Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1966, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, July 19, 1966 ANN LANDERS Meddling Wife Deserves Husband's Reprimand Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band and I went to the airport to meet friends arriving from Mexico City.. While waiting, 1 noticed a young man in uni- form, his sobbing wife seated next to him, She was holding a tiny infant in her arms, and there was also an older woman --presumably the soldier's mother, The woman turned to me and said, "Isn't it terrible that 'oung families have to be roken up this way?" I re- lied, "Yes, it's very sad," en, I asked, "How old is the baby?" She answered, "he was born 10 days ago." I sald, "Don't you think it is a little foolish to bring a new- born baby to an airport?" The woman got red in the face and shouted, 'That baby is seeing his father off to war! Don't you understand?"' I said, "A 10-day old baby doesn't see anything. Don't you understand! Infants belong at home, not in public places with millions of germs." My husband yanked my arm and pulled me to the other side of the room. He gave me a in for the long look--and I do mean long, My wife and I have not said much because we don't want to make it a cause celebre, The boy's grandmother was here yesterday and said some- thing to the boy about his "ridiculous mane," Our son said styles come and go and this-was-the-style right now and you can't really tell anything about a guy by a at his hair, Right or wrong --Just Asking Dear Just; Wrong. You can tell a great deal about a guy by looking at his hair, One thing you can tell is if he be- lieves in soap and water, Long hair may be the style but some of the kids I've seen look like fugitives from the board of health. I wish crew cuts would come back. And the sooner the better. Dear Ann Landers: I'm a career girl on the shady side of and overweight. But I do have some sense in my head, and I could make the right man marriage. I'm not one of those women who thinks I must be terrible bawling out for "'speak- ing out of turn." He made me fee! like a fool. I'd like your views on this,--Ada Dear Ada: Are you the man-| married or I'm dead, I am dating a really nice man cellent cook and Georgie loves to eat at my place, It's fun to 0. Frankly I'm plain looking) ! | V4 7 py iz |happy. I am not talking about) }but the best thing we do to jZ Fa ager of the world--or just the| slave over a hot stove for some-|f airport? Your husband was wise to remove you from the scene of what might have developed) into a hair-pulling fight. It's true that a 10-day-old| baby doesn't see anything, but if the parents wanted to bring} him to the airport that's their| business, not yours, } Dear Ann Landers; 1'!! bet you are sick of receiving letters about boy's hair. But please| handle just one more for a fos-| silized dad of 41. one who appreciates it, And Georgie does, Problem: Georgie's grammar) is terrible. He will never get a/ better job if he doesn't do some-| thing about it. I've enrolled in| a night school course in psy- chology. I want Georgie to come with me and take English but he refuses, I'm beginning to sound like a nag. Any advice? --Dot Dear Dot: Yes. Cut it out. He doesn't want to go to school with you. He just wants to eat) Our 15-year-old son has gone'with you, Are Opportunities Exaggerated In Help Wanted Columns By ROBERTA ROESCH | Dear Roberta Ro@sch:; Can you believe all the Want Ads you read? Or do some of them exaggerated the opportu- nities in a job? After several weeks of read- ing these ads, I have found that some jobs don't sound too prom- ising and that other seem too to be true, Since I am) planning to look for work very soon, I would like to know how I can tell which ads to believe. Dear K. P.: Regardless of how careful) newspapers are about publish- ing only bona fide classified oH there are always some em- ployers who try to exaggerate opportunities and stretch the truth about jobs just as far as they. can without violating the law or insulting a reader's in- telligence. You will find, however, that the more you read job ads, the more your common sense will help you draw the line between those ads with a promise that! is on the level and the -- ones that have you owning the firm two weeks after you are hired, Usually you will find the most reliable advertisements are the most conservative, confining themselves to a mention of the; job's title and the qualifications the employer wants. Dear Roberta Roesch; I feel at a great disadvantage whenever I fill out an applica-| tion blank, because my _back-| ground does not fit the stand- ard form: very well. . Since I have never worked at|fans sometimes served as wed- erts of Halifax suggested that| a regular job, there are always! many. sections [ must leave blank, But I can't make up for| these empty space under "Ex:) perience" anywhere else on the} Eyer since girls learned that form, because there is never any room for mentioning other assets, Is there any solution to) this problem that I am sure} other people must face? 8, R.| Dear 8, R.: | Usually the best solution is a} supply of your personal resumes | that you carry with you in a folder. Make sure they are originals and not carbons and keep them unolded if you pos- sibly can. Then you can attac! them to the application blank. However, first make sure you have followed all the directions) and answered all the questions | you can. It is important to do) this, because employers some- times judge how well you un- derstand and follow directions by the way you fill out an ap- plication. SPACE FOR STATEMENT Your best solution of what to write in under 'Experience (when you are on a first - job hunt) is to use this space for| Stating you have never held a regular job, Then list any part- time work you may have done! as a student. Also mention volunteer and community projects you might have been connected with that have some relation to the job you are seeking. | h one of} FANS TOLD ALL In 18th century England, hand ding announcements, op se a ' A swim or "apres-swim" suit with a difference is this easy-care.. and quick-dry two-piece stretch terry suit, designed by Annette of MMER "ee COOLER Aileen, which pairs a strip- ed undershirt top with color- coordinated hip-hi shorts. By Tracy Adrian tropicana while John has a white fedora for their ride on a motoreyele. The com- plete range of styles are: fashion - conscious motor- cyclists, Now available throughout Ontario at local dealers, Terry wears the TERRY CONBOY and John Manley wear the latest protective helmets which were especially designed for |- New Safety Helmets Come Out! THE STARS SAY In Many High-Style Designs zDN FOR WEDNESDAY | Another good day for occupa- TORONTO -- Whichever mas-|extremely lightweight, but very |tional and financial matters-- culine world a. girl invades,|strong stress-resistant material, |Dut only if you operate conserv- there goes fashion too poking|All come with bucolite liners | atively. Risks of any kind are its chic nose into things and|and adjustable head suspen-|"Out"! Especially favored: Real changing what is totally utili- | sions, jestate deals, negotiations with tarian into something more fash-| For the girls, multi-colors|influential persons concerning ionable. |make helmets chic with the |!ong-range projects, investing Crash helmets are the Jatest|'ttopicana" model, a brilliant |!n non-speculative properties, originally - masculine gear rom "qo rive: ghabirongsal FOR THE BIRTHDAY which has become feminized in| eee ens. ene ae aeons OY! If tomorrow is your birthday, quite a smart way a silken gold kerchief. A fashion- Me jtoned charcoal grey with ajyour horoscope indicates that, |black velveteen bow over the!within two weeks, you will enter |visor appears as the "female|an excellent cycle governing Pero pa Ang ee ce 8 Ole | your financial affairs, which land from front to back -- and|Will last until Aug. lit resembles a polo. player's be followed by an even better leap, Two all white helmets are|Period extending from Sept. 15 the "safari" cap, complete with through Nov. 15. It will be im- jumping on a motorcycle made them an exciting and dashing figure rather than a comical one, they took to motorbikes with the eagerness their big sis- ters took to sports cars. Protective headgear is only 15---this to} sensible and a wise girl on a motorcycle is going to wear one if she values her pretty head. | But, up until now, helmets were just helmets. Now, they are just about the a polka dot silk kerchief, and the female "sports cap', dec- orated with the velveteen bow) jover a short brim. } Male motorcyclists, who are| "Inhvsician who accustomed to wearing hel- mets, no longer need to look like they are decked out for jet bringing a new line of protec: /aircraft training. Snappy look- tive headgear to Canada for its|ing fedoras, in white and char- dealers with a definite thought)coal grey, look like the same to style-conscious youngsters|type of chapeau today's men who enjoy motorcycling. lon the go wear -- only it won't! There are eight styles in all,|¢crumble when someone sits on| four for girls and four for the /it. . boys. These protective helmet! There's a sports cap and} hats are made of bucoran, an|¢cross cap similar to the girls' -|models, only they are more masculine in appearance and | Women Doctors the decorative velveteen bow is} | replaced by a leather band. +45 More than 150 motorcycle Possess Qualities dealers throughout Ontario will To Quiet Children |": th helmet nas ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP)--A Nova Scotia pediatrician said} Try | Cow smartest hats in town. One motorcycle distributor is |Wednesday that sick and fret- ful children are much _ less likely to be afraid of a woman to them. "is a mother figure." Dr. S. Maureen Howell Rob- women doctors possess special qualities that car be valuable in working with young victims of such diseases as multiple scler-| osis and mental retardation, 'All require a great deal of patience, tact, gentleness and j sss that ar ttri 5 relieve itching skin, : kindne s at are attributes: of| SUnburh aha winehiern, women,"' she told about 600) women from 33 countries at the! congress here of the Medical | fel Women's International Associa- -- week - long meeting will Cow Brand | Baking Soda A halt pound package of Cow Brand Baking Soda in a tub of warm water is &@ wonderful way to enjoy a soothing, relaxing daily bath for just a few cents! It's also excellent to help end Friday, when the women doctors travel to Niagara Falls, | Ont., for a sightseeing trip of the American and the Horse- shoe Falls INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE ORAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 portant, however, that you avoid all speculation during the first two weeks of September. In fact, all Cancerians should es- chew speculation of any kind for the next 12 months. Your monetary gains will come through conservative manage- (clockwise, bottom left) girl's tropicana, boy's sports cap, girl's charcoal grey cross cap, boy's: cross cap, cember, next February, April! and June | Where job matters are con- cerned, fine opportunities for lrecognition and advancement are star-promised in late Sep- itember, early December, and} throughout January, March and} May, of 1967. Those in the en- jtertainment and other artistic] Hfields should do exceptionally well throughout September, De- cember, next January and June, jalthough the entire year should | i : prove satisfying and profitable, Personal interests will be gov- erned by extremely generous stellar influences during the jyear ahead, with emphasis on jsocial life (which 'could have junusually glamorous' overtones) --especially between now and Sept. 15 and between mid- November and Jan. 1. These two cycles will also be pro- pitious for romance, as will next April, May and June. There will not be too many auspicious travel periods (except for short trips) during the balance of | girl's sports cap, boy's charcoal grey fedora, girl's white safari and boy's white fedora. be extremely versatile; could succeed in the medical, musical or business worlds, as he chooses, but will have to con- stantly bolster his self-confi- dence. HOUSEHOLD HINT To remove wallpaper without Steaming, use a paint roller and warm soapy water, Combined pressure and sudsy moisture does it. OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £., Oshawa 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 1966, but you can look forward to enjoyable prospects along this line during next January, May ment only, Next good periods ZELLER® Designed Your finest value in lady-on-the go-new, contor ' handles and "Cheney ours: Midnite Blue, Bronze PHONE 72 luggage OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE and June, on the fiscal score: Early De-! A child born on this day willl Zeller's Takes You Places In Luxurious Style: Fine "Continental" For style for Moderni streamlined ur tapered shape ! nickel locks add to the good looks. ese" lining is quilted on top and bottom. In new, high-fashion col- Luster or Deep Olive. Gy 3-2209 5x 7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount on Orders of 5 or More Pictures The Discriminating Traveler 14" Train the jet-age stic moulded 149 2 Weeken 17.9 TT a Celan- ~ |prevent With Mirror And Tray CHILD GUIDANCE By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD Among the most distressing letters trom parents i read are those which relate to wordy warfare with a child, 1 find my- self sorry for both the child and parent. Now I feel myself suf- fering with the child and again with the parents. After reading several such letters in sequence 1 feel pretty low myself. So frequently 1 wish I could give the right advice but usually fee! very inadequate. Some of these letters indicate that such word battles occur often on the same day and day after day; that the child and parent go around for hours mad at each other and rarely enjoy each other as precious. persons. Although these letters may be about a youngster as young as six, eight, or 10, most of them are around the teen-ager. I feel sure this tragic parent- child warfare didn't begin all at once but had been growing for years. I keep wishing I could have talked' with the par- ent years ago when I could have been more useful, But one can- not hope to have a parent and child start all over again. Suppose you have had fre- quent word battles with your son or daughter. You might be strong enough in self-manage- ment to get a cease-fire next time you see a battle coming, You might, if you are able to silence your guns and say noth- ing back, however violent the volley you received. You hardly can hope that your child will be first to cease fire. Being in the more strate- gic position, you might be able to do so. Then you can be pretty sure the guns from the other side will quit firing pretty |soon also. Indeed, they may |quickly run out of ammunition, | You might be so powerful as to prevent another engagement. You might be so wise as to another engagement. You might be so wise as 'to know what could start another volley from your child and be so skillful as to disperse the cause, You might effect a per- manent ceasefire. However, you jwill feel you are winning glori- jously if there is only an occa- sional light volley shot at you again. Not expecting so much of yourself, you might, however, be able to talk over in private A O88 Poly ep Paretns Should Control Recurring Word Battles with the father about the best possible ways to reduce the causes fer possible -fature--con- flicts with your child, Naturally you parents both will consider what you expect of your son or daughter in retation to your con- trol of him or her and the re- sources you together have for acquiring desirable child co- operation and obedience, and for. cultivating companionship with this child, , Why do many parents engage in wordy warfare with their children seven, 10 or 15 years of age'? They had not effectively taught these youngsters to re- spect the little word "no" from the time they began to creep and toddle nor won their abiding affection and co-operation, TOO MUCH TALK Being so eager to be reason- able, these parents trusted too much to talk, They were not de- cisive or consistent;they often repeated no or don't, feeling more angry and raising the voice higher on each suceeding repetition. When parents com- manded the child after the age of five or six to do something and he began to ask why, they often tried unduly hard to ex- plain. By the age of 10 or 12 the child may rarely have heard a forbidding or requirement with- out starting an argument with his parents and putting them on the witness stand. To prevent this outrageous practice, be sure you are rea- sonable in any command you make. If not sure the child un- derstands, state your reason in the fewest possible words be- fore making the command, then make it and say nothing more, expecting him to obey, Refuse to argue with any child over such matters. Don't talk back to him. Be too proud to fight with him, ANSWERING QUESTIONS Q. Our son was given a list of books by his teacher to read during summer on which he would be tested in September. He has done almost nothing on them yet. What can we do? A. If you have sufficient con- trol of him, write a schedule, indicating the number of books he must have read by certain \dates, Set an effective penalty which you can enforce, for each delinquency. Rule out all re- minders or warnings. FOR THE FINEST 74 Celina Street 18" Vanity Com With Mirror Brus & Comb 17.50 Wardrobe Or 25" Pulimen Case Cage 2" 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-2294 Luggage Custom and Ready Made DRAPES In the lotest Shades and WIGS je BOO 6 cs MéC DRY GOODS PERIES RAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 & DRA DRA Neha, THREE-PIECE SET, Contain- ing 15" Vanity Case, 21" Weekend Case ond 25" Pull- mon Case. 56° ly On "Charge-it" Pay 1.25 Weekly!

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