COUNTY LINES Pickering Beach Pupils Honored PICKERING BEACH (TC) --jfrom 11 to 12 a.m. and Mrs. Grade 8 graduates who re-|Cecil Kaiser's home from 2 to ceived their diplomas and class|*.P-m- Miss Tanaka is expected THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 15, 1966 73 Session Started Slowly But MPs Got To Work The committee system went > pins at a special ceremony at Paradise Public School were: Dorothy Wilson. Diane Arm. strong, Wanda Temple, Diane Spanger, Daniel Scattergood, Shaun Russell, David Mann and Paul Scattergood. Back-garden Bible Clubs will commence July 18, under the direction of Miss Miwa Tanaka, summer missionary of the Child Evangelism Fellowship. Three clubs will be conducted: Mrs. Broughton's home from 9,30 to ~10,30..0.m.;--Mirs;-Fowler's-home} ple's weekend sessions on July 23-24th. The siork has been Dusy ai Pickering Beach recently, Con- gratulations are in order to Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Bellehumeur of Orchard Dr. on the birth of a daughter, Sue Ronn, June 25; to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hazel- ton, a daughter, Mary Martha, June 23; to Mr, and Mrs. Fred Herbert, a daughter, Rose Marie, on June 29 and to Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Ball, a son, Michael-Carl-Sheldon,July 6. to take part in ihe Young Peo-|y snarly start, the present. Parlia- ment may well turn out to be one of the most productive in history cessed Thursday night after 117 sitting days, ment had passed 50 items of government legislation, ing about 20 major bills. began work on 15 other items, which are cleaned up after the session re- igumes.Oct, 3. OTTAWA (CP)--After a slow, 'When the 1966 session re- the 27th Parlia- includ- proved, provinces were given a 95-per-cent rebate of cor- poration taxes naid by _pri- vately-owned utilities and the investigation of bankruptcy frauds was stepped up. --Organization of many de- partments and agencies was revamped in line with a De- cember, 1965, cabinet shuffle, the 1 of Canada In. addition, MPs and tors scheduled to be The session opened Jan, 18 in was set up and the Northwest Territories Council was given| expected .on the controversial revision of the Bank Act and Parliament also studied the| three bills to 'Teotganize the pub- entire spending program of $8,- an elective majority. which into high gear, with more than 20 committees such issues as birth control, di- vorce, auto safety, drug prices and CBC public. affairs pro- gramming. work, MPs and face a big backlog when they return in October. jHe-service: investigating Despite the high volume of senators still Long committee hearings are Brougham Ladies Prepare Bazaar BROUGHAM (TC) -- Thej{lowed by a pot luck supper. members of St. John's United| Reports of the eget ype y s . ..| bly were given by Sister Louise Charee. CCW are busy in inert Pilkey and Sister Jean Ellicott, spare time preparing for the| Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Day and 000,000,000 for 1965-66, Major changes in \immigra- was not approved last year be-|tion and broadcasting laws are cause of a short session and the| expected to be introduced. The medical care. insurance plan will come up for second and i RECENT GRADUATE John Schievink, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs, E. Schievink of 109 Oshawa Blvd. S., graduated from the Toronto Teachers' College and will teach at St. Andrew's Sen- jor Public School in Ajax. a tense, electioneering atmos- phere carried over from the Nov. 8 vote in which the minor- ity Liberal government came|¢!ection. back with 131 of the 265 seats| mane GOOD START u --two more than it won in the | egisiators turned around and yes oe wile read by aa ag oe made a good start on spending! Governor-General Vanier Jan. bazaar to be held Oct. 15. The anita are on a motor trip to) theme will be "India."' New Brunswick, Scoutmaster Ramsay, Assis-- A number of women gathered tant Scoutmasters Hodgson and at the home of Mrs. Perry to Campbell and the members of|honor Mrs. Lemon on her 84th the Ist, Brock - Pickering Troop! birthday, held their annual camp at) fiizabeth Harden, Rosemary) Parry Sound. Henry and Janet Pearce are Joy Rebekah Lodge held its attending the Girl Guide Camp last meeting before the fall fol-'at Palgrave. Myrtle UC Members Attend Induction MYRTLE (TC) -- A number, have sold their farm to Mr, of members of Myrtle United)and Mrs. Thorn, Mr. and Mrs Church attended the induction| Johnson are moving to Brook- service for Rev. William Pat-!lin. terson at Gardenview United' The women of the community Church. Mr, Patterson will con-/held a successful bake sale on duct services at Myrtle. the church lawn and also sold Miss Dorothy Downey attend-'refreshments at the Johnson ed the 4-H conference at the' sale University of Guelph. Neil Duff has returned home Mr. and Mrs, E, Johnsoniafter leg surgery. Port Worker Talks At Maple Grove MAPLE GROVE (TC) -- Miss}ens, Mrs. Bert Snowden, Mrs. Mayova, a port worker, de-|W. H. Brown and Mrs. H. scribed her work in Montreal| Brooks. The group plans to hold and Halifax at the meeting of| a turkey supper in September the United Church Women. She} Miss Susie Laird and her told the group this work among; mother, Mrs. A. Laird, who newly arrived emigrants could|are moving to Oshawa, were be expanded with UCW sup- | honored at a farewell party at port, ny home of Mrs. Ray McColl. Members contributing to the|A gift was presented by Miss meeting _were: _Mrs. A. __Stev- Vera St. Pierre. Southmead Park | Officially Opened limit for municipally - owned houses to 18 from 21, "We have After more than three years jto face the fact that people are of hard and sincere work, | petting married much younger Southmead Park was officially jthese days," said Councillor! opened by Alderman Alex Shes-| George Elfrey. Teen-age ten-| towsky, ants still need an adult to spon- Ald. Shestowsky congratula- soy their application, ted the Southmead association -- _ on its progress during the years | and on their near completion of| their community centre. At the opening ceremonies, constable Hiltz of Oshawa police, judged a dress parade of chil- ALRY 'P). _. 'Tw, dren, lead by piper Bill Ruth- rman 8; Qnt. (CP) Two erford. Following were games| ("Ucks were turned back from | and races enjoyed by many|the Dominion Magnesium Lid. | adults and children. plant shortly after some 400 The club houses was started steelworkers went on strike at @ little over three years ago| midnight Thursday. YOUNG ARE WELCOME LINCOLN, England (CP)-- |City council is lowering its age- Trucks Barred | ling from 22 cents to 57 cents| ----|Royal Automobile Club is dis- jtributing membership From Struck Firm ested motorists are asked to N ig ' i €} acti i ngs é lia three monte fist on tne eguzaie,fOF the current fscall i Tited 6. Tepnaive propo overnment's stand against "hig te Beach 1, '|posals, many of them left over 18 Spending by 10 Gcpzrtments to-| trom previous sessions _ | boosting old age pensions toltajjin g $825,462,242 was ap- . ~ | $100 from $75 a month, then on proved after detailed study in/26 ITEMS PASSED Of this list; 26 items have national security, OFgan-) various committees, leaving 14] |ized crime and sex. Bedlam prevailed for three} fai, sitting days in early March Workers Gain 'Annual Salary ("suse KINGSTON (CP) -- A labor|Ment plummeted. Sobered leg- agreement hailed as "a first in |islators buckled down to work North America" has been|after their Easter recess signed with Aluminum Co. of A steady stream of bills and| Canada here. appropriations received royal assent, implementing some of It eliminates wages calcu-| ; ; ; the key planks in the Liberals lated on an hourly basis aps election platform. puts all workers on what union spokesman called an an- PASSED WELFARE PLAN nual salary, The Canada Assistance Plan Lloyd Fell, international rep-, became law,' It integrates a resentative of the United Steel-| variety of new and existing fed- workers of America (CLC), said|eral - provincial welfare pro- the new plan ensures employees| srams, costing Ottawa an esti- a weekly wage equal to 40 times, mated $250,000,000 the first the old hourly wage, He did not | year. disclose current wage rates, A $500,000,000 fund was allo- Overtime will still be paid on cated for construction and ex- time worked in excess of 40\Pansion of medical facilities ? during the next 15 years, The hours a week. j fund will finance new medical, Unions involved in the agree- de rs J ment are Local 43. United lenval and nursing schools and |health research centres, Steelworkers of America, and q Local 54, International Associa- Another fund: of $50,000,000 tion of Machinists and Aero-| ¥®S Created to: assist develop- space Workers CLC, ment of depressed rural areas tg Mall aid two! unions bare and the Atlantic Development! gaining together for a single an Fecelved an' exthe vey contract was also unique in| qin. iooiclativ i . Canadian labor Hegotiations, | Other legislative highlights: ° --The student loans fund was} , Months of negotiation went) increased to $58,000,000 from into the new contract, which ctitat ; ys $42,000,000, university grants} provides wage increases rang-| for' 1966-77 were boosted to $100,000,000 from about $39,-| 000,000, the Company of Young Canadians was set up} to support community im-) provement projects and tech-| nical '- vocational training al-! lowances were increased, --A federal dairy commission was created, crop insurance leaflets} benefits were improved and| printed in Urdu for Pakistani} farm credit was expanded, | immigrants in Yorkshire. Inter-| --Personal income tax went| up, a gradual removal of the ll-per-cent sales tax on pro-| duction mach was | Mr. Schievink is a former student at Dr. F. J. Done- van Collegiate. departments for debate in the| been passed and debate started | on nine others, Did You Know? Raising chinchilla as a part time hobby can give you a full time income Did You Know? Most chinchilla ranchers started in a spare room, basement or garage Did You Know? A chinchilla makes no noise and has no odor, Did You Know? That as little as $800.00 can start you in your own business, making $3000.00 per year. The Chinchilla Guild of Canada 2424 Finch West, Weston, Ontario Gentlemen: | would like to have information on the Guild's methods of Chinchilla production. | understand that this request does not obligate me in any way: an hour over a two-year period! retroactive to May 18. Vacation | and welfare issues were also ne- gotiated. SEEK NEW MEMBERS LEEDS, England (CP)--The write in English to the nearest membership office. Swim In Your Own Back Yard lis AKAWV\ ANA AVANA VAAN SATURDAY ONLY j AVY 4 'Shonathtad BOMBSHEL Shift Dresses Assorted cotton prints and stripes. Sizes small, medium and large. KV 4 DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL BOMBS SHEL DENIM COVERED LOUNGE CUSHIONS Striped on one side and piain on the other. Choose from assorted colors, L37 wa Bedspreads Choose from quilted and plain styles in florel designs and solid colors, values up to 19.00 each. 7.00 no 109-00 EACH LIMITED QUANTITIES and since that time the citizens have raised approximately $10,- 000, for the building. COVER ALL CORNERS Curacao's International Ho- tel, 100 feet from the sea, car Members of the United Steel- workers of America (CLC), the | employees are striking to back} |demands for wages, job evalu- ation and fringe benefits. They are seeking wage ranging from 18 to 30 cents an increases | aitly at the New BOMBSHELL ries insurance against being hit hour. Basic wage now is $1.57 by a ship. 'an hour, . SAYS MR, TERRY MYLES, ORONO, ONTARIO (WALL You BE THE NEXT BIG WINNER IN OUR EXCITING CONTEST ? SEE DETAILS IN CARTONS OF: Ca Cola Sprite « Fanta GOLDEN ORANGE Sprite' and "Fanta" are registered trade marks which identity the products of Coca Cole Lié. "Cova tole" Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola, Sprite and Fanta under contract with Coag Cola Lid. HAMBLY'S BEVERAGES LTD. OSHAWA, ONT. y, GRENFELL i SQUARE APARTMENTS 385 Gibb St. at Grenfell CONVENIENT TO OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Enjoy Your Private SUANA AND HEALTH CLUB SWIMMING POOL and SUNNING @ ONE BEDROOM SUITES @ TWO BEDROOM SUITES @ FAMILY SUITES @ 3 FLOORS RESERVED FOR ADULTS ONLY! FOR RENTAL INFORMATION PHONE 723-5111 11 A.M. TO 9 P.M, DAILY Exclusive Agents Oshawa Realty (Bond St.) Ltd. PHONE 728-9466 "A NEW WORLD of APARTMENT LIVING" GRENFELL SQUARE features: Free Hydro High Speed Elevators Softly Carpeted Corridor: Floors Beautifully Londscaped Entrance Ultra-modern Kitchens include 30 inch Electric Range and New Refrigerator Intercom Connected to Lobby Bothrooms Equipped with Lorge Mirrors and Built-in Vanities Double Sinks RESERVE YOUR SUITE NOW Rentals Start At $125.00 Night Drapes Throughout One or Two-Balcony Suites Available Second Washroom Suites Available Oshawa's Largest Suites Rental Includes TV Antenna Service, Parking Space and Additional Locker Space Private Squna and Heolth Club Facilities; Swimming Pool end Sunning Patio Bolster Cushions In corduroy material, assorted colors 3 47 EACH PLASTIC Reversible Card Table Cover REG.. K mart Price 1.99 O7° rxcu LIMITED QUANTITIES Feather Pillows by Lady Cheryl 1.84 La lala / DISESUNT BOMBSHELL MEN'S JAC SHIRTS Jersey cotton knit shirts with striped front. Choose from assorted colors in sizes small, med. and large. 3-37 ince LIMITED QUANTITIES