH P ONLY ONE. A YO! 1S TH' MIZZUBLE FAKE // WOOMIN AH LOVES / NAMELY r, ™, OH, CHUCKLE! AH IS TOO THE LONE RANGER HES TURNING THE KEY JUST GOING IN / YES, PAUL YOU HAVE SURVEILLANCE \ SOMETHING @ UNIT CALLING YOU, HEIDI= PICK IT UP ON PLANE ARRIVES IN SECRET AGENT X9 HUBERT TELEVISION LOG 9:30 P.M, ' Ernie Lindell T'LL BE READY INA JIFFY Y Channel 11--Hamilton Channel %--Toronto Channel G--Rochester | 4 petticoat Junction Channel 7--~Butfalo 10:00 PAM, Channel 6--Toronte --The Merv Griffin jv Channel 4--Buffalo Show a | 9~Toronto T--The Fugitive Channel Barrie 4--CBS News Special Channe! 2--Buttalo 10:30 P.M, eaeemerectnatine ere een 6-3--News Magazine TUESDAY 'EVE, i sae 2 5:00 P.M. : 3--Peyton Place 7--Dating Game 63---Gideon's Way 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 2-8--Showdown TAKE OFF YOUR | ee CLOTHES-THE 4) Sennier Prudden DOCTOR WILL Summertime | | BE RIGHT IN i cenicaatlle | 4--News and Weather 12:15 P.M | P.M. | 4--Speaker of the House 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News 12:30 PAM. | Weather and Sports 9---News;_ "4 | 215 P.M, Bit leh tu Sport 11--Noontime 8-2---Swingin' Country 6-4---Search for Tomorrow 3---Noon-day Report | V--Family Theatre 7--Highway Patrol 8--Superman 6--Summer Camp 3--Armchair Traveller 2--Mike Qouglas $:30 P.M. &--Doble Gillis , TomM-Squad 6---Dave's Place 3--Wrestling 6:00 Weather; 2--Tonight Show 6~--Viewpoint | 11:20 PLM, | if Late Show | AN! WHATS MORE....1TS GOT A HAYN'T IN IT, 6--Night Metro- 11,25P.M, ll--The Vise i J HONDO....YOU SURE THIS SAILING SHIP.....NOT A SMA 0 PM, 8--Tonight Show 7--Movie | soMovle theatre | / THE DOCTOR HAS BEEN 7--Movie Reach for the Top ra | 11:40 PLM, je-oreling ae Dollars CALLED OUT- WILL YOU -4--News, Sports wit 9--) § ~Girl: ta tench Healy | iMovie 7--Ben Casey WAIT IN THE WAITING 12:00 A.M, |3-6--Luncheon Date 11--Untouchables | Meet The Millers 1:00 A.M 2---Topper Weether) Sports News Weather sports -- | 1:30 PAM, S-Huniley-OFiNMY WEDNESDAY 64--As The World Turns | S--Expo Today 4:00 A.M. | 7:00 P.M, | 4--Captain Kangaroo 1l--Mike Douglas 2.30 A.M 9--My Mother The Car | 9--T.V. University &--Men in. Crisis 55 A 6--News: Sports --Car 54, Where Are You? Gilligan's Island -Huntley - Brinkley Report 6:90 PLM, 49-3-2--News; | 2:00 P.M. | 7--Newlywed Game | 4---Password 6--Cuisine { | M, Dialing for Dollars | 8-2--Days of Our Lives Girl Talk 9:00 A.M. |}1--Morning Musicale 9%--Romper Room 4--Mike's Carnivel 8--Ladies' Day 2--Bozo's Big Top 130 A.M. Weather; ve 130 P.M. | People in Confilet #8--The Doctors 7--A Time For Us 6--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 3:00 P.M. 7.20 P.M, News, Weather, Sports|) uncie Bobby ( x | | 7.20 PM 8--Smile Time XX J ahs > a j y | Musical Showcase &-Love of Life (> V ie ay wi é . ' / §.a--My Mother The Car jo jack LaLanne 4 \ 7--Combat 10:00. A. 6---McHales Navy 4---Daktari 3--Hogan's Heroes -! 8:00 P.M "TIME JETS! BEFORE : ; | WE KNOW JT WELL BE P< ies uy INANE : 7 TEENAGERS! / INXS So 9--Fractured Phrases | 8-2--Another World 1).--Ed Allen Time §-2--Eye Guess Love Lucy | 10:30 A.M, | Tl-Movie li--Hawkeye 9--Gomer Pyle USMC 9--Summer Fun +2--Please Don't Get The |8-2--Concentration Daisies 7--Donna Reed | @3--Red Skelton Hour |4-The McCoys | 4:30 P. 3--Time Out 11:00 A.M, MICKEY MOUSE *~F-Troop 2-- >). Kildare T--McHale's Nevy 4--Hippodrome 9:00 P thausting pain of an attack. ° |CHECK DOCTOR Here's another warning: | Nitroglycerin must be used caus Dear Dr. Molner: I read yourja walk, usually causes angina|tiously by patients with glau- article on how digitalis helps|pain. A pill before he starts canjcoma; if you have glaucoma, the heart, and would like one on'let him make the walk in com-|make sure your doctor is told \the use of nitroglycerin--M. L.|fort. Or a person who can walk|about it. O.K., sir, gladly. moderate distances may find) The drug has a relaxing ef: | Nitroglycerin is possibly the that he has to walk against the|fect on a certain type of muscle, most useful drug we have for Wind, a pill makes the differ-|known as "smooth muscle," lone type of heart trouble, an-jence between comfort and/such as is found in the bile dicts lgina pectoris, which is chest cramps. Still, it is important for/and ureteral tubes, and thus it pain resulting (usually) from/the angina patient to learn to/gives some relief in attacks of jinsufficient blood circulation to Stay within the limitations of his/colic from gallstones or kidney- the heart muscle. natural "heart power," and not|stones. | After exertion. or a big meal| Press his luck and depend on} Not all chest pain is angina, jwhich is an activity that puts having 'nitroglycerin do more|so. if nitroglycerin does not demands on blood circulation, 0" him. than it is supposed to/bring relief, further study of the lthe heart muscle, . overtaxed, | : By ecg essential to make sure cramps painfully There can be some side ef-|that some other trouble, includ- 2 fects which the patient should/ing coronery thrombosis, is not Resting the heart until it), warned about: A feeling of|involved. While the pain of an- catches up its strength is im-!piiness in the head. transient/gina and of a coronary attack portant. But a tiny amount Of | 'siddiness flushing or 'warmthlare similar. the latter is not re- UST ASK HER" wwar ¢ WERE THE GOOD 0' DAYS v AND IT GUARANTEES COOKIES, WORK AT GRANDMAS) CAKE AND PIE ALL AFTERNOON ed | EP as SHE TELLS US ALL \\ --\; Ly ABOUT "EM, - 9--Movie -2--Movie 63--Dick Van Dyke 7--F Troop CROSSWORD ACROSS : Bodice Accumulate 5% point type 2, Rascal Stormed Venezuelan river . Malayan boat Apex 7. Parsonage . Peck . Coast WE'VE DISCOVERED SomE| | BUT THEY ONLY MAGIC WORDS THAT'LL GET US LOTS OF BAKED 7--General Hospital 4--News | 3:90 P.M, | | 9--It's Your Move ® . . er | | 2-8---You Don't Say | N t ] P ll ' jof the skin, Once one gets used | Zofuperm Night | : Tog cerin l \ : ito them -- if they conn ae 4:00 P.M, ae ae usually well tolerated, and 8--The Match Game 6&3--Vacation Ti m e@ ' Merv Griff | , : rex Sandy Grititne | Say Ore | By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D. 7--Supermarket Sweep %--Movie | 1:30 A. 8--Woody Woodpecker | 643--To Tell The Truth | rate | YOUR HEALTH 3-6--Bonnie . Prudden } 1\--Funny Company | | 7--Superman Show 9--1 Love Lucy TT d With C 7 tain! ferable to the ex | S--t Lo certainly preferable - a 'Used With Caution yp 1i-Albert Steed. | Secret Storm | }--Ed Allen Time l--Secret Squirrel | 4--Movie | 3 | ®--Abracadabra . Spread to . Frank- dry, as hay lin . Palm 25. Over- cockatoo head . Affection- trains ate term Twilled for tots fabric . Fever . Farm . Koran feature chapter Nova Look for Scotian Pained 2. G. Yesterday's Answer Greek Russell's 40, Gentle letter pen breeze . Motion- name 41. Mine less 5. Chemical entrance GOT A"HANDY-DANDY" FOR YOU!...WHATS THIS ? SO NORMAL HERE! AS THOUGH DEVON WERE |} EVERYTHING'S SO... MY PRIVATE. WORLD... WHERE FOR ME 1 THERE'S PEACE, | SECURITY. HONEY! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE . I'D HAVE MET YOU AT THE STATION! IT WAS A SUDDEN DEC Y CLEAN SLIPPED MY MIND. FRIEND OF Yours sive, | | guard ships . West Indian sorcery Small : One of the compound . Progenitor 7, Pineapple 8. Draft animals Seven Dwarfs Finnish seaport 42. Cereal grains 44. Age 45. Egyptian god island . Hide 2 73 i) YA 9 ji . Cloak-and- dagger man V4" . Girl's name yy* . Footless . River into GUN the Moselle . Confederate 19 j20 song 5. Ponder . Close: poet 7. Weird Biblical food 9.U to' DOWN . Contort . Culture "Othello" . Power for the Clermont initroglycerin, acting as a drug, | * does it quicker, It dilates the 'lieved by nitroglycerin or rest. Pleasant things about nitro- coronery arteries, allowing more blood to flow, but without jincreasing the work of the jheart. Other drugs will improve jcirculation, but they also put added strain on the heart That is why nitroglycerin is so useful. There is a similar ipreparation, amy! nitrite, which also is very effective but its leffects are. not as long-lasting /A tablet of nitroglycerin brings relief within minutes, and the effects last from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the patient. (The tablets are dis-| solved under the tongue, which} is much more: effective than iswallowing them.) USE CAUTION Frequency of use is variable from an occasional pill to sev- feral a day. Part of the trick of jeffective use is for the patient to learn how much exertion brings on ». Let's say that blocks a man Vv S several rking long! from his office to the jlot, and notes that this Now the only way to buy WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT .. popular, modern dime pack WRIGLEY's CHEWING GUM Sek Beak? jglycerin are that it is inexpen- ive, and not habit-forming. Dear Dr. Molner: What is meumonitis?--J. G. It is a localized inflammation "f the lung. You might reason- ably call it a limited or mild »neumonia which usually clears p readily with antibiotics and est Get some You get more to enjoy in the convenient Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... more of that fresh flav ur and lively taste!