Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jul 1966, p. 11

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ew ene ai iM Ge ROO Moone : THE OSHAWA TIMES, NO, HE'S STOPPED AGAIN, Seturdey, July 16, 1966 1] BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER 'S GIVE HiM MOUTH-TO- MOUTH "ula $ OPPED RESPIRATION, BUZ. TLL BEGIN FS, prcrranal EXTERNAL HEART MASSAGE. mp. . ¥ 7, - (Top secord-holder in Maestors' Individual Championship Play) South. dealer, Both sides vulnerable. © King Festeres Syndicate, ine, 1966, Workd rights reserved, CwHar TOOK YOU $0 LONG? DONOVAN , WHO'S MA, SO-ORDINATOR OF INFORMATION, YOU MANOBUVRED ME INTO THIS POST, STEPHENSON.) THE LEAST YOU CAN DO TEACH ME A FEW TRICI "Plas c " ABR A o Blco nt Ae TEACH ME A FEW TRK i The bidding: South West North East INT Dble Pass Pass Pass Opening lead--seyen of clubs. Advocates of the weak no- trump (12 to 14 points) can }point to many advantages of sia aa sitiiaaaiiid |this method of bidding, but the MAMMIES ©' YOR'N ? -- Seienga War'LL BE SPLITTING THE COUPLE OF| . 10 BETTER CHECK.7O SEE IF jfact is that, periodically, they | EXCOOSE ME, LADIES * i i E LAD THOUSAND THAT HIDES WORTH | | Zi HUNTERS HAVE PICKEC UE ,\ \vun into a real disaster when TE THESE TRACKS LEAD 70 SOME EASTERN TROPHY| |} THe HERDS TRANS : i US 70 THAT WHITE COLLECTOR/ y . the opening notrump bidder gets BUFFALO--- : ; - -- : 3 ' |caught between two strong 7 NN : dies, : : K . A, " |hands. ? ' ' : For example, take this deal which occurred in a tournament. Perhaps South could have. af- forded to pass with his relative- lly weak 12-point hand, but be- ling thoroughly indoctrinated with the virtues of the weak notrump, he bravely opened }with one notrump. | West doubled and East quite |properly left the double in after North had passed. Possi- bly North should have tried. to - ' rr) i. ot inn' save South from what looked JL sysee eeauy NO. J KNOW ; : be Fan Apher vay vat t\ \10 be a dangerous position, but THE LONE RANGER 4 het ' i (ISN'T fue ATH NG AS et, you i P > rye THE AXIS, PICKED a x 4 . he had no convenient bid to Neo ly v4 ras , THAT ++ i|*\ LAT fai GG OUR POCKETS PLANS, AND ALICTION ; A A i |make over the double and id ey Fy cm ° 4 Ne THEM TO THE HIGHEST : - | | passed. BIDDER, WHOEVER THE SALE i) '| | West led a club and the de- ried CANT START" 5 fense got off to a fine start by UNTIL HEHAS discarding two spades and THE GOODS | South discarding a spade and : "i 7 'uagi| \two diamonds, West now led a diamond, taken by the king, and South led the queen of hearts, jalso taken by the king. | West played another diamond, won by the ace, and dummy re- turned a heart, also won by the ace. The position now was: North a6 TELEVISION LOG | CROSSWORD si e ACROSS 4, One of 23, Com- | ATTA 410 Channel 11--Hamiiton | 7--Discovery '66 1.15 PLM, * Yes e . 11--Open Mind . ps the ara. lOMEC IR] \ IME gi08 Caneel Setaremy. | Spucele We Muskeg | 11 Ooer in ie 5 Ovane ditan fi felelals| omteme | uae" |, Wee | hums Dwarts end- Q south bid Mt | cine ussian sea 5. Chop ing A ON OAs cme ere Rm | nn ew, | MORN Camm 96 area os anne! | @--Adventures in Para bird nut 25. Sundial Channel 3~Barrie dise 3 an . 11, Place in tree indica» IR SIE SMC IAC Fast cashed the queen of dia- Chane! 2--Buttale 7-Dialogue | cigs wares a row Tableland tore olaia| |monds at this point and South See | , Weather 7--Movie 12, Stinging .Presume 26, Part of [SIAINITIAMMLJolsigig| |had a most unpleasant discard SATURDAY EVE, m a 6--Spread of the Eagle insects Alas! "to be" WMLIAISITMMAIPIEISI jo make. Whether he elected to aie it ae a hg P.M. ee "iy iti pevirg tilt PM: 14. Where the Scatter 29.Close to Yesterday's Answer |discard a spade or a heart, he 1 UETGs Weeld at Baer. | de-canuress mr -- ti 30,44 -- ede kan was bound to lose the last four | Cone : 00 A.M, eleton i will often . Babe Ruth's tricks and go down five--1,400 WELL,,..IF HE/S TELLING THE eM, + ig 7--Movie dwells 19. Ring do this kingdom | points. Aopareetiy, if we are to 'SECRET AGENT X9 5.90 P. | 11--Spectrum | Py TRUTH... THERE MIGHT BE A ay euitet | 13--Spectrum a" Relay Ps Belen THAT SHIP IS HIDDEN IN ANOLD ge STORY ik IT, BUT OU GET Bae ors | este The' Nation I--Joo Carlo Li gieonaha 20 Paina prep alsin judge by results, South should DRY CREEK BED.,.LSTUMBLED | P> Laneve rae tree 5 | {1--Sports Special ru iennay 'Soe ak eae 35 Wot, snoring " have passed originally instead " Yl | Voyage 2--Movi | for s 35.2 y; Stow ; 5 ONTO IT. Wik ae ecee watt. Fe (Ene cot ome ech '2 bayeel babies of opening with one notrump. | 6:30 P.M, 1)--Continental Miniature ~ wearer 21, Conjunction occupants export 43, Crus ch al a bed opel the. Fras | Tv yim ge mee ae z 4 Ts SALLY'S SALLIES ? i enreeentienieninianenenetinamntemmecnmeemadeaiiall é News | Innsbruc 7:00 P.M. ABC 8:55 A.M, 24 Metanee Polka Party Mr. Magoo | 7--Dialin lar News 4--Amateur Hour 7--Dlaling For. Doliers premium % 27, Concoct Jackie Gleason 3--News 1:00 A.M. 7---Movie 1}--Morning Musicale phainchiee 4~Round Table Hon had im he 9-Romper Room 28. Example 2 Summer Bah A pace nee &--Wheels To "Adventure 32. Behold a babe bi 4--Mike's Carnival 33. Mira ov 2--Boz0's Big Top Ps 7:30 PLM. | 7--!ssues and Answers 34. Baseball 1)---Dance Party | 6--Tennessee Tuxedo 9.90 A.M, tater 8-2--Flipper 4.-Cameo Theatre OAine pes | os y 6-Danger Mar 3--Herald of Truth Aas ~ meer | 37. Printer's 4--Continental Showcase ' measures 2:00 PLM, | 4--Love Of Life m Smee Navy are ; 2--Jack Lalanne 39. Ore of lead 8:00 P.M. 1--Dance Party | 41. Woode %--Academy Partormance | 9Sports Specia 10.00 A.M, | 41, n pin Distributed by King Features Syndicate, 1\ poe zs s oe , 7--First Name Only 1 All | 44, Shrew tr : oh #2--1 Dream of Jeannie | (Firs Mame on Ed Allen Time ry A ] me J Noh Desay Pradestins -- AYE T K : - AR 3 | S-Lets Sing Out pee 8-2--Eye Guess 45. Part. of \ "gee PARDON ME, fe) ? / Y bid | 4:30 P.M. 4--! Love. Lucy a church Ngee ~ "¥ NEIGHBOR... iN sf $3- os igaeigee 2:30 P.M 10.30 A.M, 46. Always yy h ?- wrence 7--~Movie | 9 45 $ / A yy 6-3---Beveriey Hiltbillies ' ar beste deg 47. Elk \j et Reeser cle aha ASAPH S peciaculet 9--Summer Fun 48. Egg holde 2 - é -- 9 2.48 8-2----Concentration . BS holder 9:00 P.M, | 2--Senate Report | 7--Donna Reed DOWN "Loo want to know 3:00 P.M. 4 The McCoys 1. Hunting ue ad - 3 inte. OU | if he made me an heir or ey 11,00 A.M, | 23 gave me the air." British Grand Prix | \}--Albert J, steed eo cl 9--Mr. and Mrs. Sepia raphy 8-2--Chain Letter 2 vie 7--Supermarket § 3:6--12 fo 2--Have Gun Will Travel JANE ARDEN 1966 ythological nter bicelles iit wt ee eee es 3. Kitchen utensils moved, cancer could develop |later on. I had an appendectomy {20 months ago. Is there danger | 3--Ed Allen Time | 4--Andy Griffith | 1 | - Ws le - tay lof cancer?--J. L. hs. we 7_Dating "Game a YOUR HEALTH ; ' There is no relationship be- | MICKEY MOUSE " : 4 bik van be k tween removal of the appendix ; . : i n Dyke ; / THIS ONE IS HAND- S, IT \ 1 11/D RATHER NOT HAVE A] |... THAN THE LITTLE BIT OF \ | 2-4-8---News N--Tiny Fate 3-Ernie Lindell : : and cancer, so relax and don't || 4 7 \0// PAINTED WITH RHINE- \ | BUT PLE PIGGY BANK THAT'S ~ MONEY THAT/LL BE INSIDE Weath por nee. t sie Ube | s worry. Vt] VV stone eves ANCA || lone OF THOSE] | WORTH MORE... =" | brea tel fr | ines Waaibees Aber rt 1 Smonnte: Pridden Dru Thera Aids | < e iis HEREOE-FRARL 1b be eve orn kay NN righ Movie Toronto Summertime | g py ' Note to F. A. T.: Your hus- é \ | ad he : ye s M. ' oe i, ee ae | gee iis fh tent | 11:20 PM. 2~Jeopard es aren (" { j 6--Feature Showcase i ; Aoer" Revie jband is wrong. X-rays of the 3--Movie : % j " jlower bowel are being taken ne PM 63 C r ne Me att Those Restless Legs levery day, A barium compound, 9--Movie 2 .M, | om 87; 1.45 P.M, ci ak 4-LSpeaker of the House Jopaque for x-rays, makes the 8--Mov Milton' the Monster 12.30 P.M, By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D. Bey | bowel visible. : 11:50 P.M 5 11--Noor s LORDS DON'T LAG i 4--Movie 3 9--News, W er, Sports i "# - aa tae ae s are at work, no '| 5 A. al 12.36 AM, #4-Swingin'. Country Dear Dr. Molner: My doctor ing conditions ate : ork, ng; LONDON (CP)--Even in high 7--News | i ju 6-4--Seach tor tomorrow has what the doctors call rest-/single remedy can be expecte: | Gintnkk: NONI han Anciiae Ine SUNDAY bay. sNeonsay: Report less legs and suffers from it./to help all cases, and the diver-|' ' ' ; b TER a c 12.40 P.M 'g nythi be done?--Mrs.| gent methods which help differ-/House of Lords of lagging be- : nia 5 »M. Can anything be done?--Mrs.'& 'hind the times, Peers were 6:00 P.M, 9--Movie i kes aes idence that we N--En France ,, 6300 : W. D ent cases are evidence tha | ; 9--Walt D P it 'i DvD. is by ee Rees 12:40 Pome. do not know every much about/asked in June to submit their ' x orders for official Chris t mas 7:30 A.M, 8--Frank McGee Report 'i io. ac! f sis V--Camera On Canada | 6 Perry Mason 64--Guiding Light The exact cause of this is no this problem, | See reer a 4 7--Herald of Truth &-Twentieth Centur 1.00 P.M. known but it annoys many peo- ~ards WELL! WELL! WHAT A os, COME WITH ME AND ILL TD LIKE To HEAR, "i, | ida Peal y 11--Theatre \ y peo-| ae : ae cards. . - open hy hor Saeere Gout (Sf ae ad nO All | {oral Rooeris" a Butta are | 'g--ialing For Dollars |Ple as they get along in years if dees gel sg ek helped| ~ BARN UP TO. $100 i % Si ' h y i in 51 ir -CUrs > a 2 n oreg 7 > LLOW IM LOOKING FOR! | }/3 FAVORITE SOUND! "rz hiding 8--SHHH! Childrer Lost in Space 4. Girl ae and occurs when the patient is) g j ee | _ Tachristopher Program) ¢-Sing Along With | aE Cuncheon Gate [ At. rest, such as lying in bed orj@ good many, people. | A WEEK OR MORE YES, o-Word: oF Lite Heat 4---Meet The Millers sitting in a chair | SiR 1 3 2 : ree hat fapletue Usk iMenl Dear Dr. Molner: | read { WAITIN 8.30 A.M. 2--Encore 2--Topper | Symptoms can include tight) after having the appendix re-| he eA MB co Mba loll ee ear 7:00 P.M. . Fo Tana beat (ness: burning, aching, a crawl-|--------_ rae | IF any and Ceci 9--P| Don't Eat The 2--Let's Make a sai = 5 - fe) 1 | a-comedy Capers | Daisies" é4--As The World Turns |ing sensation or restless ce in principol cities offer ex- 2--Felix The Cat 7--Voyage To The 3--Movie comfort, and it often goes by clusive "MARVEL TOUCH" Bottom of the.Sea 2.00 P.M, he na of "'jitter legs,' which N th | nV tive woe" 6-3---Cine Club 8-2--Days of Our Lives t ame f ] rd descrip OW e on training Complete course. aan gaa 4--Lassie 7~-Newlywed Game in some cases is a good descrip- DAY or EVENINGS. For free phir 6--Cuisine | ) 1--Cathedral Chimes 7:0 P.M, YB photo 4 n E | Marvel Hoirdressing Schools | b brochure, write or visit. 7--Porky Pig 1--Movie ake hak Moving about usually brings} way to uy : sie deal tae pions Weld | 9 cane lrelief, but if the annoyance can Lf MARVEL BEAUTY eg hincste Color 82--The Doctors jbe prevented--as sometimes it R SCHOOLS Vi--itallan Journal 7 , 7--Peter Potamus 6-3--Haze 7--A Time For Us {can--that's better, of course, 4--My Favorite Martian | 6 Coronation Street e Established over 40 years | ' |, 2--The Answer Roe i-Likitier's Party _ Occasionally diabetic neuritis SPEARMINT Dept. OT, 219 Bloor St. W. Seen ee | 10:00 A.M, ints 3.00 P.M. lis found in a case and medical TORONTO 1)--Carasello ? ashi ; | 3 Sul Fractured Phrases attention is in order, . | g--Faith For To-Day 6a Ed Sullivan Show | % aR AAS a F-O-U-R.., H * AND THAT'S NOT 7--Rocketship 7 0:0 PM. eC ray Walaieal About half the patients are, «- PpOpu ar, modern dime pack FOUR TIMES. i ALL. THE PR NCESS np Unto M ot | 9Peyt 64-3--To Tell The Truth |found to have some degree of ONCE. TO THE é : INFORMED ME. HAT is 2.25 P.M depression and drug therapy ar PRINCESS. y D aceriin aa moet sock he Sl i 6 Bonnie Prudden this condition can help, although p ITH OUR MR M. 3-2--Bonant relief may not be immediate. palpidieeel dah eport as r sor FEES Pad cartue | Still others have anemia and| WRIGLEY's 4 tt ir Move jcorrection of this improves the 4--Look Up and Liv : Sane soo situation 100 AM : gis 4--Edge of Night | Disturbances in circulation or} CHEWING GUM ; 5 ae FM, nerve disorders are not always] Bikes AND HARDY TEAGUE'S ; ae | i . . : i btbsch ee ae ag abies Gane a cause but-do oecur, and use ee a. pepe four ED- I \ with é --Buliwinkla w FCOmpaSS Vacation Time lof a casodilator drug may be AY-- <i A SS L - | ; ecret "Storm | eh weg ay atte TIMES? = i 2--Insigh - nt Showcas cate spi ee halting peicainiitogedarnd get more to enjoy in the convenient Z ' by 4:90 PLM. : Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... more of that fresh flavour and lively taste! MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES 'wosnnied 1A In an occasional case avoid 9--Movie ing coffee affords relief 2 8 ws, | ®--Huckleberry Hound : ' Action Weather, Sports | Movie } As you can see, when differ- ' x

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