ANN LANDERS Children's Character Reflects Parents' Traits name, and that it should be re- served only for a blood father. Also, every time I hear my daughter call her mother - in- law "mother" I get a pain in my heart: T'am her mother, not that other woman. Don't you feel out of respect for me and the memory of her blood father, my daughter should call her in-laws "mother and daddy Jones'? -- Shoved lato the Background Dear Shoved It is apparent that you are hotly competitive with your daughter's in-laws and I hope you will change your tune before your daughter - , stops calling you, period. The finds fault with the car and|onner in which married chil- cusses out the manufacturer. \dren address their in-laws is a Every time we leave church|fagirly good clue as to how they he criticizes the pastor, runs/fee} about them. Obviously, down the choir, and has a few\your daughter is fond of hers knocks for the family 'seated/and you should be pleased--not ahead of us. envious. Is it possible that Phillip has) Dear Ann Landers Our picked up his critical attitude|neighbor's 14-year-old daughter from his father?"Migraine jis keeping company with a 28- Dear Migraine Not only is it) year-old man. The girl's mother possible, it's extremely likely. is extremely proud of the court- Children are imitators. They|ship and talks about it con- take on the values, concepts, |stantly. character traits and, yes--even| The man has never been the mannerisms--of their par-| married and is notorious for his ents. affairs with women of poor rep- Ideas and attitudes are con-jutation. Will you tell me, tagious. They are caught--not|please, what would a 28-year- taugbt. Parents should always |old man talk to a 14-year-old be sharply aware that they are! girl about? : setting examples for their chil-| My husband says, "Mind your dren every living minute of the/own business,"' but I'd like to day. Many of the unattractive|tell the girl's mother that she qualities that parents dislike injis making a big mistake. What : Pesgias their children are the very ones|do you say?--N. C. Reader | 0thing spectacular. pawl) in thei~ children learned from| Dear Reader Your husband|!¢rests, however, will them. gave you excellent advice. Take) More Pleasing than most. Dear Ann Landers I have ait married daughter who calls her} Women who encourage their) 1¢ tomorrow is your birthday mother - in - law "mother" andjyoung daughters to go with| your horoscope indicates that her father-in-law "daddy." She older men are trying to relive|for the next year, if would be| calls me "mom." their own girlhood. This is 4 well to temper monetary ambi- My husband died a few years/sick thing and you cannot help!tions with conservatism. Even ago and peas me up when Ijher, She needs therapy. | ' skis hear my daughter call her fa-| As for your "talk" question--|,; i ohli : ther-in-law "daddy." I feel that|T doubt that he is interested in| tes, 0,84 netaniy ducing: the "daddy" is a very special'her conversation. 17 3 KEEP IN TRIM Dear Ann Landers I just overheard a telephone conver- sation which disturbed me, I am not an eavesdropper and our son, who is in Grade 7, made no attempt to keep his comments private, In_a_ 10-minute) phone call with a friend, Phillip made neg- ative comments about six peo- ple. I counted them. I believe I know why -Phillip is like this. The minute his father gets into the car he begins to criti- cize every driver who passes him. He grumbles about the condition of the streets, the at- titude of the police officer. He ENSIGN knee-high socks decorated with authentic re- productions of red, white and blue signal flags is a new whimsy for the casual life. Of orlon acrylic and stretch nylon, the socks co- THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Stick to routine affairs: on }much on any front. It |day -- nothing too disturbing,! But FOR THE BIRTHDAY between mid - September and mid - November (with October joutstanding), you would not be |justified in expanding along} NAUTICAL KNEE SOCKS star here with navy and white shoes and a jaunty nautical-tanged navy wool suit with a hip-length jack- et and skirt. They will pair equal- ly well with crisp shorts. 'Cute Photographer Shoots Firefighters VICTORIA Saturday and don't expect too|ing forest fires don't like having| her behavior due to her being will|a photographer interrupt them) an old child. |most likely be just an average/at their work. the complaints seem to soften when they discover the ast " prove dungaree - clad photographer is|C¢ttain time each evening, and " easy fie season, Barbara|4ay. She has many traits that Davies lugs her camera equip-|8@ 50 creditable that we feel '}ment aboard a helicopter bound] Pasically she is well-behaved, '/for the scene of the latest fire.| 24" 5" i She's chief photographer of | Satisfied at all times that we the British Columbia forest) Wry about her. inca gait f tuni.|SeTvice. And in addition to pho-| though quite a few oppor jtographing fires from the air,| t easy é she often lands in an open spot|8ive sufficient information in a} 1y' |close to the flames and hikes|!etter on which one may offer __|first two weeks of August and] through the bush with her gear| advice wiin great confidence. to the fire line. 'i One advantage in being a get face ~ to - face consultation woman is that she can use her | With a child specialist near you. CHILD GUIDANCE Could Be Lonel By GARRY C, MYERS, PhD Suppose you had a child like the one described by the follow-| 5 ing mother: "We have a problem with our t daughter, 8, that 1 feel we are not coping with properly. What would you suggest? Here is our child's makeup: "1, An ony child (not by|¢ choice), "2, Fairly good in school--no age to above-average grades, with anything. "4, Argues with parents con-|j stantly--no one gver knows any-|{ thing but her. * from school playground she has few friends,| but will not make advances to meet children. i must add, how- ever, she does have a few good girl friends that seem to like} , jher and get along well, I try |to have her see them as often |as possible end even have them) | here for meals and overnight so} |she does have some companion- ship. "6, Always wants to be in adult conversations and con- stantly asks for attention in any number of annoying ways. ~| NEEDS SECURITY 'My husnand and I feel she is in need of security in some manner, However, I feel she gets as much and possibly ers attention than necessary and we| do make many exceptions for! I escalating pleated y i --By Tracy Adrian (CP)--Men fight- | 'We do not must sit at the |meals, be in the spoil her--she table during house .at a attend mass with us every Sun- but she is so unhappy and dis- My reply in part: It's not easy for a parent to! Perhaps you might be able to But on the basis of your letter Cool Off Sli D ie] n UJ these lines through speculative| Powers llipre eg persuasion |, venture so: observations | b. fi spe ; ; some serva n ; im OW ; (8) e p to get the pilot to fly just a ventures, This will be particu- little closer to the fire. The | and suggestions: larly important to remember during the first two weeks of Great Benefits From SWIMMING seorenver yr good "goed By IDA JEAN KAIN on the fiscal front early eb ming is the water, The resist-|leg. In the water it is easy to\advancement and recognition ance offered by the water) get past the 45-degree angle|late September, early Decem- makes swimming a toning mar-| that brings the big hip muscles|ber, next January, March and ojiges vel. Non-swimmers can benefit) into action. May. too. ARMS SAG SADLY | _ Personal interests will be 'Exercising in the water lets Flabb ai 3 Jes? jlivelier than material pursuits-- abby arm muscles? In the/especially for the balance of you cool off, slim down and | water it's fairly easy to tone the| 1966. Between now and Sept. 15 the tone up, which adds up to sheer|triceps muscles that flank thelthe selsen 4 vept. 20,1 vi delight.' But it's more than that,| }, pete the 'the celestial spotlight will shine} '|backs of the upper arms. 'With/on romance and social activi:| -- |hazards are greater but so are {the pictures. | This year Miss Davies may| ae 5 | ., be going int - ' | side and swing back through the|cember, next February, April gous oe leat eg Rag The best thing about swim-| Water. Repeat with the opposite|and June. Best cycles for job/ pictures for a full-length film the service is planning. | , Miss Davies, whose job in-| had more satisfactions and free- newspapers learned jwhile serving as a corporal in Women's Auxiliary Air|brary of 160 films, many orce in Britain. Your little girl seems to have |very limited normal contacts) and pleasure with other chil- dren of her age. Her's is largely! an adult environment. The re-| quirements you demand of her |might not be excessive if she taking still photos for|40m of choice in enough other and magazines,| #™@4s. basic 6 I wonder if you have ex:| the shot by her, that are lent to schools, The forest service has a li- service clubs and other groups. Unhappy Eight-Year-Old tated? A iid amined the ways in which you enforce requirements. When you constantly--"No one ever knows anything but her"--you indicate back and probably are indecis- ive in your guidance of her. No doubt you parents talk and try to explain too much and wait |do anything. complaints from teachers, Aver- privileges you are sure are not : good for 'her, say "no" calmly "3, Never happy;always has} just once and-be decisive. When| a frown on face; never satisfied! she must be punished, require her to sit unamused doing noth- "5. A loner; walks to and to enjoy her and 'to converse| alone--when on with her companionably. | nearly strange she wishes to share in| adult conversation. Perhaps you rustrated we ee Vv ay she argues with you parents hat you parents angrily argue ill you get "mad" before you When she wahts things or ng for about 30 minttes. Aim o settle a few necessary mat-| | It's not easy to tell any par-| ° jent how to build a comfortable! jand companionable family at-| ;mosphere of love and under-| tanding. Yet I believe this should be your objective. adults at home it's not With only all the time, yarents are unduly annoyed when she does. I hope both of ou enjoy conversing with her -ompanionably. Obviously, another problem Is to help her spend more time at fun with other children of her age. It is fine you do attract a few girls to your home and even have them overnight. But arethere.many days. when.2o child?en drop in for periods of fun or when she goes to some of their homes? Have you par- ents found ways to cause Many children to enjoy coming in for long periods of wholesome fun? When children are often there you have an opportunity to ob- serve your daughter and to dis- cover ways to help her become a better playmate. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q:- What- about-pest-mortems of fretting over what. you have done or haven't done; over judgments and decisions you have made or not made? A. They are water over the dam, Usually they are very harmful, impairing our mental ters and then have lots of time| health and efficiency. We shouldn't let ourselves indulge in them, except to guide us in our. future ways. LET THEM TRY IT If you give them a chance, your children will come through with willing and helping hands. For example, your teenagers, will jump at the chance to paint their own rooms. There are exciting colors for them to! choose from and once they've! done their own decorating job, they'll want to keep their rooms free of clutter. aX CIMMEl CLEARANCE SHOP NOW Famous AND SAVE RIPPLE GIRDLES AND PANTY GIRDLES White only( S-M-L, Reg. 4.00 each, 2.99 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE LE COLE Maker's Fashions since 1807 oa ee ys . . mut Coton" Am Sommers for buoyed up gy the water,/fat or thin arms, when those|ties, with many opportunities are werd to hea You're nO muscles lose their grip of youth, |for making many new friends! eager earthbound. they sag sadly .. . gravity|indicated--friends who will in- For example: You would like) wins. lterest you socially, sentimen- to tone those hard to reach' tm a pool, stand with back/tally or business-wise. A simi-| inner thighline) muscles. Stand! aeainst side-wall of pool, Slide|larly good cycle will occur be- waist high in the water, with! Gown a bit so as to have water|tween Nov. 15 and Jan. 1. Next hack against the pool side.| about chest level. In a. lake or|good periods for heart affairs Have both arms along the edge/the orean, sit in the water.|/next April, May and June. Do| of the pool to afford support.| Hold arms out at sides, palms|not count too much on chances |f Now, extend legs straight Out! facing forward. Against the re-|for travel during the balance of| and from this buoyant position, sistance of the water, bring/1966, but next January, May) execute a scissors action, whip-| arms together, touching palms.{and June will be highly auspi- bg legs from to side, UN-!Then turn hands, putting backs cious. <3 es over. : he go woe NOtlof hands together, and push| A child born on this day will ony © vo resistance which en-'}, ao to. beginning position,|be extremely versatile and pager Freee but a you'arms at shoulder level, Start|could succeed in almost, any ph . iki fags ot ough t with 20 counts and increase to! one of the ¢reative or scientific silat hich yg Foal a S attises 50 or 100. professions, as well as in the Phat's Sonutifal leg cigs, Water calisthenics do not burn| business world. Then execute a sideward stride calories with the speed of actual) shy : oe ».. take a wide side step, bring) Swimming in which you cut) NEED BRUTAL LESSON? other leg through the water, through the water with vigor-/ CHATHAM, Ont. (CP)--Some and continue across the shallow, 0US strokes. Even so, calisthen- motorist should "hit one of the end of the pool. Reverse the ic' mean beauty plus strength. jittle monsters and break both direction. S es co his legs' to teach a lesson to To tone abdominal and hip NOT FOR BREATHING children who play on the pave- muscles: Facing the side of! Benzene or benzol, found in ment instead of in the play- pool, hold on to the edge and some paint or spot removers ground, a driver suggested to stretch out to full extension in and plastic cements, can cause the chief constable. The com- the water. Bring one leg anemia after prolonged inhaling plaint was passed on for inves- through the water to touch pool of its fumes. tigation. POSITIVELY LAST CHANCE To Purchase Exterior LUCITE - FOR ONLY - 99 ALLON PATTE'S 95 Years at 85 Simcoe St, N. 725-3529 ee at a" Enjoy Your Private SUANA AND HEALTH CLUB SWIMMING r POOL and at the New GRENFELL ~~ SQUARE APARTMENTS ally Swim In Your Own Back Yard 2 385 Gibb CONVENIENT TO OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE St. at Grenfell SUNNING PATIO FOR RENTAL INFORMATION PHONE 723-5111 11 A.M. TO 9 P.M, DAILY Exclusive Agents Oshawa Realty (Bond St.) Ltd. PHONE 728-9466 Free Hydro High Speed E Ultra-modern Refrigerator Mirrors and @ Double Sinks e e Softly Carpeted Corridor Floors Beautifully Landscaped Entrance e e e inch Electric Range and New Intercom Connected to Lobby Bathrooms Equipped with Lerge * ONE TWO BEDROOM SUITES FAMILY SUITES 3 FLOORS RESERVED. FOR GRENFELL SQUARE features: levators One or Oshawa Rental Service, Kitchens include 30 Private Built-in Vanities RESERVE YOUR SUITE NOW ~~ Rentals Start At $125.00 Night Drapes Throughout Available Second Washroom Suites Available , Parking Space and Additional Locker Space Facilities; Swimming Pool and Sunning Patio. BEDROOM SUITES ADULTS ONLY ! Two-Balcony Suites 's Largest Suites Includes TV Antenne Sauna and Health Club "A NEW WORLD of APARTMENT LIVING" As punishment for octs of cruelty committed by the Captain ond crew of the "Flying Dutchman", this phantom ship wos doomed forever to haunt sailors along the coast of southern Africa, So goes the legend! Where this has ony donnection with the naming of the beoutiful FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL ot Bowmanville on Highway 401, will always remain @ mystery to-.most..of_us,. But. there's .no-.mysteny regording the delicious food served in their modern restaurant, or the com- fortable overnight accommodations in their motels, or the large bonquet rooms availeble for club groups or parties. Call 623- 3373 for reservotions, : x = Cool cottons ore populor for summertime frocks, We ladies oll have them, and regardless of what good washing quolities they ore noted for, they tum out fresher and newer looking when dry cleaned. The process actually gives them thot 'newly pur- chased"' appearance, and what's more, they won't shrink a speck, If your favorite cotton either shrank or lost its fresh appearance in the last washing, do profit from past experience, and hove your next new cotton dry cleaned by the OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING, 50 Mill Street, and notice the world of difference. Phone 723-8166 for quick pick-up service, * * * One appliance manufacturer's dream of tomorrow is cooking units of "pyroceram", a gloss type substonce developed for missile nose cones, which will make it possible to cook with radiant heat on whot oppeors to be ordinary counter tops--easy to clean and wonderful to. cook on with any sized utensil, But until thet time, we are quite happy with ond well-odjusted to using the beautiful, present dey electric ranges such os ore shown ot the ALCAN FURNITURE & APPLIANCES, 452 Simcoe Street S., Oshawa, Stop in to see them if you intend buying a new stove, or even if you don't. While there, look around, You will find many other items on hand which may be of interest to you in furnishing your home in the truly modern manner, Phone 723-0011, xe * As well os boats and everything for boats, the OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN, off Harbour Rood, hos, of all things, strong, sturdy boys. | mean "Lawn Boys,"' of course. Good heavy-duty mowers to keep your lawn looking like green velvet all summer long. Or, if you prefer, their big "loater" model lets you sit down to cut the grass, You can mow, roll, seed, sweep and fertilize your lawn in comfort. Then there's the "'hobby gardener' for tilling, cultivating and weeding your garden, and includes an edger disc, tiller tines, weed digger ond extended edger, Come down and order yours soon, Phone 723-8186. cok: ok "Area rugs" ere popular these days where living room fumiture is arranged in groups, They determine the color pottern of your room, and size of grouping. Two matching chairs separated by an end table facing @ sofa, placed around en "area rug" in front of a fireplace er picture window, allows for cozy eonver- sation, The ANGUS-GRAYDON CARPET CO., 282 King W., Oshawa, has them in all wool shog in the size you require and in designs beautiful enough to use even os well hangings. Stop in soon to see the wide voriety on display in their showrooms, er call 728-6254 for further information, ee ® To enjoy the 'barbeque' season, see what's down ot the BROUWER GARDEN CENTRE, 2 miles west of Whitby on Highway 2. They have whet appears to be a large pressure cooker on legs, the greatest thing yet invented in barbeques. Its basin has adjustable vents to regulate heat, and the large dome cover has a vent to control moisture in broiling, It. uses less fuel than most, and the food cooked on its grill never burns, but retains all the true charcoal flavor often lost in other models. You can be certain that everyone will be heading to your barbeque parties if you own one of these, Call 668-3396 for further information. * * * A visit to HEIDI'S MODERN HAIRSTYLING, 367 Wilson Ave. $., Oshawa, is @ 'must' during this hot, humid weather. This is the time our hair just droops from moist body heat, But you can overcome the problem with @ cold or steom wave, It's called an all weather "body" wave, os the name suggests, it gives your hair that staying quality in whatever style you wish to wear it. So phone 723-5631 for an eppointment today so you can be certain of remaining well-groomed for any occasion, Kik Sixteen shining lanes of the smoothest hardwood! Con you see yourself competing with all the other bowlers in one of Americia's finest indoor sports? Even though you've always considered it © winter pastime, it is now played year round, thanks to modem, comfortable air-conditioning, Here ot EASTWAY TEN PIN LANES, King East, Oshawa, you can enjoy yourself on the hottest evenings where cool air-conditioning makes it a pleasant relief to be indoors, The rates are reduced in summer to 40c a game, and the refreshment booth is there for your favorite smokes, candies, end thirst-quenchers. Phone 723-3485. x 2 Is it moving time and you haven't the slightest notion which mover to choose? Here's @ tip. Call on LOCKWOOD MOVING & STORAGE, 557 Bloor St., Oshowa, Whether local or long dis- tance, this reliable company will transport your furnishings with the utmost care. You can entirely depend on them to deliver your most treasured possessions, so lovingly acquired through the years, in a thoroughly sotisfectory manner, Phone 725- 2831 and they will be glad to give you on estimate of your mov- ing job at reasonable rates, * * * Every woman has had the troublesome experience of wearing @ neckloce which left an ugly tarnish ring around her neck, especially during very hot weather when one perspires more readily. But mot so when her jewelry is purchased from THE W. D, SALES, 272 College Ave., Oshowo. Their beautiful "'Princess" heirloom jewelry never tarnishes and never rusts, Phone 725-5596 today and have Mr, Devenish come to your home with his complete line of dainty filigree-style necklaces, brooches and earrings, all imported from Germany. He will be gied to show them to you et your convenience. x .* * You ladies and gents of the business regime! If you work in on office in town, wouldn't it be a welcome treat on your noon hour to hop in your car and drive out to the north Simcoe Street town line to enjoy lunch or a sandwich in the cool, restful atmosphere of the OSHAWA STEAK HOUSE? And while enjoying the delici- ous voriety of food served there, you will admire its interior which is os modern as "today" in its brown, black and white furnish- ings. Setting bock from the rood in the manner of an old stage- coach inn, it boasts of ample parking space with no parking meters to contend with, What more could one ask for? Phone number 723-8741, x -% MORLEY-STALKER MOTORS, 137 King St. W., Oshawa, might be short of space but definitely large in bargains, And what bargains are crowded into that 'used car" lot of theirs! Small cars, large cars, old or new, automatic or standard, the choice is yours whether you ere a one car family or in need of a second car, Whatever your requirements, you can be assured that a car purchased here will be in perfect running condition ond ready for the road, For inquiries on the model of your choice, phone 723- 6322, or come down and look them over. x * If you're looking for acreage with a lovely view, shady, wooded areas, and trout stream, you should investigate the possibilities offered 'in the picturesque rolling 'Kendall Hill' district near Orono. The W. FRANK REAL ESTATE, 21 King W., Bowmon- ville, hos o lorge parcel of land divided into 10-acre lots selling for only: $5500 each. For pleasant country living, ski lodge or retirement home, this property may be just what you're looking for. For further information, stop by their office or cal] 728-~ 4518. Or you may contact Roy Foster, Orono 321, og ES y. oe thie,