Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jul 1966, p. 17

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20---Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sole |20---Real Estate for Sole THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 15, 1966 17 18--Maele Help Wanted MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Wonted by National Finance Company. in Aiax. Must. be 21 of over, Banking or reloted experience on asset. Usual company benefits etc. For ap- pointment call MR. CHUM- 942-4020 RELIABLE MAN For steady employment, Some furnace experience preferred or mechanically Must be over 25. APPLY 238 KAISER CRESCENT LICENSED MECHANIC REQUIRED To service cars, trucks, port- able and stationary welding equipment, electric hand tools, stee| fabricating equipment. Apply in person only, JENSEN STEEL LTD. 66 Russett Ave. LICENSED MECHANIC required Good working conditions, 614 day week, Apply 925 SIMCOE NORTH inclined. |SUBUR | | st YOUNG MAN TO TRAIN as apprentice | in type, composition department. mum grade 12 education. Mini- Telephone | H. M. Timms, plant superintendent, Gen-| eral Printers appointment, Company 723-2233, Limited, for} SALARIED SALES POSITION open for two men. Must be resident of Oshawa, Whitby, or Bowmanville and district for three years or more. Age 25 to 48, mar- ried. Opportunity for lifetime career with large financial organization. We offer pen- sion, group life insurance, medical and hospital insurance. Must have own auto-| mobile. Send full details to Box 37055,| Oshawa Times. MAN REQUIRED for cleaning offices al night. Retired man preferred. Telephone 7-400 before 7.30 p.m DUMP TRUCKS required, steady work, Telephone | Markham - Pickering area. 297-2251 or evenings call 723-0720. ! REAL ESTATE SELLING offers a chai-| lenging opportunity to make a better) than average income. We offer the re-| @uired heipful supervision. Enjoy the ad-| vantages of a well organized smalier| office. Please phone our sales manager at 728-5103 or after hours, 728-7083. 0. Martin Realtor 19--Male and Female Help Wanted TAXI DRIVERS Port or full time. Minimum age 25. MERCURY TAXI 725-477) WANTED immeaiately -- M tario county. time. Write Rawleigh, or woman to supply consumers in. Oshawa and On- with Rawieigh Products. Can earn $50 weekly part time; $100 and Dept. All! enquiries treated in strictest confidence. Ww. | | i | | | | | i} F-310-336, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Mont-/ real. 20--Real Estate | for Sale JOHN F. EWITH Realtor BOWMANVILLE 14 Frank Street Phone 623-3950 OSHAWA, COLONIAL STYLE BUNGALOW Brand new with natural stone fireplace in finished panelled recreation room. Extra 2-pc washroom in basement. Con venience N.H.A. mortgage Can also be bought with only $2,626 down OSHAWA, CLOSE TO G.M Brick and stone bungalow, al- most new. Very modern. Lo- cated in nice area. Can be bought with small down pay ment OSHAWA, SIDE SPLIT LEVEL New very modern with natur- al stone fire place. finished recreation room. Extra wash- room. Only $2,416.75 down FAMILY HOME 8 roomed, brick, partly new, oi! heated with 2 bathrooms. Excellent state of repairs Close to stores, hospital etc FAMILY HOME 8 roomed with all modern conveniences. Excellent loca- tion in Bowmanville. 4 bed rooms. Asking only $12,000 Terms CHOICE LOCATION Almost new, brick with finished rec room plumbing in basement venient 6% NHA gage. Very anxious to 2 ACRES ON HIGHWAY With 6 roomed home. All ences. Double garage. Close to school. Any offer consider- ed MEDALLION HOME Large ranch style, new bungalow with attached double garage. Over 12 acre wooded lot. Underground wir- ing Mahogany cupboards Broadloom floor covering. Excellent location Price and terms arranged ONLY $500 DOWN 5 roomed galow in the Village of Bewdley. Paved road. Close to Rice Lake. Ask ing price $8,000 FULL PRICE $3,000 For a 5 roomed 2 storey home on Moin street ot Jonetville Down payment $1,000 LOW DOWN PAYMENT For this 9 roomed nome, |! cated near Nestleton, Good size with small barn. Priced to sell bungalow Extra Con mort- sell almost new modern conveni- brick doors etc We List 20--Real Estate for Sele |20--Reel Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER CU IDE LIMITED 723-2265 Over a Quarter Century of Service OPEN DAILY 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. $17;900:00-- Brick home on large lot locot- ed between Oshawa and Whitby where the toxes ore still low. Home is only five years old and has hollywood kitchen, partiol recreation room ---- make your offer to- day NORTH-WEST SPLIT LEVEL $25,500.00 Seven room, 4 year old brick split level located on ao beau- tifully landscaped lot 63' x 132'. "This home features built-in stove and _ oven, broadioom in living room, also haliways, finished recreation room and a patio, 4 pc. and 2 pc. baths, Call now and make on appointment to inspect. JULIANA DRIVE Six room back split brick home with attached garage-- only 2 yrs. old. Electric heat, 4 pc. and 2.pc. baths, finish- ed recreation room with extra room in basement suitable for 4th bedroom or den. Asking $23,950 with $5,000 down payment. WESTDALE ST Attractive 6 room Cape Cod Style 2 storey brick home -- oil heated ---- with built-in stove and oven in kitchen, separate dining room. Only six years old, nicely landscap- ed, Lot size 69' x 115' in an excellent residential area. Call now and arrange to inspect FOR RENT 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Prestige Living at o price you con afford. Call for particulars. BAN BUNGALOW , '| built, brick home with breeze- 4 BEDROOM HOME at $22,900 this home hos a lot to offer. 27' living room, dining room, complete Rec Room, just to mention a few of the features. Let us tell you more, call to-night. SIMCOE ST. NORTH $23,900.00 Immaculate six room brick bungalow with garage located on beautifully landscaped jot with trees, 70' x 250'. Living room has floor to ceiling fire- place, you'll love the extra large dining room, broadioom in living and dining room, 4 pc. bath with vonity, 2 pc. and | pc. baths. Can't leave it -- call now $1,000.00 DOWN WHITBY SEM| DETACHED Just listed and will sell fost at $13,900. Only 8 yrs. old 3 bedroom brick bungalow with 2 bathrooms and fourth bedroom in basement, plus partially finished recreation room. See this one to-nite, if you want to be the owner, MASSON ST. $15,500.00 Three bedroom brick two stor- ey home. Family size kitchen, large living room and dining room, fireplace, modern 4 pc, colored bath with vanity Nicely landscaped and treed lot. Priced to sell quickly. Call and arrange for an inspection now OPEN HOUSE TO-DAY IN BEAU VALLEY AFTERNOON 1:30 till 4:30 EVENING 6:30 till 9:00 For ful! particulars call 723-2265 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Wm. Yasmonicki 728-2349 Marg. Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Mei Dole 623-5638 Allan Thompson 728-2870 728-1066 725-9345 728-2233 725-0201 725-1726 Bill Johnston Ed Drumm Maible Boudreou Reg Aker Bill McFeeters Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estote Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe parking REALTY LTD, 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 TRI PLEX 1 @ Just listed in immoculote condition in North East Section of the city. Paved drivewoy and parking. Immediate possession, Call to-day for full porticulors. JANE STREET 1] @ Lovely 2 storey, custom way and attached garage, four lorge bedrooms, separate dining and living room, family kitchen and finished recreation room with notural fireploce. Call for appointment to inspect. REASONABLY PRICED If @ Do you wont to be the owner of a 3 bedroom home con- taining a cheery kitchen, a good bright living room, and a 3 piece bathroom? You have possibilities to make the present family room into another bedroom. This 1 storey home is located on a lov- ely lot close to schools and shop- | ping. Call us to-day on this bar- gain home. | THRIVING MECHANICS BUSINESS IV @ Would you like to op-| erate your own business here in| Oshawa? Lawn mower and many | other repair lines carried on ot} this location, also o large Sales and Service Dept. The present owner has exclusive rights for several different companies which is a very important factor| in this line of business. This| property has over 2 an acre of} land, large workshop, also very! large garage with high overhead! doors, plus five room two storey} home. We invite your inspection | of this valuable property | BUY OF THE WEEK V @ This 1% year old home is in the South East area of the city. Consisting of 3 bedrooms, | large kitchen ond living room. | Good financing for the conscien- tious buyer with low monthly! payments. Phone for inspection. | | IMMACULATE CONDITION Vi © Locoted close to school, | bus and shopping centre, this modern brick bungalow repre- sents @ terrific buy. Large lot, well landscaped, paved driveway T.V. antenna with rotor, almost finished recreation room, Call us| - we will be glad to show you| this excellent family home. PRICED RIGHT Vil @ Homes like this sell fast, 86 call to-day to inspect this two bedroom on Roxbor- ough Avenue. Hardwood and tile floors, forced air oit heating. Finished room downstairs, Terms arranged. We would be happy to show you this one. IF YOU CAN SWING VII @ the down poyment on) this house you are practically home free. The 6% N.H.A. mortgage corries for $86 o month, and this includes the! taxes. Three bedrooms, a large! living room and a separate eat-| ing area are oll kept in excellent | condition. Call us for an ap- pointment, WESTDALE IX @ Who said you can't get a home on Westdale? We can| prove that you can. Call us, and we will show you this lovely 3 bedroom home with wall-to-wall carpeting in the living room and the bedrooms. Finished recrea- tion room, And on top of all this you will be proud to have one of the loveliest gardens in the city Act now! JUST LISTED X e@ Let us show you this bea utiful three bedroom brick bung-| alow in the South East-area of| the city. Double closets in bed-} rooms, Hollywood style kitchen with double stainless steel sinks and exhaust fan. Paved drive We invite you to resist this one CHOICE BUY Xl @ Lovely three bedroom brick bungalow with paved drive | - on quiet court. Large irregular | shaped lot. Finished recreation| room with extra bedroom ond} washroom in the basement Try an offer on this immaculate home OPEN HOUSE 8 Models To Choose From Open This Weekend 2-- 6 Homes Located At 623 Athol St. E. Coli 723-5281 for full porticu- lors Open daily p.m from 9 am. to 9 After hours coll Steve Englert Jean Peacock Jack Groham El. Ann Thompson Roy Flintoff Leon Manitius Evelyn Casse! Leonard Bissel! Art Johnson Judi O'Donnell Bob Cooper Italo Bortolussi 728-558) 723-1121 725-9947 728-4731 725-3454) 728-2754] 725-3710] 725-2070 723-8738| 725-6713| 728-4923} 723-6329} 728-4241} 723-2537| 723-1121 723-7183 George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors "TRUST CENTRAL | ONTARIO RALPH SCHOFIELD SUPERVISOR REAL ESTATE DEPT, __- MAGNIFICENT. Stately Colonial design 'home near completion in Rosslyn Heights. The eight rooms in- clude four bedrooms, living room, dining room, with fire- place, double garage and best of all it is Johansen built with all the beauty and extra de- tail. found only in Johansen Homes. If you move fast on this you can have your own choice of colours throughout the interior, Only $9,900 down, : PERFECT LOCATION Masson St., north of Rossland, a fine mature neighbourhood. Seven room centre hall plan, 4 bedrooms, two fireplaces, large rec. room, double drive- way, attached garage, lovely mature trees, here is o rore opportunity to obtain a really fine home with as little os $3,000 down plus $145 per month. Will consider trade. Immediate possession. NEAR HOSPITAL Full price $13,900--excel- lent buy--exceptionally clean 1% storey older home in ex- cellent condition--situated on beautifully landcsaped lot with rock garden and apple tree in bock yard -- large living room and dining room area--bright spacious kitchen -----one extra large bedroom end one bedroom average size. This home must be seen to be appreciated -- act quickly 18 ACRE HOME SITE Within 10 minutes drive from Oshawa, we will help you to arrange construction of your new home on a_ beautiful acreage which includes both high land for the home and rolling land for natural beau- ty. On the property is a large pond and stream, bird sanc- tuary with Mallards, Heron, Pheasants and Grouse. Perfect for Riding and Skiing. This is truly beautiful property which we'll be happy to show you as words cannot describe it. The price is reasonable. There are few remaining neor Oshawa which can compore 30 don't deloy--call today. SCENIC TEN ACRES Pond and hardwood bush -- superb building site -- for Country Home. School bus past door. Located just 81% miles from Oshawa in Ragian area. Plan now to enjoy pri- vacy and spacious outdoor living 10 acre parcels $5,000, $2,- 500 down, THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST WILL HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL TRUST PHONE 723-5221 AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Charlies Chaytor 723-7996 Tom Houston 668-4416 Rolph Schofield 728-3376 3 APARTMENT DWELLING PRICED TO SELL 8 900 Very centrally located in Whitby. Hot water oi! heat Call Bill Millar 725-2557 or 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd SAVE! $500 SAVE! Down payments from $1295 6%% NH Mortgages Last of the Winter Works. 3-4 bedroom bungalows, 2 Storey Ranch and Split-Level homes in beautiful "Rolling Hills Estates", featuring Pic- ture Book bathrooms, Holly- wood kitchens, built-in range and ovens, storms and screens, walk-out basement, family rooms, sliding patio doors. PLUS! PLUS! PLUS! See and Save the Griffin Way. Phone John Kosteniuk today, Griffin Real Estate Ltd., 155 Simcoe St. South 723-8144, GORDON OSBORNE REALTOR TWO LOCATIONS _ TO SERVE YOU... 48 SIMCOE ST. S. Opposite Oshawo Post Office DIAL 728-5157 218 DUNDAS ST, E, WHITBY "7 Poors East of Post Office | DIAL 668-8826 | 1% ACRES, HOME, OSHAWA Town Line with low taxes, tall shade trees, good garden land, three bedroom Stucco bungalow in top condition. Clean decoration, near school.s Asking price $12,- 500. 3 BEDROOM STEVENSON RD. BEAUTY $26,500. Yes to appreciate it you must see it but just to whet your appitite we will mention the hot water oil heating, open fireplace, plus extra fireplace facility in recreation room. Brick and stone exterior, land- scaping and beautiful decora- tion, Not too far from Osh- awa Shopping Centre and mo- dern schools NOTHING LIKE IT WHITBY OR OSHAWA is what you will say after in- specting this 6 room 2 storey brick with 73' by 145' lot, Builder has drastically reduc- ed his price by 20% to sell this distinctly different fam- ily home on Byron St. S., Whitby. Includes 1% baths three large bedrooms, family soom, open fireplace, modern kitchen with pantry, wolk-out balcony from upstairs living room and ail completely dec- erated and landscaped. What a deal someone will make here if they act quickly and take advantage of the reduc- ed price of $19,900 OWNER BUYS FARM WANTS SALE On this three bedroom brick Whitby home with recreation room on Brock St. S. near Highway 401. Extra office or bedroom in high dry base- ment, wide paved driveway, walkout basement, fenced yard. Asking $15,900. no reasonable offer refused, OSHAWA, ON JAMES ST, -- ONLY $12,900. 2 storey brick with low taxes has 2 apartments renting for $115, monthly. Looks like good income for wide awake landlord or if you want a family home and rent one apartment for income. Less than $2,000. down may buy this sleeper if you can see the possibilities. COLBORNE STREET EAST -- OSHAWA INCOME Home with 2 apartments and rental income from parking lot. Owner retiring to England wishes quick sale on this 8 room, 2 storey home neor downtown G.M. Some extras include: stove, rotor T.V. aerial, etc. You can live here and let apartments and park- ing income pay the bills, Not much to do here with clean decoration to greet you. Ask- ing $24,000. with reasonable down payment. KEITH PETERS $17,990.00 New home Gibb St. west of | , Stevenson Rd., clay brick bun- galow, 3 bedrooms, complete- ly decorated, lots of cup- boards, al! storms and screens and aluminum doors, one NHA mortgage, stone planter at entrance VILLAGE PROPERTY Inspect this clean and spot- less modern family home with shining hardwood floors, spacious living and dining room, large kitchen, one bed- room and bathroom on main floor, 2 bedrooms and bath- room on second floor, hot woter with oil heating, nicely londscaped lot with trees. OWNER SAYS SELL $14,900.00 Central Park Blvd. Family home with 3 bedrooms, nicely decorated, vanity in bathroom, paved drive, fenced ond hedged lot. $10,900.00 Unfinished 7 room ranch bun- golow near Courtice with obout 1500 sq. ft. $950.00 DOWN Excellent north east location, brick bungalow, forced air oil heating, garage, $13,950.00. TRY $700.00 DOWN West end location, 5 rooms 74 ACRE FARM With good buildings just north of Oshawa. The purchase of this property will provide your family with the comfort and enjoyment of community life within easy commuting distance from Oshawo. A good investment now which will Oppreciote witn the times. Member Oshawa and District CHRISTMAS TREE FARM 180 ACRE DAIRY FARM FRANK Real Estate Limited Zi King Street West, BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Real Estate Boord 100 acres with 25,000 trees ready to cut this year; These trees are of excellent quality. House and barn on property; gravel deposit. Near Ponty- pool. $22,000. Terms. KENDAL HILLS AREA 100 acres with 3. streams; excellent 2-storey, 7. room home, barns 30' x 50', 20' x 50' and 20' x 30'. Very scenic property, Only $32,- 000. 50 heod Jersey cattle. Com- plete line of machinery in- cluding combine, baler, trac- tor and all other equipment. Metcalt REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST, E. LARGE LOT Well landscaped, 3 bedroom home, garage,. coverad-in_na- tio, paved drive, home in im- maculate shape, plus many extras. All this for only $14,- 500.00. See this today. DOVER STREET Immaculate 6 room bungolow close to separate and public schools;-prepaid-serviees:-Only- $18,900.00 with reasonable down payment. ROOMING HOUSE Large 9 room, 2. bathrooms, garage paved drive, big in- come from this money mok- ing property. Call now for more details SWITZER DRIVE Choice 6 room, 3 bedroom rancher near swimming pool, shopping, separate and pub- lic schools, Home broadloom- ed, family room, large rec Milk contract. 4 bedroom home completely" furnished. Owner will give immediote possession. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Hurry on this one. Only $65,000 with easy terms. GENTLEMAN'S HORSE FARM 50 Acre farm with 2 streams, buildings all new, 4 bed- room house with the ultimote in convenience and beauty. Barns with oak stalls and self | feeders, hot-cold water in | born. Double garage, paved | drive. This is an outstanding opportunity for the discrimin- | ating buyer, Kendal area, | $55,000 CALL 623-3393 AFTER 9 P.M, Orono 321 623-3077 623-5055 728-1005 728-0196 723-8835 723-7900 723-7843 723-5787 | | Roy Faster. Pat Yeo Ken Hockin Doug Gower Andy Keys Jack Whiteman Rod Kruger Clare McCullough Joe Barnoski Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 Bill and Doreen Gimblett Port Hope 885-4548 Res. Pt. Hope 885-2535 Jim Houston Port Hope 885-4548 Bruce Bagshaw Lindsay _ i 324-2847 EASTERN AND CHARTERED TRUST REAL ESTATE YOUR OWN PRIVATE LAKE This 68 acre property gives you the seclusion and pri- vacy only afforded by dis tance, located only 26 miles from Oshawa and % mile from 7A Highway. Rustic log sided 4 room cottage fully equipped, landscaped grounds, boat dock, bass fishing. If you have been looking for this rare type of property act now - only $26,000 with immediate possession and terms BROOKLIN COMMERCIAL LOCATION 198 foot frontage, on main street, next door to thriving drugstore. A 3 apartment old- er residence of 13 rooms Landscaped grounds, double garage, with lift doors. Low down payment of $7,500. e Y BUSINESS 2U0 ACRES Becguse of advancing years, this farmer is ready to offer his well kept dairy farm with purebred Holstein herd, and equ 't, to a new owner 900 | daily contract, bulk tank e cleaner, 2 barns, 2 storey brick- house, high way ond road frontages. Just 10 + from Whitby $30, 00° down handles ACREAGE FARMS Representative Contact HARVEY HOGAN 655-3663 STONE HOUSE 40 MILE VIEW 100 rolling acres 7 miles north of Oshawa, paved road. Magnificent view, see U.S.A. and Toronto lights, Antique stone house, 4 pc. bath, furn- ace, in excellent condition, good 38' x 110' barn. Beau- tiful. spring-fed pond with wild duck families, beautiful grounds, wild flowers, 10 acres hardwood bush. Long hundred would make excel- lent 10 acre lots, Priced at $60,000, terms. Contact John Worsley, Cameron, Ont., tele- phone 17 collect OSHAWA REALTY | Investment Properties Resales -- New Homes Free Valuations 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY (Bond St.) LTD. 25 Bond West | GET SPOT CASH WITH TIMES ACTION ADS | room with bar, well land- scaped lot with large privote patio, enclosed breezeway and attached garage. See this gem tonight and you won't be sorry OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Diol 728-4678 Joe Maga 725-9191 Bob Johnston 725-9365 Jack Osborne 728-5836 John O'Driscoll 728-8585 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Member O.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive and M.L.S GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 155 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-8144 RELAXATION Yes! This is what you re- ceive when you purchase a new Armstrong Home. Why!! because every home is com- pletely decorated throughout, sodded front and side, Alcan aluminum on split level mo- dels, plus more, Just move in and enjoy your summer vaca- tion, price $19,400.00, (in- cludes car port), Phone Vince Jarvis today RIGHT HOME -- RIGHT PLACE -- RIGHT PRICE -- See this beauty to-night -- in the North West Area -- Re- duced to $19,900.00, which includes full recreation room and many other desirable ex- tras. Call Margaret Lee for further details SELLING > WANT ACTION ? CALL GRIFFIN (and start packing) TWO BEDROOM Wont to retire in 'the coun- try? This home offers quiet surroundings, larger lot, new oil furnace, plus others. Priced below $15,000.00. For ap- pointment to inspect, contact Vince Jarvis, WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. Open 9 a.m. to 9 om MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B. Just For You! Designed For You! Armstrong Homes Were built with "vou" in mind Drive out to SOUTHWOOD PARK, AJAX 694% N.H.A. MORTGAGES Downpayments from $1,650. Inquire obout our guaranteed trade-in plan, GRIFFIN Real Estote Ltd. 942-3310 1 ACRE LOTS | On Good Road Only 20 minutes from downtown Oshawa. Trout stream, old apple orchard, some with 266 ft , front- age, and 332 ft. frontage. Call: Today 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY (Bond St.) Ltd. Smart Business People Sing the Proises of Oshawa Action Ads 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale PRESTIGE HOMES FOR THE @ Executive @ Professional @ Businessman ® Just One Look will convince you these ore the best values in Oshawa in luxury homes, located on Walnut Court, Harmony YVil- lage. FEATURES @ 4 floor pions @ 2,100- 2,500 ft. @ deep ravine lots with stream @ 400 squore ft. family room with fireplace @ separate dining room with balcony @ built in dishwasher @ wall to woll broadioom in living room @ dining room, halls and bedrooms @ inter com system throughout house and 2 car garage plus al! the standard features on todays modern homes @ Down pay- ments $5,500 @ Your pres- ent home new or old could be accepted os a down pay- ment. K. R. BELL _723-6541 W. Schatzmann REALTOR 114 Brock St. North WHITBY 668-3338 INCOME PROPERTY WHITBY Centrally located in Whitby 3 apartments -- 4 single rooms, showing good return. Firm price of only $35,000, which includes all storms, screens, T.V. Antenna, 2 Heovy Duty Stoves, 1 Ran- gette ond 2 Fridges. Oil heating $14,000.00 NORTH WHITBY 3 bedroom brick bungalow in spotless condition, large living room, near to schools, Gas heated, a good buy at this price, terms available. en Oe WHITBY TOWNSHIP 13 acres. Asking price $600. per acre. FOR THESE AND OTHERS CALL RONALD W. RIEGER __AT 668-3338. SIBBY'S Reol Estate Ltd. 728-7576 3 BEDROOM HOME Asking $7,300 with $1,500 down. starter home or older couple. Carries 'Yor $85.00 monthly and low tax- es. Located on Albert St. 2 STOREY 6 _roorh. home with private drive and gorage, large rooms with all conveniences, Priced at only $15,900. In." spect this home now. Selling? Give SIBBY'S a call ot 728-7576 ond ask for Jerry Coody. TRADE ! TRADE ! | TRADE! | We specialize-in trading your present home, Take the fuss and worry out of buying @ new home. ee ae | J. B. McMullan REALTOR | 725-3557 -- 668-6201 | 3 BATHS, 4 BEDROOMS, | DEN On quietest, safest street in Whitby. Owner transferred, offers this custom built tri- | level brick, featuring a lorge | living room, family size dining | room, mahogany modern kit- chen, walk out family room, adjoining washroom, attached garage. M.L.S. number 470, Call DOUG CARMICHAEL 723-7463 |_Rep. H. KEITH Realtor, Ltd. TEN-ROOM spacious country home, one acre, creek, frees, garage, $12,500. Don Stradeski, Realtor, 723-4651, KING STREET EAST -- six-room home on lot, 110 x 204 ft., speculator's buy. Call Don Stradeski, Realtor, 723-4651, THREE NEW HOMES on Switzer Drive. $30,000 and up, By Michael Zygock!. Tele- phone 728-8882 EXECUTIVE HOME, in Oshawa's pre- | ferred north west area, located in a quiet |court, Wall fo wall broadioom in tiving room and bedrooms, completely finished jrecreation room with bar. One of Osh- awa's nicest back yards, hedged, some trees. For appointment to see call Steve Englert, Guide Realty Ltd. 723-5281. | RA et edn |$17,900 -- TOWNLINE SOUTH, four-bed- |room, IVa storey home, with extra lot, |Call Andy Keyes, 623-3393. W. Frank Real Estate Lid, | BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED NORTH EAST $24,900. 2 yeor old brick and stone modern bungalow with attach- ed garage, finished 3 rooms in basement with 3 piece bath, 3 large bedrooms, mod- ern hollywood kitchen, living room, 4 piece ceramic bath with vanity. Beautifully land- scaped and fenced. Owner leaving country. Must be seen. Located on Surrey Drive. Call Jack Appleby at 728-3398. SHARBOT STREET JUST LISTED 8 year old brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, good size kitchen, living room, 4 piece bath, oil heat, walk-out basement, paved drive. Close to schools and bus. Asking only $15,- 700. Call Roy Yeo 725-2217. 101 Simcoe Street North Member .0.D.R.E.B. HAIL re PV TRY Real Estate Ltd. Open Daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. $999 DOWN. Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. Inspect these re- reshingly different 3 bedroom twin homes. Ultra-modern in design. Your .choice of de- coration, Call 728-1656 $95 MONTHLY. $13,500 full price. $1,500 down, (or maybe less). 2 bedroom bun- galow. Needs a little decora- tion, Oil heat, 50' x 196' lot. VY block from Simcoe N. on Beatrice. Call 728-1656 $2,000 DOWN. Harmony & Olive. Immediate possession 3 Bedroom bungalow near Donevan Collegiate. Wall-to- wall broadloom in living room Huge kitchen. Call 728- 1656 OPEN HOUSE This weekend at Emerald Isle, Buckhorn Lake. Only 60 miles from Oshawa. An ideal area featuring cot- tages, 2 season summer homes, year 'round retirement homes open for your inspec- tion. Directions from Bridge- north,-Ontario: cross Chemong Lake Couseway and follow sign to Emerald Isle. For further details call H. Mc- Groth or B. Hawkins of Bowes and Cocks Realtors TELEPHONE 742-4234 |SEMI-detached duplex, three bedrooms, |and two bathrooms each, Ready for tn- , | spection, No agents, Located west of Shopene Centre, 229 and 23) Cabot Street, '23- . FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOWN. Only four- teen nine, Act wisely, invest In your |tuture, Call Stan McCormack, Dy | Keith Peters Realty Ltd. Realtor, |NORTH WEST: .2 storey brick, very good condition and very central priced jat $16,500, Sibby's Real Estate Lid., | 728-7570, |3 BEDROOM, brick, bungalow with a- tached garage, 2 paved driveways,, fire | Place, finished basement with den. Asking | $18,900. Telephone 725-9365. |PRIVATE SALE --- 134 storey brick home. Excellent district, large lot, beautl- ful trees and landscaping. Call 723-6388 evenings for appointment. |COUNTRY LIVING -- only $12,500. for jthis cute four-room bungalow with ga- jrage, lovely treed lot with nice garden. |All reconditioned Inside and out, with new aluminum siding, hot water oll heat. See [this one. today, Call 728.9466, Oshawa | Realty (Bond St.) Ltd. |REDUCED PRICE -- to $19,500. near |Civic Auditorium, three-bedroom bu: jlow, well landscaped with trees, large jrec room with natural stone fireplace, |Carries for only $113, PIT. Call 728-9466, | Oshawa Realty (Bond Street) Ltd, | jacres of land, This three-bedroom with jdouble garage is ideal for your family. |Make offer today. Asking only $21,900. | Will take $4,000 down, Balance one mort- | gage, Call 728-9466. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, Oshawa Realty (Bond Street) Ltd. WHITBY, 1) rooms, boarding house. Im- jmaculate. Two blocks to four corners. |Parking facilities. Owner selling due to jheaith reasons. Perry Real Estate, 723- 18123, | PARKLIKE LAND, 10 to 80 acres with Itrout stream. Near Hampton Ask for |free illustrated folder. J, J. Van Herwer- den Realtor, 74] King East, Oshawa, 723- 4471, PRIVATE SALE---income home, two furnished apartments and three-piece bath on top floor, private entrance. Income $130. monthly. Four rooms and bath on ground floor, large fenced yard, ample Parking. Ritson - King area. New oil fur- nace, $19,000. terms arranged. 725-2892. |LOVELY FIVE-ROOM bungalow, three- piece bath, oll furnace, large garage, beautifully landscaped, valuable corner, taxes $105. Located 2¥2 miles west of |Uxbridge on paved highway. 852-3960. |NINE - ROOM frame home with base- ment apartment. Near schools. Lot size 7 by 120'. 308 Arthur Street, Whitby. Telephone 668-8730 after 6. EAST END, Private sale. Substantial down payment. Eight-year-old, three-bed- |room brick bungalow, close to schools, ;churches and shopping, completely dec- orated and landscaped. Telephone 728- 6923: | FOUR-BEDROOM home in excellent con- jdition, large kitchen and livingroom. |Close to downtown. Carries for $72. per month PIT. Low downpayment can be arranged. Contact Larry Andely, 725- | 4539, Joseph Bosco Realtor |$2,000 DOWN -- Lake Vista area, eight- | year-old, five-room brick bungalow. Well landscaped lot with large patio. Quality | broadtoomed. Many other features. Close to schools and South General Motors. j Inspect this home to appreciate the val by catling Gord Chariton, 728. Joseph Bosco, Reaitor. $1,500 DOWN -- two older properties. One two-bedroom and one ree-bed> room homes, in good condition and cen- trally located. Good terms can be are jranged. Contact Jim Brady, 728-0483, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. NEAT FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, clo: to schools. Finished rec room; well land- scaped fot, Low downpayment. Carries for $115. per month. Ideal for young fam- ily, See this home by calling Murray Boyle, 723-4270, Joseph Bosco Realtor. INVESTMENT PROPERTY -- five-room modern, 1ve-storey, new furnace. Near Pediar's. Buy and rent out. Perry Real Estate 723-8123. é |WHITBY COMMERCIAL, Dunoas East. |Large tot, six-room house, and garage. |Live and operate a business here. Perry Real Estate, 723-8123 |PRIVATE SALE -- Brick, 134-storey }house, excellent district, large land. jscaped lot. Telephene 723-6388 evenings. CHOICE 10-ACRE home sites. Four, 10+ acre parcels of beautiful rolling land. Two partly wooded, one with spring-fed pond, close to Highway 7-12, five miles from Oshawa. Priced at only $6.000. Contact Larry Doble, 852-3787, representing Fred Cook Real Estate, Markham 294-2990, THREE-BEDROOM bungalow. Private sale has ceramic tile throughout bath and kitchen. Three good sized bedrooms. Large livingroom, Home has been com- THEY'RE UNIQUE! Want Ads work forlpletely redecorated. Landscaping in pre. you around the clock. Dial 723-3492 for jan ad-writer now, cess. Eight years old but like new bunga- [low. Call 725-8300,

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