Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jul 1966, p. 23

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27--Rooms For Rent |30--Automobiles for Sale 30--Automobiles for Sale |31--Compact Cors for Sale |37--Auctions 38--Coming Events | DEATHS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 14, 1966 23 See -- er od ae SACRIFICE -- 1963 Corvair Monte coup Set RS eh" "MORLEY fe | mae encanta Set a, SUNNYSIDE | WOODBINE ENTRIES tHURCH $1 STREET, 174 -- Single, Fur- QUALITY seats, radio, automatic, exterior metallic EDYVEAN, John fished , MOTOR SALES red, asking price $960. Telephone 723-1938 R | N G 0 Entered into rest in Oshawa General Hos- FRIDAY, JULY 15 'Clear and Fast 137 KING STREET W, pbb dine |pital_ on Tuesday, July 12, 1966, Joho SED - SITTING ROOM with refrigerator 1961 LARK, reesonable. Telephone 655- |Edyvean, beloved husband of Joyce| FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200. Claim-|Chinese Sabre, Werry D-X115 ond stove. Sulteble for couple or one OSHAWA 3 K 3963, Br20klin. | Saturday, July 16 TO NIGHT Large, father of John of Toronto, brother|ing (2000). Maiden three. and four-year. Peaches Reward, Werry. O-X115 penitieman. Cali 723-804 or 725-8645. 7236322 -- 723-8311 3 Trucks for Sal ot Heiter, Toronto i his Psi yet Rest-| olds, 1 Mile a turf course (13). | Mad Charge, Turcotte 116 2 ss 2 r e@ ing at e Armstrong Funer: Home, | Alirahni, io Boy 116 iddier's Belle, Fitzsimmons B-111 CARGE hovsekeeo ; ing roam: guise Raae ___On the spot financing ide Oshawa, with funeral service in the Reppy, No Boy 115 | Breconing, No Boy 120 wished 'bedroom for Iwo 0 ee erage ijt WALETON Fiewiside Chevrole. AUCTION SALE [Chapel on Friday; July 18 af 1 a.m. It | Brofner Chery, No Bo yi10 =D steineld and LW Ruby Entry. Close to north General Motors. ors. | 1960 ) BUICK LeSabre for 5s 2-door i if Telephone ? 728-7283, |midnight blve, immaculate condition. Phone 725- vi 300 00 |terment Oshawa Union Cemetery. Alice H., Steve X11 B-J Stork, § and ¢ Goodman Entry. | } lEd's R , i Xt 1, Swiaiee "icant roam, furniehed. bath | Best offer. Telephone 725-6812 for any ee Fa Did 50088 one-ton,_ four speed, heavy OF , . pies 2 me Tn a ee ee 'Consitesn au n- f Sy owe 8 de - ' '¥ aned conditian floor. Apply 255 Athol Street East. wre iambic USE CARS j GaNigHED A stieman.|1999 CHEVROLET stationwagon, Bel Air. WAL can Bld aia | of Ajax, Ont. Suddenly : " lord Entry. FURNISHED ROOM (or. Beast | Perfect condition, mechanically gua |'S1 MERCURY Yo ton truck $250, Excel. ANTIQUES AN IN PRIZES Prince Rupert, British Columbia, on mee gs tho a © ROOM Tor gentiemen. 33 Athol a Gi : 1965 vanicail aa aMIMOUSENOLD FURN j [Tuesday ees Bolton Culbert-| Mae's Mistake, Steve X119 _FIFTH RACE 'son aged (Direcior of |Gold § ing (5000). ji Sire Eat | 1946. CHEVROLET Bel, Air dark oreen,| CHEVROLET, BISCAYNE |>e_seen._728-2204. i. JACKPOT NOS. ithe "Alax Pickering 'Gen at Hospital No Boy 105 |Fovenes (9), i es a as! aster vochrane odge a A 7 ¥ 1" | Winkie, zsimmons 116 = home in Th yal a Bus-|s700" miles" La ey 'owned. Toone sedan, 6 cylinder standard. pA eR ET yas. Ths property of 52 and 55 lend AM. Ne S06 ORC) pat prokinn (om re eee River Party, No Boy 116 tess. lady preterres. call ater Sm. joy-son _.| With radio, rear speaker, |is9 CHEVROLET dump truck ate BYRON T. HUGGINS eee ae ear ray was ar Riga], SACOND RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim.| Lane Notion: Barreay 17 sse-S008. 1965 FORD Fairlane, 2door hardiop 289, clock, whitewall tires. Lic- [Reasonable Apply 116 Cromwell Avenue AT THE Canedian Lecion Branch 372 ajax, Mem.|in@ (5000). Maiden two-vear-olds, foaled) vinc™ivene, Come 119 for Hi In in Canada, 5 Furiongs (20). FURNISHED ROOM sitable for yound)v.s, 3 speed standard transmission. Many| ense H98737. or 728-9746, Ask for ee ber of Doric Pickering Lodge A.F. and)" Canec, > Cimon te |Bimint Billy No' Boy. 116 | --_ couple, Near Adelaide and Simcoe. C4ll/ extras. $1,900. Telephone 723-8376 or 110 i HEVROLET uck A.M. No. 424 G.R.C.), Beloved husband ! |Nacuba, No Boy 116 128-9671. ie ' Conant. 1964 wl, . Lot 6, Con. 6, Emily Township of Teresa Mery. Loree, 30 nario | Royal Piper, Dittfach M6 NICE ROOM for young en- 163 CHEVROLET "Bel-Air sedan, 6 auto- CHEVROLET BEL AIR Telephone 263-6853. Le 2 miles north of Bank Corner Alax; dear father of Catharine ear jen: en, Turcotte 116 Irance, parking. Near Hoepital, Telephone] sir real tinted windshield: and. wash: , | EVROLET half-ion pickup $475,| ; , N. A. Alban), Toronto, Beverly (Mrs. J.) sieitian Sammy, Grito X113 | 128-9671. ers, 27,000 miles, $1,400. Telephone 723} coach, 6 cylinder, cutomatic. | 1987 CHEVROLET haltion pickup S75) in Omemee and Y2 mile west EXTRA BUSES V Seiby)s Don Mills, Robert L.. Donald Dennis Magner, Gordon 118 | SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,700, Claim- 2956. { 7 N 3 hanging lamps, | hanging B. and Diane Falby of Ajax. Survived | eee e ee edeau 115 ing (9000), Three-year-vids, One and one FURNISHED ¢ ROOM in in quiet home for SSE ENN) SR EROS Nt Peasy SDE A real clean-one owner cor. | Fay! good condition, licence No. fh but towls and 7:30 P.M |by four grandchildren. Resting at the nn B, greta rt is sixteenth Miles (7). dusiness gentieman. Near hospital. TY 1957 BORD tudor, radio, windshield wash) | j-once 197962. B. 1960 Chevrolet haif-ton pickup, re-| hall lamp, ter s a 7 --/?7: LM, Win, €. dharrin, Puseral Hens, No. $ Detightty em, be oy Royal Steff, Turcotte. 16 included in room. "Call 723-1024 ers, signals, etc. Lady driven. Good con- teat motor, $850, licence 7200-3B. 1% prints, picture frames, toilet : Mee Pickering (just east of Har- Count Ferd, No Boy 118 Chopolis, McComb vr (OOMS or own, dition, $225. 60 McLaughlin Bivd. pratnghl half-ton pickup. Fleet side with _ '" 10 Royal Roi, Bradfield XXX108 eel Abb ertararnGs ney, gh central, nigh wig share, single ip CHEV! es geod---condition Leasee RICAN Heese Eten Sse dicencs Ee: 190 Sete steeple co tH Sacre vag ' : ee eae area Libis Bey ghee' Apa Carodana, Ditttach 111 ) of : le cu i 199d a AF . "RICAN" Vis jeep, closed body, $575, licence cup, pine cabin Ir i 4 un e itesl hs gaa Apply 48 Alber!) Telephone 723-5805. RAMBLER, AMERIC Tees! Hoskin's at Blackstock 986- pe oF antique glass and The Big Annual Church Kinbe Choke; "Aine He fuera: Larkspur tasy tie tot Gar Tice tes ', Street, 728-9643. dias tou sedan, 6 cylinder, standard, | 4971, ' Y 4 . sone eg i ® |Bantu Ho, Barroby B-118 hed roomns.| 164 FORD, hardtop, erser, ir speed , Oo reo chino, rocking chairs, organ, Service at 2 p.m. Interment Erskine)" {ie 'si cinte: Open Cole Harbor, No Boy A-116 nooaien new "mahogany finish ce path | transmission, 390. No down - payment with reclining seats. Low ac- 1964 FORD \4-ton truck. In excellent con- A 9 i ' C A R N | V A L Cemetery, Dunberton, Onlerio. (Masonic an sg ov Lh ' Entry. Line ararence: 90H Terese 725-2756. tual mileage. License J15110. --|dition, Telephone 728-3619 gramaphone, mony other a Service at the funeral home Friday even- 18), Speedy | Redbird. Steve, 01 Willow: Downs Farm and WT Mason F099 Bee ear Witen Road South or | 1962 ) MERCURY | eter. V8, standard, ticles too numerous to men- Is Now tinderwa At ing @ p.m.). Bunty,. No Boy ¢ 115; Broke Gale, (EXACTOR WAGERING) call 773-1644. good condition, $900. Call 728-9796 after 1963 |33--Automobile tion, Terwt=Cash, No Re- Li | Boy, 0-115; Either Or, No Boy, O-I18. | sevENTH RACE -- Purse $3,000. "One GNE FURNISHED room, would suit one|6 PM _______| BONTIAC, LAURENTIAN ; serve. Sole at 1:00 p.m. This c H E R N F Y 4 iS | GRAY, Henry Arthur, (Harry) A-D £ Kissner and Prime Stable Eniry. ivchs Bqwlers Council" Allowance . Telephone 725-0536, at 323)'58 CHEVROLET Impala two-door hard- : is an antique sale with articles At Oshawa General Hospital on Wednes: Three-year-oids. 6 Furlangs (6), Sarai, ee ee i Cina ys sae) Sttonwogen, sence vores | CARS WANTED | er ermasi wi oasis at Cun ort! tatoo West Mopnenr end WR emo) ve Dect byot Offering Biq Savings on en- 86th year, beloved husband of Rache! | Margabeila, McComb 110 matic transmission. Minor mechanical mission, In excellent condi- Nice ROOM for young indy. Private en. work required. $275. 728-0558, tion throughout. License X- Buying A New Car ? through many generations. tire stock of Quality Furniture, | Beckett, loving 'father of Harold of .Groveiree Steble"end Kate: Britty Deubting- Thoaken, Pilesirsinens: Veh bepepel pi 9. How To GET Vt: it you do not tind the 10371 Sell your used car to Ted', Furnishings and Appliances | Wallaceburg, Gordon of Newcastle, Mrs. | No. Reasoning, Dittfach 112 --- item you want In the Want Ads, p! Talk "Cash" t th New rc L. Heading (Betty) of Willowdale, dear; THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,200. Claim-| Anxious Age, Turcotte 112 housekeeping room for rent. "Wanted" ad and get it! Dial oa alk os Oe Carl Kickson, 'auctioneer, brother of Mrs. A. Dilwerth (Alice) o/|ing (3000). Maiden three- and four-year-| Quick Thought, No Boy 109 for married couple. Phone 725- Car Dealer ond 'Save'. Ponoka, Alberta, and Jack Gray of Ed-|cids (Divn. of Ist). 1 Mile on turf (14) var RENTIAN CAMPIN MOTORS monton. Mr. Gray is resting at the|Ruce, Nedeau 121 EIGHTH RACE~--Purse $2,300. Claim is resti i ms : i HOUSEKEEPING ROOM suitable for fat CHEVROLET SAL AIR. tour a |PONTIAC, LAU | yaniéea R 725-5574 Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King St. W.| Those Who Walt, Gomez 110 ing (4000) Four - year - olds and/up. One HousEK hardtop, power steering and brakes, sedan, automatic vith discs 3- es. pablo FURNITURE WORLD 'for service in the chapel on Saturday, Lumcall, No Boy 116 and one-sixteenth Miles on turf course married couple. Phone 725-0451. - | automatic, good condition, Best otter. | vidi hitewalls. -Black with |LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS wan' July 16, at 1 p.m. Interment Union| Sea Flea, No Boy 105 (15) . ; : I : Two gr Ee | ean Liens FBA7IE jars tor oar Highest orices oie 80 KING ST. E, OSHAWA __ Cemetery Sankle Reed, No Boy: 110 Morgan Road, McComb, 116 furnis! i i "i side ears i c We ntworth ast ' - enorme cKSON, i » Barrol flow. Apply 375 Windsor Street __. |GRILLS, radiators, ali car parts. Late or aed ' 3 Eternal Flight, Parnell 110 Maytown, Fitzsimmons 115 GIRL TO SHARE two furnished rooms,|mode's cur specialty. Courtice Av t¢ 1962 \WANTED "-- "Cars for wrecking, No| at on ry eens oe, eae _____, JOHNSON, Finlay Ford Likay, Werry X119 Mount Markel, Harrison 116 th fridge, .sfove and television, single | Wreckers. 723-5238, CHEVROLET, BISCAYNE |fruy% [°° 'wins: lor, too large. Call 728-6810 or 725-8968|WILL ANYONE witnessing an accident|SUddenly a! Fairview Lodge on Tuesday, Hunter's Delight, No Boy 105 Win-T-Bird, Turcotte 116 bess, Apply 496 Mary Street at Hillcroft. ita Bambee" ciation: ' : pseald serine | Age ® p.m at Bicor and Ritson Road on. June 27,/2UIY 12, 1966, Finlay Ford Johnson, in| Pickering Bull, Dittfach ho Mighty Patrol, No Boy 116 Telephone. 728-3109 MUST SELL -- i963 | Pontiac siation-| sedan, standard transmission |swaw AUTO" WRECKING CO. Cars| a eer eae Ree con dune 27'\nis 68th year, dear brother :f Normen| Royal Missy, Fitzsimmons 105 Ani's Reply, No Boy 111 se . Suan sult wagon, 6 cyl Hage gd none 668-8388,| with radio whitewall tires bought, parts for sale. Iron and metais) WISEST WAY fo order Want Ads: tan Chevrolet, please telephone 263- ey George of Rochester, N.Y,, uncle of| Phantom Royal, Kornblum X100 Miss Blackhawk, No Boy 108 ROOM AND PRIVATE KITCHEN. |$1,200 or best offer. Telepl | Th hi 2 vecanditioned bought, 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311 jthe special 6 day plan, Means surer satis: | 4294 Mrs. Ernie Kehoe (Rose) of Oshawa,| Real Lady, No Boy 105 Winning Score, No Boy 111 single person or couple a LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down. roughly e ' > Wanted |faction for you and you can aiwa Mrs, E. Brown (Gladys), Mrs. H. Weales|Stan's Kay, Brownell XXX95 Royal Swiv, Maxwell 113 jate possession. Apply 430 Woodcrest! coe fo ver 60 cars, No downpay-| License J12747. OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wante cars cancel! Dial 492 now. (Merla), Edward, William, John Ros: Frecdom's Hope, No Boy A-119 A of telephone 722-19 ra, | nants! Gas Sipwe Meters Lid, 728) 7375.| [13h5 "Nelson PR eg Telephone rasaNene : ' jall_ of Oshawa. Resting at the Gerrow! FOURTH RACE--Purse $2,000, Claim. Bega Bega, Steve X11 BED-SITTING ROOM, furnished wit a uie eAnTA he We hak el 1962 ets 38--Coming | Events Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street West,| ing (3000). Feur-year-olds and up. /6¥2/Norle Verde, Robinson 116 kitchen. Abstainers only. Telephone cer Use diagrare sp 509 Bloor Street | RVAIR bil R be sain Shs anise. Row ones SAR CM until Friday morning. Then to $t. John! Art's Treat, No Boy A-113 Master Matt H., No. Boy A-113 = ee ilers, also CORVA '34--Automo ile Repa the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, | Systems Go, Hale 116 Also Eligible: Cairnarctic, Steve, 6 p.m., 728-1742 East, aller 4 72-228). ti BIRTHS cit so ms ae " tomatic. | lord Street, Whitby for requiem mass|Furiongs (13). +x103 COMPLETELY 3959 METEOR, six cylinder, two = door,| sedan, 6 cylinder, autom | ~ FRED STONE J YCFES at 10 a.m. Inferment St. John RC Ceme-|Ki-D-Ka, No Boy A-120 A--Mrs M § Sedlier and Meadow Acres | ing apartment, kitchen, two eroor standard, recent paint and body 'ips Mist green with fawn inter- tery. Jovial Joel, Maxwell 123 Entry, | and bathroom, all private, suitable _ v dition, Telephone 723-6060 ; { " d Lic- 1 1 ery good conditio! ior, Perfect second car. | lin Phone 655-3653 Foxy Alec, McComb 8-113 X--5 Ibs AAC two adults. Also one-bedroom aparimen Brooklir Popsaysno, Steve C-X118 | XX~7 Ibs AAC atter 7 p.m se J4602 / | : same as above. Telephone 728-0852 or vi Re ense J Motor Rebuilding BISHOP -- Ross and Irene Bishop (nee. KEENAN, Mrs. Ruth Li'l Eddy,-Griffo XX113 XXX--10 Ibs AAC Oshawa Blvd, South 1957 CHEVROLET, two - door hardtop, } ' Lowery) are happy to announce the\Entered info rest at Hillsdale Manor ye ' 'oom, | 283, motor rebuilt, still roadworthy, Will 1960 Cylinder Reboring arfivat ol hair bohy. pom. Tone Wee Gk: oe ay aaele gM ane |Shining Wings, Steve C-x105 POST TIME 2 P.M. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING | + Motors [sei for motor only, Best offer. Call 723 CONSUL Pinfitting @ Resleeving | on July 11, 1966, at the Oshawa General/Ruin Turner, widow cf J. Wesley Parking facilities. Apply 160 Agnes Street, | 03 329. Automatic Transmission |Hospital. A brother for Jane and Lis®.| Keenan, mother of Mrs. Alden Morrison TGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, with| 1935 FORD coupe, $750. All newly recon-| sedan, 4 cylinder transmis- Crankshaft and Valve 'urn pslyglt i Dr, M. L. Morris and) (Doreen) Oro Station, Lake Simcoe, Mrs. A LIGH fo hospital, suitable | |ditioned except upholstery. Also new) cio, With radio, White with Ss, urth floor staf Clare Morrison (Bernice) Oro Station, ronnie | yi cog Bg motor. Telephone 723-9382. , | inks: con ae Bua Ms Charles Hall (Lettie) Oshawa, Mrs. | lor eee red trim. License H85741. eeheeienat will (Ethel) San F i |iss7 FORD, 6, automatic, good trans- | TRANSMISION specialsists. | Transmis- ste. Ae an diay 4 Fost rry Williams el) San Francisco, : " an udy (nee Foster) ' SIN "7 4 ex aver ) ag oy wee room, Clos to Shep portation. Body fair, $90. Phone 728-2808 SPECIALS lsions are our only business, 1038 Simcoe are happy to announce the birth of age hin Frat May Sane re SIGN ROBERTS real Beavers of the Continental ner of Pine and Grenfell 1961 OLDSMOBILE 88, four - door, fuily North, "Phone 728-7397 | son James Leonard, 6 Ibs., 11 015. OMlislingion, Alex and George of Oshawa.| CHICAG Robin Football League. M4 -| June 2ist,_ 1966, at Humber Memerial | vistey of Mrs, John Darcey (Jessie) Osh; CHICAGO (AP) -- Robin awioeed In excelient condition, Will ac rift FURNISHED BEDROOMS for gentle: ept small trade. Telephone 728-1800. | $495 '35--Lost end | Found _ |Hospital, Toronto, Ont. A baby brother! awa, Mark Turner, Oshawa: in her 95th} Roberts was signed Wednesday) apyppe ocx ial t, HI § men only. Apply 340 Athol Eas | ---- for Debbie and Joey. R i CHIEFS SIGN STEPHENS 1959 CHEVROLET, excellent running 958 Pontiac, Lic. J2277 bi | year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeralltg a player - coach post with} TWO PRIVATE housekeeping rooms sin condition. $300. Bowmanville, 623-7392 ' 93182K Lost -- At "GM pienie, July % | rewn | . . | Home, Oshawa with funeral service in| f bs. TI 37. id! KANSAS CITY '(AP) K home, for two men or two ladies to aiter 6 or 623-2921 before 6 1959 Ford, Lic K zippered leather wallet, containing $290. mission C vibhians ' si at First Baptist Church, Oshawa on Satur-| Chicago Cubs. The -year-o h S 16. -- Kan- share, very central, near Fittings. Call SHROROLET, i Gilinder, eoie| 1252 Metbor; Lic, JT5357 Reward, Please contact 720-8148, happy fe announce Ihe Bath at son|day, July 16 at 2 p.m. Interment Osh-| pitching veteran was released a|sas City Chiefs of the Ameri- Maat rr i isnt, new tires and battery. $900 cr| 1958 Volkswagen, Lic. J14304 | Lost = jer, boat, sipped side panel ot| [Andrew Kerry, Saturday, July 9, 1966,|ine" deckoveo." denaviong' or mamartons| week ago by Houston Astros.|can Football League Tuesday LARGE, ~furnis room 723-2137, | converti jat Oshawa General Hospital, The first! > y home. Single person preferred. $1). week {best offer. Phone | 728-6586, | Two Jackpots grandchild to Mr. and Mrs. A, Williams|{S,cr* $oclety of your, choice or to the) He has won three games andjsigned Sandy Stephens former : ; 'a et mee Baptist Church Building Fund - ly. Telephone 728-4439. | CHEVROLET, ¢cylind re automallc.| 196] BUICK |LOST: Female hound dog, Walker and NOS. 53 and 58 Jand Mr. and Mrs. 8. Thomson. Thanks! would be 'appreciated, jlost four this season for a ca-/Montreal Alouette and Tor, BED-SITTING ROOM with "Tight house- net -- Biuetick, black and white markings. In to Dr, Miller and fourth floor staff. reer mark of 284 victories andionto Argonaut quarterback. keeping, lady preferred. Close to hospi-|1962 CHRYSLER, green, power steering, | vicinity of Ritson and Taunton Road | 241 defeats, Stephens, 25, was the first Telephone 728-7713 for any further! power brakes, custom radio, very good Children's pet. Answers to the name of LOCKE, Cecil Raymond waiileutare: condition. Telephone 723-8639. LE SABRE Queenie. Reward. Call 725-8740. ONE MUST GO On: Weanosday, Duly 151 1946; at Nin pines ldraft choice of New York Ti- TWO single housekeeping rooms, park-| 1966 IMPALA, four - door hardtop, power| sedan, automatic, power brakes |/ost -- Bulova wristwatch with chain cA al aol gpd Dg OU RY REPLACES RODGERS tans, now New York Jets, in | steve and refrigerator. Apply 573/equipped, radio, dark blue with whitell and steering, In nice condition. {| bracelet, on Friday at Shopping Centre, Ys aes eet aan Med de ¥ ; -- In-|196 yas Olive "Avenue" or telephone 723-1822 Relat omen ie Vk out OF 9 ' fle bt 2 ke ie IN MEMORIAM sticcitry, deer tiner"oinvroa':') | PITTSBURGH (AP) -- In-/1961. He was the second draft walls, L Reward. Mrs. ffery, di ' ; ic. H87469 , Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.A., Ivan of Osh- ; , as ichoice of (¢ " Min pleasant home, near hospital, joffer. See at 1130 King Street Eas! Street West, Belleville, Ont | ekoriia: Nae , Ivan of Osh-/ fielder Gene Michael has been|choice of Cleveland Browns of > si an , Reland of t Hi id Grant n, | Satians ce. privileges, Telephone 723-3584. | 1966 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS, two-door BUDGIE -- Green and yellow. Simcoe| $500 of Whitby in' his 70m year, Resting at called up from Columbus, Ohio, the National League. ane Sigua --------|hardtop, 4,000 miles, nll cag ropa | North _Hortop area, Telephone 725-3279. the W. C, Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby,/of the International League to * ir -~ . A 7 a _ . 28--Room and Boord --__{fawerssring, pone wom, Fee! ROY NICHOLS -- |tost--"mensoy om, grey and wnie| IN 50 NOS. or LESS |, ADAMS -- In memory, of sear nus fr sevice Ite chapel on Pride, 0h] replace Andre Rodgers of Pitis.| RIDERS SIGN CONROY 4 sith: ofentasnetnaae ey | TP) "4 3 i f . aggrieved or ya 045. Sew scrlor "Eien cei sine oreu| lee tinge Crescent Ost v --S0 sadly missed by his wife Edith, Cemetery, Oshawa, Minister the Rev-|burgh Pirates, who was placed) OTTAWA (CP) -- Ottawa ed, laundry done. Cal ---- to c North. May be. injured. $200 erend J. McLeod. on the disabled list with a torn|Rough Riders of the Eastern = moving to N.W.T. Call 725-3080. MOTORS LTD | joked meal ; | formation. 728-6201. i pa ; aertenee none lene Garrard|'99 CHEVROLET convertible, V-8 auto | sbi Asche MO te Oe cae Werte Bing il, Mar "bersendl WibNBLANs dasa rib muscle, | Football Conference have an- { 786. ic, , top, interior good. Over 2,000 ; 6 q " » Mari | i font Bees Gy Een mniles'to quoet of oll Power brakes, steer-| SEE. . . ACE RICHARDS |3 Legal In announced Nos. who passed away July 14, 1953, At Oshawa General Hospital on Tues TO MEET INDIA jnounced the secdlta'l Sis veteran ROOM AND BOARD for young lady; sit) 773.8418. or LOUIS PHILLIPS ot --_--_---- No longer in my life to share jay, July 12, 1966, Maria Hartley, be- cE corner linebacker Jim Conroy. ¢d " mage Gey centrally locat-/ - ne EASE O A A But in my heart you are always there. | j fe of the late Li Nicholl: Ww 4 aa , iv H Lig banal megieak Magione 1955 FORD; automatic _ transmission, | COURTICE 728-6206 N TCE $25 Consolation Prize To your grave offen go and loving. mother of Mrs; J.D. Tene; NeW YORK (AP)-Canada| Conroy, a native Canadian who whole car or parts, Telephone 725-7128. | OR There to kneel and silently pray. (Eunice) Oshawa, Mrs. H. G. Cowies|W@S drawn against India Wed-|played college football at the ps Ae SORRD i for gentleman will- 237 Nassau ' Street. sedan, low mileage, automatic, under- 152/ ° ' . : . . y 25} coating, 6 cylinder, good condition. Make, or TED MILLER ot |the Stevens Cup tennis com-/nia, returns for his seventh 7-day Ht | King Street East. Service in the chapel | SINGLE ROOMS a and board. Apply Jolfer. Telephone 725-5179. BOWMANVILLE 623-2556 ee papa $175 Jackpot on Friday, July 15 at 2 p.m. Interment| petition at the West Side Club| campaign with the club. ROOM AND BOA ntieman, very| 1956 BUICK, four-door hardtop, 372 evbic| ' Finnigan, who passed away July 14, 1963.'donations to the King Street Church oe central. Telephone 725-2928 or apply ieee ee ee Tee ee Me OPEN 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. |General Motors Employee, | $20 per fine. $75 full card, |--Ever remembered, Stan building fund would be appreciated.| The Stevens cup is for men 45 RUNS IN FAMILY Brock Street East. ewes _- D ed yeats of age and over. | If Bret Hanover succeeds in 1955 DODGE, low mileage, radio, good! eceas' r é s s ROOM AND BOARD -- For gentieman,| 7s DOnets low me Telephone 725.|HOT ROD -- 1934. Ford, three-window | sane § laim 20 Regular $20 games pay GLOVER -- Qin loving memory of RICHARDSON, William Henry breaking Adios Butler's world Good hearty meals, 6 days. Very central./" » : sg coupe, % race 1948 Merc, engine. Best) Al! persons having claims a di fe, Mabel Glover, who passed 4 oy ; * =e : m corres trom 'Speedy Muffier King, Apply/ 9689 after 5 p.m __loffer over $500. 723-3028 against the estate of WAL- double in 17 Nos. or less. pies Uy Ie : angiies, Mess Unive Eooerte 79° Park saci . JOINS BEAVERS pacing record of 1: 54 3-5 he 205 King West. ne y MaRCURY ats brant ShaPe| 1999 DODGE tastback, in mint condition,| TER WYSOCKI, late of the Five $30 ' God saw you getting weary, Road South, Oshawa, Thursday, July 4, MONTREAL (CP) -- Herb| will be the third son of Adios to ROOM AND BOARD for one gentler in, originat radio, collector's item, $675 or| City of Oshawa, in the Coun- e gome ig aia wie he thought ages |1966, William Henry Richardson, widow | Trawick, one of the original|hold the record. Adios Harry willing fo share room. King West an |1956 CHEVROLET, good condition with| best cash offer. Must sell. Can be seen al tw of Ont General Motors le pul his arms around you, | ler of the late Mary Ann Drury; in his U.S. imports to Canadian foot-! di 55 in 195 d Adi Park Road area, Call 728-5455. radio. Telephone. TSO after 4 _p.m._|Kingsway College, Ray y of Ontario, ' ni Early Bird Game. 7:45 P.M. Bid entrar goed ae }iOlst year. Resting at the ivarenal 3 pi 0 adian foot-| paced in 1:55 in 1955 an ios GOLBORNE STREET EAST, §7: Room| i999 PONTIAC Parisienne sedan, auto|'Sé CHEVROLET converlible; custom, EMPloyee, deceaned, who EXTRA PRIZES ed by . Funeral Home, Heyer eee ae ball 20 years ago and a stand-|Butler sct the current mark of 'and board for gentlemen fo si Cen-| matic transmission, power brakes, radio,|ized, floor shift, standard transmission,| died on or about the 2nd doy at 10 am. Interment Woodlawn Ceme./oUt Ifneman with Montreal Al-}1:54 3-5 in 1960. Bret Hanover tral, lunched packed. ____|!ow mileage, good condition. Best offer/excelient body, motor and tires. New) of April, 1966, are hereby |, GLOVER -- In loving memory of @ tery, Guelph. (Friends are asked to cali/ouettes for a decade, Tuesday|and Adios Harry now share the 4 board| Telephone 723-7047. jnylon vinyl top last fall. Radio, discs, - dear mother, mother-in-law and 'and MALE TEACHER seeks room an ond betel nai CAVROLE? Biscayne, fwordaar, continental and. spotlight, Many extras.| notified to send in to the un pe Malet Dlvae Vie Beat wun lGarioe funeral home. commencing Friday | signed as line coach with Mont- world race record at 1: 55. i | d before the ticul including telephone number|vs, standard, low mileage. Telephone | Lady owned and driven, Telephone .723 dersigned on or July lath, 1965. ag yee Avenue, Hamilton, 623-5613. 29th day of July, 1966, full very UIs ay God knew that she was suffering he dunudastactnra shi aCR ONTO icici ----- F That the hills were hard to climb | SPRY, Fred | GOOD HOME for neat young ledy. 7/1965 CHEVROLET impala, Super particulars of their claims. i day week. Central. Good meals. Laundry |Sports convertible. 327 motor, 4-speed, 31--Compoct Cars for Sale| iminedictely "otter te sald at the ee rors a ene ee At Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay on 7 . <a : | $15 per line both games Eve bered b' loving wife! R t | , ts Ing to share, iy beds, lunches packed.| MUST SELL. 64s Acadian Beaumont HAROLD MICHELSON | TC) CREDITORS 9 Hea r remember ¥ your loving ees Dee lb Sythe Mc- |nesday for the first round of |U niversity of Southern Califor. | FINNIGAN -- in memory of George N.| Mount Lawn Cemetery. In lieu of flowers] in Forest Hills July 28-29-30. done. 728-3577. positraction, radio, white walls, excellent) ae 4 | i ips Wednesday, July 13, 1966, Fred Spry of sal . --_ |shape. Telephone 728-7341 anytime, | ZOLTAN AND NICK'S date oe arg " ms - Prot cl dag ho aed ee Coboconk, jin his 7ird year, beloved. hus 15 - cease wil istribute | ' o e late ildre 'ook, ear 29--Wanted To Rent | '" PONTIAC, runs like new, low mile| = Your Authorized Datsun Paving wogard only se. cameo] dren Shawna; Charles and Shirley. faiorot Wea. mee Callen Liesn) aoe eg > ¢ | | | ge, no rust. $600 or. best offer. Phone Jubilee Pavilion | Lyness, both of Coboconk; also survived hi 5 tin t the | MeKENNA -- In loving memory 'of alDY seven grandchildren, Resting at the TWO BEDROOM, sx 7140, Bowmanville, ae oe Fiat cou of which she shall then hove ower t pecializing in olkswagen tic Northcult end Smith Funerat Home. Fu NTAINED 1957 MONARCH convertibie, power bra- } notice : dear father and grandfather, James ' bedi ' SELF CO kes, power steering, $250. Apply 111 Ade- Repair and Service DATED at Oshawa this 22nd Patrick McKenna, who passed away Neral' service? oacek eCaey. election APARTMENT IN WHITBY} oe a t West or call 728-8252, 160 Simcoe South | doy: of June, 1966 BUSES LEAVING July 14, 1965. 'Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. "ONE who has the cham Always remembered by daughter Would consider renting @ i a faste and the beer pocket book 728-0051 EUGENIA WYSOCKI, | FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 Rhoda, i Reg, granddaughters' svocxs, annie house on long term lease. Don't go to your dealers. Come see this) LS aS ARR a - Administratrix, ged: 1s BA |Debra, and Christine. At Cut Knife, Sask., on Saturday, July 9 |'58 Pontiac, V-8@ automatic, lady owned! Apply to Box 35769, Oshawa land driven. A-1 condition. May 'be seen| Ye VOLVO & PEUGOT | by her solicitors, 1966, Annie Kolbinson, beloved wife of MANNING F.. SWART Alex Stocks and dearly loved mother of Times, Whitby [at Clint's Texaco or phone 725-1459 %e MERCEDES BENZ 2 , 5 z And Returning after Bingo | PROUSE -- In loving memory of {| Isabelle (Mrs. A, Laughlin), of Spokane, TWO OR THREEDedroom house requir-|1964 BUICK. Wildcat, 4door hardtop, one Gener al REBAIF ond | hind mother who passed away July '4/wash winston of Duck Lake, Sask ed by teacher and wife (no children), | power steering, brakes, windows, aerial | ra gay! leg RONALD L. SWARTZ, Children under 16: not admitted | 'Though tears in avian Wa ce Floreiice (Mrs. H, E, Mclimoyl) of Cal- August 1, 15, Kedron, Columbus area|information call John. Barlow 530 Sim-| Auto-Electric Service 26% King St. E si Ue my eyes do M0! gary, "Alta., Murray of Victoria, B.C preferred, others considered. Reasonabie| coe _North, 725-2010 after 6 p.m ie EraReae u nee Phd eglis d A Clifford of Alta., and Dr. Allan Stocks of rent, Write Box 29940. Oshawa Times. =~ Jake and Bill's Garage Oshawa, Ontario. PLA AB ic Fe Matha hl Brooklin, Ont., cherished: grandmother iu = 1964 CONVERTIBLE XL 500. Bucket . . - ee | Cc il f There is never a night or morning eight "1 . 'J ht THREE- OR FOUR-! 'BEDROOM eee seats, power steering, snow brakes, auto: 449 Ritson Rd South entra ouncil oO But | think of the wonderful mother | igen rence and ie a red ers. wanted to rent. Will lease with opticn tomatic, 26000 miles. Asking $2,495. 668- 2 es ' had. sec er, Lanter eicohone Mr. Sweet st 723-4693, | 3474 __Oshowa: 728-0921 _ TEN DERS - Neightorhood Association |_aiways rememberea by daughter eve.) 2tTa! service at Cut Knife on Wednes RETIRED COUPLE would like one 0r|1960 OLOSMOBILE, «door sedan, auto SABYAN be esti side Cemetery, Brooklin on Friday, July twa bedroom house in Oshawa or vicinity. iron, power steering, brakes, low mile Tenders for the transportation XN | 15 at 2 p.m. (tn lieu of flowers, donations Telephone 263-2994 age, Private, Asking $495. Telephone MOTOR SALES LTD. | of pupils attending Whitby it-Knite United Church would be ees = 2 - District High School Nb LOCKE'S "FLORIST my (Arrangements by Robin. | THREE- 0} < Volkswagen Sales and Service istrict High schools will be D | | NI \ J \ y, Funeral arrangements and |S0n Funeral Chapel, Brooklin | quired with inside facilities and wired | | STATION WAGON @ 63 Pontiac V-8 auto : for 220, within forty miles of Oshawa.|matic,radio, one owner since new. 4 New and Used Cors received up to 4:00 p.m. July floral arrangements for all Telephone 829-3235 [Wilson Rd. N. Call § p.m. -- 8 p.m. | 334 RITSON RD. S rdf ca ein alga occasions TAYLOR, Wesley H 1961 PONTIAC Parisienne, V-8, automat " ed from the secretary, at A At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on 30--Automobiles | for 'Sale ic, other extras. Asking $850. Telephone 723-3461 Dundas Street West, Whitby. OSHAWA SHOPPING Wednesday, July 3, 1966, Wes Taylor cf a | 728-1489, ie) E CENTRE rone, in hi MAKE OFFER SALE | a eeraT zvchbeh sbtobe Lowest or ony tender not nec- OSHAWA CIVIC 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE bind ef Levine muroern deer lathe ef PRIVATE 966 Oldsmobile Delt, il ted i 1 Set . full i ery eee 5 Allyn, Mrs, D, Real (Marie), Mrs. J ee a eae te ee | FT RIVALE. SALE : AUDITORIUM 728-6555 _/king' (Marlene), "both of ° Greenbank, to $ : Factory list price $5,200. Sell for $36: ree tes Tue Coney (we te Beer ced), "61 MiG. toriwert, 162° (Pactern Jit price lor $3,650. 1965 EPIC COACH 1, JOHN JULIUS HORACK, JR., of 1010 | ck LASTING TRIBUTE (June), Mrs. G. Millson (Baarbara) of so V8 Gute. '57 Con- si : behths ratte band East, poblbla will not: be FRIDAY TORY 15 For Permanence and dignity (Orono, Jerry, Roslyn, Janice, Duane} ntiac ,* 1957 CHEVROLET 6 cylinder standard 15,000 miles, radio, A-! con- respensibie for any debts contracted in ' | Wwe suogest and Danny, Resting af the Northcutt and customized show car /Asking $175. Telephone 725-1411 fine ay aaa A gh fa or nthe this 0 Eade: oMOUNT LAWN Smith Funeral Home, Funeral service ne Bi cos csin : t own, tet "i . wil my written consen | : Iso auto access. and chrome "| 1961 CHEVROLET, Bel air, sedan. Bank Soy Se (signed) John Julius Horack. MEMORIAL. PARK Bement Perce). Srernionn. snterenent goodies accountant transferred to Germany. Must PHONE 723-7843 STORAGE mn | ver | z sree y sell! Telephone 728-9436 or 723-1295 after . AGE re: Loupari Construction Com. BRONZE MEMORIALS -" om pany. storage charges are not a H DOC 's os " 1964 ACADIAN -Beavrnon}, six cylinder, /by July 15, 1986 same will be disposed Four courteous edvice please ' i Cialo 1%3 CHEVROLET Super Sport, two-door| @vtomatic, tour dost, good condition, lowlof io defray costs and. storage visit the Park Office. Kindness beyond Price, yet speed and Custom hardtop, one owner, 28,000 miles, bucket | Mileage. Must sell. Telephone 725-5179 --James C. Napieer, RR 2. Oshawa 723- 2633 within reach of all 728-7781 seats, Console shift, many extras. $1,600.|1964 MGB radio seal belts, washers. Will - a U , | avian : "MORE CASH _|ta eamtaoult truer paca ee cee ene see ; FUNERAL CHAPEL, MORE CASH -- jm Sencar arms 008 neta CORVAIR em, "anda. automatic TIMES - rare | ~ WOODBINE | GERROW | poid fo > | Ors, oT F $595. Ajax 942-0105. paid for Good C ean Cors, 2 LAURENTIAN two-door hardto jax $1,500 Jackpot | 390 KING STREET WEST Trade up or down. Liens paid: ing $1,200 cash. Come and see it at 832| ls Pontiac, automatic, power steering. Ask-|19§8 PR 3, $400. Telephone 468.060) alter pd de T Telephone 728-6226 ; B 'E BRO Miriam Road, Bay Rid 839-3077 z a "f° 5 n HT] RESUL S | | vy ALICE BROOKS DODD MOTORS SALES peter aa gg Will welllinterign Siam iti. aT ee ae Classified -- | Y hav ich-lookin i i , | i F | | a ' rich-look 314 PARK RD. SOUTH for cash or wil | take roe tor |n002 atier vee aa ealal eda, | $150. Special Game [cine ee et aes or. NOL SIZES 6-14 stehan like this. rg knit it. rade. Apply jarren Avenue. ine race trac inesday also ran | afgha his : 723-9421 scrachone ~~. = | 1964 EPIC ENVOY, two door twenty thou $1,000. £ | First--Purse $2,000, claiming, three (NE ADAMS Made of 5 identical str : 1966 CHEVROLET Impala, two - doo ' . Escalator : 000, ig thr a ho By ANNE ADAM: , Made of 5 identical strips. Hl i gg gg mate Oo ACTION ' [Ronan Mer CRbhtinl Mee, 46 aileron ae om MP SHOW YOUR DAUGHTER] Basy "nitinn! Bands: of e A. M. @ $000" mites WOe cor trout be" sake na 1965 SUNBEAM imp, $1 195 or. best offer, 20 Regualr games jGrecian Slipper (Gomez) 2,50 2.40/ Flaming Victress (Ditt.) 7.30 ra 3.00)the picture above -- see her|knit' and purl-stitch form a reasonable offer refused. Trade consider.| Telephone 725-4115 between 5.30 and & ADS $50. each Joes Teron, veneer pho 64 ie ey dL da $10 eyes sparkle at the thought of}wavy design. Use shades of , Time: 1:24 1-5, Bi Jive (Barroby) "Your RAMBLER Deoler" |. Telephone 726-4003, al 7 9 Early Bird G Breezy Breeze, Canacia, Risky At-| Time: 1:51 45 dancing out in this -princess|one or contrasting colors. Pat- M ; bong ihe agag Aaa Bh oor, 6 cylin Telephone 72682070 condition. $700 arly ir ames sou " eet ip a ons many Fair, Nonie B. Good, Judge Burns also ran. pair. Choose cotton, linen-look/ tern 7356: directions, otors imite automatic, radio and heater, 37,000 f 7 ise Teddy also ran. t Pru se original miles. $1,150 cash Telephone | mn wagon, & aul or 5 Late Games $50. ea pine SixthPurse $2,400, claiming, three- rayon, ottoman. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) ' th . \ ro + , On Highwoy No. 2 728-6052 after 4,20 matic, excellent condition ephone | Second--Purse $2,200, claiming, three year olds and up, 6'2 furlongs. Printed Pattern 4582: Girls jfor each pattern (no stamps, : : " ' | year-olds, 1 1-16 miles ook Ind (Gordon) 25.60 6.70 4.30 © ' ~ Al ast West of Thickson Rd tons eee aa Biscayne, svi ina res : RESULTS Snow. Water (Gomez) 4.70 3.50 2.80|Safety Man (Kornblum) 3.20 246 Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. Size 10)please) to Alice Brooks, care Whitby 668-3331] Seley storelere: 3 miles, record kept,'1962 ENVOY special good condition ex | Admission $1.00 (receive one | Mr. Goo (Fitzsimmons) $.50 3.40/Tricky Scamp (Barroby) 5.50 dress 2% yds. 35-in.; jacket/of The. Oshawa Times, Needle- y he : ome extras. Telephone 725-822 __.|'f@_snow tires, radio, Whitby 668-3017 | card for réquiar games.) Harry Hughes (Turcotte) 3.40| Time: 1:17 265. t craft Dept 60 Front Street 1961 PONTIAC, coach, & cylinder, stand-|i944 MUSTANG, hardiop, silver grey. | . | Time: 1:47 1-5, Shuswap Sal, Try Brandy, Ky. Quill,| 1% nf sod ront stree KELLY DISNEY ard, $600. Telephone 728-1796 anytime. |iack leather upholstery, V-8, stanaard | Teleph All games 25c double card-- Miss: Dynamic, Count Lively, Strip|Dark Fairy, Glittering Maid, Abuso FIF TY CENTS (50c.) in coins; West, Toronto t, Ontario, On- USED CARS LTD 1963 AUTSIN T850. Good body, good en-| Telephone 725-6823 between § and 7 p.m elephone except jockpot [ROR Aion Bleck" Treqayre S306 (A6.1 e186 rap , (no. stamps, please) for each/tario residents add 2c. sales gine, runs good. $395. Phone' Ajax 942-//44 VOLKSWAGEN and "és 'Volkswagen 723 349? | | Daily double: $36.40. Seventh--Purse $10,000-added, _fillies;pattern. Ontario residents add/tax. Print plainly PATTERN 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST 6086 a ? | ; P a . 3 nN wagon, with T.S. engine and mares, three-year-olds and up, "SE 4 ainly| NU y ES WHI 668.5891 ian RASER i Se DOOR PRIZES wad bird Mek Gila doaelte 3c. sales. tax. Print plainly/NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS, | S.|GIANT 196 raf é bought ond sold body and motor. Telephone after 4 p.m,|Quick sale. owner leaving Ontario. Bay and four-year-olds, 7 furlongs iKerensa (Gomez) 420 3.90 24\/SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS,|GIAI 1966 Needlecraft Cata- 778-4138 Ridges, 839-3992 All games will be played on jOur Gem (Kornblum) 4.40 3.00 3.00|Speedy Lament (Fitzsimmns) 7.00 3.60/STYLE NUMBER log, stars knit, crochet -- many 1957 CHRYSLER, automatic, radio, in/19%2 VOLVO, Canadian, four-door sedan. double cords Sweetly Packed (Robinson) 4.20 3.70/Royal Tara (Barroby) Send order t NNE ADAMS,|more needlecraft designs, 4 t , | 900d condition. 195% Pontiac automatic.|B16 motor. Recent motor ob. This is an. for all other departments |Flurry' Boy (Robillard) 21.30] Time: 1:35 2-5 | Send PO ANNE ARAN P mors . neeglecy signs, # Always top quality 4 \Telephone 725-8602. outstanding car, see it at: 1130. King Shane the Wealth<7:15 b:m Time: 1:26 2-5. |_ Beavante,, Feathery, Trade Mark.icare of The Oshawa Times,/free patterns printed in catalog. ---- nem | Street East 723-3474 p Er dshatas Pe | Dr. Bricker, Miss Orono, Jive|Teardrop Lane, Victoria Garden| |Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street) Send 25c DOWN--$30 MO. | = | Reguler Games -- 8:15 p.m. [bancer, Vichalma, Kingusto, Esprit de|Northern Doll, Gay North also ran a pol chet alee ; |19%60 VOLKSWAGEN biack, radio, seat |Coeur, Magic Queen, Needlin Al, Club| x |West, Toronto 1. Ontario. NEW! 12 Collectors' Quilt 59 - 61 models OF hig Good condition. $550. Whitby 668 BUSES |Cotfage also ran. Bighth--Purse $2,500, "laiming, four-/ Summer Fashion Festival --| Patterns for you in color, with ice ! S S --_---- : : 1 : : | i ye. See RESULTS on Open Monday - Friday | Fourth--Purse $2,100, teesame Cooines Me 59 3.71350 design ideas in pattern-|quilting motifs. Finest patterns 1960 RENAULT, fcur-door, two-tone car i claiming, four (Gomez) t BILL BENNETT TIMES gl A dg Leaving Bond and Simcce St. year-olds and up, 6 furlongs Flaming Triumph (Dittfach) 3.40 3.00/nacked catalog. Fun, Play,jever collected from famous MOTORS Classified faa age Dyas tagel eleebial aal moss (Barroby 730 4 Time: W144 SS "work, travel clothes -- all sizes.|museums. Send 69c. for new 484 King W ACTION ADS TO MEET THAT MAN and 8:00 pm. Available [Lykke Til (Harris) 2.90, Fabison, Saroju, Fast Jay, Direct|Clip coupon in Catalog--choose, Museum Quilt Book No. 2. De- 9 W, | ve ¥ z jwants to rent your ee place icial * * Tanwood, Sky Spark, Triple Alli-| 723-0371 723-3492 Lads. Dial 723-3492 1 | ance, Briarcliffe Boy, Virginia Queen| Attendance: 8,098. Handle: - $570,400. 150c. for Catalog. jcomplete patterns, 60c. Liens paid off Trade up or down woman who we ee, ee rene iter. body re) 8:00 a.m. to:5:00:. 0.m, } 'i River Party (Dittfach) 10.80 5.30 430 Market Bid (Fitzsimmons P ? | 6:30 p.m., 7:00 pm. 7:39 Bark elephone 728-5604 Saturday r } T it 35 Acti I Y aa . u " 8:00 a.m, to 12:00 p.m. After Bingo. ime cin 850 Can one free pattern. Hurry, send/luxe Quilt Book No. 1 -- sixteen

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