6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 6, 1966 Vandalism, Rowdyism Rampant On Weekend BROUGHAM Pickering Taenshic Council will have a bylaw prepared -to close cer- tain businesses in the munici- ity. Pi eicitier John Williams. told members of council that hot dog stands and other such busi- nesses, remaining open at all times, could be part of the cause of the noise, disturbance and rowdyism, especially evi- dent over the holiday weekend. The councillor said that there was shooting at the plaza .on Liverpool Rd. at 12.30 a.m., Sunday and at 4 a.m., Monday, he was awakened by two motor- cycles roaring through the Bay- view Heights School grounds. At one point he went out arm- ed with a two-by-four. "We're going to have to start, laying down the law," he said. "It's fine and dandy to let children have a bit of rope --! but not enough to hand -them-! selves." WATER PLANT ENTERED Reeve Laycox said three) youths, who were later appre- hended, broke into the water plant, smashed the door, and turned down the valves. Resi- dents were out of water as a result. If the bo; If the boys | chad _tipped! RECL Enthusiastic Nuclear Cost OTTAWA (Special) -- The unit|s energy cost of the Pickering) Nuclear Power Station, near'| Oshawa, will be about four mills | per kilowatt hour and will be competitive with the cost of power from a coal-fired plant, the annual report of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited states Made public Monday, the re- port devotes some space to On- tario Hydro's Pickering plant and is enthusiastic about the cost factor. It says the Picker-| ing plant will deliver power competitive with any other type of nuclear power station avail- able today, of the same size at a similar site, and from the more remote hydraulic sites yet to be developed. The site was officially opened in September, 1965 and has been planned to accommodate gener- ating equipment capable of pro- ducing up to 4,000,000 kilowatts of electricity. The first two units are scheduled to go into ser- vice in 1970 and 1971. Options on} items of equipment requiring | long manufacturing time have been requested for an additional two units The power projects group of| AECL is designing the nuclear part of the station on a normal. commercial basis. The reactors at Pickering are similar in de- ONTARIO COUNTY FARM CALENDAR | July 7 -- 8 p.m., Uxbridge, Ontario County Beef Improve- | ment Assoc. directors' meeting. July 11 -- 8 p.m., Uxbridge, | Co-op Medical Services direc- tors' meeting. July 13 -- 8 p.m., Uxbridge, Uxbridge Horticultural Society meeting July 14 farm management will be in the county. July 16, 10:30 a.m., Peter- borough, Quinte District Field Day. July 19 -- 10:30 am. Osh- awa, farm of Robert Flett, Dairy farmers' picnic co- sponsored by the Ontario County Holstein Club and the Ontario County Milk Committee. July 20 -- 7:45 p.m., Clare- mont Masonic Hall, Ontario County Beef Improvement Assoc. banquet. Beef producers will meet at the farm of Edgar Ward, Claremont, at 6:30 p.m to see his steer raising opera- tion. July 21 -- 9:30 a.m. Ontario County Soil and Crop Improve- ment Assoc. sunrise tour to visit farms of Charles Hadden, Blackwater; Bob Creighton, Cannington and Russell Morri- son, Beaverton July 22, 23 and 24 County Junior Farmers Ontario County July 23 -- 11 a.m., Ashburn, Provincial Ayrshire Breeders' Field Day at farm of William --Charles McGregor, | specialist, | Perth visit Reid. July 27 Ontario County Beef Improvement bus trip to beef farms in North and South Simcoe. Aug. 6 University of Guelph, Provincial Junior Farmer Field Day COMING ! WATCH FOR HIM ON THIS PAGE SATURDAY over a tube of gas, he said, West Rouge would have been blown sky-high. Other holiday episodes were described where a boat was stolen from Frenchman's Bay Harbor by the same culprits who had been caught in the laundromat the week before. Park benches at beaches were broken, schools broken into, NON-ENFORCEMENT James Churchill, on the agen- da for the meeting, complained of speeding on Pine Ridge Rd. and Rougemount, He said there were two or three accidents in front os his house, and very little enforcement. 'No. one slows down," he said. 'There is a regular race track there." Mr. Churchill said that chil- Brooklin Junior UXBRIDGE. -- Brooklin and Beaverton Junior Farmers won first and second place, respec- tively, in the Ontario County Tuniar Farmer ial pwd | at the Uxbridge " Secondary School. John Hill, of Brooklin and June Parliament, of Canning- Reeve Laycox said that prob-jton, had the high scores in ably "the slap on the wrist') their categories. The first and was due to the lack of deten- |second place winners are eligi- tion homes; that when applica-|ble to represent the county in tion was made to Metro Toron-|the Quinte District Jun i to for juvenile and family court, Farmer Field Day to be held, he received reply that. Metro| July 16, at Morrow Park, Peter-| was deluged with juveniles borough. needing correction. The. Beaverton. club won. the! Deputy Reeve Mrs, J. Me- girls' baseball title; while the} Pherson said that if the.courts Port Perry and Brooklin team| would. make these charges tied for the boys' title. stick; there were places for. The results of the'track and lthem, and that Bowmanville field events were: was wide open to receive them, sey Councillor Ronald Chatten! 100 yard dash -- Ist, Don Evans, Brook-| agreed with Mr. Churchill's gg Pe heals Pugh, Brooklin, complaints and said -there WAS) perry) Ind, Morley Davidson: Par} Penyt a great deal of speeding in this) One mile run -- Ist, Morley Davidson, area, and only once had he seen Port Perry; 2nd, John Stone, Port Perry. any effort to curb the speed-) Running broad jump = Ist, John Stone, fines for' misdemeanors are cal light -- 'Just a slap on the lerist if they do get caught." | Farmers Win County Track Meet High jump -- Ist, John Hill, Brooklin; and, John Stone, Port Perry. Tug-ewar -- Ist, Port Perry. GIRLS 75 yard dash -- Brooklin; Ind. Marie Enir 100 2 2nd, Marie Fair, Beaverton, Running broad jump -- Ist, Marie Fair, Beaverton; 2nd, Lols Workman, Beaver- ton. Three-Legged race -- Ist, 2nd, Beaverton, Sack race -- healed Beaverton; "tion lump -- 1st, Marie Fair, Beaver- "Softball throw (distance) -- Ist, June Parliament, Beaverton; 2nd, Lois man, Beaverton. Posied yard relay - - Jat, Beaverton. NAME SKIER TGRONTO (CP) -- Stephanie | Townsend, 17, of Banff, Alta., | |has been named to the women's section of Canada's national ski team. She will join Nancy |Greene of Rossland, B.C, Karen Dokka of Vancouver, | Carrie Matheson of Montreal and Andree Creapeau of Sher- renke on the women's team |taking part in the world cham- pionships in Portillo, Chile, | are dash -- Ist, June Parliament, | a Lawyer Urges Divorce Chang OTTAWA (CP) -- Adultery neither a crime nor the best | both to divorce grounds for divorce, a legal ex- 1st, Dianne Graham, | part told the joint Senate-Com- | LULNLee LUCE: | "avuace y. Dr. Maurice Olivier, par mentary counsel to the Hou of Commons, said adultery "not the worst of offences," Ex- tik tule. Parilamank: |treme cruelty, long absence or) Beaverton; 2nd, Lois Work-| insanity would be better reasons 'for granting a divorce. "Adultery is not a crime," said, adding jokingly: time.' "As A. P. Herbert once said: | [Is 10 minutes of adultery 'worse | rlin pate "Some | "| people describe it as ar pas-| than three years of desertion orjcourts and parliamentary -- di-| a agen of cruelty?" vorces, given to residents of, Dr. Ollivier said iroubés for|Quebec and Newfoundland, | divorce should be extended, [which have no divorce courts. @ within limits. He recommended that! is| changes in divorce DIAPER SERVICE Pick- -up and Delivery Twice Weekly Ph. 668-4671 ISLAND IS LARGE laws apply) The Danish island of Green- | in provincial|land is the world's largest. se is MILLINERY WORLD he, ja car approached. |Pickering size requires a heavy bottles, to $2,000,000. AECL has, jers of cats or any pet, normally jdren walked four and fiveling.. He would like to see the jabreast on the road, and would |police take some action occa- not move out of the way when' sionally to remedy it Councillor Williams said that) He was asked if he had com-| he had 15 names of people who! plained to Pickering Police are living at Krosmo-Loverpool and he replied that there was|area who wish to complain to no use, he had complained the police about speeding, noise when living on Woodview and rowdyism in the Road, and never any ac- tion Mr Reeve Laycox believed that a special meeting of the police that !eommission coul ld be called got Churchill believes Factor sign principles to the reactor «| WHITBY the AECL Douglas Point Sta-!Scouts will tion although the pressure tubes , i and fuel bundles will be slightly | "Ve" eft Atalbte 1 TAS larger. Heavy water is to be |funds to send Scouts to camp used not only as the moderator | at Haliburton for a week during but also as the heat transport | the second week of August medium to carry heat from the_| drive will start at 19 a.m. reactors to the steam gene tors arrer the Scouts will The report says that contracts SCoutmaster John Brady, as- totalling more than $50,000,000 sistant Scoutmasters Gerry were let by the end of the year! Quelette and John Bedard. for Jone of the major com-| Members of the group com- pon mittee are Bill Goverde, Jim have: a 'Bottle Assisting be township. | The} 'ort Perry; 2nd, Don Evans, Brooklin Hop, step and jump -- Ist, John Hill, Brooklin; 2nd, Don Evans, Brookiin Shot put - Ist, John Stone, Perry; 2nd, John Hill, Brabdklin mecwring race --- Ist,; Don Brooklin; 2nd, John Hill, Brooklin. 440 yard relay Ist, Brooklin, Aug. 4-14. PIRATES WERE THERE Buccaneers haunted the Span- Evans, ish Main in the 17th and 18th | centurie Port; 'Scouts Plan | 'Bottle Drive -- The Fifth Whitby | Res a=) @ Permonent, Decor, Finish @ Maintenance Free @ Lifetime Guarantee DISCOUNT Aluminum Products Registered Deoler: For Alcan Siding of Canada Call 668-8606 Anytime | SALE NOW ON! @ DRESSES @ SUITS @ MILLINERY 5 KING EAST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 8 FANTASTIC Grading of the site and access tes roads was completed and pour- McTeague and Mike Mallon. A of parents will also ing of concrete for the founda-| number tions began this past spring. In|help the boys assorting the terms of heavy water, the re-| bottles. | port notes that a station of the') Anyone having soft drink milk bottles and any water inventory of 900 tons and other bottles please have them! a reduction of $1 per pound in|ready for collection. Approxi- the cost of heavy water alters! mately 30 Scouts will cover the the cost of the station by close entire town, there- If not at home fore, a strong incentive not only call, these when Scouts empties could he to énsure an adequate supply|taken to the Knights of Colum- of heavy water but also to en-| bus Hall and would be greatly sure the supply at lowest cost. | appreciated. Ask Pet Owners |Confine Animals WHITBY The Ontario Humane Society, Whitby Branch, strongly advises own- | CENSUS IS RESISTED LONDON (CP)--The results of Britain's recent proportional | census of 10 per cent~of the} population may be valueless be- cause more than 150,000 people refused to return the forms. Many complained about the un- usually personal questions. Fail- ure to co-operate can draw a £10 fine. allowed to roam at large, to keep these animals confined in any area where weeds are be- ing cut until the cutting is com- "rr is often impossible for the Pet to see animals in long grass and there have already been several accidents fatal to an unwary creature In one case a cat lost three legs and lived to suffer three days before it' was found and humanely destroyed. A terribly mutilated dog had to be destroyed, Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS, LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 BELL WAS HERE Alexander Graham Bell in vented the telephone at his fath- er's home in Brantford, Ont KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION For Township of East Whitby Notice is hereby given thot due to the generosity of the Members of Kedron United Church, the Schoo! Board of the 1.5.A. of Fast Whit by tends to operate Kindergarten classes in the Lower Hall of Kedron arch, commencing Sept. 1966 anl until the new classrooms at Kedron Schoo! are ready cy, which it be Jor 1967 Prospective Kindergarten coals may be registered at Kedron School Friday, July 15 -- 9:30 A.M, - 12 Noon or Monday, August 15 -- 9:30 A.M. 12 Noon. NORMAN R. COOK Choirr Ch tor occupor is hoped wil J. H, PASCOE Treasu non Secretary HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Township of East Whitby CHANGE OF BUS SERVICE {+ i2 the intention of the High Schoo! Board of the Township of East Whitby to continue to provide the present Schoo! Bus service to stud- ents attending Port Perry High School, over approximately the present route, until June 30th, 1967 Commencing September 1, 1947, the High School Bus to Port Perry will not go south of the Sixth Concession of East Whitby Township, TO EAST WHITBY STUDENTS WHO. ATTEND OSHAWA HIGH SCHOOLS NOTICE is also given that by an agreement between the Principals Committee of Oshawe Secondary Schools ond the East Whitby High en Boord, the following will be in effect: 1, dents now in Grades 11 ond 12 who were promoted June (1966 te Grades 12 and 13 will remain in their present schools for 1966-67 and where necessary 1967-68 to allow them to complete Grade 12 or 13 diplomas Transportation to viled for the. pow in Grodes All Grade 8 students Pr ° legiote in Sept ember and 10 in Oshawa legiote at cee O'Neil! next two ond Mclaugt ears only (1966-67 will to students ollegintes 967-68 noted to Grade 9 will go to Eostdale Col- 1966 East Whitby students now in Grades 9 Schools tromfer to Eastdale Col- 966 ol Bus te foliow the , ond will then return to the pick up Eastdole students Simcoe St. to Taunton Rd., then and south to Enstdale Collegiate the same ¢ Sept. 1966, the H some route os wos used in St. entrance of Camp of a Oshawa wi y Rd the Ins from ¢ be outside Oshawa City amp Somac d up slong "i Limits route should be advanced 5 minutes the bus should leave Camp After © few doys trial, Mr. Fred DeNurse the operator, will establish © definite timetoble REG. 2%¢ S05 PADS SING DEODORANT SOAP 3 BAR PKG. REG. 49¢ Fruit Drinks Large 48-ox. Tins Orange, fruit punch, pineopple grope- fruit, pineapple orange and grape. REG. 33c OVEN READY SUNNYBROOK BOLOGNA SAUSAGE PATTIES BY THE PIECE 1-LB. PKG. GRADE A MEDIUM EGGS ":.."" WHITE 9" -- 100 PK. PAPER PLATES WONDER MARGARINE MONARCH 32-02. SALAD DRESSING STUART FOIL WRAP REG. 37¢ 8 TO 10 LB, AVERAGE GRADE "A" AND "'B" CHICKEN LEGS BREASTS 2 vgs. 65< UNNYBROOK FOOD _MARHETS a MNS - Y LYNN VALLEY PEACHES 20-0Z. SIZE ONLY REG. 1.49 ie 99% . Ark 97 REG. 59¢ 49c REG, 33¢ ALL PURPOSE GRIND KADANA COFFEE HUMPTY DUMPTY POTATO CHIPS NABOB 10-0Z. JAR INSTANT COFFEE REG, &5Se 1-LB. 65e BAG REG. 6% age REG, 1.49 1.19 VIAU CANDIES M.M. Strawberries M.M, Peanuts M.M. Corncoh M, M. Mice Reg. 29% 4/1" Tron. pkgs. HOUSE 25-FT. Marinated blade and round bone shoulder FRESH CUT-UP IMPORTED SPRING LAMB SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 49: AND Cc Ib 49 29: 4 «51,00 BEEF PATTIES ih. she. 49: 8 to pkg. SUNNYBROOK FOOD MARKETS 114 Dundas St., Whitby OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M.